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.Study of Mechanical Properties of Concrete With Zeolite Powder and Steel Slag

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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2019 IJESC

Research Article Volume 9 Issue No.11

Study of Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Zeolite Powder and

Steel Slag
V. Sai Madhusudhan1, K. Madhavi Latha2
M.Tech Student1, Assistant Professor2
Department of Civil Engineering
G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, India

This study aims to investigate mechanical properties of concrete containing zeolite powder and steel slag.The goal of this study is to
determine the optimum replacement proportions of zeolite powder for cement and steel slag for coarse aggregate.The entire study is
done in three phases. In the first phase, cement is replaced with zeolite powder in the incremental proportions of 5%, 10 %, 15 % and
20 % in concrete. From this, optimum percentage of zeolite powder in place of cement corresponding to maximum compressive
strength is identified. The results indicated that up to 10 % replacement of cement with zeolite powder in concrete, bothcompressive
strengthand split tensile strength increased. In the second phase, coarse aggregate is replaced with steel slag in the incremental
proportions of 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 % and 25 % in concrete. From this, optimum percentage of steel slag in place of coarse aggregate
corresponding to maximum compressive strength is identified. The results indicated that up to 20 % replacement of coarse aggregate
with Steel slag in concrete, both compressive strength and split tensile strength increased. In the third phase, keeping the optimum
percentage replacement of Zeolite powder in place of cement constant at 10 %, coarse aggregate is replaced with Steel slag in
incremental proportions of 10%, 20% and 30 % in concrete. From this, optimum percentage of replacement corresponding to
maximum compressive strength is identified. The results indicated that at 10 % replacement of cement with zeolite powder and 20 %
replacement of coarse aggregate with steel slag, maximumcompressive strength was achieved.

Keywords: Zeolite powder, Steel slag, Compressive strength, Split tensile strength.
1.INTRODUCTION: Al2O3in zeolite chemically combine with calcium hydroxide
produced by hydration of cement to form additional C-S-H gel
Concrete is a widely used construction material for various types and aluminates. As a result, the micro-structure of hardened
of structures due to its properties like high strength and durability. cement concrete is improved and the concrete becomes more
Cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water are the main impervious. This leads to increase in strength of concrete. Steel
components of concrete. In spite of the advantages of concrete, slag is a byproduct steel making which is produced during
there are some concerns regarding applications of concrete. separation of molten steel from impurities in steel making
Manufacturing of Portland cement results in emission of CO2. furnaces. The slag occurs as a molten liquid melt and solidifies
This causes environmental pollution. So, reducing the use of upon cooling.Steel slag is hard, dense, abrasion resistant and
cement can be considered as a solution towards sustainable dark colored material. Steel slag aggregate has rough surface,
development. Supplementary cementitious materials such as crushed shape and higher porosity. This could lead to a better
natural pozzolans can be used as partial replacement of cement. mechanical interlock with cement paste which improves
This reduces the emission of CO2. Aggregate constitute up to 70 transition zone in concrete and increases compressive strength.
% of concrete volume. Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate are
1.1 Objectives:
obtained naturally. In India, there is great demand of aggregate
 The main objective of this project is to investigate the
for construction purposes. Natural resources are depleting. So,
effect of partial replacement of cement with zeolite powder and
there is strong need to use alternative materials in place of natural
coarse aggregate with steel slag on compressive strength and
aggregate. Use of certain industrial waste materials as partial
split tensile strength of concrete.
replacement of aggregate reduces the consumption of natural
resources and also helps in safe disposal of these waste materials.  Identification of the optimum percentage of
Natural Zeolite is an excellent supplementary cementitious replacement of cement with zeolite powder in concrete
material. Like other pozzolanic materials, replacement of cement corresponding to maximum compressive strength.
by natural zeolite can improve the mechanical properties of  Identification of the optimum percentage of
cement and concrete composites. Natural zeolite has three replacement of coarse aggregate with steel slag in concrete
dimensional frame-structure and is classified as a hydrated corresponding to maximum compressive strength.
aluminosilicate of alkali and alkaline earth cations. The 2.MATERIALS:
advantageous properties of zeolite are regular structure, large
inner specific surface area, uniform size pores and good thermal The following materials have been used to prepare the
stability. Natural zeolite contains large quantities of reactive specimens
SiO2 and Al2O3. The large quantities of reactive SiO2 and  Ordinary Portland Cement

IJESC, November 2019 24032 http://

 Coarse Aggregate chemical composition of cement and zeolite is listed in the
 Fine Aggregate following table-4.
 Water
 Super Plasticizer Table.4. Chemical composition of Cement and Zeolite
 Zeolite Powder
 Steel Slag
2.1.Properties of Materials:

2.1.1. Ordinary Portland Cement:

Birla A-1 cement of 53 grade was used in this study.The results
of the tests conducted on cement are presented in the following

Table.1. Physical properties of Cement

Properties Results
Specific gravity 3.15
Initial setting time 35 min
Final setting time 140 min
Standard consistency 32 % 2.1.5. Steel slag:
Fineness 4% Steel slag is hard, dense, abrasion resistant and dark colored
material. Steel slag aggregate has rough surface, crushed shape
2.1.2. Coarse aggregate: and higher porosity. Steel slag used in this study was obtained
Coarse aggregate used in this study was obtained from locally from Chennai. The results of tests conducted on steel slag are
available source. The maximum size of coarse aggregate was 20 listed in the following table-5.
mm. The results of tests conducted on coarse aggregate are listed
in the following table-2. Table.5. Properties of Steel slag
Properties Steel slag
Table.2. Physical properties of Coarse aggregate
Properties Results Specific gravity 2.43
Bulk density 1430 Kg/m3 Bulk density 3

Specific gravity 2.76 855 kg/m

Water absorption 0.5%
Impact value 16.83%
Crushing value 11.23 %
Impact value 11.3 % Crushing value 14.36%
Elongation index 20.34%
Flakiness index 16.95 % Fineness Modulus 4.04

2.1.3. Fine aggregate:

Fine aggregate conforming to zone II was used in this study. 2.1.6. Super plasticizer:
This was obtained from a locally available source. The results of The super plasticizer used in this study was Glenium B233. It is
tests conducted on fine aggregate are listed in the following based on polycarboxylic ether. This product has been primarily
table-3. developed for applications in concrete where highest durability
and performance is required.
Table.3. Physical properties of Fine aggregate

The entire study is done in three phases. In the first phase,

cement is replaced with zeolite powder in the incremental
proportions of 5%, 10 %, 15 % and 20 % in concrete. From this,
optimum percentage of zeolite powder in place of cement
corresponding to maximum compressive strength is identified.
In the second phase, coarse aggregate is replaced with Steel slag
2.1.4. Zeolite powder: in the incremental proportions of 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 % and 25
Natural zeolite is an excellent supplementary cementitious % in concrete. From this, optimum percentage of steel slag in
material. Natural zeolite has three dimensional frame-structure place of coarse aggregate corresponding to maximum
and is classified as hydrated aluminosilicate of alkali and compressive strength is identified. In the third phase, keeping
alkaline earth cations. Zeolite powder used in this study was the optimum percentage replacement of zeolite powder in place
obtained from Bethamcherla of Kurnool district. Comparison of of cement constant at 10 %, coarse aggregate is replaced with

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Steel slag in incremental proportions of 10%, 20% and 30 % in corresponding to maximum compressive strength is identified.
concrete. From this, optimum percentage of replacement
Phase –II:
3.1 Mix Proportions: In this phase,coarse aggregate is replaced with steel slag in
The grade of concrete used in this study was M-40. The mix incremental proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25 %. The
proportions of materials used in the study are listed in the mix proportions of materials used in this phase are listed in the
following tables. table-7.

Phase-I: Phase –III:

In this phase,cement is replaced with zeolite powder in In this phase,replacement of cement with zeolite is kept constant
incremental proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The mix at 10 % and coarse aggregate is replaced with steel slag in
proportions of materials used in this phase are listed in the table- incremental proportions of 10%, 20%, and 30%. The mix
6. proportions of materials used in this phase are listed in the table-

Table.6. Mix proportions of concrete mixes made by replacing Cement with Zeolite powder
Mix Cement Cement Zeolite Fine Coarse Water Super
Designation replacement aggregate aggregate plasticizer

M-40 0% 340 kg/m3 0 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1337 kg/m3 136 1.7 liters/m3

M-1 Zeolite-5 % 323 kg/m3 17 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1337 kg/m3 136 1.7 liters/m3

M-2 Zeolite-10 % 306 kg/m3 34 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1337 kg/m3 136 1.7 liters/m3

M-3 Zeolite-15 % 289 kg/m3 51 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1337 kg/m3 136 liters/ 1.7 liters/m3

M-4 Zeolite-20 % 272 kg/m3 68 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1337 kg/m3 136 1.7 liters/m3

Table.7. Mix proportions of concrete mixes made by replacing Coarse aggregatewith Steel slag
Mix Coarse aggregate Cement Fine Coarse Steel slag Water Super
Designation replacement aggregate aggregate plasticize

M-40 0% 340 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1337 kg/m3 0 kg/m3 136 1.7
liters/m3 liters/m3

M-5 Steel slag-5 % 340 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1270.15 kg/m3 66.85 kg/m3 136 1.7
liters/m3 liters/m3

M-6 Steel slag -10 % 340 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1203.30 kg/m3 133.70 kg/m3 136 1.7
liters/m3 liters/m3

M-7 Steel slag -15 % 340 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1136.45 kg/m3 200.55 kg/m3 136 1.7
liters/m3 liters/m3

M-8 Steel slag -20 % 340 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1069.60 kg/m3 267.40 kg/m3 136 1.7
liters/m3 liters/m3

M-9 Steel slag – 25% 340 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1002.75 kg/m3 334.25 kg/m3 136 1.7
liters/m3 liters/m3

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Table.8. Mix proportions of concrete mixes made by replacing Cement with Zeolite powder and Coarse aggregate with Steel
Mix Cement Coarse Cement Zeolite Fine Coarse Steel Water Super
designation replacement aggregate aggregate aggregate slag plasticizer
M-40 0% 0% 340 0 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1337 0 136 1.7
kg/m kg/m3 kg/m3 liters/m3 liters/m3
M-10 Zeolite Steel slag 306 34 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1203.30 133.7 136 1.7
-10 % -10 % kg/m kg/m3 kg/m3 liters/m3 liters/m3

M-11 Zeolite Steel slag 306 34 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 1069.6 267.4 136 1.7
-10 % -20 % kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 liters/m3 liters/m3
M-12 Zeolite Steel slag 306 34 kg/m3 714 kg/m3 935.9 401.1 136 1.7
-10 % -30 % kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 liters/m3 liters/m3

4. TESTS AND RESULTS: Variation of split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing
cement with zeolite powder is shown in the following table-10.
Compressive strength test and split tensile strength test were
conducted on concrete specimens in all the three phases of study
Table.10. Split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing
and the results are listed in the following tables and graphs.
cement with zeolite powder
Phase-I: 2
In this phase, concrete specimens are prepared by replacing Mix 28 days strength (N/mm )
cement with zeolite powder. Compressive strength test and split M-40 3.75
tensile strength test are conducted on these concrete specimens M-1 3.82
and the results are compared with the results of conventional M-2 4.03
concrete specimens Variation of compressive strength of M-3 3.68
concrete made by replacing cement with zeolite powder is shown
M-4 3.60
in the following table-9.
Variation of split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing
Table.9. Compressive strength of concrete made by replacing cement with zeolite powder is shown in the following figure-2.
cement with zeolite powder

4.1 4.03
split tensile strength

3.9 3.82
3.8 3.75
Variation of compressive strength of concrete made by replacing
cement with zeolite powder is shown in the following figure-1.
60 55.55 3.4
50.66 3.3
50 44.44 45.48 44.88 M-40 M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4
compressive strength

40 37.18 35.11 mix

30 28 days
20 Figure.2. Split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing
cement with zeolite powder
10 Phase-II:
In this phase, concrete specimens are prepared by replacing
0 coarse aggregate with steel slag. Compressive strength test and
M-40 M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 split tensile strength test are conducted on these concrete
7 days mix
28 days specimens and the results are compared with the results of
conventional concrete specimens. Variation of compressive
Figure.1. Compressive strength of concrete made by strength of concrete made by replacing coarse aggregate with
replacing cement with zeolite powder steel slag is shown in the following table-11.

IJESC, November 2019 24035 http://

Table.11. Compressive strength of concrete made by 4.6
replacing coarse aggregate with steel slag
7 days strength 28 days strength
2 2
Mix 4.38
(N/mm ) (N/mm ) 4.4
M-40 37.18 50.66
M-5 37.62 51.11
4.2 4.17
M-6 39.25 54.96

split tensile strength

M-7 40.59 57.77
M-8 41.33 60.59 4 3.96

M-9 35.85 48.14

3.8 3.75
Variation of compressive strength of concrete made by replacing 3.68
coarse aggregate with steel slag is shown in the following figure-

60.59 3.4
60 54.96
50.66 51.11
compressive strength

50 3.2
40.59 41.33
37.62 39.25 M-40 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9
40 37.18 35.85
30 28 days

Figure.4. Split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing
10 coarse aggregate with steel slag

0 Phase-III:
M-40 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9 In this phase, concrete specimens are prepared by replacing
cement with zeolite powder and coarse aggregate with steel slag.
7 days 28 days Compressive strength test and split tensile strength test are
conducted on these concrete specimens and the results are
Figure.3. Compressive strength of concrete made by compared with the results of conventional concrete specimens.
replacing coarse aggregate with steel slag Variation of compressive strength of concrete made by replacing
cement with zeolite powder and coarse aggregate with steel slag
Variation of split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing is shown in the following table-13.
coarse aggregate with steel slag is shown in the following table-
12. Table.13. Compressive strength of concrete made by
Table.12. Split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing replacing cement with zeolite powder andcoarse aggregate
coarse aggregate with steel slag with steel slag
2 7 days strength 28 days strength
Split tensile strength (N/mm ) 2 2
Mix Mix
(N/mm ) (N/mm )
M-40 3.75
M-40 37.18 50.66
M-5 3.82
M-6 3.96 M-10 41.18 56.74
M-7 4.17
M-11 43.11 61.33
M-8 4.38
M-9 3.68 M-12 32.44 46.07

Variation of split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing

coarse aggregate with steel slag is shown in the following Variation of compressive strength of concrete made by replacing
figure-4. cement with zeolite powder and coarse aggregate with steel slag
is shown in the following figure-5.

IJESC, November 2019 24036 http://

4.1. Discussion of Results:
61.33 • In phase – I, the compressive strength and Split tensile strength
compressive strength
60 56.74 increased gradually up to 10 % replacement of cement with
50.66 zeolite powder. The maximum compressive strength obtained
50 46.07
41.18 43.11 was 55.55 N/mm2 at 10 % replacement of cement with zeolite
40 37.18 powder. This was 9.65 % more when compared to conventional
32.44 mix.The maximum Split tensile strength obtained was 4.03
30 N/mm2 at 10 % replacement of cement by zeolite powder. This
20 was 7.46 % more when compared to conventional mix.
• In phase – II, the compressive strength and Split tensile
10 strength increased gradually up to 20 % replacement of Coarse
0 aggregate with Steel slag.The maximum compressive strength
M-40 M-10 M-11 M-12 obtained was 60.59 N/mm2 at 20 % replacement of Coarse
aggregate with Steel slag. This was 19.6 % more when compared
mix to conventional mix.The maximum Split tensile strength
7 days 28 days
obtained was 4.38 N/mm2 at 20 % replacement of Coarse
Figure.5. Compressive strength of concrete made by aggregate with Steel slag. This was 16.8 % more when compared
replacing cement with zeolite powder and coarse aggregate to conventional mix.
with steel slag •In phase – III, on keeping the cement replacement with zeolite
powder constant at 10 % and varying the coarse aggregate with
Variation of split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing incremental proportions of steel slag, the compressive strength
cement with zeolite powder and coarse aggregate with steel slag and split tensile strength increased gradually up to 20 %
is shown in the following table-14. replacement of coarse aggregate with steel slag.The maximum
compressive strength obtained was 61.33 N/mm2 at 10 %
Table.14. Split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing replacement of cement with zeolite powder and 20 %
cement with zeolite powderand coarse aggregate with steel replacement of coarse aggregate with steel slag. This was 21.06
slag % more when compared to conventional mix.The maximum
Mix Split tensile strength Split tensile strength obtained was 4.52 N/mm2 at 10 %
(N/mm ) replacement of cement with zeolite powder and 20 %
M-40 3.75 replacement of coarse aggregate with steel slag. This was 20.53
% more when compared to conventional mix.
M-10 4.24
M-11 4.52 5. CONCLUSIONS:
M-12 3.53
• When cement was replaced with zeolite powder, both
Variation of split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing compressive strength and split tensile strength increased up to 10
cement with zeolite powder and coarse aggregate with steel slag % replacement and later decreased.
is shown in the following figure-6. • Compressive strength of concrete at 10% replacement of
cement with zeolite powder was 55.55 N/mm2.This was 9.65 %
5 more when compared to conventional mix.
4.5 4.24 • Split tensile strength of concrete at 10% replacement of cement
3.75 with zeolite powder was 4.03 N/mm2. This was 7.46% more
3.53 when compared to conventional mix.
split tensile strength

3.5 • When coarse aggregate was replaced with steel slag, both
3 compressive strength and split tensile strength increased up to 20
% replacement and later decreased.
2.5 • Compressive strength of concrete at 20 % replacement of
2 coarse aggregate with steel slag was 60.59 N/mm2. This was
19.6 % more when compared to conventional mix.
1.5 • Split tensile strength of concrete at 20 % replacement of coarse
1 aggregate with steel slag was 4.38 N/mm2. This was 16.8 %
0.5 more when compared to conventional mix.
• When optimum percentage replacement of cement with zeolite
0 powder was kept constant at 10 % and coarse aggregate was
M-40 M-10 M-11 M-12 replaced with steel slag, both compressive strength and split
mix tensile strength were maximum at 10 % replacement of cement
with zeolite powder and 20 % replacement of coarse aggregate
28 days with steel slag.
• Compressive strength of concrete at 10 % replacement of
Figure.6. Split tensile strength of concrete made by replacing cement with zeolite powder and 20 % replacement of coarse
cement with zeolite powderand coarse aggregate with steel aggregate with steel slag was 61.33 N/mm2. This was 21.06 %
slag more when compared to conventional mix.

IJESC, November 2019 24037 http://

• Split tensile strength of concrete at 10 % replacement of cement
with zeolite powder and 20 % replacement of coarse aggregate
with steel slag was 4.52 N/mm2. This was 20.53 % more when
compared to conventional mix.


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