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Ie LETTERS That's right! It has been only two months since you
11 NEWS/PLUGS got your last issue of TSG. With this issue we're now on
12 WANTADS a bi-monthly publishing schedule. After the next six is-
13 FEEDBACK & GAMES RATINGS sues or so, with our bi-monthly format, TSG will re-eval-
uate and consider another round of possible improvements.
FEATURES For instance, we may go to a ~ x 11" format of approxi-
mately 20 pages, a 25% increase in actual printing space.
9 Tips for Diabolical Dungeon Masters Stephen Dornema~ Or we may keep our current digest size, but publish more
12 The Rule to End all Rules Steve Jackson frequently. Also in the future, Metegaming may possibly
14 The Emperor Is Dead come out with a second magazine in a new area of gaming.
or This new-area gambit depends on what happens in the next
The Race for the Petal Throne Robert Larp,e, Jr. year, so we won't say more now.
19 Mugger! Mugger! Steve Jackson
27 Vulcan's Forge: Eldon Tannish HT MONSTER! MONSTERS! will be available for August 5,
1976 shipping. It's at the printers now. ~ is
designed by Ken St. Andre, TUNNELS & TROLLS designer,
REVIEWS and edited by Steve Jacksbn and the Metagaming staff.
Have the unrelieved heroics and derring-do of ~
20 The Ythri: An Historical Appraisal /lorman Howe AND DRAGONS and EMPIRE OF THE PF.TAL 'l'VRO!'E been leaving
21 Rand's War 9f the Worlds' II , Tony '''at.son you a bit jaded? MONSTERS! MONSTERS! will provide
22 Stellar Conquest: The Colonization Kelly Hoore instant relief. No longer do the heroes cast Long
Gambit Shadows of Doom over the Lowly Monsters! No longer are
23 Starguard: What to do after you the monsters mere meat for the experience points of a
hit the beach Larry: Bond hoard of triumphant players!
Mike Mornad ARISE IE MONSTERS and smite thy tormentors!
25 SPI's "Star Soldier"--A Solitaire Now you become one with the horrid fiends of the Under-
Game? Amber Ap LlYchlyn world. You prey upon the luckless humans happening upon
26 Variation on a Theme: More Realism Kelly Moore your path. Instead of winning points for gold and mon-
sters destroyed, you score for being nasty and horrid--
in the game, of course.
Front cover by Winchell Chung Feature Artists st. Andre's fertile, nay grotesque, creativity has
Back cover by Kenneth Rahman Winchell Chung been organized to present a welcome change in swords
Kenneth Rahman and sorcery gaming. The rules are a complete package witJ
Subscription note: sections detailing vital set-up for play, sequence of
a six-issue renewal events and Game master regulations. You'll find ~
is $4, a twelve-issue an excellent introd~tion to fantasy gaming.
renewal is $8. Our next game will probably be WARS OF THE NARYM.
by Lynn Willis. NARYM is a complex game strong in social
and political factors, including war and economics. NARrM
may be ready shortly after TSG#7--if subscription renewRls
roll in fast enough.
THE SPACE GAMER Is the maguine of PLEASE RENEW EARLY so you won't miss an issue, and so
science fiction and fantasy a:am1nlt.
Issuse are published at least quarterl,
we can plan accurately for circulation levels. We will
Metagaaing Concepts, Box 1534~. Austin, offer a renewal bonus, nothing big, but it will not be
Tens 78761. Ii six issue Bubscription Is
$5; tvelve issues, ~9; and a six issue
ready soon. Work on the all-vital games, currently, is
Gubllcription renewll1., $4. Single back taking creative priority.
issues (excepting /11 vhlch is sold out) HYMENOPTERA. patience please, we schedule tentatively
are ~l each.
Articles and art may be submitted. for November. It will be expensive, with a plastic map
Compensation is !¢ per \lord cash or 1¢ per
word purchass credlt for articles. Art
and a pile of die-cut counters for six players.
compenllation varies vith use of piece and
approximates $4 cash or $a purchase credit
per page. Time may not permit correspon- For now, we hope those of you who have been with us from
dence with each individual contributor,
but unused material 10 returned. Some the early issues are beginning to see the results of your
material may be kept in an available file loyalty and trust. 1976 is the year we get on our feet and
tor six to t ....elve months to insure an ad-
equate supply of articlee .Lor publication. organize. 1977 will be the year for innovations. We're
THE SPACECA."!iR;;--;oal-18 growth and small, but stid:' around. YOU'll be suprised.
improvement of the hobhy through service
to the hobbyist gamer. Activ:1tiss of all Editor Heward Thompson HT
publishers, groupo, and ind1 viduale in-
volved 1n SY&F gaming are cons1dered in- Editorial
put to THE SPACE GA.I.fER's casual format. Assistant Mary Peth ~on~o
composition of the beam. It can't be
based on light because of the restrictions
LETTERS mentioned earlier. (I think I'm getting is a functional inability (like a shotgun I'm sorry about the length of this
too involved with this subject.) not hitting a B52), I see no reason why letter, maybe I should have ~itten it
Finally, I wish to mention one other escorts should not be more powerful than like an article. You would have gotten
possible weapon. Say a ship has the an ATK (l-on-l, let alone 2-on-l). Use the information, but I would have had a
ability to enter hyperspace, the place escorts against scouts, escorts, and at- chance to turn a quick buck. Still a
of short-cutting journies by going on tacks, but if a dreadnaught shows up possibility, but I don't feel qualified
Dear editor; a different space and time continuum. before you can build ATKs, say goodbye. to write on SC yet, maybe if I had just
This ability could be used as a weapon. In all probability, the ATKs probab- seen the cover in a store window ...
The field that allows the ship to enter ly are a new breed of ship (it does take
There has been a lot of talk in your hyperspace is thrown out in front of the more technology to make them, doesn't it?) Frank B. Weir, Jr.
articles about the reality and belieabili- attacker at the target. As the fabric that introduces a new weapons-system. As Clarion, Iowa
ty of your science-fiction game. One of normal space is torn apart, so is the such, it may be temporarily less effective
writer points out how 'laws of science are target. than conventional weaponry, but the in- ********
constantly broken. Another points out Well, that's it. I just wanted to adequacies should be eliminated with the
that in order to make the game playable get my views in about the subject. In first generation (ATKs), and the research
some extension of scientific law is closing, I'd like to say that I enjoy should produce a trouble-free second gen- 16210 Marquis
needed. your magazine a great deal. Keep up eration (ONs). The ATKs would then be Cleveland, Ohio 44111
They're both right. Several games the good work. seen as just a necessary step to dread- May 21, 1976
ignore completely several laws of physics, naught-capability technology. They're
but there is a difference between igno- Keith Bernados still twice as good as an escort in ATK Howard Thompson
rance and extension. The writer who com- vs. ESC situations, 3 times as good in Metagaming Concept
plains about the lack of realism remarks ******** destroying planet populations and infi- Box 15346
about the far-out weapons used. Yet, in nitely (unless you use my rule) better Austin, Texas
issue #5 he says a possible weapon against against dreadnaughts. Also, a player
the proposed instellar ramjet is a field smug in his conviction that ESCs are I was intrigued by Mr. Mitchell's
distorter. This sounds like one of those better than ATKs may elect not to build article on Stellar Conquest's combat
far-out weapons he put-down. But this Hurray!!! You're getting professional! any ATKs. If his opponent likes war to results in TSR #4. It was surprising
isn't my main point. What I'm saying I don't want to see the casual format go, the hilt, chances are the player may that he did not include a summary of
is that this writer is shortsighted. but an upstep in grammer and reduction of suddenly see an enemy dreadnaught and the result expectations. To correct
Such things as phasers and hyper-light tyypos (I'm allowed them, you're not) would then about five more following at one that oversight I include what could be
speeds doft't ignore physics. They are ex- sand down the rough appearance, don't finish turn's movement distance -- wave after viewed as an appendix to his article.
tensions or developments of the basic it, you'll ruin the wood! (If that doesn't wave as they are built. The player can
laws. Although Einstein says no matter make any sense, don't read it.) do nothing but get shot. He must devote PROBABILITY OF COMBATANT ACHIEVING
can exceed light, there is no denying Oon't get cute and try to repudiate total IU first to building ATKs to slow FIRST HIT
tachyons and other particles that go fast- that statement, for typos abound in your down the attack, and then to building
er than light. In fact, several physi- magazine (of course, it does add excitement ONs to stop the attack. Will he have
cists have theorized about ways to exceed to the reading--can you break the code? time?
Three ESC Two ESC One ESC
the speed of light. I believe they meant, "he 'spit' in the On the other hand, a player who
Still, I agree that a designer should gutter") and grammar isn't quite good enough builds ATKs will be able to slow the
take notice of the laws of nature when de- to make "F" in an English class. The offensive as soon as it is spotted, and
signing a game. This adds to the believe- constant use of II' til" (non-acceptable will only have one step to making ONs
Simultaneous .1574 .121 .0714
ability and realism of the game. I've of- slang for until, it's until or till) instead of two. The escort illusion
ten wondered how a spaceship traveling rubs against the grain of any perfectionist. might become one of safety -- a begin-
ATK only .5278 .637 .7856
faster than light can fire a laser-type I must state that your magazine would ner wraps himself in a security balnket
weapon (a beam of light) and hit another be lucky to come out of a journalism course of escorts only to be rudely awakened
'ESC only .3148 .242 .1429
ship going faster than light. The beam is with an "F-"; i t would probably be handed by the cold north wind in the form of a
traveling slower than its target! Unless back to be re-done. However, your "Helter ON fleet blowing 'through his blanket.
an energy beam is made that can go faster Skelter" style of combining art, ads, Everybody is staring at the question
than light (I'm not saying it's impossi- articles, and behind the scenes accounts of about the pfs rip-off, but everybody seems
ble, but the designer should have some LOSS ACCEPTANCE*
the magazine affairs may be just what we to be over-looking the obvious: what with
sort of explanation), the primary weapon need. no special technology, no special suicide
will be the missile. I have a few questions on ~ (which fleets and no limitations, the ESC vs. DN
These missiles would be armed with I intend to buy right after a STAR TREK problem is a missing integral factor. ESC
fusion, anti-matter, or corbite warheads. battle manual, and when I get the cash. There should be some number of ships that BREAKS
An attacking ship would fire these mis- You guys with a few thousand dollar budget can wipe out a pfs say 50 DN, 500 ATK, OFF AFTER: One Loss Two Losses Three Losses
siles and then scram to avoid the blast. break my heart. I operate in the two digits or 2500 ESC. The pfs then would be divi-
If the range of these missiles is great behind the decimal point). Is there any ded into 2500 parts. A lone ESC destroys
enough, the attacker may not even have to possibility (too slight to be mentioned) 1 part, a lone ATK 5, and a lone DN 50. ATK .4722 .6638 .7358
leave. There are several different means that an escort can kill a dreadnaught, or Thus you get partial destruction of the
of propulsion. For anyone who has some is there a functional problem with this? pfs which can be ,repaired by spending IU. ESC .6852 L0853 L3734
imagination, they are easy to think of. If there could exist a possibility not 250 damaged parts could be repaired for
Besides the usual idea of self-contained reflected in the rules, why not use something l!lOth the cost of the pfs. So a player
propulsion, another method comes to mind: like rolling six sixes? That's a one in with a pfs built at the expense of his *Losses are cummulative for all firing
the use of a deflector-tractor beam. The 46,656 (if math serves me correctly) ch~nce. fleet may end up besieged, with the con- rounds thru br~akoff. The tables were gen-
tractor holds the beam on course, and the Of course, 46,656 escorts would probably tinual repairs on the pfs a possibly erated using simple Baysein-decision tree
deflector pushes it toward the target. kill the ON with the loss of only one of fatal power drain.
Again, there is the problem of the their members, but shouldn't they? If it

analysis. If you desire a more detailed pipe" problem, galling because a positive
analysis let me know. solution (i.e., there will be war) condemns 7
Michael G. Wulk, Jr.
the race to an unhappy future, yet a nega- spEculATioNS
tive solution puts a theoretical damper on
Cleveland, Ohio TSG's rationale. There is no way to reach TABLE ONE
- ----
.... _- ....... - .... __ ... - a real conclusion, but if we cannot build
the whole future in a few paragraphs, many planets; all planet
we can sketch out a floorplan.
very Earth-type types
Since the difference between
rare very rare. plentiful.
science fiction and a space-war game
is only a matter of form, it should be travel and conwuni-
understood just to what Simonsen reacts cation as per
so strongly. He is saying that socie- no no no
SPACE WAR GAMES: ties spring from immediate conditions
Avoiding Cliches and historical circumstance, and that RELATIVITY BENDS:
it is useless to plug in a few motives sub-light travel;
by Lynn White and expect the result to resemble any- no marginal
communication at
thing but hash. For insrance, Poul possibility
multiple of c or no
Science fiction was born in the Anderson's delight~ul High Crusade to instantaneous.
dawning recognition of the newness of the the contrary, feudal societies can live
industrial revolution, an event unparalled only under feudal conditions, among RELATIVITY BREAKS:
in human history. Suddenly iron, steam which are the secreting of knowledge, travel at mUltiple possible, possible no
and regimentation had indifferently dis- illiteracy, marginal populations, per- of c; communication
emboweled religion, feudalism, mercanti- sonal administration, uncertain transport, may-be instant.
lism and rational humanism, leaving humanpower agriculture, a single religion,
the field at last the empiricists and the primogeniture and an average life span of RELATIVE TO WHAT?
romanticists from whose bucket we still about forty years. If technology and communication and
society do not match, it is apparent that no no no
have to climb free. Pre-18th century travel instantaneous.
fictions are socio-political, religious the science fiction in question is really
or outright satirej only around the time fantasy in drag, salted like a con-man's
of Dickens does the familiar crunch of gold mine with a future frame and a few
technology against the personal and social zippy devices. Anthony Boucher said long
self begin to appear with any regularity. ago that most SF fans love fantasy and
In broadest outline, we have never despise science fiction--only they don't
left the nineteenth century, for trade, know it.
tariff, nationalism, colonialism, slums It happens that most space-war TABLE TWO
and existential dread (to name a few) games are greatly simplified simulations
- ----
haunt us still. However, Redmond Simonsen of the European expansion into Africa and EVENT
(designer of STARFORCE, etc., and SPI Asia, the general exceptions being that
graphifs whiz and rule cleanser) reminds there are no inconvenient native owners Hunting/
us that this long century is about to pass of the real estate and that the games Gathering
at last. I don't mean to say that he had allow the colonies production privileges,
made this discovery without goodly com- whereas Great Britain and such jealously Village
pany, but he has done it in a way of limited overseas production. I quote Agriculture
interest to TSG readers. from John M. Snider's STAR PROBE: it
In issue 26 of Moves editor "is basically a parallel contes t, waere Mul ti-Hamlet
Simonsen notes that fusio~ power, full the participants, representing separate Culture
automation and economical transmutation empires, seek to explore and exploit new
of elements will soon be upon us. star systems for the glory of their govern- Central City
Thinking over the possibilities, he wonders ments and the enrichment of their bank
how there could be war in such a world accounts--interstellar imperialism indeed!lI Transport Net
and concludes that the chances would b; I think SP is well done, and any player
small (the same point was made in a will enjoy it, given half a chance. But Industrialization
recent TSG, but I don't have my citation it makes me a little queasy when I play
handy, nor my TSG's. His parting words, it. In his pursuit of jolly freebootery, Fusion Power
as wistful as a wargamer gets, I suppose, he has left out most of the definitive
are worth quoting: "Please don't give me aspects of imperialism--government by Transmutation
any of that reconquering-the-lost-empire crony, bribery, racism, guilt, sloth and of Elements
stuff. No space-Nazis. No Templars in thoughtless and endless mass oppression
space helmets. Leave out the fusion (well, that's my taste, and welcome to Matter
powered feudalism. Cancel the slave- it). But being neither an accurate simulation Duplicator
takers with automated laser batteries. In of a possible society nor a complete simulation
other words, no period-pieces where one of human m:::>tivation, such endless regimented Artificial
changes sword for stun-gun and everything greed leaves one feeling pointless. We do not Intelligence
else remains the same. It's not going to have to look backward. I ,don't mean ::-that all
be the same. II astral Pax Britannicas and galactic czardorns FTL Drive
He is talking about space-war games, should be scotched, because many are simply
begging that readers supply him with some Terraforming
fun. But we can look forward, as well, and
motivation for an interstellar war game create new societies from the logic within
that he can respect, rather than feel con- us all.
tempt for with its lame excuse for multi- Every game presupposes a type of uni-
billion bloodlettings. I t is a "three- verse; the minimum constraints on a gamer
Hinu,lan population needed for achievement,
aS5·l;·iin~ achieverleni:S as successive steps.
by Stephen H. Dorneman
Trigger-happiness on a smaller
universe seem to me to be speed of travel, If one has powers surpassing We'll be back to clean this place scale, such as a tendency to smash open
communication and the number of usable understanding, why strive to under- ou t . . . with an army!" !\'hat Dungeons doors and fire heavy crossbow bolts at
planets. In Table One, I propose twelve stand at all? The implications of Dragons dungeon master hasn't had this anything t~at moves, can be combated by
types of universe. The comments in the total abundance are as frightening as threat hurled in his face as a party of inviting a few lawful types to take up
matrix are my estimations of the possibi- any other totality, While it is plain residence under you castle. One shoot-
lity of war in the given situation. My adventurers retreated, licking their
that human institutions could evolve wounds. But as time goes on, and players first-ask-questions-Iater type that I
guiding logic goes like this: If there to handle such problems, the record know of got cursed by a visiting patri-
are millions of Earth-type planets availa- start reaching the higher levels, the
of our struggle against such a·minor threats begin to look more and more like arch they tried to kill, and last I heard
ble in this galaxy, it may still prove snag as the automobile is nob encour- promises. Your favorite Red Dragon is he was still having problems. Seems he
very difficult to get to many of them. aging. There is a good chante that now is somewhat of a were-beast magnet.
There may well be a habitable planet for zapped by three six-die lightning bolts.
institutions would devolve to a clan Maps of your first few dungeon levels Draws them from miles around.
every hundred stars, but fifteen or twenty or tribal level, since the need for If a whole expedition is giving you
failed expeditions will make no agency sell for less than a gold piece at the
anything more would not be evident for marketplace. Elvish mercenaries are being unwarranted trouble - like by deliberate-
eager for a twenty-first expedition. But, some time. ly taking out from adventuring to raze
as a matter of fact, habitable planets may recruited near your stronghold by a mys-
Humans have been known to fight terious person known only as "Fred the your guard bastion - the next time you
be much rarer than our optimistic projec- for entertainment, but I think the Butcher". l\'hat' s the average high lord of roll a random encounter teleport in
tions. Our knowledge about neighborhood juvenil~ rivalries of clans ensconced enough force to Sleep or sucdue the lot
stars is still in its infancy--even basic Castle Creep to do?
in skyscrapers (why limit populations Well, obviously you could beef up of them and have them wake up in the
data like variability and spectral class when therets always room for one more?) nearest Labyrinth. Not the usual !·1inotaur-
differ from authority to authority. A the defenders, like by having a Balrog
would be adequate to start lengthy blood captain your elite ore patrol, setting up type Labyrinth, but rather a Coliseum-
few months ago someone reported finding fueds. Killing is exciting, I suppose, a regular production line for Invisible type, open air arena Labyrinth, where
local G-class stars to be much more often or at least escaping death is a memor-
double or multiple (hence little chance of Stalkers, or even seeing just how well thousands of cheering and jeering Kobolds·
able experience. One does not have to the lawful capital city stands up to an gather to watch the members of that nasty
planetary formation) than previously think hard to see status derivations in
observed. All bets are off until thorough evil high priest's Earthquake spell. But expedition fight each other to the death.
such procedures. Given artificial intel- wholesale slaughter isn't really in the 'Vhy should they fight each other to the
surveys have been made from beyond the ligence and an FTL drive, what monkeys
atmosphere. If habitable planets are rare, spirit of the game. There are subtler death? Because each of them wakes up with
could be sent to the stars! methods available to the dungeons master one chit in his hand. And it takes two
they may be worth fighting over. Terra- Humans need not fight, if freedom
forming is such a long-term project (in who gets up on the wrong side of the bed. chits to get outside.
does not become punishment, as it does High level magic users often get
the thousands of years, as far as I can Hobbit thieves looting your trea-
in ghettos, and if we manage to retain rather uppity once they Ive received those
see) that there seems little point in dis- sures, picking the pockets of your IOth-
the central meetingplaces of the man-- third-level fireball and lightning bolt
cussing it, though maybe someone can edu- level ~fagic Users? A high percentage for
the humanities and the social sciences. spells, and if your gungeon has a number
cate me on the possibilities. encounter with a hobbit-engulfing pseudo-
Eventually things would calm down, for of sixty-foot or longer corridors you're door ought to dampen their lock-picking
To carry the point a little farther, there is obvious need for government in
it is the control of rarities which pro- apt to find a number of your Viking be- ardor.
space and in war, but the times, as they serkers getting cindered in them. There's
duces status; and it is status which ordi- All "good" dungeons have at least
say, would be interesting. a simple cure for itchy lightning-fingers
narily drives humans, as it does most one teleporter disguised as a normal
I offer this scenario by way of though. Have your dwarves polish up the corridor, if only for to throw off map-
familiar creatures except instinctive ega- saying that history, real or not, is a
litarians like the wolf. end of a, say, thirty-foot long passage- makers. Mine teleports the party to a
real concern to the TSG reader, and that way. Now whenever an expedition with lots
But Simonsen presses. Why would small room where the only exit lies very
thus far man's ingenuity has led to war of firepmver turns into the corridor,
anyone who has enough Coors and Wheat high up above in the ceiling. And in the
and peace as alternately and surely as phantasmal the illusion of a purple worm
Thins want to fight, rather than watch TV room above a wizard warms up a Dispel
an accordian is squeezed in and pulled out. coming out of a sixty-foot corridor. No~
or fly kites? I suggest that superabun- I~agic spell for the Fliers and Levitators
It mal' be as Simonsen sugges.ts--if we imagine the look on the wizard's face in the group. So how does the hardy band
dance may be as corrupting as poverty can manage to roll 6's a few times in a row,
be, but I do not mean this in the sense of when his lightning bolt comes bounding escape? They flood the room with water
the hump will be crossed as permanently back at him.
Roman orgies and morality (I suspect that and bob up to the surface. Of course,
having a few orgies makes one feel rather
superior around age 85).
Simonsen's trinity (fusion power,
as humans can do anything permanently.
I am suspicious of the multiple infini-
tudes he proposes, because it stacks the
deck too neatly and too early in the game
" K8~ come b a.c~ . v, I 0'11):{ W~Ylt:"e& ;lOU
automation, and transmutation) would put for satisfactory drama. Mathematicians ro ..
~ c " ~"t:" one "Co four ooo;,!»
an end to large-scale distribution net- are suspicious of the infinity sign;
works ( and thereby end the nation-state), gamers have every right to feel the same
and would also eliminate the power to tax way.
and employ (thereby effectively ending all With respect to the Moves editor's
formal government). In a cheap material, specific compliant, I could not be in
automated world, as abundance increases greater agreement. The ancient two-fold
human organization dwindles. purpose of literary art, to entertain and
Huzzah, you say, and I admit such instruct, seems to me to be as applicable
dwiRdling has its points. If you could to space-war games as to any other sym-
order, from the local spew-tern-out, an bolic artifact. Such a purpose is an
armored division and ten thousand robot honorable rationale for any activity;
Napoleahs, your hame would be your we will generate more interest and self-
castle. Unfortunately, you would respect by doing our own creating than by
probably need a castle, because dwindling uncritically appropriating cliches from
human organizatiort means dwindling socia- the hoary past.
lization and education. The earth might be
crawling wi th atom bomb-armed oafs.
._------------------------ ..

the things are not used very carefully 11
can also be their own solution. A limited
wish of "begone from here for four days" paperoack for ~2.75. If you like those
drove a 20th level wizard and his company
from his own treasure chamber so that the
*NEWS/P!-UGS ~-F rovels that have a lovingly created
",J ienC'l) 1;llrp. strong characters, and an
adventurers could leisurely gather up the iT'credil11y ilO,"oJ"p.d plot then SHOGUN is
gold, then use another wish to whisk TSR DE~~S COPYRIGHT OF D&D roing to give you 1,100+ pages of joy. It
themselves back to the town of their ori- -TSR Hobbies Inc. rec;iitlY"moved to is bssen in Samurai Japan in 1600 and is
gin. Of course, it was at that narticular defend what it considered to be an in- tel'en from actual history. Every wargamer
town that the wizard had settled down in fringement of the copyright to their ga~e
o for his four-day wait ... Then there are
those magical items that echo Gilbert and
Sullivan's "Things are seldom what they
seem." IVhen a spell-storing ring is count·
DuPgeons & Dragons. In a letter from TSR's
lawyers to Richard Loomis of Flying
Buffalo Inc. advertisements for FBI's geme
should take a lesson in patience from the
conflict/strategy element of the plot. HT

~.umels & Trolls were cited as infringing ~tagaming Concepts was at D-CON in the
ed on to contain the final dragon-killing copyright by mentioning that T&T was lil-e form of a dealer Jlopefully, D-CON
lightning bolt and turns out to be a ring ~~. A copy of the letter was also isn't representative of S_F cons in gen-
of delusion ... well, that's one less magic- fowarded to Metagaming Concepts, also eral. D-CON was expensive, in the Hilton
user to worry about. considered to have violated the D&D hotel, and, sorry guys, deadly dull. The
If it's a really big game, there're ooryright in ads for Tunnels & Trolls. most enthusiasm was for the old movies
bound to be a number of chaotic or would- "etagaming Concepts responded by and in people pawing over the comics in
be chaotic players around. So be nice to +0 +he alleged infringement that: the dealer room. The attendees didn't see~
them. Build an all-lawful dungeon for the D&D copyright was not violated
1 to be having as much fun as the kids at
the~ to explore. And one day, when a in the case of the advertisements, Star Trek Con in Houston I wandered into
Chaotic expedition is down in the Lawful ~. n&~ would not be mentioned in futurp last year. HT
dungeon and a Lawful expedition elsewhere ads out of respect for our good
is down in a Chaotic dungeon, well, have working relationship with TSR, and, MONSTERS! MONSTERS I
the dungeon masters confer and build a ~. it was regretful that expensive Metagaming Concepts' latest game re-
connecting passageway between the two. legal advice was thought necessary lease is MONSTERS! MONSTERSI, a well
Talk about melees! for a matter easily able to be illustrated rules booklet for a fantaay
But don't let me leave you with the handled by an informal letter. role-playing game with sample maps.
impression that all dungeon masters are, ((TSG has reported this news itp~ with The game was designed by Ken St. Andxe,
or even should be, out to "get" the ex- the belief that the actions of the firws illustrated by Liz Danforth, and produce"
peditions ..lVe just want fair fights and +hst produce the games are important to and edited by Steve Jackson of the
lively adventures in the spirit of the ga.mers. Such items will continue to hp '~tagaming staff.
game. That Ogre Magi wasn't deliberately reported in future issues of TSG.)) MONSTERS I MONSTERS I is different fro~
put there to charm you, but rather to other fantasy games in that players assum p
charm anybody who couldn't answer the PTTFFALO DUNGEON the role of monsters doing evil instead
riddle. There was no malice involved when Flying Buffalo Inc. has recentl,' pub- of being hero good guys. The game is ~7
t:h~.s dUn~eOn ma.~Cey ooe5nt the hobbit-bard stole your fourth-level lished a fantasy rules booklet for p ($5.50 for TSG subscribers) from
magic books, or then your +1 magic sword nun~eon of Richard Loomis' creation. The Metegaming Concepts, Box 15643, Austin, ']';l
nle.s,s-arouYlcH Zhe,r.e.) a. 'R~cc:S' turned out to be cursed with an infinite
ego-just attempts to keep the game lively,
'JooUet is ~3 and is available frOI!' 'F1yinll
nuffalo Inc., Box 1467, Scottsdale, AZ
. J) unexpected, and balanced. But then again, 1\5;>52. STARSHIP ~ ~
l:~~cSa.u.... u.s i'rl. '"t"here ! dungeon masters, isnlt it nice to know
that that half-elf who killed your giant
This is a tactical space combat game
DUNGEONEER from a new publisher. Advertised as having
is about to look into the !·ledusa' s lair? This is a new bi-~ontbly publication individual ship combet in detail it isn't
devoted to the enjoyment of Dungeons ~ clear if planetary defenses are involved.
Ilragons type gaming.;' I t is in a TSG sized T,e'll review this when we can get a copy.
cnaln mall and plate armor don't float booklet format and the first issues was Available from R-Squared Games, Box
that well, and unarmored parties are just 20 pages. The editor is Paul Jaquay, wPo 8314, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.
a little bit insecure. has graced our pages with art from time to
Are the Elves and Humans on the ex- time. Single issues are 60¢ and a six ,~IS FOOTNOTES
peditions picking on the little people? issue subscription is $3. Write to ~s is a new publication devoted to
Set volleys of automatic crossbow fire DUNGEONFER, Paul Jaquay Ed., 3105 Dorothy fRDtasy gaming, primarily White Bear &
about five feet off the ground. My per- Ln., Spring Arbor, MI 49283. !!er). Moon. It is Bt X 11 mimeo and 38 pages
sonal little variation on this theme Jod.t.h a lot of illustrations. It is pub-
guards the most precious treasure on my BYTE lished by Greg Stafford, designer and
second level, a giant ruby. In fact, the ~YTE is a monthly magazine devot~ to publisher of White Bear & Red Moon on an
ruby guards itself. A physics-minded war- mushrooming new hobbyist computer fiel~. irregular basis. Signle copies are $1.50
lock set the cylinderical gem in a silver !lYTE is in an Bt X 11 "slick" format with and a five issue subscription is $5. Order
seat, silvered both ends of it, and plac- a $1.50 single issue or $12 for a years from Greg Stafford, Box 6302, Albany, CA
ed an actinic light source behind the gem subscription price. The production is 9ll706.
to flash whenever a non-dungeon occupant pretty professional in tone and all the
steps into the room. Light Amplification companies that make computers, component-s THE EDROPA NEWSLETTER
by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is and peripheral have ads. Order from BYTF, Th'i'B""'iSthe irregular publication of
the phenomenon, and the result is a 70 Main st., Peterborough, NH 03458. Game Designers' Workshop and devoted to
three-inch radius laser beam that punches their games and activities. The per issue
a hole in anything five feet off the SHOGUN copy is given as 50¢. A free subscript.ion
ground that stands in the doorway. SHOGUN isn't a game or an S-F book, it is available for those who fill out the
Adventurers picking up potent magi- is the best thing I've read in over a yeex. subscription hlank that comes with a GD':'
cal items in other dungeons and bringing SHOGUN is James Clavell's latest novel, game. \-Trit.e ne Europa Newsletter, Box ~]2;
them into yours can be a problem, but if remember TAl PA.~, now available in a !lell No~l, It 61761.
·'"";j.i=iS'ls another publication devoted to Occasionally, for no known reason FEEDBACK & GAME I~ATI NG
primarily ~istorical wargaming. It "is the (although, personally, I suspect it's
official journal of the Conflict SimuJatiOl caused by aerosol sprays) one is overcome
Society" and is J?Ublished quarterly. A with a great distaste for the entire uni·
single issue 1s $1.50. A one yepr ~e~~~r­ verse. Such a feeling struck me one
ship and subscription is $5. Vr5te t~, night not long ago, as I was staring va- Your are right, we did miss mentioning Ship EffectiveM"s i.n SC r;.36
~SS!Mike Stephens, 2 Desmond ~m, Si.,l.' ~r­ cantly at the TRIPLANETARY rulebook. the Worst SF&F Game of 1975 on the
ville, NJ 08081. Having no small, furry animals to stomp, feedback form. So, in order not·to let any Allocation of Bonus IU Output 5.96
I turned to my typewriter instead, and deserving game miss its full chance at the
STAR EMPIRES this is what came out: honor, we will do the voting again. The The Ytllri: Rev; ev 5 . ~5
~This is the long awaited first rules five games with the most nominating votes
supplement to STAR PROBE from TSR hobbies *Monsters From Outer Space were STAR RAIDER, BATTLE OF FIVE ARMIES,
Inc. The extension covers "the governine If at any time during the course of 4,000 AD, RIGELLIAN WARS, AND WAR OF THE
of interstellar empires and conducting the game, for any reason, the die comes WORLDS II. There is space for the voting
fleet combat". Cost with the STAR PROBE on this issues feedback form so let us SF&F GA~E RATINGS
up "6" six times in a row, the solar sys-
map is $6, booklet only is $4. TSG!MGC tem is invaded by Monsters From Outer know your particular favorite "worst"
will carry this when available sometime in Space. All regular play halts immediate- game. Results from our first new style game
September and with a discount. Ordering ratings are shown below. Response was go~
.ly. Roll the die once more and consult
from TSR direct write TSR Hobbies Inc., the Monster Combat Results Table. TSG #5 FEEDBACK and with your continued feedback and par-
Box 756, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. ticipation garners will have t~e type of
The most notable thing about feedback data t.hey need.
GODS, DEMI-GODS ~ HEROES on TSG #5's content is the much higher '!'he first number to tte right of t~e
Another supplement to the Dungeons & rating for the art. We are getting a good game name is the Overall rating for how
Dragons rules system that will also be selection of art from our contributors. well that speci.fic game was liked. The
available sometime in September. This ~lliat also helped issue five was the fact next number represents the Type for
supplement allows players "to integrate that we shifted to a heavier grade of who well that type of game was liked. All
paper that takes offset printing better ~ratings are on a one (low) to 9 (high)
mythological beings into standard play".
This will also be carried by TSG/MGC when than the minimum grade used in previous 1-asis. The games are grouped by general
available and for a discount. To order frO! issues. type classification. We did get some
TSR Hobbies Inc. send $5 (after 9/1/76) to The other thing to note is that the comment on our classification of games and
Rox 756, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. general level of the ratings has gradually invite more.
dropped from issue to issue. That could be
from several reasons. One reason is that ~ Overall/Type
as our circulation increases we get more Fantasy Role Playing Games
readers who aren't exclusively hardcore ~pire of The Petal Throne 7.7 8.3
SF~F gamers. Also, the newness wears off ~geons & Dragons 7.7 7.7
(Please Note: Due to lack of e.nd we get compared more to other pro- r-reyhawk (D&D Supp. #1) 7.4 7.7
interest and use this is the ~essional publications instead of small "'unnels & Trolls 5.5 7.6
last issue of The Space Gamer amatuer efforts. As we do better in Poyal Armies of Ilyborean Age 5.2 5.0
content and appearance we raise readers ~lackmoor (D&D Supp. #2) 5.2 7.2
in which wantads will appear.
Anyone having an outstanding expectations. All these things combine rhainmail 4.P 6.2
ad will receive a refund,) ~.o give us a gradually lower rating his- ritadel 3.5 5.5
tory as our format and content are
actually improving. Or, maybe we are not FantasY Board Games
Looking for fellow gamers. Own Star 'Monster CRT aoing as well as we think. Be sure and 'ar of Wizards 6.9 7.1
1. It was all a mistake. They're friend- tell us if you think we're missing the ~~ite Bear & Red Moon 6.7 6.8
~, Stellar Conquest, am playing:--
Qalaxy II. For summer contact Dan Fleming ly. Keep playing. mark altogether. C)orcerer 6.7 7.3
The ratings of last issue's ~iege of Minas Tirith 5.3 (-.4
at RD i, Hudson, NY 12534. Also attend 2. Monsters defeated with moderate loss-
Purdue. es. Remove half the spaceships. ~Ie below. The rates are on a scale of Tlungeonl 5·1 5·5
3. Monsters defeated with heavy losses. one (low) to nine (high). The service PattIe of Helms Deep 4.2 5.~
Remove Mars, Jupiter, and half the type features like ads, letters, and Battle of Five Armies 3·5 4.5
c Wanted: PBM multi-player-- Starforce, spaceships. '~ere We're Going are not rated as usual.
"orceror. Stellar Conquest. Send SASE 4. Both sides blown back to Stone Age. .Planetary Tactical Combat Games
Remove everything. p.BTICLE RATING Starguard 6.8 7·0
for d:,tails. W. Clumm; Entwood, RR #1,
Amesv111e, OH 45711. S. Monsters enslave human race. Game
ends. Lsser Weapons 6.97 ~lture Society Level Games
6. Monsters destroy human race. Game Stellar Conquest 7.6 8.1
Players wanted for Stellar Con9~est in ends. Issue # 5 Overall 6.87 Starlord 5.9 7.0
my area. Also interested in Empire of the Lensmen 5.7 7.6
Petal Throne. T, Harms, 2335 Balsa'll Dr., Cleraly, an adaptation of this rule Issue # 5 Art 6.77 Star Probe 5.6 7.6
Boulder, CO 80302. could be used to wreak havoc in practi- )"·.000 AD 2.6 5·7
cally any game. I-lave fun. Sorcerer and WAR:Review 6.57
~ce Tactical Level Games
Advanced Stellar Conquest methods, 6./\
--Steve Jackson Interstellar War 6.36 ~tarforce 7.7
~dvanced ships, weapons, defenses,
Triplanetary 6.3 7.0
2ndustrial capacity. Stellar Conguest 5.8 7.0
materials required. FREE. $2 for Eldon Tannish #5 6.3~ The Ythri
Alien Space 5·5 6.4
postage and handling. Write: LDS, Box 485, Fomalhaut II 2.8
Glenview, IL 60025. 5·1
Star Ship Combat 2·3 4.";
. .. -- -- -- -- .... -- -- ---- ---- .. _---
14 fiction 15
Ileanwhile. in the middle of the arena hlS
two I-ILY' 5S met a STONE WALL and sca 1ed it
THE El-1PEROR IS DEAD only to meet a SSU' and HRA' on the other
side. They moved into the HRA' first and
killed it,while both HLY'SS took severe
or wounds. The SSU' then attacked,destroying
by Robert L. Large, Jr.
both of the wounded HLY'SS. ~lrid'obu has-
THE RACE FOR TEE PETAL TJ-m.ONE tily cast an ENERGY BOLT to stop the SSU'
and killed it forty yards from his sta-
tion. Thau'khas' advancing FIRE WALL
The Seal Emperor, Hirka'ne Suddenly Eselene' aimed a powerful blow destroyed an opposing WATER WALL eighty
Tlakota'ni, has just died at the age of at Hav'aks' throat. The blow was parried The next three contests were all to yards from ~lrid'ol'u. Mrid'obus' advanc-
seventy-three in the year 2357 A.S. The and Hav'ak quickly counter-attacked. be with magic. Therefore, the arena was ing D~10N destroyed the advancing FI~E
Azure Legion has brought the aspirants Eselene' took a serious wound to his left surrounded by ninth level (at least)
for the Petal Throne together at arm which gushed blood over both men. He magic-users who placed a "protect" spell
Avantha'r to begin the contests for the around it. In this way no spectator would
tried to keep his shield up to protect be harmed by the magic spells used in the
determination jO£ the new Emperor. the arm,but (though successful so far)
The contestants are: Lord Eselene' arena. Mrid'obu was meeting Thau'kha for
knew he could not hold it up for long. the third contest of the day. (WAR of
(protege of the family of Ke'ttukal)
Eselene' came back with a weak down WIZARDS rules)
Dhich'une (ninth level adept studying thrust and then brought his sword up in
with the priests of Sa'rku), Rereshq'ala Two minutes into the duel Miid'obus'
(protege of the Clan of the Sea Blue- the a powerful cutting motion aimed at UNDEAD PRIEST hit Thau'khas' SHIELD OF
Hav'aks' groin. Hav'ak managed to parry DEFE~lSE eighty yards away and was killed.
most powerful clan in the Royalist Party) the blow,but the resulting numbness,
Mrid'obu (protege of the Priest-Lord of ' Roughly eight minutes later Mrid'obu
caused by two pieces of steel meeting
Avantha'r), and Kryth'ai (the only daugh-
each other while being driven with Hercu-
ter declaring Arid'ani status--supported
lean force, weakened his hold on his wea-
by the priestesses of Ava'nthe and Dlame'
pon)and he dropped it. This left Hav'ak
lish) . with only a dagger and at a strong dis-
There are three contests used in de-
advantage since swords strike before
ciding the new Emperor. One--an arena daggers. (using GLADIATORS - Fantasy
duel to the death between each candidate Games Unlimited Inc.) Eselene' was over-
individually, and an opponent of equal '
confident in the next melee round) and
status. Each claimant to the Throne draws Hav'ak slashed him inflicting a minor hit
for the order in which he/she will fight.
in the chest. This brought groans from
The opponents have been determined, in
the spectators,for they now saw a royal destroyed an advancing SHE'N (leaving
order ahead of time. Two- each candidate aspirant to the throne covered with his
is placed in a trick/trap room construct- another one) with poison arrows. He
own blood and as yet having inflicted no missed an AQAA with an ENERGY BOLT.
ed by the Azure Legion. All rooms will be
wounds on his opponent. Eselene' hlmself Shortly after, Mrid'obus' WIND WALL met
the same,and there will be one for each knew that he must score some hits on
Level Two candidate. The object is to an approaching FIRE WALL. Both took two
Hav'ak and quickly. He was losing a great
survive. They either find the way out points damage and moved passed each
deal of blood and growing weaker. Soon he
(or a way), or they die. Three--each aspi- other. The WIND WALL then destroyed the
would not be able to hold his shield. On
rant must make a descent into the under- AQAA creature losing two more points it-
the next melee round he took advantage,
world. All contestants descend at the self. Thau'khas' three advancing FRESH'
at last, of Hav'aks' dagger with a power- ENGA then ran into a DLA'KOLEL and were
same time through different entrances. If
ful downward slash which the short weapon
a candidate fails to return within a destroyed. A few minutes later Mrid'obu
could not parry. As Eselene's sword cut had a DEMON meet two HRA'. The DEMON and WALL that' had caused so much trouble so
specified amount of time he/she is elimi-
nated. There will be some object that into the shoulder he twisted his wrist one HRA' were destroyed,while the other far and a single PE'CHO'I just behind it.
causing the weapon to gouge out the flesh Both men had blocking WALL spells thirty
they must bring back; however, it is ne- HRA' was seriously wounded. Mrid'obus'
to the bone. Torn muscle hung from yards from Thau'kha (WATER, STONE).
ver decided upon until the last minute. WIND WALL was destroyed by an enemy
If after all three contests there remains Hav'aks' wounded body and his left arm STONE WALL, and the same STONE WALL Thau'kha threw an ENERGY BOLT to.try and
swung at his side with no control left. break up the WATER WALL. The WALL suffer-
more than one contestantJthe survivors crushed the advancing DLA 'KOLEL while
Eselene' saw from his opponent's eyes losing nine points itself. About then ed damage, but it took a second BOLT to
are placed in the arena, all together, in
that he need only strike the finishing tfrid'obu thought he had better cast an destroy it. Mrid'obu threw a DISPEL EVIL
~ duel to the death. The last remaining
blow. There would be no further danger INVULNERABILITY spell (lucky for him) to into an advancing SILVER HALO and caused
lndlvldual is proclaimed the new Emperor.
Lord Eselene' drew number one in the from Hav'ak. The glazed eyes, both arms combat the possible approaching spells he three points damage. Another quickly
arena combat against Hav'ak, another now hanging at his side, shaking body, couldn't see. It immediately ran into a thrown DISPEL EVIL caused another three
all were signs of extreme shock. Eselene' DOo/.IKILL spell. Combat took place with points damage, but the HALO won through
eighth level warrior and winner of five
arena duels. The weapons to be used were drove his sword through Hav' aks' chest only two points damage to the DOO~IKILL and hit Mrid'obu causing nine points of
and released it,leaving the body semi- before they passed each other. Mrid'obu damage. TwO opposing DEMONs met forty
sword and shield, and both warriors were
propped on the bloody point as it fell to took eighteen points damage. Mrid'obu was yards from Mrid'obu,and Mrid'obus' was
dressed in leather armor. (daggers were
also carriecl) the ground. beginning to worry. He had not been able destroyed.
Rereshq'ala followed Eselene' in an- to get past Thau'khas' defenses yet while Finally, after almost twenty-five
Both fighters entered the arena and
saluted Zam'is, the presiding member of other gladiator duel with sword and already taking damage himself. Thau'kha minutes, Mrid'obu broke through Thau'khas
shield. It was fought in the same manner had a FIRE WALL already close so Mrid'obu defenses. He hit him with an ENERGY BOLT
the Charuk'el (the hereditary clan of
major domos of the arena). After the with the same skill shown but with diff- cast a WATER WALL to meet it. He failed doing eight points damage. Another BOLT
traditional salute the duel began! Both erent results. Von'gur, Rereshq'alas' to stop it, although it was reduced great· broke through Thau'khas' SHIELD OF
men did little more than feel each other opponent, inflicted a fatal wound to the ly, and took three more points damage. DEFENSE and was fast approaching. At the
out during the first minutes and several midsection twenty-two minutes into the other end of the arena another set of
jabs were easily parried by ~ach man. duel and watched the lifes' blood and D~~ONs met with Mrid'obus~ coming out on
internal organs drip out onto the ground
as his opponent died. The royal candi-
dates were now one and one.
J.6 17
top this time. Towards the end of the who excel in thought and deed found that she had only a jeweled pin,
first half hour things became a little came to much the same conclusion that
exit this room to meet the Em- Eselene' had. but felt one of the "eyes" used to hold up her cloak, with her. If
more hectic. Mrid'obu had a reinforced her theory was correct, adding the pin
pires I need." piled by the statue might be the key. If
DOOMKILL ~eet the opponents I~NULNERA­ (valued at only 500 ka'itars) to the trea·
All three candidates, Eselene', he could find it then he would have a
BILITY spell and easily broke through, Mrid1obu, and Kryth1ai. were put into i- sure pile might prove very helpful. There·
doing twenty-three points damage. "need" for that part of the treasure~ and
dentical rooms, which were then locked it could be safely used. He did not like fore before attempting the lever panel
Thau'khas' hastily cast DEMON destroyed
and sealed. Upon entering, the candidates the idea of the levers, but he felt his she ~laCed the pin on top of a pile of
an advancing DEMON twenty yards away. other jewels at the foot of the statue
Another ENERGY BOLT hit Thau'kha,doing saw that they were in a room approximate- psychic ability might give him a chan~e
ly sixty feet by eighty feet. At the op- with them. Therefore,he started checklng and stepped back to observe the results:
twelve points damage. All of a sudden The two eyes of Thu'mis lit up and a V01-
posite end from their entrance, seventy the "eyes" J careful not to touch them,
things were looking much better for ce said J "Your generosity has been noted.
feet away, there was a statue of the God finding some with inscriptions and some
Mrid'obu. He had gotten a number of power· Pull the third lever on the wall and step
ful spells past Thau'kha while taking Thu'mis Lord of Wisdom, with several without. He finally found one that sald
piles of treasure stacked around it. it was to increase psychic ability by through the door to your right." Kryth' ai
little more damage himself. Both men were hesitated only a second before decldlng
There appeared to be tcn to twenty cyes, thirty percent. This was the first "eye n
tiring, however, and unless the few re- that her chances "ere as good this way as
a large number of gold ka'itars, and one that might be of help to him so far.
maining spells on the field were able to h~ndred or more gems and jewels. About any she might come up with and if her
end the contest it would come down to Mrid'obu quickly scanned the rest and
thirty feet from the statue was a door. found nothing else of value in this situ- theory was correct then they were much
hand-to-hand. Mrid'obu broke the oppon- On the right of the entrance area was a better. She followed the instructions and
ents defense with another reinforced ation. He gently lifted the "psychic
panel with three levers on it and to the eye" from the treasure pile and held his entered a thirty foot by thirty foot room
DOOMKILL doing thirty points damage,while left, about forty feet away, was a chest with a large disk, in the middle, set in-
he took another nine points from a SILVER breath. At first nothing happened,and
of some kind. then he heard a voice from the panel with to the floor. There were no apparent
HALO. exits from the room and it contained no-
Upon observing the contents of the the levers. "You have activated a Fail
This cleared the arena of all spells, thing but the disk. The voice again spoke,
room Eselene' sat in the middle of the Safe system. In exactly two minutes the
and neither magic-user had the strength room) to read over the clue once more. He "You have only to think of where you wlsh
to cast more. Advancing toward each other room will fill with poison gas,unless the
attempted to relate the items in the clue levers are pUlled in the correct sequence to be and step onto the disk." Kryth'al
slowly, they met in the center of the to the items in the room. He eliminated had a moments uneasiness about the clue-
arena. Both were armed with daggers and A verbal count will begin with thirty se-
the door as a means of exit,because it conds left." Mrid' obu was not too worried "Beware of the simple things in life."-;
rapidly diminishing strength. Mrid'obu however, she decided it was too late to
would be much too simple. Strong bodies since with his original psychic ability
scored first with a slash across the back out·now. Stepping onto the dlSk she
and pure thoughts could only relate, as plus the thirty percent increase he had
chest of Thau'kha (four points damage). he saw it, to the statue of Thu'mis. It disappeared.
He followed up, while Thau' kha was off one hundred four percent chance of choos-
was the only object that was heavy enough ing the right lever first. He concentrat- As Kryth'ai disappeared, Eselene'
balance, and slashed the arm (two points was turning toward the noise on his left.
to require strength to move. As for the ed on the three levers and confidently
damage). Thau' kha fought back, slashing He saw a secret door opening in the once
treasure around the statue, he needed pUlled down lever two. "You have made the
Mrid'obus arm (four points damage). solid wall. Before he could even think
Mrid'obu, knowing he could not keep fight- none of it since he would either find an correct choice. The time sequence will
exit thus advancing to round three in not start again until the end of this about the possibilities of an exit a man-
ing long, took a chance and thrust at
his ~uest for the throne, or he would die message. Psychic ability will be of no like creature, doughy and blubbery look-
Thau'khas' middle (while leaving himself ing, with two saucer-like eyes and a grey·
open for the same) and took Thau'kha by here. Either way he would not need any of help on your next decision; howev~rJ 10
the treasure found here. As for the last all fairness the following clue wl11 be ish beak charged into the room. He recog-
surprise. Thau'kha fell to the ground nized it at once as a Thu'nru'u or an
mortally wounded, thus allowing ~lrid 'obu part of the clue, he had no fear of pan- given:
ic. His only concern was how long he II Karak 'an, the God of War, favors "Eater of Eyes". Eselene' quickly drew
to advance to the second round. his sword to meet the creature's attack.
could think about the problems before those who act forcefull~ putt-
The Other two magic contests were The Thu'nru'u was heavily armored (blubb-
acting. So far only the statue seemed to ing both the shield and sword
fought in a similar manner with Kryth'ai er and rolls of skin) compared to Ese-
relate to the clue but he decided to to good use."
defeating Oa'ash and Dhich'une losing to lene's leather armor but Eselene' appear-
check out the chest before commiting him- Mrid'obu stared helplessly at the
Tay'adur. Thus three of the royal candi- ed to be the stronger. Both combatants
self. He found that the chest, to all remaining two levers trying to determine
dates had succeeded in advancing to the took several hits in the first few melee
appearances, was not locked and was not the key to the clue he had been given.
second round (Eselene', Mrid'obu, and rounds and it looked as though either
heavy when he tried (carefully) to 11ft Just then the voice started counting, 30,
Kryth'ai) while two of their brothers had would be done for with another hit. Un-
been killed (Rereshq 'ala and Dhich 'une). one end. He next looked at the three le- 29,28,27, ..... All of a sudden Mrid' obus'
vers on the opposite wall. They appeared fact broke into a smile, and he stepped up fortunately, for Lord Eselene', the
The second of the three contests Thu'nru'u scored first. He died at the
was the ingenuity trap. It was scheduled to be simple lift (up/down) type levers to the panel and pulled both levers down
with no markings of any kind. Finally, at the same time. He stepped back to a- feet of the "Eater of Eyes" not knowing
to take place in two weeks, thus giving that around its neck was an "Eye of De-
Eselene' went to the statue of Thu'mis. wait the means of escape, but the voice
the three remaining aspirants time to parting in Safety" which had been pre-set
He carefully tried to turn it but could went on counting. Hrid'obu started to
fully recover from the wounds suffered in for the ground outside the test area.
the arena contest. move it neither left or right. He tried panic. Should he try something else! Yet
to tip it, with no results. He was now he was sure he had made the right deci- ..... J6JSJ4J3J2Jl. As the voice rea-
On the day of the second contest ched the end of the time sequence
somewhat puzzled, having thought the sta- sion!! The voice continued to count J 10 J
each candidate was given the following Mrid 'obu felt a draft of cold air hit him
tue to be the key to the problem. He 9,8,7, .
clue to take into the test with them. in the back. tie turned and almost collap-
(the rooms had been constructed by the still did not wish to try the door, and In the third room Kryth' ai was now
the three levers were, to him, like play- ready to make her attempt to escape. She sed with relief as he saw that the entire
Azure Legion) wall where he had entered the test room
"Beware of the simple things in ing the odds against ones paying ones had decided to try the three levers but
taxes. This left only the chest. He had wanted to test a theory first. In the was gone and an official from the Azu~e.
life. Fortunes are often made by Legion was standlng there, wlth Kryth al
already spent considerable time and was original clue given to the candidates one
hard work and strife. High re- at his side, to greet him.
wards come to those wit~ strong beginning to worry about how much time he statement had started her thinking. "Of
might have left. Therefore, he decided to free treasure offered take only that Only he and Kryth'ai had come throu-
bodies and pure thoughts. Of free gh the second contest. The third contest,
treasure offered take only that open the chest, if possible .. The chest which you need." She reasoned, as the
opened very easily but contalned nothlng; others had, that she had no need for any a descent into the underworld, was sche-
which you need. Panic and patien- duled for one week from now. Both aspi-
ce always receive their just re- however, there was a sliding noise to the of the treasure. since she would either
left and . end up on the throne or dead. She further rants would lead five mercenaries into
wards; however, extremes in the underworld to find, kill and bring
~leanwhile, Mrid 'obu had spent con- reasoned that she d~.d not even "need"
either bring disaster. Let those back a Ru'un (usually found three or more
siderable time studying the clue also. He what she already had. Upon checking she
out of the room and into another room . levels below the surface). The farther Jiction 19
with a large bolted ~est or box in the down the more likely one will be found.
to return, as did Kryth'ai, for the re-
center. There was an inscription on the There is a one week time limit for the mainder of the week. He did not return
top of the box. Kryth'ai translated this candidates to satisfy the conditions of and was never found. The Empire had its
as saying, "Radioactive - dangerous". the test. Both will descend at the same
time, but at different entrances, into
ne" Emperor (Emperoress!!). Kryth' ai the
~one in the party knew what radioactive
first - the third woman to rule in the
meant but they had no trouble with the the underworld beneath the City of the Empire's history.
word "dangerous". They all knew that it Dead in Jaka'lla. Long live the Emperoress!!!!!!!
was things of this type, according to le- Both Kryth'ai and Mrid'obu prepared
gend, that the Ru 'un were designed to their parties for the descent by arming
guard. Therefore Kryth'ai threw the bolt themselves with leather armor and three
on the top and stepped back, having no steel daggers and their men with plate
intention of opening the chest unless ab- armor, steel shield, sword, dagger, and MUGGERS I MUGGERS I
solutely necessary. All warriors and bows. Each party was lead to a separate
Kryth1ai were watching and waiting. Al- entrance by an officer of the Azure Le- "I've got it! I've got itl"
most immediately a Ru'un appeared from gion. "Well, try penicillin. Preferably
nowhere. It threw two steel bolts before Kryth'ais' party descended the st- someplace else." We were putting the game
anyone could react, killing one of the airs leading down quickly, into a small, together for this month's issue, and the
warriors. Kryth'ai pointed the "eye" ob- empty room with two doors. Kryth'ai had last thing we wanted to see was Red "John
tained from the Ngo'ro and pressed the two of her warriors open one of the doors, Galt" Darnigame, free-lance game desie,',er
activating stud. An enormous net-like sub· prepared to fight. This Joor opened into and the only man in history to have tis
stance flew to"ards the Ru 'un but it re- a stair"ell, which the party descended. m,nd officially ruled eligible for ~ederal
acted in time to avoid it. He engaged one The stairs seemed to go down for a very 'Usaster relief. "We've GOT a game thi,s
of the warriors in combat while throwing long distance, much farther than just one l'lonth, and we like it just fine."
another steel bolt at another. (it miss- level. Kryth'ai had the party slow down "Oh, no, you don't. You just THPIK you
ed) The warrior engaged in personal com- and search for secret doors but none were have a game. I was up here last night af-
bat threw himself on the Ru'un, yelling found. Finally they came to three doors ter you guys left ... "
at Kryth 'ai to use the "Eye". She fired and the end of the stairs. The same two "So THAT'S where the rubber cement went.
the "Eye" twice and then the power appar- "arriors opened the left hand door and Darnigame, I I m warning you ... 11
ently ran out. The warrior held the Ru'un the party stepped into a large rectangu-
immobile, however, just long enough for lar room (roughly fifty feet by ninety
the net to reach him. There was a great feet). There were a number of tables and
sho"er of sparks and the Ru 'un fell to chairs placed haphazardly around the room Steve Ja.cksOD-
the floor. Both it and the "arrior were and on the far wall there was a small
dead. This left Kryth' ai and two warriors room (four feet by six feet). Kryth'ai We rose as one and rushed him. He wp.r~
to bring back the ~u'un. Kryth'ai used a checked this room and found nothing but down, still shouting: "You start as a pun",
"Change Others" spell to change the dead a panel with a lot of buttons (with num- and work up ... thug, hit-man, all the way
Ru'un into a small white mouse and start- bers on them). She had heard rumors dur- "And I looked it over. Another fantasy to boss and Godfather ... "
ed the remaining members of her party ing he~ training about such rooms. If one role-playing job. When are you guys get- We dragged him, kicking and scream in". ,
back towards the workroom. Just as they pushed a button then the room would go ting back to the real world?" into the inner office, where a El"il.,..qo!"t: 0 p

were almost to enter the moving room they either up or down and then open at an- "The what?" games awaited unpacking. Emptying ~h~ ~er­
were attacked by a Nga' ya "hich Kryth' ai other place. Thinking of the time limit "The real worldl Out there. Squalor, ton, we gagged Darnigame with a half-doze~
hit with a DOOMKILL spell. The party en- placed on them she called her warriors in- filth, pettiness, hatred--the real stuff back issues and stuffed him in. Somehow,
tered the small cubical and Kryth'ai re- to the little cubical and explained what of life. Now that game you've got has pas, he continued his tirade: "Switchblades on-
membering which button had been lit when would happen. Kryth'ai then pushed a butt- sibilities, I'll admit--it just needs the ly I-die weapons, bicycle chains 3, broken
they first entered the room, pushed that on with the number ten on it. A sliding old Darnigame touch." bottles 2 with 2 adds •.. mmmmfff ••• leather
button hoping to return. As the wall once wall closed off the opening and the floor "We'll touch YOIT, Red, if' you don't jackets take 2 hits •.. saving roll against
again slid open the group was met by seemed to drop away from them. In what clear out and let us work." Mace ••• " We slapped tape on the carton
three small Chne'lh. They managed to de- must have been only seconds they stopped "Tch, tcb. Bad roll on the Reaction and pushed it out into the hall. "Instea<i
stroy the creatures but lost another war- and the wall opened again. Kryth'ai look- chart. No, listen. Even the name is a]- of elves and orcs, you got fairies and
rior, while the last remaining suffered a ed out into what seemed to be a workshop most right. Just a little change. See, narcs .•. I stole that, but nobody'll catch
serious wound to the shoulder. The remain- of some kind. There was broken glass and you make it MUGGERS I MUGGERS I .•. " it ••• mmmggg ..• "
ing two members of the original party tables scattered around the room. The par- He ducked as·a handful of percentage
started up the long stairway that they had ty advanced into this "workshop" carefully dice caromed off the wall behind his head We addressed the carton and left it ty
Jescended so long ago. As they entered the searching for any possible danger. All of like red-and-white bullets. "They come up the mailbox. As we headed tack to the of-
room off the stairway they met eight a sudden one of the warriors let out an out of the subways, trying to score, and fice, with the warm feeling that comes
Ku'rgha (Eaters of Carrion). The wounded agonized scream. The others rushed to him head for Central Park, avoiding the fuzz." from finding the creative solution to a
warrior killed three of them before he but he was already deep in the folds of a Stepping to the side, he avoided a fal- problem, we heard, dwindling behind us •..
was overrun by the others. Kryth'ai de- Ngo'ro. The remaining members of the party ling bookcase. "I've got a plan here of a "'!'here's a melee scenario based on "Jest
stroyed three more while they were feeding managed to subdue the creature but their 50-story apartment house, with 6,029 non- Side Story,' ••. use miniatures', or just
on the body of the dead warrior. She took companion was dead. The Ngo'ro offered the player characters and their attributes." slug it out yourselves ... "
t"o serious wounds herself before dispos- party one of its magical weapons to spare He waved a ragged sheet of paper. A pair With Red out of the way, everything
ing of the at er two. Krytl,' ai then as- its life and they agreed subject to seeing of scissors spun throu~h the air and pinnee went quite smoothly-so, at last, we've ~1'l­
cended the entrance stairs out into the the type of weapon. The only weapon of any it to the wall. "Very nice. Dexterity 18. plemented our game-in-every issue policy.
open. She asked the Legion officer "aiting possible use to them was an "Eye of-the- Now, as I was saying ••• " Unfortunately, there's a little difficulty
for her to bring someone capable of re- Drowning Seeker" (it throws out a web-like "Only 16. I was for your this time around; the 40-odd typed pages
versing a "Change Others" spell. It was net of jelly that encloses its victim and GE'I' OUTI" of MONSTERS I MONSTERS I had to be reduced
done and the ,,,,hite mouse azain became a then breaks down into water). The agree- But Darnigame was in full cry.. "Smoke- drastically to fit the TSG format, especi-
dead Ru 'un. ment was made and the party and Ngo'ro helching monsters •.• Cougars, Firebirds, ally since we had so much other material
The Azure Legion waited for Mrid'obu went separate ways. Kryth' ai led her group Gremlins, Bugs ••• JunYies get 50 experience this issue. But we managed. If you'll
points if they're burned, 100 if they 0n look closely at that smudge on page 8,
n.."n. live ...lTl\n0erine furlt"ey +!I"'Je ... ;~ you'll see it's actually very fine print.
"'ot ont. :.T'~'r magnifying ~J.asses, Br~ hen-
py gaming. (Fxtra copies, in somewhat .Reviews 21
larger print, are available at reduced the world. He grasped at information
prices to subscribers--see the order form) provided by an escaped prisoner, which 2. The Guardian Satellites In conclusion, THE YTHRI is a fine game,
After it was allover, though, a few hinted at the vulnerability of the large should be more numerous and less with great potential. It's one of the few
of us had second thoughts. As we relaxed equatorial continent. Terran troops were vulnerable. I would suggest that I've seen which provides sufficient numbers
over our beers, somebody asked, "Do you landed in that area, and a base was the third GS counter be used in the of spare counters to work with. This
really think we should have done it? established. Too late, it was discovered starting setup. Also a step reduc- versatility definitely outweighs any problems
About Red, I mean. It WAS a bit much." that Equatoria was undefended because it tion from 4-3 to 2-3 could be included. with the basic scenario.
"S;U-e. Just because they're the big harboured remnants of Avalon's n~tive This will greatly improve the usefulness
guys 1n the game business doesn't mean we ecosystems. Long-term intrusion by civi- of the satellites. R. R. 113
can't help them out once in a while. They lizat~on would destroy the ecology; in 3. The Terrans require more Clarion, Iowa 50525
NEF.D somebody as creative as Red." the short run, the plants, animals, and ground troops. The key to Avalon's May 28, 1976
"Yeah, I guess so. But postage due?" heavy metals crippled the Terran force. defense was its space fleet and satellites.
The remnants of the Avalonian space fleet But for these, the small ground forces
returned from hiding, shot past the would have been obliterated. Only
REVIEWS Terran force and blockaded attempts to the ecological balance on Equatoria
prevented the world from being over- RAND'S !'IAR OF THB WO!'.LDS I I
THE YTHRI: evacuate the men.
At this point, Avalon "surrendered l1 run once the Terrans had landed.
An Historical Appraisal Give Terra four more BT points and
to Admiral Cajal. They provided medical by Tony Watson
aid to the Terran forces stranded on four more AT points.
by Norman Howe 4. Historical Scenario: Use
Scorpeluna Plateau. As a result of
these actions, Avalon was able to nego- the setup in the standard rules, The name, WAR OF THE WORLDS II im-
Metagaming Concepts's game THE
tiate its own peace terms. The conditions plus the GEP option and the variations plies that there was a WAR OF THE'
YTHRI recreates the major battle-c>f the
of the treaty with Quetlan were already given above. WO~LDS I. Luckily for us, Rand didn't
war between the Domain of Ythri and the . a. Withdrawal of Forces: On game
Terran Empire, as depicted in Poul fulfilled: there were Terran troops on bother to make a game on that conflict as
Avalonian soil, even if they were all in turn 7, the Terran Player must withdraw well, as War of the Worlds II is quite
Anderson's novel The People of the Wind.
hospitals. In the end, Avalon remained all remaining spaceships, including enough, thank you.
Because the game was designed primarily
in the Domain of Ythri, and was not unlanded troops, from one edge of the This game is another of the series put
as a space invasion game, certain unique
absorbed by Terra. map to conquer the rest of the Domain out by the Rand Corporation on a subscrip
events in the battle were omitted. As
In Metagaming's version, THE YTHRI of Ythri. If any Ythrian spaceships t10n-only basis. It is the group's first
a result, THE YTHRI does not portray the
simulates the first part of the Anderson's (SM or PC only) remain, twice that SC1-f1 entry. Like many of their previous
battle as it actually occurred (which
Battle of Avalon quite closely. The number of Terran ships must remain games, this selection is of questionable
would be predictable and boring), but
Terran fleet hopelessly outclasses Avalon, to guard the planet. On Turn 12, the quality. However, I don't feel that the
as it might occur, under different
both in numbers and in relative composi- Terran player returns with a fleet game fails for any lack of effort or ori-
tion by strength. However, the Guardian equal to the original starting setup. ginality on the designer's part. In phy-
In Anderson's original version
Satellites are not as effective as b. Ythrian Recovery: If the s1cal appearance the game has many nice
of the battle, Terra declared war against Terran ground troops landed before
the Domain of Ythri in the course of Anderson's novel would suggest, and may touches. It comes in a metallic silver
be destroyed quite easily. This may turn 7 have been destroyed before slipcase which has a window that shows a
"stabilizing its borders". An annada
turn 12, the Avalon Player may replace
commanded by Admiral Juan Cajal, was ~ent stem from the original intent of the very attractive artist's rendition of two
Terran player, who would quit if the on the map one-half the friendly interceptors in combat, as well as some
to defeat the Ythrian space fleet and troops lost in combat. As well, any
occupy certain strategic worlds, including Avalonians were that strong. In a very futuristic lettering for the game's
short time, the defender's defences are GS units reduced to 2-3 units may title. Such aesthetic touches may not
Avalon, a biracial colony of humans and be raised to 4-3s again.
Ythrians. The armada was split into down and troops are landed on Corona, the mean much to some gamers, but I appreci-
inhabited continent. c. Victory Conditions: The
thirds, and one portion sent against ate them, and feel in this instance, they
From this point on, it is a war of Terran Player must capture all City/Choth d1splay the effort that went into the
Avalon. The other contingents were to Bases before turn 18 or lose the game.
attack their objectives when Avalon was attrition. Unless the Terran player has game. The counters are excellent. They
been foolish and split his forces (or Add 3 turns to the standard Victory are large-sized and include one thin cr I
The Marchwardens of Avalon--the worse, lost some of the transports before Conditions.
love: when you punch them out, the c~r­
landing), it is a simple task to capture The changes suggested above ners come out rounded so you don't have
Ythrian Ferune and the human Daniel Holm-- will have a drastic effect on THE
had prepared their world for such an three Choths or cities and win the game by to spend a lot of pre-game time trimming
turn 12. Of the optional rules, the only YTHRI in general, and I would not them. There are three colors of counters:
attack over many years. Orbital defences
one which has a substantial benefit for recommend their use except to create
were unusually strong for a colony world, blue, green and yellow. Each counter
the Ythri is the Ground Energy Projector a scenario appropriate to the ogirinal bears a very nice drawing of the unit it
and ground eqergy projectors on Avalon and battle. One final note: The Scorpe-
its moon Mo~gana supplemented a space option.
luna Landing option cannot be simulated
represents, either spacestation/base,
fleet half the size of the Terran Thus, THE YTHRI depicts the Battle interceptor or command ship. As I said,
of Avalon as Admiral Juan Cajal of Terra realistically without a great deal of the drawings are very good and I feel
contingent. trouble. Avalon is a moderately
The Terran Fieet crushed the Ava- would like to have seen it. The Avalonian they add quite a bit to the flavor of the
Player has little chance of winning. large world, 11,000 km. in diameter. game as well as being visually pleasing.
lonian spaceships with difficulty, but The ground combat map shows only Corona
could not breach the orbital defences. To make the battle a more challenging The map however, is not as easy on the
proposition, I suggest the following and a small portion of Oronesia, on a ey~, being cream or chocolate in color' a
A small contingent of spaceships was left
to guard the planet, while the main fleet changes to THE YTHRI: scale I would estimate at 200km./hex. matching that reminds me more of a bak~ry
1. Give the Avalonian player more This is reasonable, as a colony world's
went onward. In a few weeks, Avalon was than the outer reaches of space. The main
Planet Class ships. Three are insuffi- ·population and technology would be playing area, a circular grid, as well as
the last remaining enclave of Ythrian
cient to produce the effect described in concentrated in a fairly small area. the local planetary space for each of the
resistance; even the homeworld, Quetlan,
the novel, and there are too many Super- However, this places the Equatoria five planets are located on the map.
had fallen. The Terran Fleet returned
nova Dreadnaughts. Mr. Anderson suggests contin~nt about 80 hexes away on
to conquer Avalon. WAR OF THE WORLDS II is a strategic
Avalon continued to resist, even that each side had one such ~essel; the the far side of the planet. Most game, but the game-altering decisions are
greater number in THE YTHRI were probably of the intervening area is ocean, made on the tactical level. The only
when a nuclear blast destroyed Centauri
City, one of the two human-dominated included to provide some class and contains only small islands. pieces that move on the strategic map are
centers. Admiral Cajal had no wish to differentiation without requiring Although the operation was planned the five planets (which revolve in circu-
appear a monster, and sought a way of too many counters. To beef up the and executed, to simulate it would require lar orbits) and the three command vessels
conquering Avalon without destroying the Avalonian space fleet, use an extra considerable expenditure of time and energy,
three Planet Class Cruisers. and possibly a new game.
of each player. Gases, stations and in- of the other for one turn, and on the (class M)systems. Player #4 is in the Reviews 23
terceptors are either on the planetary next turn the other member moves the worst position of all, being able to
surfaces or carried, hidden from the op- units. I doubt one gamer will appreciate reach and effectively "cover" only one
position's inspection, in the cargo holds another player using his units. Red and one Orange system, but having the
of the command ships. The basic idea of WAR OF THE WORLDS II was a good try. choice of gambling and trying for one
the game is to control more planets than There was obviously a strong effort to Yellow system "blind" on the fourth turn,
the enemy. Most likely you will have to get that sci-fi "feel" into the game, without any previous knowledge of what he
fight to gain control, and'this is the which I feel the designer accomplished. will find. Of course, Player #4 can just
game's real appeal. It is unfortunate that he had to deal play it conservatively and head straight
Once attacking command ships have with a weak game. for Bootis, but if it doesn't "pan Dutil,
entered the local planetary space (provi- WAR OF THE WORLDS II is published by he's lost the first Production Year's
ded they have displayed any defending Rand Game Associates, Box 1776 Liberty maximum use.
command ships) combat begins. There are Corners NJ 07938. In attempting to make the best use
three zones above each planet in which of his early explorations, it is necess-
combat takes place. (They are mislabeled ary to achieve 3 MA with IUs during Bonus
on the map. Zone 1 should be zone 3 and IU expenditure. It is also advisable to
vice versa.) Players must follow a fairly acquire extra SCTs during this phase, be-
intricate procedure, and this is where a STELLA'l C0:l0JEST: THE COLONIZATION GAMBIT
cause maximum utilization cannot be ach-
little thought comes in. The defender ieved unless all accessible systems have
first places his space stations in any of by Kelly ~oorman been explored. Each playing position has
the zones, then he places interceptors in its optimum strategy for early explora- include lasers, sonic weapons, projectil-
the outer zone. The attacker must "neutra- tion and exploitation. Player #3 just has es and several esoteric energyptype wea-
lize" this zone with at least one attack- an advantage, but not one that should be pons. The last section describes the
ing interceptor. The same procedure is I'm not trying to Shock anyone, but taken li.ghtly. rules, mostly conditions for moving and
repeated for zone 2. In zone 3 the at- in the interests of fair play, I think I Later on, of course, the play balan-
firing, and how to compute the weapon's
tacker places first and is then able to should point out that in a basic game of ces out, due to the posi.tioning of sys- effect. The rules are a little vague in
reinforce any of this units in any zone. Stellar Conquest, Player #3 has a dis- tems. But these first turns preceeding spots, but they are 'clean' and easy to
This is the most crucial phase for the tinct advantage over the other players re- use.
the first Production Year are by far the
attacker, as it will determine attack garding the amount of intelligence he can THE GAME SYSTEM is the essence of
most vital in establishing a sound indus-
odds. Combat is unit-to-unit and the die accumulate and utilize in making the de- trial base, and the procedure I have simplicity. On any given turn the player
roll may be affected by unit type, zone cision about where to place his first pointed out is, I think anyone would ad- can move and then fire or fire and ther.
of the combat or two-sided attack. The colony-- which is one of the most vital move. One die is rolled to hit the tar-
mit, the best in acquiring and exploiting get, and if a hit is scored, a penetra-
CRT uses a symbolic results table which decisions in the game for any player, no the early exploration results in deciding
adds a nice flair. After all of the de- matter what his position. tion roll is made. The charts are well
the best location for establishing that planned and easy to read. One point that
fender's interceptors are destroyed the Player #3 can send out SCTs to ex- most important first colony.
attacking player may attack the planet's plore all of the systems available to must be emphasized about this game is the
bases in hope of destroying them and bui- him, get the exploration results by the violence of the weapons involved. Devices
lding his own. There is a separate chart end of the third turn and make a more of incredible frightfulness are lobbed
for base attacks. Once you gain control complete and intelligent choice of the STARGUAR!)! around the board with gay abandon, includ·
of a planet, you may begin to erect units location for his first colony than any of or ing free use of micro-nukes and conver-
for its defense. By spending an entire the other players in the game. Then he What to do after you hit the beach sion beams. Needless to say, since all
turn, command ships can build (or dis- can send his CTs to the best possible lo- this happens on an HO-scale board, the
mantle) one base or one space station. Oy cation and have them land and colonize on distances have been shrunk by a factor of
landing on planets with a friendly base, the fourth turn in preparation for the by Larry Bond and ~like ~lornard over 100. A laser rifle has a range of 23
command ships can also replace one previ- first Production Year. His advantage ap- inches maximum and a micro-nuke with a
ously destroyed unit. pears, when it is taken into considera- One aspect of SF gaming that has yield of .02 kt has a blast radius of
Though I like the combat system ba- tion, that he can reach a more central been neglected until recently is tactical· nine inches.
sically, it does not seem to work. It is location with his massed CTs, take in all level suface combat. Robert Heinlien's The best feature of the game is the
too difficult to succeed as the attacker. the exploration results and then decide STARSHIP TROOPERS, Gordon Dickson's miniature figurines McEwan sells to go
Space stations are excellent in the de- on where to colonize and carry it out be- DORSAl TRILOGY and David Drake's UNDER along with the game. They are well SCUlp-
fense, and most of the special rules fore the first Production Year. THE ~lERare only a few of the stories ted and match some of the best SF combat
favor the defender. Also, the CRT tends By a "more central" location for his that are not only fun to read but propose stories around. The Dreenoi figure is an
to help the defender either with results CTs, I refer to the fact that Player #3 fascinating new weaponry and tactics. insect-type with a hive mind. The Ralnai
detrimental to the attacking forces or can send his group of CTs directly to McEwan Miniatures (380 D Dtreet, is reptilian, and there are many types of
with stalemates, which can be construed Canis, while sending exploration parties Salt Lake City, Utah 84103) has published human troops, inclUding Dickson-style
as victories for the defense. Another to Indi, Kapetyn, and Ophiuchi. He then a set of rules which can be used to game troops and POWERED ARMOR. The latter is
serious flaw is the counter mix. There has the choice of colonizing any or all out some of these future conflicts. The by far the best in game terms and is also
are twelve space stations/bases and of them if he so desires, making optimum game is called STARGUARD! - INTERSTELLAR an excellent figure. The only thing more
twelve interceptors: a possible 24 units use of his knowledge. No other playing INFANTRY 2250 A.D. and is a fast-moving, powerful on a one-for-one basis than
for defense but only 12 for attacking. position in the game has the opportunity flexible miniature game. I think it pro- Powered Armor would be a fully self-
The number of interceptors an attacker to exploit as much information: #3 can vides a realistic picture of what future directing Mark XX Bolo. (You Keith Laumer
can keep on hand is already limited by reach one Yellow (class G) system, one ground combat might be like. fans are suitably impressed, I hope.)
his own defense needs, and the few inter- Orange (class K) system and two Red The rule booklet is divided into Miniature Figurines, Ltd. (Box P,
ceptors available makes more than one (class M) systems, where Player #1 can three sections, all profusely illustrated. Pine Plains, N.Y. 12567) also has a line
offensive attack practically impossible. reach the same number and types of sys- The first section describes the various of SF figures, but since they are not
There is also a 3-player variant to tems, but lacks the ability to reach all forces that can be used, along with back- game-oriented they are grossly under-arme~
the game, though I do not think it would of them with his CTs from one central ground history, uniform descriptions, and not as well sculpted. However, there
be much more interesting. The alliance position. Player #2 can reach only one weapons carried and even T.O.E.s for are a few good figures and when doing SF
rules allow one member to move the units Yellow (class G) system, and two Red their units. The next section describes battles in miniature, you take what you
the weapons and tl\eir abilities. These can get.
Although THE GAME SYSTEM is simple ReViews 25
3) ADDITIONAL WEAPONRY should be scroung-
and the figurines appealing, STARGUARD is ed or built to fill in the gaps. Some Vehicles and tlyers play sightly Alpha Centauri Campaign) Lauren was
not by any means perfect. For example, th," of these include Larry Todd; s "Warbots' different roles in the future shown here. "telesthetically sedated" and, while the
limited range means almost shaking hands (armed 12-foot-high man-amplifiers) When an infantryman can move 30 inches in defenders were sleeping, occuplation
with the target before firing. Projectile and battlecraft (floating spheres with one turn, against 15 for a treaded vehi- troops invested the planet and took con-
blast radii are not too well defined eit:" a non-sentient carnivorous brain for cle on flat ground, the tank is in a bad
er, We would propose the following modi- trol of all military equipment. O.K.,
fire-control). The source for these is way. A vehicle's role becomes that of that's fine - a short, bloodless war -
fications: a fiction article in a 1968 issue of long-range antipersonnel and area bom- but tell me, where is the need for
1) TRIPLE ALL RANGES, except for the gre- Galaxy. Another wild piece might be a bardment, against its present role of re- SOLDIERS?
nade launchers and the Y-Rack. Double "Walker". Described in Keith Laumer I 5 ducing stongpoints and shock effect. The Let us look further ahead to the
these. Leave the ranges of the "an- A RELIC OF WAR (dynamite story), it is M.I. now have that role. The vehicle's conclusion of the Second Xenophobe Incur-
cient" weapons in the back alone. For a turreted, six-legged and self- reliance on infantry support is increased sion. The Expedition "purified" the Xeno-
example, an M.I. plasma gun (not to be directed machine. It would be much drastically, because the average infan- phobe systems with, among other methods,
messed with) reads: short 0-5(11), faster than a treaded vehicle. Then tryman handle conventional armor without "kilometer-by-kilometer sweeps by Human/
medium 5-10(8), long 10-15(4). The again, McEwan's technology includes much trouble at all. LChal-Dah Star Soleiers . . . " Why? I f '
number in parenthesis is the chance of antigravity, so there would be still N,TI-GRAVITY VEHICLES handle much of the popUlation was sedated, then who
hitting on a twelve-sided die. Expand- faster sutff around. One of these, a the really heavy weapons, using their needs SOLDIERS? The answer is fairly sim-
ing the range to 0-15/15-30/30-45 gives platform-mounted hell bore" is a ~ ability to fly and their heavy firepower ple, once you put yourself into the de-
a slightly more realistic range; how- mentioned in RELIC. It is a self- to give fire support to assaulting troops fender's boots, telesthetically speaking.
ever, it still works out to only 90 propelled projective weapon. The hell- Their role resembles that of the present- If you/knew that your soldiers were going
scale yards. This modification assumes bore is also mentioned as being part day helicopter gunship. The anti-gravs to fali asleep at their posts (all your
you have the room to do this, at least of a Bolo's armament. should have some sort of force-screen, soldiers, Gnostechs and the like includ-
a four-foot by eight-foot area. 4) ANOTHER MODIFICATION that can make the since they won't be able to dodge every- ed), what would you do? . Myself, I'd
2) TO REDUCE the level of mayhem involved, game interesting is to have the attack· thing, and in the games I've played they install a computer-directed, self-defense
reduce the numbers of troops and equip- ers drop in a' la Heinlein. By having are the first things to come under fire. installation equipped with missles, las-
ment. Remembering ~hat an M.I. platoon both sides ignorant of the others open· Also, when using flyers, make sure the ers, communications disrupters - every-
can raze a fair-siz~d city, and what ing disposition, each is forced to other side has something in the way of thing that I could think of that would
each costs, limit their numbers. Also assume the other can be anywhere. The anti-air, or they unbalance the game. help to slow or destroy an invading
limit the use of tactical nuke weapons resulting close proximity of the for- Pure aircraft should be used only if one force.
to a few per side. Remember the effect ces speeds up the game considerably. side or the other is grossly outmatched
they have on local topography. If you Along with this goes a 'surprise rule': as they are incredibly powerful.
are running a STARGUARD campaign, the if the individual has not been detect- Spacecraft on the ground present
weapons and numbers will of course be ed by sensors or heard about over comm the juiciest target of all, and unless
dictated by the strategic situation. gear, he can surprise the other sol- heavily shielded are doomed. A +2 force
One thing about authors, while they diers. The person being surprised has screen is minimum. Never land a space-
are very descriptive about the "big stuff' a 1/6 chance of reacting that turn. craft in the same area with heavy weapons
(Berserkers, Bolos, spacecraft) and indi- Next turn reactions are normal. Mutual as the risk of its destruction is almost
vidual weapons, they create nothing - surprise is possible and common. 100%. Neutralize the area first.
between the two extremes. For a realistic 5) MISCELLANEOUS mods: While on the subject of shielding,
and effective force, a full spectrum of a) for a laser pistol, smoke is hard use smoke lavishly. Lasers are a common
weapons is needed - from a laser pistol cover. weapon, and smoke can dissipate many
up to a Dreadnought-type spacecraft. This b) for a laser rifle, smoke is soft beams before they reach their target.
is where the gamer's imagination comes cover. Flares are another handy weapon, because
into play, extrapolating from the existinr c) delete the Y-Rack's nuclear capabi- if triggered on the ground, unvisored"
eaponry to create new weapons based on the lity. According to the book, only troops can be blinded for many turns.
given technology. non-corns had nuke weapons. In summary, STARGUARDl provides a
Other materials available to the ga- d) warhead effects: automatic kill/ nucleus for creating a single battle or
mer include a scale model of the SPACE: check for penetration radius in an extended campaign. It can be played
1999 Eagle Spaceship. It is close enough inches. A sonic grenade does not fully with the existing weaponry, or it
to HO scale to be useful. Also Estes model automatically kill powered armor or can be expanded to include any weapon
rocket parts can be used to construct some troops under force screens or hard imaginable.
very imaginative ships. If these are in- cover. Check for penetration as Here is where the attacking player
adequate, simply haul out a piece of Balsa though they were outside the kill needs his Star Soldiers, and h'e needs
wood and start carving. The spacecraft radius. darn good ones, too. Can you imagine
needed in STARGUARD are of the "landin3 srI' 5 "STAR SOLDIER" - A SOLITAIRE GA,\ffi?
Sonic Grenade: 1.5/3 assaulting a planet where the defense is
craft " or "retreival boat" type, with the HE: Lt:1.5/4.5 ~1: 3/6 H:4.5/9 completely controlled by a theoretically
mother ship out of sight and out of game. Nuke: Lt:4.5/9 M: 6/12 H:7.5/15 --Amber ap Llychlyn infallible computer? Hoo-boy, talk about
Airfix puts out a 1/72 scale hovercraft Tridex: Lt: 3/6 M:4.5/9 H: 6/12 Guts! An assault like that would make
model that is exotic-looking and easily Smoke: Lt:3X5X5 M:5X7XT H:7X9X9* Operation Bughouse look like a Sunday
ar~ed. The general rule is to scrounge, SPI 's STARFORCE game has been in drive through the park.
Flare: Lt:lO M:15 H:20 ** print for some time, and most of the ra-
and if you can't find what you want, *(across windXwind directionx height) In this event, the attacking player
bid game collectors have bought and play- runs into the best possible defense. His
build it yourself. Prior modeling exper- **(area lit) ed it. It is different from STELLAR CON-
ience is helpful, but not necessary. troops of specially trained soldiers have
OUEST, and, let's face it, fairly good only one objective: to find the control
Terrain can be devised from anything e) Y-Rack capacity is six rounds. ~videnced by the incredible amount of
imaginable. Rocks and odd-colored lichen Four more are carried on the belt. center of centers, and make it impossible
money spent on it.) But what about SPI's for them to continue their deadly defen-
are always usable as are cut-and-painted It takes one turn, doing nothing forthcoming game, STAR SOLDIER? After a
pieces of styrofoam. The environmental else, to reload. sive tactics.
study of the rules of STARFORCE, it seems
architecture will depend on the planet be· f) any weapon firing at 1/6 of its In short, it becomes a solitaire
as though there can't be any conflict in
ing fought on (or over). short range is at point-blank ran- game, with one player driving his sold-
the new game. iers into the teeth of a computer-con-
ge, +2 to hit and +2 to ~enetrate. In the First War of Autonomy, (the
trolled, probably static, but very good,
26 In summary, I would once more like
the more expensive), the Detter the type
of sensor system it can carry - the DN to point out that I have attempted here
defense. He must destroy or inhibit that Actually, there are no changes to to provide a playable solution to the
computer as quickly as possible. After being so large and powerful (and expen-
the basic SC Rules, other than the fact realism question that I've heard many
all, he wants a planet, not a glowing sive) to carry a sensor capable of de-
that ~he players don't have access to the tecting the numbers and types of enemy times, and indeed, raised myself. There
ball of radioactive isotopes. locatIons of others unless entitled. are many more advanced adapt ions of this
Also, if he takes too long, the de- units at a two-hex range, or one-fourth
There are several additions, however. variant. For one, the various sensors of
fenders may begin to wake up. . . of a light year. Of course, even though
T~ese additions consist of a sensor abi- different ships could be graded, and
It should be understood that this the number and type of ship is determin-
lIty beIng assigned to each ship type. ed, they would have to close the range when two ships met, the more powerful
article is merely one person's feelings. I have come up with one workable system sensor would block the weaker Qne, while
between them to determine the identity of
It is quite possible that SPI will come for sensors: there are many. Here is the the ship. ' still detecting information itself. The
up with some very different rationaliza- one I suggest as haVing the greatest For one thing, this would explain grading would be necessary when two large
possiblity: groups met, and the various sensors of
tions. We'll just have to wait and see. the discrepancies I and others noticed
The two most basic ship-types in the each added up and compared to give one
in the artists' conceptions of the vari-
game, the CT and the SCT will share in victor, or something similar. The possi-
ous ships that have been published in
their sensor ability. This is, each of TSG. That tiny SCT seemed extremely out bilities are endless.
these ships, regardless of location, can
of proportion to the monstrous DN for
VARIATION ON A 'I1iEME: MORE REALISM sense the presence of an enemy vessel or
costing only one-sixteenth the price.
colony at a distance of one hex. It will
not know the number and type of vessel or
I know some of you out there think VULCAN'S FORGE
by Kelly Moorman that by limiting the SCT to only one-hex
sensor range I have sentenced it to a ELJ:XjNTM'NISH: CONCLUSlOr·,
One obvious fault in the rules and horrible and useless task. It is true
play of Stellar Conquest is the fact that that the sole purpose of the SCT is to
all of the players can "see" the other explore, and it would seem that it could (Eldon Tannish is a gifted, young
players' units, even though they don't concievably carry a two-hex sensor since gamer competing in NORCON, a sophistica-
know the types or number of the units. Of it was designed for this purpose, and I ted future computer-moderated game tour-
course, the entire form of play must be agree. But for playability and balance, nament. "The Game" is a compl ex series of
changed, and actually should be, in order I think the one-hex sensor range is heuristically self-directed computer pro-
to achieve maximum realism in playing SC. sufficient. The SCT still holds that one gram systems resident in a technologi-
The first item necessary to play in unconquerable advantage, its unlimited cally exotic future computer. Each game
a hidden movement game, is a moderator. range.' Besides, if you try it and it usually consists of six to twelve garners
I realize that it is inconvenient some- seems to take something from the game, competing in a diversity of computer gen-
colony, unless it is in the same hex as
times impossible, to find someone'willing then it can always be changed at your erated scenarious holographically dis-
and capable of lending his or her ser- the enemy. Of course all ships, no matter
what sensor ability they have, will re- discretion. played.
vices for this purpose, but in this arti- The rest of the basic SC rules can Eldon had won the last game and was
cle, I am stressing the attempt at real- tain the ability to explore a Star Sys-
tem, and SCTs and CTs will continue to all be maintained. The only other addi- now to play in the finals with eleven
15m, and not taking into consideration others. But, there had been a change in
incur the Exploration Risk when unescort- tion is on the subject of Nebula Gas
the inconveniences of the moment. Clouds. For these, I think it best for plans by The Games Foundation, sponsor of
Naturally, some of the rules are go- ed. When the presence of an enemy is re-
vealed, his identity is not revealed. A all ships, no matter what sensor th~y the Tournament. The Games Foundation has
ing to have to be altered, and others carry, to have the ability to sense pre- offered to use it's sophisticated Games
inserted in.their place, but the end pro- player will know that someone is there
but who, what and how many will not be' sences at a distance of one (I) hex, and Computer to create a scenario based on a
duct JustIfIes the means. It is best to DNs to have a sensor range of three (3) current world crisis. This offer has been
have as many boards as players, but since hexes in a Gas Cloud. Combinations of accepted by the North American government
that is literally improbable (besides ex- The next two units that have match-
ing sensor abilities are the ESC and MB. Nebula and clear space hexes should be and Soviet States. The tournament final
pensive), some form of small, easily determined and agreed to before the game. will consist of the crisis scenario.)
handled, or reusable map of the SC board Each one of these units can sense enemy
presences at a distance of two (2) hexes. As I stated from the first, this is *****
is necessary. Each player would mark his ~ variant. Its only purpose is to inject Morning's slow breeze softly rust-
movements on his sheet, the moderator Again, the identity, number and type of
the presence cannot be determined with- a greater degree of realism into the ba- led the curtains around the open sliding
would compare them, and when ships of sic game of Stellar Conquest. It could glass door. He sat erect on the tiny ho-
out being in the same hex as the enemy.
opposing players came in contact with one probably best be referred to as a Tourna- tel balcony, legs crossed, eyes closed.
another, the moderator would reveal the Another two units paired in their
sensor ability are the ATK and AMB. Each ment Game for SC, since it is my impres- Lips barely whispered an oft practiced
presences, dispositions, or whatever is sion of what ~etagaming might have done rythm of words. Eldon's morning exercise
called for, to the appropriate players. of these units can sense enemy presences
at a distance of three (3) hexes, and had they injected a Tournament Game into was longer, more concentrated than usual.
It IS best to play this variant in a the SC Rules. If anyone is interested in Today of all days would require utmost
large room, or even in different rooms, once again, the identity, number and type
a more complex game of SC, I suggest he conscious clarity. Today's game was a
so that the players have little or no of enemy unit is not determined, unless
they are present in the same hex. contact M. David Johnso~The variant de- dream-goal achieved, the culmination of
chance to see any of the other players' scribed in this article could be called a years of training and effort. Many, most
locations that they should not. The mod- The last pair of units to share sen-
sor abil ity are the pN and the PFS. Each very minor adapt ion of his Advanced SC. perhaps, would credit blind luck for his
erator would be collecting and tabulat. place in today's contest. Whether by
ing, as well as moving the units on his of these can sense enemy presences at a
distance of five (5) hexes and tell the skill or luck, today was an opportunity
main SC board, each turn from each play- he'd make the most of regardless of
er. Then resolving any combats and such, number and type of vessel or colony (but
not identity) at a distance of 2 hexes. .criticism and disdain.
he would distribute the results of the As Eldon's trance ego-state deepen-
turn, and all for the execution of the . The rationality behind the corr"es-
ed, mental speech patterns fragmented.
next turn by the players. The players ponding ranges of sensors and the recog-
The altered consciousness trance was a
would only have access to that informa- nition.of numbers and types of enemy matter of passing conscious thought con-
tion to which they have "legal" access, unIts IS thIS: each hex on the map repre- trol to his right hemisphere functions.
and no more. They would have no idea as sents a dIameter of one-eighth of a light Linear, rationalistic functions like
to the locations of the opposing players year. At those distances, detection is speech were dominate left hemisphere
untIl contact had been made. difficult, and the larger the ship (and functions and tended to desert Eldon in
deeper trances. These trance excercises
were designed to form and strengthen co-
threatened. The Games Foundation's pro- 29
herent right hemisphere ego-state pat- posal is not necessarily a threat to
terns. The result of such training in peace. It may provide alternative sugges- snags. Nine nnd a ho If to ten years was
intensive doses was a greatly increased tions acceptable to the cosmonaut spirit the more jjk Iy estimate, given that
waking access to intuitive brain abili- I represent." something would always go wrong. The
ties. A gamer without intuition was for- "Will the Soviet team seek coopera- proposal en 11 cd for an "accelerator"
ever doomed to mediocrity. tion in their play?" another asked ramp on Luna that could hurl packets of Eldon's plan was certainly differ-
The trance's deeper stages lasted no Solokov. material to the L-4 point. A "cather ent. He ordered several vehicles readied
more than ten or fifteen minutes. As he "The Soviet team is instructed to net" at the L-4 point would snag the for launch at New Cape Canaveral. Their
began coming out, memories of the after- maintain the peace," he replied. liSa Lunar material. The material would then cargo manifests were greatly altered. He
math of his last, incredible game, flood- many times has the world depended on the be incorporated into the cylindrical entered his decisions as rapidly as he
ed in. peaceful ability of the Soviet Republics colony hull. The plan called for direct could to beat the time limit.
The Undersecretary for Colonial it could be no other way." launches of technicians and equipment It had been a good tournament for
Affairs had put the situation nicely. from Earth and heavy utilization of the him, excellent beyond expectation. This
"Yes, but will your team go to war?l:
"Given the fragile state of affairs in- came an insistent voice from the ranked North American orbital satellite as a turn of events at the end was the sort of
volving colonial expansion, the President reporters. staging area. The Soviets had used unexpected occurence for which the Games
is unwilling to leave any opportunity for "The Soviets will protect the peace essentially the same plan to build their Foundation was becoming noted. It gave
a solution untried. The generous proposal as we have since the Arab freedom War," initial colony at L-S, at treiwndous Eldon a rare opportunity. He'd already
of the Games Foundation, while unusual; cost in fifteen years. The basic i~ea come much farther than believable on a
t·mbassador Solokov said. "It may be mixture of brilliance, luck, and hunch.
does offer a format for an:llyzine the ~ossible that world peace is not so obvi-
dated ~rom the early seventies.
current confrontat ion. '" ~ldon least liked the time factor, Now was no time to ignore hunches. Play-
ously threatened by the North American inr, out his current hunch mi~ht blow
"~1r. Secretary J II a reporter inter- colony as we presently bel ieve." not to mention the tremendous 3 per cent
rupted, "is it true that a Soviet games of North American GNP for ten year's this special game wide open.
The news conference had gone on just
team is being flown in tomorrow?" as inconclusively as most. Eldon's brief- cost. As he'd dais in the meeting of game *****
"That is essentially correct,1l he finalists last night, "I'm acting as Dir- The colony project wasn't two years
ing had added little more data. The old. At L-4 there was now a 36-kilometer
replied. "A Soviet team of eight garners twelve finalists in The Games tournament ector fOT the colony construction project
with advisors will direct the Soviet re- and colony administrator when it's fin- wide chunk of rock, some assorted de-
were allotted roles as leaders of various bris, several large solar energy conver-
sources in the planned scenario." segments of the non-Soviet world. Each ished. You may see the colony as North
"How long will this game last?" ask- AmericaOS-chance for economic pa,ity. My ter arrays and a floating cylinder four
played would be scored on how well he kilometers in diameter. The cylinder was
ed another. fostered and protected the interests of role is to represent the construction and
"Three days has been allowed. The colony interest." actually a hardened plactic film that had
his allotted segment. Scoring would also been inflated. A thirty-meter width of
scenario will commence with the construc- go for compromise alternatives. The "But that's our interest, isn't it?"
tion start date of the proposed North another finalist said. material processed through a solar fur-
Soviet· team would not be scored per se. nace arrangement into a super hard, but
American colony at the lunar L-4 site. Their role, for which they were well pre- "The two are very close, but not
The scenario created by the Games Compu- necessarily the same as I see it," Eldon light, ma~erial would be adhered gratual-
pared, was to maintain and protect Soviet ly to the outer surface. Much to the rage
ter will allow a live simulation of the world dominance. Eldon's role in the game replied .
new colony's construction and eventual He saw no real way out of the dilem- of the Soviets, and the unease of his
was that of colony director for the North western "allies", Eldon was building a
economic impact on the world's balance of American L-4 Lunar orbit colony. His job ma without a war. The Soviets simply
power. It will also commit some of the wouldn't tolerate a threat to their world colony. But, unlike the brute Soviet
was to find a way to keep the colony's effort, there was no expensive "accelera-
best trained problem solvers in existence economic wealth from threatening the energy dominance, nor a threat to the en-
to an ef~ort at developing new alterna- ergy satellites or the parent colony. The torl! base on Luna, no dangerous "net"
Soviet's, yet protect the colony's fu- arrangement to catch material hurled from
tives to the coming economic confronta- ture. Given the fact that the proposed Soviets would see the North American L-4
tion. Western civilization has paid for colony as exactly what it was, a move to the moon, and no army of construction
colony could eventually build power sat- engineers in an expensive construction
Soviet-controlled oil and satellite ellites to provide 20% of ~orth America's end the Soviet monopoly on space-beamed
power for decades. We need to know what power. That would mean war if the L-4 shack satellite at L-4. Eldon's sense of
power - half the amount now supplied by parsimony and impending doom had short-
can happen if that relationship is alter- the Soviets - Eldon's task seemed im- colony was used to build power satellit-
ed ." es. circuited the whole, expensive, laborious
possible. The Soviets had the power to process.
"What role did the First Soviet prevent the colony from developing if A glance at the 'games cubicle clock
Secretary's master1s standing in the showed five minutes until the first set "But, you can't promise not to build
they saw the slightest threat.
Russion games ratings play in these de- of decisions were due. For ten hours a the accelerator," the red-faced West team
As Eldon's reverie faded he rose to leader had spit out. "Getting the Soviets
velopments?" came another question. dress for the day and breakfast. The day for three days between fifteen and
The Undersecretary's bureaucratic thirty years would be simulated, depend- to agree to let us build the colony with-
Games Computer had allotted him perhaps out an accelerator or power-beam-to-
exterior flickered it I s first smile. '11 1 m the most difficult role. He'd discussed ing on game events. Eldon knew where the
sure that played a part. Just as impor- game would go if he followed the direc- earth satellites just aborts everything."
his role with Alba and some ot the other, "We can't have war," Eldon had ans-
tant is the desire of all parties to younger garners last night. Some interest- tives given him to proceed with colony
avoid another conflict. The idea is not construction as planned. The Soviets wered matter-of-factly. "If North America
ing suggestions had teen made. Despite builds power satellites it destroys the
too unusual considering the increasingly that, he had no planned strategy. One would move when the colony was near com-
important economic role of master garners pletion to destroy it, one way or an- Soviet domination. By promising not to
idea, a hunch really, stayed in his mind. build power satellites for Earth power
as consultants." But it was so radical, Eldon had no more other.
"How do the Soviet Trojan Colonies Eldon made his decision and quickly beaming we avoid war. Promising not to
than toyed with it. He'd have to go into build the accelerator is a solid sign of
feel about this development?" asked a the game ready to read to the others called up certain astronomical and
particularly aggressive lady reporter of technological data. Heis chosen course our intention."
rather than having the initiative. The "But the colony material will have
Ambassador Mikhail Solokov who was stand- might destroy the simulation and lose him
next three days seemed unappetizing to to come from Earth. "We'll have to buy it
ing beside the Undersecretary. say the 1east. the game. But, he knew what he would do
"The Soviet Peoples Republic of Luna if actually given the authority and re- from the Soviet lunar accelerator," pro-
and L-S space always favor peaceful ven- sources provided in this real-life tested the team leader, a powerful
Construction schedules for the L-4 simulation. The preliminary data satis- International Garnes master. .
tures" responded Mikhail. "We do not colony project showed on the video dis-
recognize, of course, any North American fied him. He actually had two chances. "Buying material from the Soviets is
play. Hard copy detailed printouts Why not try both, since both were cer- one way to get a colony and give them an
right to establish manufacturing colonies littered Eldon's table and the floor.
at any Lunar orbit Trojan position. The tainly cheaper than the plan he'd been economic profit," stated Eldon.
Eight years from first materials launch given? The latter was essentially the The argument had gotten rancorous as
world blessing of Soviet peace cannot be to completion, if there were no major same as the one currently being debated the conference had continued. Only the
in politics. need to get turn in decisions and Ejdon's
30 31
'tIl hIppy to consider plans in
final say over use of resources allocated privlll ( , I I 111111 ,id, "and know the mag-
to the colony project had cut things nitud. 01 ources that can be and supplied. More asteroids of valuable
short. Eldon's budget was slashed by the spar c.I II
COMposition would be nudged to move in-
"Why should we continue to budget ,It w.,
,multaneously reconfirming side Mercury's orbit. Eros would become
group representing the North American in- you at any·level?' they asked him.
terest. The Soviets were gleeful. Eldon his I'lllm I nO to build the satellites a permanent industrial base, the bulk of
"The Games Computer is simulating to h Sov i s and giving their inspec-
monitored the reports generated by the its rock shielding the worst solar radia-
North American public approval of the t ion I .,ms fu 11 run of the colony. There
Games Computer closely. colony. Of course, the simulated public tion. Mercury might possibly be coloniz-
~.he chunk of rock at L-4 was Eros an would b' 11 crucial 3-month period when ed.
also believes I'm lying in my teeth and
an asteroid that occasionally passed ~s still plan some sneaky way to give them
qu '!lmon arrived that could be used to Eldon's vision was of a high-energy,
close as 23 million miles to Earth. Ini- hulld power_satellites. Soviet attention space-borne culture utilizing asteroid
cheap power," Eldon sa~d. "The Soviets on those shipments would divert .attention resources and solar power to achieve in-
tial work teams sent up by Eldon had gone believe I'm lying too. The observer teams
to Eros to stop its spin, dig a tunnel, from crucial modifications to Vulcan's dependence. To his way of thinking,
are crucial. Another factor is the esti- surface. If the gamble were lost it would building colonies to beam power to a
and set off a series of mini-nuclear
mate that the colony could support a be in the next few game turns. Eldon had
laser devices. The small chain of nuclear million people, if necessary. Many of the resource-poor Earth was a waste. Once in
blasts, -as radiation clean as they came, hidden his secret under the noses of the space why go back, except for trade?
intelligentsia and technical class people others' expectations. i,tan I s evolutionary future was space, not
nudged Eros into position at L-4 in eioh- are toying with the dream of a low-
teen months. Fortunately, Eros was in ., ***** a space-supported Earth.
gravity, energy-rich future for their As was threatened Earth, Luna, and
near optimal ~osition for capture or
families. " the colonies, Vulcan was ready. Low tre- THE END
Eldon couldn't have done it. Eros .'as a In the end Eldon's budget survived.
36 by 15 by 13-kilometer asteroid heavy mors and shakes disturbed the night of
It amounted to only half the original the work-exhausted colonists. Small,
with iron silicates. The 2,000+ cubic plan, not enough to fully stock the
kilometers of material was more than steady propUlsive forces on Vulcan's sur- .-------------_._._---_._-
could be sent from the moon in centuries. colony, but plenty for Eldon's purposes. fa e gradually began easing it out of the
Moving one large rock was a lot easier ***** L-4 orbit lunar orbit path. Vulcan was on
The tenth year of the game simula- the move away from Earth. I!on-Technical Note: 'lost of you hav,.
than throwing a lot of tiny parcels from probably seen mention of a lunar Trojan
the moon and catching them. Eldon had tion saw Vulcan, Eldon's name for the "Vulcan's going out of orbit! What
colony, take the first slow spin toward in h '11' s going on, Eldon?" Eldon's point colony scheme getting some play in
done what God had not, given earth a se- current popular periodicals. That scheme
cond moon and a wealth of convenient one-third gravity revolution. The lights video communicator blasted out.
also came on for the first time, showing "Just checking out some emergency is based on roughly current technology
building material. and is horribly expensive. It includes
The four-kilometer diameter floating the raw rock interior in its bleak real- safely f atures," Eldon lied sincerely.
ity. Another long project of Eldon's had "Ther mllY be need to adjust orbit occa- the lunar "accelerator", a space station
cylinder looked similar to the three So- built in Earth orbit and moved brom the
viet colonies, only it was much larger. sent a team to Saturn's rings for water. sionally, expecially given the Soviet
They'd returned, many dead, bringing thr aI, if you get my meaning." noon and the final building of micro-wave
The eight-kilometer length would give it generating solar-powered satellites to
100 km of interior surface area when chunks of methane-dirty ice totaling a Thllt had held them for awhile-until
tenth-cube kilometer. Vulcan WI1S 600,000 km away from Earth. beam energy back to Earth.
finished. A large segmented tube filled Questions that came to my mind re-
with florescing gas would run down the Growing thins took first priority. Then I.1don lied blandly about "malfunc-
Algae, bacteria, and small flora of all tions." but, they were beginning to garding the scheme were as follows:
central azis serving as the colony "sun". 1. Why use moon rocks when sizeable
Power satellites would beam energy at one types arrived in dried or seed bulk to be doub . Whon Vulcan was 1.5 million km out
hurriedly planted. The first batch of he dir ctcd a new series of nuclear asteroids may be available near
end of the tube to regulate light levels Earth's orbit? They may not be
from blafkout to Earth surface summer colonials, skilled industrial types, blast aboard Eros that forced it out of
arrived with a sprinkling of children and timed as conveniently as Eros was
high. Fail safes would prevent overloads. orbi scveral times more rapidly than
a one man to one woman ratio. Raw struc- \luI [111. For Eldon the game was over, in the story, but still avail-
The finished colony would support able.
about 200,000 inhabitants in comfort. A tures had been built on the interior even though three hours of the last day
surface for some shelter. Extra asteroid r 1110 in d. He knew he'd "lost" the tourna-
2. Why beam power back to Earth?
one-third gravity spin would be institut- That only wastes it. Why not use
ed with an interior air pressure two- material left in loose piles would supply mCl1t final. The Games Computer would have
other material as needed. the power in space with no eco-
third earth sea level pressure but with no other way of scoring him. Not that he
Other prime cargo included indus- logical consequences, and ship to
30% oxygen. Eldon's main problem was air. gave a damn. There'd be other tournaments
trial and technical machinery of all typ- and other opportunities. He'd always have Earth finished products?
The colony needed forty eight cubic kilo- 3. Why not get closer to the sun
meters of the stuff. Silicates from Eros es. ~Iuch work remained. Eldon intended a bit of a weird reputation from this
the colony to survive even if it suffer- than to the moon to have even
were supplying some oxygen, but it was game, but he'd endure. It was all worth more solar energy available?
still a headache. It also needed trees, ed a technological Dark Age. But, the thc image of freedom Vulcan made in his
initial colonists would be the nucleus mind. He could just visualize his final Hijacking an asteroid gives you a
plants, supplies, animals, insects, ma- lot more material with which to work. It
chinery, etc., etc. Having built a colony for a highly technical, energy-rich cul- instructions and programming to the Games
ture. also saves you the expense of a lunar
for forty times the number of original Comput r being executed. base to build the accelerator and what
colonists, Eldon knew getting everything The possibility of war was what Vulcan would drop slowly toward the
bothered Eldon the most. The Soviet team sun in a long elliptical orbit. It would would have to be a complicated scheme to
to the L-4 site was going to cost plenty. catch the tossed rocks. Also, consider
Eldon I 5 North American "allies" were still hadn't committed itself one way or pass the sun at .25 A. U. (Astronomical
the other. Though the colony had shown no Units) and loop back out near Mars' orbit the cost of slowing the rocks down so
happy with the outcome so far. They did they stay at the Trojan point.
not want a colony as huge as Eldon was inclination to build power satellites, in a two-year cycle. Eros would follow it
the Soviets just couldn't trust its huge to orbit the sun as a permanent resource No, the asteroid has to be cost
building, but they were openly pleased at effective. You don't really need to build
tweaking the Soviets. Their pleasure was economic potential, even if Earth never at .25 A. U. While nearest to the sun the
got direct power. Eldon had ruined the Vulcan colony would be busiest doing max- a colony or space station; you just dig
short-lived when he admitted Soviet ob- out living space, seal it and supply it.
server teams to the construction site. "normal" flow of the game, and other imum metals fabrication and production
participants suffered severe mental con- whild solar radiation energy was sixteen In fact, why even consider some of the
"They have to be satisfied I'm keep- expensive Earth-orbit satellite schemes
ing my word," Eldon explained. "So far stipation as a result. times more intense than at Earth's orbit.
"You have to start building satell- On the swing out to Mars' orbit final currently mentioned in aero-space litera-
I have kept my promise. No lunar acceler- ture? A one-kilometer chunk of asteroid
ator was built. They have to be absolute- ites NOW. The Soviets are bluffing. They products and components would be built
know their star is on the wane," conclud-
would do just nicely, thank you. And,
ly sure no power satellites for Earth are for sale to Earth. On the outward swing wouldn't Eldon's colony be a grand place
built, or they go to war. I won't start a ed the majority opinion of the other asteroid exploration would occur, and
twelve finalists. seMinal colony bases would be established to live~
war. II

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