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Intelligence 34 (2006) 487 – 502

Beyond g: Putting multiple intelligences theory to the test

Beth A. Visser a,⁎, Michael C. Ashton a , Philip A. Vernon b
Department of Psychology, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2S 3A1
Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2
Received 13 December 2005; received in revised form 20 February 2006; accepted 20 February 2006
Available online 6 March 2006


We investigated Gardner's “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” in a sample of 200 adults. For each of the hypothesized eight
“intelligence” domains–Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic,
Naturalistic–we selected two tests based on Gardner's description of its content. Factor analysis revealed a large g factor having
substantial loadings for tests assessing purely cognitive abilities–Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, Naturalistic,
Interpersonal–but lower loadings for tests of other abilities, especially Bodily-Kinesthetic. Within most domains, the two tests
showed some (weak) non-g associations, thus providing modest support for the coherence of those domains, which resemble the
group factors of hierarchical models of intelligence. Results support previous findings that highly diverse tests of purely cognitive
abilities share strong loadings on a factor of general intelligence, and that abilities involving sensory, motor, or personality
influences are less strongly g-loaded.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Intelligence; Multiple intelligences; g; Mental abilities; Cognitive abilities

1. Introduction Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and

Musical. He has more recently added Naturalistic intel-
The notion of general intelligence or g (e.g., ligence and has suggested that an Existential intelli-
Spearman, 1927) had long been broadly accepted by gence might exist, but that a hypothesized Spiritual
psychologists when Howard Gardner introduced Mul- intelligence does not (Gardner, 1999).
tiple Intelligences (MI) theory in his 1983 book, Frames Gardner (1999) stated that his choice of the word
of Mind, proposing that there are several independent “intelligences” was a deliberate one, noting that if he
ability areas. Gardner (1993) described intelligence as a had written a book referring to “faculties” or “gifts,” it is
biopsychological potential that could be influenced by unlikely that his theory would have garnered the
experience, culture, and motivational factors. He attention that it has. Gardner has professed to be quite
defined intelligence as the ability to solve problems willing to refer to his eight intelligences as talents or
and to fashion products that are culturally valued. abilities, but only if verbal and quantitative abilities are
Gardner (1983) initially proposed that there were seven referred to as talents. Gardner has argued that there is no
intelligences: Linguistic, Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, hierarchy of ability, and that Linguistic and Logical/
Mathematical abilities are of no greater real-life impor-
⁎ Corresponding author. tance than any of the other “intelligences”.
E-mail addresses: (B.A. Visser), Gardner (1999) explained that he reviewed hundreds (M.C. Ashton), (P.A. Vernon). of studies before publishing Frames of Mind, and that he
0160-2896/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
488 B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502

assessed all candidate intelligences on the basis of eight emerge naturally, as part of everyday functioning, rather
criteria: the potential of isolation by brain damage; an than by invoking a separate executive intelligence”.
evolutionary history and evolutionary plausibility; an MI theory proposes that the eight intelligence
identifiable core operation or set of operations; suscep- domains are theoretically independent, but Gardner
tibility to encoding in a symbol system; a distinct (1993) has acknowledged that two or more could
developmental history; the existence of savants, prod- overlap. He cautioned, however, that correlations among
igies, and other exceptional people; support from subtests of standardized intelligence tests occur because
experimental psychological tasks; and support from the tasks all rely on rapid responses to items that are
psychometric findings. Gardner (1983) admitted that the heavily based on logical/mathematical and linguistic
criteria were somewhat flexible; some intelligences abilities. However, Messick (1992) noted that variability
which might have met all criteria, such as face- in reading ability should not influence intelligence test
recognition, were discarded because they were not performance as long as all participants are able to easily
highly valued within cultures. In addition, Gardner understand the task instructions. Gardner has expressed
retained candidate intelligences which seemed promis- concern about the “verbal lens”–that is, the use of a
ing even if they did not meet every criterion. common verbal format to assess all aspects of
MI theory was enthusiastically welcomed by many intelligence–but Messick claimed that the reasoning
educators and parents (Daz-Lefebvre, 2004; Mettetal, component of the Logical/Mathematical domain is a far
Jordan, & Harper, 1997). Here, Gardner's message that more ubiquitous element across tests of cognitive
children have unique and diverse abilities meshed well ability. Messick noted that the reasoning that a person
with educators' intuitive sense that children learn in very employs to solve a novel task in an intelligence domain
different ways. Indeed, Gardner's premise seemed far other than Logical/Mathematical appears more similar
more egalitarian than did notions of g. MI theory to a horizontal, cross-cutting ability than to method
seemed to say that a child who performed poorly in, variance. In a similar vein, Lohman (2001) argued that
say, math and reading had just as great a chance as inductive reasoning, with its component of central
anyone else at being successful in music, art, physical working memory, was equivalent to g.
education, or even geography: everyone could be smart The content of Gardner's intelligence domains sug-
in some way. At a time when standardized testing in gests some similarities to the group factors of hierarchi-
US schools had become highly controversial, Gardner cal models of intelligence (e.g., Vernon, 1961), and
(1983, p. 3) claimed that IQ tests had little utility in Carroll (1993) has pointed out that Gardner's intelli-
predicting success beyond school. This claim, howev- gences bear a striking similarity to the second-stratum
er, is clearly contradicted by Gottfredson's (2002) factors of Carroll's hierarchy. For example, Carroll noted
finding that no meta-analysis has reported exceptions that Gardner's Linguistic intelligence corresponded to
to the generality of g in predicting job performance, the factor of crystallized intelligence, Musical intelli-
with brighter employees always performing better on gence to auditory perception ability, Logical/Mathema-
average than less intelligent employees. tical intelligence to fluid intelligence, and Spatial
Although Gardner (1999) has acknowledged the intelligence to visual perception. Interpersonal or social
existence of g, he has continued to question its abilities, in Carroll's framework, were represented to
explanatory power. In addition, he has maintained that some extent in first-stratum factors of knowledge of
each of his intelligence domains has unique processing behavioral content (with separate factors emerging for
resources, and that there are no horizontal capacities, convergent and divergent tasks assessing those abilities).
such as memory or creativity, that cut across all Carroll stated that only Gardner's Bodily-Kinesthetic
hypothesized intelligences. Instead, he views creativity and Intrapersonal intelligences appeared to have no
as an operation performed within a domain, rather than counterpart in second-stratum factors. However, psy-
as a general, cross-cutting ability. Gardner has suggested chomotor ability is not typically recognized as an aspect
that executive functioning likely emerges from Intra- of cognitive ability and, thus, Bodily-Kinesthetic ability
personal intelligence rather than constituting an intelli- would not be represented in hierarchical models. Carroll
gence of its own or a horizontal capacity. Gardner (1999, noted that adequate measures of intrapersonal ability
p. 106) stated that he had no objection to others invoking have never been included in factor analytic studies of
an executive function, but that for the purposes of cognitive structure. Gardner had not introduced his
modeling mental abilities, “it is useful to see whether eighth domain, Naturalistic intelligence, at the time of
one can explain human behavior in the absence of such Carroll's writing, but the categorization of objects would
hierarchical considerations, or whether the hierarchy can seem to be related to logical reasoning.
B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502 489

2. Assessment of multiple intelligences previous research on the structure of cognitive abilities.

In particular, we draw comparisons with the “primary
Gardner (1999) has claimed that Linguistic and mental abilities” or group factors that were first
Logical/Mathematical intelligences are the domains identified by Thurstone (1938), and also with the factors
most highly valued in school and most heavily at all three levels (or strata) of the hierarchy described by
represented on traditional intelligence tests. The chal- Carroll (1993). Based on this analysis, the broad
lenge, he has said, is to develop assessment tools that are categories of tasks to be assessed as indicators of the
“intelligence fair”; that is, measures that do not assess various ability domains will be identified.
intelligence through the lens of verbal, or any other,
ability. A difficulty with the measurement of the eight 3.1. Linguistic intelligence
hypothesized intelligence domains is Gardner's (1999)
argument that assessments should reflect an individual's Gardner has described Linguistic intelligence as a
success in completing culturally valued tasks, rather sensitivity to spoken and written language and the
than in completing intelligence tests. Given Gardner's ability to use language to accomplish goals, as well as
contention that the performance of real-life activities the ability to learn new languages. Lawyers, public
necessarily employs the combination of two or more speakers, writers, and poets all possess high levels of
“intelligences”, the assessment of the individual intelli- Linguistic intelligence, according to Gardner.
gences of his model would seem to be an impossible The Linguistic intelligence domain, as described by
task. For example, Gardner has noted that in his research Gardner, seems to encompass a wide variety of more
with preschoolers, he has assessed Logical/Mathemat- specific abilities. Thurstone (1938), for example,
ical, Spatial, and Bodily-Kinesthetic abilities by having differentiated between verbal comprehension and word
children take apart and reassemble pencil sharpeners fluency, which represented two of his seven primary
and doorknobs. However, Gardner has not explained mental abilities, whereas Gardner would include both
how each of these three abilities could be assessed under the domain of Linguistic intelligence. Verbal
independently by such a test. comprehension involves the ability to understand the
Gardner (1993) stated that he and colleagues were meanings both of individual words and of passages of
engaged in efforts to create operational definitions and written or spoken text. Word fluency, in contrast,
diagnostic procedures for each intelligence area, al- involves the ability to generate rapidly many examples
though he admitted that it could be difficult to define of words that meet some specification (e.g., words
and assess Intrapersonal and Interpersonal intelligences. beginning with a given letter, words rhyming with a
In 2006, there still does not appear to be any target word, words naming objects that have some
standardized testing instrument for the multiple intelli- property, etc.). Previous studies have suggested that
gences, and Gardner has provided little guidance as to indicators of verbal comprehension tend to be slightly
how his intelligences might be tested. A few researchers more highly g-loaded than are measures of word fluency
have used self-report inventories to assess Gardner's (e.g., median g-loadings of 0.49 versus 0.43 reported by
multiple intelligences (e.g., Shearer, 1996; Teele, 1992). Carroll, 1993, p. 597).
However, previous research has suggested that self-
report measures of intelligence correlate only modestly 3.2. Spatial intelligence
with maximum performance measures (Borkenau &
Liebler, 1993; Furnham & Fong, 2000). Paulhus, Lysy, Gardner defined Spatial intelligence as the ability to
and Yik (1998) suggested that even when aggregated recognize both large and small visual patterns. He
measures were used, the validity limit of self-estimates suggested that navigators and pilots would possess high
of intelligence was 0.30. levels of spatial intelligence, as would sculptors,
surgeons, chess players, and architects.
3. The intelligences Previous research in the domain of spatial abilities
suggests that spatial visualization and spatial scanning
Below, the eight “intelligences” as conceptualized by are two important and distinct aspects of that domain
Gardner (1993) are described in detail, with the aim of (e.g., Ekstrom, French, Harman, & Derman, 1976).
identifying the range of abilities subsumed by each Spatial visualization refers to the ability to imagine the
domain and of examining the cognitive demands of movement of an object and is typically measured with
tasks assessing these abilities. In describing the abilities mental rotation tasks. Carroll (1993) noted that visual-
within the domains, we make frequent reference to ization tasks generally form a first-stratum factor, and
490 B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502

one that tends to be highly g-loaded. Spatial scanning is capable of working effectively with them. Gardner
the ability to scan a field quickly, to follow paths visually, stated that teachers, clinicians, salespeople, politicians,
and to reject false leads (Ekstrom et al., 1976). Carroll and religious leaders all use Interpersonal intelligence.
(1993) tentatively identified this capacity as a first-order Gardner's Interpersonal intelligence would seem to
factor, but stated that further research was necessary be related to the construct of emotional intelligence,
before it could be considered independent and inter- which can be associated with intelligence or with
preted accordingly. Tasks assessing spatial visualization personality depending on how it is measured. For
and spatial scanning tend to load on a second-stratum example, O'Connor and Little (2003) reported that an
factor of broad visualization ability, which corresponds ability-based measure of emotional intelligence was
also to Thurstone's (1938) spatial ability factor. correlated more strongly with cognitive ability than with
personality. A self-report inventory of emotional
3.3. Logical/Mathematical intelligence intelligence, on the other hand, was correlated more
strongly with personality than with cognitive ability.
Gardner described Logical/Mathematical intelligence The Interpersonal domain would seem to include
as the ability to study problems, to carry out mathemat- both an understanding of verbal and nonverbal social
ical operations logically and analytically, and to conduct cues. The individual with a high level of Interpersonal
scientific investigations. Gardner identified mathemati- ability would likely possess both an awareness of the
cians, logicians, and scientists as persons who would social consequences of events and also an understanding
possess high levels of this hypothesized intelligence. of the motivations and intentions underlying people's
Reasoning, the domain whose content is subsumed behavior. Thus, this domain could be assessed by asking
within the definition of Gardner's Logical/Mathematical an individual to anticipate the development of a social
intelligence, was identified as one of the primary mental situation, or to infer the state of mind of a person based
abilities recovered by Thurstone (1938). According to on his or her words or actions.
Carroll (1993), reasoning subsumes six first-stratum
factors: general reasoning, verbal reasoning, induction, 3.5. Intrapersonal intelligence
quantitative reasoning, syllogistic reasoning, and clas-
sification ability. Quantitative reasoning, which com- Gardner (1999) described Intrapersonal intelligence
bines numerical content with logical thinking, would as the ability to understand and to have an effective
seem to be a prototypical exemplar of Gardner's working model of oneself. Intrapersonal intelligence, as
Logical/Mathematical intelligence domain. Carroll conceptualized by Gardner, includes the awareness of
(1993) found that the first-stratum factor of quantitative one's own desires, fears, and abilities, and also using
reasoning was highly g-loaded, as were other reasoning this information to make sound life decisions.
abilities, such as induction. From Gardner's description, it appears that having a
The Logical/Mathematical domain of Gardner's clear concept of oneself is a key component of his
framework would also subsume numerical facility, Intrapersonal domain. In previous research, self-concept
which is measured with tasks requiring participants to clarity was operationalized in an investigation of the
quickly perform simple arithmetic computations, such nature of self-esteem (Campbell, 1990) in which
as addition, subtraction and multiplication. This numer- participants made “me/not me” decisions for a 56-item
ical skill emerged as one of the primary mental abilities list of adjectives, within which were 25 pairs of opposite
in Thurstone's (1938) research, defining a different poles of various personality traits. Campbell was then
factor from that which subsumed reasoning tasks, able to examine the inconsistency of participants' self-
although quantitative reasoning also shows some descriptions by determining to what extent they
association with this factor. In Carroll's (1993, p. 597) endorsed opposites to describe themselves. Results
review, a first-stratum factor of numerical facility was indicated that this measure effectively distinguished
somewhat less g-loaded than was that of quantitative high self-esteem and low self-esteem groups, which
reasoning. were hypothesized to differ in self-concept clarity.
Therefore, assessments of self-concept clarity might
3.4. Interpersonal intelligence serve as an indicator of Intrapersonal ability.
Intrapersonal intelligence, as described by Gardner,
According to Gardner (1983), an individual who is is also somewhat related to metacognition in general and
high in Interpersonal intelligence understands the inten- to the ability to self-monitor in particular. That is, the
tions, motivations, needs, and desires of others, and is individuals with high Intrapersonal ability should be
B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502 491

aware of what they know as well as what they do not controlling the hands and fingers) in describing Bodily-
know. However, Stankov (2000) reported that his Kinesthetic intelligence. Gardner has not explained why
research has found very little correlation between self- these abilities would be expected to be strongly
monitoring ability, as measured by the difference associated with each other. Given that the Bodily-
between a confidence score and the actual percentage Kinesthetic domain subsumes both gross and fine motor
of correctly solved items, and intelligence. These skills, the assessment of this domain would require
findings could be interpreted as support for Gardner's measurements of both of these intuitively rather distinct
contention that Intrapersonal ability is an independent areas of ability.
area of intelligence. Thus, measures of the extent to
which individuals can accurately judge their relative 3.8. Musical intelligence
strengths and weaknesses might serve as an index of
Intrapersonal ability. Gardner (1999) suggested that Musical intelligence
was parallel in structure to Linguistic intelligence, and
3.6. Naturalistic intelligence that it would be reflected in the performance, composi-
tion, and appreciation of musical patterns. With regard to
Gardner (1999) described a naturalist as one who is the underlying abilities involved in his Musical intelli-
able to recognize and classify objects. According to gence, Gardner has claimed that the two most central
Gardner, hunters, farmers, and gardeners would have constituent elements of music are rhythm and pitch (or
high levels of Naturalistic intelligence, as would artists, melody), followed in importance by timbre (which
poets, and social scientists, who are also adept at Gardner, 1983, p. 105, describes as the characteristic
pattern-recognition. He stated that a marketing profes- qualities of a tone). This is consistent with the content of
sional who promotes the small differences between eight first-stratum factors identified by Carroll (1993) as
competing products is applying Naturalistic intelli- aspects of a broader Auditory Receptive Ability (defined
gence, as is the individual who can recognize cars by 12 first-stratum factors in all). The eight music-
from the sounds of their engines. relevant factors included the following: discrimination of
As described above, a central element of Gardner's tones and sequences of tones with respect to basic
Naturalistic intelligence is the capacity to categorize attributes such as pitch, intensity, duration, and rhythm;
objects according to salient similarities and differences auditory cognitive relations (judgments of complex
among them. This ability is critically involved in the relations among tonal patterns); tonal imagery; discrim-
generation of meaningful taxonomies of both living and ination and judgment of tonal patterns in musicality;
non-living objects. Therefore, categorization tasks of temporal tracking; ability to recognize and maintain
this kind would appear to be ideal measures of the mentally an equal-time beat; ability to retain, on a short-
Naturalistic domain. It is worth noting that these tasks term basis, images of tones, tonal patterns, and voices;
also appear to demand a high level of logical reasoning, and absolute pitch ability. Thus, given that rhythm and
which suggests that cognitive demands for this domain tone would appear to be core aspects of these narrow
might in fact be similar to those for Gardner's Logical/ factors of musical ability, measures of the abilities to
Mathematical intelligence, despite being applied to the discriminate between rhythms and between tones would
realm of semantically meaningful stimuli rather than to be important elements in the assessment of Gardner's
the domain of symbolic, quantitative concepts. Musical intelligence.
Some previous research has examined the extent to
3.7. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence which measures of musical ability are loaded on the g
factor. For example, Lynn, Wilson, and Gault (1989)
Gardner (1999) described this intelligence as the found positive correlations between musical ability and
potential of using the whole body or parts of the body in general intelligence ranging from 0.27 to 0.40 in a
problem-solving or the creation of products. Gardner sample of 10-year-olds, suggesting that musical ability
identified not only dancers, actors, and athletes as those is not independent of g.
who excel in Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, but also
craftspeople, surgeons, mechanics, and other techni- 4. The current study
cians. Thus, Gardner does not appear to differentiate
between gross motor skills (i.e., involving the whole The purpose of the current study was to investigate
body or the larger muscle groups) and fine motor skills Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory by examining
(i.e., involving smaller muscle groups, especially those the relations among the eight hypothesized intelligences,
492 B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502

as well as their relations with an external measure of loadings, and with all of the remaining tests having
general cognitive ability. Although Gardner has diluted lower g-loadings. In addition, we expected that the
MI theory somewhat by incorporating the existence of g pattern of tests' g-loadings would also be reflected in the
and suggesting that the intelligences might not be tests' correlations with an external marker of g,
entirely independent, the theory would still seem to specifically, a brief test of general intelligence.
predict that tests of the eight intelligences should be Our second hypothesis involved the degree of cohe-
relatively independent of each other. Gardner (1999) rence of each of the intelligence domains, or the extent to
cautioned that there is a tendency to measure non-verbal which the distinct abilities assessed by our measures of
abilities with verbal measures, leading to artificially high each domain would in fact be correlated, beyond the
correlations among the ability domains. We therefore influence of g. Given the recurrent empirical findings of
avoided measuring variance attributable to verbal ability group factors broadly similar to several of Gardner's
by including several nonverbal measures of the various intelligences, we hypothesized that the two tests within
hypothesized intelligences. For example, Logical-Math- each intelligence domain (with one exception) would be
ematical, Spatial, Interpersonal, Musical, and Bodily- correlated above and beyond their association with the
Kinesthetic intelligences were tested with at least one of general factor. In other words, we expected that residual
the two measures being entirely nonverbal. In all other correlations between the tests assessing the same
tests, with the exception of Linguistic, reading demands domain, after extraction of the g factor, would tend to
were minimal, so verbal ability could not be considered a be positive. For the Bodily-Kinesthetic domain, howev-
source of shared variance between these tests. er, we expected that the measures of gross- and fine-
In generating hypotheses for the current study, we motor skills would be nearly uncorrelated, given the
first made a distinction between two categories of apparent dissimilarity of those abilities.
“intelligences” of Gardner's model, according to the We should mention that we chose not to specify a
extent to which non-cognitive abilities were involved in confirmatory factor-analytic (CFA) model in testing
each domain. Based on the descriptions of the domains Gardner's theory. This decision was based in part on the
(see summaries above), Gardner's Linguistic, Spatial, small number of tests per domain, as testing time
Logical-Mathematical, Naturalistic, and Interpersonal constraints limited us to only two tests for each of the
intelligences would appear to be purely cognitive in eight hypothesized intelligences; a properly specified
nature. Intrapersonal ability, on the other hand, would CFA model would require at least three, and ideally
seem to have some element of personality in addition to more, indicators of each factor. In addition, given the
its cognitive component. (Interpersonal might also have inherent factorial complexity and lack of simple
this personality aspect when applied in real-life structure associated with individual difference variables,
settings.) Gardner's Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence it seemed likely that–even if Gardner's theory were
chiefly involves motor rather than cognitive abilities, largely valid–the results of CFA evaluations would
and his Musical intelligence clearly has a sensory as reject his model, in the same way that even very widely
well as a cognitive component. replicated models of personality structure are also
Our first hypothesis involved the extent to which rejected by CFA for the same reasons (see McCrae,
measures of the various intelligences would be corre- Zonderman, Costa, Bond, & Paunonen, 1996). Thus, to
lated, and hence the extent to which they would define a avoid these problems of underdefined factors and of
g factor of general intelligence. Given the recurrent unrealistically stringent tests of Gardner's model, we
findings of positive manifolds in the matrices of instead focused our analyses on the tests' intercorrela-
correlations among tests of cognitive ability (e.g., tions, g-loadings, correlations with an external measure
Spearman, 1927), and the corresponding strong empir- of g, and residual intercorrelations after extraction of g.
ical support for a g factor of general intelligence, we
hypothesized similar findings for the present study. 5. Method
More precisely, using the above-noted distinction
between purely cognitive and partly non-cognitive 5.1. Participants
abilities, we expected that all of the tests except those
in the partly non-cognitive domains would be correlated Two hundred participants (116 women) were recrui-
with each other and with an independent, external ted through posters, in-class presentations, and sign-up
measure of general intelligence. We also predicted that a sheets on two university campuses. To recruit partici-
factor analysis of the tests would yield a g factor, with all pants, presentations were made in a variety of classes,
of the purely cognitive tests having substantial g- including chemistry, accounting, sports management,
B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502 493

psychology, and geography. Participants were required roadblocks, and numbered buildings. Participants must
to speak English as their first or best language and to be find the shortest route between two lettered points,
at least 18 years of age. Of the 200 participants, 171 avoiding roadblocks. The correct response is the number
were current undergraduate students; the remainder of the building which is passed in traveling the shortest
included current graduate students, non-academic route between two given points.
employees of the university, and non-student friends The ETS Paper Folding Test is a 20-item, 6-min
or relatives of the undergraduate student participants. measure of the ability to make serial mental rotations of
Participants ranged in age from 17 to 66 years (M = 22.7, spatial stimuli, which Carroll (1993) identified as a
SD = 6.1). For the 186 participants who had attended visualization task. Each item consists of drawings of a
university, the academic major fields represented 30 square of paper that is folded two or three times, in
different academic departments, with self-reported various ways, and then has a hole punched through it.
academic average grades in university courses ranging Participants choose which of five drawings accurately
from 56% to 94% (M = 75.9, SD = 7.6) for the most depicts how the sheet of paper and its pattern of holes
recent academic year. would appear when the paper is fully opened.

5.2. Measures 5.2.5. Logical/Mathematical intelligence

The ETS Subtraction and Multiplication Test is a
5.2.1. Demographic information 120-item, 4-min measure of the ability to perform basic
Participants provided the following demographic arithmetic operations with speed and accuracy.
information: age, sex, faculty in which the student is The ETS Necessary Arithmetic Operations Test is a
enrolled, subject in which the student is majoring, year 30-item, 10-min measure of general arithmetic reason-
of study, and previous year's average mark, expressed as ing. The problems require the participant to determine
a percentage. which arithmetic operations are required to solve
mathematical word problems, but do not require the
5.2.2. General cognitive ability participant to perform those computations.
The Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT; Wonderlic,
2002) Form A was used as a measure of general 5.2.6. Interpersonal intelligence
intelligence external to the tests representing Gardner's Cartoon Predictions (O'Sullivan & Guilford, 1965a)
intelligence domains. The WPT is an extensively is a 10-min test with 30 items, each consisting of one
normed 50-item, 12-min omnibus test. WPT items cartoon showing people's reactions in a situation
represent a broad range of problem types (e.g., involving two or more people. Participants must choose
analogies, arithmetic problems, proverbs, geometric one of three related cartoons to indicate what would
figures, number series, and word definitions) and are most logically happen next. For example, the sample
presented in order of increasing difficulty. item shows a man clinging to the roof of the house,
while a boy looks on. The man appears to be frightened
5.2.3. Linguistic intelligence and asking for help. The correct response shows the boy
The Educational Testing Service (ETS) Advanced with a woman bringing a ladder to help the man down.
Vocabulary Test II is a 36-item, 8-min test of verbal The two incorrect responses show the man trying to
comprehension, appropriate for a university undergrad- climb on the roof, and the boy and the woman laughing
uate population. For each target word, participants select at the man. The score is the number of correct responses
one of four words which has the same or nearly the same plus 1/k times the number of items left blank, k being the
meaning as the target word. number of alternative answers. Thus, this test measures
The ETS Opposites Test assesses associational an ability to anticipate the sequence of events in a social
fluency by requiring participants to generate words situation, without drawing on verbal ability.
that are opposite or nearly opposite in meaning to a Social Translations (O'Sullivan & Guilford, 1965b)
given word, for each of eight target words (four on each is a 10-min test with 24 items. Each item lists a brief
5-min half of the test). statement along with the identities of the person by
whom and to whom it was said. Participants choose one
5.2.4. Spatial intelligence of three pairs of people for which the same verbal
The ETS Map Planning Test is a 40-item, 6-min test statement would have a meaning different from the
of spatial scanning. For each of two parts of the test, meaning for the original pair. For example, the phrase
participants are presented with a map showing streets, “That's mine” said by a man to a parking lot attendant is
494 B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502

similar in meaning when said by a student to a librarian bats, robins, and frogs together as “animals”, and
or by a busy shopper to a salesclerk, but is different in classify airplanes, bats, and robins together as “things
meaning when said by an angry child to a playmate. that fly”.
This test thus assesses an ability to understand ETS Diagramming Relationships is a 30-item, 8-min
differences in the motivations of persons who make test of the comprehension of the relations among various
the same statement, according to the social context in categories of objects. For each item, a group of three
which the statement is made. categories of objects is given, and participants are asked
to select one of five Venn diagrams that best illustrates
5.2.7. Intrapersonal intelligenc the relationships among those categories of objects. For
One Intrapersonal measure involved the consistency example, the categories dogs, cats, and animals would
of self-ratings on personality-descriptive adjectives that be best depicted with two non-overlapping circles
define the same broad trait. Participants completed a (representing cats and dogs) completely inside a larger
personality self-rating form in which they rated, on a 9- circle (representing animals).
point scale, how closely each of 48 adjectives described
their typical personality. (The adjectives were selected 5.2.9. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
by the second author as markers of the six personality A test of balance was chosen to represent gross motor
factors derived from the personality lexicon of the ability, because balance is a key element in assessing
English language; see Ashton, Lee, & Goldberg, 2004) potential in gymnastics, diving, skating, and many other
The standard deviation of scores was calculated for each athletic activities (Johnson & Nelson, 1986). In
individual across his or her self-ratings on adjectives addition, balance seemed to be an ability that would
within each factor (after recoding of reverse-keyed be less susceptible to training effects than would many
items). The average standard deviation across factors, other potential abilities, such as strength, endurance, or
each of which can range from 0 to 4, indicates speed. Specifically, we used the Stork Stand (Johnson &
inconsistency of self-description; this average value, Nelson, 1986) as the test of balance. Participants were
when multiplied by − 1, was used as an index of timed while standing with hands on hips, one leg raised
consistency of self-description, which represents self- and bent with its foot on the inside of the other knee. On
concept clarity as discussed in the Introduction. a signal, participants raised their heels so that only the
The second Intrapersonal measure was an accuracy ball of one foot remained on the floor. Each participant's
coefficient, which reflected how closely participants' score was the average of the two longest times in
self-ratings in each ability domain matched their actual seconds between raising the heel and losing balance,
performance. As previously described, participants rated from three trials.
their ability on each of nine domains corresponding to The General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB; U.S.
Gardner's eight intelligences as well as overall intelli- Department of Labor, 1970) Mark Making test, a
gence. For each ability, participants indicated which measure of manual dexterity, was used to measure fine
percentage of their fellow students would have a lower motor ability. Participants were required to make marks
level of that ability than themselves. A within-person consisting of two parallel lines with another line
correlation between self-estimated ability and actual underscoring the two. Participants were asked to make
ability was calculated across the eight abilities after one such mark in each of many squares on the printed
conversion of percentiles to standard scores. This value page, filling as many squares as possible in 60 s.
represents the self-monitoring or self-assessment ability
described in the Introduction, by indicating the 5.2.10. Musical intelligence
individual's understanding of his or her own pattern of GIA Publications' Advanced Measures of Music
relative strengths and weaknesses. Audiation (AMMA; Gordon, 1989) is a 30-item, 16-min
test, consisting of sets of musical statements played to
5.2.8. Naturalistic intelligence participants on a CD player. Three practice items are
ETS Making Groups is a 4-item, 10-min test of the included. For each set, the participant must decide
ability to categorize objects into logical groups. Each whether the two musical statements are the same,
item consists of a list of seven objects. The participant is tonally different, or rhythmically different.
asked to produce up to 10 groups of three or more No musical background is required in order to take
objects, and to provide a very brief reason for each the AMMA. The test is based on Gordon's (1989)
grouping. For example, a respondent might classify contention that audiation–the ability to hear mentally
airplanes, boats, and cars together as “vehicles”, classify and to comprehend musical patterns when the sound is
B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502 495

no longer present–is the basis of musical aptitude. The ematical); Cartoon Predictions (Interpersonal); Dia-
assumption underlying the AMMA is that being able to gramming Relationships (Naturalistic); Stork Stand
hold musical patterns in memory and to identify the (Bodily-Kinesthetic); AMMA (Rhythm and Tonal;
presence and type of discrepancy between them is a Musical); 10-min break; Making Groups (Naturalistic);
better measure of musical aptitude than is musical Social Translations (Interpersonal); Necessary Arithme-
achievement, which presumably depends in part on tic Operations (Logical/Mathematical); Paper Folding
musical training. Each item consists of an equal number (Spatial); personality adjective self-ratings (Intraperson-
of pairs of musical patterns, such that the patterns may al); and Mark Making (Bodily-Kinesthetic). The second
or may not differ in their tone or their rhythm. order reversed the presentation of the Linguistic, Spatial,
Specifically, 10 items have patterns that differ in tone, Logical/Mathematical, Interpersonal, and Naturalistic
that is, in individual pitch, in mode tonal center (the tests. The second order was as follows: demographic
musical key of the melody), or in a combination of information; Making Groups (Naturalistic); Social
these. Similarly, 10 items have patterns that differ in Translations (Interpersonal); Necessary Arithmetic Ope-
rhythm, that is, in durations, meters, tempos, or rations (Logical/Mathematical); Paper Folding (Spatial);
combinations of these. Finally, 10 other items have Stork Stand (Bodily-Kinesthetic); AMMA (Rhythm and
patterns that are identical. Tonal; Musical); 10-min break; Opposites (Linguistic);
Separate scores are calculated for the Tonal and Map Planning (Spatial); Subtraction and Multiplication
Rhythm scales. The Tonal score (40 points possible) is (Logical/Mathematical); Cartoon Predictions (Interper-
calculated by summing the number of correct tonal sonal); Diagramming Relationships (Naturalistic); per-
responses (10 points possible) and the number of correct sonality adjective self-ratings (Intrapersonal); and Mark
identifications of sameness (10 points possible) plus 20 Making (Bodily-Kinesthetic). One hundred and one
points. The number of erroneous tonal identifications is (50.5%) participants completed tests in the first order and
then subtracted from the score, with omitted items the remainder completed them in the second.
counted neither for nor against. Rhythm (40 points Each participant was paid $30 upon completion of
possible) is calculated similarly. For the purposes of all the testing session and provided with a feedback letter
analyses in the current study, however, only the first half that briefly explained the purpose of the research.
of the Rhythm test and the second half of the Tonal test
were used, with scores potentially ranging from 0 to 20. 6. Results
This approach was taken to correct for the fact that Tonal
and Rhythm total scores would otherwise show a strong 6.1. Measured multiple intelligences
artifactual correlation due to overlapping content in
incorrect responses. But, in order to calculate the 6.1.1. Reliabilities
reliability of the Rhythm and Tonal tests, we correlated The reliabilities of the ability tests are given in Table
each of the half-length tests used in the analysis with its 1. Note that the value for the WPT is coefficient alpha,
other half (i.e., the half that was not used in the main whereas all others are split-half reliabilities; no
analyses below). reliability value is reported for Accuracy of self-ratings
(an Intrapersonal test), because it did not include
5.3. Procedure multiple items from which internal consistency or
split-half reliability could be calculated. The extremely
Participants who met the inclusion criteria (183years low reliability of both music tests was surprising, given
or older, English as first or best language) were tested in the high split-half reliabilities reported in the AMMA
groups of 2–36 in various meeting rooms on a manual (specifically, values of 0.80 for both Tonal and
university campus. All participants were given infor- Rhythm in undergraduate and graduate non-music
mation letters as well as an oral description of majors). The reliabilities of Cartoon Predictions (an
procedures prior to providing signed informed consent. Interpersonal test) and of Consistency (an Intrapersonal
The testing session took place over a 2.5–3 h period, test) were also low. All remaining reliability coefficients
with a 10-min break at approximately the halfway point, were 0.67 or greater, with almost half of the ability tests
following completion of the music test. having coefficients of 0.80 or greater.
The 15 measures were administered in two different
orders. The first order was as follows: demographic 6.1.2. Descriptive statistics
information; Opposites (Linguistic); Map Planning Minimum and maximum scores, means, and standard
(Spatial); Subtraction and Multiplication (Logical/Math- deviations of the tests measuring the eight intelligence
496 B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502

Table 1
Descriptive statistics and split-half reliabilities of measures of each intelligence domain and g
Measure Intelligence domain Minimum Maximum Mean SD Reliability
Wonderlic g 9.00 44.00 26.60 5.87 0.80
Opposites Linguistic 9.00 40.00 23.98 5.76 0.67
Vocabulary Linguistic 5.00 33.50 19.36 5.32 0.67
Map planning Spatial 1.00 39.00 22.90 7.40 0.80
Paper folding Spatial 0.26 20.00 10.50 4.00 0.76
Subtraction and Multiplication Logical/Mathematical 5.00 115.00 41.60 15.82 0.94
Necessary arithmetic operations Logical/Mathematical 0.34 28.68 14.32 5.92 0.81
Cartoon predictions Interpersonal 10.00 28.00 20.86 3.02 0.45
Social translations Interpersonal 4.00 23.00 17.36 3.86 0.90
Accuracy Intrapersonal − 0.75 0.93 0.23 0.41 N/A
Consistency Intrapersonal − 3.28 −0.91 − 1.77 0.38 0.53
Diagramming Relationships Naturalistic 0.00 30.00 16.92 6.94 0.82
Making groups Naturalistic 5.00 29.00 18.86 4.58 0.79
Stork stand Bodily-Kinesthetic 0.00 120.00 32.74 31.27 0.92
Mark making Bodily-Kinesthetic 46.00 120.00 77.84 10.52 0.93
Rhythm Musical 8.00 19.00 13.79 2.31 0.28
Tonal Musical 7.00 17.00 11.78 2.39 0.17
SD = Standard Deviation.
N = 200.

domains are given in Table 1. We also calculated present sample. Tests of the differences between men
descriptive statistics for the external measure of general and women reached statistical significance (p < 0.05) for
intelligence, the WPT, in order to compare the overall only three subtests, and even for those tests the sizes of
level of cognitive ability in our sample with that of the those differences were modest: women outperformed
population at large. In this sample, the mean and standard men in the Making Groups and Cartoon Predictions
deviation of raw scores on the WPT were 26.60 and 5.87, subtests (d = 0.36 and d = 0.41, respectively), and men
respectively, which compare with values of 21.06 and outperformed women in Necessary Arithmetic Opera-
7.12 for the WPT general population normative sample tions (d = − 0.29).
(Wonderlic, 2002, inside front cover). Thus, the mean
level of general intelligence was considerably higher 6.1.3. Test intercorrelations
than that of the general population, and equivalent to an Correlations among the tests measuring the intelli-
IQ score of 114 (see Wonderlic, 2002, p. 20). As would gence domains are shown in Table 2. As hypothesized,
be expected given the composition of our predominantly the correlation matrix showed a positive manifold.
university student sample, the distribution of WPT scores Moreover, when the tests of the purely cognitive
was similar to those reported for male (M = 26.51, abilities are considered, 34 of the 45 (75.6%) correla-
SD = 6.03) and female (M = 24.95, SD = 5.59) subsam- tions among those tests reached the conventional level
ples of the college population normative sample of statistical significance. The smallest of the correla-
(Wonderlic, 2002, p. 38). tions among the purely cognitive tests were those (a)
The standard deviation of WPT scores in our sample involving the Subtraction and Multiplication test (a
was about 82% as large as that of the WPT normative numerical facility test representing Logical/Mathemat-
sample, which indicates some restriction of variance in ical intelligence), and (b) between tests of Linguistic and
ability relative to that of the general population. As a Spatial abilities. Nevertheless, all of those subtests
result, the correlations among the tests will tend to be showed substantial correlations with the Necessary
smaller than would be observed in a general population Arithmetic Operations test (a quantitative reasoning
sample. Note, however, that despite the restricted test representing the Logical/Mathematical domain) and
variation in the present sample, the range in WPT scores with the tests of Naturalistic ability (particularly the
was still rather wide: three participants had IQ-equivalent Diagramming Relationships test). This latter result
WPT scores below 85, and three others had 140 or above. suggests that a common element of ability, related to
Mean scores on the ability tests were generally reasoning, underlies performance across the purely
similar for the male and female participants of the cognitive tests.
B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502 497

Pred. = Cartoon Predictions; Soc. Tran. = Social Translations; Consist. = Consistency; Diag. Rel. = Diagramming Relationships; Mak. Grps = Making Groups; Mark Mak. = Mark Making. Correlations
Opp. = Opposites; Vocab. = Vocabulary; Map Plan. = Map Planning; Paper Fold. = Paper Folding; Subt/Mult = Subtraction and Multiplication; Nec. Arith. = Necessary Arithmetic Operations; Cart.
In contrast to the substantial correlations observed
− 0.02
− 0.06
− 0.03
Diag. Rel. Mak. Grps. Stork Stand Mark Mak Rhythm Tonal

between most pairs of purely cognitive tests, only 18 of

the 75 (24%) correlations in which at least one of the


variables was partly non-cognitive in nature reached


− 0.02


statistical significance. In particular, the correlations
involving the Musical or the Bodily-Kinesthetic tests
were almost all very small; recall, however, that both of


− 0.05
− 0.08


− 0.07
− 0.01

− 0.06
0.11 the Musical tests had extremely low reliabilities.

6.3. Test g-loadings and correlations with WPT

We examined the g-loadings of the entire set of
− 0.05
− 0.09

ability measures representing the eight hypothesized

intelligences by extracting the first unrotated factor from
those 16 tests, using principal axis factoring. Eigenva-




lues for the first seven factors were 3.74 (23.4% of total


variance), 1.64 (10.3%), 1.41 (8.8%), 1.19 (7.4%), 1.13

(7.0%), 0.96 (6.0%), and 0.90 (5.6%). A clear break in
eigenvalue sizes was observed between the second and


first factors only, thus suggesting only one large factor in

this data set. When we extracted that single, general


factor, the tests showed a wide range of g-loadings (see







Table 3, which also provides loadings corrected for the

imperfect reliability of the tests). Two tests–Necessary

Map Plan Paper Fold Subt/Mult Nec. Arith Cart. Pred Social Tran Accur.

− 0.05
− 0.02

Arithmetic Operations (Logical/Mathematical) and Dia-

gramming Relationships (Naturalistic)–had very high g-
loadings, exceeding 0.70. Several tests showed fairly
high g-loadings, between 0.40 and 0.59, including


in bold type involve tasks within the same domain. N = 200. ⁎p < 0.05. ⁎⁎p < 0.01, two-tailed.

Opposites (Linguistic), Paper Folding (Spatial), Social


Translations (Interpersonal), Vocabulary (Linguistic),

Map Planning (Spatial), and Making Groups (Natural-



istic). Modest g-loadings, between 0.20 and 0.39, were


− 0.09

observed for Subtraction and Multiplication (Logical/

Mathematical), Consistency (Intrapersonal), and Car-
toon Predictions (Interpersonal). The two Bodily-

Kinesthetic tests–Stork Stand and Mark Making–had

g-loadings under 0.10, and three other tests–Tonal
(Musical), Accuracy (Intrapersonal), and Rhythm (Mu-

sical)–also had g-loadings below 0.20. The overall



pattern of g-loadings suggests that the purely cognitive

tests, except Subtraction and Multiplication, were
strongly saturated with a general cognitive ability, and

that the reasoning-based tests (Necessary Arithmetic

Operations and Diagramming Relationships) were
particularly strong indicators of g.
Correlations among ability tests

(Note that the relatively modest size of the g factor as

0.55⁎⁎ 0.10

computed above was largely attributable to the inclusion


of tests with very little cognitive content. When tests

from the Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, and Musical
domains were removed from the factor analysis, the
Stork Stand
Mark Mak.
Nec. Arith.
Paper Fold

Cart. Pred.

Mak. Grps
Soc. Tran.

Diag. Rel.
Map Plan

variance accounted for by g increased to 35.8%.)


Table 2


As an alternative means of assessing the tests'


saturation with general intelligence, we computed the

498 B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502

Table 3 highest involving either test. This was also the case for
g loadings of tests and correlations of tests with Wonderlic Personnel the Musical tests. For the Spatial tests, Map Planning
Test (WPT)
and Paper Folding were substantially intercorrelated, but
Ability Domain Test g-loading r(WPT) both tests also showed similarly strong relations with
Linguistic Opposites 0.50 (0.61) 0.41⁎⁎ (0.56) Necessary Arithmetic Operations (Logical/Mathemati-
Vocabulary 0.54 (0.66) 0.47⁎⁎ (0.64) cal) and Diagramming Relationships (Naturalistic). In
Spatial Map Planning 0.55 (0.61) 0.48⁎⁎ (0.60)
the Logical/Mathematical domain, Subtraction and
Paper Folding 0.50 (0.57) 0.48⁎⁎ (0.62)
Logical/ Subtraction and 0.24 (0.25) 0.36⁎⁎ (0.42) Multiplication had its highest correlation with Neces-
Mathematical Multiplication sary Arithmetic Operations, but the latter test showed
Necessary 0.70 (0.78) 0.67⁎⁎ (0.83) similar or higher correlations with seven other tests. For
Arithmetic the Naturalistic tests, Making Groups had its highest
correlation with Diagramming Relationships, but the
Interpersonal Cartoon Predictions 0.37 (0.55) 0.23⁎⁎ (0.38)
Social Translations 0.53 (0.56) 0.38⁎⁎ (0.45) latter test was more highly correlated with three other
Intrapersonal Accuracy 0.16 (N/A) 0.11 (N/A) tests from the Spatial and Logical/Mathematical
Consistency 0.27 (0.37) 0.27⁎⁎ (0.41) domains. The two Interpersonal tests, Social Transla-
Naturalistic Diagramming 0.75 (0.83) 0.59⁎⁎ (0.73) tions and Cartoon Predictions, were significantly
correlated with each other, but each had higher
Making Groups 0.57 (0.64) 0.38⁎⁎ (0.48)
Bodily- Stork Stand 0.03 (0.03) − 0.04 (− 0.05) correlations with other tests. Only for the Intrapersonal
Kinesthetic Mark Making 0.06 (0.06) 0.03 (0.03) and Bodily-Kinesthetic domains did the within-domain
Musical Rhythm 0.18 (0.34) 0.08 (0.17) correlations fail to reach the conventional level of
Tonal 0.10 (0.24) 0.07 (0.19) statistical significance.
Values in parentheses are corrected for unreliability in the individual In addition to examining the zero-order correlations
ability tests only (for the g-loadings) or in both the individual ability between tests within an intelligence domain, we also
tests and the WPT (for the WPT correlations).
considered the residual correlations following extraction
N = 200. ⁎p < 0.05. ⁎⁎p < 0.01, two-tailed.
of the g factor. This allows an evaluation of the extent to
which measures within each domain are related beyond
the influence of g. The residual correlations (see Table
correlations of those tests with the WPT (see Table 3, 4) ranged from − 0.04 (Intrapersonal) to 0.29 (Linguis-
which also provides correlations corrected for the tic). As indicated by the near-zero residual correlations
imperfect reliability of the ability tests and of the between the two Intrapersonal tests, between the two
WPT). Consistent with our hypotheses, all of the purely Naturalistic tests, and between the two Interpersonal
cognitive measures (i.e., Linguistic, Spatial, Logical/ tests, the indicators of each of these domains were
Mathematical, Interpersonal, and Naturalistic tests) were essentially unrelated to each other after the removal of g
significantly correlated with that measure of general variance; this result indicates that the substantial zero-
intelligence. Only the Bodily-Kinesthetic and Musical
tests, as well as one of the Intrapersonal tests
(Accuracy), failed to show statistically significant Table 4
Residual correlations within each intelligence domain after extraction
positive correlations with the WPT. Necessary Arith- of g factor
metic Operations and Diagramming Relationships had
Intelligence Domain (Tests) Residual
the greatest correlations with the WPT, a result that is
consistent with the high g-loadings of those tests in the
Linguistic (Opposites, Vocabulary) 0.29⁎⁎
previous analysis.
Logical/Mathematical (Necessary Arithmetic Operations, 0.15⁎
Subtraction and Multiplication)
6.3.1. Coherence of abilities within domains, beyond g Spatial (Map Planning, Paper Folding) 0.18⁎
The coherence of the tests within each intelligence Interpersonal (Cartoon Predictions, 0.09
domain was examined first through an inspection of Social Translations)
Intrapersonal (Accuracy, Consistency) − 0.04
zero-order correlations within and between domains
Naturalistic (Making Groups, Diagramming − 0.01
(Table 2), and then through an inspection of residual Relationships)
correlations, after removal of the g factor of Table 3, Bodily-Kinesthetic (Stork Stand, Mark Making) 0.13
between tests in the same domain (see Table 4). With Musical (Rhythm, Tonal) 0.17⁎
regard to the within-domain zero-order correlations, the N = 200.
correlation between the two Linguistic tests was the ⁎p < 0.05. ⁎⁎p < 0.01, two-tailed.
B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502 499

order correlations within the latter two domains were g-loadings. For example, one of the most highly g-
attributable to g, and not to any domain-specific loaded tests in this battery was Diagramming Relation-
similarity. The small residual correlations between the ships, which clearly demands reasoning ability. In
two Bodily-Kinesthetic tests and between the two addition, the g-loading of Necessary Arithmetic Opera-
Musical tests were nearly identical in size to the tions was also very high, and much greater than that of
corresponding zero-order correlations, a result which Multiplication and Subtraction, despite the fact that both
suggests that the little variance shared by the tests within tests represented Gardner's Logical/Mathematical intel-
these domains is not attributable to g, but rather to ligence domain. The difference in g-loadings would
variance specific to each of these “intelligences”. (Note appear to be accounted for by the vastly different rea-
that the residual correlation for Bodily-Kinesthetic tests soning demands of these two tests. Tests from domains
did not reach the conventional level of statistical with relatively little reasoning content, such as Musical
significance.) In contrast, the residual correlations and Bodily-Kinesthetic, had much smaller g-loadings.
between the tests within each of the other three Among the purely cognitive tests, the low correlations
domains–Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, and Linguis- involving the Subtraction and Multiplication test are
tic–were noticeably smaller than the corresponding probably attributable to the relatively simple cognitive
zero-order correlations, thus indicating that much of the demands of this task, which required the automatic
shared variance within each of these intelligences was application of the techniques of arithmetic computation.
attributable to g. Nevertheless, for all three of these However, the correlations between the Spatial and
domains (especially Linguistic), the residual correla- Linguistic tests were also weak: even when the two tests
tions were large enough to suggest a considerable within each domain are aggregated, the correlation
influence of non-g sources of variance on the relations between these domains reaches only 0.12 (a value that
between the tests. remains unchanged when participant sex is partialled out).
This result was somewhat surprising, given that measures
7. Discussion of these abilities usually tend to show substantial
intercorrelations (e.g., the 0.41 correlation between
7.1. Multiple intelligences theory and the structure of Block Design and Vocabulary in the normative sample
abilities of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third Edition;
Wechsler, 2001). The relatively weak correlation ob-
Our analyses of tests measuring the “intelligences” of served here is likely attributable in part to the restricted
Gardner's MI theory revealed that many of those tests range of ability in the present sample, whose standard
were substantially intercorrelated, despite representing deviation in IQ was only 82% of the population level.
different domains of Gardner's framework, and also Nevertheless, the correlations between these domains
showed strong loadings on a g factor and strong appear to be atypically low in the present sample, to the
correlations with an external test of general intelligence. extent that the partial correlation between the Spatial and
These results are difficult to reconcile with the core Linguistic domains would actually be negative when
aspects of MI theory. According to that theory, the reasoning abilities are controlled, a result that is not
existence of any such g factor would be attributable usually observed (Ashton & Vernon, 1995). It is possible
largely to the verbal demands of the various subtests. that the present sample of participants, most of whom
However, the tests used in the current study (except those were university students, may include many individuals
assessing Linguistic intelligence) were selected in such a who are strong either in verbal ability (e.g., humanities
way as to minimize the demands for high levels of verbal students) or in spatial ability (e.g., physical science or
ability. Moreover, both tests representing Gardner's visual arts students), or in both of those abilities, but very
Spatial intelligence–an almost entirely nonverbal do- few individuals who are strong in neither ability. If so,
main–showed substantial g-loadings. then this would tend to reduce the correlation between the
Therefore, the emergence of a g factor defined by two domains; however, in the absence of data on the levels
purely cognitive tests of several ability domains cannot of verbal and spatial ability of the age-matched, non-
be attributed to any strong verbal demands associated university student counterparts of the present participants,
with those subtests. Instead, it appears that the common it is difficult to test this hypothesis.
element is a general intellectual ability that is expressed The moderate g-loadings of the Interpersonal tests
especially strongly in reasoning tasks (see Lohman, suggest that there is indeed a substantial cognitive
2001; Messick, 1992), insofar as the tests with the element to this domain, particularly in light of the fact
greatest reasoning demands tended to show the highest that the g-loading of the Cartoon Predictions test was
500 B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502

attenuated considerably by its modest reliability (see domains tended to be more strongly correlated with each
Table 3). This finding is consistent with the literature on other than with tests in other domains, suggesting that the
emotional intelligence, in which it has been reported that intelligences could be viewed as coherent group factors.
this variable, when measured using maximum perfor- These findings are unsurprising, and although they are
mance tests, is correlated with tests of general consistent with Gardner's (1983) suggestion of several
intelligence, but not when measured using self-report coherent domains of ability, they are also consistent with
inventories (e.g., O'Connor & Little, 2003). the hierarchical models of intelligence that had been
Regarding tests of partly non-cognitive abilities, it is developed several decades earlier. Moreover, because
difficult to draw any firm conclusions about the the hierarchical models specify an important g factor that
correlations or g-loadings involving the two Musical transcends different types of test content, those models
tests, given their extremely poor reliability. The small can accommodate the results of the present study much
loadings of the Musical tests and the fact that they were more neatly than does the Multiple Intelligences frame-
not significantly correlated with the WPT contrasts with work, in which such a g factor is not an integral element.
some research findings (e.g., Lynn et al., 1989). In There was some notable variation across domains in
addition, whereas studies have found AMMA Tonal and the extent to which the two constituent subtests were
Rhythm to be correlated with spatial tests (Gromko, correlated with each other, independently of g. The
2004), no such association appeared in the current study. Linguistic tests, for example, had considerable shared
But again, given the extraordinarily low reliability of the variance beyond their substantial g-loadings. The two
music test used in the present study, the present results Naturalistic tests, on the other hand, shared little
do not provide any evidence as to the location of musical variance beyond that attributable to g, suggesting that
ability within the structure of mental abilities. (We Naturalistic intelligence is not a coherent domain. The
suggest that the reliability of the AMMA should be two Intrapersonal measures were uncorrelated, and the
examined in future research, in order to determine correlation between the two Bodily-Kinesthetic tests
whether the present results were specific to this study, or was also weak. This finding suggests that these
whether they would replicate more broadly.) “intelligences” are not well specified and do not
The low g-loadings of the Intrapersonal tests were as constitute coherent ability domains.
hypothesized, but further exploration of the cognitive
content of this domain seems warranted. This study 7.2. Effects of sample characteristics on observed
represents a first attempt to assess Gardner's Intraper- results
sonal intelligence through measures based on consis-
tency and accuracy of self-description. Future As noted in Results, the present sample had somewhat
refinements to the Intrapersonal measures could confirm less variability in general intelligence than is observed in
whether this domain is, indeed, relatively independent the general population; as a consequence, correlations
of the other ability domains. among the ability tests would tend to be attenuated,
The relatively low g-loadings of the Bodily-Kines- thereby leaving a somewhat smaller g factor than would
thetic tests were as hypothesized. With regard to gross be obtained in a sample that is more representative of the
motor tasks such as the Stork Stand, there was little population. But in addition to the effects of this restricted
reason to expect substantial correlations with tests of range of intelligence, the fact that the sample was above-
any of the other intelligence domains. As for fine motor average in intelligence might also have tended to limit
tasks such as Mark Making, the present study obtained a the size of the g factor, given the apparent tendency for g
somewhat lower g-loading than has been observed to account for less variance within high-ability samples
elsewhere (e.g., Hunter, 1983), but our results are than within low-ability samples (e.g., Detterman &
consistent with the finding that this ability is less g- Daniel, 1989). Therefore, the characteristics of the
loaded than are overtly cognitive abilities. Thus, present sample are likely to have produced results that
although Gardner has attempted to equalize his eight underestimate the importance of the g factor in
domains by referring to them all as intelligences, it summarizing individual differences in performances on
would seem that Bodily-Kinesthetic ability–or rather, the ability tests.
the two or more independent domains of Bodily-
Kinesthetic ability–is unlike the other intelligences in 7.3. Practical implications
that it is relatively lacking in cognitive content.
With regard to the coherence of each of the Without further research, it seems premature for
intelligences, we found that the tests within most ability schools and parents to embrace school curriculums
B.A. Visser et al. / Intelligence 34 (2006) 487–502 501

based on Multiple Intelligences theory. This recommen- Finally, some of the ability domains proposed by
dation of a cautious approach to the adoption of Gardner were not supported by the present data, as the
strategies based on Multiple Intelligences theory does within-domain correlations were either very weak
not imply that students should not be treated as (Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal) or attributable en-
individuals with unique ability profiles. However, the tirely to g (Naturalistic). The coherence of some of the
findings of the current study do suggest that Multiple other ability domains (e.g., Linguistic, Spatial), as
Intelligences theory does not provide any new informa- shown by significant residual correlations after the
tion beyond that already contributed by hierarchical extraction of g, is consistent with Multiple Intelligences
models of ability, and should not be considered a basis theory. However, this result is explained equally well by
for classroom planning. the much older hierarchical models of intelligence,
Future investigations of Gardner's model could focus which postulate several group factors in addition to an
on the refinement of tests measuring the various important g factor.
domains, particularly Intrapersonal ability tests, and on
the use of larger batteries that would allow more Acknowledgements
complex modeling of the tests' relations with underlying
factors. Such investigations might also involve attempts This research was supported by the Social Sciences
to adopt Gardner's suggestion of assessing individuals and Humanities Research Council of Canada grant 410-
by using familiar materials in the performance of 2003-0946. The authors would like to thank Wonderlic
culturally-valued tasks, although the development of Inc. for providing the Wonderlic Personnel Test for our
construct-valid tasks of this kind would likely be rather research purposes. The authors are also grateful to
difficult. In addition, subsequent studies would also Maureen O'Sullivan, who supplied the Social Transla-
profit from the use of participant samples that are more tions and Cartoon Predictions tests.
representative of the general population.
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