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User Manual

Issue 07

Date 2016-02-27


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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual Contents


1 About This Document .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Product Version ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Intended Audience ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Conventions...................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.1 Symbol Conventions ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.2 General Conventions ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.3 Command Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.4 GUI Conventions .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.5 Keyboard Operations .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.6 Mouse Operations ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Change History................................................................................................................................................. 4

2 Product and Networking Overview .......................................................................................... 6

2.1 Product Overview............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Product Portfolio ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Ports and Indicators ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Networking Overview .................................................................................................................................... 17

3 Installation.................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Safety Precautions .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.1 General Safety Precautions ................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Local Rules and Regulations ................................................................................................................. 19
3.1.3 Requirements on Operators ................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.4 Personnel Safety.................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.5 Equipment Safety .................................................................................................................................. 20
3.2 Installation Scenarios ..................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Space Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Installation Preparations ................................................................................................................................. 22
3.4.1 Documentation Preparations ................................................................................................................. 22
3.4.2 Tool Preparations .................................................................................................................................. 23
3.4.3 Unpacking and Checking ...................................................................................................................... 25
3.4.4 Skills and Requirements for Onsite Personnel ...................................................................................... 26
3.5 Installation Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 26

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual Contents

3.5.1 Requirements for Routing Cables ......................................................................................................... 26

3.5.2 Requirements for Waterproofing RF Connectors .................................................................................. 30
3.6 Requirements for Installing Ground Cables ................................................................................................... 31
3.7 Requirements for Selecting Network Cables ................................................................................................. 32
3.8 Requirements for Preparing and Routing Network Cables ............................................................................ 32
3.9 Requirements for Surge Protection of Outdoor APs ...................................................................................... 33
3.10 Requirements for Surge Protection of PSE Adapters ................................................................................... 34
3.10.1 Recommended Surge Protection Specifications .................................................................................. 34
3.10.2 Ground Cable Installation Requirements for PSE Surge Protection ................................................... 34
3.10.3 Specifications of PoE Surge Protectors ............................................................................................... 36
3.11 Process and Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 37
3.11.1 Installation Process.............................................................................................................................. 37
3.11.2 Installation Procedure.......................................................................................................................... 37

4 Initial Configuration .................................................................................................................. 38

4.1 Configuration Preparations ............................................................................................................................ 38
4.1.1 Obtaining MAC Addresses ................................................................................................................... 38
4.2 Data Preparation ............................................................................................................................................. 39
4.3 Configuring Basic Data on the AC ................................................................................................................. 39
4.3.1 Creating a Loopback Interface .............................................................................................................. 39
4.3.2 Configuring Operator ID, AC ID, and Country Code ........................................................................... 39
4.3.3 Configuring an AC Source Interface ..................................................................................................... 40
4.4 Configuring the AP Go-online Data ............................................................................................................... 40
4.4.1 Configuring an AP Inbound Interface ................................................................................................... 40
4.4.2 Configuring an AP Address Pool .......................................................................................................... 40
4.4.3 Enabling DHCP .................................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.4 Querying AP Authentication Mode ....................................................................................................... 41
4.4.5 (Optional) Adding an AP in Offline Mode ............................................................................................ 41
4.4.6 Checking Whether an AP Is Added Successfully .................................................................................. 42

5 WLAN Configuration ................................................................................................................. 43

5.1 Data Preparation ............................................................................................................................................. 43
5.2 Configuring the AP RF ................................................................................................................................... 43
5.2.1 Configuring a WMM Profile ................................................................................................................. 43
5.2.2 Configuring an RF Profile..................................................................................................................... 43
5.2.3 Configuring the AP RF Parameters ....................................................................................................... 44
5.3 Configuring Basic WLAN Parameters ........................................................................................................... 45
5.3.1 Configuring a Security Profile .............................................................................................................. 45
5.3.2 (Optional) Configuring a Traffic Profile for Rate Restriction ............................................................... 46
5.3.3 Configuring an ESS of an AP................................................................................................................ 46
5.3.4 Configuring a VAP ................................................................................................................................ 46
5.3.5 Delivering AP Configuration Parameters .............................................................................................. 47

6 Service Verification .................................................................................................................... 48

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User Manual Contents

6.1 Terminal Preparation ...................................................................................................................................... 48

6.2 Open Authentication ....................................................................................................................................... 48
6.3 Portal Authentication ...................................................................................................................................... 49
6.4 PEAP Authentication ...................................................................................................................................... 50

7 Security Configuration............................................................................................................... 62
7.1 Configuring an Access Control List (ACL) .................................................................................................... 62
7.1.1 Configuring a Whitelist ......................................................................................................................... 62
7.1.2 Configuring a Blacklist ......................................................................................................................... 63

8 Routine Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 64

8.1 AP Alarms ...................................................................................................................................................... 64
8.2 Frequently Encountered Problems ................................................................................................................. 64
8.2.1 AP Indicators ......................................................................................................................................... 64
8.2.2 PSE Adapter .......................................................................................................................................... 66
8.3 Version Upgrade ............................................................................................................................................. 66
8.4 AP Replacement ............................................................................................................................................. 66
8.4.2 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 67
8.4.3 Example ................................................................................................................................................ 67
8.5 Remote Common Maintenance Commands ................................................................................................... 68
8.5.1 Default User Name and Password ......................................................................................................... 68
8.5.2 Remote Maintenance Commands ......................................................................................................... 68
8.5.3 Example ................................................................................................................................................ 69
8.6 Configuring a Static IP Address ..................................................................................................................... 70
8.6.1 In Scenarios Where a STA Connects to an AP over an Ethernet Port ................................................... 70
8.6.2 In Scenarios Where a STA Connects to an AP over a Management VLAN .......................................... 71
8.7 Local Maintenance Commands ...................................................................................................................... 72
8.8 Querying Associated STAs ........................................................................................................................... 107
8.9 Configuring AP Self-Healing Time .............................................................................................................. 108

A Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 109

A.1 Wireless NIC Configuration on a Computer ............................................................................................... 109
A.2 Wireless Configuration on a Mobile Phone (Android) ................................................................................ 116
A.3 Verification Procedure for a Terminal to Access an AP ............................................................................... 120
A.3.1 Verification Procedures in PEAP Authentication Mode ..................................................................... 120
A.3.2 Verification Procedures for SIM-based Authentication ...................................................................... 131

B Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 135

07 (2016-02-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iv

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Purpose
This document describes the Huawei WLAN AP V100R006C00 in terms of products and
networking, installation, initial configurations, WLAN configurations, service verification,
security configuration, and routine maintenance.

1.2 Product Version

The following table lists the product version related to this document.

Type Product Name Product Version

AP WA131SN-NZ V100R006C00
Wi-Fi card WA173DD-NE

1.3 Intended Audience

This document is intended for:
 System engineers
 Maintenance engineers
 Network administrators

07 (2016-02-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 1 About This Document

1.4 Conventions
1.4.1 Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk,
which if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
WARNING injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
CAUTION performance degradation, or unexpected results.

TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or

supplement important points of the main text.

1.4.2 General Conventions

The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description
Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.
Italic Book titles are in italics.
Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in
Courier New.

1.4.3 Command Conventions

The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

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User Manual 1 About This Document

Convention Description
[] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are
{ x | y | .. } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected.
[ x | y | .. ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.
{ x | y | .. } * Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.
[ x | y | .. ] * Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

1.4.4 GUI Conventions

The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, windows, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.
> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"
signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

1.4.5 Keyboard Operations

The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.
Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means
the three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two
keys should be pressed in turn.

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 1 About This Document

1.4.6 Mouse Operations

The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Action Description
Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the
Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly
without moving the pointer.
Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a
certain position.

1.5 Change History

Document Versions

Issue 07 (2016-02-25)
This is the seventh commercial release.
Compared with 06 (2015-12-25), issue 07(2016-02-28) added one CLI commands.

Issue 06(2015-12-25)
This is the sixth commercial release.
Compared with 05 (2015-02-28), issue 06 (2015-12-25) added two CLI commands.

Issue 05 (2015-02-28)
This is the fifth commercial release.
Compared with 04 (2014-12-20), issue 05 (2015-02-28) modified some CLI commands.

Issue 04 (2014-12-20)
This is the fourth commercial release.
Compared with 03 (2014-10-30), issue 04 (2014-12-20) modified some description.

Issue 03 (2014-10-30)
This is the third commercial release.
Compared with 02 (2014-08-30), issue 03 (2014-10-30) modified some description.

Issue 02 (2014-08-30)
This is the second commercial release.

07 (2016-02-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 1 About This Document

Compared with 01 (2014-06-30), issue 02 (2014-08-30) modified some CLI commands.

Issue 01 (2014-06-30)
This is the first commercial release.
Compared with draft A (2014-03-30), issue 01 (2014-06-30) deleted the description about
WA206DK-CE and modified some CLI commands.

Draft A (2014-03-30)
This is a draft.

07 (2016-02-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

2 Product and Networking Overview

2.1 Product Overview

2.1.1 Product Portfolio

07 (2016-02-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Table 2-1 describes the portfolio of WLAN AP V100R006C00.

Table 2-1 Portfolio of WLAN AP V100R006C00



Scenario Indoor Built in the pRRU3901 Indoor Outdoor Outdoor

Dimensions (H x 136 mm x 200 mm x 44 - 200 mm x 200 mm x 40 320 mm x 320 mm x 81 260 mm x 260 mm x 73

W x D) mm mm mm mm

Weight (without ≤ 0.6 kg 0.4 kg 0.6 kg 3 kg 2.35 kg

mounting kits)

Power ≤ 11 W < 12 W < 15 W < 24 W < 24 W


Antenna  2.4 GHz  2.4 GHz/5 GHz  2.4 GHz/5 GHz  2.4 GHz/5 GHz  2.4 GHz/5 GHz
 1x1  Internal (supporting  3x3 MIMO  3x3 MIMO  3x3 MIMO
 External external antenna)  Internal  Internal  External (5 GHz)
 Internal (2.4GHz)

Installation  Wall-mounted  Inside the pRRU3901  Wall-mounted  Pole-mounted  Pole-mounted

 Ceiling-mounted  Wall-mounted  Wall-mounted
 Keel-mounted

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User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview


Power Supply  PoE power supply  Powered by the Dock  PoE+ capable  PoE+ supporting  PoE+ supporting
 AC power supply switches, compatible switches switches
(AC/DC power with PoE  PSE adapter  PSE adapter
adapter required)  PSE adapter (converting AC (converting AC
 Supporting IEEE (converting AC power supply to power supply to
802.3af PoE power supply to PoE+) PoE+)
PoE+)  Supporting IEEE  Supporting IEEE
 Supporting IEEE 802.3at PoE 802.3at PoE
802.3at PoE
 Supporting IEEE
802.3af PoE
(providing lower
transmit power in this

Protection rate IP41 - IP41 IP66 IP66

Operating –10°C to +50°C - –10°C to +50°C –40°C to +55°C –40°C to +55°C


Maximum number 256 512 512 512 512

of associated users

Ground cable Not required Not required Not required Required Required

WDS Not supported Not supported Supported Supported Supported

Mesh Not supported Not supported Supported Supported Supported

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User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

2.1.2 Ports and Indicators

Figure 2-1 shows the exterior of the WA131SN-NZ.

Figure 2-1 Exterior of the WA131SN-NZ

Table 2-2 describes ports on the WA131SN-NZ.

Table 2-2 Ports on the WA131SN-NZ

Port Description

ANT A 2.4 GHz antenna connector A

It is used to transmit and receive radio signals.
Reset Built-in reset button
Hold down this button for 10 seconds to restore the factory
settings. Then, the device will restart.
Console RJ45 serial port
It is reserved.
LAN/PoE Ethernet port that is 10/100 Mbit/s adaptive and supports PoE
Power 48 V DC power port

Figure 2-2 shows the indicators on the WA131SN-NZ.

Figure 2-2 Indicators on the WA131SN-NZ

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Table 2-3 describes the indicators on the WA131SN-NZ.

Table 2-3 Indicators on the WA131SN-NZ

Indicator Description
Power (Green) Power supply indicator:
 Steady on: The power supply and the AP are working properly.
 Off: The AP is not powered on or the power supply is not working
WLAN (Green) Operating status of the radio module:
 Steady on: The radio module is not sending or receiving data.
 Blinking fast (on for 0.25s and off for 0.25s): The radio module is
sending or receiving data.
 Blinking slowly (on for 1s and off for 1s): The radio module is
starting. During the start-up, the Link and WLAN indicators are
simultaneously blinking slowly.
 Steady off: A radio module is not detected.
Link (Green) Operating status of the Ethernet:
 Steady on: The Ethernet is working properly.
 If the indicator is blinking fast (on for 0.25s and off for 0.25s), the
Ethernet link is transmitting or receiving data.
 Blinking slowly (on for 1s and off for 1s): The radio module is
starting. During the start-up, the Link and WLAN indicators are
simultaneously blinking slowly.
 Steady off: The Ethernet cable is disconnected or is not properly

Figure 2-3 shows the exterior and indicators of the WA173DD-NE.

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Figure 2-3 Exterior of the WA173DD-NE

Table 2-4 describes the indicators on the WA173DD-NE.

Table 2-4 Indicators on the WA173DD-NE

Indicator Meaning Status Description

RU3, Operating Steady green RF card 3 or Wi-Fi card is installed,
RU3/WIFI status but is not working.
Blinking slowly (on RF card 3 or Wi-Fi card is working
for 1 second and off properly.
for 1 second)
Off RF card 3 or Wi-Fi card is not
installed or is incorrectly installed.
Steady red RF card 3 or Wi-Fi card is faulty.

Figure 2-4 shows the exterior of the WA201DK-NE.

07 (2016-02-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

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User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Figure 2-4 Exterior of the WA201DK-NE

Table 2-5 describes ports on the WA201DK-NE.

Table 2-5 Ports on the WA201DK-NE

Port Description
Lock Lock slot for connecting to the chain of the lock. Anti-theft locks are
not delivered, and they must be prepared by customers if required.
ETH/PoE Ethernet port that is 10/100/1000 Mbit/s adaptive and supports
Reset Hold down this button for less than three seconds to reset the device
and for longer than ten seconds to restore the factory settings.

Figure 2-5 shows the exterior of the WA251DK-NE.

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User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Figure 2-5 Exterior of the WA251DK-NE

Table 2-6 describes the ports on the WA251DK-NE.

Table 2-6 Ports on the WA251DK-NE

Port Description
ETH/PoE Transmission/power supply port that connects a PoE port of a PSE
device or to a switch.
It is 10/100/1000 Mbit/s adaptive and supports PoE+.
Grounding port
It is used for connecting a ground cable.

Figure 2-6 shows the exterior of the WA251DT-NE.

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User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Figure 2-6 Exterior of the WA251DT-NE

Table 2-7 describes ports on the WA251DT-NE.

Table 2-7 Ports on the WA251DT-NE

Port Description
ETH/PoE Transmission/power supply port that connects a PoE port of a PSE
device or to a switch.
It is 10/100/1000 Mbit/s adaptive and supports PoE+.
5G_A 5 GHz RF port. If a 3x3 MIMO-capable antenna providing three ports
is used, connect the 5G_A port to an antenna port marked V or an
antenna port marked ±45°.
If a 2x2 MIMO-capable antenna providing two ports is used, connect
the 5G_A port to one of the antenna ports. If an antenna providing one
port is used, connect the antenna to the 5G_A port. Connect the 5G_A
and 5G_B ports to the antenna ports of different polarization.
5G_B 5 GHz RF port. If a 3x3 MIMO-capable antenna providing three ports
is used, connect the 5G_B port to an antenna port marked H or an
antenna port marked ±45°.
If a 2x2 MIMO-capable antenna providing two ports is used, connect
the 5G_B port to the vacant antenna port. If an antenna providing one
port is used, the 5G_B port is not used and must be waterproofed using
a waterproof plug. Connect the 5G_A and 5G_B ports to the antenna

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User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Port Description
ports of different polarization.
5G_C 5 GHz RF port. If a 3x3 MIMO-capable antenna providing three ports
is used, connect the 5G_C port to the vacant antenna port. If a 2x2
MIMO-capable antenna providing two ports or an antenna providing
one port is used, the 5G_C port is not used and must be waterproofed
using a waterproof plug.
Grounding port
It is used for connecting a ground cable.

Indicators are the same on the WA201DK-NE, WA251DK-NE, and WA251DT-NE.

Table 2-8 describes the indicators on the WA201DK-NE, WA251DK-NE, and WA251DT-NE.

Table 2-8 Indicators on the WA201DK-NE, WA251DK-NE and WA251DT-NE

Indicator Meaning Status Description

POWER Power supply Steady green The AP has started, and the power supply
indicator and the AP are working properly.
Blinking The AP is starting up.
Steady red The power supply is working properly, but
the AP fails to start up or has a hardware
Blinking red The AP is overheating. In this case, the RF
unit will be disabled.
Off The AP is powered off.
LINK Transmission Steady green If the AP connects to the AC using an
indicator Ethernet cable:
 The AP is online
 The CAPWAP tunnel is working
If the AP connects to the AC using the
 The AP is online.
 The CAPWAP tunnel is working
 The transmission of WDS signals is
working properly.
Steady red The AP has obtained an IP address, but the
CAPWAP tunnel is interrupted.

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User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Indicator Meaning Status Description

Blinking red The AP is online using the WDS and the
CAPWAP tunnel is working properly.
However, the WDS signal is weak. The
indicator automatically turns steady green
two hours later even if the WDS signal
strength stays weak.
Off The AP fails to obtain an IP address.
2.4G 2.4 GHz radio Steady green The 2.4 GHz radio module is enabled.
module status
indicator Blinking The 2.4 GHz radio module is
green receiving/transmitting data.
Off The 2.4 GHz radio module is disabled.
5G 5 GHz radio Steady green The 5 GHz radio module is enabled.
module status
indicator Blinking The 5 GHz radio module is
green receiving/transmitting data.
Off The 5 GHz radio module is disabled.

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

2.2 Networking Overview

Figure 2-7 shows the typical networking of the WA201DK-NE, WA251DK-NE, and

Figure 2-7 Typical networking of the WA201DK-NE, WA251DK-NE, and WA251DT-NE

AP: base station in the WLAN DHCP server: address server Switch: convergence switch
AC: access controller in the WLAN OSS: operations support system

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 2 Product and Networking Overview

Figure 2-8 shows the typical networking of the WA131SN-NZ.

Figure 2-8 Typical networking of the WA131SN-NZ

AP: base station in the WLAN DHCP server: address server Switch: convergence switch
AC: access controller in the WLAN OSS: operations support system DAS: distributed antenna

In the typical networking, the WLAN AP works as a fit AP to bridge the AC and STAs and
forward data between them. The AC is responsible for user access, AP network access,
authentication, routing, AP management, security protocol configuration, and QoS functions.

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WLAN AP V100R006C00
User Manual 3 Installation

3 Installation

This chapter does not contain information about installation of the WA173DD-NE. For details about the
WA173DD-NE installation, see LampSite Installation Guide.

3.1 Safety Precautions

3.1.1 General Safety Precautions
To ensure human and equipment safety, read carefully before any operation and observe the
instructions and precautions marked on the equipment and provided in this document. The
WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE marked on the equipment and provided in the
document do not cover all the safety precautions that must be followed. They only supplement
general safety precautions as a whole.
When operating Huawei equipment and products, strictly observe related safety precautions
and special safety instructions. The safety precautions in the document are related only to
Huawei products. Huawei is not liable for any consequence that results from the violation of
general regulations for safety operations and safety codes on design, production, and
equipment use.

3.1.2 Local Rules and Regulations

When operating Huawei equipment, observe the local laws and regulations.

3.1.3 Requirements on Operators

Engineers that are responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining Huawei equipment
must be well trained and have a thorough understanding of the proper operation methods and
safety precautions.

3.1.4 Personnel Safety

 The AC power supply provides power for running the system. Direct contact with the
high voltage power supply or contact through damp objects may result in fatal injury.
 In a thunderstorm, do not operate high voltage and AC power supply facilities or perform
operations on a steel tower and mast.

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User Manual 3 Installation

 Power off the equipment before performing any operation on the power supply
 To prevent inhalation of or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures
before drilling holes.
 When working at heights, take preventive measures to prevent objects from falling

3.1.5 Equipment Safety

 Leave space around the device for heat dissipation. Keep the device away from heat and
fire, for example, electric heaters and candles.
 Do not disassemble the equipment. When the device has a fault, contact the operator.
 Ensure that the device is always kept in a dry environment. If any liquid leaks into or
through the device, power off the device and contact the operator.
 If you spot smoke, unusual sound, or smell emanating from the device, unplug the device
immediately and contact the operator.
 Power off and unplug the device during thunder and lightning.
 Do not hang things on the power cable or plug. Do not cover the device.
 Before cleaning the equipment, unplug the equipment. Clean the equipment housing with
a soft and dry cloth.
 Ensure that the plug of the equipment is clean and dry. Do not use a damaged or aged
power cable.

3.2 Installation Scenarios

Table 3-1 describes the installation scenarios of the WLAN 5.0 AP.

Table 3-1 AP installation scenarios and requirements

Model Installation Installation Requirements

 WA251DK-NE  Outdoor  There is sufficient space around the AP.
 WA251DT-NE  Pole-mounted The front panel of the AP is not blocked
by any obstacle, such as a wall or wooden
 Wall-mounted board, to avoid signal attenuation.
 The AP is installed away from devices that
generate strong magnetic or electric fields.
 Good ventilation and convenient
commissioning and maintenance can be
ensured at the AP site where feeder cables,
power cables, and ground cables can be
easily routed.
 The AP is installed on a well-built wall or
on a pole at a height of 6 to 8 meters (10
meters above in rural areas).
 If the AP is installed on a pole, the
diameter of the cross section or
circumcircle of the pole is from 48 mm to

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Model Installation Installation Requirements

118 mm.
If an AP is installed on a pole having an external
diameter ranging from 115 mm to 381 mm, the
large-diameter hose clamp is required.
 If a single AP is installed on a wall, the
wall can withstand at least four times the
weight of the AP. Expansion bolts must be
tightened to a torque of at least 30 N·m
(265.53 The expansions bolts are
not lessened under such stress and the wall
remains intact without cracks in it.
 The AP site allows easy installation and
operation and maintenance.
 No objects that generate strong magnetic
interference, electric interference, and heat
exist nearby the AP site.
 Water does not accumulate around the AP,
or the installed AP is not directly under
the sun or is under the sun for only a short
period of time during a day.
 The routing distance between the AP and
the LAN switch does not exceed 100 m.
 WA131SN-NZ  Indoor  The AP is installed away from devices that
 WA201DK-NE  Wall-mounted generate strong magnetic or electric fields.
 The AP is installed at least 20 cm away
 Ceiling-mounted
(WA201DK-NE) from people.
 Good ventilation and convenient
 Keel-mounted
(WA201DK-NE) commissioning and maintenance can be
ensured at the AP site where feeder cables,
power cables, and ground cables can be
easily routed.
 No objects that generate strong magnetic
interference, electric interference, and heat
exist nearby the AP site.
 Water does not accumulate around the AP,
or the installed AP is not directly under
the sun or is under the sun for only a short
period of time during a day.
 The routing distance between the AP and
the LAN switch does not exceed 100 m.

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3.3 Space Requirements

Table 3-2 describes the space requirements for the WLAN AP.

Table 3-2 AP installation space requirements

Model Minimum Space Requirement


WA201DK-NE Wall-mounted: Ceiling- and keel-mounted:



3.4 Installation Preparations

3.4.1 Documentation Preparations
Before installing an AP, familiarize yourself with the required reference documents of the AP.

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3.4.2 Tool Preparations

Before installing a WA251DK-NE and a WA251DT-NE, ensure that all tools and instruments
required listed in Table 3-3 are ready.

Table 3-3 Tools for installing a WA251DK-NE and WA251DT-NE

Phillips screwdriver Flat-head screwdriver Diagonal pliers

Adjustable wrench (capacity > Hex key Rubber mallet

32 mm)

Power cable crimping tools RJ45 connector crimping Wire stripper


Cable cutter Knife Marker

Level Measuring tape Vacuum cleaner

Hammer drill (with a Ø8, and ESD gloves Network cable tester

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Before installing a WA201DK-NE, ensure that all tools and instruments required listed in
Table 3-4 are ready.

Table 3-4 Tools for installing a WA201DK-NE

Hammer drill (with a Ø12, ESD gloves Vacuum cleaner
Ø8, and Ø6)

Diagonal pliers Phillips screwdriver Measuring tape

Rubber mallet Crimping tools Wire stripper

Utility knife Level Marker

Electric screwdriver Network cable tester

Before installing a WA131SN-NZ, ensure that all tools and instruments required listed in
Table 3-5 are ready.

Table 3-5 Tools for installing WA101-DZ, WA131SN-NZ, and WA151DD-NZ

Hammer drill (with a Ø6) Knife Adjustable wrench

diagonal pliers Phillips screwdriver Measuring tape

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Rubber mallet RJ45 connector crimping Wire stripper


Torque wrench Level Marker

Network cable tester

3.4.3 Unpacking and Checking

Unpack and check the delivered equipment to ensure that all the materials are included and

Before installing an AP, unpack the AP and check the items in the package. In addition, you must:
Prevent the equipment, components, or parts from colliding with doors, walls, shelves, or other objects.
Avoid touching the uncoated metal surface of the equipment, components, or parts with sweat-soaked or
dirty gloves.

To protect the equipment and help find out the cause of a possible damage, keep the unpacked
equipment and packing materials in indoor environment, and take photos of the stocking
environment, rusted or eroded equipment, packing case or carton, and packing materials and
then file the photos.

Step 1 Check whether the total number of goods is in conformity with the packing list attached to the
packing case.

If... Then...
The total number of the goods is in conformity with Go to Step 2.
the number on the packing list
The total number of the goods is not in conformity Find out the cause and contact the
with the number on the packing list local office of Huawei.

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Step 2 Check whether the packing case is in good condition.

If... Then...
The packing case is in good condition. Go to Step 3.
The packing case is damaged or soaked. Find out the cause and contact the local
office of Huawei.
The shockwatch label is red Do not unpack the case and claim
compensation against the shipping company.

Step 3 Check whether the number and types of goods in the packing cases are in conformity with the
packing list.

If... Then...
Types and quantity of the goods are in Sign the Packing List for confirmation
conformity with those on the packing list together with the customer.
There is any short or wrong shipment or Fill in the Cargo Problem Report and submit
damage to the goods to the local office of Huawei.


3.4.4 Skills and Requirements for Onsite Personnel

Onsite personnel must be well-trained and qualified. Before performing any operation, onsite
personnel must have been familiar with correct operation methods and safety precautions.
Before the installation, pay attention to the following points:
 The technical engineers of the operator must be trained by Huawei and be familiar with
the proper installation and operation methods.
 The number of onsite personnel depends on the engineering schedule and installation
environment. Generally, only one to two onsite personnel are necessary.
 The onsite personnel for operation at height must hold a valid Tower Climbing License.

3.5 Installation Requirements

3.5.1 Requirements for Routing Cables
Cables must be routed according to the specified cabling requirements to prevent interference
between signals.

If a cable listed below is not required, skip the routing requirements of the cable.

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General Cabling Requirements

The cables must be bent as follows:
 The bending radius of the power cable or PGND cable must be at least three times the
diameter of the cable.
 The bending radius of the signal cable must be at least five times the diameter of the
The cables must be bound as follows:
 The cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of the cables must not be
 The cable ties must face the same direction, and those at the same horizontal line must be
in a straight line. The excess of cable ties is trimmed off.
 Labels or nameplates must be attached to the cables after they are installed.
The cables must be routed as follows:
 Different types of cables must be installed in an untangled and orderly fashion.
 Different types of cables must be routed in parallel or separated by special objects.

Special Cabling Requirements

Cabling requirements for power cables are as follows:
 Multiple power cables must be bound when routed.
 Power cables must be installed in the position specified in engineering design
 If the length of power cables is insufficient, replace the cables instead of adding
connectors or soldering joints to lengthen the cables.
Cabling requirements for PGND cables are as follows:
 PGND cables must be buried in the ground or routed indoors. They must not be routed
overhead before they are led into the equipment room.
 The exterior of the coaxial wire and the shield layer of the shielded cable must have
proper electrical contact with the metal surface of the equipment to which they are
 PGND cables and signal cables must be installed in an untangled and orderly fashion. A
certain distance must be reserved between them to prevent mutual interference.
 Fuses or switches must not be installed on the PGND cables.
 Other devices must not be used for electrical connections of the PGND cables.
 All the metal parts in the housing of the equipment must be reliably connected to the
ground terminal.
Cabling requirements for signal cables are as follows:
 Signal cables must not cross power cables, PGND cables, or RF cables when routed. If
transmission cables are routed with power cables, PGND cables, or RF cables in parallel,
the spacing between them must be greater than 30 mm (1.18 in.).
 Signal cables must be routed straightly and bound neatly with cable ties.
 Sufficient slack is provided in signal cables at turns.

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Outdoor waterproof labels are stuck on devices and at both ends of cables.
Cables are also need labeling with colored insulation tape, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Exterior of colored insulation tape

Colored insulation tape is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and has the following
 Easy to read and distinguish
 Firmly and durably labeled
 Simple to use
Colored insulation tape is about 20 mm wide and can be red, blue, and green.
Following is a description about how to label cables through colored insulation tape.
Step 1 Determine the labeling position.
Different cables have different labeling positions:
 Antenna jumper: 200 mm from the outdoor feeder connector.
 Outdoor feeder: 200 mm from the outdoor feeder connector.
 Outdoor feeder: 1 meter from the tower platform
 Outdoor feeder: 1 meter from the feeder window of the indoor-routing feeder
 Indoor feeder: 200 mm from the indoor feeder connector.
 Cabinet jumper: 200 mm from the indoor feeder connector.
The positions for wrapping colored insulation tapes at 1 meter from the tower platform and 1
meter from the feeder window of the indoor-routing feeder must be determined after the cable
routing is completed.
Step 2 Wrap colored insulation tape around the cable at the determined position using the insulation
tape of the required color and quantity.
Wrap two to three layers of colored insulation tape in the same direction, ensuring that each
layer of tape overlaps the preceding layer tightly and neatly.
Figure 3-2 shows how to wrap colored insulation tape.

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Figure 3-2 Attaching colored insulation tape around the cable

Ensure that two adjacent colored insulation tapes are spaced from 10 mm to 15 mm apart.
Ensure that the color and quantity of colored insulation tapes are consistent on the same feeder or


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3.5.2 Requirements for Waterproofing RF Connectors

Figure 3-3 describes how to waterproof an RF connector.

Figure 3-3 Waterproofing an RF connector

1 Insulation tape
2 Waterproof tape
3 Cable tie

Before wrapping waterproof tape, stretch the tape evenly until the length is two times the original length.
Do not stretch the insulation tape before wrapping. For details, see Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 Stretching the waterproof tape

Waterproof tape
PVC insulation tape

Lower ring
Upper ring
Stretch the waterproof tape to Each layer overlaps more than
Do not stretch the insulation tape.
double its length 50% of the preceding layer.

Wrap each layer of tape tightly and neatly, ensuring that each layer of tape overlaps more than 50% of
the preceding layer.
Ensure that the side with adhesive tape is covered on the wrapped tape.
Wrap the middle RF connector first and then the RF connectors on the two sides.

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Ensure that the top of the RF connector are covered by the waterproof tape during wrapping.
Use outdoor waterproof tape. Do not use colored insulation tape to wrap the RF jumper and connector.

3.6 Requirements for Installing Ground Cables

The requirements described in this section are applicable only to the WA251DK-NE and WA251DT-NE.

The ground cable is green or yellow, terminated with OT terminals on both ends.
The cross-section area of ground cables is 6 mm2 or 10 AWG depending on specific countries,
and the length of ground cables is determined according to actual situations.
Figure 3-5 shows the exterior of a ground cable.

Figure 3-5 Exterior of ground cables

1 OT terminal M6, connected to equipment

2 OT terminal M8, connected to a busbar.

OT terminals should be assembled in accordance with the local regulations and laws.

The following are requirements for installing a ground cable:

 The AP connects to nearby metal supports or poles with the shortest possible length of
ground cable. The ground cable length should not be greater than 5 m.
 The metal support or pole connects to the ground bar on the top of the building over the
yellow-and-green ground cable.
 All connectors are tightened by tools.
Ensure that PGND cables are securely grounded.
Ensure that OT terminals of PGND cables are crimped in correct direction, as shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 Crimping OT terminals of PGND cables

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3.7 Requirements for Selecting Network Cables

Outdoor network cables
 The ultra-CAT5E network cable resistant to ultraviolet radiation and having a 24 AWG
cross-section is used.
 Network cables are sheathed black and shielded by interwoven aluminum foil layer with
an interweaving density of over 40%.
 The outer diameter of the network cable sheath is 6.8 ±0.3 mm.
 The network cable can operate at –40°C to +75°C.

Indoor network cables

 The ultra-CAT5E network cable having a 24 AWG cross section is used.
 Shielded network cables are required.
 The outer diameter of the network cable sheath is 5.2 ±0.3 mm.
 The network cable can operate at –15°C to +75°C.
Non-shielded cables are generally labeled CAT5E UTP.
Shielded cables are generally labeled CAT5E SFTP.
Tests are required to determine whether cables are shielded or unshielded.

3.8 Requirements for Preparing and Routing Network

Step 1 Before preparing a network cable, install a waterproof connector, as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7 Installing waterproof connectors on network cables

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The shield layer of the network cable is reliably connected to the shielded sheath of the RJ45
connector in all directions.
Shielded RJ45 connectors are required.
Make PG connectors prepared on ground to facilitate installations at heights.

Step 2 Install shielded RJ45 connectors for network cables and mark both ends of network cables.

The WA151DD-NZ, WA251DK-NE, and WA251DT-NE require outdoor shielded network cable. The
WA101DD-NZ, WA131SN-NZ, and WA201DK-NE require indoor unshielded straight-through network
For details about how to prepare a shielded network cable or unshielded network cable, see the Quick
Installation Guide of the respective APs.

Step 3 (Optional) Place outdoor network cables through PVC pipes, as shown in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8 Placing the network cable in a PVC pipe


3.9 Requirements for Surge Protection of Outdoor APs

 Outdoor APs are installed within the 45°protection range of the lightning rod.
 Network cables are routed within the 45°protection range of the lightning rod and are
not routed overhead between two buildings.
 Shielded network cables and shielded network port connectors are required. Shielded
layers of network cables and metal connectors are properly connected.
 Surge protection is required for APs installed on poles under no surge protection.
 If an outdoor AP is mounted atop a building, do not route the network cable parallel to
the lightning protection zone for a long distance. The network cable needs to be at a
distance of longer than 0.5 m from the parapet.
 The network cable is covered by a PVC pipe to prevent any damage caused by lightning
or other destroying factors.

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Figure 3-9 shows how to install a lightning rod for WA251DT-NE on a pole.

Figure 3-9 Installing a lightning rod

3.10 Requirements for Surge Protection of PSE Adapters

3.10.1 Recommended Surge Protection Specifications
It is good practice to add an additional Ethernet PoE surge arrester (PoE surge protector) to
boost the surge protection capability of the PSE adapter if an AP is installed outdoors on a
tower, on a high-rise building, or in open areas, such as suburbs, parks, highways, and
residential buildings.
The recommended surge protection specification is at least 6 kA.

3.10.2 Ground Cable Installation Requirements for PSE Surge

The following describes the ground cable installation requirements for the surge protection of
PSE adapters in on-tower and off-tower installation scenarios.

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On-tower Installation Scenarios

 Green and yellow copper cable of not less than 4 mm2 is used.
 The shield layer of the Ethernet cable is grounded at the feeder window (the shield layer
on the AP side is grounded through the Ethernet connector).
 The Ethernet PoE surge arrester is installed at a distance of shorter than 1 m from the
PSE adapter port.
 The Ethernet PoE surge arrester is grounded directly or through the ground bar of the
surge protection box of the switch.

Figure 3-10 Ground cable installation for the surge protection of PSE adapters in a tower
installation scenario (WA251DT-NE as an example)

Off-tower Installation Scenarios

 Green and yellow copper cable of not less than 4 mm2 is used.
 The Ethernet PoE surge arrester is installed at a distance of shorter than 1 m from the
PSE adapter port.
 The Ethernet PoE surge arrester is grounded directly or through the ground bar of the
surge protection box of the switch.

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Figure 3-11 Ground cable installation for the surge protection of PSE adapters in an off-tower
scenario (WA251DT-NE as an example)

3.10.3 Specifications of PoE Surge Protectors

The requirements on specifications of PoE surge protectors are as follows:
 Transmission rate: 1000 Mbit/s (GE port)
 Signal port surge protection (eight pairs): 6 kA (8/20 μs)
 Connector: shielded RF45 with pin assignment of EIA/TIA 568B
 Operating environment temperature: -10°C to +50°C
 Working voltage: rated at 48 V and maximum voltage of greater than 60 V.

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3.11 Process and Procedure

3.11.1 Installation Process
Figure 3-12 describes the processes for installing a WLAN AP.

Figure 3-12 Processes for installing a WLAN AP


Prepare the installation.

Install the AP main equipment.

(Optional) Install the PES device.

Install cables.

Power on the equipment.

Check the installation.


3.11.2 Installation Procedure

For details about the steps for installing a WLAN AP, see Quick Start for the WLAN AP.

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4 Initial Configuration

This chapter describes how to perform AP initial configurations on the MAG9811. For details,
see MAG9811 Production Documentation. The configurations allow an AP to go online
(connected to the MAG9811).

The AC refers to the MAG9811 in this document.
WLAN APs connect to an IP network in static IP address mode or DHCP mode. DHCP mode is used by
default. If the AP fails to connect to an IP network in DHCP mode, troubleshoot the fault by referring to
section 8.7 "Local Maintenance Commands."
Command arguments are in italics and need to be replaced with actual values.

4.1 Configuration Preparations

4.1.1 Obtaining MAC Addresses
Before hardware installation, remove the MAC address bar code label on the right of the
nameplate and attach the label to the table below. Record installation location of the AP
product and provide the software commissioning engineer with the location information for
configuration, commissioning, and acceptance.

Table 4-1 MAC address collection table

SN Model MAC Address Equipment Position


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4.2 Data Preparation

Item Meaning Example (Change the value
based on site conditions)
AP go-online An interface over which an AP GigabitEthernet1/0/0.100
interface goes online.
AP go-online IP address of the interface over
interface address which an AP goes online
This IP address is also the IP
address of the Eth-Trunk 1.100.
DHCP gateway IP address of the gateway of an
address AP address pool
DHCP address IP address segment of the AP
segment address pool
Loopback ID of a loopback interface 0
Loopback IP address of a loopback interface
WLAN ac source Service interface of an AC loopback 0
Operator ID ID of an operator, which is CMCC
determined by an actual site
AC ID ID of an AC 1
Management VLAN of CAPWAP control 100
VLAN tunnel

4.3 Configuring Basic Data on the AC

4.3.1 Creating a Loopback Interface
Assign an IP address to the loopback interface, and set the mask to 32 bits.
[MAG9811]interface LoopBack 0
[MAG9811-LoopBack0]ip address 32

4.3.2 Configuring Operator ID, AC ID, and Country Code

A carrier ID identifies an operator, and an AC ID identifies an AC.
Different countries observe different specifications on power and channels. Therefore, country
codes need to be configured. By default, the country code is set to CN.

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Configuring an operator ID and an AC ID

Step 1 Configure an AC ID.
[MAG9811]wlan ac-global ac id 1

Step 2 Configure an operator ID.

[MAG9811]wlan ac-global carrier id cmcc


Configuring a country code

[MAG9811]wlan ac-global country-code CN

4.3.3 Configuring an AC Source Interface

Step 1 Enter the WLAN-AC view.
[MAG9811]wlan ac

Step 2 Configure a WLAN AC source interface.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]wlan ac source interface loopback 0


4.4 Configuring the AP Go-online Data

4.4.1 Configuring an AP Inbound Interface
Configure the IP address and mask of the AP gateway and the VLAN ID with which the AP
goes online.
[MAG9811]interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.100
[MAG9811-GigabitEthernet1/0/0.100]ip address
[MAG9811-GigabitEthernet1/0/0.100]vlan-type dot1q 100

4.4.2 Configuring an AP Address Pool

Configure an AP address pool and specifying the AC loopback address in option 43 such that
an AP can discover the AC.
[MAG9811]ip pool appool1 server
[MAG9811-ip-pool-appool1]section 0
[MAG9811-ip-pool-appool1]option 43 string HuaweiAC-

4.4.3 Enabling DHCP

[MAG9811]dhcp enable

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The DHCP function is enabled by default.

4.4.4 Querying AP Authentication Mode

Query authentication mode of the AP. Only authenticated APs can go online.
[MAG9811]wlan ac
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view] display ap-auth-mode
AP authentication mode: mac-auth

An AP can be authenticated in mac-auth, sn-auth, or no-auth mode.
If mac-auth or sn-auth mode is used, an AP needs to be added in offline mode before going

4.4.5 (Optional) Adding an AP in Offline Mode

Query the ID of the AP-TYPE supported on the AC.
All AP types information:
ID Type
0 WA601
1 WA631
2 WA651
3 WA602
4 WA632
5 WA652
6 WA603SN
7 WA603DN
8 WA633SN
11 WA603DE
12 WA653DE
14 WA653SN
15 SRG1201GW
16 WA101DD-NZ
17 WA131SN-NZ
18 WA151DD-NZ
19 WA161DD-NZ
20 WA603DN-B
21 WA251DK-NE
22 WA251DT-NE
23 WA201DK-NE
Total number: 25

Before adding an offline AP, information about the offline AP needs to be obtained.
An offline AP can be added through mac-auth authentication or sn-auth authentication:
Add an offline AP through mac-auth authentication:

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[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]ap id 0 type-id 22 MAC 707b-e88f-74d3

Add an offline AP through sn-auth authentication:

MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]ap id 0 type-id 22 sn 1234567890

4.4.6 Checking Whether an AP Is Added Successfully

[MAG9811]display ap all
All AP information:
AP AP Service Profile Region AP AP Mac
ID Type State ID ID State Address
0 WA251DT-NE idle 0 0 normal 707b-e88f-74d3
Total number: 1
Normal AP number: 1
Fault AP number: 0
Download AP number: 0
Config Fail AP number: 0

If AP State of an AP is normal, the AP is added successfully.

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5 WLAN Configuration

This chapter describes the AP WLAN configurations. With these configurations, an AP can
connect to a WLAN.

5.1 Data Preparation

Item Meaning Example (Change the value
based on site conditions)

User VLAN VLAN of CAPWAP data tunnel 220

Radio profile Name of a radio profile ratest1
Traffic profile Name of a traffic profile trtest1
Security profile Name of a security profile setest1
WMM profile Name of a WMM profile wmtest1
ESS Name of an ESS ess1
SSID Name of an SSID ess1

5.2 Configuring the AP RF

5.2.1 Configuring a WMM Profile
Configure a WMM profile.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]wmm-profile name wmtest1

5.2.2 Configuring an RF Profile

Step 1 Configure an RF profile.

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[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]radio-profile name ratest1

[MAG9811-wlan-radio-prof-ratest1]bind wmm-profile name wmtest1

Step 2 Configure the WLAN RF mode.

[MAG9811-wlan-radio-prof-ratest1]radio-type 80211bgn

The WLAN RF modes supported on the AP are 80211an, 80211bgn, 80211gn, 80211n, 80211b, 80211a,
80211bg and 80211g.

Step 3 (Optional) Configure the channel mode in the RF profile. By default, it is set to fix.
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-prof-ratest1]channel-mode fix

Step 4 (Optional) Configure the power mode in the RF profile. By default, it is set to fix.
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-prof-ratest1]power-mode fix

Step 5 (Optional) Configure the short GI in the RF profile. By default, it is set to normal.
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-prof-ratest1]80211n guard-interval-mode short

Step 6 (Optional) Configure the a-mpdu. By default, it is enabled, and the frame length value
converged on the MAC protocol data unit (MPDU) is set to 3.
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-prof-ratest1]80211n a-mpdu max-length-exponent 3

Step 7 Quit the RF profile.



5.2.3 Configuring the AP RF Parameters

Step 1 Configure the RF of the specified AP.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]radio ap-id 0 radio-id 0
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-0/0]bind radio-profile name ratest1

Step 2 (Optional) Configure the AP power step.

To set the power step of an AP to 3, run the following command:
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-0/0]power-step 3

Step 3 (Optional) Configure the AP power level.

[MAG9811-wlan-radio-0/0]power-level 0

By default, it is set to 0.
The AP actual power equals to the AP maximum power minus the AP power level.
For example, if the AP maximum power is 27 dBm, the AP power level is 5, and the AP
power step is 2, then the AP actual power equal to 17 dBm.
Step 4 Configure the AP channel and frequency bandwidth. The frequency bandwidths supported on
the AP are 20 MHz, 40 MHz+, and 40 MHz-.
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-0/0]channel 20mhz 1

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Step 5 (Optional) Configure modulation and coding scheme (MCS) of the specified 802.11n AP. By
default, it is set to 23.
[MAG9811-wlan-radio-0/0]80211n mcs 23

Step 6 Quit the RF profile.



5.3 Configuring Basic WLAN Parameters

5.3.1 Configuring a Security Profile
Step 1 Enter the security profile.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]security-profile name setest1

Step 2 Configure the AP authentication mode.

Step 3 In this step, operations for configuring the AP authentication mode are different depending on
the specific authentication mode.
 Open authentication
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]authentication policy wep
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view] policy wep open-system
 WEP authentication
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]authentication policy wep
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]policy wep share-key
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]wep key wep-104 pass-phrase 0 1234567890123
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]wep default-key 0
 WPA authentication
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]authentication policy wpa1
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]policy wpa1 ccmp 802dot1x peap
 WPA-PSK authentication
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]authentication policy wpa1
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]policy wpa1-psk ccmp pass-phrase 12345678
 WPA2 authentication
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]authentication policy wpa2
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]policy wpa2 ccmp 802dot1x peap
 WPA2-PSK authentication
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]authentication policy wpa2
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]policy wpa2-psk ccmp pass-phrase 12345678
 SIM-based authentication
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]authentication policy wpa2
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]policy wpa2 ccmp 802dot1x sim

Step 4 Quit the security profile.


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5.3.2 (Optional) Configuring a Traffic Profile for Rate Restriction

Step 1 Enter the traffic profile.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]traffic-profile name trtest1

Step 2 Configure the upper and lower rate thresholds in units of kbit/s for a STA accessing the AP.
[MAG9811-wlan-traffic-prof-trtest1]rate-limit client down 1024
[MAG9811-wlan-traffic-prof-trtest1]rate-limit client up 1024

Step 3 Configure the upper and lower rate thresholds in units of kbit/s for the VAP.
[MAG9811-wlan-traffic-prof-trtest1]rate-limit vap down 1024
[MAG9811-wlan-traffic-prof-trtest1]rate-limit vap up 1024

Step 4 Quit the traffic profile.



5.3.3 Configuring an ESS of an AP

Step 1 Enter the ESS.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]ess name ess1 id 0 ssid ess1 traffic-profile trtest1
security-profile setest1

Step 2 Specify the VLAN mapping mode and VLAN ID for user data.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]vlan-mapping ess name ess1 mode ess
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]vlan-mapping ess name ess1 type tag vlan 220

Step 3 (Optional) Configure the maximum number of associated users of the ESS. By default, it is
set to 32.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]ess modify name ess1 max-user-number 10

Step 4 Configure data forwarding mode of the ESS.

 Set the ESS to work in tunnel forwarding mode.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]forward-mode ess 0 mode tunnel
 Set the ESS to work in direct forwarding mode.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]forward-mode ess 0 mode direct-forward


5.3.4 Configuring a VAP

Configure a VAP. In the commands, radio 0 and 1 mean that the RF works in 2.4 GHz
frequency band and 5 GHz frequency band, respectively.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]vap ap 0 radio 0 ess name ess1

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5.3.5 Delivering AP Configuration Parameters

After each modification, run the commit command to deliver the modified configuration
parameters to the AP and make them take effect.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]commit ap 0

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6 Service Verification

This chapter describes how to verify WLAN services on an authenticated STA.

6.1 Terminal Preparation

Prepare one of the following terminals to facilitate service verification following the initial

Table 6-1 Terminals for initial configurations

Type Requirements
A laptop  With CPU of 1 GHz or higher and RAM of 512 MB or higher.
 Configured with internal radio network adapter.
 Running Windows Vista or a later-released Windows operating
 Using Microsoft IE 6.0 or a later version, with proxy function
A mobile phone Supporting Wi-Fi

6.2 Open Authentication

This section uses open authentication on a laptop as example.
Step 1 Enable the STA to search for available SSIDs.
Figure 6-1 is an example of the searched available SSIDs.

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Figure 6-1 Choosing a WLAN network

Step 2 Choose the target SSID from the SSID list and click Connect.
Then, the STA is associated with the WLAN network.
Step 3 After the status of the target WLAN network is Connected, verify services on the WLAN
network, including browsing web pages, watching videos, and downloading files.

6.3 Portal Authentication

This section uses portal authentication on a laptop as an example.
Step 1 Enable the STA to search for available SSIDs.
Figure 6-2 is an example of the searched available SSIDs.

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Figure 6-2 Choosing a WLAN network

Step 2 Choose the target SSID from the SSID list and click Connect.
Then, the STA is associated with the WLAN network.
Step 3 After the status of the target WLAN network is Connected, open the Internet Explorer and
enter an IP address in the address box.
Then the STA is redirected to the portal page.
Step 4 On the portal page, enter the user name and password, and click Log In.
Step 5 After the login succeeds, verify services on the WLAN network, including browsing web
pages, watching videos, and downloading files.

6.4 PEAP Authentication

This section uses PEAP authentication on an Android phone as an example. User interfaces
illustrated in this section are for your reference only.
Step 1 Press the Home button to enter the main menu of the mobile phone.
Then, the main menu of the mobile phone is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-3.
Step 2 On the main menu of the mobile phone, touch Settings.

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Figure 6-3 Main menu on an android phone

Then, the Setting page is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-4.

Step 3 In the displayed Setting page, touch Wireless & networks.

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Figure 6-4 Setting page on an Android phone

Then, the Wireless & networks page is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-5.
Step 4 In the displayed Wireless & networks page, touch WLAN settings.

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If the WLAN check box is light blued, WLAN is already enabled and Step 5 is not required.

Figure 6-5 Wireless & networks page on an Android phone

Then, the WLAN settings page is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-6.

Step 5 In the displayed WLAN settings page, touch the WLAN check box to enable WLAN on the
mobile phone.

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Then, the mobile phone starts to scan for available SSIDs.

Figure 6-6 WLAN settings page on an Android phone

After the scanning is complete, SSIDs of the available wireless networks are displayed, as
shown in Figure 6-7.
Step 6 In the searched SSID list under Networks, touch xiansim.

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Figure 6-7 Wi-Fi settings page on an Android phone

Then, the EAP method page is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-8.

Step 7 On the EAP method page, touch PEAP.

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Figure 6-8 EAP method page on the android phone

Then, the xiansim page is displayed as shown in Figure 6-9. The PEAP configuration items
include EAP method, Phase 2 authentication, CA certificate, and User certificate.

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Figure 6-9 Configuration items for PEAP

Step 8 Configure xiansim by following the configurations shown on Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-11
and then touch Connect.

In this step, Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-11 are the same displayed page for configuring the xiansim.
Enter the WLAN account (phone number) and password (service password of the phone number) in the
identity and password text boxes in Figure 6-11, and touch Save.
When the WLAN account and password are entered, the Connect button is replaced by the Save button.
After the Save button is touched, the Connect button shows again.

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Figure 6-10 Configurations of the xiansim (a)

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Figure 6-11 Configurations of the xiansim (b)

Then, the phone starts to connect to the wireless network, as shown in Figure 6-12.

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Figure 6-12 Connecting to the target wireless network

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If the status of the xiansim network is Connected in a few seconds as shown in Figure 6-13,
the mobile phone successfully connects to the AP through PEAP authentication.

Figure 6-13 Connected to the target wireless network


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7 Security Configuration

This chapter describes how to perform the AP security configurations.

7.1 Configuring an Access Control List (ACL)

An AP can work in three access modes: blacklist, whitelist and non-authentication.
In blacklist mode, STAs on the blacklist are not allowed to go online.
In whitelist mode, all STAs can go online if the whitelist does not contain any MAC address.
However, if the whitelist is not empty, STAs only with their MAC address on the whitelist can
go online.
By default, an AP works in non-authentication mode.

A blacklist or whitelist is used to control the access of STAs to a WLAN network.
A blacklist or whitelist contains a maximum of 512 MAC addresses. After the added MAC reaches the
maximum, no more MAC address can be added.

7.1.1 Configuring a Whitelist

Step 1 Enable an AP to work in whitelist mode.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]sta-access-mode ap 0 whitelist

Step 2 Add the MAC address of a STA to the whitelist.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]sta-whitelist 8888-8888-8888

Step 3 Query the whitelist of the AP.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]display sta-whitelist
Station mac global white list information:
Total number: 1


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7.1.2 Configuring a Blacklist

Step 1 Enable an AP to work in whitelist mode.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]sta-access-mode ap 0 blacklist

Step 2 Add the MAC address of a STA to the blacklist.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]sta- blacklist 8888-8888-8888

Step 3 Query the blacklist of the AP.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]display sta-blacklist
Station mac global black list information:
Total number: 1


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8 Routine Maintenance

This chapter describes how to perform AP upgrade and routine maintenance.

8.1 AP Alarms
AP alarms are collected through the interface that links the AP to the AC and reported to and
displayed on the NMS.
The most frequently reported AP alarms include CPU overload alarms, AP offline alarms,
interference alarms, and software upgrade failure alarms.
Despite different methodologies of different vendors for displaying and reporting AP alarms
on their network management system (NMS) equipment, the Management Information Base
for Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets (MIB-II) [RFC1213] standards are all

8.2 Frequently Encountered Problems

8.2.1 AP Indicators
Table 8-1 Meanings of the WA131SN-NZ indicators

Name Function Status Description

Power Power status Steady green The AP is powered on.
Off The AP is powered off or the power
supply is not working properly.
Link Ethernet status Steady green The wired module is working properly.
Off The Ethernet cable is disconnected or is
not properly connected.
Blinking fast The wired module is sending or
(on for 0.25s receiving data.
and off for

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Name Function Status Description

Blinking The AP is starting. During the start-up,
slowly (on for the Link and WLAN indicators are
1s and off for simultaneously blinking slowly.
WLAN Radio module Steady green The radio module is enabled.
Off The radio module is disabled.
Blinking fast The radio module is sending or
(on for 0.25s receiving data.
and off for
Blinking The radio module is starting. During the
slowly (on for start-up, the PWR indicator is steady on,
1s and off for and the Link and WLAN indicators are
1s) simultaneously blinking slowly.

Table 8-2 Meanings of indicators of the WA201DK-NE, WA251DK-NE, and WA251DT-NE

Name Function Status Description

POWER Power status Steady green The AP is powered on and all the AP
processes have started.
Blinking green The AP is starting.
Steady red The AP is powered on, but cannot start.
Alternatively, hardware fault occurs.
Off The AP is not powered on.
LINK Transmission Steady green  If the AP gets online over an
status Ethernet port: The CAPWAP tunnel
is working properly.
 If the AP gets online through WDS:
The CAPWAP tunnel is working
properly and the transmission of
WDS signals is working properly.
Steady red The AP has obtained an IP address, but
the CAPWAP tunnel is interrupted.
Blinking red The AP is working in WDS mode and
the CAPWAP is working properly.
However, the strength of WDS signals
is weak.
The indicator turns steady green in two
hours later even if the condition

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Name Function Status Description

Off The AP cannot obtain an IP address.
2.4G Operating Steady green The 2.4 GHz radio module is enabled.
status of 2.4
GHz radio Blinking green The 2.4 GHz radio module is sending
module or receiving data.
Off The 2.4 GHz radio module is disabled.
5G Operating Steady green The 5 GHz radio module is enabled.
status of 5
GHz radio Blinking green The 5 GHz radio module is sending or
module receiving data.
Off The 5 GHz radio module is disabled.

8.2.2 PSE Adapter

Table 8-3 Meanings of PSE adapter indicators

Name Function Status Description

POWER Power status Steady on The PSE adapter is working properly.
Steady off The PSE adapter is not powered on or is
LAN Operating Steady on The LAN port is working properly.
status of the
LAN port Steady off If the POWER indicator is on, the LAN
port is faulty or is disconnected.

8.3 Version Upgrade

For details about how to upgrade an AP, see AP Upgrade Guide.

8.4 AP Replacement
The MAG9811 supports AP replacement that enables a new AP to carry services of an AP to
be replaced without reconfiguring the new AP. This helps implement quick recovery of
services when an AP on a live network becomes faulty.
Configurations of an AP are bound with the MAC address or SN of the AP. During a
replacement, the AP to be replaced can be identified by its ID, MAC address, or SN. The new
AP can be identified by either the MAC address or SN of the new AP, or both during the
If the new AP is already in use on live networks, use the ap modify command to delete all
original information and configurations before using for a replacement.

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During a replacement, the external of an AP does not need to be replaced. If an AP uses

internal antennas, ensure that the horizontal and vertical scale values on the scale plate of the
AP mounting kit remain unchanged after the replacement.
The following figure is an example of scale values of an AP antenna.
If an AP implements backhaul on a WDS network, a WDS backhaul test is required to check
the backhaul signal quality.

Figure 8-1 Scale values of an AP antenna

8.4.2 Procedure
Following is a short description about how to replace an AP.
Step 1 Run the system-view command to enter the system view.
Step 2 Run the wlan ac command to enter the wlan-ac view.
Step 3 Run the ap modify command to change the MAC address or SN of the AP to be replaced to
that of the new AP.
Step 4 Remove the AP to be replaced and install the new AP.
For details about how to remove and install an AP, see Quick Installation of the AP.
Step 5 Run the display ap all command to check whether the replacement succeeds.

8.4.3 Example
To use the AP with the MAC address 1212-4545-4547 to replace AP 4, first run the following
commands on the AC:
[AC]wlan ac

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[AC-wlan-ac-view]ap modify id 4 ap-mac 1212-4545-4547

Warning: Modify AP will influence the service that has published in the AP, whether
to continue? [Y/N] y

After executing the commands, remove the AP to be replaced and install the new AP.

8.5 Remote Common Maintenance Commands

8.5.1 Default User Name and Password
Table 8-4 lists the default user name and password for login to an AP.

Table 8-4 Default user name and password for login to an AP

User Name Password Usage Scenario

admin hwap@com Login to an AP using CLI commands
apteam apteam123 Log in to an AP in FTP mode
The user name and password are used
during a dial-up test to log in an AP to
enable FTP services.

The default password has security vulnerabilities. Change the default password of an AP by
running the ap-modify-password command on the AC immediately after the AP is installed.
For details about how to change the AP default password, see MAG9811 Command Reference.

8.5.2 Remote Maintenance Commands

Table 8-5 lists the common remote maintenance CLI commands.

Table 8-5 Common remote maintenance commands

CLI Command Description

display ap all Used to query the types, operating status, and MAC addresses of
all APs.
display ap id 0 Used to query information about AP 0, including AP type ID,
AP type, AP MAC address, and IP address.

display ap-run-info id Used to query information about AP 0, including software

0 version, hardware version, CPU type, CPU frequency, memory
type, running duration, and IP addresses.
display radio config Used to query information about the radio profile that is bound

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CLI Command Description

ap-id xx radio-id 0 to an AP.
− Radio-id 0 indicates that the information about 2.4-GHz
radio profile of the AP is queried.
− Radio-id 1 indicates that the information about 5-GHz
radio profile of the AP is queried.
display actual Used to query information about AP 0, including channels,
channel-power ap-id 0 power level, power, and channel bandwidth.
radio-id 0 − Radio-id 0 indicates that the information about 2.4-GHz
radio profile of the AP is queried.
− Radio-id 1 indicates that the information about 5-GHz
radio profile of the AP is queried.

8.5.3 Example
Run the following command to query information about AP 0, including operating status,
software version, hardware version, CPU type, CPU frequency, memory type, running
duration, and IP address:
<MAG9811>display ap-run-info id 0
AP 0 run information:
Software version: V100R005C00SPC120
Hardware version: Ver.A
BIOS version: -
Cpu type: AR9342-32 bit MIPS 74K 600MHz
Cpu frequency: 600 MHZ
Memory type: SDRAM-EM6AA160TS
Domain: China(CN)
AP System software description: WLAN AP:V100R005C00SPC120
AP System hardware description: WLAN AP:Ver.A
AP manufacture: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
AP software name: Huawei Outdoor Bridge Access Point Software
AP software vendor: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
AP online time: 67553
Ip address:
Ip mask:
Gateway ip:
DNS server:
Memory size: 64 MB
Flash size: 16 MB
Run time: 67568 S
Up ethernet port speed: 100 Mbps
Up ethernet port speed mode: auto
Up ethernet port duplex: full
Up ethernet port duplex mode: auto
Lineate port 0 state: up
Lineate port 0 speed: 100 b/s
Lineate port 0 ip address:
Lineate port 0 mac address: 707b-e88f-15f8

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8.6 Configuring a Static IP Address

By default, an AP uses a dynamic IP address to search for an AC and access a WLAN. If an
AP fails to access a WLAN using a dynamic IP address, configure a static IP address for the
AP by referring to the following steps:

8.6.1 In Scenarios Where a STA Connects to an AP over an

Ethernet Port
A STA can connect to an AP over an Ethernet port on the AP. The following describes the
procedure for configuring a static IP address in this scenario.
Step 1 Connect the computer to the transmission equipment or DATA port on the PSE.
Step 2 Change the IP address of the computer.

Ensure that the IP address of the computer is in the same network segment as that of the AP. For
example, if the AP uses the default local maintenance IP address and subnet mask, you can change the IP address of the computer and subnet mask to and, respectively.

Step 3 Log in to the AP in SSH mode.


The default user name is admin and password is hwap@com.


The default password has security vulnerabilities. Change the default password of an AP by
running the ap-modify-password command on the AC immediately after the AP is installed.
For details about how to change the AP default password, see MAG9811 Command Reference.

Step 4 Run the config command to enter the configuration mode.

Step 5 Run the ip ap ip-mode static command to enable static IP mode.

The IP address configured for an AP must be the IP address of the AP IP address pool configured on the

Step 6 (Optional) Run the ip ap address command to configure a static IP address for the AP.
Step 7 Run the ip ac address command to configure a static IP address for the AC.
Step 8 Run the exit command to exit the configuration mode.
Step 9 Run the reset board command to restart the AP to make the change take effect.

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8.6.2 In Scenarios Where a STA Connects to an AP over a

Management VLAN
A STA can also connect to an AP over the management VAP of an AP. The management VAP
can be automatically created by the AP or delivered by the AC.
If an AP fails to connect the AC or the connection over the Ethernet port is interrupted for five
to six minutes, a management VAP is automatically created on the AP. The SSID of this
management VAP is HuaweiAPMgtXX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, where the
XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX stands for the MAC address of the Ethernet port of the AP.
Users can also configure a management VAP on the AC and deliver it to the AP for AP
maintenance. The SSID of this management VAP is combination of the name configured by
users and the MAC address of the Ethernet port of the AP. For example, if the configured
name is usrtest and the MAC address of the Ethernet port of the AP is
XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, the SSID is usrtestXX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.

Management VAP Created by the AP

If the Ethernet port of the AP fails to work properly and users cannot log in to the AP in SSH
mode due to unavailable link connectivity between the PC and the AP caused by damage of
network cables or faults on the switch, users can log in to the AP over the management VAP
that is automatically created by the AP to maintain the AP.
The following describes how to configure a static IP address in scenarios where users log in to
the AP over the automatically created management VAP.
Step 1 Use a STA, for example a laptop, to search the SSID of the management VAP that is
automatically created by the AP.
Step 2 Enable the STA to connect to the AP using the searched SSID.
Step 3 Change the IP address of the STA.

Ensure that the IP address of the STA is in the same network segment as that of the AP. For example, if
the management VAP uses the local maintenance IP address and subnet mask,
you can change the IP address of the computer and subnet mask to and,

Then, users can log in to the AP for maintenance purpose. For details about how to log in to
the AP, see Step 3 to Step 8 in section 8.6.1 "In Scenarios Where a STA Connects to an AP
over an Ethernet Port."

Management VAP Delivered by the AC

Users can configure a management VAP for an online AP by changing the type of the ESSID
of the AP and use the management VAP to maintain the AP.
The following describes how to configure a management VAP for an online AP and use the
management VAP to maintain the AP.
Step 1 Configure basic WLAN parameters on the AC. For details, see section 5.3.3 "Configuring an
ESS of an AP."

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In this example, assume that the configured ESSID name is mgmt_test, and the management VAP is
configured for AP 0.
The management VAP configured on the AC only supports open authentication and WEP authentication.

Step 2 Change the type of the ESSID to management VAP.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]ess modify name mgmt_test type ap-management

Step 3 Query the ID of the profile that AP 0 is using.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]display ap id 0
AP 0 detail information:
AP type ID: 22
AP type: WA251DT-NE
AP profile ID: 0

The command output shows that the ID of the AP profile is 0.

Step 4 Enable management VAP on the AC.
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]ap-profile id 0

If the MAG9811 V100R001C00 is used, this step is not required because management VAP is always
enabled on the MAG9811 V100R001C00.

Step 5 Deliver the configuration to AP 0.

[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]commit ap 0
Warning: Committing configuration may cause service interruption, continue? [Y/N] y

Then, the management VAP is configured on the AC and delivered to AP 0.

For details about how to log in to the AP, see Step 3 to Step 8 in section 8.6.1 "In Scenarios
Where a STA Connects to an AP over an Ethernet Port."

8.7 Local Maintenance Commands

Before performing local maintenance on an AP, log in to the AP through SSH. For details how
to log in to an AP, see 8.6.1 Step 3 in section 8.6.1 "In Scenarios Where a STA Connects to an
AP over an Ethernet Port."

8.7.1 Overview
This chapter provides the functions and usage guidelines of commands available on the
command line interface (CLI) after a user logs in to an AP in security shell (SSH) mode.

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List of High-Risk Commands for AP Local Maintenance

Name Function Impact
ap mode Configure the AP After this command is executed, the AP restarts
{fat|fit|cal} working mode. immediately. Services on the AP will be
interrupted during the restart.
fatap_reset_all Initialize all After this command is executed, the fat AP
configurations of a restarts and continues to work in fat AP mode.
fat AP. Services on the AP will be interrupted during the
reset board Reset an AP. After this command is executed, the AP restarts
immediately. Services on the AP will be
interrupted during the restart.
reset Restore the default After this command is executed, the current
configuration configurations of an configurations will be cleared, and the AP restarts
AP. immediately to make the default configurations
take effect. Services on the AP will be interrupted
during the restart.
upgrade Locally upgrade the After a local software upgrade succeeds, the AP
software of an AP. restarts immediately to make the new software
package take effect. Services on the AP will be
interrupted during the restart.

Views Available on the AP CLI

Table 8-6 lists views and commands in the views after a user logs in to an AP in SSH mode.

Table 8-6 Views available on the AP CLI

No. View Name Commands in the view

1 main A user enters the main view by default upon a login. The main
view also enables a user to enter other views.
2 configure The configure view provides a set of commands for configuring
the working mode and IP configuration mode of an AP and
performing one-step information collection.
3 fatap The fatap view provides a set of commands for operating APs
that work in fat AP mode.
4 shelltool The shelltool view provides a set of commands for querying the
AP system status.
5 debug The debug view provides a set of commands for configuring AP

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General CLI Commands

Table 8-7 describes the general AP CLI commands.

Table 8-7 General AP CLI commands

Name Format Function Parameters

? ? This command is used to display the

available commands available in a view if
typed in the view or to query the
parameters of a CLI command if typed
after the CLI command.

quit quit This command is used to exit from the -

current view.
This command is available in all views
except in the main view.

exit exit This command is used to exit from the -

main view or from the current view to the
main view.
This command is available in all views.

8.7.2 main
A user enters the main view by default upon a login. The main view provides one-step
information collection commands, ping commands, AP-restarting commands, and upgrade
commands. The view also functions as an entry to other views.
Table 8-8 describes commands in the main view.

Table 8-8 Commands in the main view

Name Format Function Parameters

configure configure The configure command is used to -

enter the configure view.
pack pack { ftp | sftp } The pack command is used to file-name: Specifies the file
file-name collect and upload the desired name for the packed
ftp-ip-address information to a file transfer information. It is a character
user-name password protocol (FTP) or secure file string.
[source-ip-address] transfer protocol (SFTP) server. ftp-ip-address: Specifies the IP
The pack ftp command is used to address of an FTP or SFTP
collect and upload the desired server. It is in the dotted decimal
information to an FTP server. format.
The pack sftp command is used to user-name: Specifies the FTP
collect and upload the desired or SFTP user name. It is a
information to an SFTP server. character string.
password: Specifies the FTP or
The SFTP server is preferred for SFTP user password. It is a
security. character string.

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Name Format Function Parameters

The information includes source-ip-address: Specifies
configuration file, log file, and the source IP address of the FTP
system information and can be
or SFTP client.
collected simply by running the CLI

ping ping {host-ip-address The ping command is used to check host-ip-address: Specifies the
[source-ip-address] | whether a host is reachable on an IP IP address of the target host. It
ipv6 ipaddr6} network. is in the dotted decimal format.
The ping host-ip-address command source-ip-address: Specifies the
is used to ping the host with the IP source IP address.
address specified by ipaddr. ipaddr6: Specifies an IPv6
The ping host-ip-address address in the format of
source-ip-address command is used XX::XX:XX:XX:XX, with each X
to ping the host with the IP address represents a hexadecimal
specified by ipaddr from the AP number.
with the IP address specified by
The ping ipv6 ipaddr6 command is
used to ping the host with the IPv6
address specified by ipaddr6.
reset reset { board | The reset command is used to reset -
configuration } an AP.
The reset board command is used
to reset an AP.
The reset configuration command
is used to restore the default
configuration of an AP.
show show { ap mode | ap The show command is used to bridge-index: Specifies the ID
vlan | bridge stp { all display information about an AP. of a bridge. It is an integer from
| bridge-index } | The show ap mode command is 0 to 4094.
capwap | dual-image used to display the AP working radio-id: Specifies the ID of a
| interface { ethernet | mode. radio band at which an AP is
wireless radio-id vap working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
vap-id } | ip-config | The show ap vlan command is
used to display the VLAN GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
system |mgt-vap}
information of an AP. vap-id: Specifies the ID of a
The show bridge stp command is VAP of an AP. It is an integer
used to display the bridge from 0 to 15.
The show capwap command is
used to display the current state of
CAPWAP tunnels.
The show dual-image command is
used to display the activity status of
a boot partition.
The show interface ethernet
command is used to display
information about the Ethernet
ports of an AP.

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Name Format Function Parameters

The show interface wireless
command is used to display the
empty information over the air
The show ip-config command is
used to display the static IP address
of an AP or AC and the IP
configuration mode.
The show system command is used
to display the basic information
about an AP.
The show mgt-vap command is
used to display the status of the
current management VAP.

upgrade upgrade { ftp | sftp } The upgrade command is used to file-name: Specifies the file
file-name locally upgrade an AP. name of the upgrade file
ftp-ip-address The upgrade ftp command is used package. It is a character string.
user-name password to locally upgrade an AP in FTP ftp-ip-address: Specifies the IP
[source-ip-address] mode. address of an FTP or SFTP
The upgrade sftp command is used server. It is in the dotted decimal
to locally upgrade an AP in SFTP format.
mode. user-name: Specifies the FTP
or SFTP user name. It is a
The SFTP server is preferred to
character string.
ensure security. password: Specifies the FTP or
SFTP user password. It is a
character string.
source-ip-address: Specifies the
source IP address of the FTP or
SFTP client.
debug debug The debug command is used to -
enter the debug view.

shelltool shelltool The shelltool command is used to -

enter the shelltool view.

8.7.3 configure
To enter the configure view, type configure in the main view and press Enter.
Table 8-9 describes commands in the configure view.

Table 8-9 Commands in the configure view

Name Format Function Parameters

ap ap { mode { fat | fit | The ap mode command mode: Specifies the working mode of an AP.
cal } | vlan vlan-id } is used to configure the It is an enumerated type that has three values:

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Name Format Function Parameters

working mode for an fat, fit, and cal:
AP. fat: An AP is working in fat AP mode.
The ap vlan command fit: An AP is working in fit AP mode.
is used to configure a
VLAN of an AP. cal: An AP is working in the calibration mode.
vlan-id: It is 65535 or an integer from 1 to
4094. If it is set to 65535, an upstream VLAN is
not configured on an AP.

Fat AP mode is available for tests. In commercial

networks, do not use this mode.

bridge bridge stp service The bridge stp service -

command is used to
enable the Spanning
Tree Protocol (STP)

fatap fatap The fatap command is -

used to enter the fatap

ip ip { AP { address The ip AP address ipaddr: Specifies an IP address in the format of

ipaddr subnet-mask command is used to X.X.X.X, where each X represents a decimal
gateway-ipaddr | configure an IP address integer from 0 to 255.
ip-mode {dhcp | for an AP. subnet-mask: Specifies the IP address mask in
static | pppoe} } | The ip AP ip-mode the format of X.X.X.X, with each X representing
AC { address command is used to a decimal number ranging from 0 to 255.
{ ipaddress-AC1 | configure the IP
ipaddress-AC2 | gateway-ipaddr: Specifies the gateway IP
configuration mode for address in the format of X.X.X.X, with each X
ipaddress-AC3 | an AP.
ipaddress-AC4 }* | representing a decimal number ranging from 0
delete-ip ] / PPPOE The ip AC address to 255.
{ username command is used to ip-mode: Specifies the IP configuration mode of
usename password configure an IP address an AP. It is an enumerated type that contains
password | for an AC. two options: DHCP, static and PPPoE.
ac-domain-name The ip AC delete-ip ipaddress-AC1 to ipaddress-AC4: Specifies an
{ domain-name1 | command is used to IP address of an AC to be configured for an AC.
domain-name2 }* | delete an IP address of
delete-ac-domain-n an AC. username: Specifies the PPPoE user name of an
ame } } AP. It has a length of 1 to 64 bytes.
The ip PPPOE
username username password: Specifies the PPPoE password of an
password password AP. It has a length of 1 to 16 bytes.
command is used to domain-name1 and domain-name2: Specifies
configure the user name the AC domain name. It has a length of 1 to 128
and password used by bytes.
an AP to get online
using PPPoE.
The ip PPPOE
command is used to
configure the name of
an AC domain.

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Name Format Function Parameters

e command is used to
delete the name of an
AC domain.

undo undo bridge stp The undo bridge stp -

service service command is
used to disable STP.

wds wds scanning2G The wds scanning2G

{ enable | disable } enable command is
used to enable
neighboring GSM cell
scanning for an AP
enabled with AP
self-configuration on a
WDS network.
The wds scanning2G
disable command is
used to disable
neighboring GSM cell
scanning for an AP
enabled with AP
self-configuration on a
WDS network.

mgt-vap mgt-vap offline The mgt-vap offline The configuration made by using the mgt-vap
{open | close} open command is used offline command takes effect unless the AP on
to enable a which the management VAP is created is
management VAP. restarted.
The mgt-vap offline
close command is used
to disable a
management VAP.

passwor password The password old-password: Specifies the previously used

d old-password old-password password. A new password can be configured
new-password new-password only when a correct old password is typed.
command is used to new-password: Specifies the new password. It
reset the password of is a string of 8 to 32 ASCII characters. The
an AP. password must contain at least two types of the
following four characters: digit, uppercase
This command is applicable character, lowercase character, and special
only to WA173DD APs. character.

8.7.4 fatap
To enter the fatap view, type fatap in the configure view and press Enter. The commands
described in this chapter are applicable only when an AP works in fat AP mode.

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Fat AP can only be used in test scenarios. Do not enable an AP to work in fat mode on a commercial

Table 8-10 describes commands in the fatap view.

Table 8-10 Commands in the fatap view

Name Format Function Parameters

fatap_cl fatap_clean_vlan The fatap_clean_vlan radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at

ean_vla radio-id radio-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
n vap-id vap-id delete VLAN GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
vlan-id vlan-id configurations of a fat vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is an
AP. integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
31 for radio band 1.
vlan-id: Specifies the ID of a VLAN. It is an
integer from 1 to 4094.
fatap_cl fatap_clean_sec The fatap_clean_sec radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
ean_sec radio-id radio-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
vap-id vap-id delete encryption GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
configurations of a fat vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is an
ap. integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
31 for radio band 1.
fatap_li fatap_limit_rate The fatap_limit_rate radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
mit_rate { radio-id radio-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
vap-id vap-id configure uplink and GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
limit-mode downlink rate limits for vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is an
{ [vap-mode a fat AP. integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
uplink-status { y|n } 31 for radio band 1.
rateValue limit-mode: Specifies the rate limit level. It is
downlink-status an enumerated type that contains two options:
{ y|n } vap-mode and sta-mode.
downlink-rate  vap-mode: Indicates that rate limit takes
rateValue|sta-mode effect for all APs of a VAP.
uplink-status { y|n }  sta-mode: Indicates that rate limit takes effect
uplink-rate on a single STA.
downlink-status uplink-status: Indicates the status of uplink
{ y|n } rate limit. It is an enumerated type that contains
downlink-rate two options: Y and N.
rateValue }] }  Y: Indicates that uplink rate limit is enabled.
 N: Indicates that uplink rate limit is disabled.
downlink-status: Indicates the status of
downlink rate limit. It is an enumerated type
that contains two options: Y and N.
 Y: Indicates that downlink rate limit is
 N: Indicates that downlink rate limit is

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Name Format Function Parameters

uplink-rate: Specifies an uplink rate limit
threshold in the unit of kbit/s.
downlink-rate: Specifies a downlink rate limit
threshold in the unit of kbit/s.
fatap_m fatap_make_sec The fatap_make_sec radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
ake_sec radio-id radio-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
vap-id vap-id configure the encryption GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
wpa-psk-mode mode and password for vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is an
pskmode a fat AP. integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
encryption-mode 31 for radio band 1.
passphrase pass wpa-psk-mode: Specifies the WPA
authentication mode of a fat AP. It is an
enumerated type that contains two options:
encryption-mode: Specifies the encryption
mode of a fat AP. It is an enumerated type that
contains two options: CCMP and TKIP.
passphrase: Specifies the password of a fat AP.
It is a string of 8 to 63 ASCII characters.
fatap_m fatap_make_vlan The fatap_make_vlan radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
ake_vla radio-id radio-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
n vap-id vap-id configure a VLAN for a GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
vlan-id vlan-id fat AP. vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is an
integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
31 for radio band 1.
vlan-id: Specifies the ID of a VLAN to which a
fat AP belongs. It is an integer from 1 to 4096.
fatap_m fatap_make_wds_le The radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
ake_wds af root-radio fatap_make_wds_leaf which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
_leaf radio-id root-mac command is used to GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
root-mac ipaddr configure a leaf AP on a root-mac: Specifies the MAC address of a root
ipadr vap-type WDS network. AP. It is in the format of XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX,
vap-type MCS mcs This command is where each X stands for a hexadecimal integer.
channel channel applicable only if a VAP  If the radio band of the root AP is 0, the MAC
is established on a radio address of the VAP 13 is used.
 If the radio band of the root AP is 1, the MAC
address of the VAP 29 is used.
ipaddr: Specifies the IP address of a leaf fat
AP. It is in the format of X.X.X.X, where each X
stands for a decimal integer.
vap-type vap: Specifies the VAP type. It is an
enumerated type that contains the following
 11A
 11B
 11G

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Name Format Function Parameters

 11NHT20
 11NAHT20
 11NGHT20
mcs: Specifies the MCS of a VAP. It is an
enumerated type that contains the following
 11b: 0x1b 0x1a 0x19 0x18
 11ag: 0x0b 0x0f 0x0a 0x0e 0x09 0x0d 0x08
 11n(single-flow): 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x83 0x84
0x85 0x86 0x87
 11n(dual-flow): 0x88 0x89 0x8a 0x8b 0x8c
0x8d 0x8e 0x8f
 11n(triple-flow): 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94
0x95 0x96 0x97
channel: Specifies the working channel for a
VAP. It is an enumerated type that contains the
following options:
For 2.4 GHz band:
 20 MHz: 1-13
 40 MHz-minus: 5-11
 40 MHz-plus: 1-7
For 5 GHz band:
 20 MHz: 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
 40 MHz-minus: 40, 48, 56, 64, 153, 161
 40 MHz-plus: 36, 44, 52, 60, 149, 157
fatap_m fatap_make_wds_r The radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
ake_wds oot radio-id radio-id fatap_make_wds_root which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
_root radio-enable y/n command is used to GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
whitelist whitelist configure a root node of radio-enable: Indicates whether a root AP
vap-type vap-type a WDS network. works in WDS mode. It is an enumerated type
MCS mcs channel This command is that contains two options: Y and N.
channel applicable only if a VAP  Y: indicates that a root AP works in WDS
of a radio band is mode.
 N: indicates that a root AP does not work in
WDS mode.
whitelist: Specifies MAC addresses of the leaf
APs that are allowed to access the root AP. It is

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Name Format Function Parameters

in the format of XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX, where
each X stands for a hexadecimal integer.
vap-type vap: Specifies the VAP type. It is an
enumerated type that contains the following
 11A
 11B
 11G
 11NHT20
 11NAHT20
 11NGHT20
mcs: Specifies the MCS of a VAP. It is an
enumerated type that contains the following
 11b: 0x1b 0x1a 0x19 0x18
 11ag: 0x0b 0x0f 0x0a 0x0e 0x09 0x0d 0x08
 11n(single-flow): 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x83 0x84
0x85 0x86 0x87
 11n(dual-flow): 0x88 0x89 0x8a 0x8b 0x8c
0x8d 0x8e 0x8f
 11n(triple-flow): 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94
0x95 0x96 0x97
channel: Specifies the working channel for a
VAP. It is an enumerated type that contains the
following options:
For 2.4 GHz band:
 20 MHz: 1-13
 40 MHz-minus: 5-11
 40 MHz-plus: 1-7
For 5 GHz band:
 20 MHz: 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
 40 MHz-minus: 40, 48, 56, 64, 153, 161
 40 MHz-plus: 36, 44, 52, 60, 149, 157
fatap_re fatap_reset_all The fatap_reset_all -
set_all command is used to
initialize all

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Name Format Function Parameters

configurations of a fat
AP. After this command
is executed, the fat AP
restarts and continues to
work in fat AP mode.
fatap_se fatap_set_param The fatap_set_param radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
t_param radio-id radio-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
vap-id vap-id type configure the following GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
type value value parameters for a fat AP: vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP, with N an
RTS/CTS thresholds integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
Aggregate MAC 31 for radio band 1.
protocol data unit type: Specifies the type of parameters to be
(A-MPDU) aggregation configured. It is an enumerated type that
frame transmission contains the following options:
Aggregate MAC service  RTS_P
data unit (A-MSDU)  AMPDU
aggregation frame
 BInterval
Beacon interval
 RadioEnable
MCS of a VAP
 mode_p
Working mode of a
VAP  shortgi
short GI  chain
Number of spatial flows  channel_p
Operating channels of a  txpower_p
VAP value: Specifies the values that correspond to a
Transmit power of a type.
VAP RTS_P: Specifies an RTS or CTS threshold. It
is a number ranging from 64 to 2347 in the unit
of byte.
AMPDU: Indicates whether the A-MPDU
aggregate frame transmission is enabled. It is
an enumerated type that contains two options: 0
and 1.
 0: This function is disabled.
 1: This function is enabled.
AMSDU: Indicates whether the A-MSDU
aggregate frame transmission is enabled. It is
an enumerated type that contains two options: 0
and 1.
 0: This function is disabled.
 1: This function is enabled.
BInterval: Specifies a beacon interval. It is an
integer from 20 to 3500 in the unit of ms.
RadioEnable: Indicates whether an RF module

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Name Format Function Parameters

is turned on or off. Radio 0 and 1 indicates the
AP is working on the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz,
respectively. It is an enumerated type that
contains two options: Y and N.
 Y: Indicates that the RF module is turned on.
 N: Indicates that the RF module is turned off.
MCS_P: Specifies the MCS of a VAP. It is an
enumerated type that contains the following
 11b: 0x1b 0x1a 0x19 0x18
 11ag: 0x0b 0x0f 0x0a 0x0e 0x09 0x0d 0x08
 11n(single-flow): 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x83 0x84
0x85 0x86 0x87
 11n(dual-flow): 0x88 0x89 0x8a 0x8b 0x8c
0x8d 0x8e 0x8f
 11n(triple-flow): 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94
0x95 0x96 0x97
mode_p: Specifies the working mode of a
VAP. It is an enumerated type that contains the
following options:
 11A
 11B
 11G
 11NHT20
 11NAHT20
 11NGHT20
shortgi: Indicates whether the short GI is
enabled. It is an enumerated type that contains
two options: 0 and 1.
 0: Indicates that short GI is disabled.
 1: Indicates that short GI is enabled.
chain: Specifies the number of spatial flows. It
is an enumerated type that has three values:
 0x01(single-flow)
 0x03 (dual-flow)
 0x07(triple-flow)
channel_p: Specifies the working channel for a

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Name Format Function Parameters

VAP. It is an enumerated type that contains the
following options:
For 2.4 GHz band:
 20 MHz: 1-13
 40 MHz-minus: 5-11
 40 MHz-plus: 1-7
For 5 GHz band:
 20 MHz: 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
 40 MHz-minus: 40, 48, 56, 64, 153, 161
 40 MHz-plus: 36, 44, 52, 60, 149, 157
txpower_p: Specifies the transmit power for a
VAP. It is an integer of not greater than 29 for
radio band 0 and radio band 1.
fatap_se fatap_set_wmm The fatap_set_wmm radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
t_wmm radio-id radio-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
vap-id vap-id configure WMM GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
client-mode mode parameters for a fat AP. vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP, with N an
WMMSTATUS integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
status AC ac 31 for radio band 1.
CWMIN cwmin
CWMAX cwmax client-mode: Specifies the device to which the
AIFSN aifsn parameters are delivered. It is an enumerated
TXOPLIMIT type that contains two options: 0 and 1.
txoplimit ACM acm  0: Indicates that the parameters are delivered
noackpolicy  1: Indicates that the parameters are delivered
to a STA.
WMMSTATUS: Indicates whether WMM is
enabled. It is an enumerated type that contains
two options: 0 and 1.
 0: Indicates that WMM is enabled.
 1: Indicates that WMM is disabled.
AC: Specifies the access type. It is an
enumerated type that has four values:
 AC_BE (Best Effort)
 AC_BK (Background)
 AC_VI (Video)
 AC_VO (Voice)
CWMIN: Specifies the minimum contention
window. It is an integer from 0 to 15 and is less
than the value of CWmax and determines,
together with the CWmax, the average backoff
time of a STA.
CWMAX: Specifies the maximum contention
window. It is an integer from 0 to 15 and is
greater than the value of CWmin and

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Name Format Function Parameters

determines, together with the CWmax, the
average backoff time of a STA.
TXOPLIMIT: Specifies a transmission
opportunity limit. It is an integer from 0 to 256
in the unit of 32 microseconds.
If this parameter is set to 0, only one MPDU
can be transmitted. This parameter determines
the duration of occupying a channel by a STA
for one time.
ACM: Indicates whether admission control is
required for access type specified by the AC
parameter (AC BE, AC BK, AC VI, and AC
VO). It is an enumerated type that contains two
options: 0 and 1.
 0: Indicates that admission control is not
required for a type of access.
 1: Indicates that admission control is required
for a type of access.
AIFSN: Specifies the arbitration interframe
spacing number. It is an integer from 1 to 15.
This parameter determines the idle waiting time
of a STA.
NOACKPOLICY: Specifies the ACK policy.
It is an enumerated type that contains two
options: 0 and 1.
 0: Indicates that an ACK message is
 1: Indicates that an ACK message is not
vapconfi vapconfig radio-id The vapconfig radio-id: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
g radio-id vap-id command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
vap-id vap-type create a virtual access GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
vap-type MCS msc point (VAP). vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP, with N an
ESSID bssid integer from 0 to 15 for radio band 0 and 16 to
txpower txpower 31 for radio band 1.
channel channel
vap-type: Specifies the working mode for a
VAP. It is an enumerated type that contains the
following options:
 11A
 11B
 11G
 11NHT20
 11NAHT20
 11NGHT20

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Name Format Function Parameters

MCS: Specifies the MCS for a VAP. It is an
enumerated type that has the following values,
with each represented by a hexadecimal
 11b: 0x1b 0x1a 0x19 0x18
 11ag: 0x0b 0x0f 0x0a 0x0e 0x09 0x0d 0x08
 11n(single-flow): 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x83 0x84
0x85 0x86 0x87
 11n(dual-flow): 0x88 0x89 0x8a 0x8b 0x8c
0x8d 0x8e 0x8f
 11n(triple-flow): 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94
0x95 0x96 0x97
ESSID: Specifies a BSS ID for a VAP. It is a
string of not greater than 32 characters.
txpower: Specifies the transmit power for a
VAP. It is an integer of not greater than 20 for
the 2.4 GHz frequency band and 23 for the 5
GHz frequency band.
channel: Specifies the working channel for a
For the 2.4 GHz frequency band:
 20 MHz: 1-13
 40 MHz-minus: 5-11
 40 MHz-plus: 1-7
For the 5 GHz frequency band:
 20 MHz: 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
 40 MHz-minus: 40, 48, 56, 64, 153, 161
 40 MHz-plus: 36, 44, 52, 60, 149, 157
fatap_sh fatap_show_cfg The fatap_show_cfg -
ow_cfg command is used to
query the configuration
information about a fat

8.7.5 shelltool
To enter the configure view, type shelltool in the main view and press Enter. The commands
described in this chapter are used to debug APs.

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Table 8-11 describes the commands in the shelltool view.

Table 8-11 Commands in the shelltool view.

Name Format Function Parameters

ps ps The ps command is used to query information -

about the system processes.

top top [quit] The top command is used to query information -

about the CPU usage of the system.
The top quit command is used to exit from the
query of information about the CPU usage of
the system.

lsmod lsmod The lsmod command is used to query -

information about the modules that have been
loaded to the Linux kernel.

free free The free command is used to query information -

about memory usage of the system.

arp arp The arp command is used to query information -

about the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) of
the system.

route route [-n|-e] The route command is used to query -

information about the routing table of the
The route-n command is used to query
information about the routing table of the
system, with IP addresses displayed and host
names hidden in the command output.
The route-e command is used to query
information about the routing table of the
system, with the related information displayed
in the command output.

uname uname -a The uname-a command is used to query the -

system information.

8.7.6 debug
To enter the debug view, type debug in the main view and press Enter.
Table 8-12 describes the commands in the debug view.

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Table 8-12 Brief description of the debug view

Name Format Function Parameters

wlanconfig wlanconfig The wlanconfig command is used to -

enter the wlanconfig view.

iwpriv iwpriv The iwpriv command is used to enter -

the iwpriv view.

sysdbg sysdbg The sysdbg command is used to enter -

the sysdbg view.
ifconfig ifconfig The ifconfig command is used to -
enter the ifconfig view.

brctl brctl The brctl command is used to enter -

the brctl view.

apshell apshell The apshell command is used to enter -

the apshell view.

iwconfig iwconfig The iwconfig command is used to -

enter the iwconfig view.
iwlist iwlist The iwlist command is used to enter -
the iwlist view.

stats stats The stats command is used to enter -

the stats view.

dual-image dual-image The dual-image boot-image image-name: Specifies a

boot-image command is used to specify a workspace for the next start-up. It
image-name workspace for the next start-up. is an enumerated type that
contains two options: A and B.
 A: Specifies workspace A for
the next start-up.
 B: Specifies workspace B for the
next start-up.

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Name Format Function Parameters

nettest nettest src dst The nettest src dst [bandwidth | src: Specifies the MAC address of
[bandwidth | stop] [uplink | downlink bidir] the source AP during a test. It is in
delay | stop] [filesize | pkt size pkt send freq the format of
[uplink | pktsend duration] command is to test XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX.
downlink bidir] mesh services by making test calls in dst: Specifies the MAC address of
[filesize | pkt size FTP mode. the destination AP during a test. It
pkt send freq The nettest src dst [delay | stop] is in the format of
pktsend duration] [uplink | downlink bidir] [filesize | XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX.
pkt size pkt send freq pktsend bandwidth: A dialing test for
duration] command is to test mesh mesh services is performed by
services by using the ping command. using file transfer in FTP mode.
delay: A dialing test for mesh
services is performed by using the
ping command.
stop: A dialing test for mesh
services is stopped.
uplink: A dialing test for mesh
services is performed in the
Downlink: A dialing test for mesh
services is performed in the
bidir: A dialing test for mesh
services is performed in both the
downstream and upstream.
filesize: Size of data to be
transferred in the unit of MB
during an FTP dialing test for
mesh services. It can be set to a
number ranging from 1 to 1024.
pkt size: Specifies the size of a
ping packet ping in the unit of byte
during a ping test. It can be set a
number ranging from 20 to 8100.
pkt send freq: Specifies the
packet sending frequency in the
unit of packets per second during a
ping test. It can be set a number
ranging from 1 to 10.
pkt send duration: Specifies
duration of a ping test in the unit
of second. It is an integer from 1
to 360.
icmp_rate icmp_ratemask The icmp_ratemask command is By default, icmp_ratemask is set
mask [ 6160|6168 ] used to set icmp_ratemask to 6160 to 6168. If a UDP scan needs to be
or 6168 to speed up UDP scan. accelerated, set cmp_ratemask is
set to 6160.

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Name Format Function Parameters

set-wdos-t set-wdos-thresho The set-wdos-threshold threshold threshold: Specifies the wireless
hreshold ld threshold command is used to set the wireless DoS attack detection threshold. It
DoS attack detection threshold. is an integer from 1 to 10000.

mesh mesh The mesh command is used to enter -

the mesh view.

To enter the wlanconfig view, type wlanconfig in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-13 describes commands in the wlanconfig view.

Table 8-13 Commands in the wlanconfig view

Name Format Function Parameters

vap-id vap-id vap-index The vap-id vap-index list command vap-index: Specifies
list[ap |sta| chan is used to query information about the ID of a VAP. It
| caps] STAs associated with a VAP. is an integer from 0
The vap-id vap-index listap to 31.
command is used to query the list of
neighboring APs.
The vap-id vap-index liststa
command is used to query
information about STAs associated
with a VAP.
The vap-id vap-index listchan
command is used to query the lists of
channels that can be used by a VAP.
The vap-id vap-index listcaps
command is used to query the
capability of a VAP.

To enter the iwpriv view, type iwpriv in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-14 describes commands in the iwpriv view.

Table 8-14 Commands in the iwpriv view

Name Format Function Parameters

iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_burst get_burst get_burst command is which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
used to query the status of (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
aggregate frame bursting.

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Name Format Function Parameters

This command has two
outputs: 0 (disabled) and 1
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_dutycycl get_dutycycle get_dutycycle command which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
e is used to query (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
information about
smoothed duty cycles for a
radio band. The command
output is an integer
percentage ranging from 0
to 100.
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_cur_duty get_cur_duty get_cur_duty command is which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
used to query information (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
about real-time duty cycles
for a radio band. The
command output is an
integer percentage ranging
from 0 to 100.
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_dwl_stat get_dwl_stat get_dwl_stat command is which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
used to query the sampling (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
cycle for downlink
scheduling (unit: ms).
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_queue_d get_queue_debu get_queue_debug which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
ebug g command is used to query (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
information about queues
in a driver.
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_retrycou get_retrycount get_retrycount command which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
nt is used to query the (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
number of retransmission
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_xretries get_xretries get_xretries command is which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
used to query the number (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
of times transmission fails
due to excessive
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
get_stastats get_stastats get_stastats command is which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
used to query the state of (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
the STA statistics
collection switch.
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at

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Name Format Function Parameters

get_trainstat get_trainstate get_trainstate staMac pad which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
e staMac pad staMac pad command is used to the (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
parameter status staMac: Specifies the MAC address of a
information of the AP with STA in the format of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX,
MAC address specified by with each X representing a hexadecimal
staMac. number.
pad: It is a useless pad parameter, and can
This command is be set to any non-key character. Generally, it
applicable only to the is set to 1.
WA251DT-NE and

iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
getbwstadns getbwstadnspec getbwstadnspec command which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
pec mac-address pad is used to query the state (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
mac-address of the downstream mac-address: Specifies the MAC address of
pad bandwidth limit switch of a STA that has associated with the radio
a STA. This command has band of an AP. It is in the format of
two outputs: 0 (disabled) XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
and 1 (disabled).
pad: It is a useless pad parameter, and can
be set to any non-key character. Generally, it
is set to 1.
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
getbwstadnt getbwstadnthsp getbwstadnthspec which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
hspec ec mac-address mac-address pad (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
mac-address pad command is used to query mac-address: Specifies the MAC address of
pad the threshold of a STA that has associated with the radio
downstream bandwidth band of an AP. It is in the format of
limit for a STA. The XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
command output is in the
unit of kbit/s. pad: It is a useless pad parameter, and can
be set to any non-key character. Generally, it
is set to 1.
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
getbwstaups getbwstaupspec getbwstaupspec which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
pec mac-address pad mac-address pad (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
mac-address command is used to query mac-address: Specifies the MAC address of
pad the state of the upstream a STA that has associated with the radio
bandwidth limit switch of band of an AP. It is in the format of
a STA. This command has XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
two outputs: 0 (disabled)
and 1 (disabled). pad: It is a useless pad parameter, and can
be set to any non-key character. Generally, it
is set to 1.
iwpriv wifiN iwpriv wifiN The iwpriv wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
getbwstaupt getbwstaupthsp getbwstaupthspec which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
hspec ec mac-address mac-address pad (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
mac-address pad command is used to query mac-address: Specifies the MAC address of
pad the threshold of upstream a STA that has associated with the radio
bandwidth limit for a STA. band of an AP. It is in the format of
The command output is in XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.

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Name Format Function Parameters

the unit of kbit/s. pad: It is a useless pad parameter, and can
be set to any non-key character. Generally, it
is set to 1.
show show The show {athN|wifiN} athN: Specifies the name of a VAP, with N
{athN|wifiN} {athN|wifiN} command is used to query an integer from 0 to 31.
the configuration of a VAP wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
or a radio band in the which an AP is working. It can be set to 0
iwpriv view. (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).

To enter the iwconfig view, type iwconfig in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-15 describes commands in the iwconfig view.

Table 8-15 Commands in the iwconfig view

Name Format Function Parameters

show show [vap-id vap-id] The show command is vap-id: Specifies the ID of a
used to query VAP. It is an integer from 0
information about a radio to 31.

To enter the iwlist view, type iwlist in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-16 describes commands in the iwlist view.

Table 8-16 Commands in the iwlist view

Name Format Function Parameters

vap-id vap-id The vap-id [interface] channel interface: Specifies the

[interface] command is used to query the ID of a VAP. It is an
channel available channels and the integer from 0 to 31.
working channel for a radio

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To enter the stats view, type stats in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-17 describes commands in the stats view.

Table 8-17 Commands in the stats view

Name Format Function Parameters

stats80211 stats80211 [athX] The sstats80211 [athX] athX: Specifies the ID of a VAP, with X an
[ type] [type] command is used integer from 0 to 31.
to query statistics of a type: Specifies which statistics are displayed. It
VAP. is an enumerated type that contains two
options: all (all STAs) and stamac (a STA in
the format of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX).

apstats apstats [ grep The apstats command chars: Specifies the character string that is used
chars] is used to query the as a search criterion for searching the required
summary of packets information.
statistics of a VAP and grep: Specifies the information that contains
an AP. the character string specified by chars in the
command output.
athstats athstats The athstats command wifi0/wifi1: Specifies the ID of a radio band. It
[ wifi0/wifi1] is used to query the is an enumerated type that contains two
[ grep chars] details of packet options: wifi0 and wifi1. The default value is
statistics of a VAP. wifi0.
chars: Specifies the character string that is used
as a search criterion for searching the required
grep: Specifies the information that contains
the character string specified by chars in the
command output.

athstatsclr athstatsclr The athstatsclr wifi0/wifi1: Specifies the ID of a radio band. It

[wifi0/wifi1] command is used to is an enumerated type that contains two
clear the packet options: wifi0 and wifi1. The default value is
statistics of a VAP. wifi0.

ethstats ethstats [grep The ethstats command grep: Specifies the keywords with which
chars] is used to query the information will be displayed in the command
packet statistics of AP. output.
chars: Specifies the character string that is used
as a search criterion for searching the required

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To enter the ifconfig view, type ifconfig in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-18 describes commands in the ifconfig view.

Table 8-18 Commands in the ifconfig view

Name Format Function Parameters
show show [-a|interface] The show command is used interface: Specifies the name of a device.
to query information about It is an enumerated type that contains the
devices. By default, this following options:
command queries all active  athX: Specifies the ID of a VAP, with X
devices. a decimal integer from 0 to 31.
The show -a command is  ethX: Specifies the ID of an AP. It is
used to query information fixed to eth0.
about all devices.
 ethX.X: Specifies the ID of an AP using
The show interface VLAN, with the first X fixed to 0 and
command is used to query the second X a decimal integer from 1
information about device to 4094.
 brX: Specifies the name of a bridge,
with X a decimal integer from 0 to
 wifiX: Specifies the ID of a radio band,
with X representing 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5

To enter the apshell view, type apshell in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-19 describes commands in the apshell view.

Table 8-19 Commands in the apshell view

Name Format Function Parameters

get_sys_b get_sys_board_dat The get_sys_board_data -
oard_dat a command is used to query AP
a { board_version|pr information.
oduct_name|boardI The get_sys_board_data
D |electronic_label} board_version command is used
to query the version of an AP.
The get_sys_board_data
product_name command is used
to query the name of an AP.
The get_sys_board_data
boardID command is used to
query the ID of an AP.
The get_sys_board_data

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Name Format Function Parameters

electronic_label command is
used to query the electric label of
an AP.
get_vap_c get_vap_cwp_tunn The get_vap_cwp_tunnel_mode value0: Specifies the ID of a radio
wp_tunne el_mode radio-id command is used to query the band. It can be set to 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1
l_mode value0 vap-id value1 data forwarding mode. (5 GHz).
The get_vap_cwp_tunnel_mode value1: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It
radio-id value0 vap-id value1 is a decimal integer from 0 to 15.
command is used to query the
data forwarding mode of the
specified VAP of radio band 0.
wds_show wds_show_neighbo The wds_show_neighbor radoid: Specifies the ID of a radio
_neighbor r radioID [all] command is used to query SSIDs band. It can be set to 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1
of neighboring APs that work at (5 GHz).
the same frequency band.
The wds_show_neighbor
radioID command is used to
query SSIDs of neighboring APs
that work in WDS mode and at
the same frequency band.
The wds_show_neighbor
radioID all command is used to
query all SSIDs of neighboring
APs that work at the same radio

To enter the brctl view, type brctl in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-20 describes commands in the apshell view.

Table 8-20 Commands in the apshell view

Name Format Function Parameters

show show The show command is used -

to query information about
the working bridge.

showstp showstp bridge The showstp command is brX: Specifies the name of a bridge, with X a
brX used to query information decimal integer from 0 to 4094.
about the STP.
The showstp bridge brX
command is used to query
information about the STP of
the bridge named brX.
showmacs showmacs The showstp command is brX: Specifies the name of a bridge, with X a

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Name Format Function Parameters

bridge brX used to query information decimal integer from 0 to 4094.
about MAC address.
The showmacs bridge brX
command is used to query
the MAC addresses of APs
of the bridge named brX.

To enter the sysdbg view, type sysdbg in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-21 describes commands in the apshell view.

Table 8-21 Commands in the apshell view

Name Format Function Parameters

debug_info debug_info_switc The debug_info_switch module: Specifies the name of a module. It is
_switch h module dbglevel command is used to an enumerated type that has four values:
change a debug switch  CAPWAP
for a module.
The debug_info_switch
module dbglevel
command is used to  PKTERRRATED
change a debug switch  MESHNETTEST
for a module named
module to dbglevel. dbglevel: Specifies the value of a debug
switch. It is a decimal integer from 0 to
get_dhcpsn get_dhcpsnp_user The -
p_user_inf _info get_dhcpsnp_user_info
o command is used to
query information about
DHCP snooping.
get_xdos_i get_xdos_info The get_xdos_info -
nfo command is used to
query information about
flood attacks (a type of
DoS attacks) at the wired
get_igmps get_igmpsnooping The -
nooping_in _info get_dhcpsnp_user_info
fo command is used to
query information about
Internet Group
Management Protocol
(IGMP) snooping.
show_l2_is show_l2_isolation The show_l2_isolation radio: Specifies the ID of a radio band at

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Name Format Function Parameters

olation radio vap command is used to which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
query information about GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
Layer 2 user isolation. vap: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is a decimal
The show_l2_isolation integer from 0 to 15.
radio vap command is
used to query
information about Layer
2 user isolation for STAs
associated with a VAP at
a radio band.
down_link down_link_sched The value: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
_schedule_ ule_mode_debug down_link_schedule_m which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
mode_deb wifi value ode_debug command is GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
ug used to query dynamic
information about
downlink scheduling.
ode_debug wifi value
command is used to
query dynamic
information about Wi-Fi
downlink scheduling.
print_sta_s print_sta_stats The print_sta_stats athX: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is a
tats athX sta-id [clr] athX sta-id command is decimal integer from 0 to 31.
used to query the STA sta-id: Specifies the ID of a STA associated
statistics of a VAP. with a VAP. It is an integer from 0 to 512.
The print_sta_stats
athX sta-id clr command
is used to clear the STA
statistics of a VAP.
print_rate print_rate_info The print_rate_info athX: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is a
_info {athX command is used to decimal integer from 0 to 31.
[sta-id]|wifiX} query rate information. wifiX: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
The print_rate_info which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
athX [sta-id] command is GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
used to query sta-id: Specifies the ID of a STA associated
information about the with a VAP. It is a decimal integer from 0 to
rates of STAs associated 512.
with a VAP.
The print_rate_info
wifiX command is used
to query information
about rates of STAs
associated with APs that
are working at a radio

set_pkt_tr set_pkt_track The set_pkt_track trackMac: Specifies the MAC address of the
command is used to trace STA to be traced. It is in the format of

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Name Format Function Parameters

ack trackMac cmd go-online messages and XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX, with each X
ICMP packets with a representing a hexadecimal digit. When it is
length above 200 bytes set to FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF, the go-online
of a STA. messages and the ICMP packets with a length
above 200 bytes are traced for all STAs.
cmd: It can be set 0 or 1, which represents the
start and end of a tracing task, respectively.

pkt_track_ pkt_track_print The pkt_track_print -

print command is used to list
the STAs to be tracked.
display_ra display_radio_inte The value: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
dio_intellig lligent_sta_node_t display_radio_intellige which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
ent_sta_no able radio-id value nt_sta_node_table GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
de_table command is used to
query information about
the status of the
intelligent load balancing
switch and the collected
STA status information
for a radio band.
radio-id value command
is used to query
information about the
status of the intelligent
load balancing switch
and the collected STA
status information for all
VAPs of a radio band.
display_va display_vap_intell The value0: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
p_intellige igent_sta_node_ta display_vap_intelligent which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
nt_sta_nod ble radio-id value0 _sta_node_table GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
e_table vap-id value1 command is used to value1: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is a
query information about decimal integer from 0 to 15.
the status of the
intelligent load balancing
switch and the collected
STA status information
for a VAP of a radio
radio-id value0 vap-id
value1 command is used
to query information
about the status of the
intelligent load balancing

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Name Format Function Parameters

switch and the collected
STA status information
for a VAP of a radio

get_br_pro get_br_proc_coun The -

c_counter ter get_br_proc_counter
command is used to
query the number of the
frames processed by a
get_br_dro get_br_drop_coun The -
p_counter ter get_br_drop_counter
command is used to
query the number of the
frames discarded by a
reset_br_p reset_br_proc_co The -
roc_counte unter reset_br_proc_counter
r command is used to
zero-clear the frames
processed by a bridge.
reset_br_d reset_br_drop_co The -
rop_counte unter reset_br_drop_counter
r command is used to
zero-clear the frames
discarded by a bridge.
set_atom_i set_atom_ip The set_atom_ip ipaddr: Specifies an IP address in the format
p ipaddr ipaddr command is used to of X.X.X.X, where each X represents a decimal
configure an IP address integer from 0 to 255.
for an atom component.
The set_atom_ip ipaddr
ipaddr command is used
to configure an IP
address for an atom

disable_ipv disable_ipv6 The disable_ipv6 get value: Specifies an IPv6 switch value. It can
6 {get|set value} command is used to be 0 (enabled) or 1 (enabled).
query the status of an
IPv6 switch.
The disable_ipv6 set
value command is used
to configure an IPv6
detect_airp detect_airport The detect_airport radio: Specifies the ID of a radio band. It can
ort {get_para|detect_ command is used to be set to 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
enable radio state| configure interference state: Specifies the status of the interference
{com_threshold|a detection. detection switch. It can be set to 0 (2.4 GHz)

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Name Format Function Parameters

hreshold} radio The detect_airport or 1 (5 GHz).
value} get_para command is value: Specifies the interference threshold. It
used to query is a decimal integer from 0 to 65535.
configurations of
interference detection
The detect_airport
detect_enable radio
state command is used to
enable or disable
interference detection for
a radio band.
The detect_airport
com_threshold radio
value command is used
to configure an
interference threshold.
The detect_airport
adj_threshold radio
value command is used
to configure an
interference threshold.
The detect_airport
sta_threshold radio
value command is used
to configure a STA
interference threshold.
get_rateli get_ratelimit_info The get_ratelimit_info -
mit_info command is used to
query rate limit statistics.
clear_ratel clear_ratelimit_in The -
imit_info fo clear_ratelimit_info
command is used to clear
rate limit statistics.
set_high_p set_high_perform The value: Specifies the value of the high
erformanc ance value set_high_performance performance switch. It is a decimal integer
e value command is used from 0 to 1.
to turn on or off the high  0: High performance switch is turned off.
performance switch in
 1: High performance switch is turned on.
direct forwarding mode.
get_high_p get_high_perform The -
erformanc ance get_high_performance
e command is used to
query the status of the
high performance switch
in direct forwarding

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Name Format Function Parameters

get_period get_period_global The -
_global_inf _info get_period_global_info
o command is used to
query statistics about the
period process.

get_rssi_st get_rssi_stat The get_rssi_stat -

at command is used to
query the signal strength.
get_gas_st get_gas_stat The get_gas_stat -
at command is used to
query hs2.0 generic
advertisement service
(GAS) statistics.

autowds autowds The autowds ShowDig level: Specifies the display level for WDS
{ShowDig command is used to diagnosis information. It is an enumerated
|printLVL level} query the diagnosis type that has four values: 0, 1, 2, and 3.
information about a  0: Indicates that display of WDS diagnosis
WDS network. information is disabled.
The autowds printLVL  1: Indicates that diagnosis information at the
level command is used to error and higher alarm severities is
configure the display displayed.
level for diagnosis
 2: Indicates that diagnosis information at the
information about a
WDS network. warning or higher alarm severities is
 3: Indicates that diagnosis information at all
alarm severities is displayed.

show_radi show_radio_probe The value: Specifies the ID of a radio band. It can

o_probe_r _reply_table show_radio_probe_repl be set to 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
eply_table radio-id value y_table command is
used to query
information about the
status of the intelligent
load balancing switch
and the collected STA
status information in
scenarios where repeated
probing is selectively
y_table radio-id value
command is used to
query information about
the status of the
intelligent load balancing
switch and the collected
STA status information
for all VAPs on a radio

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Name Format Function Parameters

show_vap_ show_vap_probe_ The value0: Specifies the ID of a radio band. It
probe_repl reply_table show_vap_probe_reply can be set to 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
y_table radio-id value0 _table command is used value1: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is a
vap-id value1 to query information decimal integer from 0 to 15.
about the status of the
intelligent load balancing
switch and the collected
STA status information
in scenarios where
repeated probing is
selectively responded.
_table _table radio-id
value0 vap-id value1
command is used to
query information about
the status of the
intelligent load balancing
switch and the collected
STA status information
for a VAP on a radio
get_local_f get_local_fwd_sta The value0: Specifies the ID of a radio band. It
wd_sta_inf _info_by_mac get_local_fwd_sta_info can be set to 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
o_by_mac radio-id value0 _by_mac command is value1: Specifies the MAC address of a STA
stamac value1 used to query the status associated with the AP. It is in the format of
of a STA to which the XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX.
AP sends data in direct
forwarding mode.
get_local_f get_local_fwd_all_ The value0: Specifies the ID of a radio band. It
wd_all_inf info radio-id get_local_fwd_all_info can be set to 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
o value0 vap-id command is used to vap-id: Specifies the ID of a VAP. It is an
value1 query the configurations integer from 0 to 15.
of direct forwarding
parameters of a VAP.
get_mesh_ get_mesh_wds_ba The -
wds_backb ckbone get_mesh_wds_backbo
one ne command is used to
display the MAC address
added to the primary
route on a mesh or WDS
set11NRat set11NRates athN The set11NRates athN athN: Specifies the ID of a vap, with N an
es rate_series rate_series command is integer from 0 to 31.
used to configure a fixed rate_series: Specifies an MSC rate. It is
rate series. 32-bit hexadecimal number of four series,
with each having 8 bits and representing an

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MAC rate.
MCS0-MCS23 corresponds to 0x80-0x97. As
an example, if MCS15 is set to 0x8F and
MCS14 is set t o 8E, the 32-bit hexadecimal
number is 0x8F8F8E8E.
If fixed rate series is enabled, the system
transmits the next frame at the rate specified
by the next rate series if the system does not
receive an ACK message after transmitting a
frame at the rate specified by the first rate
series. If rate_series is set to 0x0, fixed rate
series is disabled, and the system uses the
normal rate selecting algorithm to transmit
In this command, the hexadecimal 32-bit
number needs to be converted into a decimal
integer. For example, 0X8F8F8E8E needs to
be converted into 2408550030.
set11NRetr set11NRetries The iwpriv athN athN: Specifies the ID of VAP, with N being
ies athN retrytimes set11NRetries retrytimes an integer from 0 to 31.
command is used to retrytimes: Specifies the number of
configure the number of retransmission times for each fixed rate series
retransmission times. that is configured by using the iwpriv athN
set11NRates rate_series command. It is
32-bit number of four groups, with each group
corresponding to a fixed rate series.
In this command, the hexadecimal 32-bit
number needs to be converted into a decimal
integer. For example, 0x04040202 needs to be
converted into 67371522.
dbgLVL dbgLVL athN The dbgLVL athN value athN: Specifies the ID of a VAP, with N an
value command is used to integer from 0 to 31.
configure the low-order value: Specifies the low-order 32 bits of a
32 bits of a VAP debug debug switch for a VAP. It is a 32-bit binary
switch. integer, with each bit representing a switch for
debugging a function.
 0: The corresponding VAP debug switch is
turned off.
 1: The corresponding VAP debug switch is
For details about mapping between a bit and
the function, see the driver codes.
A decimal value is required in this command.
ATHDebu ATHDebug wifiN The ATHDebug wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
g debug-level debug-level command is which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
used to configure an GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
ATH driver debug debug-level: Specifies a debug switch of an

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switch. ATH driver. It is a 32-bit binary integer, with
each bit representing a switch for debugging a
The binary integer or the equivalent
hexadecimal number needs to be converted
into the decimal number in this command. As
an example, if debuglevel is set to
0x80000020, enter 2147483680 in this
rateTxCM rateTxCM wifiN The rateTxCM wifiN wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
value value command is used which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
to configure STA TX GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
chain mask. The STA value: Specifies the state of the STA TX chain
TX chain mask indicates mask. It can be set to 0, 1, and 2:
the number of flows and
 0: STA TX chain mask is not used.
the RF channels for a
transmission.  1. STA TX chain mask is enabled for
VHVH antennas.
 2. STA TX chain mask is enabled for
VHVV antennas.

stastats stastats wifiN The stastats wifiN value wifiN: Specifies the ID of a radio band at
value command is used to turn which an AP is working. It can be set to 0 (2.4
on or turn off the STA GHz) or 1 (5 GHz).
statistics switch. value: Specifies the state of the STA statistics
switch. It can be set to 0 (ON) or 1 (OFF).
show_softg show_softgre_tun show_softgre_tunnel_st -
re_tunnel_ nel_stat at
stat command is used to get
the statistics of softgre

set_5g_pre set_5g_prefer_dbg The value0: Specifies the debug level. It is an

fer_dbgmo mod dbglvl value0 set_5g_prefer_dbgmod enumerated type that contains the following
d command is used to decimal integers:
configure the debug 0: The level is restored to the default value.
switch of the 5G
preference module. 1: The probe packet processing procedure is
2: Configurations are printed.
3: The trace node management process is
4: All processes are printed.
show_rfid_ show_rfid_prefer The show_rfid_prefer -
prefer command is used to
query the configurations
and statistics of the 5G
preference module.
internal_re internal_reset internal_reset wifiN: wifiN: specifies the RF name. The value of N

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set wifiN used to support hot reset can be 0 (2.4 GHz) or 1 (5.8 GHz).
for chips.

To enter the mesh view, type mesh in the debug view and press Enter.
Table 8-22describes commands in the apshell view.

Table 8-22 Commands in the mesh view

Name Format Function Parameters

show show { neighbor The show neighbor -

| link radio_id | command is used to query
config |portal | the neighboring APs on a
proxy |route | mesh network.
statistic | } The show link_radio-id
command is used to query
the mesh links.
The show config command
is used to query the mesh
The show portal command
is used to query the gateway
The show proxy command
is used to query the mesh
proxy table.
The show route command is
used to query the mesh
routing table.
The show statistics
command is used to query
the statistics on a mesh
debug_inf debug_info_swit The Debug info switch value: Specifies the display level for
o_switch ch value value command display level diagnosis information about a mesh network.
for diagnosis information It is a decimal integer from 0 to 4294967295.
about a mesh network.

8.8 Querying Associated STAs

 Query the number of devices associated with AP 10.
<MAG9811>display station assoc-num ap 10

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Number of stations: 1
 Query information about the devices associated with AP 10, such as their MAC
addresses and SSIDs.
− Radio-id 0 indicates that the information about 2.4-GHz radio profile of the AP is
− Radio-id 1 indicates that the information about 5-GHz radio profile of the AP is
<MAG9811>display station assoc-info ap 10 radio 0
60d8-19c8-1651 10 0 101 huawei

8.9 Configuring AP Self-Healing Time

The AP self-healing time is configured so that an AP automatically restarts if it does not carry
services for a certain period.
This helps a faulty AP that cannot provide services to work properly again.
The following describes how to configure AP self-healing time.
Step 1 Enter the AP profile.
[MAG9811]wlan ac
[MAG9811-wlan-ac-view]ap-profile name profile0

Step 2 Configure self-healing time for an AP. The value in units of hours ranges from 12 to 120, with
the default of 0.
[MAG9811-wlan-ap-prof-profile0]idle-reset-time 12


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A Appendix

This chapter is a complement to this document and describes how to connect terminals to an

A.1 Wireless NIC Configuration on a Computer

To connect a computer to a wireless local area network (WLAN), for example, a Wi-Fi
network, ensure that the computer is configured with a wireless network interface card (NIC).
Before connecting the computer to a WLAN network, configure wireless NIC by following
the instructions below:
This section uses a laptop configured with a wireless NIC and running Windows XP as an
The steps for configuring a wireless NIC on a computer are as follows.
Step 3 Click Start, select Control Panel and then Network Connections.
Step 4 In the displayed window, right-click wireless and choose Properties from the shortcut menu,
as shown in Figure A-1.

Figure A-1 Network connection

Then, the wireless Properties window is displayed, as shown in Figure A-2.

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Figure A-2 Configuring wireless properties

Step 5 On the General tab page, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click Properties.
Then, the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window is displayed, as shown in Figure

Figure A-3 Configuring an IP address for a wireless NIC and DNS server

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Step 6 On the displayed page as shown in Figure A-3, choose Obtain an IP address automatically
and Obtain DNS server address automatically and click OK.

In this step, you can also configure a specific IP address and DNS server address in the Use the
following IP address and Use the following DNS server addresses panes.

Step 7 On the Wireless Networks tab page, choose the Use Windows to configure my wireless
network settings check box, and check for the target SSID in the Preferred networks option
box, as shown in Figure A-4.

Figure A-4 Configuring a WLAN network

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Step 8 If the target SSID is not listed, click Add to add it.
Then, the Wireless network properties window is displayed.
Step 9 On the Association tab page as shown in Figure A-5, enter the SSID in the Network name
(SSID) text box, specify Network Authentication and Data encryption, and then enter the
network key in Network key and Confirm network key text boxes, and then click OK.

Figure A-5 Adding a wireless network

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The SSID is case-sensitive and needs to be the same as that configured on the terminal.
In this example, the network name or SSID is auto-tool-wap2, and the terminal works in WPA-PSK
encryption mode and the network key is 12345678.

Step 10 In the displayed wireless Properties window, click View Wireless Networks, as shown in
Figure A-6.

Figure A-6 Completing the task of adding a wireless network

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Then, the wireless window is displayed again, shown in Figure A-7.

Step 11 In the displayed wireless window, check for the added SSID. If the added SSID is not found,
click Refresh network list on the left side.
Step 12 Choose the added SSID, and click Connect on the bottom.

Figure A-7 Checking for the added wireless network

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Step 13 In the displayed dialog box as shown in Figure A-8, enter the network key in Network key
and Confirm network key text boxes. Then, click Connect.

Figure A-8 Connecting a WLAN network

If the status of the wireless network is Connected as shown in Figure A-9 in a few seconds
later, the terminal successfully connects to the wireless network.

Figure A-9 Connected to a wireless network

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A.2 Wireless Configuration on a Mobile Phone (Android)

To connect a mobile phone to a WLAN (Wi-Fi) network, ensure that Wi-Fi is enabled on the
Before connecting the phone to a WLAN (Wi-Fi) network, perform wireless configurations
by following the instructions below.
This section takes the Android, which is the mainstream operating system of mobile phones,
as an example. User interfaces illustrated in this document are for your reference only.
The steps for enabling WLAN on an android mobile phone are as follows:
Step 1 Press the Home button to enter the main menu of the mobile phone.
Then, the main menu of the mobile phone is displayed, as shown in Figure A-10.
Step 2 On the main menu of the mobile phone, touch Settings.

Figure A-10 Main menu on an android phone

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Then, the Setting page is displayed, as shown in Figure A-11.

Step 3 In the displayed Setting page, touch Wireless & networks.

Figure A-11 Setting page on an Android phone

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Then, the Wireless & networks page is displayed, as shown in Figure A-12.
Step 4 In the displayed Wireless & networks page, touch WLAN settings.
If the WLAN check box is light blued, WLAN is already enabled and Step 5 is not required.

Figure A-12 Wireless & networks page on an Android phone

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Then, the WLAN settings page is displayed, as shown in Figure A-13.

Step 5 In the displayed WLAN settings page, touch the WLAN check box to enable WLAN on the
mobile phone.
Once WLAN is enabled, the mobile phone starts to scan for available wireless network.

Figure A-13 WLAN settings page on an Android phone

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A.3 Verification Procedure for a Terminal to Access an AP

This section describes the verification procedure for a terminal to access an AP through
different authentication modes: PEAP and SIM.
This section uses an Android phone as an example. User interfaces illustrated in this
document are for your reference only.

A.3.1 Verification Procedures in PEAP Authentication Mode

Step 1 Press the Home button to enter the main menu of the mobile phone.
Then, the main menu of the mobile phone is displayed, as shown in Figure A-14.
Step 2 On the main menu of the mobile phone, touch Settings.

Figure A-14 Main menu on an android phone

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Then, the Setting page is displayed, as shown in Figure A-15.

Step 3 In the displayed Setting page, touch Wireless & networks.

Figure A-15 Setting page on an Android phone

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Then, the Wireless & networks page is displayed, as shown in Figure A-16.
Step 4 In the displayed Wireless & networks page, touch WLAN settings.
If the WLAN check box is light blued, WLAN is already enabled and Step 5 is not required.

Figure A-16 Wireless & networks page on an Android phone

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Then, the WLAN settings page is displayed, as shown in Figure A-17.

Step 5 In the displayed WLAN settings page, touch the WLAN check box to enable WLAN on the
mobile phone.

Figure A-17 WLAN settings page on an Android phone

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After the scanning is complete, SSIDs of the available wireless networks are displayed, as
shown in Figure A-18.
Step 6 In the searched SSID list under Networks, touch xiansim, as shown in Figure A-18.

Figure A-18 Wi-Fi settings page on an Android phone

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Then, the EAP method page is displayed, as shown in Figure A-19.

Step 7 On the EAP method page, touch PEAP.

Figure A-19 EAP method page on the mobile phone

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Then, the xiansim page is displayed as shown in Figure A-20.

The PEAP configuration items include EAP method, Phase 2 authentication, CA certificate,
and User certificate.

Figure A-20 Configuration items for PEAP

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Step 8 Configure xiansim by following the configurations shown on Figure A-21 and Figure A-22.

In this step, Figure A-21 and Figure A-22 are the same displayed page for configuring the xiansim.
Enter the WLAN account (phone number) and password (service password of the phone number) in the
identity and password text boxes in Figure A-22 and touch Save.
When the WLAN account and password are entered, the Connect button is replaced by the Save button.
After the Save button is touched, the Connect button shows again.

Figure A-21 Configurations for xiansim (a)

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Figure A-22 Configurations for xiansim (b)

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Then, the phone starts to connect to the wireless network, as shown in Figure A-23.

Figure A-23 Connecting to the target wireless network

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If the status of the xiansim network is Connected in a few seconds as shown in Figure A-24,
the mobile phone successfully connects to the AP through PEAP authentication.

Figure A-24 Connected to the target wireless network

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A.3.2 Verification Procedures for SIM-based Authentication

For details about steps 1 through 5 for verifying the access of a mobile phone to an AP, see
Step 1 through Step 5 for the verification procedures in PEAP authentication mode.
This section uses a GSM Android phone as an example. User interfaces illustrated in this
document are for your reference only.
Step 6 On the EPA method page, touch SIM, as shown in Figure A-25.

Figure A-25 Verification for SIM-based authentication

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Then, the mobile phone starts to connect the wireless network, as shown in Figure A-26.

Figure A-26 Connecting to the target network through SIM verification

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If Status of the xiansim network is Connected, the mobile phone successfully connects to the
target network, as shown in Figure A-27.

Figure A-27 Connected to the target network through SIM verification

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For a UMTS android mobile phone, touch AKA on the EAP method page. The method for a UMTS
android phone to connect a wireless network is the same as that for a a GSM phone.


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B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Full Name Definition


AC Access Controller A device that controls and manages all associated access
points (APs) in a WLAN. An AC can work with the
authentication server to provide the authentication service for
WLAN users.
AP Access Point A device that bridges a STA to a WLAN and converts radio
frames from a STA into Ethernet frames and converts Ethernet
frames from the WLAN into radio frames.
CAPWAP Control And A protocol that defines how communication is implemented
Provisioning of between an access point (AP) and an access controller (AC)
Wireless Access and provides a universal encapsulation and transmission
Points mechanism for the interoperation between the AP and the AC.
CAPWAP tunnel – A tunnel transmitting management packets and data packets
between the AC and the AP when the AP is registering with
the AC. The management packets exchanged between the AC
and the AP must be encapsulated in the CAPWAP tunnel for
transmission. This means that a CAPWAP management tunnel
needs to be set up, and such a tunnel requires no additional
hardware. Whether the data packets exchanged between the
AC and the AP need to be encapsulated in the CAPWAP
tunnel depends on actual configuration scenarios. If yes, a
CAPWAP data tunnel needs to be set up between the AC and
the AP. This tunnel requires additional hardware, which
implements tunnel encapsulation and decapsulation. If no, data
packets of the AP are directly forwarded.
OPEN-SYS Open system –
VAP Virtual Access Point –
VLAN Virtual Local Area –
Authentication and

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Acronyms and Full Name Definition

Privacy Infrastructure
WEP Wired Equivalent –
WLAN Wireless Local Area –
WMM Wi-Fi Multimedia A wireless QoS protocol used for guaranteeing preferential
Wi-Fi transmission for the packets with a higher priority. With the
WMM protocol, applications (such as voice and video) enjoy a
better quality over the wireless network.
WPA Wi-Fi Protected A wireless security protocol replacing WEP and aiming to
Access provide more powerful security performance for the IEEE
802.11 WLAN. WPA is a subset of IEEE 802.11i, whose core
is IEEE 802.1x and TKIP.

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