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Padre Faura Witnesses The Execution of Rizal: by Danton Remoto

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Padre Faura Witnesses

the Execution of Rizal

by Danton Remoto
Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of Rizal
by Danton Remoto

I stand on the roof And on this day

Of the Ateneo Municpal, With the year beginning to turn
Shivering Salt stings my eyes
On this December morning.
I see Pepe, a blur
Months ago Between the soldier
Pepe came to me With their Mausers raised
In the Observatory, And the early morning’s
I thought we would talk
About the stars Still shimmering
That do not collide even I millions of miles away,
In the sky. the star itself
Instead, he asked me about purgatory is already dead.
(His cheeks still ruddy (1996)
after the bitter winter
in Europe.)
✢Jesuit, member of the Society of Jesus (S.J.), a
Roman Catholic order of religious men founded
by St. Ignatius of Loyola, noted for its
educational, missionary, and charitable works,
once regarded by many as the principal agent of
the Counter-Reformation, and later a leading
force in modernizing the church.

✢A friar belongs to a religious order, a group

within the Catholic church. A friar is similar to a
monk. Friars are like monks in that they are
devoted to a religious life. The difference is that a
friar lives and works among regular people in
society, while a monk lives in a secluded, self-
sufficient group of monks.
Padre Faura
✢Fr. Federico Faura, SJ
(1840-1897), the first and
most famous director of the
Manila Observatory, that was
once located in Ermita (hence
the naming of the busy street
everyone now knows as
“Padre Faura”).
On Aug. 18, 1868, a total
solar eclipse was to be seen
in Celebes, so three Jesuits
from the Manila Observatory
sailed off. But they could not
reach the designated viewing
site on time.
✢Nevertheless, Faura and his
companions set up their equipment on an
island called Mantawalok-kiki on the
path of the eclipse and made
observations that were accepted and later
published in Europe.

✢Padre Faura predicted the approach of

a typhoon that hit the country on July 7,
1879. This became, historically, the first
official typhoon warning in this part of the
world. Faura also warned people of
another typhoon that struck in November
1879. Typhoon bulletins were thenceforth
issued by the Manila Observatory from
1879 to 1945.
✢In 1884, the Spanish government designated the
Observatorio del Ateneo Municipal as the official weather
forecasting authority and renamed it the Observatorio
Meteorologico de Manila.

✢This lasted until Spain sold the Philippines to the United

States in 1898. In 1901, the Americans recognized the
work of the Manila Observatory and designated it as the
weather bureau until it was destroyed during the war in

✢ After the war, the Philippine government established

its own weather bureau that we know today under the
name given it in 1971 as PAGASA.

✢The Jesuit-run Manila Observatory (MO) is still alive

and kicking in the Ateneo de Manila University campus in
Loyola Heights, Quezon City, and continues its mission to
study weather and seismic data.
Who is Padre Faura in the eyes of
Jose Rizal?

✢Fr. Federico Faura, SJ, one of Jose Rizal's favorite

mentors, asked to be led to the azotea overlooking the Luneta
(today's Rizal Park) to see for himself the last hours of his
beloved Pepe.

✢When the volley of shots felled the hero, he asked to be led

back to his infirmary room, tears flowing freely down his face. A
little over three weeks later, on January 23, 1897, he himself
✢Soon after publishing his first novel, Noli Me Tangere (Touch
Me Not), Rizal arrived home in the autumn of 1877. But his
reputation had preceded him and he was forced to leave the
Philippines for his second voyage to Europe in January 1888.

✢ Fr. Faura remonstrated that he should not have painted such a

dark picture of the country. But Rizal countered that he had not
written for intellectuals, and he had attacked the friars in the
Philippines who were using the Church to cloak their abuses. And
in their discussion about many beliefs of the Church, he could not
accept the Jesuit's arguments, particularly about purgatory. And
Fr. Faura sadly told him that since they no longer believed the
same things, there was no longer any reason for them to be in
further contact.
✢On October 8, 1896, he was on board the "Colon"
which was taking him back to Manila as a prisoner of
war, after various newspapers in Madrid reported that he
was the cause of the uprising started by Andres Bonifacio
(a revolutionary hero) barely two months previously. But
Rizal wrote in his diary of this return voyage: "My God!
Opinion, therefore, is against me! Still I hope to prove my
innocence, God willing.“

✢Then, after an unusually swift court martial, Rizal was

condemned to die by firing squad. On December 29, he
was remanded to Fort Santiago and placed "en capilla"
(because the cell had an altar and if the convict wished,
Mass could be celebrated for him before his execution).
Only a few were allowed to visit him. Among them was
Fr. Faura.
✢Fever felled Fr. Faura not much later. And
despite running a temperature, he had his
nurse lead him to the azotea of the Ateneo.
In the stillness of the early morning of
December 30, he heard the shots that ended
with finality the life of his dear student, Pepe,
shots that reached, not only his ears, but
especially his heart.
What do you know about Rizal?
✢It shows his life and works, his struggles in order to
free his countrymen from abuse, until his death
under the hands of the Spaniards who occupied our
country in the late 19th century.
✢As a young man, Jose is sent to study in Spain. This
is a plan hatched by his brother Paciano. Jose will
write and do everything in his power to bring to the
attention of the world the abuses of Spanish power
in the Philippines, while Paciano will protect the
Rizal family at home and keep up the struggle
against Spanish rule.
✢Jose excels in his studies as a medical student at
Madrid University and eventually earns a degree as
an ophthalmic surgeon.

✢Meantime, he becomes involved with a group of

radical Filipino students who also seek to end the
Spanish abuses in their country.

✢He eventually has a falling out with the student

group as he realizes that the real struggle is taking
place back home. He decides to return to the
Arrest and Trial
✢He is arrested by the Spanish authorities upon his
return to the Philippines in 1892.

✢He is sent to Dapitan in Mindanao where the Spanish
authorities can keep a watchful eye on him. It is there
that he meets the love of his life, Josephine Bracken,

✢When a rebellion breaks out in 1896 the Spanish

governor orders that Rizal be moved to the prison in
✢Rizal is introduced to Luis Taviel de Andrade who has
been appointed to defend him at his trial. Taviel is a
Spanish officer who at first mistrusts Rizal and views him
as a dangerous revolutionary.

✢The evil head of the Franciscan order in Manila

arranges for a new governor to take over control of the

✢The new governor promptly orders a show trial where

the outcome has already been decided. Rizal must die.
Despite his best efforts, Taviel cannot save Rizal from his
fate. The verdict is reached and the execution date is set
for December 30, 1896. Taviel admits to Rizal that he is
ashamed to be a Spaniard.
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In two or three columns
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of Is the colour of Is the color of
gold, butter and the clear sky and blood, and
ripe lemons. In the deep sea. It because of this it
the spectrum of is located has historically
visible light, between violet been associated
yellow is found and green on the with sacrifice,
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Let’s review some concepts
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the sky and the deep sea. It because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, is located between violet historically been
yellow is found between and green on the optical associated with sacrifice,
green and orange. spectrum. danger and courage.

Yellow Blue Red

Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the sky and the deep sea. It because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, is located between violet historically been
yellow is found between and green on the optical associated with sacrifice,
green and orange. spectrum. danger and courage.
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