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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Division of Bago City
Purok Kawayanan, Brgy. Malingin, Bago City

July 4, 2019
I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath the continental crust because it is:
A. denser than continental crust C. thicker than continental crust
B. less dense than continental crust D. thinner than continental crust

2. If you visit a place in the Pacific known to be along converging plates, which of these should you NOT expect to see?
A. active volcanoes C. rift valleys
B. mountain ranges D. volcanic islands

For questions 3 and 4 refer to the figure below.

(Source -
3. You were provided with data showing the arrival time of the P and S-waves recorded from three seismic stations.
Which of these can you possibly determine?
A. the damage of the focus C. the intensity of the earthquake
B. the distance to the earthquake D. the location of the epicenter
4. From the seismogram, the distance to the epicenter can be determined by measuring:
A. the arrival time of surface wave
B. the difference in the arrival times of the P-waves and the S-waves
C. the ratio of the amplitude of the largest P and S-waves
D. the speed of the surface wave
5. Suppose the seismic recording station in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental showed that the time
difference in arrival of P-wave and S-wave is 36 seconds. If the interval between the times of
arrival of the P-wave and S-wave is 9 seconds at a distance of 96kilometers, how far is the
earthquakeepicenter from the station?
A. 823 km B. 505 km C. 384 km D. 188 km
6. You are an oceanographer and want to map the ocean floor on the east coast of the Philippines. As you do your
study, you notice that there is a portion in the ocean floor which is relatively much deeper than the rest. What most
likely is that deeper part?
A. linear sea B. oceanic ridge C. rift valley D. trench
7. What do you expect to find at the mid-ocean ridge?
A. relatively young rocks C. thick accumulation of sediments
B. reverse fault D. very ancient rocks
8. Crustal plate A is moving away from crustal plate B. What is the expected average rate of change in position between
A and B?
A. a few cm per year C. a few millimetres per century
B. a few meters per month D. a few millimetres per month
9. Which plate boundary is formed between the Philippine plate and the Eurasian plate?
A. convergent B. divergent C. reverse fault D. transform fault

10. In what way do the three types of plate boundary differ from one another?
A. They differ by the type of movement they exhibit.
B. They differ by the size and density of the tectonic plates involved.
C. They differ by the speed with which the plates move.
D. They differ by the length of time the plates were developed.
11. Which of these is NOT TRUE about the Philippine islands?
A. most are part of the Philippine Mobile Belt, except for Palawan, Mindoro and Zamboanga
B. formed because of the convergence of the Philippine plate and the Pacific plate
C. originated geologically in an oceanic-oceanic convergence
D. some are products of subduction process
12. What makes up the lithosphere?
A. continental crust C. oceanic crust and continental crust
B. crust and upper mantle D. upper mantle
To answer questions 13-14, refer to the descriptions below.
A. Seismic waves that travel along the Earth’s surface
B. Seismic waves that travel through the Earth’s interior
C. Seismic waves that travel like that of aslinky.
D. Seismic waves that travel just like the shaking of a rope.
Which of the given statements above correctly describes:
13. The body waves?B
14. The surface waves? A
15. If the edge of Plate A suddenly flicks upward, a large amount of water may be displaced. What could be formed at
the surface of the sea?
A. Tsunami is formed at the surface of the sea.
B. A new island is formed
C. Volcanic arc formed on Plate A
D. Formation of trenches
16. The focus of an earthquake is the location:
A. Directly above where the earthquake starts on the surface of the earth
B. Below the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts
C. Parallel to the fault line where the earthquake starts
D. At 450 to the point where the earthquake originates
17. If there are at least three recording stations that can tell how far away from them the earthquake occurred, the
epicentre can be determined using:
A. Echo sounding method C. Triangulation method
B. Seismography method D. Strangulation method
18. The statement that is FALSE about the importance of determining the epicentre of an earthquake is:
A. Locating the earthquake epicentres will pinpoint which fault lines are active.
B. The less active fault line usually stores great amount of potential energy that could cause a major
earthquake once released.
C. Places near the fault lines that remain inactive for a long period of time are due to experience a major
D. Locating the earthquake epicentres will give seismologists the correct way of measuring the difference in
the arrival time of the P-waves and the S-waves.
19. Which of these was used by the early geologists in conceptualizing crustal movements?
A. Plotted positions of earthquake epicentres throughout the world
B. Applied the triangulation method in locating earthquake epicentres
C. Measured the difference in the arrival time of the seismic waves
D. Monitored the annual plate movements of continental and oceanic crusts
20. Listed below are geologic activities which served as the basis of scientists in dividing Earth’s lithosphere into
several plates except:
A. Lithospheric crustal plate movement C. Mountain formation
B. Occurrence of earthquakes D. Volcanism

Refer to the map below to answer questions 21 and 22.

21. Which of the given statements below is TRUE about the earthquake distribution on the map?
A. They are distributed only along the shorelines.
B. They are distributed randomly over the Earth’s surface.
C. They tend to be concentrated in large open fields.
D. They tend to be concentrated in narrow zones.
22. Based on the map, which of the given descriptions below are FALSE about wherethe earthquakes are located?
I. Near edges of continents, mid-continents, or oceans
II. Not all edges of continents, mid-continents or oceans can be places where earthquakes might occur
III. Along large span of spaces scattered all over the continents
A. I only B. II only C. I, II and III D. I and II only
23. Which of the following relates the distribution of mountain ranges with the distribution of earthquake epicentres and
A. Mountain ranges are randomly distributed along edges of continents, oceans and mid-continents.
B. When a continental plate usually subducts beneath an oceanic plate.
C. Mountain ranges are found in places where volcanoes and/or earthquake epicentres are also located.
D. All of these.

Given the map showing the relative motion of plates, answer questions 24 and 25.
24. Two plates which demonstrate convergent plate boundary are:
A. North American Plate and African Plate C. Antarctic Plate and Nazca Plate
B. Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate D. Australian Plate and Eurasian Plate
25. Adjacent plates depicting divergent boundary are:
A. Arabian Plate and Eurasian Plate C. Pacific Plate and Nazca Plate
B. Antarctic Plate and African Plate D. Philippine Plate and Australian Plate
26. The statement that is CORRECT about transform fault boundaries is:
A. Plates move apart, creating a zone of tension
B. Two plates are moving toward each other, creating a zone where plates collide
C. Plates slide or grind past each other creating no tension or collision
D. Adjacent plates creates tension and compression on each other as they slid past each other

II. Matching Type

Match Column A with Columns B and C. Write the letters only.
Type of Plate Boundary Relative Motion of the Plates Geologic Features / Events
27. Divergent A. Moving away from each other 30. D. Earthquakes
28. Convergent B. Moving towards each other 31. E. Mountains, volcanoes,
trenches, and earthquakes
29. Transform fault C. Sliding past each other 32. F. Rift valleys, oceanic
ridges, and earthquakes
III. Illustration
Draw a schematic diagram of the three types of plate boundary and label correctly.

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