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Ei Lesson Lang

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Student Teacher: Mia Angelis Date: 01/16/19

Subject: Language Arts

Lesson Topic: Letter Recognition – Focusing on letters M, A, S, T, P

Grade: Kindergarten Length of class: 30-45 minutes

Learning Objective (performance, conditions, criterion): Students will demonstrate their

understanding of upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet through visual cues, path of
movement, and reading.

Student Friendly Objective: I can recognize and name upper and lowercase letters of the
alphabet. “Today, Ms. Mia is going to practice letters with you. Say ‘I can practice letters’ (break
it up)—I can... I can practice… I can practice letters”

State Core Standard Alignment:

Reading: Foundational Skills Standard 1
Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.

Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Core and Supplemental Materials:

Teacher Materials: Student Materials:
Letter beanbags White boards, markers, erasers
White board, marker, eraser Lined paper
ABC pictures cards (Wonder Works) Pencils
“I can…” decodable (Wonder Works)

(Extension materials)
Wonder Works teaching chart Unit 1 Week 3
p. 6 & Unite 2 Week 1 p. 9

Context for Learning:

Organization of the
students (e.g., small Small group (Aana and Kallen – Kindergarteners)
groups, whole group,
Pre-Lesson Assessment N/A stop and checks (informal) throughout the lesson

IEP Goal Links Kallen & Aana will demonstrate grade-level phonics and word
(Also describe individual analysis skills in decoding words.
student modifications & Kallen & Aana will name uppercase and lowercase letters with 90%
accuracy across 3 consecutive data collection days

(Follow the path of movement when writing letters.)

Kallen & Aana will demonstrate appropriate behavior during both

structured and unstructured times.
(More specifically)
 Kallen will work on using “big kid” words and tone of voice
when asking for help and when voicing frustrations.
 Aana will increase her amount of verbal academic response
by 80% over the course of three consecutive language art

Pre-Instructional Set: (Approximately 3 minutes)

Gain students’ “Friends… I need your help. Last night the Cookie #/minutes
attention (Activity and Monster came through and ate some letters out of our
Script) alphabet. Can you help me find them?!” (30 seconds
to 1 minute)

Inform students of “Today, Ms. Mia is going to practice letters with you. #/minutes
learning objective(s) Lets say that together! ‘I can practice letters’ (break it
up)—I can... I can practice… I can practice letters” (30 seconds
to 1 minute)

Check for understanding:

“Kallen what are we doing today?! Aana what are we
doing today?!”

“This is important to “This is important to know because we need to be able #/minutes

know because…” to recognize the letters we see so we can become strong
(Informed instruction) readers. Can you point to somewhere in the room that (1-2
you see letters? (brief discussion about how they are all
around us).”

Preparing students for instructional content: (Approximately 6 - 15 minutes)

Pre-requisite skills to Review Behavior #/minutes
review, if applicable  Go over expectations and token board rewards
(row snacks row two= computer (2 to 5
 “Do you stand or sit at the horseshoe table?”
 “If Ms. Mia is talking should Kallen and Aana
be talking?”
 “Kallen if Aana is talking should you be
talking?” (Repeat for Aana)
 Remind Kallen how to ask for help using his
“big boy voice” – periodically re-teach and
remind throughout the lesson

Review of prior #/minutes

knowledge, if  Begin with a review of the letters “M, A, S, T,
applicable P, K” using the bean bags. (10-15
 Show Aana the beanbag with the letter M on it
and ask “Aana what letter is on this beanbag?”
 Show Kallen the beanbag with the letter A on it
and ask “Kallen what letter is on this beanbag?”
 Repeat through all the letters above. Reviewing
and building letter recognition confidence.

(White boards)
 Write an uppercase “S” on your boards.
 Write a lowercase “t” on your boards
 Correct the path of movement.
 Help students to make connections to the letter
and the sound the letter makes.

 Extension: Have students draw a rectangle and

write their letters inside the rectangle to make it
more challenging.

Vocabulary to pre- N/A #/minutes

teach, if applicable
(2 to 5

Instruction: (Approximately 20 to 60 minutes – depending on length of class)

Explicit Modeling of After reviewing prior knowledge, collect the student’s white #/minutes
Skill (what cognitive boards, markers, and erasers.
steps should the students
be using to successfully
perform the skill?) On teacher whiteboard write the sentence
(10 minutes)
“Sam sat on the sand”

Read the sentence to Aana and Kallen.

“Let’s read this sentence together!”

Chorus read the sentence.

“Great job reading, friends! Now I need your help. I need

help finding the letter “s” in this sentence. I think I can find
one. (Circle an “s”) Kallen, can you help me find another?”

With a white board marker, Kallen will circle an “s”

“Great job! Thank you, Kallen! Aana can you help me find
another “s” in our sentence?”

Aana circles.

“That’s right Aana! (Extension for Aana) Can you tell me

what sound the letter “s” makes?”

“Great job telling me that “s” says /s/, Aana.”

“Now I have a challenge for you guys. Now we are going to
draw a line under the “a’s” in our sentence. Kallen are
drawing a line under our “a” or are we going to circle them?”

Try another sentence

“Sam sat on the soap”

Walk students through another sentence, this time with less

help preparing them for guided practice.

Guided Practice “Ok friends, we are going to read our ‘I can… decodable and #/minutes
(WE DO IT) we are going to see what this girl can do.”
(10 minutes)
Go over concepts of print.
“Can I read the book like this? (Show it upside down)
What do I with my finger when I’m reading Kallen?
What do I do once I finish reading the words on the page?
Do I close the book or turn the page?

“Are you ready to begin reading? Show me you are ready by

placing your finger under “I” ready, set, read!”

Check throughout story:

*Make sure they are tracking/reading along
*Make sure they are reading along

Strategies to check for Quick check for understanding:

“Touch the word can in your book.”
“Touch the word I in your book.”

Fruit snack time.

(Token board, first row = fruit snacks. Second row =
computer time)
Independent Practice “Before we can move to computers, we are going to do a
(YOU DO IT) picture sort. I am going to put two pictures in front of you
and ask you to tell me which one starts with a specific letter.
Let’s do the first one together.

I.E pictures of a star and a mop.

Say: “Here is a picture of a star here is a picture of a mop.
Which picture starts with the letter m?
Good job! Mop starts with the letter m.” #/minutes
Do one more example until students understand what is being minutes)
asked and then release them to independent practice.

Note: Scaffold as necessary. Do not reach frustration level.

If task is too difficult tell the students, the pictures and ask
them to tact [label] a specific picture.
I.E Star and Balloon, please point to balloon.

Concrete and tangible *Place divider between students so they cannot see each others
assessment to know work.
whether students have
met learning objective Materials needed: paper and pencils

“Let’s write our names at the top of our papers! Great!”

Write the “I can” sight words on a piece of paper. Go over them and
explicitly say this word is “I” this word is “can”

“Ok your turn. On your paper please write can.” (check and provide
feedback feedback)

“Ok your turn to write I.”(check and feedback)

Closure: (1 – 5 minutes)
Organization/transition Great work today, Aana and Kallen! We earned ABC #/minutes
routines (e.g., put Mouse/Starfall on the computer! Thank you for work so
assignments in folders, hard. Please clean up your spots and head to computers
prepare for bell, 2 (Kallen) and 3 (Aana).
transition to next (1 minute)

Notes for success:

 Remind Aana and Kallen frequently about upcoming free draw/snack break to keep them
motivated. Once they fill one whole row on their token boards, they will get a break.
Once they fill the second row they have earned ABC Mouse/Starfall on the computer.

 Keep attention directed towards Kallen positive, especially when he gets incorrect
answers. Keep positive comments flowing and try to not overwork/cause frustration.
Build his confidence with letters he is comfortable with (I.e. K) before moving to harder
ones (I.e. P).

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