VSD Advantages, Disadvantages, Selection Criteria and Installation Tips
VSD Advantages, Disadvantages, Selection Criteria and Installation Tips
VSD Advantages, Disadvantages, Selection Criteria and Installation Tips
The purpose of this document is to assist and guide users when they acquire a variable speed drive (VSD) and to help them through the many
precarious pitfalls to successfully select, install and operate their VSD.
VSD advantages
Speed Control at the design speeds of 2, 4, or 6 poles. At motor is approximately 400 radians/second.
high frequency command speeds, care In a closed loop system with a standard
A fundamental function of a VSD is to adjust
should be taken as torque loss may be squirrel cage induction motor, feedback is
the speed of an electric motor. The basic
experienced. approximately 600 radians/second. A full
command frequency for VSDs is normally
servo system is approximately 1000 radians/
from 0 Hz to 50 Hz, but mostly with the Torque control
second. 1 radian/second = 9.55 rpm or 2π
capability to be adjusted up to 400 Hz. If
Basic torque control is possible in an open radians (rad.) in 360° or 1 radian = 57.3 °.
the base frequency of a motor is 50 Hz then
the final speed will be 8 times the base loop system; however, the actual system
Smooth controllable starting and stopping
frequency of the motor with the command response required must be considered. In
an open loop system the VSD monitors the A Simple adjustment of the time required
frequency set at 400 Hz.
motor current and adjusts the voltage to to accelerate the motor from rest to full
Due to their design, it is not practically normal speed (Starting), normally 50 Hz, and from full
perform torque control, depending on the
for standard induction motors to operate speed to rest (Stopping), ensures a smooth
installation. If the current of the motor does
at these high frequencies. In practice a controllable start and stop sequence. This
not vary sufficiently, very inaccurate results reduces mechanical wear on the machine.
command frequency set point of between
will be obtained. Various types of starting and stopping
25 Hz and 75 Hz is acceptable without
compromising performance or introducing curves are available by setting the correct
Position control
any mechanical damage to the motor. At parameters in the VSD as illustrated in figure
low frequency set points, care must be taken With the aid of an optional interface card 1a to c.
that there is enough cooling for the motor most VSDs have the ability to be used as
Energy saving
produced by the mechanical fan. a low cost position controller. Items to be
taken into consideration are the dynamic We know that a Direct On Line (DOL) starter will
At high frequency set points mechanical response of the motor and control system. supply full voltage to the motor at the supply
failure may occur due to the mechanical As a rule of thumb an open loop system frequency with the current uncontrollable. The
design of the motor bearings normally rated with a standard squirrel cage induction motor will use as much current as the load
DEGREE OF PROTECTION (IP) IEC529 If the enclosure is too large for the available
space it can be made smaller by:
1st Numeral Digit 2nd Numeral Digit
Protection against contact + penetration of Protection against penetration of liquids Reducing the power dissipation in the
solid bodies enclosure
0 No protection 0 No protection Reducing the ambient temperature
1 Protection against solid objects 1 Protection against vertical drops of water outside the enclosure
more than 50 mm
Increasing the permissible ambient
2 Protection against solid objects 2 Protection against drops of water falling
temperature inside the cubicle if possible
more than 12 mm up to 150
by derating equipment in line with
3 Protection against solid objects 3 Protection against spraying water manufacturer’s recommendations
more than 2,5 mm
Increasing the number of unobstructed
4 Protection against solid objects 4 Protection against splashing water
more than 1 mm surfaces of the cubicle
5 Protection against dust (limited 5 Protection against water jets Circulating the air flow in a ventilated
ingress) enclosure
6 Total protection against dust 6 Protection against heavy seas In this case the dimensions of the enclosure
(dust-tight) are determined only by the requirements to
7 Protection against the effects of accommodate the equipment making sure
immersion to provide any recommended clearances.
Table 1: Degrees of protection. The equipment is cooled by forced airflow.
This being the case it is important is such
When making the calculation, remember to arrangement to ensure that the air flows over
accommodate the following:
take account of all power dissipated inside the heat-generating components to avoid
the cubicle, and not simply that generated Two Mitsubishi 3,7 kW drives localised hot spots.
by the drive. Further, in the internal layout of EMC filter for each drive The minimum required volume of ventilating
the cubicle, where possible, avoid placing Braking resistors mounted outside the air is given by:
electronic components at the top (hot air enclosure
rises!), and where possible provide fans to
Maximum ambient temperature inside
circulate internal air. Remember, as a rule of (4)
the enclosure 40 ºC
thumb, an electronic product’s lifetime halves
for every 7 °C temperature rise. Maximum ambient temperature outside where:
the enclosure 30 ºC
The enclosure itself transfers the internally V = Cooling air flow (m3hr -1),
Maximum dissipation of each drive
generated heat into the surrounding air by P = Power dissipated by all heat sources
= 190 W
natural convection, or external forced airflow. in the enclosure (W),
The greater the surface area of the enclosure Maximum dissipation of each EMC filter
= 25 W Tamb = Maximum expected ambient
walls, the better is the dissipation capability.
Remember also, that only walls which are Total dissipation = 2 x (190 + 25) = 430 W temperature outside the enclosure
not obstructed (not in contact with walls, The enclosure is to be made from painted 2 (ºC),
floor or another hot enclosure) can dissipate mm sheet steel having a heat transmission Ti = Maximum permissible ambient
heat to the air coefficient of 5,5 Wm-2 ºC-1. Only the top, temperature inside the enclosure
the front and two sides of the enclosure are (ºC) and
Calculate the minimum required unobstructed
free to dissipate heat.
surface area Ae for the enclosure as follows: k = ratio of po / pi
The minimum required unobstructed surface
P area Ae for the enclosure is as follows Where:
Ae = (3)
k(Ti - Tamb) po = Air pressure at sea level and
Ae = pi = Air pressure at the installation.
where: k(Ti - Tamb)
Typically, a factor of 1,2 to 1,3 can be used to
Ae = Unobstructed surface area (m²) 430
Ae = allow for pressure drops in dirty air filters.
P = Power dissipated by all heat 5,5 (40-30)
sources in the enclosure (W) Ae = 7,8 m2
To calculate the size of an enclosure to
Tamb = Maximum expected ambient
accommodate the following:
temperature outside the
If we select an enclosure with a height (H) of
enclosure (°C) Three Mitsubishi 15 kW drives
2 m, a depth (D) of 0,6 m, and a minimum
width W EMC filter for each drive
Ti = Maximum permissible ambient
temperature inside the Braking resistors mounted outside the
Dissipating surfaces > 7,8 m²
enclosure (°C) enclosure
Top + Front > 7,8 m² Maximum ambient temperature inside
k = Heat transmission coefficient
(Wmin x 0.6)+(Wmin x 2)+(2 x 0.6 x 2) the enclosure 40 ºC
of the enclosure material
> 7,8 m2 Maximum ambient temperature outside
(Wm-2 ºC-1).
the enclosure 30 ºC
Wmin > (7,8 – 2,4)/2,6
Example Maximum dissipation of each drive
> 2,1 m = 570 W
To calculate the size of an enclosure to
Blowers, positive-displacement, rotary, bypassed 40 40 100 Kinetic energy of the motor and load
= 0,5 J ω2 (12)
Centrifuges (extractors) 40 60 125
Compressors, axial-vane, loaded 40 100 100
J = Total inertia (kg m²) of the motor,
Conveyors, shaker-type (vibrating) 150 150 75
transmission and driven machine
Escalators, stairways (starting unloaded) 50 75 100
ω = angular velocity
Valve closed 25 60 50
Fans, centrifugal, ambient
Valve open 25 110 100 If there is gearing between the motor and
the driven machine, J is the value reflected
Valve closed 25 60 100
Fans, centrifugal, hot gases at the motor shaft.
Valve open 25 200 175
As the energy regenerated is proportional to
Fans, propellers axial-flow 40 110 100
the square of the angular velocity, most of the
Frames, spinning, textile 50 125 100 energy in the system is concentrated at the
Grinders, metal 25 50 100 higher operating speed, and is delivered to
the resistor at the start of the deceleration.
Machines, buffing, automatic 50 75 100
Mixers, liquid 100 100 100 Motor full load speed = 1475 rpm
Mixers, sand, centrifugal 50 100 100 Motor nominal torque rating = 191 Nm
Mixers, sand, screw 175 100 100 Repeat cycle time = 30 seconds
Mixers, slurry 150 125 100
Resistor operating voltage = 660 V
Mixers, solid 175 125 175
Our first step is to determine the minimum
Pumps, adjustable-blade, vertical 50 40 125
deceleration time tb
Pumps, centrifugal, discharge open 40 100 100
Maximum braking torque Mb is identical to
Pumps, oil-field, flywheel 150 200 200 maximum accelerating torque
Pumps, oil, lubricating 40 150 150
ω � n
Pumps, oil fuel 40 150 150 Mb = Ja = J = J NM
tb 30 tb
Pumps, propeller 40 100 100 (13)
tb =
Pumps, turbine, centrifugal, deep-well 50 100 100 30Mb
Pumps, vacuum (paper-mill service) 60 100 100
Pumps, vacuum (other applications) 40 60 100 But maximum deceleration occurs at 150%
Pumps, vacuum, reciprocating 150 60 150 of motor nominal torque. The value to apply
for Mb is therefore
Rolls, crushing (sugar cane) 50 110 125
Table 4: Application load torque percentages This is the minimum deceleration time. For