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The Adventure Zone podcast is frequently recommended as a starting point for RPG podcasts due to its humor and storytelling. Other popular podcasts mentioned include Film Reroll, Godsfall, and System Mastery.

The Adventure Zone, Film Reroll, Godsfall, and System Mastery are some of the most commonly mentioned and recommended RPG podcasts.

The Adventure Zone and Film Reroll are often recommended for those new to RPG podcasts as they don't require deep familiarity with the systems and can be enjoyed standalone. TAZ in particular is praised for its humor and accessibility.




344 points · 1 year ago

The Adventure Zone

Three brothers play D&D with their dad. Start from the beginning!

Already listed here: One Shot and Film Reroll Either of these don't have campaigns,
so you can pick a story/film or system and dive in.

level 2

52 points · 1 year ago

TAZ is fantastic. It actually has a huge following and subreddit here

(/r/theadventurezone). Gets more serious after the first arc

level 3

19 points · 1 year ago

There's also a /r/filmreroll which is a really nice community.

level 3
15 points · 1 year ago

Another vote for taz. Those dudes are both hilarious and good story tellers.

level 4

8 points · 1 year ago

And another, if you love rpg podcasts, you'd be doing yourself disservice to skip
TAZ. Like /u/Abcdety, TAZ got me into podcasts in general and convinced me to pick
up 5e. It's great.

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level 2

Washington DC15 points · 1 year ago

I'm amazed at how far The Adventure Zone has come. It started out as a humor
based show, and has slowly built the tension over the past couple years.

level 3

5 points · 1 year ago

Truth. I think it just started on a lark, as a fun side project. Then it spun out into it's
own show, and while still funny, it's gotten WAY deeper.
I've really enjoyed seeing the characters grow and develop, and Griffin go from
running the prepared adventure in the starter box to developing his own setting and
tinkering with game mechanisms.

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level 2

12 points · 1 year ago

Film Reroll is incredible. Recommend Jumanji or Wizard of Oz as a good starting


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level 2

9 points · 1 year ago

A good friend just started listening to TAZ as his first RPG podcast after his usual
DnD group became impossible to attend for a bit and he is Loving it. Highly

level 2

9 points · 1 year ago

TAZ is what got me into podcasts in general. I love the McElroy brothers and Pop.
They made me enjoy my 8 hour drives home and back when I was on break from

level 2
Comment deleted by user1 year ago

level 3

5 points · 1 year ago

Film Reroll is fantastic

level 2

6 points · 1 year ago

Just discovered this and listened one episode on Spotify podcasts and really enjoyed
it. What will be a good starting point? I'll never have the time to listen to all the
history episodes and would like to start at just the right spot.

level 3

16 points · 1 year ago

The Adventure Zone isn't really something you can jump in to as it's one big
continuing narrative. There's stuff explored in the first few episodes that develop
and become hugely important in later episodes, so I'd really recommend that you
start right at the beginning. It's not going anywhere after all, you can take your

If it helps, there's an edited version of the first episode that cuts some of their rules
confusion out to scoot things along a little - it's the first time most of them have
played D&D properly, at least 5th Edition.

level 4

5 points · 1 year ago

Thanks for the answer and thanks for the link; Really appreciated!

level 3

4 points · 1 year ago

I'll second /u/glottis on starting at the beginning and working forward. But, if for
whatever reason you don't like the earlier episodes and are thinking of quitting,
consider skipping ahead to the "Petals to the Metal" arc. I thoroughly enjoyed the
whole series, but it grows a lot from the beginning, and Petals to the Metal is where
it really finds its groove. If you don't like it by that point, then you might not ever.

(But you seem to have enjoyed it already, so... yeah, start at the beginning. :p)

level 2

5 points · 1 year ago

Saw the title, came here to recommend TAZ. Glad to see it's at the top, it deserves
no less.
level 2

4 points · 1 year ago

TAZ is amazing. My only complaint is that it sets the bar too high!

level 2

4 points · 1 year ago

Best podcast of all time, no lie.

level 2

2 points · 1 year ago

I'm so glad to see so many TAZ fans in this thread. I've been listening to podcasts
regularly since 2007 and can say, without hyperbole, that it's my favorite podcast of
all time. Incredibly creative fan community too.

level 2

2 points · 1 year ago

Honestly, I've always wanted to play D&D, but swords and sorcery aren't as much
my thing anymore. Then a buddy of mine decided he wanted to learn to DM, and
also suggested this podcast. I was already willing to give it a go, but listening to just
the first 5 episodes has gotten me so pumped to play. My fiance and I have been
working on our characters for the last couple of days and I'm so dann excited.
Would definitely recommend TAZ.

level 1

138 points · 1 year ago

The only one I regularly listen to is Film Reroll, which I totally recommend.

level 2

15 points · 1 year ago

Adding my voice to Film Reroll.

level 2

10 points · 1 year ago

Seconded. Best show, hands down. Those guys are brilliant. Totally changed my
perception of what an rpg podcast could do.

level 2

14 points · 1 year ago

I'm 4.
level 3

10 points · 1 year ago

Shit! No, you shut up!

level 2

3 points · 1 year ago


level 2

5 points · 1 year ago

Care to elaborate on what makes it so good?

level 3

7 points · 1 year ago

They're the best at sandboxing the story of the shows I follow. The players are really
creative in their improv and the DM is brilliant at rolling with it.
level 3

4 points · 1 year ago

Really fun hosts with great chemistry. They have one RPG expert but the rest of the
cast are performers or writers and it really shows.

level 4

2 points · 1 year ago

Sounds cool, I'll check it out.

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level 1

180 points · 1 year ago

I'm in a big Actual Play kick right now. My tier list (alphabetically within tiers)

S-Tier Cream of the crop

Acquisitions Inc: The granddaddy of the RPG shows. Still one of the best although its
not primarily a podcast anymore.

The Adventure Zone: Sort of the gold standard of DnD podcasts for a while now and
a total delight. It's been kind of letting me down lately, but it's still up here for it's
long-standing good service.

The Film Reroll: Newer show that has really knocked it out of the park with the
comedy side. They specifically use movies as a starting point for new stories which
usually devolve into madness.
A-Tier Excellent shows

Campaign: One of the silliest shows on here. It's a long-running Star Wars saga with
improv actors. It takes them forever to get anything done. But they're very funny
while they do it.

Friends At the Table: This was the first RPG podcast I fell in love with so I have a lot
of affection for it. Very good on the story-telling side. Really good group chemistry
(as the title might imply.)

Glass Cannon: Of the shows in the high tiers, this is the only one that is on the
serious side. Great use of tension makes this show very listenable.

Sneak Attack: I think one of the best balanced shows between comedy, gameplay
and storytelling.

B-Tier My next favorites

Drunks & Dragons: I think this show most captures the spirit of just me and my
friends hanging out and playing DnD. Not as polished as the other shows on this list
but just as fun.

One Shot: Used to be one of my favorites but I've kinda gotten a little tired of it, by
the same people who make Campaign, but I like that show a bit better.

Nerd Poker: Don't quite know how to rank this one, which has sections where it's
one of my favorites all time, but also has some really rough stretches. Was dead for
a long time, now it's coming back!

Party Roll: Solid fun show on the sillier side. Def worth checking out.

C-Tier Still really good

Dragon Friends



Thrilling Intent


So that's what I like. I should also mention Critical Hit and Godsfall, which I don't
personally like but are massively popular so maybe they'll be worth checking out for
level 2

13 points · 1 year ago

RPPR is great if you're a fan of non-D&D games like Call/Trail of Cthulhu.

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level 2

14 points · 1 year ago

You mentioned Acquisitions Inc not being a podcast anymore... are you aware of the
recently started "Acquisitions Inc: The C Team". It's Tycho DMing for a AQ Inc
franchise adventure and it is excellent. They are currently nine episodes in.

Also, I agree, Film Reroll is the best.

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level 2

7 points · 1 year ago

This is excellent. Thank you so much.

level 2
Pen & Paper Warrior7 points · 1 year ago

Great list, thanks!

As for my 2 cents for op, I personally would rate Drunks and Dragons much higher,
but I pretty much only listen to DnD podcasts. Really fun group and plenty of
content. Plus, abridged episodes with all the salient plot points and inside jokes if
you want to catch up faster!

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level 1

56 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

Friends at the Table is great, its the only one I listen to on a consistent basis.

They primarily run a Dungeon World game but took a short * break to try out a
cyberpunk game heavily inspired by mecha-anime

*The interlude was intended to be a few months but ended up lasting about a year

level 2

11 points · 1 year ago

Just to add -

The format they seem to be shooting for is alternating 'seasons' with the original
fantasy game continuing every other season:

Season 1: Fantasy "Hieron"

Season 2: Cyberpunk "Golden Branch"

miniseries: Fantasy "Hieron prequel"

Season 3: Fantasy "Hieron pt 2"

Is what they have done so far, what plans they have shown amount to:

Season 4: ??? not "Golden Branch pt 2"

Season 5: Fantasy "Hieron pt 3"

Season 6: Bruce Springsteen music inspired (not joking)

level 3

3 points · 1 year ago

I just finished Season 1 today. Are they really doing a Springsteen inspired one
because hype!!!!!!

level 4

5 points · 1 year ago

wait maybe I'm wrong and season 4 is Bruce Springsteen

not sure if they have updated since then

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level 4

Austin,TX3 points · 1 year ago

They've been talking about/teasing S4 and S6 on twitter, although they've also

rearranged them so I think Bruce Springsteen will be 4 now.

level 2

Austin,TX5 points · 1 year ago

Friends at the Table is my favorite by far, but the first couple of episodes have really
rough audio (and player confusion and figuring out how to play). For new listeners,
they made a Flowchart showing good starting places.

level 2

Washington DC3 points · 1 year ago

I tried Friends at the Table and really couldn't get into it. I started, I think, when they
did a couple episodes using "The Quiet Year" and then rolled into Blades in the Dark.
The GM just seemed super railroady to me. Changing stuff during "The Quiet Year"
that didn't match up with his preplanned setting ideas. Then during the first couple
blades episodes, he negated successful, and critically successful rolls largely
because they didn't seem to really fit into the narrative. I found it incredibly
frustrating as a listener. I get that he has a story he wanted to tell (that might have
been really good!) but randomness and player agency are important to a good
level 3

8 points · 1 year ago

I would recommend, if you are still interested, going back and listening to some of
the other parts of FatT, the two bits you listened to were part of a prequel tale that
had to establish some already existing mythology about the world. Austin (the GM)
has in various places talked about the many times his players have surprised him
and caused massive changes in the way the world works though to talk about them
here may be spoilery

level 3

Austin,TX7 points · 1 year ago

Marielda was a lot more railroady than usual because it was a prequel. It's not just
"his preplanned setting ideas", it's also "what was previously established in the
setting". If you want something more open-ended I recommend Counter/Weight
because not only does the GM not have an ending pre-planned, he has other folks
join him for the "faction turn" to decide what the big interstellar factions (the main
players are usually fighting) are going to, and the ground game affects the faction
game and vice-versa.

level 3

6 points · 1 year ago

I don't remember exactly what railroady parts you are referring to (the only railroad
I remember in Marielda is an actual magical railroad hoho), but the major beats of
FatT are extremely player driven. The end of the blades in the dark story ends with
the players making a decision that has extreme (unexpected) reverberations to the
current timeline of Hieron.
level 1

78 points · 1 year ago

One Shot and Campaign Podcast. One Shot for listening to a wide variety of RPG
systems, and Campaign for long form story (Star Wars EotE). Both are often
humorous and lighter on rules than other podcasts, but I think they're much better
for that approach.

level 2

27 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

Yes! Campaign is my favorite. It is very improv heavy so if you like improv you will
love it. One Shot can be hit and miss in my opinion since it's a rotating cast, but
worth keeping tabs on, some series are amazing. I'm also enjoying NeoScum which
just joined the network, Shadowrun with Mike Migdall (Binbon from Campaign).

level 3

12 points · 1 year ago

Oh shit, Migdall is on Campaign! Nice. That guy is so damn funny.

level 4

13 points · 1 year ago

Only in the side quest episodes but he's excellent in them

level 3

Washington DC7 points · 1 year ago

I'm loving Neoscum too. The audio is pretty rough in the first couple of episodes, but
I was laughing so hard in the death fight mission when they were all trash talking
each other that I could barely drive.

level 3

6 points · 1 year ago

Another caveat to Campaign is that it's very heavily improvised, not just from the
players but from the DM side as well. It's highly entertaining and the characters are
all richly drawn, but don't expect much of a strong overall story. I sometimes find
myself listening and having no idea why the characters are doing what they're
doing, only to remember it's because of a joke comment someone made earlier and
they just ran with it.

It's pretty clear that Kat doesn't (and probably can't) plan events more than a few
episodes in advance. All the action is driven by the characters, playing inside this
huge sandbox in the Star Wars universe. It's fun, but I do find that aspect a little

level 4
Washington DC12 points · 1 year ago

Kat occasionally posts her notes on social media and she actually does a lot of
planning for the show. I think she'll let the players run with a bit every now and
then, but she plots out each campaign arc pretty carefully from what I've seen.

I think the players can be pretty strong willed. There were several times in the
Phindar chapter that she was getting pretty frustrated it seemed.

level 5

Online - Open to suggestions6 points · 1 year ago

I can't even imagine attempting to guide that party through anything. Tryst and
Leenik are amazing characters but I couldn't do Kat's job.

level 2

ONE SHOT Podcast16 points · 1 year ago

Link for the lazy!

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level 2

8 points · 1 year ago

Both are really enjoyable but they tend to be pretty joke-y. That's not a bad thing,
but if you're looking for serious play, they might not be your cup of tea.

level 3

3 points · 1 year ago

Yeah, I feel like the silliness sometimes gets in the way.

Though when they do do a serious game (I've listened to the legend of the five rings
and dogs in the vineyard ones) it's pretty god damn fantastic.

level 2

5 points · 1 year ago

They've also just started a new series, Adventure. The first episode dropped this
week and was pretty good.

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level 1

King of recommending Savage Worlds 37 points · 1 year ago

Glass Cannon Podcast for Pathfinder

level 2

8 points · 1 year ago

Seconded. Great production quality, great roleplaying, and one of the few podcasts
I've listened to where the DM actually knows the rules.

level 3

7 points · 1 year ago

As much as I enjoy GCP, they all struggle with quite a few rules on a regular basis.
They're consistent with the choices they make, and that mitigates any rule flub they

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level 2

5 points · 1 year ago

Thirded. It's really, really good. Tip top audio quality, great player chemistry, an
awesome mix of tension and comedy, and it's really well edited. The best actual
play I've come across by a country mile.

level 1
stgcast.org55 points · 1 year ago

• Fear the Boot is sort of the granddaddy of RPG podcasts. Still going strong, still
puts on a great convention every year, lots of great content. A bit NSFW
depending on which hosts are on which episode, but otherwise fine.

• Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff is two key, brilliant industry figures (Kenneth Hite
and Robin D. Laws) talking about games, writing, tropes, and weird stuff for
your game. Also occasionally food, movies, and whatever else they want.
Trust me, it'll be fascinating anyway.

• The Gameable Podcast is a bit of an oddball, but I love these guys. They're
currently the Gameable Saturday Morning Podcast, breaking down plots,
settings, and characters from our favorite (and least favorite) Saturday
morning cartoons for gaming inspiration. They've previously done the
complete Disney canon as the Gameable Disney Podcast and the complete
Pixar canon as the Gameable Pixar Podcast in much the same way. (Full
disclosure: I've been on the show before and will be coming up soon to wrap
up discussion of Gargoyles.) One of my absolute favorites.

• MegaDumbCast is a microcast by Kris of the Gameable podcast above. It's a daily

podcast, going page-by-page through Palladium's Ninjas & Superspies and
picking out the dumbest thing on each page, each day. Pretty funny.

• System Mastery is ... well, a lot of podcasts, but the most relevant is their flagship
podcast, System Mastery. (They also just joined the One Shot network.) They
review old, terrible, out-of-print, and/or extremely obscure games, and they
are hilarious when they do so. Suggestion: Pick an episode to start with that
covers an RPG you know nothing about. That way, when they get to one of
your darlings, you'll know what to expect and won't be offended when they
pick it apart.

• Dragon Talk is the official Wizards of the Coast podcast about D&D. If you play
D&D, it's actually surprisingly good. Like any line-specific, corporate podcast
it's naturally tilted towards new products, but there are a lot of really
interesting interviews, gaming history lessons, rules analyses, setting deep-
dives, and more.

• Backstory is another part of the One Shot network of shows. It's a series of
intimate interviews with game designers. Very personal, and very engaging. It
also specializes in newer and indie game designers, which is great—lots of
new voices and perspectives.

• Lastly, because I have the floor for a moment: Saving the Game is my own
podcast, talking about RPGs and collaborative storytelling from a Christian
perspective. We talk about moral issues, history, theology, and how all that
applies to telling great stories at the table. I like it enough to keep doing it for
five years now, so I guess that's something.

The others that folks have mentioned - One Shot, Campaign, Happy Jacks, etc. - are
also excellent choices, but I wanted to call out a few not yet mentioned!

level 2

17 points · 1 year ago

Fear the Boot can be great and can be annoying. As an old guy, I get tired of
hearing other old guys bitch and complain. The youngsters new to gaming have so
much excitement and awe about the hobby. Most grognards forget that, which
makes me an odd one.

Also, huzzah for a Christian rpg podcast. Being religious is blasphemous online and
religious folk are rare. I'm not one of them, but it makes me happy to see a mention
of them without the typical bashing. :)

level 3

3 points · 1 year ago

Most grognards forget that, which makes me an odd one.

I see what you did there.

level 3

2 points · 1 year ago

I'm not a grognard!

I'm not a grognard...

Oh my God, am I a grognard?

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level 2

3 points · 1 year ago

A bit NSFW depending on which hosts are on which episode, but otherwise fine.

Namely Brodeur.

I listen it for the gaming advice and related topics, it seems most other podcasts are
actual play or book reviews. Good to know there are some other good ones on the

level 3

2 points · 1 year ago

try this new one [Pocket Mimic 5E Cast] (

level 3

RPGs in NYC2 points · 1 year ago

I would say mostly Pat actually, he is the man that watches porn during the game.

level 3

2 points · 1 year ago

I'm one of those people that love it when Brodeur goes full Brogwar and steers the
entire show off an inappropriate cliff.

Granted, he does know a lot about gaming both from running a LGS chain and his
own misadventures through gaming. He just forgets to talk out of that side of his
mouth for a lot, which I think is okay. If Dan found that too annoying he wouldn't
keep Brodeur on.

I think a lot of the people that enjoy Brodeur because he takes the discussion down
to a more casual level, while those that don't enjoy his contributions want a more
condensed show with naught but RPG advice.

I compare it to Actual Plays. When they had Eric from Gamer Stable on, Eric divided
the AP listeners into two rough groups. One wanted the fully produced experience,
the other wanted the unedited "raw" take which includes side conversations, breaks
for food/bio and general bullshitting. In Eric's experience the second group was
mostly made up of people that don't have their own group to do this stuff with, so
they used the AP as a surrogate. My belief is that Brodeur fans fall into that second
category as well.

level 2

3 points · 1 year ago

Have my upvote for mentioning System Mastery. I don't listen to many RPG
podcasts anymore, but System Mastery is still one of my all-time favourite podcasts
(of any genre).
level 2

Hackmaster2 points · 1 year ago

Thanks. I'm more in for talking about RPG than actual play, so thanks for the

level 1

Motobushido Designer14 points · 1 year ago

No one's mentioned Dice For Brains yet, and that's a damn crying shame. In my
opinion it's topmost top notch of all the Actual Play podcasts out there - yes, even
better than the Adventure Zone. The players are just wonderful to listen to, the cast
is quite diverse, the GM actually knows the game, and the production quality is just
amazing. It's Star Wars only, so you gotta be into that, but it's an absolute treat to
listen to.

If you're brand new, start with Season 4, listen to that season all the way through,
then go back and listen to seasons 1 through 3.

level 2

9 points · 1 year ago

Glad I did a search first. Totally agree, this is the best AP show period.

level 2

3 points · 1 year ago

I'm gonna start listening based on your recommendation. But I'd like to know why I
should start on season 4, is it a prequel season or something?

level 3

Motobushido Designer3 points · 1 year ago

Good question, it was how I was told to start by their own people, so I did that and it
worked for me. I think it's because season 4 starts with a whole new cast, and three
seasons of technical improvement. It is really tight.

The first seasons are good too, though. So really you can just start from the
beginning if you like, too.

level 4

3 points · 1 year ago

well darn, now I don't know where to start. I guess if I don't need to know what
came before I might as well start with season 4

level 5

Motobushido Designer3 points · 1 year ago

It worked well for me. There are some throw backs to the original three seasons
which make them feel like well done prequels.
level 1

32 points · 1 year ago

I like Happy Jacks RPG Podcast because they answer submitted questions. And
that means they answer a lot of beginner stuff as well and offer plenty of general
RPG advise allong the way. Instead of "Today we're going to discuss Traveller Book 4
Psion specifically for the next 3 hours".

Also Discern Realities because I love Dungeon World and it's the best Dungeon
World podcast I found. Audio quality is fantastic, it's quick, easy, inspiring, and they
do a quick 1 one 1 RPG session at the end which really helps grasping Dungeon

level 2

Cincinnati4 points · 1 year ago

Gotta second Happy Jacks for sure.

level 3

3 points · 1 year ago

You! You're famous!

level 4

Cincinnati3 points · 1 year ago


level 5

3 points · 1 year ago

Happy Jack's famous is not like Famous Famous.

level 6

Cincinnati3 points · 1 year ago

Famous like Amos but my cookies ain't for rookies.

level 6

3 points · 1 year ago

No, it's better!

level 2

3 points · 1 year ago

Happy Jacks also does some great actual plays!

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level 1

26 points · 1 year ago

ItmeJP's RollPlay shows are great, they're not technically podcasts as it's a
YouTube/Twitch thing (they play live and then post the sessions in parts on YT) but
you can just download it or listen to them in the background or something.

Why do I recommend it? Variation. They have a variety of shows with different
systems and settings. There's a few that use several incarnations of D&D with
various settings (the current Asia-inspired Court of Swords show is my fav in terms
of setting), there's an amazing Firefly-ish show called Swan Song using the Stars
Without Numbers system, there's the brilliant Shadowrun 2nd Edition show Mirror
Shades, a short but hilarious Dark Heresy show and several other long series that
are worth getting into. Next to that several other systems get tested in various one

level 2

Internet7 points · 1 year ago

It's interesting how they sort of lost popularity. They used to be much more often
recommended when this threads popped up before. Now they barely get mentioned,
and when they do is the older content...

level 3

5 points · 1 year ago

Did they? I can't recall, I've been a faithful watcher for quite a long time and don't
engage that much with the community surrounding it. There was a little bit of a
drought in content for a short while but I feel like that's been fixed, maybe it was
because of that. Their new content is pretty quality though, if you ask me. They've
got Court Of Swords, Blades and Nebula Jazz going right now on the regular and I
really enjoy the first two in particular.

Court Of Swords for instance has some fantastic narrative moment, even though
there's been some iffy rule decisions but eh I'm not playing with 'em so I don't care
that much. There's such good rollplaying in all of those shows, the groups gel
together so well and it's incredibly infectious. Geoff as Carriless Firm, GassyMexican
as Berg and Dodger as that space slime are just a joy to behold. And both Adam and
John inspire me so incredibly well in their GMing. Especially Adam is a wunderkind
when it comes to world-building and NPC rollplaying.

level 4

Internet5 points · 1 year ago

I have stopped following them since I've been put off by JP's attitude towards the
community, tbh. So I'm not at current with what's going on in their games
nowadays. I know Nebula Jazz is not for me though, since I prefer more serious
level 5

7 points · 1 year ago

I couldn't get much used to Nebula Jazz either, but more because of the system. It's
too free-form for me. I can recommend Court Of Swords and Blades though, they're
narratively more coherent and way less "lolrandom". I can't recall much of JP's
attitude towards the community though, maybe because I wasn't that involved and
just watched the shows. What happened?

level 6

Internet4 points · 1 year ago

Well, the whole thing started to get popular on his subreddit, at first. When they did
the Patreon stuff JP made a new community outside reddit (it seems he could not
fully control what gets posted on the subreddit) and locked the subreddit. When
asked to unlock it and let the user still chat there about the shows his attitude was
along the lines of "whoever wants to chat needs to come to my new community, the
others can fuck off". Which was sort of shitting on the people that were there from
the beginning, when they were getting 200 views per show. It sort of felt to me like
it turned form a show where people were having fun into a business where profits
had to be maximized. But that's his choice how he wants to run his business, and
my choice to no longer support it.

level 7
2 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

Aha, thanks for explaining. Funny that, I posted in the subreddit once or twice, but
yeah now that you mention it it's gone. I didn't even notice for some reason. Pity too
that those decisions impact the players and especially the GMs.

level 3

4 points · 1 year ago

I wouldn't say they lost popularity. They're really just tapping new audience pools.
Rollplay's had a lot of success with Patreon, and lots of great new guests that they
never had access to before, plus cross-promotional exposure and all that with some
WotC stuff, Matt Mercer, and Adam making the rounds as sort of a "mouthpiece" for
all things Adam-related.

But the Reddit crowd is not what it once was, as you know. And not everyone is
gonna like every iteration of the Rollplay brand (currently Nebula Jazz, Court of
Swords, and Blades), though they've had lots of great one-shots in the Patreon era
(a time-traveling sequel to Swan Song, a return to the Dark Heresy system, Crendor
running an absurd comedy game, etc.).

But yeah, ultimately, some people will be turned off by their direction, while new
people might embrace it.

level 3

Council Bluffs, IA3 points · 1 year ago

Ya, I was surprised to see the recommendation so far down. I still listen to his shows
and Roll20's every week. I love them.
level 3

2 points · 1 year ago

RollPlay/RollPlay Solum were great... because of the cast... when they decided to
stop and get rid of Koibu is when I stopped watching.

Unfortunately, while I do like to check in on Koibu occasionally, there has been little
to keep me as interested as I was when he was teamed up with JP, Geoff, Ryan, and
Gen. I hate to say it but I think things would have went better if they had someone
other than Gen... at least someone who knew the game better. I loved the
characters that Geoff, Ryan, and JP made, hers... not so much. Though the story that
Neal/Koibu came up with was what it was all about, great story, and quite a lot of
interesting things happening.

I would say the start of Koibu's Hardcore Heroes was great, had me thoroughly
entertained for a while.

level 4

Internet5 points · 1 year ago

IMO, the first was great because it was a bunch of people gathered together for
some RP fun. It was clear it was something everyone did for fun. Later ones seemed
to become more and more "shows", made to maximize entertainment value for the
viewer and a better business for the people involved. Which sort of made it less
interesting for me.

level 1

Oklahoma11 points · 1 year ago

Critical Hit!

I've been listen to it for years, love it.

level 2

2 points · 1 year ago

One of the best in my opinion, and the fact that it's people you know from your
games like Tales From Borderlands or The Last of Us makes it better

level 1

Austin,TX9 points · 1 year ago

My top two by far are Friends at the Table and The Adventure Zone, but people have
already talked about those at length so here are some more I really enjoy but
nobody's mentioned yet:

Six Feats Under has a campaign and a lot of one-shot games (some of which have
follow-up games making very short campaigns), admittedly I haven't listened to
their massive 13th Age campaign but I listened to all their Bonus Feats (my
particular favorites are Breakfast Cult, Monster Hearts, and Costume Fairy
Adventures - not all the podcasts on their feed have been moved to their fancy new
site). They recently started a new campaign with Mouse Guard, which I've never
read or listened to before and I'm enjoying so far, so it's a great point to jump in.

Roll to Breathe is relatively new and I've only started listening recently but they've
got a great Masks campaign going that leans hard into the dramatic features of the
system, like inflicting emotional conditions and adults always telling the teen heroes
who they should be.

level 2

4 points · 1 year ago

Six Feats Under is great, definitely my absolute favorite. It's got a highly diverse
cast that it pulls from and a big focus on indie games. Specifically, I don't think I've
encountered a show with more trans representation.

I really do love their 13th Age campaign, but I don't know if I'd recommend starting
from the beginning. I originally saught it out because after playing exclusively 4e
D&d and Rogue Trader for 5 years I had trouble understanding the mechanics of the
game. It does a fantastic job at illustrating the system, and they do a lot of long
term character development that makes listening to the whole thing pay off.
However, the audio can be very bad, one player has to play from a laundry room
regularly. They should have a guide for starting at different points during the
campaign on their website.

3 more replies

level 1

Redemption Podcast9 points · 1 year ago

This may be self-serving and a bit biased, but if you like Star Wars, you should check
out our actual-play called Redemption.

Redemption is a long-form Actual Play podcast set in the Star Wars: Edge of the
Empire system by Fantasy Flight Games. Launched in late 2015, we're into our third
"season"/story arc with over 45 hours of audio published, with (roughly) hour-long
episodes coming out every other Monday.

Out story is about a group of misfits who are thrown together just before the start of
the Clone Wars. The crew of the Krallet's Fang find themselves thrown into
Separatist politics, Jedi business, and Republic plots, all while learning how to live
with each other (i.e., not kill each other), and survive in a very unfriendly galaxy.

If that interests you, here's some links to find us. :)

Redemption WebsiteiTunes LinkTwitter

level 2
Freelance industry dude; man of many hats5 points · 1 year ago

Redemption and Dice for Brains are the two best Star Wars actual play podcasts out
there, and you're bound to find at least one of them in the top 5 of any actual play,
regardless of system.

level 2

2 points · 1 year ago

Excellent show indeed :D

1 more reply

level 1

19 points · 1 year ago

The film reroll

level 1

15 points · 1 year ago

Neoscum is my favorite. They are hilarious and rarely metagame. Characters like
the "Fist Wizard".

One Shot is second. Great host with a charming, upbeat personality and true love
for tabletop.

Film Reroll is a close third. It's genius.

level 1

13 points · 1 year ago

Roll4it are a great bunch, I personally love their Dark Heresy campaign.

Rollplay is one of the most prolific rpg podcast. Rollplay dark heresy is a classic.
Swan Song (Stars Without Number system) is one of the best out there. I also like
Rollplay R&D using the Dungeon World system.

level 1

14 points · 1 year ago

I have some that I recommend. You should know that I don't care much for Actual
Play podcasts so my preferences are more on the informative side:

-GM Word of the Week: Great for a quick podcast to fit in among your larger ones.
Introduces a new word every week to expand your fantasy vocabulary, as well as
teaching about the word's origin and talking about some interesting concepts to add
to your fantasy campaign.

-The RPG Academy: I've admittedly not listened to much of this one and I've ignored
a lot of the actual plays, but there is a ton of content here. They talk about just
about everything, but one of my favorite parts is that they do a great job of keeping
up with new RPGs on kickstarter.

-System Mastery: Two guys playing old RPGs from the "throw stuff at the wall and
see what happens" era of RPGs. Absolutely hilarious and really makes me interested
in that era of RPGs. Like MST3K for RPGs.

-Total Party Thrill: Two guys talking about running Dungeons and Dragons, using
their own campaign as an example. There's also a section where they make
character builds with the Dnd rules if you're into that.

-Game Master's Journey: this guy talks in depth Gming and how his understanding of
Gming has changed over time. Mostly Dungeons and Dragons. He reviews Dnd
products in a pretty in depth way, talks about tricks he's learned, and talks about
world building that he has been working on for his own campaign.
-Gaming and BS: two guys talking about Dungeons and Dragons. They talk about
tricks they've learned a the table and elaborate on concepts on fantasy roleplaying.

-NPC Cast: another "guys talking about RPGs" podcast. I like that this one has a
looser feel to it. One week they'll talk about what good is good for an RPG table,
they next they're interviewing someone about a new game, and the next they'll
make a new game concept from a prompt.

-Plot Points: a group plays classic RPG sessions and reviews them, talking about
what worked and didn't and critiquing the system along the way. Good for if you
want some exposure to what else is out there for RPGs.

-Sanctum Secorum: a group discusses the books listed in Appendix N of DCC RPG.
Great for if you want good inspirational material for your fantasy games.

-Spellburn: this is the official podcast for Dungeon Crawl Classics. Really made me
want to play DCC and the concepts they talk about could be used to enhance other
fantasy RPGs as well

level 2

4 points · 1 year ago

Definitely check out the RPG Academy. Their Wrought Iron actual play is fantastic. I
listen to most of their other content and am pleased with what I hear.

level 3

3 points · 1 year ago

Definitely need more Wrought Iron.

level 4

Podcast / AcadeCon3 points · 1 year ago

Thanks!! We have 2 more eps that are already through the first pass of editing and
Caleb is working on adding the background music and sound FX. Should be out soon

level 2

2 points · 1 year ago

System Mastery, along with afterthought, is my favorite podcast.

level 3

3 points · 1 year ago

I like them too. I just purchased Haven: City of Violence because of them.

If you like System Mastery and movies, they have a podcast called Movie Mastery
that is the same premise with terrible movies.

level 2

Podcast / AcadeCon2 points · 1 year ago

Thanks for the shout out!

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level 1

6 points · 1 year ago

Sean Nittner - Narrative Control, high level rpg discussion mixed with tons of

level 1

7 points · 1 year ago

Godsfall is by far my favorite D&D based podcast

The Arcology Actual Play is my favorite Shadowrun Podcast

level 2

6 points · 1 year ago

Surprised I'm not seeing more mentions of Godsfall. It took a little bit for me to jive
with it but it's been solid. Almost six hours if intro audio might be a part of it.

1 more reply

level 1

7 points · 1 year ago

If you have a game or games of choice that would help. Also do you want actual
plays, advice, worldbuilding? The scope of RPG related podcasts is getting broader
ever day, so it would help to point you in the right direction with more info.

4 more replies

level 1

7 points · 1 year ago

Shameless plug, me and some friends started a Traveller campaign podcast called
Star Riders, it's on iTunes and Android. Sci-fi role play and comedy please check us

level 2

Realms of Understreet2 points · 1 year ago


level 1

5 points · 1 year ago

Anyone know of an actual play where one of the characters is an ice-themed

sorcerer or wizard?

level 2
6 points · 1 year ago

What an oddly specific request.

level 2

2 points · 1 year ago

Film Reroll Ep. 5-7: Frozen

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level 1

9 points · 1 year ago

I've got to put in a good word for The Fandible Podcast - They play a number of
different games and keep a pretty consistent flow of new episodes coming out!

level 2

4 points · 1 year ago

Far and away my favorite. A great variety of one shots and campaigns, and such
amazing players and GMs. It's very easy to get emotionally invested in the

level 1
4 points · 1 year ago

Heroes and halfwits is pretty funny 4 drunks torment their DM with inane

level 1

5 points · 1 year ago

System mastery is great. It's two friends reviewing old rpgs

level 1

9 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

Drunks and dragons was my first.

Edit; dang, downvoters. Why the hate?

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level 1

8 points · 1 year ago

D&D is for Nerds is one of my favorites. If you want to hear D&D played well, this
isn't your podcast. However, if you want to laugh great chemistry, ridiculous
situations, and a hilariously irritated DM, give them a listen. (I also recommend their
Network, Sanspants Radio.)

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