GOB EG1065x Manual en PDF
GOB EG1065x Manual en PDF
GOB EG1065x Manual en PDF
Headquarters : No.3, Lane 201, Chien Fu ST., Chyan Jenn Dist., Kaohsiung, TAIWAN
Tel : + 886-7-8121771 Fax : + 886-7-8121775 URL : http://www.kutai.com.tw
1.1 Electronic Specifications
Operating Voltage Remote Speed Adjustment
12 or 24 VDC ±20% Select by DIP Switch 1. Connect 5KΩ potentiometer to terminal #9.
Adjustable range is approximately 5% at 1800
Output Current RPM.
860g ± 2%
Change Switch 4~7 for the correct Speed Input Signal Frequency range generated by the magnetic pickup at
the maximum engine operated (RPM) speed.
2 EG1065X
2. FUNCTIONS 2.4 DROOP Operation
2.1 EG1065X—Electronic Controller Clockwise increases the droop. Droop operation is
obtained by setting the droop potentiometer.
EG1065X is the information processing unit of the
governor assembly. A droop potentiometer setting of 10 o'clock will give
about 4% droop, no load to full load when the pickup
It contains electronic components which process the frequency is 4260 Hz and actuator shaft rotation is
input signal from the magnetic pickup and control approximately 30 degrees from no load to full load.
the engine to the desired speed / RPM set into Lower pickup frequency or smaller shaft rotation
EG1065X. results in less droop for the system.
Electronic adjustments are available on EG1065X The amount of droop for a given setting depends on
for field adjusting the unit as necessary. the magnetic pickup frequency and no load to full
The governor system receives its power from a load actuator shaft rotation.
battery or an AC to DC power supply supplying 12
or 24 VDC ±20% to match the governor voltage. The
average operating current consumption is 2.5 to 3.5 No load
Engine RPM
amperes and the highest consumption is 14.75
amperes during engine start-up or during a large Desired
load change. Engine RPM
clockwise increases DROOP.
Side View Side View If the full 35° rotation of the actuator shaft is
"on" "off "
used and the linkage adjusted to use only the
1 2 active fuel range, the maximum obtainable
DROOP would be approximately 12% at full
The drawings above should clarify any confusion
about switch settings. The easiest way to set the
switches is to apply pressure with a small pointed 4. If a remote speed potentiometer is used for
object until the switch clicks into position. narrow range, set it to mid-range. If the remote
speed potentiometer is connected to terminals 6,
SW1 in the above drawing is in “ON” position, and
7 and 9, a resistor "R" in the wiper is not needed.
SW2 in the above drawing is in “OFF” position.
This will provide approximately a 5%
CAUTION!! adjustable speed range.
As a safety measure, the engine should be 5. Start the engine.
equipped with and independent overspeed
shutdown device in the event of failure which • Adjust the controller speed potentiometer until
may render the governor inoperative. the engine is operating at the desired engine
RPM. Clockwise increases engine RPM.
NOTE • If the governor system is unstable, slightly reduce
For some diesel engines, better operation may the GAIN setting.
be obtained by placing SW1 in “ON” position. If NOTE
difficulty experience in “OFF” position, try SW1 Except for the speed adjustment, the
ON and recalibrate. potentiometers have internal stops at the 0 and
4. CALIBRATION OF DYN1-1065X 100% positions.
6. With the engine unloaded, finalize the settings, I
4.1 Connection Information and GAIN adjustments as follows:
1. When using an ILS unit, the remote speed (1) Turn the GAIN adjustment clockwise slowly until
potentiometer may be left connected to the the actuator lever oscillates. (One may need to
controller as shown in Section 5. disturb the actuator lever to cause oscillation.)
2. When an ILS unit is used, connect 3-wire (2) Reduce the GAIN adjustment slowly
shielded cable to terminals 6, 7 and 8. Connect counterclockwise until the lever is stable. Upset
drain shield wire to terminal 10 at EG1065X only. the lever by hand..
Other end of drain shield wire is to be cut off and
taped. (3) If the lever oscillates 3 to 5 diminishing
oscillations and stops, the setting is correct
4.2 Calibrations and Adjustments (4) If system performance to load changes is
1. See Section 5 for a reference guide before satisfactory, omit step (5), (6) & (7)
making any adjustments of the potentiometers, (5) Reduce the GAIN setting counterclockwise one
DROOP, I, GAIN and SPEED. division. Next, turn the “I” adjustment fully
2. Power OFF - engine not operating. clockwise while observing the actuator lever.
3. Initial potentiometer settings: (6) If the lever does not become unstable, upset it by
hand. When the lever slowly oscillates, turn the
• Set the “I” adjustment three divisions from zero adjustment counterclockwise slowly until the
and the GAIN at the second division from zero. lever is stable.
• For isochronous operation, set DROOP (7) Upset the lever again; it should oscillate 3 to 5
counterclockwise to minimum position as shown times and then become stable for optimum
in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6. response.
4 EG1065X
SW2-OFF-8000 ACT
SW2-ON -8200,8400 ACT
SW4-ON -10652
SW5-ON -10653
SW6-ON -10654
SW7-ON -10656 REMOTE
1 23 45 67 SPEED POT INC
TP1 TP2 8V 4V ILS ~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MPU 11
Cadle C Cable A
Cable B
DC Power R
Cadle C
be min. 2.5 VAC.
Means of Detection
NOTE Corrective Action
The voltmeter should have an impedance of
5000 ohms/volts or higher. Check pole tip 6.2.1 Check magnetic pickup leads for proper
gap over gear tooth. Should be 0.037 mm / shielded wire or open shield.
0.127 mm (0.015" / 0.005"). Verify and correct wiring as necessary.
6.1.4 Measure the resistance of the magnetic 6.2.2 Be sure there is no jumper between
pickup coil. This should be above 150 terminals 2 and 3.
Verify and correct wiring as necessary.
If there is an open or shorted coil, replace the
magnetic pickup. 6.2.3 Failsafe circuit in the controller may be
damaged or defective.
6.1.5 Measure the resistance of each pin to the
metal case of the magnetic pickup. No Replace EG1065X.
continuity should be evident. 6.2.4 With DC power OFF remove leads at
If there is continuity to case, replace the actuator. Check continuity of each
magnetic pickup. terminal to case. There should be no
continuity between any terminal and case
6.1.6 DC SUPPLY OFF. Place an insulated of EG1065X.
jumper between terminals 2 and 3 (TP1 &
TP2). With DC ON, the actuator should go If continuity is detected, replace the
to full stroke. DC voltage at terminals 4 controller.
and 5 should be within 3volts of the 6.2.5 If remote speed potentiometer has been
supply. connected to terminals 6, 7 and 9 of the
If the actuator still does not move to full controller, DISCONNECT THESE LEADS.
stroke, continue with steps below. Turn DC power ON to the governor if the
6.1.7 Measure actuator coil resistance: actuator is now normal. Proceed to step 6.3.1
6 EG1065X
6.3 Problem: Improper Operation From 6.5 Problem: Slow, Small Amplitude
Remote Speed Potentiometer Hunting Of Speed Or Frequency
Means of Detection Means of Detection
Corrective Action Corrective Action
6.3.1 Investigate wiring to remote speed 6.5.1 Sticking or very loose linkage.
potentiometer for open or shorted circuits.
Correct Linkage.
Check wiring.
6.6 Problem: Fast Oscillation Of Governor
6.3.2 If the leads at terminals 6 and 7 to the Linkage
remote speed potentiometer are reversed,
speed control by the remote speed Means of Detection
potentiometer will be reversed. Corrective Action
Correct wiring. 6.6.1 Verify calibration settings of the
6.3.3 Lead wire to remote speed setting
potentiometer should be 3-wire shielded Readjust settings as necessary.
6.7 Problem: Engine Will Not Start --
Verify that the drain shield wire is isolated Actuator Goes To Full Fuel During
from ground at the potentiometer. Cranking
6.3.4 If terminal 7 lead to the remote speed
Means of Detection
potentiometer is open, engine speed will
go high.
Corrective Action
6.7.1 Make sure fuel is available.
Correct the wiring.
Check fuel to engine. Check for correct wiring
6.3.5 If lead 9 (wiper lead to remote
to the automatic shutdown circuits.
potentiometer) is open, there will be no
control by the remote speed potentiometer. 6.7.2 Air may be trapped in fuel line.
Verify and correct wiring. Check fuel lines for leaks.
6.3.6 If lead 6 to the clockwise terminal of the 6.7.3 Try to operate engine manually.
remote speed potentiometer is open,
speed will remain at the value set in
6.4 Problem: Erratic Governor Operation
Means of Detection
Corrective Action
6.4.1 Measure DC voltage at 1 and 2 on
controller terminal strip. Normal battery
voltage should be indicated.
If nominal voltage is present, wiring is
6.4.2 Low battery voltage 20% below rated can
cause erratic operation.
Check battery and charging system.
6.4.3 RFI noise due to incorrect shielding.
Correct wiring.
6.4.4 RFI noise fed through power supply leads.
Connect power leads directly to the battery.
EG1065X 7