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Nadi Amsa Chart

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Nadi Amsha Chart

By Dr. Pemmaraju VR Rayudu, India

SA Editor: Anil Bhoot


his article was published in The Times of Astrology magazine, New Delhi in April


Pemmaraju V.R.Rayudu, BE, M.Tech,

a former Senior Scientist and Deputy Director of Defense Research and Development Laboratory of Government of India, has been studying, researching, and practicing Hindu Astrology for the last four decades. Member of the AFA and author of the much acclaimed How to Read A Horoscope & How to Match Horoscopes is known for his authentic work in rare areas like Nadi Astrology. Though 70 yrs old & busy in his spiritual life his love for Saptarishis Astrology is there right from its inception stage.

The Rashi is divided into several divisions such as Hora (1/2), Drekkana (1/3), Chaturtamsa (1/4), Panchamsa (1/5), Shastamsa (1/6), Saptamsa (1/7), Ashtamsa (1/8), Navamsha (1/9), Dashamsa (1/10), Dwadashamsa (1/12), Shodashamsa (1/16), Vimshamsa (1/20), Siddhamsa (1/24), Bhamsa (1/27), Trimshamsa (1/30), Khavedamsa (1/40), Akshavedamsa (1/45), Shastiamsa (1/60), Navamsha-Navamsha (1/81), NavamshaDwadashamsa (1/108) etc., representing different aspects of life. It is known how to prepare these different divisional charts though with some differences in the approach. But there is no published literature for the correct utilization of these charts in interpreting the results. Nadi Amsha is the subtlest in the division of the Rashi. Some of the published literature on Nadi amshas has given the results. But nowhere it is

published how to prepare the Nadi amsha chart and to interpret the results. In this article is given the explanation of the Nadi amshas, methodology to prepare the Nadi amsha chart and interpretation of Nadi amsha chart, out of my research.

Nadi Amshas

y now, most of the readers know what is a Nadi amsha. However, for the benefit of others, a Nadi amsha is 1/150th part of a rashi. The 30 degrees of rashi divided by 150 would give 12 minutes of arc (30 degrees multiplied by 60 and divided by 150 is equal to 12 minutes). Thus there are 150 Nadi amshas in a rashi and each Nadi amsha is of 12 minutes arc. If, on an average, 2 hours duration is taken for each rashi, it amounts to 48 seconds in time duration (2 hours multiplied by 3600 and divided by 150 is equal to 48 seconds). These Nadi amshas are given different names to recognize their interval periods. The Nadi amshas are numbered in clockwise direction in moveable rashis from beginning to end of rashi. In fixed rashis, they begin from end to beginning of rashi anticlockwise. In dual rashis, they begin from middle of rashi, to the end of rashi then continue from beginning of rashi and counted upto the middle of rashi. For example, in Aries moveable rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha, named Vasudha, is from 0 degree to 0 degree 12 minutes, the 2nd Nadi amsha is from 0 degree 12 minutes to 0 degree 24 minutes and so on till the 150th Nadi amsha which is from 29 degree 48 minutes to 30 degrees. In Taurus fixed rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha of Vasudha is from 29 degrees 48 minutes to 30 degrees, the 2nd one from 29 degrees 36 minutes to 29 degrees 48 minutes and so on till the last 150th Nadi amsha is from 0 degree to 0 degree 12 minutes. In Gemini dual rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha of Vasudha is from the middle 15 degrees to 15 degrees 12 minutes, the 2nd one from 15 degrees 12 minutes to 15 degrees 24 minutes and so on till the 75th Nadi amsha is from 29 degrees 48 minutes to 30 degrees and then the 76th Nadi amsha starts from the beginning of 0 degree to 0 degrees 12 minutes, the 77th from 0 degree 12 minutes to 0 degree 24 minutes and so on till the 150th one is from 14 degrees 48 minutes to 15 degrees. Thus it can be seen that 1st Nadi amsha in Aries, the 150th Nadi amsha in Taurus and the 76th Nadi amsha in Gemini are the same. But it does not seem logical to apply this to all moveable, fixed and dual rashis. There are four sets of moveable, fixed and dual rashis in the zodiac. They are Aries-Taurus-Gemini, Cancer-Leo-Virgo, Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius, and Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces. The above logic applies only within each set. The 1st Nadi amsha of Cancer, 150th Nadi amsha of Leo, the 76th Nadi amsha of Virgo would be the same. The 1st Nadi amsha of Libra, the 150th Nadi amsha of Scorpio, the 76th Nadi amsha of Sagittarius would-be the same. The 1st Nadi amsha of Capricorn, the 150th Nadi amsha of Aquarius, the 76th nadi amsha of Pisces would be the same.

Table of Nadi Amshas For ready reference, the table of Nadi amshas is given in Appendix I to this article, as taken from my article A Note on Nadi amshas published by Vedic Astrology magazine November-December 1998. The list is also given the in the book Devakeralam by late Sri R. Santhanam and in The Astrological Magazine of late Sri B. V. Raman. The names of the Nadi amshas may differ but the duration of the intervals are the same in all the sources. Preperation of Nadi Amshas Chart Before preparing the Nadi amsha chart, it is essential to rectify the given birth time as per my article Tatwa/Antartatwa Siddhata-Birth Rectification published in The Times of Astrology magazine June 2002. This method would rectify the birth time to match the male / female births as per the day, lagna, and Moon star and tatwa upto a difference of 24 seconds in birth time. An attempt is made here from fundamentals of explanation of Nadi amshas to give a methodology to prepare a Nadi amsha chart for different sets moveable, fixed and dual rashis. Moveable Rashis

n moveable rashis, the Nadi amshas are counted clockwise from the beginning to the end of the rashi. Hence in Aries moveable rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha falls in Aries itself, the 2nd I Taurus, the 3rd in Gemini and so on till the 150thfall in Virgo. In Cancer moveable rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha falls in Cancer, the 2nd in Leo, the 3rd in Virgo and so on till the last 150th falls in Sagittarius. In Libra moveable rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha falls in Libra, the 2nd in Scorpio, the 3rd in Sagittarius and so on till the 150th falls in Pisces. In Capricorn moveable rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha falls in Capricorn, the 2nd in Aquarius, the 3rd in Pisces and so on till the 150th falls in Gemini. That means, if Ascendant (lagna) or any other planet in rashi chart in Aries rashi is in 1st Nadi amsha of 0 degree to 0 degree 12 minutes, it falls in Aries rashi itself in Nadi amsha chart, if from 0-12 to 0-24 it falls in Taurus in Nadi chart, and so on till if it is between 29-48 to 3000, it should be place in Virgo in Nadi chart. Similarly the ascendant or any other planet in Cancer, Libra or Capricorn in rashi chart should be place in Nadi chart depending on the degrees and minutes in rashi chart and the number of the Nadi amsha. Fixed Rashis

n fixed rashis, the Nadi amshas are counted anti-clockwise from the end to the beginning of the rashi. In Taurus fixed rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha of 29-48 to 30-00 is the same as the 150th Nadi amsha of 29-48 to 30-00 in Aries moveable rashi. The 150th Nadi amsha in Taurus from 0 degree to 0-12 is the same as the 1st Nadi amsha of 0

degree to 0-12 in Aries. As already explained above, 150th Nadi amsha of Aries falls in Virgo and 1st falls in Aries. Therefore, the 1st Nadi amsha of Taurus should start from Virgo and go anti-clockwise, the 2nd from 29-36 to 29-48 in Leo and so on till the 150th of 0 degree to 0-12 falls in Aries. Suppose if ascendant or any planet is in 10-58 in Taurus, it falls in the 96th Nadi amsha in Taurus from 10-48 to 11-00 and so count 96 anti-clockwise from Virgo, which would be Libra. Therefore, the ascendant or any planet in 10-58 in Taurus in rashi chart should be placed in Libra in Nadi amsha chart. Similarly in the second set of moveable-fixed-dual rashis of Cancer-Leo-Virgo, the 1st Nadi amsha of Leo is the same as the 150th Nadi amsha of Cancer. The 150th Nadi amsha of cancer is Sagittarius. So the counting of Nadi amshas in Leo should start from Sagittarius anti-clockwise. If the ascendant or any planet is in 20-51 in Leo, it falls in the 46th Nadi amsha of 20-48 to 21-00 and so count 46 anti-clockwise from Sagittarius, which would be Pisces. Therefore, the ascendant or any planet in 20-51 in Leo in rashi chart should be place in Pisces in Nadi amsha chart. Similarly in the third set of Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius, the 150th Nadi amsha of Libra falls in Pisces and so the counting for Nadi amshas in Scorpio should start from Pisces anticlockwise. If ascendant or any planet is in 10-58 in Scorpio, which would be the 96th Nadi amsha and so count 96 anti-clockwise from Pisces, which would be Aries. Therefore, the ascendant or any planet in 10-58 in Scorpio in rashi chart should be placed in Aries in Nadi amsha chart. Similarly in the fourth set of Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces, the counting for Nadi amshas in Aquarius should start from Gemini which is the 150th in Capricorn. If ascendant or any planet were in 24-40 in Aquarius, it would be in 27th Nadi amsha and so count 27 anti-clockwise from Gemini, which would be Aries. Therefore the ascendant or any planet in 24-40 in Aquarius in rashi chart should be placed in Aries in Nadi amsha chart. Thus the crux is that if the ascendant or any planet is in Taurus, the counting of Nadi amsha of that should start from Virgo anti-clockwise, if in Leo start counting from Sagittarius anti-clockwise, if in Scorpio start counting from Pisces anti-clockwise and if in Aquarius start counting from Gemini anti-clockwise. Dual Rashis

n dual rashis, the Nadi amshas are counted clockwise from the middle to the end of the rashi and then counting continued from the beginning to the middle of the rashi. In Gemini dual rashi, the 1st Nadi amsha of 15-00 to 15-12 is the same as the 76th Nadi amsha of 15-00 to 15-12 in Aries moveable rashi. The 75th Nadi amsha of Gemini from 29-48 to 30-00 is same as the 150th in Aries. The 76th Nadi amsha in Gemini from 000 to 0-12 is same as the 1st in Aries. The 150th Nadi amsha in Gemini from 14-48 to 15-00 is same as the 75th in Aries i.e. matching with 14-48 to 15-00. As already seen in Aries, the

76th Nadi amsha falls in Cancer, the 150th in Virgo, and the 1st in Aries and the 75th in Gemini. So the 1st Nadi amsha in Gemini should fall in Cancer, 75th in Virgo, 76th in Aries and 150th in Gemini. So the counting of Nadi amshas in Gemini should start form Cancer clockwise from the 1st Nadi amsha till the 75th in Virgo. The 76th in Gemini should start clockwise from Aries till the 150th in Gemini. Suppose the ascendant or any planet is in 18-27 in Gemini, it falls in the 18th Nadi amsha in Gemini from 18-24 to 18-36 and so count 18 clockwise from Cancer, which would be Sagittarius. Therefore, the ascendant or any planet in 18-27 in Gemini in rashi chart should be placed in Sagittarius in Nadi chart. Suppose the ascendant or any planet is in 1-10 in Gemini, it falls in the 82nd Nadi amsha in Gemini from 1 degree to 1-12 and so count 82 clockwise from Aries taking 76 as Aries, which would be Virgo. Therefore the ascendant or any planet in 1-10 in Gemini in rashi chart should be placed in Virgo in Nadi chart. Similarly in the second set of moveable-fixed-dual rashis of Cancer-Leo-Virgo, the 1st Nadi amsha in Virgo is same as the 76th in Cancer, 75th in Virgo is same as 150th in Cancer, 76th in Virgo is same as 1st in Cancer and the 150th in Virgo is same as the 75th in Cancer. The 76th in Cancer falls in Libra. O the counting of Nadi amshas in Virgo should start from Libra clockwise till the 75th falls in Sagittarius. The 76th in Virgo should start clockwise from Cancer till the 150th in Virgo. Suppose if the ascendant or any planet is in 18-27 in Virgo, it falls in the 18th Nadi amsha in Virgo, and to count 18 from Libra clockwise, which would e Pisces. Therefore the ascendant or any planet in 1827 in Virgo in rashi chart should be placed in Pisces in Nadi chart. Suppose the ascendant or any planet is in 1-10 in Virgo, it falls in the 82nf Nadi amsha in Virgo and so count 82 clockwise from Cancer taking 76 as Cancer, which would be Sagittarius. Therefore the ascendant or any planet in 1-10 in Virgo in rashi chart should be place in Sagittarius in Nadi chart. Similarly in the third set of Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius, the 1st Nadi amsha in Sagittarius is same as the 76th in Libra, the 75th in Sagittarius is same as 150th in Libra, 76th in Sagittarius is same as 1st in Libra and the 150th in Sagittarius is same s 75th in Libra. The 76th in Libra falls in Capricorn. So the counting of Nadi amshas in Sagittarius from 1st to 75th should start clockwise from Capricorn till the 75th in Pisces. The 76th Sagittarius should start clockwise from Libra till the 150th in Sagittarius. Suppose if the ascendant or any planet is in 18-27 in Sagittarius, it falls in the 18th Nadi amsha of Sagittarius and so count 18 from Capricorn clockwise, which would be Gemini. Therefore the ascendant or any planet in Sagittarius in 18-27 in rashi chart should be placed in Gemini in Nadi chart. Suppose if the ascendant or any planet is in 1-10 in Sagittarius, it falls in 82nd Nadi amsha in Sagittarius and so count 82from Libra clockwise taking 786 as Libra, which would be Pisces and therefore should be place n Pisces in Nadi chart.

Similarly in the fourth set of Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces, the counting of Nadi amshas in Pisces from 1st to 75th should start from Aries clockwise till the 75th falls in Gemini. The 76th Nadi amsha in Pisces should start clockwise from Capricorn till the 150th falls in Pisces. Therefore the ascendant or any planet in 23-51 in Pisces falls in 45th Nadi amsha in Pisces from 23-48 to 2 degrees. So count 45 from Aries clockwise, which would be Sagittarius and therefore should be placed in Sagittarius in Nadi chart. If ascendant or any planet is in 1-10 in Pisces, it falls in 82nd Nadi amsha in Pisces and so count 82 from Capricorn clockwise taking 76th as Capricorn, which would be Gemini and therefore should be placed in Gemini in Nadi chart.

Example of Nadi Chart

Based on the above methodology, the Nadi chart is given below for the ascendant and planets in rashi chart. Rasi Chart: Libra-Ascendant 5-54, Venus 7-4, Rahu 27-16; Capricorn- moon 20-9; Aquarius- Jupiter 2-7; Pisces- Saturn 23-51; Aries- Ketu 27-16; Leo- Mercury 5-59, Mars 633, Sun 20-51 Nadi Chart: Pisces-Ascendant, Sun, Mars; Taurus-Moon; Leo- Ketu; Virgo-Venus; Scorpio- Jupiter; Sagittarius-Mercury, Saturn; Aquarius-Rahu

Interpretation of Nadi Chart

he person of the above rashi chart is a mechanical engineer retired from Government Defense Research service. After retirement he continued his hobby of astrology doing researh, writing articles, giving lectures and consultations, getting awards in astrology. He also knows Vedanta and Veena musical instrument to some extent. He has own house and vehicles. He has only one son settled abroad. He lives on pension & in his own house with his wife studying astrology and Vedanta. He also travels in India and abroad. He has moderate health. The above rashi and Nadi charts are broadly analyzed to check which one would give better interpretation. In the rashi chart, the 10th house is vacant aspected by the 10th lord Moon. The 10th lords in 4th alone in Moon star without any aspects from any other planet. From this, it is difficult to interpret his activities in Defence research, astrology and Vedanta. Venus in Libra ascendant in own house has not given any proficiency in his musical interests. The Moon in 4th, the 4th not aspected by any planet and the 4th lord Saturn in 6th house

aspected by Mars should have obstructed having his own house, vehicles and education. Jupiter in 5th house aspected by Sun, Mercury and Mars and the 5th lord Saturn in 6th house with exchange (parivartana) with Jupiter should have given more children. The 2nd lord Mars, 9th lord Mercury and 11th lord Sun in 11th should have given big wealth and prosperity. Ascendant lord Venus in the ascendant and 6th lord Jupiter In 5th with exchange with Saturn should have given good health. The 9th and 12th lord Mercury with enemy mars should have obstructed his travels. In the Nadi chart, Saturn and Mercury in 10th house, 10th and 1st lord Jupiter in Scorpio of Mars with exchange with Mars would give better interpretation about his activities in Defense research, astrology and Vedanta. Debilitated Venus has not given much progress in musical pursuits. The 4th house aspected by 4th lord Mercury, 2nd and 9th lord mars, 11th lord Saturn has given good house, vehicles and education. The 5th house aspected by Jupiter and 5th lord Moon exalted has given one son. The 2nd and 9th lord Mars in ascendant associated with 6th lord Sun and 11th and 12th lord Saturn have given moderate wealth and prosperity. The 6th lord Sun in ascendant aspected by 8th lord debilitated Venus has given moderate health though ascendant lord Jupiter aspecting the ascendant. Jupiter in 9th and 9th lord Mars in ascendant with exchange with ascendant lord Jupiter and 12th aspected by 11th and 12th lord Saturn has given the travels. The transits of planets in both the charts can also be compared to check the results though it is not done here. Thus from the above broad analysis the Nadi chart gives better interpretation than the rashi chart.


ince the Nadi amshas differentiate upto 48 seconds in birth time, it is the subtlest available means to interpret better results. When there is no published literature to correctly interpret the all the other known divisional charts, particularly whether lordship of houses can be taken or not in the divisional charts, it is not claimed that the analysis of the Nadi chart as given above is correct. It is also not claimed that the above methodology to prepare the Nadi chart is correct. The idea in writing this article is to stimulate the expert astrologers to come out with better research to delve deep into this subject to interpret better results by studying all the divisional charts including the subtlest Nadi amsha chart and to publish the same for the benefit of others. The subject of astrology is already having its natural death with superficial knowledge and interpretations of commercial interest and without any deep research and published literature. It is an earnest request once again to all the astrologers and other government

and private organizations to do deep research in astrology and publish the same to revive this great Divine subject.

Appendix I
Nadi Amshas and their Order in Various Rashis The following table is attached to my article A Note on Nadi Amshas by the magazine Vedic astrology on their own. It is likely that the names may differ by some others. Note: 1 represents 0 degree to 0 degree 12 minutes, 2 represents 0 degree 12 minutes to 0 degree 24 minutes etc till 150 represents 29 degrees 48 minutes to 30 degrees, thus each nadi amsha increasing by 0 degree 12 minutes. Nadi Amsha Vasudhaa Vaishnavi Braahmi Kaalakoota Shaankari Sudhaakari Samaa Saumyaa Suraa Maayaa Manoharaa Maadhavi Moveable rashi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fixed rashi 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 Dual rashi 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

Manjuswanaa Ghoraa Kumbhini Kutilaa Prabhaa Paraa Payasvini Maalaa Jagati Jarjharaa Dhruvaa Musalaa Mudgaraa Paashaa Champakaa Daamakaa(Daamini) Mahi Kulashaa

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121

88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

Kamalaa Kaantaa Kaalaa Karikaraa Kahamaa Durdharaa Durbhagaa Vishwaa Visheernaa Vikataa Avilaa Vibhramaa Sukhadaa Snigdhaa Sodaraa Surasundari Amritaplaavini Kaalaa

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103

106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

Kaamadhuk Karaveerani Gahvaraa Kundini Raudraa Vishaakhyaa Vishanaashini Narmadaa Sheetalaa Nimnaa Preetaa Priyavardhini Maanaghnaa Durbhagaa Chiraa Chitrini Chiranjeevini Bhoopaa

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85

124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141

Gakaharaa Naalaa Nalini Nirmalaa Nadi Sudhaamritaamshu Kaalikaa Kalushankuraa Trailokyamohankari Mahaamaari Susheetalaa Sukhadaa Suprabhaa Shobhaa Shobhanaa Shivadaa Shivaa Balaa

67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67

142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Jwaalaa Gadaa Gaadhaa Nootanaa Sumanoharaa Somavalli Somalataa Mangalaa Mudrikaa Kshudhaa Mokshaapavargaa Balayaa Navaneeta Nishaachari Nirritti Nigadaa Saraa Sangeetaa

85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

66 65 64 63 62 61 60 9 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Saamadaa Samaa Viwhwambharaa Kumaari Kokilaa Kunjaraakriti Aindraa Swaahaa Swaraa Vahni Preetaa Rakshajalaaplavaa Vaaruni Madiraa Maitri Haarini Harini Marut

103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120

48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Dhananjayaa Dhanakari Dhanadaa Kamchhapaambuja Maamshaani Shooeini Raudri Shivaa Shivakari Kalaa Kundaa Mukundaa Bharataa Haritaa Kadalee Smaraa Kandalaa Kokilaa

121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

Paapaa Kaamini Kalashodbhavaa Veeraprasoo Sangaraa Shatayajnaa Shataavari Prahvi Paatalini Naagaa Pankajaa Parameshwari

139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

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