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Interactive Science Notebook: An Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy To Enhance Students Performance in Science Grade 10

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Action Research Methods

This study will make use of descriptive method of research to determine the

effectiveness of interactive science notebook as an inquiry-based learning strategy to enhance

the Science performance of Grade 10 students.

a. Participants

The target participants of the study will be 40 purposively selected Grade 10 students of

Ramon Torres Malingin National High School who are officially enrolled during the school year


b. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

To implement the interactive science notebook strategy, the following procedures are to

be followed:

1. The teacher will orient students on how to prepare interactive science notebook.

2. In each lesson facilitated by the teacher, students will creatively write, draw or design

something in their notebook that shows the details of the lesson. The students could include

details about their personal insights and reflections on the topic.

3. Students’ interactive notebook will be passed to the teacher every week for checking.

4. The teacher will correct misconceptions written by the student’s in their interactive

science notebook for feedback purposes.

5. The teacher could also write suggestions on how to improve the work of the students.

6. A rubric will be developed to rate students’ science interactive notebook.

c. Data Gathering Methods

To gather the requisite data for this study, a 50-item test in Science 10 will be developed

by the researcher. It will be pilot tested to a separate group of students and will be subjected to

item analysis to guarantee the internal consistency reliability and validity of the test. The test will

serve as the pre and post assessment tool to be administered to gauge the Science

performance of the participants. The overall score obtained by each participant will be

interpreted using the scale below:

Scale Interpretation
90-100 Outstanding
85-89 Very Satisfactory
80-84 Satisfactory
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory
Below 75 Unsatisfactory

d. Instrument

Data gathered in this study will be analyzed and interpreted using percentage and mean

as descriptive statistical tools to ascertain the participants’ performance in Science before and

after the intervention. On the other hand, t-test will be used to determine the significant

difference in the performance of the participants in Science before and after the intervention.

The participants’ overall mean percentage score of 80 and above will be deemed as

the basis for the intervention to be effective in enhancing the Science performance of Grade 10


e. Ethical Issues

Prior to the administration of the instrument, permission to conduct the study will be

secured from the Office of School Principal and Class Adviser of Grade 10 students. Also,

consent from the parents of Grade 10 students will be secured before the participants will be
permitted to become part of the study. All data gathered in this study will be treated with utmost

confidentiality and anonymity.

Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

The following timelines will be observed in the conduct of this study:

Research Activity Duration Timelines

1. Approval of research proposal 1 week February 2, 2019

2. Development of research instrument 1 week February 4-8, 2019

3. Data collection activities 1 month February 11-March 8, 2019

4. Data analysis and interpretation 1 week March 11-15, 2019

5. Preparation of final report 1 week March 18-22, 2019

Cost Estimates

In the conduct of this study, the following expenses will be incurred:

Research Activity Quantity Items Cost

1. Reproduction of Research 2 reams Bookpaper (short) 400
Instruments 3 pieces Computer Ink 900
2. Expenses for data analysis and 2 reams Bookpaper (short) 600
finalization of output
3. Supplies for Students’ 40 pieces Notebook 400
Interactive Science Notebook 3 reams Construction paper 600
40 packs Colored pens 1200
40 pieces Glue 800
4. Encoding, printing, and Photocopying 260
photocopying during the
research process
5. Reproduction of final research 2 reams Bookpaper (short) 600
Report Computer Ink 600
Binding 450

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