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(Revised) Guide To Writing Action Research Proposal For English Major

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(Revised) Guide to Writing an Action Research Proposal (For English Major

Note: The format could change depending on the advise of your future action research
mentor/adviser. For now, what is important is that you learn the principles and process of Action
! "ntroduction
1.1 Background of the tudy
! Begin with something interesting to capture the reader"s interest
! #ite the e$istence of an unsatisfactory condition, a felt pro%lem that needs a solution.
! &rovide %ackground information.
! 'perational definition of the dependent varia%les you intend to investigate as part of the
research pro%lem.
! (ill you develop and implement a new strategy or approach to address your )uestion* +f
so, what it will %e* ,ention the intervention that you plan to employ -%ut not detailed.
! (ill you focus your study on e$isting practices* +f so, which particular ones*
! (hat is an appropriate timeline for what you are trying to accomplish*
! Rationale of the study. Tell why there is a need for the study or why this study is
important. +s it an important and practical pro%lem, something worth your time and
effort, something that could %e %eneficial to you, your students and others* /ow does
this fit in with the learners*

!# $he Pro%le&
-+ncludes setting of the study, scope, and pro%lem statement.
! (here will your study %e conducted* (hat is the scope and limitation of the study*
! (hat are your research )uestions* &ut the purpose in the form of )uestions.
! Are the research )uestions stated clearly*
!' Rationale
Tell why there is a need for the study or why this study is important. +s it an important
and practical pro%lem, something worth your time and effort, something that could %e
%eneficial to you, your students and others* /ow does this fit in with the learners*
! (hat is the main aim of your research* tate the purpose of paper/study.

!( Revie) o* Related +iterature
This %uilds the foundation for your action research. /ere you provide %ackground information
to support your )uestion or to put your research topic in a theoretical conte$t.
! #ite availa%le researches related to your study -e$ample0 a%out the research pro%lem,
intervention that you are going to use.
! 'perational definition of the varia%les that they are investigating as part of the research
1uide 2uestions
! What are previous discoveries that might be relevant to the current study?
! How can past studies help you refine your research questions?
! What are some interventions that you can apply based on literature review?

!, -onceptual Fra&e)or./ Process Fra&e)or.
+llustrate the relationship of the concepts %y means of a diagram.
! 3$plain the concepts or the varia%les %eing investigated.
This chapter ends with a %rief summary of the ma4or points covered that is generally a%out one
paragraph in length.
#! Methodolog0
#! Research 1esign
+dentify and generally descri%e your research design -eg. descriptive and its type..
! (hat design can %e considered to provide accurate data collection and interpretation*
! +s it a )ualitative research or )uantitative research* 'r mi$ methods*
#!#! Sa&ple/Su%ject/Respondents
! 3$plain how you will select your participants.
! 5escri%e the participants" profile. The readers should know ages, num%er, gender, ethnic
makeup, and anything else pertinent to your research..
! 6ou may descri%e the procedures you will take to protect the rights of your informants
-eg. informed consent.
! 5escri%e the environment0 classroom, school, or community.
#!' Sources o* 1ata/"nstru&ents
'perational definition of the dependent varia%les in terms of how the instruments are
going to %e measured.
#ite the kinds of data that you intend to collect and the instruments that you use in
collecting your data. +f surveys, checklist, ru%rics, or rating charts, etc. are used, descri%e
them %riefly, then include a sample in the appendi$.
+f interviews, checklist, logs, time sampling, etc. will %e used, attach sample in the
appendi$ section.
! +nstrument development information0 +f an instrument was specifically developed for the
study, the administration, scoring, and interpretation procedures must %e fully descri%ed.
1uide 2uestions0
! What intervention instrument/strategy are you going to employ to answer your research
! What types of data should you try to collect in order to answer your question?
! How will you ensure that you have multiple perspectives?
! What resources exist and what information from others might be useful in helping you to
frame your question, decide on types of data to collect, or to help you in interpreting
your findings?
#!( 1ata Gathering Procedure
-+ncluding the detailed intervention/strategy employed.
This section should %e descri%ed in such a way that one could replicate your procedure.
! 5escri%e your intended data collection procedure. 3$ample, how you are going to collect
the data, how much, and how often.
! 5escri%e in detail the +ntervention strategy that you are going to employ and its
procedure. +ndicate your intervention plan. - &resent a time frame of implementation of
intervention -from the gathering of %aseline data to intervention implementation and
finally the post7intervention..
#!,! 1ata Anal0sis
! 5escri%e how you will organi8e and analy8e your data. +nductive analysis will most
likely %e used for your field notes and other )ualitative data.
! For )uantitative data, descri%e how it will %e generally analy8ed. -e$ample, using totals
and mean scores.
Au%rey, #., 5avid, T., 1odfrey, R., 9 Thompson, :. -;<<<.. Early childhood educational
research: ssues in methodology and ethics! :ondon0 RoutledgeFalmer &ress.
5onner, ,. -;<<1.. "lassroom action research! Retrieved =anuary ;<<>, from
Ferrance, 3. -;<<<.. #ction research! Retrieved =anuary ;<<>, from
=ohnson, A. &. -;<<@.. # short guide to action research. ;
ed. ,.A.0 &earson 3ducation +nc.
Aaughton, 1.,., Rolfe, .A., 9 Blatchford, +. . -;<<1.. $oing early childhood research:
nternational perspectives on theory and practice! Buckingham0 'pen Bniversity &ress
&arsons, R.5. 9 Brown, C.. -;<<;.. %eacher as reflective practitioner and action researcher!
#A0 (adsworth/Thomson :earning.

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