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Construction Method Statement

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The document discusses the construction method statement for exploration works at Preston New Road, including site access, earthworks, and environmental controls.

Environmental management controls discussed include dust management, archaeological investigations, lighting, wheel washing, and controls for noise and visual impacts.

Waste will be segregated into separate skips and transported off-site by a licensed carrier for disposal or recycling. Concrete washout will be contained and removed for treatment. Monthly waste reports will monitor recycling levels.

Preston New Road Exploration Site Construction

Method Statement

Appeal# APP/Q2371/W/15/3134386 Lancashire Application# LCC/2014/0096

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Appeal# APP/Q2371/W/15/3134386 Lancashire Application# LCC/2014/0096

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Construction Method Statement

Management n/a Doc
System: Reference:

Approver: Project Manager Version No: Issue 1.0

Environmental Compliance
Reviewer: Date of Issue: October 2016
Advisor, Legal team

Planning, Permitting & Proposed

Author: Environmental Manager date of n/a
Version Section Revision Information Date Reviser
All October Planning, Permitting &
1.0 Published Document
2016 Environmental Manager

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1.0 Scope and Purpose of Construction Method Statement (“CMS”) ....................................... 4
2.0 Induction & Pre-start Planning ............................................................................................ 8
3.0 Construction Management .................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Site Accommodation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Access off A583 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Security Fencing.......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Main Earthworks.......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Sound Barrier Wall ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13

4.0 Environmental Management Controls ............................................................................... 14

4.1 Dust Management ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Archaeological Investigations ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Lighting ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
4.4 Wheel Washing and Site Cleaning .............................................................................................................................................. 21
4.5 Waste (Scheme for Recycling and Disposal) .............................................................................................................................. 22
4.6 Watercourse and Drainage ......................................................................................................................................................... 23

Appendix A: Site Drawings & Construction Drawings ................................................................... 25

Appendix B: Top Soil..................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix C: Security & Acoustic Fence Drawings ....................................................................... 27
Appendix D: National Grid Entrance ............................................................................................. 28
Appendix E: Dust Monitoring Locations ........................................................................................ 29
References ................................................................................................................................... 30

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1.0 Scope and Purpose of Construction Method Statement (“CMS”)

The purpose of the CMS is to describe the method of site construction work for Cuadrilla Bowland
Ltd (Cuadrilla) Preston New Road exploration site development. The CMS identifies a number of
planning conditions applicable to the phase of operation and how they will be complied with on
site. Supplementary management plans support the CMS and will be referenced for further
information. These include the following plans

 Arup: Traffic Management Plan;

 Arup: Biodiversity Mitigation Strategy;
 Arup: Landscape Management Plan;
 Arup: Noise Management Plan;
 Construction Method Statement; and
 Cuadrilla’s Complaint Procedure

This CMS has primarily been prepared in accordance with the requirements of condition 12 of the
planning permission issued by the Secretary of State on 6th October 2016. This states:

“No development hereby approved shall commence until a Construction Method Statement for
the construction phase of the access and the site has been submitted to, and approved in writing,
by the County Planning Authority. The Statement shall provide for:

a. The location of parking of all vehicles of site operatives and visitors (on
b. The erection and maintenance of security and noise fencing;
c. A scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from construction
work (there shall be no burning on site);

The approved Construction Method Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction
phase of the site.”

The CMS has also been prepared to address the requirements of the following conditions. Table
1 below provides a reference to planning conditions and where the relevant information can be
found within the CMS.

Table 1: CMS and Planning Conditions Index

Planning Condition Section of CMS

Condition 4 Appendix A

The development shall be carried out, except where modified by the conditions to this
permission, in accordance with the approved plans received by the Director of Planning and
Environment on 2 June 2014:
• PNR-EW-001 Location Plan
• PNR-EW-002 Location Plan: Surface works
• PNR-EW-003 Parameter Plan
• PNR-EW-004 Parameter Plan: Sections

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Planning Condition Section of CMS

Condition 8 Section 3.0

No part of the development hereby approved shall commence until a scheme for the
construction of the site access works to Preston New Road and internal site access road
(which shall provide details of the construction of the access points to the main site access
and to the occasional access for National Grid and shall include details of width of access,
surfacing, kerb radii, visibility splays retaining as much of the existing hedgerows as possible,
fencing, gates, soil stripping, storage and drainage) have been submitted to, and approved in
writing by the County Planning Authority. The site access works shall be completed in
accordance with the approved scheme, details and plans prior to the commencement of the
development of the site access road and exploratory works compound.

Condition 10 Section 4.4

No part of the development hereby approved shall commence until details of the location (and
which shall be within the planning application boundary), design and specification of wheel-
cleaning facilities or other measures to prevent the tracking out of material or debris onto the
public highway have been submitted to, and approved in writing by the County Planning
Authority. The wheel cleaning facilities or other measures approved pursuant to this condition
shall be installed and thereafter maintained in working order and be used by all Heavy Goods
Vehicles leaving the site throughout the construction and restoration phases of the site to
ensure that no debris from the site is deposited by vehicle wheels upon the public highway.
Throughout the operational life of the site, the access road shall be maintained in a way to
prevent the tracking out of material or debris onto the public highway.

Condition 12 Section 3 & 4.5

No development hereby approved shall commence until a Construction Method Statement for
the construction phase of the access and the site has been submitted to, and approved in
writing, by the County Planning Authority. The Statement shall provide for:

a. The location of parking of all vehicles of site operatives and visitors (on site);
b. The erection and maintenance of security and noise fencing;
c. A scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from construction work (there
shall be no burning on site);

The approved Construction Method Statement shall be adhered to throughout the

construction phase of the site.

Condition 15 Section 3
Appendix B
All available topsoil and subsoil shall be stripped from any part of the access road, site
compound and interconnections to the national gas and water grids before that part is
excavated or is traversed by heavy vehicles, or before plant or machinery, or roads, buildings,
plant yards or stores are constructed on it. All stripped topsoil and subsoil shall be stored in
separate mounds within the areas identified on plan no PNR-EW-001 for their use in the
restoration of the site.

Condition 16

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Planning Condition Section of CMS

No topsoil’s or subsoils shall be exported from the site.

Condition 17

All topsoil and subsoil mounds shall be graded and seeded within one month of their
construction and thereafter retained in a grassed, weed free condition throughout the duration
of the development pending their use in the restoration of the site.

Condition 19 Section 3.0

Site construction and restoration including:

 Delivery or removal of materials,
 Construction of the site access and compound
 Installation of the interconnections to the national gas and water grids
 Works associated with the delivery and removal of plant and equipment associated
with all drilling and extended flow testing of gas monitoring works during the
exploration and appraisal phases of the site

Permitted Hours of work: 07.30 to 18.30 hours Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays)
08.30 to 12.00 hours on Saturdays (except Public Holidays) Not permitted Sundays or Public

Condition 23 Section 3.0

All foul drainage shall be discharged to a sealed watertight tank fitted with a level warning
device to indicate when the tank needs emptying. Upon emptying the contents of the tank
shall be removed from the site completely.

Condition 24 Section 3.0

Buffer zones with a width of not less than 1m shall be maintained between the perimeter
mounds or edge of the drilling compound and the site perimeter ditches within which there
shall be no vehicle movements, storage of materials, excavation, or other construction

Condition 32A Section 4.1

Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed dust management plan for the access
and site construction, interconnections to the national gas and water grids and restoration of
the site and access phases of the site shall be submitted to the County Planning Authority for
approval in writing. The dust management plan shall include details of the equipment to be
used, location of such equipment, details of how dust is to be monitored and the results to be
made available to the County Planning Authority. Monitoring shall be carried out and the
results of such shall be submitted in writing to the County Planning Authority in accordance
with the approved management plan.

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Planning Condition Section of CMS

The approved dust management plan shall be adhered to throughout the development of the
access and site construction interconnections to the national gas and water grids and
restoration of the site and access phases of the site and restoration phases of the site.

Condition 33 Section 3.0

Prior to the commencement of each phase specified in condition 3, a scheme for the
lighting/floodlighting of the site must be submitted to the County Planning Authority and
approved in writing for that phase. The scheme for each phase shall include details of:
a) Type and intensity of lights;
b) Types of masking or baffle at head;
c) Type, height and colour of lighting columns;
d) Location, number and size of lighting units per column;
e) Light spread diagrams showing lux levels at the site boundary and calculation of the
impact of these on nearby residential properties;
f) The maximum hours of employment of the proposed lighting relative to the proposed
nature of the operations.

Thereafter the lighting/floodlighting shall be erected and operated in accordance with the
approved scheme throughout the operational life of the relevant phase.

Condition 34 Section 3.0

No development shall commence until details of the colours of the external cladding or finish
of the acoustic fencing, sand silos, flare stacks and drilling rig have been submitted to and
approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The details shall provide for the colour
finish to be a single or combination of browns, greens and greys.
The fencing, sand silos, flare stacks and drilling rig shall be painted in the approved colours
prior to or within 2 weeks of their arrival on site and thereafter maintained in the same
colour(s) throughout their presence on the site with the exception of plant and equipment
required for short durations associated with well operation activities.

Condition 34A

No corporate logos of any nature shall be displayed on any of the plant and equipment that
would be visible above the height of the acoustic fencing or on the acoustic fencing, security
fencing or access gates to the site.

Condition 36 Section 3.0

Appendix C
Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme identifying the height, location and
appearance of any security fencing which may be required to be installed on the site shall be
approved by the County Planning Authority. It shall not include fencing of more than 4.5m in
height. Only security fencing in the approved scheme shall be erected on the site. Any
security fencing installed shall be removed upon the conclusion of site decommissioning.

Condition 43 Section 4.2

No development shall commence until a scheme for archaeological work in accordance with

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Planning Condition Section of CMS

a written scheme of investigation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the
County Planning Authority. The archaeological work contained in the approved scheme shall
be undertaken during all soil stripping exercises.

The following appendices are referred to within the CMS:

Appendix A: Site Drawings
PNR-EW-001 Location Plan
PNR-EW-002 Location Plan: Surface works
PNR-EW-003 Parameter Plan
PNR-EW-004 Parameter Plan: Sections
PNR-ARP-CH-011 Access Junction General Arrangement, Tracking and Visibility
PNR-ARP-CH-013 Access Junction Landscaping and Pavement Construction
PNR-ARP-CH-015 Access Road Cross Sections and Long Section
PNR-ARP-CH-018 Compound Construction Landscaping
PNR-ARP-CH-019 Compound Construction Earthworks
PNR-ARP-CH-023 Surface Water Drainage
Appendix B: Arup Soil Handling For Clients & Contractors
Appendix C: Security & Acoustic Fence Drawing
PNR-ARP-CH-020 Compound and Access Road Details
Appendix D: National Grid Entrance
Appendix E: Dust Monitoring Locations

2.0 Induction & Pre-start Planning

Before the construction works begin the construction contractors operational team will attend a
HSE contractor on-boarding session organised by Cuadrilla as part of the site induction.
Once the contractor has been on-boarded construction operations can begin. During the pre-start
planning stage the Site Manager will liaise with the statutory undertakers and undertake a desk
study to identify all known underground and overhead services. Prior to any excavation works
being undertaken the Site Manager will arrange for Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Surveys
and CAT scan surveys to be carried out by trained operatives to locate buried services.
Trial trenches and trial holes will be excavated by hand dig, in accordance with HSE Publication
HSG47 “Avoiding danger from underground services”, prior to any mechanical excavation to
locate and positively identify known buried services. This procedure will also locate and positively
identify any services not indicated during the desk study but subsequently located during the
GPR Surveys and Cable Avoidance Tool (“CAT”) scans.
Buried services identified will be recorded on “As Built” record drawings.

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3.0 Construction Management

All construction and restoration operations will be carried out in only within with the following
Monday to Friday 07:30 to 18:30 hours and Saturday 08:30 to 12:00 hours. No work shall place
on Sundays or public holidays.
The construction works will be undertaken as outlined in the CMS and in accordance with the
approved plans referred to in condition 4:

• PNR-EW-001 Location Plan

• PNR-EW-002 Location Plan: Surface works
• PNR-EW-003 Parameter Plan
• PNR-EW-004 Parameter Plan: Sections

3.1 Site Accommodation

The following site offices and welfare cabins will be provided throughout the duration of the
construction works comprising the following facilities:

• Rest facilities for up to seven staff and operatives

• Table and chairs
• Hot and cold water provision
• Microwave oven and kettle
• 240v electric points
• Fully flushing WC in private toilet area
• Washing, changing and drying facilities
• Storage area
• Generator
• Fuel, Water and Waste storage

Welfare facilities will be sealed with a watertight tank with level warning device. All foul drainage
with be vacuum sucked and taken off site for disposal to a permitted waste treatment facility by
an authorised waste carrier.

3.2 Access off A583

Access to the proposed location of the well pad is off the public highway Preston New Road, Little
Plumpton. Provision will be made within the site boundaries to avoid the need for delivery
vehicles to be stacked/parked on Preston New Road or any of the surrounding roads.

The access road will be 8.0m wide at the entrance reducing to 4.0m after approximately 50m
from the tie-in with Preston New road as detailed on plan PNR-ARP-CH-011. This will enable two
way traffic flow at the site entrance. Once past the 50m tie with Preston New road the access
track tapers down to a single lane. Approaching the well pad the site access reopens to a 8m
wide road to accommodate two way traffic movement. Once the existing services have been
located and protected where applicable then the existing kerbs and verge will be removed to

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allow the access point to be constructed. The access will be created by importing, placing and
compacting layers of 6F5 to the design levels as indicated on the plan PNR-ARP-CH-011.
Placing and compaction will be undertaken fully in accordance with Series 600 of The
Specification for Highway Works (“SHW”). Due to the variability of the quality of 6F5 and the
permissible constituents as defined by the SHW no demolition material or recycled aggregates
will be used and that all 6F5 material will be crushed quarried aggregate. The access road will
utilise natural percolation into the ground to drain surface water.

Kerbs will be laid to the new access junction alignment using mechanical lifting equipment to
reduce the impact of manual handling injuries.

Following installation of the kerbs MOT Type 1 subbase will be imported, placed and compacted
to the detail as shown on drawing PNR-ARP-CH-013. Compaction will be with an appropriately
sized vibrating twin drum roller, typically a Bomag 120 or similar, operated by a competent
operative with the appropriate CPCS qualification. The base course and binder course will be
machine laid by a specialist surfacing contractor to levels determined from the newly installed
kerb lines. The surface course will not be laid until all construction works have been completed to
avoid damage to the permanent works.

The initial enabling works activities will be undertaken with welfare provided via a mobile welfare
van until such stage that the works compound has been established and secured. The welfare
van will have a sealed watertight tank with level warning device.

A temporary compound for welfare and car parking will be established. All vehicles will be
situated on an impermeable membrane to protect the soil. The location of the temporary parking
will be located adjacent to the construction area. No vehicles will be parked on the A583 or
verges unless required for temporary construction activity purposes e.g. unloading materials or

Existing hedgerow and trees will be removed by a specialist landscape contractor. Removal of
tress and hedges will be conducted fully in accordance with the Biodiversity Mitigation Strategy
and Landscape Management Plan to provide visibility splays for safe access and egress of the

Following completion of the temporary site compound, site access junction and wheel washing
facilities the works will commence on the main access road. Topsoil will be stripped using tracked
excavators with topsoil formed into bunds and treated as described above. The topsoil strip will
be undertaken prior to any construction traffic being permitted on the area in accordance with
Landscaping, Biodiversity and Archaeological requirements. The access road will be excavated
to formation with spoil loaded into dumpers for deposition in temporary stockpiles adjacent to the
side of access road for re-use. The access road will be constructed in accordance with drawing
PNR-ARP-CH-015 with imported MOT Type 1 subbase placed and compacted in layers.

For occasional visit by National Grid they would utilise the entrance outlined in Appendix D. The
entrance uses an existing gated entrance and kerb radii along the A583. The access track would
comprise of a gravel track from the gated entrance to the national grid compound. Soil stripped
for the excavation of the access track will be stored on site surrounding the national grid
compound with natural percolation for drainage.

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3.3 Security Fencing

Once the access road has been constructed up to the perimeter of the proposed well pad location
a temporarily fenced off area using 2.0m high, anti-climb, Heras type fencing or equivalent which
will be double clipped and braced in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Twenty four hour manned security will be provided.

A specialist fencing contractor will attend site to begin erection of the main security fence.

The proposed fencing will be as detailed on drawing PNR-ARP-CH-020 and is to be 4 metres in

overall height. A 1.2 metre high post and wire fence (stock proof fence) will also be installed
around the well pad.

The security fencing will be made up of a 2.4 metre high standard prison mesh fence at the
bottom with the top 1.6 metres made up of a “Powerfence” system. The system will be zoned to
allow for activation at the upper and lower fence levels independently and also to allow the
system to be de-energised by area and zone for servicing or repairs. The fence will secure the
entire perimeter of the site but not the access track.

The security fence will be subject to ongoing regular inspections to ensure the fence remains in
good condition. Any defects identified shall be reported to the Site Manager and subsequently
raised with the installer to repair the defect.

The security fence will not display any corporate logos. The appearance of the security fence is
shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: Indicative photos of the security fence.

3.4 Main Earthworks

On completion of the temporary site compound the main earthworks operations will be
undertaken. The topsoil will be stripped and stored for re-use in covered subsoil mounds as per

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PNR-EW-001. Where topsoil storage is anticipated to be in excess of one month then the bunds
will be treated with herbicide and grass seeded by a specialist landscape contractor as required.
All material will be appropriately bunded in a suitable part of the site as indicated on drawings
PNR-ARP-CH-018 to 020 and in accordance with the ARUP “Soil Handling Guidance for Clients
and Contractors”. Topsoil will be stripped from the initial section of the access junction and
access road as well as from the proposed construction compound area using a tracked
excavator. All topsoil will remain on site within the site boundaries. The topsoil will be stored in
shaped bunds approximately 4.0m high.

Concurrently to the topsoil strip a geotextile, e.g. Terram 1000, will be laid before placing a
200mm layer of MOT Type 1 subbase to form temporary hard standing for welfare and car
parking. Sufficient parking spaces will be provided for the anticipated numbers of staff, operatives
and visitors; approximately 15 vehicles. Segregated pedestrian walkways will be provided within
the temporary site compound using proprietary pedestrian barriers to separate vehicles and
pedestrians. A temporary site welfare and accommodation compound for welfare and car parking
shall be established. All vehicles will be parked on the temporary stoned geotextile area. The
location of the parking area will be situated adjacent to the main site works. No vehicles will be
parked on the A583 or verges.

Once the topsoil strip is completed the cut/fill operation will be undertaken using trained and
competent operatives. Line and level for all earthworks will be controlled by a site engineer using
a combination of traditional profiles and batter rails together with laser levels and GPS assisted
location. The subsoil will be excavated and placed into areas of fill or perimeter bunds as detailed
on drawings PNR-ARP-CH-018 to 020. Subsoil previously excavated and stored during
construction of the access road will be re-excavated and used in construction of the fill areas and
perimeter bunds as necessary.

Working concurrently with the earthworks operations will be the installation of the drainage
system, including headwalls, manholes and valves which will be undertaken by experienced
groundworks operatives. Drainage will be installed in accordance with drawing PNR-ARP-CH-

Following the completion of the earthworks and hardstanding the groundworks operatives will
undertake the construction of the concrete works to the well pad and drilling cellar.

The areas will be excavated and trimmed to formation with the membrane and blinding concrete
placed immediately. The membrane will be lapped and joined with the membrane below the
hardstanding in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Competent steel fixers
will fix the required rebar/mesh with competent joiners fixing the formwork. Bases and kickers will
be formed and poured initially with the walls following on immediately after stripping the
base/kicker formwork.

All earthworks materials and compaction will comply with series 600 of the Specification for
Highway Works. Material will be in accordance with Specification for Highways Works Table 6/1
and compaction will be undertaken using appropriate plant in accordance with Table 6/4.

Geogrid layers, membranes will be placed and MOT Type 1 subbase will be imported, placed and
compacted on the prepared earthworks formation to form the finished hardstanding area. Type 1
subbase will be in accordance with clause 803 of the Specification for Highway Works and will be
compacted using appropriate plant in accordance with Table 8/4 of the Highway Specification.

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The works area will include a 1.0m buffer zone around the perimeter of the site. No storage of
plant or materials will be permitted within the buffer zone. The buffer will be demarcated using
Netlon type fencing (or similar) mounted on steel fence pins. Post installation of the membrane,
fence pins would be prohibited. Either chapter 8 barriers or equivalent barrier system would be
used or a demarcation line identified on the pad stone.

3.5 Sound Barrier Wall

The installation of the sound barrier wall could be constructed either before, concurrently or on
completion of the earthworks and hardstanding. The sound barrier wall will be 4 metres high with
razor wire attached to the outside facing top of the fence as detailed on drawing PNR-ARP-CH-
020. The colour of the sound barrier wall will be painted in accordance with the Landscape
Management Plan without any corporate logos.

The acoustic fence will be subject to ongoing regular inspections to ensure the fence remains in
good condition. Any defects identified shall be reported to the Site Manager and subsequently
raised with the installer to repair the defect. The appearance of the sound barrier wall is shown
below in figure 2.

Figure 2 Indicative Appearance of Sound Barrier Wall

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4.0 Environmental Management Controls

This section of the CMS provides environmental control measures to be employed during the
construction phase of the development and to satisfy planning conditions.

4.1 Dust Management

The management of dust will be carried out in accordance with IAQM guidance.

The dust management plan shall apply to all stages as outlined in condition 32A; site
construction, interconnections to the national gas and water grids and restoration of the site and
access phases.

As per planning condition the table below identifies equipment to be used during the construction
and restoration of the site (including national grid and water mains connection). Due to the
mobility of the plant and equipment the location will vary depending on the tasks being carried out
by the plant.

Table 2: List of construction equipment

Access Road & Site Pad/ National Grid Connection & Waste Mains
Tracked Excavator (71t)
Dump Truck
Tracked Excavator (22t)
Vibratory Roller
Wheel Wash
Wheeled Mobile Crane
Diesel Generators
Small tools
Welfare Unit
Source: Arup May 2014, Environment Statement

The following dust mitigation measures will be adopted at the site:

 Review existing baseline dust data;

 Workforce education regarding dust impacts and mitigation measures;
 Display contact information as per complaints procedure for the community to raise dust
 Undertake daily onsite and offsite inspections, where receptors including roads are
present, to monitor dust, record inspections results, and make inspection records
available to local county planning authority;
 Plan site layout so machinery and dust generating activities are located away from
receptors as far as possible;
 Inspect and log sources of dust and potential receptors during construction phase;

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 Set appropriate speed limits (10mph) for site vehicles to minimise dust generation;
 Keep surfaces swept and damp down with water at regular intervals during dry weather;
 Minimise drop heights into haulage vehicles and dumpers;
 Ensure cutting and grinding operations are adequately shielded or wetted;
 Sheet over lorries carrying dry materials to or from site;
 Use the dry wheel wash, for appropriate vehicles;
 Store fine dry materials in containers or provide adequate protection from the wind;
 Position stockpiles away from residential areas or watercourses;
 Clean up or damp down any spillage of dry dusty materials;
 Erect screens or sheeting around dusty activities;
 Regularly remove waste material from site;
 Notify a line manager if work activities are causing poor air quality;
 Burning materials on site is prohibited;
 Avoid using poorly maintained plant;
 Avoid dry sweeping of large areas;
 Turn plant and vehicles off when not in use; and
 Follow up complaints in accordance with the procedure.

A 12 month baseline of dust monitoring has been collected surrounding the site. The baseline will
provide a reference point to identify elevations during the site construction activity.

Dust monitoring points will be established on all sides of the works area which includes the main
site build and water grid connection. See Appendix E for details.

Depositional Gauges (“DGs”) will be deployed around the site as part of a multifunctional dust
monitoring stations previously used at Preston New Road (PNR) to record the air quality
baseline. These multifunctional monitoring stations facilitate the direct measurement of several
parameters at one fixed location. Deposition (dust fall) rate at a particular location is measured by
placing a Frisbee dust gauge in the horizontal plane to collect dust particles as they are deposited
out of the air and onto the surface of the Frisbee gauge. The inverted Frisbee gauge is mounted
horizontally on a pole approximately 1.75m-2.5m above the ground.

Directional depositional records the quantity of particles travelling past a particular location in a
given time is termed dust flux. This will be measured by placing a sampling device in the vertical
plane to capture the dust as it passes by in a particular direction.

The dust flux is expressed in units of mass per unit area in the vertical plane per unit time, e.g.
milligrams per square metre per day (mg m -2 day-1), although metrics other than mass (e.g.
staining effect) can also be measured.

Directional adhesive dust flux gauges take the form of an adhesive strip system which measures
the soiling of a white adhesive surface over a known period and gives a measurement of the
deposition (as percentage Effective Area Coverage (%EAC) per day) using a reflectometer.

PM₁₀ & PM₂.₅ i.e. particulates with a diameter of 10 microns or less and particulates with a
diameter of 2.5 microns or less are measured utlising the DG station but they operate via the use
of a gravimetric pump.

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The pump effectively draws in air through a filter head containing filter paper of a known weight
(this varies per filter with each individual weight recorded) for a known period of time (usually
24hrs) at a known rate (10 l.min-1). The filter paper is then re-weighed with the weight difference
providing the ambient air concentration (following calculation).

The below summary table provides directional and depositional dust sampling methodology and

Table 3: Dust Monitoring Methodology

Measured Sampling Sampling Period Analysis Detection Limit

Parameter Method Method
Depositional Dust Combined 1 Month Gravimetric & 1mg
Frisbee Dust reflectance
Deposition &
Adhesive Strip FD01
PM10 Dust Pumped 24 hours Gravimetric 5ug
PM2.5 Gravimetric MORD2

In the unlikely event of a complaint resulting from dust emissions, the complaint will be managed
in accordance with Cuadrilla’s Complaints Procedure.

For the installation of the national grid connection the location of the works is to be constructed at
a distance which would render the existing dust monitoring points ineffective. A further dust
monitoring station will be deployed 2 months before installation works commence and will be
maintained during the construction works of the national grid connection. The location of the
monitoring station will be located to the west of the national grid connection compound between
the site works and the nearest receptor. The dust mitigation measures outlined previously in bullet
points, where appropriate, shall be utilised to control dust during the national grid compound

The results of the dust monitoring will be made available to County Planning Authority on a
monthly basis. The report will identify the previous month’s dust data benchmarked against
baseline data.

4.2 Archaeological Investigations

A trained and competent archaeologist will be present on site with a watching brief during all soil
stripping operations.

Excavation will be undertaken utilising a (typically) 30T excavator fitted with a range of buckets,
including a wide toothless bucket. A 9T dumper will be used for the management of arising. One
archaeologist will be deployed to supervise each mechanical excavator engaged with ground
reduction; no intrusive machine work will be carried out in the absence of an archaeologist.

Operating under the supervision of a competent archaeologist, the excavation gang will lift and strip

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surfaces and overburden deposits in a systematic, logical manner and in line with Appendix B “Soil
Handling Guidance”. As far as is reasonable and practical, the machine will use long, shallow
sweeps of the bucket to remove materials in successive level spits of a depth of approximately
200mm or less across as wide an area as possible. The supervising archaeologist will ensure that,
where practicable, the excavator does not rut, compact or otherwise damage buried or exposed
archaeological features and deposits by crossing previously stripped areas or by digging too deep
across a limited area. All machine stripping will be carried out at a speed which will leave a good
standard of finished surface, i.e. a smooth, even and clean surface, with a minimum of smearing,
polishing and rutting. If in the unlikely event of remains being encountered the archaeologist has
the authority to stop machinery operating and investigate the remains.

All arising will be appropriately bunded in a suitable part of the site as indicated on drawings PNR-
ARP-CH-018 to 020. Bunds will be sealed at a safe height and angle of repose.

Supervised stripping will proceed in successive spits until whichever of the following is encountered
• the uppermost horizon of significant archaeological remains;
• the base of the compound construction level;
• the base of any service or drainage runs and pit excavations; or
• the upper surface of the natural geology.

Once groundworks reach the natural geology no further archaeological works within that area will
be required and groundworks in that area will resume unmonitored. At this stage bulk earthworks
operations will be undertaken to excavate to formation level and place geotextiles and fill materials.

The stripped areas, including the edges if necessary, will be inspected for archaeological remains
and, if required, they will be cleaned sufficiently to enhance the definition of features. Mechanically
excavated spoil will be monitored in order to recover artefacts that will assist in meeting the aims
of the project, before being removed to a designated storage area.

During supervision of the mechanical excavation, should archaeological remains be identified, the
archaeologist will stop the machine so that they can examine what has been revealed. In the very
rare event that the findings are extremely fragile, the archaeologist may cease excavation within
that part of the site. The archaeological features or deposits will be demarcated with Netlon fencing
or candy tape. The archaeologist will inform the contractor, Cuadrilla, and County Planning
Authority of the discovery of the features. Ordinarily, the archaeologist will utilise the machine to
strip the soil from around the feature of archaeological interest, gradually expanding this area until
the limits of the archaeological find are defined.

At the end of each day the archaeologist will provide a report on the progress of the archaeological
works, including information on progress and findings, together with any other salient information.

Following a review of the findings it may be necessary to undertake some form of further
archaeological investigation of some of the remains identified within the site footprint in order to
mitigate any damage associated with the construction works.

Any sampling will be appropriate and proportional to the importance, quantity, and complexity of
the archaeology exposed, as well as its perceived research value. The following sections are
typical, provisional, methodologies which can be adopted once Lancashire County Archaeological
Service (“LCAS”) and Cuadrilla have agreed the full scope of works associated with any sample

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Any archaeological investigation will be designed to recover data sufficient to allow for
“preservation by record” as a form of mitigation, and establish the extent, date, character and
significance of the archaeological remains. The primary aims would be:
• to characterise the overall nature of the archaeological resource and to understand the
process of its formation;
• to create a detailed plan of all archaeological features;
• to establish the character of those features in terms of cuts, soil matrices and interfaces;
• to establish in outline a dated sequence of structures and/or deposits and thus to define
changes in site organisation over time; and
• to recover, where appropriate, representative ecofactual and palaeoenvironmental
samples to provide evidence of function and past land use.

Selected archaeological deposits, features, and/or structures will be excavated to the extent that
they are sufficiently characterised and understood, particularly in terms of extent, date and function;
this will involve cleaning and excavating a representative range of components.

Cut features identified against the edges of the excavation will not be excavated below a safe
working limit unless it is confirmed by LCAS that they are of exceptional importance. Should any
particularly deep-cut feature, such as a well pit, be revealed this will be manually excavated to a
safe working limit. Thereafter, if LCAS wishes to see the further excavation of any such feature,
this could be achieved by reducing the general area of the feature (i.e. a 1m 'cordon') using a
machine to allow further safe manual excavation.

All information identified in the course of the site works will be recorded stratigraphically, using a
system, adapted from that used by Centre for Archaeology Service of English Heritage, and in
accordance with CIfA standards (2008b), with sufficient pictorial record (plans, sections, and
photographs) to identify and illustrate individual features. Primary records will be available for
inspection at all times.

All finds will be exposed, lifted, cleaned, conserved, marked, bagged and boxed in accordance with
the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation (“UKIC”) First Aid For Finds, 1998 (new edition) and
the recipient museum's guidelines, likely to be the Museum of Lancashire. All identified finds and
artefacts will be retained, although certain classes of building material can sometimes be discarded
after recording if an appropriate sample is retained on advice from the recipient museum’s archive

Any gold and silver artefacts recovered during the course of the excavation will be removed to a
safe place and reported to the local Coroner according to the procedures relating to the Treasure
Act, 1996. Where removal cannot take place on the same working day as discovery, suitable
security will be employed to protect the finds from theft.

Any human remains uncovered will be left in situ, covered and protected. No further investigation
will continue beyond that required to establish the date and character of the burial. Cuadrilla, LCAS,
and the local Coroner will be informed immediately. If removal is essential, the exhumation of any
funerary remains will require the provision of a Ministry of Justice licence, under section 25 of the
Burial Act of 1857. It is likely that the discovery of human remains will necessitate a revision to this
project design and to the proposed resources. The removal of human remains will be carried out
with due care and sensitivity under the environmental health regulations.

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The recovery of adequate samples of environmental material can provide useful information for an
understanding of processes acting upon the site and for placing the site within a wider ecological
context. Bulk sediment samples of approximately 40 litres will be collected from any suitable
(undisturbed, uncontaminated and of non-modern origin) deposits or features of demonstrable
anthropological origin for the recovery of plant and faunal remains.

Reporting will be undertaken in two sub-stages. The first will comprise the compilation of the
Watching Brief Findings Report. This will comprise a brief overview of the findings, a summary of
the collated archive, a rapid assessment of the analytical potential of the different elements of the
archive, and a proposal and programme for any appropriate analysis..

The second stage will involve the complete results of the investigation, including any analysis
undertaken, will be presented within a Site Summary Report. All reports will be submitted to the
County Planning Authority.

4.3 Lighting

It is proposed to limit the all construction work (well pad and site access) as far as possible to
daylight hours, however, should the programme dictate working outside summer months then
temporary, localised task lighting along with localised lighting for walkways will be used. The lighting
will be low powered and restricted to the task area. No light spill shall be allowed above the
horizontal plane. On deployment of the task lighting a visual check will be conducted to ensure that
lighting spill is not impacting or in the direction of sensitive receptors. A curfew of 19:00 hours will
be set to turn off task based lighting to ensure operational staff can leave the site in a safe manner.
ILP Guidance Notes For The Reduction of Obtrusive Light (GN01:2011) recommends a curfew
23:00 hours when not specified.

As outlined within Appendix O of the Environmental Statement, O1.2 (Arup 2014) temporary task
lighting specifications are as follows:

• SMC ECO 90 mobile lighting tower

• Mast – Maximum Height (metres): 9010mm, zinc plated consisting of a grey colour mast
• Mast Rotation: 360º
• Lamp Specification: 4 x 400W 230v metal halide
• Lamp Control: 12v 45º movement actuator which is adjustable to ensure the lamp can
be directed to the correct position

The location of the task based lighting will move to meet the construction needs. Therefore task
lighting will be temporary and of a short duration not requiring fixed columns. As a result the spread
of light will be consistent with the findings established within the Environment Statement. The task
based lighting will have a source intensity of 5 kilocandelas (kcd) and will not exceed the pre curfew
limits of source intensity as defined in ILP GN01.

Table 4 provides further mitigation measures to manage the SMC ECO 90 mobile lighting tower to
ensure that the positioning of the lighting does not go above the horizontal plane.

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Table 4 : Examples of typical mitigation measures as recommended by ILP GN01.

The following mitigation measures will be applied during the construction phase:

• Where possible minimise the height of lighting towers (to approximately 6m);
• Use the site cabins etc. to provide shielding of the lighting from beyond the site;
• All lighting will be aimed to where it is required utilising;
• Adhere to ILP/ CIE guidance; and
• Use the lowest power sources as reasonably practicable

Security Lighting
Twenty four hour security will be deployed during the construction of the site. The security team
will utilise torches for routine patrols and working at night. Task lighting maybe utilised outside
curfew hours to manage security incidents to ensure the incident is managed in a safe and efficient
manner. Cuadrilla will track and record the use of task lighting and justification for its deployment
outside curfew hours. The lighting will be deployed to focus on the task and where possible be
below the horizontal plane.

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4.4 Wheel Washing and Site Cleaning

Once the new access has been surfaced a wheel cleaning facility will be installed immediately
beyond the surfaced area. This is identified in drawing PNR-ARP-CH-013. A dry wheel wash
system will be installed on the outbound lane of the new access road which all delivery wagons
will have to drive over prior to leaving site during the construction phase.

The dry wheel wash unit uses a bar system which provides efficient wheel cleaning along with
environmental benefits, e.g. no waste water, no diesel use, no concrete sump installation, no
queues of vehicles waiting for the jet wash.

The wheel wash will be monitored by a trained operative to ensure that wagons are suitably clean
to exit onto the public highway. The wheel wash is easily maintained and cleaned by lifting the
unit, using the lifting points along the sections and removing the debris with a site based loading
shovel or bucket. The dry wheel wash system will be monitored and cleaned out at least weekly
or more often if required.

As a precaution a road sweeper will be kept on standby to ensure that in the unlikely event of
debris or mud being deposited on the A583 then it will be cleared as soon as practicable. Site
representatives will conduct daily visual checks during construction to monitor tracked mud being
taken onto the public highway to inform whether a road sweeper is needed.

The dry wheel wash will typically be as shown in the photograph in figure 3. A standard system is
approximately 20m long, with 2 x 3m on/off ramps and 2 x 7m centre sections and can clean up
to 15 vehicles per hour if necessary.

Figure 3: Indicative photo of proposed wheel wash

Once constructed the well pad and access road will be a combination of tarmac surface and
aggregate. This will mitigate against mud and debris being tracked out onto the public highway.
Regular visual inspections of the highway will form part of ongoing compliance checks conducted
by operations during the lifecycle of the project.

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4.5 Waste (Scheme for Recycling and Disposal)

Waste will be managed in accordance with the waste management hierarchy, shown in figure 2
providing the best environmental option for disposing waste generated.

Figure 2: Waste Management Hierarchy

The list of waste expected to arise during construction are provided in Table 5 to be completed by
the contractor on site:

Table 5: List of Construction Waste

Date of Review:
List of EWC Estimated Actual Quantity Comments: % sent
Waste Code Quantity Generated (tonnes) Deviations from for
(tonnes) (calendar months) estimated recycling
1 2 3 Total quantity

Vegetation 17 09 04 40 To be completed on site To be

completed on
Concrete 17 01 01 2 To be completed on site To be
completed on
Mixed 17 09 04 32.2 To be completed on site To be
completed on
Construction site
Various 13 07 03* 1 To be completed on site To be
completed on
Waste Oils site
Other Waste Please Please insert To be completed on site To be
insert on site on site completed on
Streams: site

Source: Appendix Q Environmental Statement– Resource and Waste, Arup, May 2014

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Waste generated during the construction phase will be recorded per calendar month. Generated
waste data will be sourced from Waste Transfer Notes and Consignment Notes. The waste
contractor will provide a monthly report to Cuadrilla identifying the final location of the waste
disposal and the percentage sent for recycling. Each month the waste generated will be
examined to ensure it remains relevant, percentage levels going to recycling, ways to minimise
waste generated and ways to improve waste management. The results of the review will be
communicated to site operatives via tool box talks and site briefings.

To support the goal of achieving high levels of waste going to recycling, the site will contain an
area dedicated to waste disposal. Separate labelled skips, covered and lockable, will be provided
for individual waste streams e.g. office & welfare waste, timber, scrap metal, rubble etc. The
purpose of segregating waste streams at source is to support the objective of recycling waste
streams and preventing cross contamination. All waste will be transported by a licensed waste
carrier to permitted waste disposal or recycling facilities.

A wash out area will be provided to allow concrete wagons to clean down prior to leaving site.
The wash out area will be a visqueen lined skip situated on an impermeable membrane. Wash
water will be left to settle and removed from site in tankers to a licensed recycling facility.
Concrete remaining in the skip will be removed from site for crushing and recycling.

4.6 Watercourse and Drainage

All surface water (this does not include foul drainage which will be managed in compliance with
condition 23) collected in the perimeter ditch and liquid waste streams will be transported off site
for disposal to a permitted waste treatment facility. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the
Environment Agency the site will not discharge from site from the drainage system.

Fuel storage and refuelling will be conducted in a dedicated bunded area a minimum of 10m
away from any drain or watercourse. The following control measures will be installed at site:
 Site Manager shall be responsible for overseeing and controlling the keys to the refuelling
area to prevent unauthorised access;
 Briefing of environmental controls to all personnel for managing refuelling at site;
 All refuelling activities will be fully supervised;
 Trained spill responders on site;
 Fuel to be stored in a lockable, double bunded bowser;
 Bund area to have a capacity of at least 110% of the maximum capacity of the bowser or
double skinned;
 Spill kits to be available at the refuelling area and inspected regularly;
 Drip trays/plant nappies to be available at the point of transfer of fuel/oil;
 All mobile plant to carry a spill kit appropriate to the type and size of plant;
 Static plant to be sited on drip trays or, ideally, plant nappies;
 Arrangements in place for a third party spill contractor to respond to spillages in the
unlikely event the local controls cannot handle the spill; and
 Mobile plant to be returned to the site compound, or made secure, at the end of each shift
to prevent unauthorised access.

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Any chemicals or raw material stored on site will be managed in accordance with the COSHH
(Control of Substances hazardous to Health) Data Sheets. A purpose built, lockable COSHH
store will be sited on an impermeable membrane to manage all chemicals.

Bulk deliveries of raw materials will be stored in a dedicated COSHH area. Liquid raw materials
will be sited on an impermeable membrane to prevent leaks or spills contaminating the soils. The
Site Manager will be responsible for the management of the COSHH area. As per the storage of
fuel, spill kits and trained operatives will manage the storage of chemicals and raw materials.
Where required sheeting may be deployed over raw materials to prevent damage from the
weather subsequently preventing leaks, drips or dust emissions from storage of powder

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