The 64th Navamsa
The 64th Navamsa
The 64th Navamsa
The 64th Navamsa is found exactly 8 signs, or exactly 210 away from
either the ascendant or Moon Navamsa. For example, if the ascendant is
2˚ of Libra, the 64th Navamsa is 2˚ Taurus. Similarly, if the Moon were at
14˚ Scorpio, then the 64th Navamsa therefrom falls in 14˚ of Gemini.
These fall in the 4th house from the Moon or lagna in the Navamsa chart.
The 64th Navamsa, as well as the 22nd Drekkana (exactly 8 signs away
from the Rising Drekkana, or 8th house of the Drekkana chart) are called
Khara, and are very malefic points in the horoscope if conjoined or
aspected by malefics, either natally or in transit.
Saturn or Rahu’s transit over the Navamsa of either Sun, or its trine
positions, brings death or health challenges to the father or other male
relative, as well as to the native. The same will occur when Saturn or
Rahu transits in similar Navamsa positions from the Moon, or to
brothers or sisters when the similar transits to the Navamsa of Mars
occur. Navamsa Transits directly to the sign of significators can bring
death to the person(s) indicated by such planets in the native’s life.
Saturn’s transit (in the rasi chart) over the Navamsa dispositor of the
8th lord, or its trines, brings death or serious health challenges to the
ü Saturn’s transit over the Arudha of the 8th house (Mrityupada), or
its trines, or in its 7th or trines therefrom, brings death to the native.
The mean motion of slower moving planets in a Navamsa (3˚20’ arc) are
as follows:
Rahu: 2 months
Mars: 7 days
Brighu Bindu
The Brighu Bindu is the degree midpoint of the Moon and Rahu, and is a
very important point in delineation. The BB is mention in the Chandra
Kala Nadi, as well as Brighu Nadi. Midpoints of Rahu and other planets,
or of Ketu and the planets, will also carry great significance so far as the
nature of those planets is concerned.
Progressions to the BB points, or its trine and opposition point, will bring
specific events into the native’s life for good or ill, depending on the
benefic/malefic nature of planets or points being progressed.
Find the sign of the BB point, and make this the first year of life (age 0 to
1). Then progress this one sign per year. When the year representing
the progressed sign comes to a natal yoga (for good or ill), then in that
year significant events occur. Make note of the conjunctions and aspects
to the sign for a given year, as well as transits that may be occurring to it
Mrityu Bhaga
Specific degrees for each of the nine grahas including Mandi bring death
when activated by malefic transits and/or dasha periods. The signs and
MB degrees differ for each of the planets and are shown in the table
which follows.
Note which planets, if any, are in MB degrees in the natal chart. Then,
note the progression of that planet to natural malefics, especially Saturn,
Mars, and Rahu. These are the times when the native will fall into
danger, and very possibly he will die at such times if the term of
longevity has arrived. Also watch the progression of natural malefics to
the MB degree.
The 64th Navamsa from the planet in its MB degree should be watched
very closely when the dasa/bhukti of that planet is in operation, and
when malefics transit to that Navamsa.
Signs → Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi
Planets ↓
Sun 20 9 12 6 8 24 16 17 22 2 3 23
Moon 26 12 13 25 24 11 26 14 13 25 5 12
Mars 19 28 25 23 29 28 14 21 2 15 11 6
Mercury 15 14 13 12 8 18 20 10 21 22 7 5
Jupiter 19 29 12 27 6 4 13 10 17 11 15 28
Venus 28 15 11 17 10 13 4 6 27 12 29 19
Saturn 10 4 7 9 12 16 3 18 28 14 13 15
Rahu 14 13 12 11 24 23 22 21 10 20 18 8
Ketu 8 18 20 10 21 22 23 24 11 12 13 14
Mandi 23 24 11 12 13 14 8 18 20 10 21 22
Lagna 1 9 22 22 25 2 4 23 18 20 24 10
Data: May 3, 1981; 1:11 AM PDT (+7); Mount Vernon, WA. Lagna =
18:29 Sagittarius
This is the chart of a 24-year old man who has been missing in the
jungles of Laos since March 13, 2006. He taught English in China, and
when on a school break, was trekking in some remote areas of Laos
when he disappeared. All his belongings were still in his hotel room after
he disappeared, including his camera, which he would have taken with
him had he gone sight-seeing in the jungle.His parents consulted me on
May 14, 2006 to ascertain from the Jyotish point of view what had
happened to their son, whether he was alive or not, and if so where could
he be found. At the time of this writing, the American Embassy plus the
government of Laos is involved in the search. The man’s family has also
contracted with a team of private investigators who are knowledgeable
with the country, its terrain, and its government. As of this date, there is
no sign of the boy anywhere, and local people either do not know of his
whereabouts or his disappearance, or they are afraid to say anything.
Astrological Points
Both the Sun and the Moon in this chart are in Mrityu Bhaga degrees.
The Sun’s Vimsottari dasa was operative when he disappeared.
Longevity is Alpayu (0 to 36 years), with two out of three longevity pairs
giving short life. Maraka lord Saturn joins lagna lord in 7th from AL,
while the AK Venus similarly joins maraka lord and Badhakesh
Mercury. Mars in Aries, as 2nd lord from AL is a fierce maraka also, and
he is lord of the Shoola dasa sub-period, i.e. Scorpio.
Saturn takes a further sinister role in this chart given its very close
proximity to Apamrityu Saham which is at 12°25’ Virgo. Lagna lord
Jupiter is exactly conjoined Mrityu Saham also, which falls at 7°10’
Virgo. These are very dangerous omens not only so far as the native’s
longevity is concerned, but also the likelihood of his still being alive at
the time the chart was read. [2]
Additional notes:
Natal Rahu is in the 22nd Drekkana, while Sun is in the 64th Navamsa
from the Moon.At the time of his disappearance, transit Ketu was in near
exact conjunction with natal Mahesvara Mars, while transit Mars moved
over the Navamsa of the Moon. Also of note is the transit of Saturn and
Rahu over the natal Navamsa position of Rahu.By Brighu (3˚20’ = 1 year)
progression, the Sun was in exact conjunction of natal Rahu, as was
progressed IC. Similarly, the progressed descendant had moved to
within one degree of natal Saturn and Apamrityu Saham. All of this
happened when the native was running the Vimsottari dasa of Sun, and
bhukti period of Rahu.
Similarly, the progressed nodes had come to within less than two degrees
from natal Moon.Chart #2: Case of Guru Betrayal
Data: June 25, 1957; 02:14 AM EDT (+4); Manchester, CT. Lagna =
16:59 Aries
The native was betrayed by her guru who left her organization suddenly
and without notice thus disappointing and frustrating many students
that she had organized to be taught by him.
At the time of the betrayal, transit Rahu moved over the natal Navamsa
of Jupiter, while transit Saturn moved over the natal Navamsa 9 th +
Rahu, in the 64th Navamsa from the Moon.Progressions: By Brighu
progression, the Moon has moved to within less than a degree of the
natal Rahu in the 7th house. Similarly, Uranus has moved to
the exact degree conjunction of the natal MC.
Data: July 9, 1947; 08:08 PST (+8); San Francisco, CA. Lagna = 1:29
On this date transit Rahu and Jupiter conjoined in the sign of Libra,
while Mars and Ketu joined Aries. (This is yoga for murder, which will
also be seen in his wife’s natal chart as well). These fall exactly on the
1/7 axis of Simpson’s Navamsa chart, wherein Mars rises in Aries.
Transit Mars moved through the Libra Navamsa (7th house of Navamsa
chart) and in the 64th Navamsa from the Moon.
In the natal Navamsa chart, Rahu is in the 64th Navamsa from Venus,
and this position (Pisces Navamsa) was transited by Saturn at the time of
the murder. Similarly, transit Ketu moved exactly over the natal
Navamsa of Venus.
The Moon is with Rahu in the 8th house (Marana karaka), and both in
the 22ndDrekkana as well. These positions shorten longevity, and death
comes in a sudden, shocking manner.
Dushta Marana yoga (terrible death) exists with all four malefics
aspecting the 3rd from Arudha lagna.Darakaraka Jupiter is with the UL,
as well as A6 and A8 (Shasta pada and Mrityu pada respectively). These
give strong indications of danger or death through the spouse.
When Mars and Rahu, or Mars and Ketu join the 6th house from natal
ascendant, the native is murdered by his/her spouse.[3] At the time of
death, transit Mars moved through the natal Navamsa of Mars/Rahu as
well. These facts all but assure that the native was murdered by her
spouse.Navamsa Narayana dasa
One is shocked to note the Navamsa Narayana dasa at the time of her
demise. It was Pisces/Gemini, with the sign Gemini holding the yoga for
being murdered by the spouse. Mars/Rahu natally are in that sign,
while transit Rahu also moved in Navamsa Gemini, while Saturn
transited the Navamsa of Pisces. These facts give a fated element to the
event that transpired.
Notes: The chart indicates short life, with 1st, 10th, and 8th lords all in
dusthanas. The native is destined to not live beyond the age of
36.Dushta marana yoga forms by way of Ketu and Saturn aspecting the
3rd from Arudha lagna. Maraka lord Venus joins the lagna very closely,
within 10’ of arc. Malefics + Moon mutually aspecting Venus cause
Rudra yoga, or yoga for death during operative dasas.Mercury is the
Rudra graha (stronger lord of 2nd or 8th), and is inclined to bring death.
In the natal Navamsa chart, Ketu is in the 64th Navamsa from Venus, a
maraka lord. Ketu plays a role in several ways bringing death by way of
mistake or accident. In the transit chart, Ketu transited over Venus and
the Navamsa lagna along with a debilitated Mercury (Rudra). Mercury’s
weakness represents miscalculations leading to his death on the part of
his comrades. In the rasi chart, transit Ketu also moved over natal
Mercury at the time of his demise.
Brighu progressions: Surprisingly, it was Mercury who had progressed
to the exact opposition of Saturn in the progression chart at the time of
the event. Note the Vimsottari dasa period in operation:
Moon/Venus/Saturn. Moon/Ketu aspecting Venus cause Rudra
yoga, while Venus is directly the maraka lord. Sub sub-period lord
Saturn (natural Dusthana karaka) receives the direct progressed aspect
of Rudra Mercury.
Data: September 18, 1947; 08:23:30 PST; San Francisco, CA. Lagna
= 1:25 Libra
Three events in the life of the native were most graphic and memorable:
Event #1: In the natal chart Rahu + Sun are in the 64th Navamsa from
the lagna, whereas Ketu is in the 64th Navamsa from the Moon. The
native lost both of his parents at the time of birth.
At the time of joining his guru’s ashram, transit Moon, Mercury, and
Jupiter were all in the 64thNavamsa from lagna. Ketu similarly transited
over the natal Navamsa lagna at that time. In the natal Navamsa chart,
Jupiter occupies the Pushkara Navamsa in the 10th house.
Event #2: By Brighu progression, the Moon came to the exact position of
Rahu in the natal chart. This was a serious implication for health, as in
the rasi chart Rahu occupies the 64thNavamsa from lagna and is thus
very dangerous. The Sun, ruling health, occupies that Navamsa as
well.Transit Rx Saturn moved in the 8th house from Navamsa lagna at
this time, while Mars and Ketu aspected it from Aquarius and Libra
Navamsas respectively. All of this occurred at the beginning of the
Vimsottari dasa of Venus, whose position is dangerous for health in the
rasi chart.
Note the strength of maraka lords Venus and Jupiter in this chart, while
the mutual aspect of the Moon + nodes to Venus causes Rudra yoga.
Mars is in the 64th Navamsa from lagna, while Venus/Ketu/Sun are in
the 64th from the Moon, which happens to be the 3rd house of siblings.
Sun is lord of the 22nd Drekkana also, and also rules mountains, which
is where the accident occurred. The accident occurred during the
Mars/Venus Yogini dasa. In the natal Drekkana chart, note that Venus
occupies the 3rd house, and is aspected by Mars and Khara lord Sun.
Finally, note in the transit chart, Mars/Ketu and Moon are all located in
the 22nd Drekkana. Saturn + Mars, in addition to the nodes, all aspected
the 3rd house from the Navamsa lagna as well.
The child was kidnapped while on vacation with her parents in Portugal,
on March 5, 2007. She has not been found, nor has her body been
recovered.Note that there is approximately a four Navamsa difference
between the natal Moon and Rahu in her chart. Thus something very
challenging could happen in her 4th year of life. At the time of the
kidnapping, the Moon had moved to within 21’ of arc of the natal Rahu
by 3º20’ = 1 year progression.
Brighu Bindus
The Mercury/Ketu midpoint also fell within less than two degrees of the
Sun in her birth chart. At the time of the incident, Mercury Ketu
transited over her Navamsa ascendant, while Mars/Rahu/Sun/Moon all
moved in the 7th house of her natal Navamsa chart. Ketu may indicate
that she got lost suddenly, and was then picked up by a stranger
(Mars/Rahu).Venus/Ketu midpoint fell even closer to the Sun, i.e. at 20
degrees Ta/Sc. These points are significant in that she was in a
Vimsottari dasa period of Venus/Sun/Venus at the time of her
Notes: By 3º20’ = 1 year progression, the 2nd event above occurred when
progressed Mars conjoined Saturn in the natal 7th house exactly. Also,
the progressed Jupiter came to exactly oppose natal Venus in the first
During the 1st event above, progressed Jupiter moved to the natal
6th house/Leo, and opposed the natal Sun exactly. The event might have
more relevance when seen from the Sun lagna, from where the Sun itself
rules the 7th house, while Jupiter disposits natal Venus. At the time, the
Narayana dasa was of Taurus/Taurus, a fact which brings Venus very
strongly into the picture, and especially for marriage as Venus rules the
7th from Upapada lagna.Transits: It is significant that Jupiter occupies
the 64th Navamsa from natal lagna, while at the time of marriage, transit
Jupiter and Venus were in that exact location.
Finally, Mercury, the lord of the natal 7th house, occupied the Navamsa
7th with Venus at birth, while at the time of marriage, transit Mercury
moved through the Navamsa 7th.
[1] Rudra and Mahesvara play very strong roles in longevity studies.
Briefly, Rudra is the stronger of the lord of the 2 nd and 8th. Mahesvara is
the lord of the 8th from the Atmakaraka. There are details regarding the
calculation and use of these planets which are given in Maharshi Jaimini
Upadesa Sutras, by Sanjay Rath. p.154-157