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Facts About The UPCAT and UP Applications

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Facts about the UPCAT and UP applications

1. If your family’s net income is less that P130000, show an ITR or BIR Certificate of Exemption to go with your application form
to be exempted from paying the P450 registration fee.
2. The UPCAT score alone does not get you into UP; it’s your UPG. The UPG takes into account 60% of your UPCAT score and
40% of your high school grade, as well as other socio-economic factors including parents’ income, province, cultural
background and the like.
3. It does not matter if you choose a non-quota course or not when it comes to campus admission. Raise your UPG because
each campus has a minimum UPG cut off to get in a campus whether you get into your choice of course (Degree Program
With Available Slot)
4. Students from underrepresented areas or minority groups have more chances of making it to UP than regular students. This is
to preserve the mandate of providing education to deserving students all over the Philippines despite culture, income, and
5. There is an UPCAT bonus if you come from public high schools, vocational high schools, and underrepresented provinces of
0.05%, regardless of economic status
6. There is also an UPCAT penalty (0.05%) of students vying for a spot in a UP campus prioritizing local student admissions. For
example:If a student from NCR applies for a spot in UP Visayas, he will receive a penalty. The reason for this is to lessen the
risk of local students losing slots and opportunities to study in UP to students from other provinces or even big cities like
Manila who might use their admission to lower their UPG cut-off campuses as a jumping point towards UP Diliman or UP
7. Each UP campus has a UPG cut-off (the minimum UPG you need to be considered admission to that particular campus). This
changes from time to time, and this is caused by the number of students who apply for a particular UP campus as well as the
number of available slots. UP Manila and UP Diliman have higher UPG cut-offs than that of the other campuses. This means
that the lower your chances are of passing if you choose UP Manila and UP Diliman as both your 1st choice and 2nd choice
8. Students can take the Talent Determination test of College of Fine Arts and Music or the Varsity Application Program of the
College of Human Kinetics and still get into UP without passing the UPCAT. If you’re applying for certificate programs, you can
still get into UP without taking the UPCAT; this includes courses from the College of Fine Arts, Theater Arts, and College of
Human Kinetics
Things to know about the UPCAT
1. Reading Comprehension - ​There are 10+ passages in the test. Half of it is in Filipino; the other in English.
2. Mathematics - The solutions are often take one or two steps so don’t overthink them. Make sure you memorize all the formulas
and practice a lot. Math is doable as long as you keep solving problems. E.g. Trig identities seem intimidating at first, but if you
memorized the formulas and practice, you can easily identify and simplify these equations.
3. Science -The test will be mostly conceptual so it’s crucial to memorize key concepts in earth science, chemistry, physics, and
biology. It might be helpful to know basic formulas if ever there are problems that require calculations.
4. Language Proficiency - This test is also divided between English and Filipino. It involves spotting grammatical errors, incorrect
words and so on. They would also ask you responses that would best fit the situations

Tips to Prepare for the UPCAT

1. Review for the test. ​Go through your UPCAMP modules again, and review on all of the things that will be included in the exam.
Even if you’re good at a certain subject, still go through that subject. ​Memorize and know how to use the formulas, ​this
cannot be stressed enough. Knowing a lot of formulas will help you solve a lot of seemingly hard problems and even help you
in your stay in UP.
2. Don’t study the night before the UPCAT. You will become nervous and you don’t want to stress yourself out too much. Use
this time to relax!
3. Prepare your ​pencils, eraser, sharpener, wrist watch, test permit, and ID ​beforehand. This is to ensure that you will not
forget these important items on the exam day.
4. Consider the environment of the exam venue. Wear clothes that are comfortable and is suitable with the exam environment.
Bring a ​jacket ​if the venue is air conditioned. Prepare an ​umbrella ​if rain is expected.
5. Don’t forget to bring snacks. ​Light snacks​ is suggested because the UPCAT will have no breaks in between.
6. Practice a routine: healthy food = healthy mind, don’t starve yourself, feed your brain.
7. Always get a good night sleep! An exercised brain needs rest too!
8. On the exam day, don’t forget to have a heavy meal (but do not overeat) and go to the restroom before the exam.
(some details lifted from John Punzalan’s Facebook post)
Taking the Test
1. Follow instructions​. It is essential to listen carefully. This includes instructions by the exam proctors and the instructions on
the exam booklet. When they tell you to stop answering, stop answering.
2. During the exam, answer the questions as fast and as accurate as you can. You may skip questions if you think it would take
time to answer them but remember to answer it later on. If questions require solving, you may ask for scratch papers from the
3. There might be trick questions. Do not simply answer all or none of the above so easily. Read the question and choices
carefully before answering. At the same time, do not ​overthink.
4. When it comes to reading comprehension, read the ​questions first​. You will know what things to find and this will speed up
your reading time.
5. If you are unsure of your answer in sentence construction questions, try to ​mentally say the sentence​. Whatever sounds best
is usually the right answer.
6. In questions that ask for the sequence of things (e.g. what the order of the complexity of life? Cell -> tissue -> Organ), it helps
to look at the ​most similar patterns. Usually the right answer is found there. USUALLY. Please always ensure to think about
these questions first. This is only a rule of thumb that can help you if you are unsure.
7. As all of you may know, UPCAT is a right minus wrong test. Every mistake is a quarter point deduction for you. When it comes
to guessing, please ensure that you ​eliminate one option at the very least. Theoretically there is a 33% chance that you will
get it right.
8. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ANSWERING THE RIGHT NUMBER.​.A lot of people make this mistake even when they enter UP
and fail in their tests. Shade completely and neatly as well.
9. Do not panic. If you find yourself unable to answer the questions, go back to them later. Some people get mindblocked and
that’s natural. Sometimes you will remember formulas later on so it’s better to just move forward than waste time.
UP campuses and their degree programs
UP Baguio 7. B Fine Arts (Product Design) - deals with creative art
1. BS Biology - deals with research and teaching, and visual arts, more specifically with design of pieces
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, and products
and Genetics 8. B Fine arts (Studio Arts) - deals with creative art and
2. BS Management Economics - deals with applying visual arts, including painting and sculpting, art
economic concepts and analysis to actual problems to education and art history
make managerial decisions 9. BA Communication - deals with the fundamentals of
3. BS Mathematics - deals with the study of mass communication, especially in the fields of
mathematics and aims to equip knowledge and skills journalism and speech communication
for research and teaching UPEP Pampanga
4. BS Physics - deals with thoroughly understanding and 1. BA Applied Psychology - deals with the use of
studying physics in the field of academe and research psychological methods and scientific psychological
5. B Fine Arts - deals with creative art and visual arts, principles to solve problems involving human and
including painting and sculpting, art education and art animal behavior.
history 2. BA Business Management - deals with the use of
6. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and management theory and practice applied in different
methods of processing information and design of functional areas of business organizations.
computers, computer hardware and software 3. BA Business Economics - deals with the use of
7. BA Communication - deals with the fundamentals of economic theory to analyze financial problems faced
mass communication, especially in the fields of by corporations, and their relationships with capital
journalism and speech communication and product markets
8. BA Language & Literature - deals with studying UP Diliman
languages and literature based on language specialty 1. BA Anthropology - deals with the study of humans in
chosen various aspects, including social, linguistic, and
9. BA Social Sciences (Economics) - deals with the biological, and studies people not only as individuals
study of scarcity, how people use resources and but as members of a society
decision-making; can deal with macro and 2. BA Comparative Literature - deals with the study and
microeconomics. use of Philippine and Southeast Asian cultures in
10. BA Social Sciences (History) - deals with equipping literary theory and gender studies
students with training in historical methodology in 3. BA European Languages - deals with the theory
preparation for research or teaching in different behind and the use of European languages; options
institutions for major and minor languages include French, Italian,
11. BA Social Sciences (Social Anthropology) - deals with German, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese
the study of human society and cultures, especially 4. BA History - deals with the study of history,
with how people live their lives in society civilization, and cultural studies, and equips training
UP Cebu for teaching and research
1. BA Political Science - deals with understanding 5. BA Journalism - deals with the study of journalism
systems of governance, analysis of political activities, while equipping training in social responsibility, ethics,
thoughts and behavior. and critical thinking and discourse
2. BA Psychology - deals with the science of behavior 6. BA Linguistics - deals with the scientific study of the
and mind, experience as well as thought; not a structure and meaning of language, equipping
pre-med course knowledge for translation work, teaching, and
3. BS Biology - deals with research and teaching, research
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, 7. BA Philosophy - deals with the study of the
and Genetics. fundamentals of philosophy, focusing on logic and
4. BS Management - deals with management theories ethics, and their application to real-life issues
and concepts that help students gain insight on 8. BA Political Science - deals with the social science of
making managerial decisions in an enterprise government systems and analysis of political issues
5. BS Mathematics - deals with the study of and behavior
mathematics and aims to equip knowledge and skills 9. BA Psychology - deals with the science of behavior
for research and teaching and mind, experience as well as thought; not a
6. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and pre-med course
methods of processing information and design of 10. BA Sociology - deals with the study of social behavior,
computers, computer hardware and software structure, and issues; aims to provide a better
understanding of how society works
11. BA Speech Communication - deals with the study of 27. BS Mechanical Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the
how and why people communicate, including both design and use of machines through the study of
verbal and nonverbal language manufacturing, power, heating, and thermal sciences
12. BA Theatre Arts - deals with the study of the different 28. BS Metallurgical Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the
areas of performance arts both in theory and in science of extracting and refining metals from
practice materials for human use
13. BS Architecture (5 yrs) - deals with the study of 29. BS Mining Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the study
planning, designing, and constructing buildings and of extraction and analysis of mineral products and
other physical structures energy sources from the earth's crust
14. BS Biology - deals with research and teaching, 30. BS Family Life & Child Development - deals with the
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, understanding of child development, in preparation for
and Genetics. teaching, research, and administration of family life
15. BS Business Administration - deals with general programs
management and trains students to be professional 31. BS Food Technology (5 yrs) - deals with the
managers and entrepreneurs understanding of the different areas of the food
16. BS Business Administration & Accountancy (5 yrs) - industry: food production, safety, and quality testing
an extension of the BSBA course; equips further 32. BS Geography - deals with the theories and concepts
knowledge to develop professional public accountants of spatial relationships, resources and development,
17. BS Business Economics - deals with the use of and the location of settlements
economic theory to analyze financial problems faced 33. BS Geology - deals with the study of the different
by corporations, and their relationships with capital aspects of the Earth: its origins, characteristics,
and product markets composition, and the changes it experiences
18. BS Chemistry - deals with the study of properties and 34. BS Home Economics - deals with the foundations and
reactions of chemicals; equips knowledge for teaching general knowledge of clothing, food preparation and
and research service, and food science and nutrition
19. BS Clothing Technology - deals with the basic 35. BA Philippine Studies - deals with the study of
concepts and techniques of technology, management, Philippine culture and society, relating these to other
and design to be applied to clothing production disciplines such as economics, philosophy, and
20. BS Community Development - deals with the study of communication, among others
planning and implementation of community projects, 36. BA Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas - deals with the
and aims to equip knowledge and skills to promote study of the Filipino language and literature,
people's participation and empowerment in a especially the language's development and function in
community society
21. BS Community Nutrition - deals with the study of 37. BS Mathematics - deals with the study of
understanding and addressing nutritional problems in mathematics and aims to equip knowledge and skills
communities, in preparation for professions in for research and teaching
hospitals and public health 38. BS Physics (5 yrs) - deals with thoroughly
22. BS Chemical Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with understanding and studying physics in the field of
understanding chemical reactions, processes, and academe and research
thermodynamics 39. BS Psychology - deals with the science of behavior
23. BS Civil Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the science and mind, which can be useful preparation for
of design and construction of physical structures; professions such as psychologists, doctors, lawyers,
areas include environmental, geotechnical, and and those in social agencies
transportation 40. BS Social Work - deals with the study of human
24. BS Electrical Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the behavior and social environment in preparation for
understanding of electrical devices, machines, and professions in social welfare programs and services
system design 41. BS Statistics - deals with the study of the collection,
25. BS Geodetic Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the analysis, and presentation of data, and their
study of the representation and measurement of the applications to scientific and social problems
Earth through surveying, mapping, and global 42. BS Tourism - deals with the study of the different
positioning systems (GPS) areas of the tourism industry such as general
26. BS Industrial Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the management, tourism development, laws, and
study of system improvement and optimization promotions
through eliminating waste and maximizing efficiency 43. B Fine Arts - deals with creative art and visual arts;
specializations include art education, art history,
industrial design, painting, sculpture, and visual theoretical and practical aspects of language are
communication discussed, while in the latter the study of British and
44. B Landscape Architecture - deals with the study of American literature is emphasized
planning and design of outdoor public areas and 58. BA Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino - deals with the
structures for environmental, social, or aesthetic study of theories and techniques behind the writing of
purposes prose, poetry, and essay in Filipino
45. B Library & Information Science - deals with the study 59. B Sports Science - deals with the study of how the
of collecting, preserving, and cataloging books and healthy human body works and the importance of
documents in libraries physical activity in promoting health
46. B Music (5 yrs) - deals with the theories and 60. BA Communication Research - deals with the study of
applications of music; major areas include communication research in preparation for
composition, conducting, dance, instrumental, and governmental sectors, research in the academe, and
others media industries
47. B Physical Education - deals with the theories and 61. BS Computer Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the
applications of physical education, in preparation for understanding of operating systems, CPU design, and
professions in teaching and performing dance and computer networks; equips the ability to develop
sport activities hardware and software
48. BS Applied Physics (5 yrs) - deals with the study of 62. BS Electronics & Communications Engineering (5 yrs)
physics in relation to other disciplines, such as - deals with the study of electronics and
chemistry, engineering, and computer science electromagnetism, and their applications in digital and
49. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and wired communications
methods of processing information and design of 63. BS Materials Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the
computers, computer hardware and software study of the structure and properties of materials,
50. B Secondary Education - deals with the training and such as metals, polymers, and ceramics
preparation for teaching children in secondary school; 64. BS Hotel, Restaurant & Institution Management -
areas of concentration include communication arts, deals with the integrated study of management and
biology, chemistry, and special education, among technical courses to develop leaders and
others entrepreneurs in the food service and lodging industry
51. B Elementary Education - deals with the training and 65. BA Creative Writing - deals with the study of
preparation for teaching children in pre-school and approaches in writing fiction, poetry, essay, and
elementary school; areas of concentration include drama
mathematics, social studies, and special education, 66. BS Interior Design - deals with the study and use of
among others design and furniture to shape spaces according to the
52. BA Broadcast Communication - deals with the study needs of individuals or institutions
of broadcasting, such as through radio or Internet 67. BA Film - deals with the understanding of film theory
stations, along with the ability to adapt to new and techniques to contribute to the development of a
technologies, broadcast products, and modes of genuine Filipino cinema, providing creative and
production technical skills
53. BS Economics - deals with the study of how people UP Los Banos
use resources when they're limited, and how it affects
1. BA Communication Arts - deals with writing, speech
their decision-making
communication, theater arts, public relations and
54. BS Molecular Biology & Biotechnology - deals with
advertising to develop a thorough understanding of
the structure and function of essential
the communication process within the context of
macromolecules, in preparation for teaching and
man’s cultural and historical heritage.
2. BA Philosophy - deals with the study of the
55. B Public Administration - deals with the fields of public
fundamentals of philosophy, focusing on logic and
governance, policy making, and government
ethics, and their application to real-life issues
management; equips training for professions in
3. BA Sociology - deals with the study of social behavior,
governmental agencies such as senate, congress, or
structure, and issues; aims to provide a better
government agencies and departments, NGOs, public
understanding of how society works
4. BS Agricultural Chemistry (5 yrs) - deals with
56. BA Art Studies - offers specializations in art history,
research in the fields of agriculture including crop
interdisciplinary, and Philippine art; equips knowledge
protection, animal science and crop science
to be applied to related disciplines
57. BA English Studies - offers specializations in
language and literature, where in the former the
5. BS Agricultural Economics - deals with resource 23. BS Applied Physics- deals with application of physics
economics, policy and development, finance and in various fields including instrumentation physics,
cooperatives in the field of agriculture. computer hardware physics and agricultural physics.
6. BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (5 yrs) - 24. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and
deals with the application of structures, plant climate, methods of processing information and design of
waste management and other biological and computers, computer hardware and software
engineering tools in agriculture 25. BS Nutrition - deals with providing nutritional services
7. BS Agriculture - deals with agriculture and other through community nutrition programs as well as
related fields planning and evaluating food and nutritional programs
8. BS Applied Mathematics - deals with mathematics 26. BS Economics - deals with the study of how people
and its applications use resources when they're limited, and how it affects
9. BS Agricultural Biotechnology - deals with the their decision-making
application of scientific tools and principles to different 27. BS Agribusiness Management - deals with
fields of agriculture managerial responsibility in farms, agro-industries and
10. BS Biology - Deals with research and teaching, public agencies engaged in agribusiness programs
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, 28. BS Mathematics and Science Teaching - deals with
and Genetics. developing graduates to be effective teachers who
11. BS Chemistry - deals with the study of properties and are proficient in the fields of mathematics and
reactions of chemicals; equips knowledge for teaching science.
and research UP Manila
12. BS Development Communication - deals with the
1. BA Political Science - deals with the social science of
study and practice of development communication
government systems and analysis of political issues
from agriculture and rural development to more
and behavior
complex and developmental issues
2. BS Biology - Deals with research and teaching,
13. BS Chemical Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology,
understanding chemical reactions, processes, and
and Genetics.
3. BS Industrial Pharmacy (5 yrs) - deals with the
14. BS Civil Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the science
research and development, production and quality
of design and construction of physical structures;
assurance requirements of drug products
areas include environmental, geotechnical, and
4. BS Nursing - deals with the medical practices and
principles to become a nurse
15. BS Electrical Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the
5. BS Occupational Therapy - deals with the practice of
understanding of electrical devices, machines, and
therapy to help alleviate physical, mental and other
system design
forms of disabilities
16. BS Industrial Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with the
6. BS Pharmacy (5 yrs) - deals with pharmacy practice
study of system improvement and optimization
and emphasizes the specific health care roles of a
through eliminating waste and maximizing efficiency
17. BS Food Technology - deals with the understanding
7. BS Physical Therapy (5 yrs) - deals with the practice
of the different areas of the food industry: food
to become a physical therapist
production, safety, and quality testing
8. BS Public Health - deals with research and training in
18. BS Forestry - deals with environmental forestry,
different areas of public health including parasitology,
production and industrial forestry, social forestry and
community health development, and environmental
and occupational health
19. BS Human Ecology - deals with the understanding of
9. BS Speech Pathology - deals with the practice to
human development in relation to biological, physical
become a speech pathologists to alleviate
and socio-cultural environment
communication disorders
20. BS Mathematics - deals with the study of
10. D Dental Medicine (6 yrs) - deals with the practice of
mathematics and aims to equip knowledge and skills
denistry as a health service profession
for research and teaching
11. BA Development Studies - deals with
21. BS Statistics - deals with the study of the collection,
multi-disciplinary social sciences, including
analysis, and presentation of data, and their
economics, political science and cultural studies;
applications to scientific and social problems
places emphasis on Philippine situation in relation to
22. D Veterinary Medicine (6 yrs) - deals with the study
problems of development of other countries
and practice of veterinary courses and veterinary
12. BS Applied Physics - deals with the study of physics 1. B Education Studies (4 yrs, trimester) - deals with
in relation to other disciplines, such as chemistry, developing students to be educational professionals
engineering, and computer science for various education work in different contexts
13. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and 2. BA Multimedia Studies (4 yrs, trimester) - deals with
methods of processing information and design of the use of multimedia information, developments and
computers, computer hardware and software multimedia trends to contribute to local multimedia
14. BA Organizational Communication - deals with the initiatives in the context of global realities
expertise in modern communication related to UP Visayas (Iloilo)
organizations everywhere in the Philippines, focusing
1. BA History - deals with the study of history,
on dynamics of organizational-related
civilization, and cultural studies, and equips training
communicational skills
for teaching and research
15. BA Philippine Arts - deals with the study of Philippine
2. BA Political Science - deals with the social science of
art within the context of national culture and history,
government systems and analysis of political issues
with its contribution to definition of national identity
and behavior
and the role it plays in social transformation
3. BA Psychology - deals with the science of behavior
16. BS Biochemistry - deals with the science of
and mind, experience as well as thought; not a
physiological processes at a molecular level
pre-med course
17. BA Behavioral Sciences - deals with interdisciplinary
4. BA Sociology - deals with the study of social behavior,
and transdisciplinary approach and integration of
structure, and issues; aims to provide a better
Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology to
understanding of how society works
understand Filipino psyche, society and culture
5. BA Applied Mathematics - deals with mathematics
18. BA Social Sciences (Area Studies) - deals with the
and its applications
study of Philippine and Asian geographical and
6. BS Biology - deals with research and teaching,
cultural areas in relation to the other social sciences
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology,
UP Mindanao
and Genetics.
1. BA Anthropology - deals with the study of humans in 7. BS Business Administration (Marketing) - deals with
various aspects, including social, linguistic, and general management and trains students to be
biological, and studies people not only as individuals professional managers and entrepreneurs especially
but as members of a society in the field of Marketing
2. BA Communication Arts - deals with writing, speech 8. BS Chemistry - deals with the study of properties and
communication, theater arts, public relations and reactions of chemicals; equips knowledge for teaching
advertising to develop a thorough understanding of and research
the communication process within the context of 9. BS Chemical Engineering (5 yrs) - deals with
man’s cultural and historical heritage. understanding chemical reactions, processes, and
3. BS Applied Mathematics - deals with mathematics thermodynamics
and its applications 10. BS Fisheries - deals with quality and relevant training
4. BS Architecture - deals with the study of planning, fisheries, applying various principles and techniques
designing, and constructing buildings and other for sustainable fisheries
physical structures 11. BS Food Technology - deals with the understanding
5. BS Biology - Deals with research and teaching, of the different areas of the food industry: food
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, production, safety, and quality testing
and Genetics. 12. BS Management - deals with management theories
6. BS Food Technology - deals with the understanding and concepts that help students gain insight on
of the different areas of the food industry: food making managerial decisions in an enterprise
production, safety, and quality testing 13. BS Public Health - deals with research and training in
7. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and different areas of public health including parasitology,
methods of processing information and design of community health development, and environmental
computers, computer hardware and software and occupational health
8. BA English (Creative Writing) - deals with the study of 14. BS Statistics - deals with the study of the collection,
approaches in writing fiction, poetry, essay, and analysis, and presentation of data, and their
drama in the English language applications to scientific and social problems
9. BS Agribusiness Economics - deals with applying 15. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and
economic theories in agribusiness methods of processing information and design of
UP Open University computers, computer hardware and software
16. BS Economics - deals with the study of how people
use resources when they're limited, and how it affects
their decision-making
17. BS Accountancy (5 yrs) - equips further knowledge to
develop professional public accountants cs
18. BA Literature - deals with the fundamentals and
understanding literature -of-education-studies-bes
19. BA Community Development - deals with the study in
which community members come together to take
collective action and generate solutions to common
20. BA Communications and Media Studies - deals with the-upcat/
the processes of human communication and media
UP Visayas (Tacloban)

1. BA Communication Arts - deals with writing, speech

communication, theater arts, public relations and
advertising to develop a thorough understanding of
the communication process within the context of
man’s cultural and historical heritage.
2. BA Psychology - deals with the science of behavior
and mind, experience as well as thought; not a
pre-med course
3. BS Biology - deals with research and teaching,
especially in fields of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology,
and Genetics.
4. BS Management - deals with management theories
and concepts that help students gain insight on
making managerial decisions in an enterprise
5. BS Computer Science - deals with theory and
methods of processing information and design of
computers, computer hardware and software
6. BA Social Sciences (Political Science) - deals with the
social science of government systems and analysis of
political issues and behavior
7. BS Accountancy (5 yrs) - equips further knowledge to
develop professional public accountants
8. BA Social Sciences (Economics) - deals with the
study of scarcity, how people use resources and
decision-making; can deal with macro and

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