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Lesson Plan A 6a

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Lesson plan

Teacher: Costea Rodica-Cristina

School: Gymnasium Carol I
Date: 7
June 2013
Grade: 6
Number of students: 27
Book: Snashot !lementary" !d# $on%man &earson
Unit 19: 'hey (ere sold as sla)es
Topic: 'he assi)e* ast simle
Type of lesson: Grammar in a nutshell
Skills: sea+in%" (ritin%" readin%" listenin%
ethods: con)ersation" e,lanation" dialo%ue" e,ercise
!lassroom interaction: indi)idual (or+" %rou - (or+
Teachin" aids: -lac+-oard" chal+" handouts
Time: .0 minutes
to get the students involved in the topic;
to give Ss practice in using the passive;
to develop students listening, writing, communication skills ;
$%aluation: - continue - through activities, observation, error correction
- final - through feed-back.
Sta"e of lesson&
Teacher's acti%ity Students' acti%ity (nteraction Skills and
moment 1 2 min#
Teacher enters the class greets the
students, and then T asks if there
are an absentees. Then T asks one
of the Ss to write the date on the
The students greet the teacher
and tell the absentees if there
are an. ! student writes the
date on the blackboard and the
others open their notebooks and
write the date.
T "Ss - speaking
- #uestioning
- blackboard
- chalk
-to assure the
introductive part
of the lesson.
2arm 3 u 1
3 min
The T asks the Ss to choose from a
bowl a piece of paper on which the
can read a verb at past participle.
The are both regular and irregular
forms. $n the blackboard, the T
draws a table with two columns:
one for regular forms and the other
for irregular ones. %ver student
has to come ver #uickl to the
blackboard and write the verb that
he&she has on the paper, in the best
The Ss read the verb that the
have on the piece of paper and
then write it on the blackboard
in the suitable column.
T " Ss
Ss alone
- speaking
- writing
- reading
- blackboard
- chalk
- pieces of
paper with
- to assure the
between the
4oment and the
Chec+in% o5
- to revive the
spirit of the class
and assure a
atmosphere for
the lesson.
Chec+in% the
+no(led%e and
The T asks the Ss what the have
done the previous time the have
met. Then the T asks the Ss to
remember how the passive is
formed and to give e'amples.
The Ss answer that the previous
time the have studied about the
passive at present tense simple.
The Ss answer the teachers
#uestion and give e'amples of
T " Ss
Ss alone
- speaking
- writing
- blackboard
- chalk
-to put the Ss in
the situation to
read their
-to capture the
the home(or+ 1
10 min
The T asks if the Ss had a
homework to do. Then the T and
the Ss check the homework
sentences using the passive
The Ss sa that their homework
and the go to the blackboard to
write the correct form of the
verb in brackets.
- reading
- students
and books
Ss) interest and
Introduction o5
the ne( toic1
3 min
$nce the have remembered about
the passive at present simple, the T
tells the Ss that the will move on
to speak about the passive, but at
past tense. Thus, the T writes the
title on the blackboard and an
Then the T asks the Ss to tell how
the passive at past simple is formed
and which are the forms of the verb
*to be+ at past simple#
Then the T writes on the blackboard
the rule: '8! 9!R: '/ :!
;&<S' '!=S! SI4&$!> ? 4<I=
9!R: ;&<S' &<R'ICI&$!>#
The Ss write the title and the
e'ample in their notebooks.
The Ss use the list of irregular
T " Ss
Ss alone
- speaking
- writing
- reading
- blackboard
- chalk
- students
- students
list of
- to inform Ss
about the topic
the are going to
2ritin% and
ac@uirin% the
ne( toic1
The T divides the class into ,
groups and hands each group a note
with the picture of a famous
building and some information
The Ss read the information
write the sentences .
$ne student from each group
reads the sentences.
T " Ss
- reading
- writing
- students
- to get
familiari-ed to
the te't, and to
put the Ss in the
situation of
1. min about the building. The teacher asks
each group to read the information
and make . sentences about the
building using the past tense
The teacher asks one student from
the si' groups to write the sentences
the have written, on the
Ss alone getting implied in
the topic.
- facilitate the
ac#uisition of the
new vocabular
and topic
/eed " back and
10 min
T gives the Ss a handout with
e'ercises where the have to put the
verbs in brackets at preset tense
passive or past tense passive.
Ss receive the handouts and
work the given e'ercises.
Then, some of the Ss go to the
blackboard and write the correct
verbal form.
T " Ss
Ss alone
- reading
- writing
- handouts
- to put the Ss in
the situation of
using the new
ac#uired topic.
2omework &
1 min
The T tells the Ss that for ne't time
the will have to write the te't on
page 11( about 'he Statue o5
$i-erty and to fill in missing gaps
with the correct form of the passive,
past simple.
The Ss write in their notebooks
their homework for the ne't
%nglish class.
T " Ss
Ss alone
- listening
- writing
- students
books and
-to consolidate
and use the new
ac#uired topic
( min
T appreciates Ss) activit both
verball -praising the activit of the
Then the teacher sas *4ood-be+
and leaves the classroom.
The Ss also sa *4ood-be+ to
the teacher.
T " Ss - listening
- speaking
-to increase Ss)
and encourage
them in their
stud of %nglish.
)#ND*UT + ,#SS(-$ -*(!$ .,/$S$NT T$NS$ #ND ,#ST T$NS$0
6. 7ewrite the sentences in passive voice. 89ast tense simple:
1. She sang a song. "
(. Somebod hit me. "
.. ;e stopped the bus. "
0. ! thief stole m car. "
5. The didn<t let him go. "
,. She did not win the pri-e. "
1. The did not make their beds.
3. 6 did not tell them.
66. 7ewrite the sentences in passive voice. 89resent tense simple:
1. 2e opens the door. "
(. ;e set the table.
.. She pas a lot of mone. "
0. 6 draw a picture.
5. The wear blue shoes.
,. The do not help ou. "
1. 2e does not open the book.
3. =ou do not write the letter. "

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