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Most Powerful Mantra For Opening 3rd Eye Chakra

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The key takeaways are about opening and balancing the third eye chakra using the Aum mantra meditation techniques described.

The third eye chakra, also known as the Ajna chakra, is located between the eyebrows. It governs the pituitary gland and influences the endocrine system. It is also considered the seat of wisdom and intuition.

The most powerful method for opening the third eye chakra is chanting the Aum mantra, as it is the seed sound that resonates with the third eye chakra center.


Powerful Mantra for Opening Third Eye Chakra

Not only Kundalini Yoga, but all of yoga is really based on the
seven chakra system. In this system there are seven chakra
points that lie along the spine, from the base to the crown of
the head, and each of these chakra points is responsible for the
organs and glands situation in it's region. The chakras, though,
are responsible for not just the organs and glands, but they are
also responsible for our various personality traits and
characteristic. Of these seven chakras, more of the most
important and fascinating is the Ajna chakra, or Third Eye.
Situated in the middle of brain directly behind the center of the
forehead, is the Third Eye chakra. This chakra governs the
pituitary glad, which is the master gland for the endocrine
system and strongly influences the functioning of the other
endocrine glands. The endocrine system is very key to your
overall health, thus, for optimum wellbeing, having the pituitary
gland functioning properly is of paramount importance.
Opening, balancing and healing the Ajna chakra, directly
improves the functioning of this most important gland.
In addition, the Third Eye is considered to be the seat of
wisdom and intuition. It allows us to see the unseen and know
the unknown. Opening this chakra allows you to develop your
intuitive, psychic nature. The more balanced and open this
center is, the greater power of intuition and insight you will
have. So let's find out how to activate this most important
chakra point.
The most powerful method of opening the Third Eye chakra, is
with the use of the OM (AUM) mantra. Each chakra and a seed
sound, or bij mantra, which is a sound that that particular
center resonates with, and chanting that sound activates that
center. For the Ajna chakra, the seed sound is the AUM mantra.
Chanting it aloud, or just mentally is one of the best techniques
for opening this chakra. Here are two good methods for
chanting this mantra.
In the first AUM mantra chanting technique, you should inhale
deeply and then make a long OOO sound, for about two thirds
of the breath. Then, for the last one third of the breath, make
the sound MMM. Feel this sound emerging from the center of
the forehead and emanating outwards. In addition, have your
eyes turned slightly upwards as if you are trying to look through
the center of the forehead. This is called Shambhavi Mudra, and
it further stimulates the Third Eye.
The second technique for chanting the AUM mantra, does not
require you to even verbalize the sound. Instead, close your
eyes and as you inhale, feel the sound OOO entering through
the center of your forehead, and as you exhale feel the sound
MMM leaving from the center of your forehead. Repeat this
meditation for as long as you like, imagining the sounds
entering and leaving. Again, you should have your eyes turned
slightly upwards, without strain, as if you are looking through
the center of the forehead.
Both of the techniques above are excellent mediation methods
for opening and balancing the Third Eye chakra. As I
mentioned, opening this center bestows numerous benefits,
ranging from excellent health, wisdom and even psychic
powers. My only request is that you use the powers you
ascertain for helping yourself and other in your spiritual
evolution only. May the pure light within you guide you.
Benefits of activating third eye chakra:
*Third eye chakra or Ajna chakra is located between the
eyebrows. It is the seat of soul. Meditation on this chakra brings
nectar, unlimited visions and the ability of controlling adverse
*The three major nadis Ida, Pingla and Sushumna meet in the
third eye chakra, thus before awaking of kundalini Shakti the
third eye chakra should be greatly purified and open properly.
*Ajna or third eye chakra is the centre of wisdom and intuition.
When this chakra is awaken mind becomes study, calm, reliable
and free of all attachments.
*Awakening third eye chakra improves your memory; increase
the mystical power of mind. You will perceive psychic guidance,
psychic visions, extra sensory perception, clairvoyance and
divine intuition.
*Will power becomes very strong and all goals of the aspirant
are achieved.
*The aspirant acquires the full control of prana. He can easily
distribute the prana inside and outside the body at his will.
*Awakening of third eye chakra gives many siddhis and mystical
powers to the seeker.
*The quality of beauty, friendliness, generosity, happiness and
radiance are being incorporated in the personality of the seeker.
Significance of a mantra:
*A mantra works by creating its very special and own type of
resonance in space by throwing out subtle sound or vibration.
*A mantra is a pure form of energy having the qualities of
mobility, fluidity, softness, emitting calories and movement of
by the power impulses.
*The purpose of a mantra is to bring the mind to state of
devotion and concentration.
*Sound vibrations created by utterance of a mantra enable the
aspirant to attain the state of concentration, absorption, super
consciousness and illumination.
*Mantra is a form of a prayer which invokes the presiding deity
of that mantra. Mantra chanting can awake amazing powers of
mind and soul through the opening of that specific chakra of
consciousness which related with the specific presiding deity.
*If a mantra is awakened in the breath while concentrating on a
specific chakra the whole body is recharged. The psychic toxins
and blocks of that chakra are eliminated. The chakra opens with
its full potentiality and the stage of union of individualized being
with God is reached.
Sita-Ram mantra:

*Ram and Sita were avatars of lord Vishnu and Laxmi. Chanting
Sita Ram mantra unites our own perfect masculine and famine
*Ram symbolizes the Purusha or consciousness and Sita
symbolizes the Kundalini Shakti the power of manifestation or
*At third eye chakra Ram [soul or consciousness] dwells with
his eternal consort Sita [Shakti or matter energy].
*The divine couple resides in third eye chakra. Chanting the
Sita ram mantra automatically opens the mystical psychic lock
of this chakra.
Science of activating the third eye with Sita Ram mantra:
*Control the thoughts and focus the mind by chanting Sita Ram
*The energizing and purifying breaths of concentric breathing
patterns purify and regenerate the mind and soul.
*Concentric breathing patterns are a set of rhythmic and
synchronizing breaths associated with constant visualization of
circles one inside the other.

*The rhythmic visualization of expansion and contraction of

prana as fine streaks of light at third eye chakra results in
unlocking the psychic lock of third eye chakra.
*The whole technique will arrest the subconscious and
conscious states of mind at third eye chakra resulting in the
instant opening of that chakra.
The technique
Sit in a comfortable position with crossed legs and closed eyes.
*Take 5 slow and deep breaths and relaxed your whole body.
*Take another 5 slow and deep breath and relaxed your breath
more and more.
*Take 5 breaths relax your mind more and more.
*Now take your attention to third eye chakra located between
*In this area you have to visualize two concentric circles.
*The smaller inner one is silver bright in colour and the outer
bigger one is sparkling golden in colour covering the inner silver
*These concentric silver and golden circle are radiating pure
intense and divine spiritual electrical light of thousands volts.
*Now synchronize simultaneously you breaths inhalation-
exhalation, chanting Sita-Ram and visualization of inner silver
and outer golden circles.
*Now mentally chant Sita-Ram mantra, when you inhale
mentally chant Sita focus your attention on smaller inner silver
circle and when you exhale, mentally chant Ram and expend
your attention on outer bigger golden circle and again when you
inhale chant Sita and again contact your attention to inner
silver circle.
*Breath/mentally chant/visualize in this manner, inhalation---
chant Sita---contraction to inner silver circle---exhalation---
chant Ram---expansion to outer golden circle.
*Forget about your whole body all surroundings and entire
universe only visualize the two contracting and expending
silver-golden concentric circle.
*Gradually increase yours breathing-chanting -visualization
time from 5 to 30 minutes over a period of time.
*This is the easiest and surest technique of activating your third
eye chakra.
Signs and symptoms of third eye chakra activation:
*There are some signs related to activation of third eye chakra,
by closing your eyes you may see:
1. Sparking lights.
2. Blue/purple/silver white colours.
3. Black sky with infinite stars.
4. Silver white dots.
5. Purple or indigo coloured figure of circle/triangle/square/eye.
*- You may have a tingling electrical sensation in your body.
You may feel pressure or sensation of screwing or pulsation in
the area of third eye chakra.
*You may see aura, images, shadows, different colours and
different invisible entities of other dimensions.
*Your dream becomes quite real and vivid.
*After the activation of third eye chakra you will become more
sensitive towards others energy field.
Time scale for third eye activation:
*The time takes to activate the third eye chakra is different for
everyone, usually it depends upon one's own dedication,
sincerity and the application of right technique.
*Usually the third eye is activated according to the spiritual
advancement, the accumulated spiritual progress of previous
births. The activation may take place between the time periods
of one weak to three months.

The chakra located on the center of your forehead
between your eyebrows is called the 'third eye' chakra
(Agdnya in Sanskrit).
This chakra stands for consciousness, awareness and occult
knowledge. ('occult' is nothing evil, the word only means
'hidden, secret' or 'beyond knowledge of the mainstream'). The
third eye is also the place were our insights are energetically
processed and through which we are able to experience
supernatural cognition and abilities. It is the chakra that is
related to the manifestation of thoughts into things, to the
ability to visualize vividly and manifest wishes through intent
focus. On top of that the third eye chakra is also connected to a
part in our brain. The 'pineal gland' is a 'little organ' within our
brain that is responsible for our understanding of the bigger
picture. If your pineal gland is calcified through things like an
unhealthy diet or fluoridated water you will not be as open to
paranormal or 'out of the norm' things. An open 'third eye' (no
or little calcification) means that you have a natural connection
to your higher self, to a higher consciousness and your spiritual
intuition. This means that spirituality is not only a thing to
'believe' in, it is possible that some people's pineal gland is so
inactive, they actually can't feel any spiritual connection...
The 'third eye' is often used in negative context, but be not be
fooled by that. You third eye is nothing to fear or nothing 'evil'.
It can be the most powerful 'tool' to understand the broader
reality of our multidimensional universe and to gain actual
insight and knowledge into the mystery of life and existence.
My third chakra is very active and I'm all about diving really (I
mean REALLY) deep into spiritual and so called 'paranormal'
stuff. Although I love it, it's not always that easy. Through my
missing grounding (I'm talking about it HERE), I have little
connection to the third dimension and the feeling of 'not
belonging on earth' gets intensified through my super active
third eye chakra. I'm also super aware of most of my
subconscious beliefs and can't 'go easy on myself'. There's
always popping up new stuff to work on, new insights, new
thought patterns I can decode. It's the same with other people
- I often see someone and literally can read off their energy
how they 'tick' and what their problem is. If they don't realize it
for themselves that can be very exhausting, haha!
You can check if your third eye is open or rather closed by the
following symptoms:

An open third eye chakra

If your third eye is active or open you have a great imagination.
You can visualize things or situations in your head very vividly
and real. You are able to make the jump from 'idea' to 'detailed
imagination'. Inventors for example use their third eye for
thought experiments and therefore find a way to invent
something that actually works in the end.
You are very self-aware and able to turn negative thoughts into
positive ones, without suppressing the negative ones but by
actually transforming them. You might have the ability to
energetically charge your thoughts and send them through
telepathic communication to someone else. You are able to
sense things that are not obvious. With an open eye chakra you
might be able to read people without knowing them. You don't
need to know someone to know their energy. You might be able
to predict events, almost like a fortune teller.
A third eye chakra out of balance
If your third eye chakra is blocked you might have nightmares
and make up 'worst case scenarios' in your head all the time.
You don't really know how to plan things because you can't
imagine how things will turn out and get overwhelmed by fear.
Your thoughts are chaotic, you don't have many ideas, your
thoughts don't blend well with each other and you feel an 'inner
fight'. You might have problems to learn new things and your
unsteady mind keeps you stressed. In extreme cases you can
develop schizophrenia, delusional thinking and extreme fear of
the unknown. Your missing natural connection to paranormal
'out of the norm' things makes you incredibly afraid of them.

You can use the shown mudra as supporting method while you
are meditating. Place the outside of your middle fingers against
each other, the tips of all other fingers touch. The mudra holds
the energy of 'something hidden' that wants to be unlocked. Try
it for yourself, close your eyes and just feel what I mean. The
hidden part stands for the activation of your third eye. It wants
to be 'unlocked'. You can use this mudra in combination with
the following mantra and meditation technique.

The mantra of the third eye chakra is AUM or OM. OM might be
the most famous one and is associated with clairvoyance.
Close your eyes and take deep breaths until you feel calm and
slip into a meditative state. Focus on the center of your
forehead, just where the third eye chakra is located. Imagine a
white light on your pineal gland that frees it from all the
blockages and calcifications. Bathe your pineal glan (third eye)
in the healing light. It's not unusual to feel a strong tingling in
your brain. Just go with it. Try to open your third eye with your
physical eyes closed. Feel the 'lid' lifting slowly and say or
whisper 'OM' with every try to lift your 'eyelid'. Imagine yourself
seeing through your third eye and really concentrate on the
process. If it works, there might be a millisecond of super vivid
'sight'. In the beginning it mostly is just a flash of white light
until you practice and the image starts to become clearer and
clearer. It might take a few tries to succeed but keep on trying!

Powerful Ancient Breathing

Exercise to Open the Third Eye
and Activate the Pineal

Solara An-Ra
Councils of Light
"Close your eyes wherever you may be on your blessed earth
plane. Close your eyes and move silently through the
invocations, using them inwardly now, inwardly calling White
Light to yourself now and watching that Light stream through
your physical and energy bodies, illuminating Gaia below you so
that you may see and feel Gaia's core crystal.
Inwardly now, ground yourself through your heart and belly in
to the great Core Crystal and as you ground yourself in this
way, an umbilical cord moving from Svadhisthana down through
Muladhara magnetically attaching to the great iron crystal of
You feel your physical selves resonating, humming, pulsing with
her, your physical body heavy, deeply relaxed and pleasant. Feel
your self inwardly connected now with Sushumna, with the
central channel that runs through all chakras.

Inwardly now, make an invocation to activate your prana tube

from your heart centre, pushing your internal energy breathing
tube up to connect with the heart of the great central sun,
pushing your energy tube down to connect with the core crystal
of Gaia.

Inwardly now, invoke and command a concentration and

expansion of your energy body. Concentrate your Light so that
you are switched on like a light bulb.
Expand your aura out to a distance that is comfortable to you

Call your energy back now, saying internally 'let all energy that
I have given away or left behind return to me now - let all
energy that I have given away or left behind return to me now'.
And here you are blessed earth people switched on, expanded,
completely whole within your energy field, grounded in to Gaia,
connected with all that is above and all that is below.
And is this not powerful? Does this not being you fully in to your
power? Being able to ground, centre and connect to yourself in
this way, in so few minutes. Your wish is your command. This
has always been so and will always be so.
Your wish is your command. You are sovereign beings. You are
in charge of your own energy. Speak never again of your energy
being drained by any person, place or situation. For this is a
reflection of disempowerment. No person, place or situation is
able to drain you of your energy unless you allow it. Know from
this moment forward that you are always in charge of your own

The basic energy techniques as given - calling Light to yourself,

grounding yourself in to the Core Crystal, activating your Prana
tube, concentrating and expanding your energy field, reclaiming
your energy - these are the primary energy techniques that we
have passed on to you in these energy lessons.
You do not need to the energy lessons repeatedly once you
have mastered these techniques. Indeed, the purpose of these
lessons has been to teach you these, to allow you to experience
the effect of these separate techniques so that you are able to
use them as and when they are necessary.

Sometimes, it will be necessary to ground yourselves over and

over again within one 24 hour period. Sometimes you are in a
state of perfect groundedness and it is one or more of the other
techniques which are needed. If you are feeling insecure, if you
are feeling drained, if you are feeling disempowered, if you are
feeling angry, if you are experiencing a power control between
yourself and one other, then you need to call your energy back.
'Let all energy that I have given away or left behind return to
me now.' And watch and feel the effect of this command, of this
reclaiming of your energy. Watch and experience the effect
within your physical and energy body as you call Light to
yourself, as you concentrate and expand your energy body, as
you activate your Prana tube.
The effects must be experienced or you are missing the point.
You must feel what these do within your physical and energy
body or you are missing the point. Once you know how it feels
to grounded, then you will know what it feels to be ungrounded.
Once you know how it feels to be fully in your power, then you
will know how it feels to be disempowered.

We teach now the final stage of Nadi Shodhana, the most magic
of all Pranayama techniques in this age of Light. For what other
technique will raise your energy and clear your mind while
simultaneously relaxing, grounding and centering you. What
other technique will cause the Fire of Kundalini to rise through
Sushumna awakening Ajna.
What other technique so successfully unites right and left brain
bringing a perfect balance between Shakti and Shiva, goddess
and god, your divine feminine and masculine principle.
We have taught the 'root lock' as you call it, this pulling up on
the pelvic floor as you breathe in and holding of this as you hold
the energy in Ajna.
And we have taught the lifting of the head at the top of the in-
breath in order to allow the energy to rise more easily through
Vishuddha in to Agdnya.
And we explain now, that the 'chin lock' is completed by the
tucking in of the chin like a Balinese dancer and that this
tucking in of the chin and a slight pulling back on the head,
compresses the throat cavity in such a way that the energy
shoots more powerfully up in to Ajna.
And so at the top of the in-breath as your head is raised and as
the air reaches its completion in the inhalation, you tuck your
chin in naturally as you hold your breath. And this tucking in of
your chin accelerates the energy flow through your throat and
in to your third eye.

The final step comes naturally if you are succeeding in using the
complete breath with every in-breath of Nadi Shodhana. In the
complete breath we have explained, that your abdomen will fill
first and as the rise of energy and air reaches your rib cage,
your rib cage will expand in such a way that the solar plexus
tightens somewhat.

Practice this now with a complete breath through both nostrils.

Use the Ujjai breath. Breathing in your belly, in to your lungs,
and finally in to your throat. And with your rib cage expanded
now, feel your solar plexus now and you will notice that it is
tight and not soft. And this is sufficient for the diaphragm lock.
This is sufficient to activate the lock in this soft place which
assists in pumping the energy up in to your third eye.

So as you breathe in with every in-breath, you will activate the

lock at the root, the lock at the diaphragm, and finally the lock
at the chin. And this energy practice will make your Nadi
Shodhana so powerful and so enjoyable that you will not wish
to do it again without these aids.

One complete breath...breathing in and out.

Prepare your right hand how with a mudra.
Breathing in. Close your right nostril. And we begin...
Aum Namaha Shivay - Out right.
Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha Shivay - Out left. Shivay
Aum Namaha.

Round 2:
Aum Namaha Shivay - Root lock on. Diaphragm. Hold your chin
lock. Release all locks. Out right. Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum
Namaha Shivay - Hold the locks. Hold the locks. Hold the locks.
Out left.Shivay Aum Namaha.

Round 3:
Aum Namaha Shivay -Aum Namaha Shivay - Watch Solara An-
Ra's fingers if you are lost. Aum Namaha Shivay -Shivay Aum
Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha
Shivay -Shivay Aum Namaha
Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha
Shivay -Shivay Aum Namaha.
Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha
Shivay -Shivay Aum Namaha.
Last round: Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum Namaha Shivay - Aum
Namaha Shivay -Shivay Aum Namaha.
Hold your awareness in the secret, sacred cave of
Brahma, mysterious space in the centre of the brain...pineal
gland bathed in golden white liquid light. The pineal activated
through this Kundalini energy rising through Sushumna now.
Watch the Kundalini rising, stimulated by the locks or bandhas,
magical physical locks or pumps which concentrate the energy
rising through Sushumna.

Electro magnetic currents stimulated now in the ventricles of

your brain and what you experience is White Light. White Light
in the centre of your brain.
Some of you experience blue-white flashing, lightning between
the lateral ventricles of your brain and this flashing is the
marriage, the divine union of Shakti/Shiva within your brain.
Draw your physical eyes inwards, up and back, in to the cave of
Brahma...mysterious indigo blue cave, the violet flame of St.
Germaine, a light within the cave.
From the Violet Flame send a cord now down through your
throat chakra, through Vishuddha and in to the One Heart in
your chest. The One Heart is a spinning turquoise brilliance
within your chest, ignited and surrounded now by the violet
flame from Ajna.

Say out loud 'I AM THAT I AM... I AM THAT I AM... I AM THAT I

This is your connection with Higher Self. Your 'Am That I Am'
statement is your resonance, your acceptance, your invitation
to your Higher Self to be one with you, personality and Higher
Self infusing each other joyfully.
You need not let go of your personality self to be enlightened
dear ones. For the time of ascension is the time in which your
Christed Self descends fully in to your physical and personality
being so that you are able to joyfully express yourself in your
full power. Joyful, powerful, helpful beings, perfect in every way,
exactly as you are right now.

Say out loud 'I am perfect exactly as I am right now.'

Each one of you is perfection, beauty, power, health, light,
crystalline, angelic.
Say out loud 'Crystalline Angelic Being of Light Am I'.
Open your eyes now dear ones. Use the one heart mudra and
say our loud 'Crystalline Angelic Being of Light Am I'.
You will say this now every day in your looking glasses. You will
look in to the mirror, look in to your own eyes and acknowledge
'Crystalline Angelic Being of Light Am I'.
And so it is that the new age of Light dawns on your planet of

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