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Manual Solcon

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Why Soft Starters?

Three-phase AC induction motors are commonly used in a wide variety of indus-
trial applications. Due to their starting characteristics, in many cases these motors
cannot be connected directly to the power supply system. When starting direct on
line (DOL) the motor can see a very high surge current reaching up to 6 times the
rated motor current. This excessive current puts stress on the supply system and
the switchgear. Also, when starting direct on line, a very high peak torque can
occur stressing the driven motor, the mechanical system including auxiliary power
transmission parts (V-belt, gears, etc.).
There are several methods for reducing the damaging effects of this excessive
starting current. Conventional methods include reactors and autotransform-
ers. But these methods only allow the voltage to be reduced in steps whereas
a soft starter provides step-free acceleration of the drive system by continuously
increasing the voltage over a selected period of time. This approach to starting
minimizes the effect of high inrush current on the supply system, the motor and
the driven load.
Soft starters provide the following benefits:
• Reduced starting current eliminates voltage drops and dips of
the supply network
• Smoother acceleration of loads eliminates process or product damage
• Extended lifetime of all mechanical components, e.g. eliminating gearbox
damage and resulting in less maintenance and downtime
• Extended motor life HRVS-DN Class E2 Soft Starter in NEMA12 enclosure
Figure 1
• Reduced maintenance and operating costs

HRVS-DN - Setting a New Standard

The HRVS-DN is an innovative product that provides a flexible, low cost alterna-
tive to fixed speed (DOL) starting.
Designed for use with standard medium voltage three-phase squirrel cage induc-
tion motors, this high-performance digital soft starter ensures smooth acceleration
and deceleration.
HRVS-DN is available in all standard internationally recognized medium voltage
ratings: 2.3 kV, 3.3 kV, 4.16 kV, 6 kV and 6.6 kV, 10kV, 11kV, 13.8kV and 15kV.
The standard current output range capability is from 60 - 2700A (200 kW to
50 MW).
HRVS-DN is designed and built to meet international standards including:
• IEC • EN
The HRVS-DN soft starters are manufactured to the highest quality level. The
entire design, production and delivery process has been certified DIN ISO
The enclosed versions of the HRVS-DN are provided as ready-to-connect en-
closed type units (shown in Figures 1 and 2) or - for OEMs and qualified integra-
tors only - chassis type OEM kits are available for building the unit into custom HRVS-DN in NEMA 3R special “outdoor” enclosure
enclosures or other relevant equipment. for harsh environments
Figure 2

HRVS-DN Catalog -1- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

How Soft Starters Work
By using thyristors (SCRs) in a phase angle control mode, reduced voltage control can be achieved. Phase control makes it possible to
gradually increase the motor terminal voltage from an initial set point up to the system supply voltage level. The related starting current
and the starting torque can be optimally adjusted to the motor/load conditions.


3~ J

Basic diagram of HRVS-DN medium voltage soft starter Phase control of the line voltage using semiconductor (SCR) devices

In addition, the Solcon HRVS-DN soft starters provide the “soft stopping” function as a standard feature. Similar to the reduced voltage
start, upon a stop command the motor voltage is gradually decreased over time until the motor load stops. Abrupt stopping is avoided,
a particular advantage in pumping applications to prevent the damaging effects of water hammer and on conveyor belts where the load
may be damaged by an abrupt stop.

Starting and Stopping Characteristics

Initial voltage

Determines motor’s initial starting torque (the torque is directly pro- VR

portional to the square of the voltage). Adjustable from 10 – 50% of
nominal motor voltage VR (with option to extend to 80 % VR).
This adjustment also determines the inrush current and mechani- 50 %
cal shock. A setting which is too high may cause excessive initial Initial
mechanical shock and high inrush current (even if current limit is set voltage
low, as the initial voltage setting overrides current limit setting). A 10 %
setting which is too low may result in prolonged start time before the time
motor shaft will begin to turn. Ideally, the motor shaft should slowly
begin to turn immediately after a start signal is initiated.

Current limit
Determines highest allowable current during starting. Adjustable from 100 – 400% of nominal motor current IR (with option to extend to
500 % IR).


VC.L current
400 %
100 %

0 time RPM
tsoft start

Too high a current limit setting will cause excessive current draw from the mains and faster acceleration. A setting which is too low may
prevent the motor from completing the acceleration process and reaching full speed. In general this setting should be set to a value that
is high enough to prevent the motor from stalling.
Note: Current limit is not operational during run mode or during soft stop.

HRVS-DN Catalog -2- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Acceleration (ramp-up time)
Determines the motor’s voltage ramp-up time, from initial votage setting to full VR
voltage. Adjustable from 1 - 30 seconds (with option to extend to 90 sec).
It is recommended that the acceleration ramp time be set to the minimum ac-
ceptable value (approx. 5 sec).
Notes: VStart
- Since current limit overrides acceleration time, when current limit is set low
starting time will be longer than the preset acceleration time.
0 time [sec]
voltage ramp-up time
- When the motor reaches full speed before nominal voltage is reached, ac-
celeration time setting is overridden and voltage ramps up quickly to full voltage. 1 - 30 seconds

Deceleration - soft stop (ramp-down time)

Used for controlled deceleration of high friction loads.
Determines motor’s voltage ramp-down time. Adjustable from 1 - 30 seconds
(with option to extend to 90 sec.)
When soft starter is supplied with a by-pass contactor (standard): VStart
- soft stop initiation opens the “end of acceleration” contact,
- tripping opens the by-pass contactor. 0 time [sec]
deceleration time
Load will then be transferred to the HRVS-DN and voltage begins ramping
down. 1 - 30 seconds

Pulse start (kick start)

Intended to start high friction loads requiring high starting torque for a short
80 %
period of time. A pulse of 80% VR (without current limit) is initiated to break the
load free. Pulse time is adjustable from 0.1 - 1 seconds.
After this pulse, the voltage ramps down to the initial voltage setting before VStart
ramping up again to full voltage based on the starting parameters settings.

Dual adjustment 0 0.1 - 1 sec time

1 - 30 sec
The HRVS-DN allows two start/stop characteristics for varying load applications
(example: starting and stopping different motors or loads that vary due to chang-
ing ambient conditions). voltage
Dual adjustment parameters are:
Special starting mode: Diesel generator supply*
Initial voltage: 10 - 50 % (80 %) VR
Current limit: 100 - 400 % of motor FLA setting
Motor FLA: 50 - 100 % starter Full Load Current (FLC) setting
Acceleration time: 1 - 30 sec (with option to extend to 90 sec) time
standard dual adjust
Deceleration time: 1 - 30 sec (with option to extend to 90 sec) characteristic characteristic

*Diesel generator starting

When starting from older Diesel generator sets (especially those equipped with low cost voltage regulators) both voltage and frequency
are unstable causing irregular firing of the SCRs. The HRVS-DN is equipped with a special program which overcomes this voltage and
frequency instability.

HRVS-DN Catalog -3- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Pump control - Start curves
Induction motors produce peak torque of up to 3 times the rated torque during the starting process. In some pump applications, this
peak may cause high pressure in the pipes.
Standard soft starters drastically reduce the starting torque however peak torque still remains high, causing high acceleration torque
and rapid acceleration toward the end of starting process. Peak torque and acceleration torque must be reduced in order to extend the
acceleration time.
The HRVS-DN provides 6 different starting curves for voltage ramp-up to reduce peak torque and extend acceleration time:
Curve 0: Basic curve for commissioning.
Curve 1: Standard curve (default). The most stable and suitable curve for the motor; prevents prolonged starting time and motor
Curves 2, 3, 4: During acceleration (before reaching peak torque) the pump control program automatically controls the voltage ramp-
up, reducing peak torque.
Curve 5: Torque curve
By default, the process should always be started using curve 1. If toward end of acceleration the peak torque is considered to be too
high (pressure is too high) starting curves 2, 3 or 4 can be selected instead.

voltage torque speed with soft starter

DOL DOL 1 2 3 4
area of 4
pump control load
start curves

time speed time

Pump control - Stop curves
When stopping a pump motor using a starter that does not have the soft stop feature, motor torque will immediately fall below the
load torque. This causes abrupt stalling creating the water hammer phenomenon which can be very damaging to the pump, the pipes,
valves, etc. A soft starter with the “Soft stop” feature will smoothly decreases the motor speed to zero, eliminating this phenomenon.

The HRVS-DN incorporates 4 different stopping curves for special voltage ramp-down (decel control) preventing the motor from stall-
ing and eliminating water hammer. The pump control stop curves can also be set so the final torque stops the motor when the valve
Curve 1: Standard default curve. The voltage is linearly reduced from nominal to zero.
Curves 2, 3, 4: According to the actual pump characteristic the soft stop behavior can be selected out of four preset curves.
By default, always try using curve 1 first. If the motor stalls quickly instead of slowly decreasing its speed, try stop curve 2. If this still is
not satisfactory, try curves 3 or 4.
voltage torque speed
area of
pump control 4 load
stop curves

time speed DOL 1 2 3 4 time

with soft starter

HRVS-DN Catalog -4- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA


Question Answer

Can an HRVS-DN soft starter be used to start a heavy- Yes

duty load or a load with a high moment of inertia if the But we need certain data to calculate the minimal starting conditions. Contact
motor will not start direct-on-line (DOL)? technical support for assistance.

Can an HRVS-DN soft starter be connected to the Yes

medium-voltage bus without using a load The HRVS-DN can be provided without a load break switch (with inline and
break disconnect switch? bypass contactors only). A fused load-break disconnect switch at the medium-voltage
feeder is sufficient. The fuses are only used as cable protection and protection against
catastrophic failure. The motor protection relay is usually included in the circuit breaker or
the soft-starter can be equipped with a comprehensive motor protection relay
(MPS3000 or equivalent) If an existing circuit-breaker is used, this can remain closed or
switches in the no-current condition (exception: under fault conditions)

Can an HRVS-DN soft-starter also be used to start Yes

synchronous motors? A non-excited synchronous motor behaves essentially the same as a squirrel-cage
induction motor. If the motor has reached the rated speed in a non-excited condition
(rated slip in induction motor operation), the excitation system (which can be
supplied by Solcon) is switched-in and the motor then pulls into synchronized
. mode

Is the HRVS-DN soft-starter available in an explosion- Yes with certification (EEx-D)[ia]I

proof version? Solcon is the only MV soft starter manufacturer in the world to offer this certification.

Can the HRVS-DN soft-starter be used to start several Yes

different motors or can one HRVS-DN soft starter Two parameter settings can be programmed using the "Dual Adjustment" function. This
be used to start more than one motor? means that two different motor types can be started. However, there may be little
difference in the actual motor output. Several identical motors can be started. However,
due to the higher thermal load, a larger soft-starter (always equipped with a fan), must be
used. One (or several) additional cabinets with vacuum contactors can be provided for
sequential starting of multiple motors.

When is a tachometer (shaft encoder) required to be used A tachometer is generally not required for standard applications, only for special cases:
with the HRVS-DN soft-starter? t Soft stopping with shutdown (power-off) at a specific speed
t Starting and/or stopping with an adjustable speed profile
t If it has to be accurately determined when the motor has reached full speed
Is the HRVS-DN soft-starter also available in an outdoor Yes NEMA 3R, 4, 4X (IP67)
versions ?

Is the HRVS-DN soft-starter designed to meet industry Yes

sector-specific and local standards IEC, NEMA
DNV and ABS or similar upon request

Is it possible to use HRVS-DN soft-starters on Yes

synchronous or slip ring motors? Unless the slip ring motor was originally specified due to especially high starting
torque requirements. Under these circumstances, a soft-starter cannot be used !

Can you use the HRVS-DN soft starter with any Yes
manufacturer’s motor? In especially critical cases, increased pulsating torques can be observed with some motor
designs. The non-sinusoidal current and voltage waveform of the soft starter does not
represent a risk.

Can HRVS-DN soft starters operate at high altitudes (i.e. Yes

locations 4000m above sea level)? But the nominal voltage and current have to be reduced based on the derating table
(please refer to page 10) and the starting frequency (number of starts per unit time)
may need to. be reduced

Can the HRVS-DN soft-starter be operated with supply Yes

voltages which are not listed in the table (intermediate In this case, the next higher voltage class should be selected, and the actual supply
values)? voltage specified when ordering.

Can an HRVS-DN soft starter be operated into a step-up Yes

transformer? But why should a step-up transformer be used when Solcon offers the HRVS-DN in
ratings up to 15kV?

Does an HRVS-DN soft-starter generate harmonics Yes

But only for a very brief period of time until the bypass contactor closes (low level
which are fed back into the supply? harmonies only)

HRVS-DN Catalog -5- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Product Design
Standard HRVS-DN Soft Starter Design

The Standard HRVS-DN soft starter is supplied in a NEMA12 enclosure ready to be installed
and operated. Optional NEMA 3R and other enclosure types are also available.
The design includes:
• Digital soft starter, high-voltage and low-voltage compartment
• Disconnect switch (load break - fault make switch with fuses), line and bypass
vacuum contactors.
• Low voltage controls
• Modbus RS485 communications
Optional communication protocols are available including Profibus, DeviceNet and others
allowing for:
• Remote control (start, stop, etc.)
• Remote supervision

High voltage compartment

• The advanced digital firing system connects the low voltage control to the high voltage
section via fiber optics.
• A service-friendly design allows the individual phase modules to be changed (if required)
in a minimal amount of time.
• The high-voltage compartment is fully segregated from the low-voltage compartment for
safe operation.

HRVS-DN Wiring and connections between:

Power Module, EPT Receiver , Control module and Transformer

Fiber Optic Harness (6 fibers)

Electric Wire Harness (6 wires) 3 1 3 5 7 8 9

CT { I1 4 Fiber-Optic
Soft-Starter Inputs
13 Control Panel
CT { I3 14 White Male
EPT - Tx Connector White Female
Transmitter EPT-Rx Connector
11 6 1
11 Fiber-Optic 11 Receiver 1 (R) 1
13 links (2 fibers) 13 2 (S) 6
3 (T) 11
inside 1 2 3
15 10 5
24V Gnd Receptacle

1 Cooper Wire Area -
24VAC 115/230VAC 115V / 230V
At least 4 mm2

Segregated High Segregated Low

Auxiliary Relay (Not Supplied)
Voltage Compartment Voltage Compartment

Basic diagram of HRVS-DN Control Circuitry

HRVS-DN Catalog -6- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Product Design
Low-voltage compartment
The HRVS-DN has a separate, front accessible low voltage compartment mounted in the front door of the enclosure which includes the
following components:
• Soft starter digital control module
• Soft Starter / Off / Bypass selector switch
• Hand / Off / Auto selector switch
• Start / Stop pushbuttons
• Emergency Stop button
• Pilot lights: run (red), stop (green), fault (amber)
• Motor protection relay (optional)

All control components in the LV-compartment are

wired to a customer terminal strip. The low voltage
compartment door can be opened without switching off
the starter.

Door Mounted Pilot Devices

Operator panel / Digital Control Module (DCU)

The HRVS-DN digital control module (DCU) is easy to read, easy to navigate and easy to program. Critical parameters are factory pre-
set but parameters can easily be changed via the user-friendly control module.


• LCD-display:
- Two lines, 16 characters each, back light
- Selectable languages:
English, German, French, Spanish (Chinese and
Russian optional)

• 8 LEDs for quick status display

• 6 keys, menu driven software, default parameters

HRVS-DN Digital Control Module located

in isolated low voltage compartment

HRVS-DN LCD display/keypad operator

HRVS-DN Catalog -7- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Product Design
MV Chassis Kit
Chassis type “OEM kits” are also available to qualified
integrators for use in customized enclosures and switchgear.
Content of the chassis kit:
Power Section consists of three identical SCR phase stacks,
firing PC boards, power supplies to the firing PC boards,
three CTs and the fiber optic harness that goes from the MV
power assembly to the low voltage compartment. The Power
Section is installed in the medium voltage compartment of the

Control Module is the “brain” of the soft starter. It consists

of the main CPU PC board, firing PC board, power supply, Power Section &
option PC boards (when ordered) and input/output interface Connection Harness
terminals. The Control Module is mounted in the LV compart-
ment of the soft starter cabinet and completely isolated from
the MV compartment. The Control Module is the same for all
HRVS-DN ratings.

Firing Transformer. This transformer is suitable for 115VAC

or 230VAC control voltages. DC control voltage is available
as an option (contact Solcon USA for details). The Firing
Transformer is installed in the low voltage compartment and
supplies control power to the firing PC boards located in the
Power Section of the HRVS-DN soft starter. Control Module

EPT-Tx (transmitter) and EPT-Rx (receiver) are used to

measure the input voltage. Solcon’s unique Electronic PT
offers significant design advantages over ‘traditional’ voltage
transformers. By using the EPT, each and every soft starter
can be partial discharge tested to insure reliable, long term,
‘Corona Free’ operation.

Electronic P/T Receiver


HRVS-DN “Custom Line Up” using OEM kit

HRVS-DN Catalog -8- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Product Design
Custom Lineups and Special Designs

Solcon is well known for their ability to provide unique technical solutions to the most challenging application requirements. These in-
clude custom linueps, synchronous motor starters and multi-motor starting... just to name a few. And, Solcon is the only company in the
world who can offer a medium voltage soft starter for use in explosive environments.

With ratings from 2.3 kV to 15kV and up to 2700A, Solcon can provide the medium voltage soft starter designed to meet your specific
application needs.

Explosion proof
HRVS-DN medium voltage
soft starter with EEx-D[ia]I

Synchronous HRVS-DN medium voltage

soft starter with excitation controller

10 - 15kV HRVS-DN medium voltage soft starters

rated up to 2700A

Multi-start system HRVS-DN with built in PLC control for sequential soft Metal-clad type construction
starting and stopping up to five MV motors

HRVS-DN Catalog -9- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

General Specifications

Power components Uniquely ordered and specially matched sets of thyristors (SCRs)
Converter circuit arrangement Three-phase AC voltage controller
Controller Fully digital with 32 Bit-Processor
System voltages 2.3 kV, 3.3 kV, 4.16 kV, 6.0 kV, 6.6 kV, 6.9kV, 7.2kV, 10kV, 11kV, and 13.8kV
Current ratings 40 - 2700A
System frequency 50 / 60 Hz, ± 3%
System voltage tolerance +10 %, -15 %
Auxiliary power supply (control voltage) 1-ph. 110 - 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz (std)
1-ph. 220 - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
110 V DC
35 VA running, 350 VA starting
Electrical isolation between power section and control Fiber optics
and feedback signals
Degree of protection IP00 (Chassis/OEM Kit)
NEMA 12 (standard for 5kV, 200 - 600A models)
NEMA 3R and other options available
Cooling method Air Cooling / Forced Air Cooling
Complied standards IEC, EN, NEMA, UL/CUL, CSA, IEEE
Paint finish ANSI 61 and/or RAL 7032 standard, others upon request

Operation Conditions

Max. starting current 400 % of the starter’s Full Load Current Rating (FLC)
Max. starting time 30 sec, at 400 % FLC
Max. number of starts 2 starts per hour at max. rated conditions ( 400 % IR for 30 sec at 50 °C)
(higher number of starts per hour based on the application)
Ambient temperature: operating -10 to + 50 °C, max. 60 °C, de-rating by 10 % for each 5 °C above 50 °C
transportation -10 to + 50 °C
storage -25 to + 70 °C
Installation altitude Max. 1000m above sea level,
for higher altitudes de-rating required (see instruction manual)
Maximum relative humidity 95 %, non-condensing

ANSI/IEEE System Protection Features


19 Reduced Voltage Soft Start D
27 Under Voltage or No Voltage D
37 Under Current D
46 Current Unbalance D
47 Phase Loss / Phase Sequence D
48 Locked Rotor / Incomplete Sequence / Max. Start Time D
49 I²t Electronic Motor Overload D
50 Instantaneous Electronic Over Current Trip (Shear Pin) D
51L/R TOC (Time Over Current) Phase
55 Power Factor Trip Optional
59 Over Voltage
66 Too Many Starts (Starts Per Hour and Time Between Starts)
81 Under / Over Frequency (<44Hz or >65Hz)
86/94 Lockout / Start Inhibit
51G & 51N TOC (Time Over Current) Ground Fault Detection
49R & 38 Stator and Bearing RTD Protection Optional
87 Differential Protection Optional

HRVS-DN Catalog -10- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Motor and Starter Protection
Name / Description Adjustments Active protection at:
Start Run Soft Stop
Too many starts and start inhibit time - permitted number of starts: 1-4 + - - -
Prevents excessive starts during a set time period - start period: 1 - 60 min
- start inhibit time: 1 - 60 min
(after too many starts)

Long start time + - - -

Prevents stall condition, trips the starter if current - adjustable time: 1 - 30 sec
does not drop to a fixed level within selected time.

Over current shear-pin + + + +

Trips the starter in less than 1 cycle when current - trip current: 200 - 850 % Motor FLC
exceeds 850 % IFLC. (during starting 850 %)
Shear-pin (”immediate relay” set to ”Shear-pin”) - - shear-pin delay: 0.5 - 5 sec
Stops (n/o trip) the motor when current exceeds the (no delay at 850 %)
set level after preset time delay
Motor overload/ Electronic overload - selectable curves (NEMA & IEC) + - -
Inverse time electronic overload becomes operational - motor FLA between: 75 - 150 %
when RUN LED is lit. The O/L circuitry incorporates a and factory set at 115 %
thermal memory register calculating heating minus - tripping time at 500 % FLA is adjustable
dissipation of the motor. The starter trips when the between 1 - 10 seconds
register fills up. The thermal register resets itself 15 allowing trip curve selection.
minutes after the motor stops.
Under current - + - -
Trips the starter when current falls below the - trip current: Off, 20 - 90 % IFLA
U/C Trip level after preset time delay. Under - trip delay: 2 - 40 sec
current auto reset allows for restarting after a
predefined period of time to re-check the under
current status.
Under / no voltage - trip level: 60 - 90 % UN + + + -
Trips the starter when voltage drops below the U/V - trip delay: 1 - 10 sec
trip level after the preset selectable time delay. The starter will trip immediately, overriding the
With programmable auto-reset. time delay if voltage drops to zero
Over voltage - trip level: 110 - 125 % + + + -
Trips the starter when voltage increases above the - trip delay: 1 - 10 sec
O/V trip level after the preset time delay.

Phase loss + + + -
Trips the starter when one or two phases are missing for over 1 sec. (programmable auto reset)

Phase sequence + + + -
Trips the starter immediately when phase sequence is wrong.
Wrong connection / shorted SCR + - + -
Trips the starter if:
- motor is not properly connected to starters’ load terminals
- internal disconnect in the motor winding is detected
- one or more SCRs are shorted
- fiber optic lead insertion is incorrect
Starter (Heat sink) over temperature + + + -
Thermal sensors are mounted on the heat sink and trip the starter when temperature rises above 85 °C
External fault 1 & 2 + + + +
Inputs from two NO contacts. The starter trips 2 sec after either of the contactors close
Unbalance Current + + + -
Operational after start signal, trips the starter when current unbalance exceeds the preset
”UNBALANCE TRIP” setting for more than ”UNBALANCE DLY” time setting
Range: 10 - 100 %, delay: 1 - 60 sec.
Ground fault current + + + -
Operational after start signal, trips the starter when ground current exceeds the preset ”GND
FAULT TRIP” for more than ”GND FAULT DLY” time
Range: 10 - 100 %, delay: 1 - 60 sec.
Power ON & No start signal + - - +
Operational upon mains voltage connection. Trips the motor when mains is connected to the HRVS -DN
for more than 30 sec without a start signal.
Bypass Open - + - -
Operational when the bypass contactor does not close after “end of acceleration” contact signaled
the interposing (pilot) relay to close.

“+” is active
“-” is not applicable or inactive

HRVS-DN Catalog -11- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Product Selection
Standard Scope of Supply
Control input voltage 115VAC Standard, 240VAC or 110-220VDC or 24VDC optional
Input / output cable entry Top or bottom entry Standard on all enclosed units
Main isolation switch Class E2 starter version Standard, option for VCB at higher ratings
Main fuses Class E2 starter version Standard
Line contactor Fixed, vacuum Standard, option for VCB at higher ratings
Bypass contactor Fixed, vacuum Standard, option for VCB at higher ratings
RTD Option Optional TPR 6-14 accepts up to 14 - PT100 RTD inputs
Motor protection relay Optional MPS3000 or other models available depending on application requirements
Digital panel meter Optional
Space heater Optional Standard in NEMA 3R outdoor design, thermostat controlled
Cooling fan Optional

How to Order
HRVS-DN 200 - 4160 - 115 - 3M - 5- R - N12
Amperage Line Control Communications Type
(See pg 16) Voltage Voltage 3M = Modbus (Std) Relay Card
Analog for remote
3P = Profibus Output start/stop

Available Options
Here are just a few of the many options and accessories available from Solcon. Contact us for your specific application requirements.

Code Name / Description Comment

Electrical options
3P RS-485 communication with PROFIBUS No bridge required
Fan Fan on top, air entry at bottom with filter and circuit breaker For excessive starts per hour requirements
5 Analog output module
MPS3000 Motor protection relay with 10 PT100 inputs
400 400 V test voltage for LV-motor test * (460V standard)
575 575 V test voltage for LV-motor test *
690 690 V test voltage for LV-motor test *
* Complete functional test of the soft starter can be carried out using a small LV motor (3 to 5HP).
Mechanical options
Thick Special painting, extra thick Specify mil thickness and paint color
TIN Tin-plated copper bus bars
H1 Space heater with thermostat
M Suitable for marine applications
Multi- For multi-motor applications Contact factory for details

Spare part packages

Spares Spare parts package 1 Includes:
1 year 1 - Phase power section module
1 - Digital controller module
1 - Vacuum contactor
1 - Current transformer
1 - Electronic PT (Tx and Rx)
1 - Firing power supply board
Spares - Spare part package 2 Includes:
2 years 2 - Phase power section modules
1 - Digital controller module
1 - Vacuum contactor
1 - Current transformer
2 - Electronic PT (Tx and Rx)
1 - Firing power supply board

HRVS-DN Catalog -12- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Product Selection
Application Information

To select the right soft starter, generally only the motor nominal voltage and motor full load current (FLA) need to be known. However,
when sizing HRVS-DN soft starters for special applications, environments or starting conditions, the following information should be
provided before ordering:

1. General data required for standard soft starter applications:

1.1 Type of application (Pump, Compressor, Conveyor, etc.)
1.2 Motor Rated Power (KW or HP)
1.3 Motor Full Load Current (FLA)
1.4 Motor Nominal Voltage (V)
1.5 Motor Synchronous speed (RPM)
1.6 Motor current vs. speed curve or Ist/In (% or Per Unit)
1.7 Motor speed/torque curve
1.8 Tmax/Tn (% or Per Unit)
1.9 Rotor inertia J=GD2/4 (Kgm2)
1.10 Load speed/torque curve (% or per unit)
1.11 Load inertia J=GD2/4 (Kgm2) at motor speed
1.12 Number of starts per hour and time between starts
1.13 Cabinet degree of protection (1PXX or NEMA
1.14 Ambient temperature
1.15 Altitude (Meters or feet Above Sea Level)
1.16 Power cables entry (Top or Bottom)
1.17 Max. Shipping split dimensions (WXHXD)

2. Data to be requested for soft starters requiring synchronous motor exciters:

2.1 Type of exciter (Rotating or Static)
2.2 Full nameplate data of motor and exciter
2.3 Is it new or refurbished motor
2.4 Data for existing/old excitation system
2.5 For rotating exciter DC voltage, DC current of the exciter generator field
2.6 For static exciter DC voltage, DC current of motor field
2.7 For static exciter full data of field starting/discharge resistor
2.8 If retrofit application, will the existing static exciter field starting/discharge resistor be used? If not, will customer supply or is
this in Solcon’s scope of supply?
2.9 Availability of LV 3 phase supply KVA required: 250V X IDC X 3 phaseX 1.3. Advise voltage and frequency
- A soft starter operated motor cannot deliver more torque than that of the motor started direct on line.

HRVS-DN Catalog -13- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Wiring diagrams (Typical)
Power Schematic

HRVS-DN Catalog -14- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Wiring diagrams (Typical)

Control Schematic

HRVS-DN Catalog -15- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

Ratings & Dimensions
Typical Ratings and Dimensions for Chassis and Enclosed Units
The starter must be selected based on the motor’s Full Load Ampere (FLA) as indicated on its nameplate (even if the motor is not fully
loaded). The kW and HP ratings given in the following selection table are related to standard motors and are for reference only.

Starter Chassis (IP00) Nema 1-3R,4,4X (IP31-67)

System Starter Motor
Motor HP
Voltage Current KW H W D Lbs H W D Lbs

110 500 360 23.0 30.0 18.5 284 92.0 36.0 30.0 1100
200 900 660 23.0 30.0 18.5 290 92.0 36.0 30.0 1100
400 1750 1330 23.0 30.0 17.0 356 92.0 36.0 30.0 1254
600 2500 2000 31.5 26.0 19.3 440 92.0 72.0 30.0 2400
800 3425 2660 44.1 35.4 24.4 770 92.0 96.0 36.0 3500
1000 4275 3330 44.1 35.4 24.4 990 92.0 96.0 36.0 3500
110 675 520 22.8 30.0 18.5 334 92.0 36.0 30.0 1210
200 1225 950 22.8 30.0 18.5 336 92.0 36.0 30.0 1210
400 2500 1910 22.8 30.0 19.8 449 92.0 36.0 30.0 1254
500 3000 2340 22.8 30.0 21.3 550 92.0 72.0 30.0 2400
600 3675 2850 33.1 31.4 23.6 770 92.0 72.0 30.0 2400
800 4900 3820 44.1 35.4 24.4 880 92.0 78.0 36.0 2800
1000 6125 4780 44.1 35.4 24.4 880 92.0 96.0 36.0 3500
60 500 360 22.8 30.0 18.5 330 92.0 36.0 30.0 1210
110 900 660 22.8 30.0 18.5 334 92.0 36.0 30.0 1210
200 1500 1200 22.8 30.0 18.5 337 92.0 36.0 30.0 1210
360 3000 2238 22.8 30.0 19.8 449 92.0 36.0 30.0 1300
400 3250 2400 22.8 30.0 19.8 449 92.0 36.0 30.0 1300
500 4000 3000 22.8 30.0 21.3 550 92.0 72.0 30.0 2400
600 4500 3610 33.1 31.4 23.6 770 92.0 72.0 30.0 2400
800 6175 4820 44.1 35.4 24.4 990 92.0 78.0 36.0 2800
1000 7725 6030 44.1 35.4 24.4 1100 92.0 96.0 36.0 3500
70 850 670 29.1 30.0 18.5 440 92.0 36.0 30.0 1300
140 1725 1340 29.1 30.0 18.5 447 92.0 36.0 30.0 1300
250 3000 2390 29.1 30.0 18.5 449 92.0 45.0 30.0 1700
300 3500 2870 30.1 30.0 21.3 550 92.0 45.0 30.0 1700
400 5000 3820 30.1 30.0 21.3 557 92.0 45.0 30.0 1700
500 6000 4700 30.1 30.0 24.4 561 92.0 72.0 30.0 2600
600 6750 5600 40.9 28.5 30.9 820 92.0 72.0 36.0 3100
700 8575 6740 47.2 47.2 28.1 990 92.0 96.0 36.0 3500
800 9800 7650 47.2 47.2 28.1 1210 92.0 96.0 36.0 3500
1000 12250 9570 47.2 47.2 28.1 1430 92.0 96.0 36.0 3500
1200 14700 11500 47.2 47.2 28.1 1430 92.0 96.0 44.0 4000
70 1500 1100 49.6 35.7 26.6 1100 92.0 126.0 44.0 4620
140 3000 2200 49.6 35.7 26.6 1100 92.0 126.0 44.0 4620
250 5100 4000 49.6 35.7 26.6 1100 92.0 126.0 44.0 4620
300 6125 4800 49.6 35.7 26.6 1100 92.0 126.0 44.0 4620
400 8175 6300 49.6 35.7 26.6 1100 92.0 126.0 44.0 4620
700 14300 11200 67.0 59.1 29.5 1980 92.0 137.8 55.0 5940
800 16350 12800 67.0 59.1 29.5 2090 92.0 137.8 55.0 5940
1000 20425 16000 67.0 59.1 29.5 2200 92.0 137.8 55.0 6160
1200 24525 19200 67.0 59.1 29.5 2200 92.0 137.8 55.0 6160
70 1800 1400 66.9 44.7 25.2 1980 92.0 126.0 44.0 6160
140 3600 2800 66.9 44.7 25.2 1980 92.0 126.0 44.0 6160
250 6400 5000 66.9 44.7 25.2 1980 92.0 126.0 44.0 6160
300 8000 6000 66.9 44.7 25.2 2090 92.0 126.0 44.0 6160
400 10000 8000 66.9 44.7 25.2 2200 92.0 126.0 44.0 6160
700 18000 14000 55.1 118.1 29.5 2530 92.0 126.0 55.0 6380
800 20000 16000 55.1 118.1 29.5 2530 92.0 165.4 55.0 6380
1000 25000 20000 55.1 118.1 29.5 3080 92.0 165.4 55.0 6820
1200 30000 24000 55.1 118.1 29.5 3300 92.0 165.4 55.0 6820

Note: Weights and dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change. Dimensions are in inches.
Contact Solcon USA for actual weight and dimensions.
HRVS-DN Catalog -16- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA
Dimensional Drawings (Typical)
Dimensional drawings
Typical Enclosed unit NEMA 12
2.3 to 4.16 kV up to 400 A

1. Dimensions are shown in mm and inches.
2. Dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change. Contact Solcon USA for exact dimensions.
HRVS-DN Catalog -17- 100408 / V2.0 Solcon USA

• Medium Voltage Soft Starters up to 50MW

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SoŌ Starters Motor ProtecƟon Power Controllers

T: +1 724.473.1301 F: +1 724.473.9506 E: W:

2528 Lovi Road, Building 2-2A, Freedom, Pennsylvania 15042 USA

100408/ V2.0 Solcon USA

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