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Gamma Zine! - : A Note From The Fanzine Creator

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The key takeaways are that the fanzine focuses on Gamma World and provides adventures, creatures, artifacts, and a new class option in its first issue.

The fanzine is created by Thom Wilson as a way to provide support and material for the earliest version of Gamma World and to engage fans of post-apocalyptic genres.

Future issues will feature fictional characters and creatures with stats to use in games, and may include articles from Gamma World contributors and fans on additional topics like economic systems and combat mechanics based on reader feedback.

Gamma Zine!

— A Note from the Fanzine Creator

I’ve wanted to create a small In this first issue, twenty-eight
fanzine for Gamma World and pages feature three adventures,
other science-fantasy systems for four new mutated creatures,
a while but never seemed to loads of ancient artifacts and
have the time to squeeze it in. solution flowcharts, and a new
However, Kickstarter’s recent class option.
‘Zine Quest’ initiative was all the
prompting I needed to finally Future issues will spotlight fic-
produce a ‘zine for fans of the tional characters and creatures,
post-apocalyptic genre. Hell, this fleshed out with mutations and
fanzine is as much for me as it statistics for you to use in your
is for you! games. Articles by well-known
Gamma World contributors and
Why a heavy focus on First Edi- fans will also grace the pages of
tion Gamma World? Well, I’ve upcoming issues. You may even
always felt that there was little find product reviews and articles
support and material for one of about topics such as economic
the earliest science-fantasy game systems and combat mechanics”
systems made. TSR only made it all depends on what you, the
four products in this release be- reader, want to see!
fore moving to the next edition.
Additionally, the first edition is I hope that you, a dedicated fan
one of the simplest and easiest of the post-apocalyptic genre,
versions to learn and play, re- will continue to support and
quiring only the 60-page rule- provide feedback each issue.
book to run short games or full Thank you for purchasing the
campaigns. If you’re looking to initial issue of Gamma Zine!
play post-apocalyptic D&D, this Thom Wilson
is where it’s at!

— Issue #1 Details —
Fanzine Sections v1n1
Content Page
Issue #1 ” April, 2019
Fanzine Creator Letter 1 Created March 15th, 2019
Interview with James Ward 2 Created by: Thom Wilson
Articles by: Thom Wilson
Horrors of the Wasteland 3-6
Cover Illustration: Je Shields
Class Option (the Artificer) 7 Back Cover: Je Shields
Artifacts of the Ancients 8 Logo: Thom Wilson
Comic: Travis Hanson
MuTech Test Facility (Adv #1) 9-14
Interior Art: Je Shields, Dean
The Hunted, Chapter One 15,18 Spencer, Forge Studios
The Hand (Adv #2) 19-21
Cartography: MonkeyBlood Design,
Dyson Logos (commercially free maps)
Artifact Use Flowcharts 22-23 Editor: Joshua Newey
Dark Knights (Adv #3) 24-27 Next Issue:
#2 ” October, 2019 (or earlier)
Information / Comic 28
1st printing—PoD edition

dan smith (Order #18127687)

A Short Interview with James Ward
For our inaugural issue, we have GZ”The first edition Gamma
a short interview with none World rulebook is pretty lean”
other than the creator of only 60 pages. Were there
Gamma World, Mr. James Ward! things you had to omit to keep
I’ll ask Jim a few questions the book to its published length?
about the early days and his Did you want to include any-
work on GW at that time. thing that had to be removed
for page count?
Gamma Zine”How did Gamma
World come about? Was there a JMW”Those were the early
call to create a science-fantasy days of role-playing design and
RPG at TSR or did you want there weren't a lot of design
to create one and got approval concepts figured out at that
from the company? time. It was as full as we could
think up in those days.
JMW”Metamorphosis Alpha was
very popular and TSR got lots GZ”The cover of the Gamma
of mail asking for a planet World boxed set and rulebook
based game so I wrote it. are iconic”were there any other
cover art pieces in the running
GZ”How much of Metamorpho- or was this "the one" when it
sis Alpha was put in to first was seen?
edition of Gamma World? Were
there rules or mechanics in JMW”TSR only had a few art-
Gamma World that you wished ists and they were kept very
you had thought of or used in busy doing covers. This was the
MA? first one proposed and it was
JMW”The only thing from
Gamma World that I wish I had GZ”Any interesting stories of
put in MA was the cool figure- early Gamma World play testing
out items flow chart. I purposely you'd like to share?
tried to do different things in
GW make to make it different JMW”Gary Gygax loved playing
from MA. MA and GW because he rarely
got to be a player in the game.
GZ”Why did TSR create a 2nd He generally had to be the
edition of Gamma World within Dungeon Master in his games.
a couple of years of the first However, he really hated the
edition? Were there more plans defects as a game element.
to expand the first edition of When he got a character with a
Gamma World that were can- defect he didn't appreciate he
celed or put on hold? would just kill that character.
This led me to take out the
JMW”TSR had a policy of do- defects in later versions of the
ing updates for their games be- game.
cause most of the old customers
from the first game would buy Thank you for your time and
the second one. your work on GW, Mr. Ward!

dan smith (Order #18127687)

New Horrors from the Wasteland
There are more horrors crawling victim, pinning it to the ground
in and above the radiated Earth and biting it for 1d6 damage. It
than most survivors will ever can also make one extra attack
see. In this section, we present with one of its free legs, stab-
a few new creatures with which bing a pinned or nearby foe for
to torture your players. 1d4 damage.
Spindling Most Spindlings are of the
What would you get if a spider smaller variety. However, a lar-
and snake cross-bred? Well, ger, giant form of the creature
something awful, indeed! The has been spotted. This version is
Spindling is just such a creature. nearly triple in size but thank-
It has a one“ to two-meter long fully is found in smaller num-
body, supported by six, arachnid- bers.
like legs. Its large mouth is filled
with razor-sharp teeth, capable The Giant Spindling attacks in a
of rending a small creature in similar manner but deals 1d10
two quite easily. The top of its damage with bites and 1d8 dam-
torso is covered in a thick cara- age with a stabbing leg. Addi-
pace, providing adequate protec- tionally, the larger version of the
tion against simple blunt and Spindling is capable of swallow-
edged weapons. The mutated ing a small victim whole after a
creature is also moderately resis- successful bite (natural 20 rolls
tant to radiation (treat the crea- only). Swallowed victims are
ture’s Constitution as 18). dealt 3d6 acidic damage each
round until freed or dead.
The creature attacks by leaping
or scurrying into position over a

No. Appearing: 2-8
Armor Class: 4
Movement: 16
Hit Dice: 2
DEX: 16
+1 initiative

Spindling, Giant
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 4
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 6
DEX: 13

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Unipede characters within 25 meters that
are wearing or carrying metal
Although starting as tiny, insig- armor or weapons.
nificant eggs, the mutated insec-
toid known as a Unipede grows Ten layers of skin mixed with
to four or five meters in length bits of rock and dirt cover the
by adulthood. Slithering upon Unipede, giving it an impressive
several hundred stubby legs, the armor class. The Unipede is
Unipede burrows through hard highly resistant to poisons and
earth and soft rock with ease. radiation (treat the creature’s
The creature quickly stabs its Constitution as 15).
head forward and back to chip
away at obstacles in its path. When the Unipede attacks, it
tries to burrow through a foe
Additionally, the Unipede may with its large horn. A successful
expend part of its life energy attack by the horn delivers 2d12
once per day in an ultrasonic damage. If it attacks with its
burst that softens material or ultrasonic burst, any living crea-
causes damage to foes. When it ture within 5 meters takes 10d6
uses this ability, it drains its hit damage.
points to half its current total. It
heals itself over the next 12-24 Unipedes covet metal and high-
hours of this expended damage. density stones (e.g. raw or fin-
ished gems). Their lairs are often
Unipedes are attracted to high“ filled with stockpiled armor,
density rock or metals, preferring weapons and precious stones,
to eat such material over fleshy saved for later meals.
creatures or plants. It can sense

No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 3
Movement: 4 tun-
nel / 12 ground
Hit Dice: 15
DEX: 12

dan smith (Order #18127687)

No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 20 (fly)
Hit Dice: 12
DEX: 17
+2 initiative

Shuggnagarath During flight, it will bite into the

head of its victim, starting the
Perhaps one of the most horrific feast before it lands. A success-
and disgusting wasteland crea- ful bite of the creature deals
tures, the Shuggnagarath scours 1d8+1 damage. For each tenta-
the planet seeking brain matter cle arm grasping its foe, the
to consume. With a wingspan of Shuggnagarath gets a +1 to-hit
8-10 meters, the approaching with its bite attack.
shadow of the diving creature is
often seen before its form. That If the GM rolls a natural 20 on
is, unless its foul stench isn’t a to-hit bite attack, the creature
detected first. has successfully removed the
brain of its victim. The Shuggna-
When the Shuggnagarath attacks, garath cares little for the
it attempts to grab hold of its brainless bodies of its prey, of-
victim with its six tentacled ten leaving them in its nest to
arms. If at least two arm attacks decay. Much of the Shuggnaga-
are successful, the creature picks rath is covered in the rotting
up its prey and flies off to a matter of its past victims”the
safe location to consume its mea l. reason for its foul smell.

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Moleman Each moleman has an incredible
sense of touch, hearing and
These highly intelligent yet mute smell (see Heightened Touch,
creatures are most often found Heightened Hearing and Height-
in ancient tunnels and under- ened Smell mutations). Addition-
ground lairs. They are capable ally, more than 80% of mole-
of using advanced technology men are born with the Telepa-
and ancient weaponry, matching thy mutation.
the skill of any pure-strain hu-
man or humanoid. Each moleman clan is led by
one elder who has demonstrated
They spend their lives digging his or her heightened intelligence
for lost bunkers, abandoned fa- (often having the Heightened
cilities, and hidden technology. Brain Talent mutation). Only one
Unlike other wasteland scaven- elder may rule a clan”the elder
gers, molemen are not interested may be challenged at any time
in trading or selling anything by any of the clan. Failure to
they have found. They prefer to take over leadership results in
hoard their treasures, only allow- death.
ing others of their clan to use
the gear if needed. They often Occasionally, a moleman is born
refuse to trade with other mole- with the ability to utter noises
man clans unless they are work- that resemble speech. Any mole-
ing together to eliminate a com- men found to have this ability
mon foe. This sometimes leads are outcast and are never al-
to violent clashes between clans. lowed to return to their clan.

No. Appearing: 4-16
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 3
DEX: 13

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Class Option for First Edition Gamma World
First Edition Gamma World char- for finding old tech (e.g. if a
acters were created without for- search requires a 1 on a 1d6
mal classes. Instead, the focus roll, it is instead a 1-2 on the
was placed on races and statis- 1d6 roll). When an artifact is
tics to separate characters from successfully unearthed, the Artifi-
each other. Many who play this cer may subtract an additional
edition feel that the game does- point from their artifact use
n’t require this level of speciali- rolls.
zation or categorization. How-
Artificer Mutation Requirements
ever, some players in my past
games wanted a class to help Mutations (1 min. of each type)
define their characters and to Heightened Touch (P)
give them purpose or goals to
Dual Brain (M)
work toward. In this issue of
Gamma Zine, I offer a new Genius Capability (M)
class for your consideration: the Heightened Brain Talent (M)
Heightened Intelligence (M)
An Artificer is a scavenger of Molecular Understanding (M)
lost technology, whether in (P) = Physical, (M) = Mental
pieces or as complete, working
units. They have a knack for Artificers do not gain experience
understanding old technology, points from combat, instead
repairing artifacts and building gaining double experience points
new items from the bits of bro- from identifying and using arti-
ken pieces. Although they prefer facts. Combat is just a means to
to build devices for themselves, an end, affording an Artificer
many use their abilities to find the opportunity to acquire that
and repair items for resale. which he or she seeks. Because
Artificers are so enthralled with
Artificers must be humanoid technology, they are often mem-
with at least two mutations that bers of the Archivist or Restora-
assist them in finding and using tionist Cryptic Alliances.
ancient artifacts. A minimum of
a 15 for Intelligence is required
for a character to become an
Artificer”a high intellect is nec-
essary to identify and use an-
cient technology. Additionally, a
minimum of one physical and
one mental mutation are needed
to allow a new character to
qualify for the class (see the
table in the next column).

Any time an Artificer attempts

to search for artifacts, his or
her chances are improved by
one due to the class’s affinity

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Artifacts of the Ancients
As scavengers dig under the Pulse Grenade
rubble of the fallen world, they Area of Effect: 10m radius
hope for a chance to find
something of the ancient culture. Damage Inflicted: 10 dice
Discovering lost and advanced (d6) per electrically pow-
technology is one of the greatest ered target in blast area
rewards of the hard work.

Type-III E-Fist
Short for ‚Energized Fist‛, the
Type-III E-Fist was an excellent
weapon for close-quarters com-
bat. Often used by soldiers seek-
ing a quiet and effective method
of dispatching foes, the handheld
device delivers a powerful burst
of stunning pain on contact. In
addition to the damage it inflicts,
it stuns the victim in the same
manner as a Stun Whip.
Type-III E-
Damage Inflicted: 1d6+1
Power Source: Hydrogen Cell
Battery Life: 10 minutes KnifE
Unlike the Vibro Dagger, the
blade of this cutting weapon is
made of energized metal. It uses
less energy, making its battery
life twice that of other weapons.

Dexterous characters may also

throw the KnifE effectively
(minimum Dexterity of 15).
Damage Inflicted: 2d6+2
Pulse Grenade Power Source: Hydrogen Cell
A single-use grenade designed to Battery Life: 60 minutes
inflict damage to robotic machin-
ery and electrically powered
units. It has no effect on living
creatures unless they are within
3 meters of its exploding pulse
(renders the living creature un-
conscious for 1d10 minutes). Art by Je Shields

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Adventure #1—MuTech Test Facility
Adventure Background subjects died or were horribly disfig-
ured, mentally stunted, and wildly
Rumors of a secret, pre-war facility erratic. The facility and its secret
hidden within the once-forested hills testing was eventually abandoned.
of Appalachia have reached the ears
of the characters, peeking their in- Antagonists
terest for adventure and the rewards
of lost tech. Although tribesmen and The facility was left guarded by
clans in the area claim that a clan- several robotic units that, amazingly,
destine bunker exists, not a single still patrol the small bunker. Hidden
hint to its location or its contents solar crystals embedded in the rock
centuries later can be discovered face of the Appalachian Mountains
without a thorough search of the continue to provide limited energy
surrounding hills. All that's known is to the small facility below. The ro-
that a classified, underground facility botic units were programmed to
was once in the region. destroy intruders but with their lim-
ited energy supply, only periodically
An adventure for 2-4 characters. patrol the deserted halls and rooms
of the abandoned laboratory.
GM Background
Additionally, a group of Archivists, a
In the months leading up to the Cryptic Alliance bent on securing
Shadow Years, scientists of the anti- artifacts for worship, have been
government group known as the searching for the facility in the Ap-
Autonomists built a small facility in palachian foothills and mountains for
the Appalachian mountains to test years. They will either move to stop
and refine new technology through any competition or shadow the
controlled mutations. Using impover- characters, hoping they lead their
ished locals, the scientists carefully group to the facility.
tested a new compound that altered
physical and mental states, often Adventure Start
producing desirable enhancements in
their subjects. Increased reflexes, The secret facility can be found in
amplified mental capacity and other two ways: the characters can stum-
super-human abilities were among ble upon the bunker door by
those effects, traits often tweaked to chance after days or weeks of
exacting perfection by the scientists. searching, or they can find that the
strange glitter of solar crystals in
However, just before they deemed the rock walls of the mountains are
the project a complete success, op- just above the hidden entrance. If
eratives of the League of Free Men the solar crystals are examined, the
infiltrated the facility and sabotaged characters will learn that they are
the work of their enemies. A for- not naturally formed and are an
mula designed to randomly manipu- ancient, energy-capturing, engineered
late the compounds and a software silica embedded in the mountains.
virus were both introduced into the Removing the crystals will lead to
facility's systems. Although one of the discovery of wires and panels in
the operatives was captured, tor- the rock, all leading in the general
tured, and later executed, the dam- direction of where the single bunker
age inflicted upon the facility was entrance may be found.
irreversible. The compound and
process of instilling controlled muta- Note that the two-page map that
tions was now chaotic and uncon- details the facility locations is found
trollable. Mutations were now ran- on pages 16-17.
dom and often debilitating. New test

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Area 1: Entrance hallway. However, after characters
At one point in time, a narrow turn the corner northward, they
path between rows of thick trees should see small electrical currents
led to the door. However, the hot running through the metal of the
sun and lack of rain has long since wire gate that blocks entry into the
killed any vegetation in the area. large room beyond.
Dead moss covers the steel door in
Detect Electricity Current in Gate:
the rock wall, making it indiscernible
Roll under Intelligence
from its surroundings. A control pad
(grasping the bars while electrified
is cleverly hidden under a flap of
results in taking 1d8 damage per
hanging moss. A search and intelli-
five seconds of continuous contact)
gence check will reveal that the
moss is fake. Two control pads are found here,
Detect Fake Moss: one on each side of the gate. The
Roll under Intelligence control pad on the south side of
the gate is inoperable but the pad
The control pad has been damaged beyond in Area 3 appears to be in
by time and the elements. A rewir- working order. Characters can open
ing of its internal components may the gate in three ways: They can
open the door. Use one of the reroute power using exposed wires
electrical door flow charts on page in the walls and ceiling of the tun-
24 to open the portal. Once nel to reactivate the southern con-
opened, the smell of decay and trol pad (requires an artifact use
stale air bursts through the opening. check with flowchart on page 24),
The tunnel beyond the door is unlit. they can pass a Dexterity check to
Broken tiles and exposed wires can reach through the bars to access
be seen within the tunnel entrance the panel on the north side of the
where the outdoor light illuminates gate (roll under Dexterity and use
beyond the threshold. the flowchart on page 24), or they
can splash water on the rusting bars
Note that this is an excellent point to trigger a short-circuit, This will
for an Archivist attack. Reveling in make them bendable with a success-
the characters' success of opening ful Physical Strength check (roll un-
the door to the lost facility, the der half Physical Strength). Note
crazed group will waste little time that robotic units will be notified
trying to dispatch their adversaries. that the gate has short circuited.
They will not yield or surrender, nor
will they give quarter or mercy. Additionally, a household robotoid
They are hell-bent on securing the doubling as a security unit patrols
priceless technology within the bun- Areas 3 and 4 every six hours.
ker at any cost. There is a one in six chance that
the robotic unit may begin its patrol
Archivists (6): HP: 40, 39, 37, 35, while the characters are trying to
34, 31; AC: 7; Move: 9; AT: open the gate.
massmind, reflection, radiated eyes,
pyrokinesis; MU: teleportation; 2 Household Robotoid (1): HP: 20;
artifacts, 2 treasures. AC: 4; Move: 5; AT: 2 tentacles
(1d6 damage).
Area 2: Energized Gate
Characters will need a light source
to reach this end of the tunnel.
Since the robotic units within the
facility cannot enter the tunnel from
the internal areas, they have not
powered of any devices, lights and
systems found within the abandoned

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Area 3: Main Laboratory the room. The moss gives off a
Dozens of tables, chairs and broken pleasant aroma, possibly affecting
computer terminals are found in characters with a strong urge to eat
four short lines spanning the room. it. Unfortunately, the moss is toxic
Robots have tried to keep the room (Poison, Intensity 9) and will kill all
orderly by righting fallen furniture or but the heartiest of characters.
replacing deteriorating pieces with
Resist Urge to Eat Moss:
less deteriorated pieces. It appears
Roll under Constitution
as if someone or something has
been trying to keep the room or- Investigating characters will find that
ganized, even after years of aban- the equipment in this room has
donment. Closer inspection will re- been powered down but is still op-
veal the tell-tale tread marks of ro- erable with an artifact use check
botic units weaving between desks, (use flowcharts on page 23). Once
chairs and cabinets. the systems are powered on, charac-
ters can return lights to the facility,
Detect Tread Marks in the Dust: open the door between Areas 3
Roll under Intelligence and 6, and turn off the robotic unit
Additionally, a careful search of the in Area 5.
area will uncover hundreds of moldy
file folders and disintegrating papers. However, if the characters try to
If enough precaution is taken, a few power up the systems while standing
of the papers will be just barely in the pooling water in half the
legible. The words "MuTech Test room, there is a 1 in 6 chance
Facility" will be found on several they will be electrified (taking 2d8
pages. One extremely lucky charac- damage). When the power is re-
ter may find a page in a binder stored to this part of the facility,
that details some of the back story inquisitive robotic units from Areas
of the facility's end days from the 5 and 6 will arrive to investigate.
perspective of one of the scientists
(GM discretion). A locked cabinet near the door to
the room contains a Stun Ray
The patrolling robotic unit will exit with three depleted Solar Cells.
Area 5 and enter this area every A charging station in one of the
six hours (see Area 2). computer units charges solar cells
(using the crystal silica atop the
The door to Area 6 is electrically mountain). If more than ten cells
locked. It can be opened using the are charged in an hour, the systems
computers in the control room (Area will report low power and automati-
4) or by the control pads on either cally shut down the control room. It
side of the door (use flowchart on will take twelve hours to restart
page 24). everything in the room.

Area 4: Control Room

Rusty metal stairs lead up to a
glass-covered door and control room.
Moss and mold cover the inside of
the glass and the smell of wet
stone and earth can be detected
through a single crack in the lower
portion of the door glass. Ten hit
points of damage will shatter the
glass, revealing a wet room filled
with computer equipment. Water
trickles through a crack in the far
wall, pooling along the floor in half

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Area 5: Closet A hidden niche under one of the
Old file cabinets, tape drives and tall counters can be found, revealing
storage arrays have fallen into ruin a case of medical vials and needles.
within this small room. A robotic Four doses of Accelera and two
charging station on one wall is used doses of Pain Reducer are found
by the unit most often found here within the small case.
(unless already found outside the
closet). Tools for plumbing, electrical Security Robotoid (2): HP: 72, 72;
and computer repair are piled in AC: 2; Move: 10; AT: 2 paralysis
one corner of the dark area. A rods (1d4 damage + temporary pa-
tear gas grenade is oddly mixed ralysis), slug projector with 10 clips
in with the pile of tools”any char- of slugs, grenade launcher (50m
acter rummaging through the pile range) with 4 sleep and 5 tear gas
has a 1 in 10 chance of acciden- grenades.
tally activating the grenade.
Area 7: Test Subject, Room 1
Although closed, the door to this
Area 6: Testing Center room can be pushed open with
Scientists overseeing the testing and
relative ease. The top of the door
treatment of mutated subjects once
has a strange bow to it, rendering
worked in this spacious lab. Tall
it impossible to close.
counters, stools and comfortable
chairs are scattered about the area.
A bed, flipped onto its side, a bro-
Two charging stations on the short
ken chair and shredded clothing are
wall near the room entrance (from
strewn about the deserted room.
Area 3) keep security robots moder-
Four hundred and fifty one tallies
ately charged. Two keyed doors (to
are marked on the back wall in a
Areas 9 and 12) are locked, only
neat, organized pattern. A small,
opened by keys now held by the unfinished hole in the floor under
robotic units. (Note that either key the pile of clothes appears to have
opens Area 9 but both keys are been dug long ago.
needed to open the pair of doors
leading to Area 12.) Area 8: Test Subject, Room 2
The door to this room is wedged
Faint floor stains are strangely remi- closed from the outside”pieces of
niscent of blood or bodily fluids. broken furniture and scraps of metal
Similar stains are found on walls, are jammed between the door and
often resembling handprints or facial frame, preventing it from being
patterns. A recording device on one opened from within. Removing the
of the tall counters is still somewhat scrap metal and wood frees the
operable. If used, it will play back door.
the last moments of the sabotaged
systems when test subjects emerged Three humanoid skeletons are found
from their rooms, hideously trans- in the room. One decayed form,
formed and feral. Screams of fleeing close to the door with its bony
scientists and sounds of energy fingers stuck in a small opening in
weapons firing drown out the pan- the door frame, lies to the side.
icked voice of a scientist who des- Two skeletons are huddled together
perately tries to record the horrible in the back of the small room, their
change in the facility's last days. upper limbs intertwined. A careful
The recording works once before search of the bones will reveal that
disintegrating. An access key card one of the skeletons has three
is taped to the bottom of the arms, and the other is missing the
unit”this is one of the two access lower half of its left leg. Addition-
cards left in the facility that will ally, each of the three skeletons
open Area 13 (the other in Area have dozens of deep knife cuts in
10). their skulls, forearms and ribs.

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Area 9: Mess Hall black stain on its right collar bone
The door here can only be opened and ribs hint to an energy weapon
by one of the key cards held by attack. Remnants of a lab coat are
the robotic units in Area 8. still present surrounding the prone
figure. An access key card is
Four tables and twelve stools remain found in one of the coat pockets”
in their last, neatly placed position this provides access to Area 13.
before the facility was abandoned.
Characters will quickly realize by the Area 11: Lavatory
thick layer of dust and undisturbed Immediately upon opening the door
furniture that the robotic units have to this area, characters will be over-
never entered the area. Cups, plates whelmed with a sickening stench of
and cutlery are stacked in a bin rot. They will find a strange, dark
near the tables and dozens of cans plant growing amidst the toilets and
and boxes of spoiled food are or- shower stall. Slowly pulsing with life,
ganized in a wall cabinet. the plant waits for prey to get close
(1 meter) before violent shaking,
Two broken computer stations on shooting 3d6 large thorns in all
desks stand opposite the entry. directions. If the plant senses dying
Faded pictures of spouses and chil- or dead prey, it releases long tendril
dren, now centuries gone, hang to fetch the body, drawing it close
from the wall between the com- for consumption. After its attack, it
puters. A strong odor creeps from must wait one to two months to re-
under the door to Area 11, and grow its thorns. Until then, it is
the light door to Area 10 is par- defenseless and will not search for
tially opened. prey to attack.
Strange Plant (1): HP: 10; AC: 10;
A metal box on a small reading
Move: 0; AT: 1 thorn burst (3d6
chair nearby contains a volumi-
thorns hitting all targets within the
nous, scientific tome. Any who room, split up evenly by targets,
read the book, entitled "A History each thorn deals 1d4 damage).
of Computer Equipment from 2199
to Present" lists and details every Area 12: Experimental Lab
type, make and design of computers Characters must use both the access
created between 2199 and 2251. cards found with the robotic units in
Additionally, it highlights methods of Area 6 to open the doors to this
access, repair and construction of large chamber. Control pads may be
units. Readers will gain a permanent rewired to open the doors but is
bonus of one (subtract one) to all considered a very challenging task.
computer artifact use checks after a
full, 150 hour read of the tome. It A massive, empty glass tank stands
has been preserved in its airtight upon a raised platform in the mid-
box for many years but will begin dle of the room. Dormant computer
to rapidly age once exposed to the stations surround the tank on four
toxic air of present day. The book sides. Scientists once performed tests
will fully deteriorate in two weeks. and research on mutated individuals
within the tank as they were sub-
Area 10: Scientist Quarters jected to new or repeated com-
Eight bunks, stacked in twos, fill the pounds and formulas. There are two
small room. Bed sheets and per- empty weapon racks on the wall
sonal effects of the scientists that opposite the entrance. Rippling en-
once worked and lived here have ergy spans an open archway on the
nearly fully disintegrated. A careful west wall. Characters that touch or
search if the room will uncover a attempt to pass through the energy
skeletal figure under one of the take 4d8 damage and are knocked
bunks, curled up in a ball. A large back into the room 1d4 meters.

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The computer systems will remain long after the characters leave the
dormant until powered on by the facility makes the adventure much
control room (Area 13). more interesting!

A hidden panel behind the weapon If at least 24 hours are spent in

rack holds several weapon cells: one study and review of the systems,
each of Chemical, Solar, Hydro- characters will likely find the sabo-
gen, Atomic”all fully charged. taged code and chemicals and deter-
mine that the procedure no longer
Area 13: Control Room works as it once did.
A special access card is needed to
power down the electrical barrier to Adventure Conclusion
this room (cards are found in Areas
6 and 10). The room contains sev- Although not rich with technology,
eral independently powered computer the MuTech Test Facility offers ex-
systems that tap energy from other plorers a few physical rewards and
facility systems to power themselves potential mutations for those brave
up. After passing a difficult artifact enough to endure the chaos of the
check (use flowcharts on page 23), sabotaged systems. Surviving Archi-
characters will discover that the sys- vists will continue to look for the
tems in this room were once used facility, eventually discovering its
to mutate test subjects in a con- secrets and even misusing its tech-
trolled manner. However, they may nology.
not realize (unless the details are
discovered in Area 3 or 6) that the An additional adventure in this fan-
system code and compounds were zine details a secret hideout of Ar-
sabotaged. Systems will indicate that chivist mole men. It can be adapted
flawed mutations can be removed to be an extension of this adven-
and new, super-human mutations ture. ‛The Hand‛, found on page
can be added with ease. Characters 19, can be the secret lair of the
may get the bright idea to give it a Archivists in the area.

The systems will first fill the tank

with a strange fluid (mixture of
spring water from below and several
foreign chemical compounds) then
provide directions on how to pre-
pare test subjects for mutation, in-
cluding full immersion in the tank.
A menu of mutations is shown, and
the character may select one to add
or remove as desired (GMs can use
the physical mutation chart on page
9 of GW rulebook, for example).
Unfortunately, the system will instead
add (1-3 on 1d6) or remove (4-6
on 1d6) one random mutation. GMs
should use their mutation chart of
choice, randomly rolling the change.
Note that the GM may choose to
have the changes occur within the
system-specified timeframe (3-4
hours) or within 12-24 hours of
exiting the tank. Of course, having
the mutation appear or disappear


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The Hunted, Chapter One
Prologue them out with a single, catastrophic
After being chased and tracked explosion.
for several days, Whyla (a
They take the bait, seeing the green
young, pure-strain human female) bag from their circling position. Five
and her faithful dog, Arnold, of the cycles approach, their riders
have found themselves trapped eager to search the bag and hopeful
in the remnants of an old build- they'll find ancient technology or
ing in an exposed area. The artifacts. One raider remains at a
partially destroyed building barely distance, his eyes searching the area
for his prey.
provides any cover for the pair
of wanderers. The nearest hill, Whyla waits for the raiders to dis-
their next best chance at finding mount their rusty and pieced-
cover, is a half-mile away—a together machines. Their unclean
run too dangerous to venture scent can be detected from behind
with hunters on their tail. the crumbling stone wall that she's
hidden behind. Arnold's ears are up,
The rumble of the ancient, two- hearing the guttural language of the
wheeled vehicles causes the ground raiders, but he makes no noise at
to shudder below the huddled wan- all. He only looks to Whyla for her
derers. Six motorbikes have finally next command. She's trained this
caught up to Whyla and her dog dog since his birth, and has been
Arnold after days of relentless pur- with him through every cybernetic
suit. Peeking through a hole in the installment surgery. His muscles are
decaying block wall, Whyla can see tensed as he waits for her com-
the wasteland raiders slowing down mand. She can tell he's ready to
as they search for her tracks. tear into one of the filthy raiders
with his steel jaws.
Opening her pack, she takes a
quick inventory of her remaining ‛Hey. Looks like it’s got stuff in
gear. She has two fragmentation it,‛ a deep voice declares. ‚Maybe
grenades, a Vibro Dagger and an we got some food for once.‛
ancient pistol with a single bullet
left in its chamber. She chuckles to ‚Nah, those bulges look like clothes,
herself, knowing her position is maybe armor,‛ another gravelly
grim. Patting Arnold on his steel- voice utters. ‚I bet it’s just rags.‛
reinforced head, she decides to take
her final stand here. Her only hope ‚Shut up, you two. Let me think,‛
is draw them close and take out as whispers a third voice, hinting at
many as she can with a grenade. possible intelligence. ‚Why would
this bag be here, out in the open?‛
While the vicious bikers discuss the
tracks they’ve found, the young girl ‚Maybe it's the girl's, Boss,‛ urges
carefully slides her emptied backpack the first voice. ‚Maybe she dropped
through a hole in the wall, tucking it 'cause it was weighing her down.‛
it against the opposite side. If she
can get the raiders to spot the dark ‚Maybe, but I doubt it,‛ declares
green bag next to the wall, she Boss. ‚Whatever the reason, let's
may be able to draw them to her see what's in it. Open it up,
position. The old green bag, likely Shank.‛
some artifact of the pre-Black Years
military, will catch the raiders’ eyes Hearing the crunch of boots in the
as they search the area. Her hope sand, Whyla can tell a large man
is that most of them will approach approaches. By the number of steps
at once, making it easier to wipe she estimates he’s moved a few


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meters to get to the bag. The a glance at the pursuing raiders.
group is likely less than five meters Where's the sixth?
away. This grenade has to count.
Shaking her head to let Arnold A suggestion of movement from the
know he isn’t to move from his body farthest from the burning bikes
sitting position, she turns toward the catches Whyla's eye. She now sees
wall. Having found a hole in the that one of the raiders has survived
bottom of the wall earlier, she has the explosions. He's missing an arm
planned to roll the grenade under it and part of his leg but he's crawl-
and through to the other side, ing away from the fire, using his
hopefully landing somewhere be- good arm to slowly pull himself
tween the bag and other raiders. forward through the bloody and
She slowly pulls the pin and counts gasoline-covered sand.
to five in her head, leaving only
five more ticks before the fragmen- Arnold patiently waits for a com-
tation grenade will explode. Tossing
mand, his body shaking with adrena-
it hard under the wall, she turns
line. Whyla knows she'll have to
and rolls away to one side, grabbing
Arnold by his heavy collar. release him soon”the dog smells
death and needs to investigate the
Whyla hears the loud intake of area. Just as she starts raising her
breath as grenade bounces on the hand, she hears the roar of the
other side of the wall. sixth engine. It’s the last raider”
he's riding in! A stern look and
‚Get down!‛ screams a startled reassuring hand on the dog's snout
voice, just before an enormous ex- calms the young canine. She whis-
plosion violently shakes the ground. pers in his ear, ‚Just a little longer,
As metal fragments tear through the
wall dropping chunks of rock and Peeking through the wall, she wit-
debris on the scavengers' heads, a nesses the raider and his bike pull-
second and third explosion reverber- ing up alongside the crawling, disfig-
ates in the open space beyond. ured mutie. ‚Ah, Boss. You look
Whyla, still down covering her head bad,‛ laughs the three-eyed waste-
and shielding Arnold from falling lander. ‚Where ya gonna go all
bits of rock, is surprised by the messed up like that?‛
additional explosions. She waits a
few seconds before getting up to The dying raider tries to utter a
her knees. It's deadly quiet. few words, but the crawling man’s
mouth just bubbles with air and
The young girl crawls to a newly blood. Reaching up with his stump
formed hole in the wall near her of an arm, it seems to Whyla like
protective position. Peeking through he's asking for help. His former
the freshly made gap, she sees a minion just stares down at him with
horrific scene of carnage and gore an evil grin. It's at this time that
beyond. Her grenade has indeed Whyla notices the shiny black barrel
done its job well”several raiders are of a long rifle on the seated raider's
down and two motorbikes are burn- back. Thinking quickly, she removes
ing. Leaning down to the ground to
the ancient pistol from her waist-
see how the nearest raider fared,
band. She'll use her last bullet on
she sees only chunks of bloody
meat and smears of red in the this fool, trading in her old revolver
sand. Looks like the poor bastard for a long rifle. One bullet left. Like
got it good. Scanning the area, she her grenade, this has to count.
counts five bodies, all in various
states of dismemberment and disem- Next time: Will Whyla succeed in
bowelment. She had counted six neutralizing the raider threat?
bikes the last time she had chanced


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Adventure #2—The Hand
Adventure Background caravans in the area, killing all who
oppose their demands for technol-
Outcast molemen with limited ogy. Characters may witness the
speech and a strong desire to wor- aftermath and carnage of these vi-
ship ancient technology have banded cious attacks, and either desire to
together, forming a fringe faction of put a stop to it or steal the mole-
Archivists. Eager to advance the men's tech for themselves.
cause of their alliance, these mole-
men have used their heightened Adventure Start
abilities and experience to find nu-
merous pieces of technology. Al- A deteriorating concrete hand juts
though much of it is useless, there out of the ground, reaching into the
are a few artifacts of value in their air high above the surrounding hills.
strange compound. They have dis- Although the structure appears to be
covered the hand of an ancient falling apart, the internal steel
statue made of concrete and steel beams and wire mesh are keeping
and have used its interior as a de- it sound. Molemen guards will be
fensible and safe lair. on the lookout for intruders, using
the higher sections of the hand to
Determined to scour the wasteland watch the surrounding area.
in their endless search for lost tech-
nology, Archivists will stop at noth- Area 1: Entrance
ing to obtain the treasures they A locked wooden door prevents
seek. Any who oppose the Archi- unauthorized entry to the compound.
vists in their search are sure to be The door appears poorly made and
eliminated. can be opened with minimal force.

An adventure for 3-6 characters. Unlock Door:

Roll under Half Dexterity
GM Background Smash Door:
Roll under Physical Strength
A large group of molemen have
taken up residence in the hand Two moleman guards watch the
portion of an abandoned colossal door from above, using the open
statue”the only section of the large space between Areas 10 and 11,
structure that isn't buried in the and the small windows in Area 15
radiated ground. It is rumored that to maintain sight below. Each mole-
the molemen Archivists have squir- man scout carries an ancient .22L
reled away countless pieces of bro- caliber rifle with 3d6 rounds of
ken and useful technology, and have ammunition.
set up shrine around a working
artifact. The rumors are true”a Ruger .22L semi-automatic rifle,
shrine in the upper level of the maximum range 100 meters, effec-
complex has been erected to a tive range 50 meters or less, pro-
small neutron bomb. The molemen jectile jacketed lead, damage inflicted
are unaware of its devastating ef- 3d6.
fects but know that it works, wor-
shipping it as a god. They are so Area 2: Common Area
dedicated to its power, they are The entrance opens up into a com-
willing to destroy it and themselves mon area where several moleman
rather than have it stolen by non- sleep, eat and sort through pieces
believers. of technology recently acquired.
Molemen will rush characters to
The molemen have mercilessly push them out of their lair, attack-
raided villages, tribes and merchant ing with knives, clubs and chains.

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10 12 13
The Hand

7 8 9

4 2

Molemen (2d6): HP: 15 each; AC: Area 6: Moleman Mates
7; AT: crude weapons (1d6 or The leader of the moleman Archivist
1d4); Move: 12; MU: Heightened faction keeps his two mates in this
Touch, Heightened Hearing and modest room. Each is adorned with
Heightened Smell; DEX 13; metallic chains and rusty parts, ar-
ranged and assembled as crude jew-
Area 3: Refuse Hole elry.
Several small holes in the floor lead
to sess-pits below the compound. Area 7: Testing Room
Characters must resist Intensity 8 Molemen responsible for researching
Poison to avoid becoming sick here. artifacts and pieces of technology of
interest work in this quiet room.
Area 4: Closet of Junk The molemen researchers will defend
All newly acquired technology is their treasures but are lesser fighters
placed in this area to be sorted and than the warriors in the other
catalogued at a later date. For each rooms in this facility (half HP).
hour this room is searched, there is
a 25% chance that a useful piece There is a 50% chance that charac-
of tech is found. ters will find 1d4 valuable artifacts
in this area.
A ladder in the north wall leads to
the next level above. Area 8: Broken Parts Room
Pieces of artifacts and broken tech
Area 5: Hallway have been placed in this area for
The ladder from below continues up later evaluation. Piles of metal, plas-
to the third level (Area 10). tic and wood are scattered through-
out the area. It is possible to find
1-2 useful items after a four hour

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Area 9: Chief Archivist drive intruders from the room, either
The leader of the faction uses this pushing them down the ladder or
area for his personal quarters. Sur- outside through Area 10.
prisingly intelligent and capable of
broken speech, Ugabakanta leads his A secret door leads to a small
group of molemen in the frantic room with a ladder to Area 14.
search for lost tech. He is here
Find Secret Door:
50% of the time”otherwise, he is
Roll under Half Intelligence
in Area 12 examining their most
recent acquisition. Area 13: Computer Parts
Moleman Leader, Ugabakanta: HP: Parts reserved for the unfinished
25; AC: 7; AT: Mark V Blaster computer in Area 11 are stored
with two fully charged Hydrogen here. There is a 25% chance to
cells—WC: 14, range: 150/75, find 1-2 useful items in the piles in
damage: 5d6; Move: 12; MU: the room.
Heightened Touch, Heightened Hear-
ing and Heightened Smell; DEX 14; Area 14: Secret Room
Only two molemen know of this
secret room”they store valuable
Area 10: Hallway treasure and artifacts here, away
The ladder on the north wall leads from greedy molemen archivists.
to the upper and lower levels. A
Three bags of gold coins (279 gp),
moleman scout moves between Area
1d4 artifact weapons, and 2d4
10 and 11 periodically. The outside
door remains locked at all times general artifacts will be found on
(similar to main entrance, Area 1). small tables, neatly organized and
Area 11: Unfinished Computer
Parts reserved for the unfinished
Ugabakanta and his researchers are
computer in Area 11 are stored
slowly putting together an ancient
here. There is a 25% chance to
computer, using pieces taken in
find 1-2 useful items in the piles in
their raids and explorations. The
the room.
computer is not quite half finished
and is badly constructed”it is
unlikely the moleman will get this
Area 15: Lookout Tower
A second scout watches the sur-
machine to work without help.
rounding wasteland from this tower.
Area 12: Shrine He can ring a bell that summons
A half-sized Neutron Bomb rests warriors in Area 2 and their leader
upon a crude pedestal, its infre- when intruders approach.
quently twinkling lights indicating
that it is still armed and ready for Adventure Conclusion
detonation. Any weapon's fire or
The molemen will not allow their
grenade explosions in this area may
new treasure to leave the com-
trigger the bomb's detonation. If
pound, preferring to destroy it and
triggered, it explodes, destroying the
themselves rather than lose it. If the
compound and 250 meters of sur-
characters can manage to take it,
rounding area, leaving a 5 meter
they will have a considerably power-
crater. All living things within the
ful and valuable artifact in their
blast will instantly die unless pro-
tected by force fields capable of
withstanding 50 HP of damage.

At least eight molemen will be here

worshipping their new god. The
fanatical Archivists will attempt to


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Artifact Use (Solution) Flowcharts
Arguably one of the most
unique and beloved parts of the
first edition Gamma World rule-
book was the artifact solution
flowcharts. These charts provided
a simple yet interesting way for
a character to solve how to use
an item in the game. For the
player, this meant some die roll-
ing, often dozens of rolls until a
final solution was determined.
Sometimes, rolling the dice took
a while, slowing the game down
(some of the complex charts are
huge). As an alternative, here
are a few simpler charts.

Using Ancient Items

These next four charts are
meant for revealing an item’s
properties and usage. Use the
Intelligence ‚bonus‛ as indicated
in the rulebook, and roll a


dan smith (Order #18127687)

Opening Ancient Doors
Different types of doors present
characters with different types of
challenges. Although characters
can use a die roll to open
doors, a flowchart works just as
well. Doors are separated into
mechanical and electrical groups.

Electric doors often require pass

codes or access keycards, and
are often reinforced to prevent
heavy physical damage and to
resist forced entry. Physical
Strength ‚bonuses‛ should not
be allowed when trying to open
an electrical secured door.

Similar keycards may help in

opening electrical doors”subtract
1 from rolls when using a simi-
lar type keycard. Exact cards
may be more beneficial”subtract
2 from rolls when using a key-
Physical Strength ‚bonuses‛ may card that is an exact match.
be substituted for Intelligence
‚bonuses‛ on die rolls when
characters are physically forcing
open mechanical doors.

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Adventure #3—Dark Knights
Adventure Background A Challenging Adventure for 3-5
Since their formation, the Knights of
Genetic Purity have made it their GM Background
mission to hunt and exterminate
mutated humans, hoping to cleanse The village of Galax has been hid-
the planet of tainted bloodlines and den from travelers for many years.
genetic impurities. Clashes between Nestled in the former Appalachian
pure strain human Knights and mu- Mountains, the undisturbed commu-
tants are legendary but either side nity's elevation makes it difficult for
rarely prevails for long. Groups of any but locals to find the walled
KGP move frequently, constantly on village of 50 residents. A clean
the lookout for new communities of water source and moderately suc-
mutated humanoids to eradicate. cessful farming has given the local
Most small villages or traveling families hope in an otherwise hope-
groups of mutants move on when less world. Diversity within the com-
they find that merciless Knights have munity is rich”nearly every resident
moved into the area. However, one suffers from one mutation or an-
community refuses to move, hoping other, but a surprisingly accepting
that hired muscle can wipe out the group of leaders and family elders
newly arrived KGP before they at- have made Galax a relatively safe
tack their established and comfort- place.
able village.


Coal Mine
11 5



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A group of strangely-dressed humans are scattered throughout the room.
have overtaken an old mine in a Deteriorating clothing and damaged
nearby mountain. Distinctive armor helmets are found in several lockers.
markings and weaponry identified Two dry shower stalls haven't seen
them as Knights of Genetic Purity, water in decades.
leaving little doubt of their ultimate
intentions. Before long, Galax scouts Two Knights of Genetic Purity are
notified their elders, resulting in the on guard duty here. Having just
decision to eliminate the newcomers moved into the mine, the guards
before they could attack the commu- aren't expecting intruders and may
nity. Lacking the skill to combat the be surprised.
KGP themselves, a bounty of 500
gp, along with two artifact weapons, Knights (2): HP: 75 each; AC 3
has been offered to any who can (plastic armor); AT: Laser Pistol,
remove the threat from the area. WC: 13 (5d6 damage), 3 Hydrogen
energy cells, 10 shots each; sword
Galax (1d8) and dagger(1d4); Move: 9;
DEX 13
The details of the small community
are not listed here”the GM is en- Area 3: Report Station 1
couraged to create a small, walled When entering or exiting the mine,
village with a dozen or more struc- miners were required to check in
tures to serve the need of this ad- with administrators in this office. A
venture. The GM will also have to rust-spotted desk with missing draw-
work into the adventure how the ers lies on its side in the center of
characters find Galax and agree to the room. Two file cabinets with
the bounty. Once characters agree stained and illegible paperwork have
to the job, have them start at Area been pushed to one of the walls of
1, the back entrance to an old the area. A search of the file cabi-
mine. nets should reveal a hidden box of
slug thrower ammunition (50
Area 1: Entrance rounds, .38 caliber, 2d6 damage
Only the back entrance to the coal each).
mine still remains, with most of
mine collapsed or impassable. The Area 4: Supply Closet
mine was restarted during the A stop along the steep staircase
Shadow Years when coal returned allowed miners to take or leave
as a primary energy source after mining gear as needed. Ancient
the fall of power grids and energy shovels, pickaxes and crowbars have
networks. The back entrance was been haphazardly stacked in this
used mainly by miners who worked open closet, most too rusty or rot-
the farthest end of the large mine. ted to be of any use now.

The open entry into the mine is The Knights have rigged the landing
unguarded, Steep stone stairs lead with a laser tripwire. A small, nearly
up into the mountain and several invisible beam of light spans the
open areas once used by miners narrow hallway, attached to a device
between shifts or on break. that sounds a loud alarm when dis-
turbed. The alarm rings for one full
Area 2: Changing Room minute before resetting.
Miners once used this area to
change clothing, adding soot-covered Find Tripwire:
overalls and safety equipment when Roll under Intelligence
entering the mine or donning regu- Accidentally Activate Trap:
lar clothing when exiting. Old, Roll Over Half Dexterity
rusted lockers line two of the walls
and overturned and broken stools

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After hearing the alarm, Knights Unipede: HP: 75; AC 3 (thick skin
from Areas 8 and 12 will converge and stone covering); AT: horn at-
on this location from both sides in tack, WC: 3 (2d12 damage), or
2d6 rounds. If a guard is in Area Ultrasonic burst (1-d6 damage);
5, he will try to slow down the Move: 4/12; DEX 12
characters to allow other Knights
time to arrive. Area 7: Testing Room
Samples removed from the mines
Area 5: Supply Closet were occasionally tested for purity in
An empty supply closet is now used this small laboratory. Specialists re-
by a lone KGP sentry (50% chance viewed sample data to ensure that
to be present). Armed with a Mark toxins and impurities were not pre-
VII Blaster Rifle, the guard will use sent in the coal removed from the
his superior position to pin down mine. Old scientific equipment is still
characters in the lower section of present in the large room, mostly
the stairwell. left in their original positions on
steel tables and wooden desks. A
Knight Sentry: HP: 50; AC 3 search of the room should reveal a
(plastic armor); AT: Mark VII Blaster few pieces of usable equipment and
Rifle, WC: 14 (8d6 damage), 6 1-2 artifacts in working order. There
Hydrogen energy cells, 5 shots per is a 25% chance that a Knight will
pair; sword (1d8) and dagger(1d4); be found here, rummaging through
Move: 9; DEX 14 the old equipment.

Area 6: Report Station 2 Area 8: Testing Room

A final clearance and supply check An old coal mine office has now
of miners entering or exiting the been cleared to make room for
mine was performed in this large makeshift housing. Ten cots and a
room. Years after the Great War, few footlockers have been set up
an entrance to the rest of the mine for the Knights in the room. There
collapsed, preventing entry to the is a 50% chance that 1d4 Knights
tunnels and shafts beyond. Rubble will be here, either resting or eat-
from the cave-in covers much of ing. Each is armed with sword and
the floor, requiring characters to dagger, and wears plastic armor
carefully step around and through (50% chance they are not wearing
the debris. their armor when surprised).

A Unipede has recently made its Knights (1d4): HP: 75 each; AC 3

home in the collapsed portion of (plastic armor); AT: sword (1d8) and
the tunnel beyond this area. Exces- dagger(1d4); Move: 9; DEX 12
sive noise in this area will bring it
in search of prey. A search of the room will uncover
1d4 daggers, 1d6 swords and a suit
of new plastic armor. 25 gp and a
dose of Accelera will be found in
one of the footlockers.

Area 9: Paymaster General

Administering payment to coal min-
ers, the Paymaster General's office
was a common destination for work-
ers as they finished their work
week. Several desks and tables have
been moved to the sides of the
room to make travel through its
center easier. A hidden wall safe
holds the last payments of miners

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that never returned to work (750 Portable computer equipment has
gp and dozens of 'promise' notes, a been set up on a table, used to
guarantee for future payment). scan the area for radioactive mate-
rial and life signs within a few
Find Wall Safe: miles. The members of the group
Roll under Intelligence have been using the equipment to
search for possible mutants to hunt.
Area 10: Latrine
The Knights have begun to use the Knights (2): HP: 75 each; AC 3
old coal miner latrine. They are not (plastic armor); AT: Laser Pistol,
keen on cleanliness. WC: 13 (5d6 damage), 3 Hydrogen
energy cells, 10 shots each; sword
Area 11: Foreman’s Office (1d8) and dagger(1d4); Move: 9;
Shift foremen at this end of the DEX 13
mine used this area as their office,
filling out injury reports, worker shift Knight Leader: HP: 100; AC 3
attendance and other administrative (plastic armor); AT: Mark VII Blaster
duties. Paper logs have mostly been Rifle, WC: 14 (8d6 damage), 6
destroyed by time and the dampness Hydrogen energy cells, 5 shots per
of the mine. However, several en- pair; sword (1d8) and dagger(1d4);
tries for injuries and attendance may Move: 9; DEX 15
be read in the few remaining pages.
Several boxes of ammunition and
A locked drawer in a small desk gold are piled to one side of the
still holds an old revolver, its six small room. Characters should find
chambers filled with ammunition. 500 gp, 2d4 Chemical cells,
The Smith & Wesson .38 cali- 3d6 Hydrogen cells, 1d4
ber revolver is in dire need of Atomic cells, 2d6 Fragmentation
cleaning before use. Using it without grenades and 3d100 slug
proper maintenance is likely to thrower rounds (.38 caliber). A
cause a serious malfunction and first aid kit under the leader's bunk
backfire, injuring the user for 4d6 holds 1d4 Accelera doses, 1d4
damage. Sustenance doses and 1 Cur-in
Smith & Wesson, .38 caliber re-
volver. Six round capacity. 3d6 Several files in the computer equip-
damage per bullet. Requires an arti- ment will detail the locations of
fact use check to operate and main- several other KGP facilities within
tain. 100 miles. Additionally, computer
records will show over two-hundred
Unlock Drawer:
confirmed mutant kills by this group
Roll under Intelligence
Break Open Drawer
Roll under Physical Strength Adventure Conclusion
Area 12: Emergency Exit The elimination of the Knights of
The elite members of the KGP use Genetic Purity has rescued the vil-
this area as their quarters. Six lagers of Galax from certain doom.
bunks”one for the leader and five Saving the mutated villagers from
for specialists”line the outer walls the marauding Knights will likely
of the room. Three of the special- earn the characters a short-term stay
ists can be found in areas 2 and 5, in the village, as well as a base of
leaving two here or roaming about operations in the area.
the complex. The KGP leader is
most often found here (1 in 1d10 Note that the villagers have limited
chance that he is elsewhere). access to technology”choose two
low-level artifacts for the reward.

dan smith (Order #18127687)

Information You Can Use
Do you like fanzines and fantasy
RPGs? Check out Back to
BasiX, another fanzine from
ThrowiGames, that celebrates B/
X Dungeons & Dragons. Re-
leased quarterly, found at Good-
man Games and DriveThruRPG.
A new Gamma World adventure
from ThrowiGames will be ready
for gamers this year”an exclu-
sive North Texas RPG adventure
will be ready at the con and at
DriveThruRPG in June! has two post-

apocalyptic PDF adventures from
ThrowiGames for sale! Search
‘ThrowiGames’ at their site to
find ‘Into the Wreckage’ and
‘A Dish That Serves No
One’, priced at $2.50 and
$3.50 respectively.


dan smith (Order #18127687)

Other ThrowiGames Products
ThrowiGames produces a full line of fantasy and science-fantasy role-
playing game products. We specialize in inexpensive, digest-sized
products for old-school games. Most products are available digitally
through DriveThruRPG.

Digital Products Currently Available from ThrowiGames

Name System * Price ** Details
Into the Wreckage 1E GW $2.50 Adventure, 36 pages
A Dish That Serves No One 1E GW $3.50 Adventure, 30 pages
Scavenge the Sands SRS $1.50 Adventure, 28 pages
2259 Earth! SF-SN $1.50 Setting, 30 pages
Gamma Zine #1 1E GW $5.00 Fanzine, 28 pages
Back to BasiX #1”#8 B/X varies Fanzine, various lengths
Merchants and Markets F-SN $7.50 Supplement, 124 pages
Off the Beaten Path: F-SN $5.00 Adventures, 32 pages
Forest Excursions S&W
Off the Beaten Path: F-SN $6.00 Adventures, 32 pages
Desert Excursions S&W
Off the Beaten Path: F-SN $6.00 Adventures, 32 pages
Mountain Excursions S&W
Crypt of the Dog Witch B/X $1.00 Adventure, 13 pages
Under Tenkar’s Tavern S&W PWYW Adventure, 10 pages
Full Moon Ransom S&W $2.50 Adventure, 17 pages
In Defense of Thuil Varies $2.50 Adventure, 20 pages
Island of Blight Varies $5.00 Adventure, 28 pages
Crypt of Mandazed S&W $1.50 Adventure, 12 pages
Mysteries in Mannath S&W $2.50 Adventures, 52 pages
* SF-SN = science-fantasy, system neutral; F-SN = fantasy, system neutral; S&W =
Swords & Wizardry (Frog God Games); SRS = Simple Roleplaying System (TG);
** Current prices at the time of fanzine printing, subject to change without notice.

Digital Products Coming Soon from ThrowiGames

Name System Price Details
Batteries Low, Getting Dark 1E GW TBD Adventure
Gamma Zine #2 1E GW $5.00 Fanzine
The Evolutionary Mishap TMNT TBD Adventure
Operation: Window Dressing Top Secret TBD Adventure
Back to BasiX #9 B/X $6.00 Fanzine, June

dan smith (Order #18127687)


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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Craw-
ford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris
Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.


dan smith (Order #18127687)

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