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Fuelling Savings in Tough Times: Fuel Economy

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38 Fuel economy

Fuelling savings in tough times

Operational efficiency is increasingly important during the current downturn. Ailbhe Goodbody looks
at how miners can achieve a reduction in fuel consumption and save some dollars

uel economy is critical to mines important to the financial performance rough patch, the need for fuel efficiency
minimising operating costs to of an operation, and the current is magnified.”
deal with the current drop in downturn in commodity prices has only Fuel savings of even just a few
Fuel represents both commodity prices and demand. increased this focus in recent years. percentage points can save thousands
the number one Fuel represents the number one Tod Stedman, product marketing of dollars per year, even in the smallest
operating cost operating cost for truck haulage – on manager, electric-drive trucks at fleet; for a large mining operation, if the
for truck average, 30-40% of operating costs, Komatsu America Corp, says: “Fuel hauling fleet can use 1% less fuel, it can
haulage and sometimes up to 80-90%, is due to economy is always important to mining mean millions of dollars in annual
Photo: Cummins fuel, so effective management is very operations, but when the industry hits a savings.

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Fuel economy 39

Kaushik Nagendran, mining processes to optimise such activities as their fuel costs, as well as key issues
marketing director at Cummins, says: idling and shift changes to improve fuel that are driving these changes.
“Operations managers are insisting on economy.”
accurate measurement of fuel Telematics that report such Emissions regulations
consumption, with detailed analysis to information as idle time can also be In 2004, the US Environmental
understand levers that can be pulled to used to optimise processes. Adam Protection Agency (EPA) introduced
help reduce fuel use.” Pearce, business development manager Tier 4 emission standards for large-scale
As a result, sites that were previously at Parker Racor, explains: “Whereas in off-highway vehicles. The plan, which is
focused on productivity measures such the transportation industry, economy is being phased in from 2008 to 2015,
as tonnes/hour are now looking at other the top consideration, in mining, created emission standards that
metrics such as litres/tonne. avoiding downtime is key.” required a large reduction in particulate
John Ingle, marketing and perfor- In this article we will explore some of matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
mance manager at Caterpillar, notes: the main technologies and strategies in off-highway engines. Similar
“What we’re hearing from customers is that mines are employing to reduce emissions standards were phased into
not necessarily requests for changes in
technology. Instead, customers are
asking about changing procedures and

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40 Fuel economy

Hitachi has bettered this and achieved

an increased production capacity at a
lower relative fuel consumption with the
latest models.”
However, emissions regulations alone
don’t create demand for better fuel
economy. Stedman notes: “Our
customers expect better fuel economy
regardless of emissions mandates.”
So while emissions regulations have
driven the mining industry to better fuel
efficiency, it is not necessarily in the way
that one would predict. Ingle adds:
“NOx regulations actually negatively
affect fuel consumption. Since fuel is the
single largest operating cost, it has
pushed us to look at other ways to
improve fuel efficiency.”
Nagendran says: “Many expect that
the emissions regulations will drive new
engine technology, and with that
technology, OEMs can at a minimum
off-set any fuel-consumption increases
that result from the tighter emissions
The Hitachi EU countries between 2006 and 2014. Greg Smith, general manager, mining requirements.
EX3600 The emissions regulations have support group at Hitachi Construction “Many customers expect that the
excavator compelled engine manufacturers to Machinery Co, adds: “Our customers added technology will help improve
continually improve the efficiency of their have demanded that while it is essential overall fuel consumption relative to
engines. The challenge has been attempt- that the emissions regulations are met, previous emissions regulations.”
ing to achieve this while also needing to they do not want this to be at the The subsequent changes to the way
burn more fuel to achieve production sacrifice of performance. engines are built have in turn brought
levels. Pearce notes: “Although Tier 4 “Accordingly, one of Hitachi’s key changes in the standards for ‘acceptable’
does not limit CO2 or fuel efficiency objectives is to ensure emissions diesel-fuel cleanliness standards. Scott
directly, to achieve the NOx and compliance, while at a minimum Grossbauer, global director, clean fuel &
particulate regulations has meant that maintaining the same production per lubricant solutions at Donaldson Co,
engine efficiency has increased.” litre of fuel burnt ratio. Thankfully, says: “The new high-pressure common
rail (HPCR) engines are by default more
Blutip Power Technologies efficient, because they require fuel that
is clean on a nearly microscopic level. In
Anglo American and Blutip Power Technologies power engines, causing more efficient in-cylinder essence, engines have been made to
executed a contract in December 2014 to supply combustion to take place, resulting in reduced improve fuel economy as well as reduce
Blutip’s Advanced Universal Controller (AUC) for fuel consumption without any reduction in the emissions, but require cleaner fuel to
haul trucks at Anglo’s Australian coal operations. engine’s power output.” operate and remain at an optimal level.”
The agreement was signed after Anglo saw The AUC integrates with engine control
significant fuel savings with the AUCs on models (ECMs) and has no impact on the ECM’s Engine technologies
Caterpillar 797, 793, 789 and 785 haul trucks at its outputs (such as maintenance diagnostics) apart There are plenty of engine technologies
Dawson, Capcoal and Drayton mines during 2014. from the remapping. The Blutip AUC typically that can be used to reduce fuel use in
Andrew Lindsay, vice-president of engineering provides fuel savings of 5-6%, with even higher truck fleets, some of which are
and technology development at Blutip, says: fuel savings possible in applications with higher proprietary to certain manufacturers.
“Blutip’s AUC effectively remaps high-horse- engine-load factors (such as excavators and Nagendran comments: “One of the
gensets). easiest ways to reduce fuel consumption
The company is seeing significant demand for is to reduce non-productive running
the fuel savings that its AUC can provide for time. Other technologies focus on
high-horsepower engines. In addition, Blutip is improving the system-level optimisation
seeing strong demand for the data analytics and of the engine and powertrain in various
related services that it can provide to its pieces of equipment.”
customers through use of the AUC. These Randy Murphy, senior mining sales
services include the capability to predict fuel manager, Americas at MTU, adds:
usage as haul-truck routes change over time and “Numerous technologies are used
to assess other fuel savings technologies (such as successfully today to reduce fuel
fuel additives) in the field. consumption, including ECU calibrations,
Blutip has mining customer-support personnel various turbocharging technologies,
on the ground in Australia, South America and valve timing, after-cooling, improved
The Blutip Power Technologies Advanced North America where its AUCs have been common-rail fuel injection systems and
Universal Controller (AUC) for haul trucks installed. faster microprocessors.”
MTU states that several mines around

April 2015 www. .com

Fuel economy 41

the world are now realising the benefits Fuel filtration

of eliminating after-treatment. Fuel is the source of energy for all
Mark Bennett, senior manager, global conventionally powered equipment.
mining accounts at MTU, says: “By The better that fuel is handled, and the
integrating MTU’s Tier 4i and Tier 4 final higher the quality of the fuel, the more
technology in new and repowered efficiently the engine will operate.
equipment, mine sites are able to The relationship between fuel
achieve emissions standards without filtration and economic fleet operation is
exhaust after-treatment at 750bhp almost completely connected with
[559kW] and above to reduce fuel maintaining engine efficiency.
consumption, maintenance costs and Effective fuel filtration will make any
downtime, and complexity.” mining operation more efficient by
Technological advancements in eliminating costly downtime. On major
fuel-delivery systems, turbocharging and mining sites, unplanned downtime for
general combustion have enabled MTU any reason is a significant problem.
to meet Tier 4 exhaust emissions using Cleaner fuel burns more efficiently
less fuel than Tier 2 engines. with fewer waste products. The dirtier
In addition, Cummins has been the fuel, the more heat is generated
working with several major mining and the less effective the transfer of
companies on site-specific as well as energy achieved.
global fuel-economy projects along with Nagendran explains: “Filtration is a
its OEM partners. key technology to making the sure the
Cummins distributor Cummins Rocky fuel meets the needs of today’s
Mountain recently completed a repower high-precision fuel systems and keeps
project at ASARCO’s Ray copper mine in them operating at their full capability.” high-performance filter on fuel bowsers Cat Power
Arizona, US – the teams removed Tier 1 Good ways of reducing downtime and pumps. Demand
engine modules from a fleet of Liebherr through fuel cleanliness include adding With good filtration and water Management
T282B haul trucks and replaced them pre-filtration systems such as turbine separation, the fuel cleanliness at the System cabinets
with Cummins Tier 2 QSK60 engines. filters to ensure filter efficiency and injector remains high and the engine on the top deck
This resulted in 8.6% lower fuel service intervals, and improving performance and efficiency will remain of a Cat 7495
consumption at the site. fuel-delivery cleanliness by using a at consistent design levels. shovel
Fuel economy 43

Pearce says: “Poor filtration giving maximum use out of on-board filtration detected and dealt with before being A Cat 7495
low injector cleanliness will wear and systems, not to mention the engine pumped into the equipment.” shovel and 797F
damage injection-system components, itself.” Also, removing contaminants allows trucks at the
reducing efficiency and putting In addition, while injector erosion on-board filtration systems to do their Kearl oil-sands
equipment at high risk of downtime.” can degrade fuel economy and injector job better and remain problem-free project in
Murphy agrees: “When injector wear failure is a cause of significant until regularly scheduled maintenance Alberta, Canada
is reduced, truck fleets can maintain downtime, on-board filter plugging can can be performed.
control of fuel injection over longer be just as serious if fuel is dirty or Donaldson Co recommends a
periods, and as a result, over-fuelling is unstable when pumped into the three-tiered approach:
minimised. Measuring fuel pressure vehicle. • Use of high-efficiency filtration at the
drop across filters also allows the As a result, on-board filtration inlet of a bulk tank will protect against
engine controller to optimise fuel systems have had to advance as engine taking delivery of dirty fuel;
injection, which improves fuel technology has advanced, which means • An effective breather filter on the tank
consumption and cylinder-component that they have to be extremely efficient will then help combat ambient dirt
life.” under all operating conditions (such as and moisture; and
Following OEM guidelines for filter vibration or flow fluctuation) in order to • Filtering fuel as it is being dispensed “When we
type, installation and maintenance will offer adequate protection. into the equipment is a final failsafe
result in the best possible fuel Grossbauer cautions: “But that against contamination that happens say ‘clean’,
efficiency of any engine platform. Ingle protection comes with a price, as within the tank. we’re not
notes: “We are seeing our clean-fuel high-efficiency filters can plug when
module help reduce the amount of faced with fuel issues. A plugged filter Technology focus talking
wear on fuel-system components, is a filter that has done its job, but In a bid to save its customers money, about the
including fuel pumps and injectors. This downtime is downtime, and changing Caterpillar is providing different power old ‘clear
not only keeps the fuel system on-board filters that plug without and fuel-map settings on its load-and-
operating at peak efficiency, but it also warning can be a costly headache.” haul equipment. The company has and bright’
reduces maintenance and extends the He adds: “So, when we talk about developed a suite of engine calibra- visual test.
lives of components.” fuel filtration and jobsite efficiency, it’s tions optimised for various mining haul
As HPCR engines become more important to discuss bulk filtration as cycles and environments, allowing
Diesel must
prevalent due to new emissions well as on-board filtration. By pumping customers to balance fuel cost and be clean on
standards, operations managers are fuel through a high-efficiency bulk filter, productivity concerns. a level that
learning the importance of clean diesel. any problems with the fuel can be Ingle explains: “One of the benefits
Grossbauer says: “When we say ‘clean’, you can’t
we’re not talking about the old ‘clear judge with
and bright’ visual test. Diesel must be
clean on a level that you can’t judge
the human
with the human eye, or you risk eye”
increased downtime due to plugged
on-board filters (at best) or even ruined
injectors (at worst).”
While diesel fuel is typically
delivered to bulk tanks in a state that
meets all fuel-industry specifications for
cleanliness, it is often not acceptable
by OEM standards and can be unfit for
use in the HPCR engines that have
been developed to meet Tier 4
emissions standards. A haul truck in
Grossbauer states: “As a result, a service bay
we’re seeing increased interest in bulk Photo: Donaldson
filtration, so that end-users can get Clean Solutions

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Fuel economy 45

reflects the goal of achieving the lowest Cummins Rocky

mining costs.” Mountain
Caterpillar also offers productivity recently
analysis, which uses scale trucks and completed a
time study to measure and optimise repower project
how haul trucks are used in mine sites. at ASARCO’s
The analysis often identifies ways to Ray copper mine
reduce fuel costs. in Arizona
The company’s integrated hybrid
offering (see box on p46) features a Cat
generator set as the core of the system,
which provides a dependable source of
uninterrupted power. Power from solar
and wind offset the need for power from “Miners
the generator set, reducing fuel have
consumption in the range of 30-70%.
Hitachi has been working on its new
AC-drive technology, utilised in the that
of mechanical-drive trucks has always bring fuel savings. Other successful EH3500AC-3, EH4000AC-3 and minimising
been that they burn very little fuel efforts have focused on haul-road EH5000AC-3 rigid-frame dump trucks It
during retarding. Building off that base, maintenance.” has been introduced to multiple mine idle time
we have looked at areas where we Recently, a Caterpillar team analysed sites around the world and has resulted and
could improve engine and truck a mine’s haul roads. Potholes were in consistent reductions in fuel
performance. Cat electronically causing trucks to slow and then consumption relative to tonnes moved
controlled transmissions smooth re-accelerate, which wastes fuel. per litre of fuel burnt. extra stops
shifting but also enable the engine to Removing the potholes and keeping Smith remarks: “The efficiency of the in the
run at optimum engine speeds, which rolling resistance down by using motor AC drive system combined with the
improves fuel efficiency.” graders paid off. Reducing rolling trailing-arm suspension system (unique production
The company is also introducing a resistance a full percentage point and to Hitachi trucks) has delivered a cycle can
clean-fuel module that helps reduce the eliminating larger road problems substantiated lowering of fuel
amount of wear on the engine. It keeps delivered as much as 4% greater consumption in these applications and
bring fuel
the engine running smoothly for a productivity while using 10% less fuel. significantly lower fuel costs.” savings”
longer period of time, which helps Ingle explains: “Many mining Hitachi has also introduced its
maintain higher fuel efficiency. companies are now focused on fuel electric-powered mining-excavator
Ingle says: “Miners have recognised efficiency – the amount of material range, which delivers the same
that minimising idle time and removing moved per unit of fuel – rather than productivity expectations as diesel-
extra stops in the production cycle can fuel burn. This measure more accurately powered configurations, while utilising
a far more economic and environmen- The MTU 12V
Trolley assist tally friendly alternative in electric 4000 engine.
motors. Advances in fuel
Trolley-assist systems, which involve uncertainty has proven to have limited Komatsu states that for some of its delivery,
adapting diesel-electric trucks to run this solution to a handful of mines Australian customers, more precise turbocharging
using power supplied from an globally.” tuning of the engine and drive system and combustion
overhead line, have some advantages However, trolley assist is not without yielded significantly improved fuel use. have enabled
in terms of reducing fuel costs. its drawbacks; it can reduce fuel costs, The company will make these MTU to meet
While under trolley-assisted power, but it comes with its own issues. Ingle modifications available to any global Tier 4 exhaust
the engine returns to idle – signifi- cautions: “Mines using trolley need to customer with appropriate mine site emissions using
cantly reducing the engine load factor make massive infrastructure invest- applications. less fuel than
in a condition when the majority of fuel ments so that power lines are available Komatsu and its engine supplier Tier 2 engines
is typically burnt (such as uphill, fully for trucks, and the mine must be
loaded, or under diesel power only). designed to make efficient use of the
The potential fuel savings from a fleet trolley system. Additionally, each truck
of trolley-assist trucks is huge. must carry the weight of its power-col-
Smith says: “In my opinion, this is lection system even when it is not
not as commonly implemented as it powered through trolley wires.”
should be. The requirement for the Stedman adds: “To realise the full
long-term commitment and up-front benefit of a trolley system, the mine
commercial investment in infrastruc- would need to invest substantially in
ture seems to have been the negating infrastructure, and meet certain
factor. mine-design criteria. However, with
“The return on investment and these parameters in place, a customer
overall cost of operation over a typical can expect significantly lower fuel
mine life is extremely compelling, but consumption, increased productivity
the willingness of companies to invest and an overall reduction in operating
long term with such industry costs.”

www. .com April 2015

46 Fuel economy

The Komatsu Cummins recently completed a project

730E-8 truck at to better match fuel demand to power
work. Haul-road requirements in its high-horsepower
design/condition engines. It now uses 1-2% less fuel, in
and operator most instances.
behaviour can Stedman says: “Another technology
both have a big we’re exploring is liquid natural gas
effect on fuel (LNG). Although deployment of LNG for
efficiency high-horsepower mobile equipment in
still in its infancy, it offers the potential
for overall fuel-cost savings to some of
our customers. If natural-gas prices stay
low, Komatsu believes this solution will
be a popular alternative to traditional
fuelling technology.”

Simulators and training

The use of operator training and
simulators can significantly boost overall
equipment operation efficiency and design parameters, we have seen is aimed at providing mine management
help cut fuel consumption; for example, significant improvements in fuel with an affordable way to address the
through achieving more consistent and efficiency.” challenges of rising fuel costs and
efficient dig cycles from excavator Cipta Kridatama, one of Indonesia’s environmental responsibility.
operators. leading mining contractors, used The technology, which is embedded
Truck drivers can also employ more Immersive Technologies simulators to in Immersive’s Advanced Equipment
economical driving techniques; by train haul-truck operators and last year Simulators, is designed to give
having operators run trucks in a reported a reduction in fuel consump- mining-equipment operators the skills
simulated environment, the trainer can tion of about 6.9%. The site now and knowledge they need to operate in
make sure they understand the best operates 5.8% under its budgeted litres a productive manner while assessing
way to operate their trucks to be per hour fuel consumption, and Cipta and eliminating behaviours that directly
fuel-efficient. Kridatama estimates that it can save relate to excess fuel consumption. For
Stedman explains: “With Komatsu’s US$500,000 per year as a result. example, the technology includes
Frontrunner Autonomous Haulage In 2013, Immersive also partnered detailed monitoring of operator
System, by removing the operator and with Australian contractor Downer to behaviours such as levels of throttle and
allowing the truck to run to its optimal launch a fuel-efficiency technology that brake application for specific situations.

Onsite power generation

As with mining equipment, making generators and replacing them with The standard practice uses multiple
sure that power generators are used clean, renewable energy sources.” generators with a total of 8MW or
efficiently is an easy way to improve a Caterpillar is working on an more capacity to achieve rapid
“The use of mine’s fuel efficiency. Nagendran says: integrated hybrid offering that response when peak power is
operator “Some of the same things we’d apply combines wind, solar and energy required. Of course, multiple
to mining engines can be applied in storage with its traditional generator- generators increase maintenance and
training and powergen applications as well.” set products and turbines into a fuel costs. Additionally, generator-
simulators The hybrid approach to power seamlessly controlled micro-grid powered electric rope shovels require
generation has some benefits; it solution. additional systems to dissipate
can signifi­ brings the best of all technologies Rick Rathe, global rental power regenerated energy, because they
cantly boost together in a micro-grid system that manager at Caterpillar, says: “These cannot feed electricity back into the
overall lowers the overall cost of energy and projects begin with a site visit and power grid.
reduces carbon and gaseous energy audit. After we optimise the The Cat Power Demand Manage-
equipment emissions. It aims to lower the amount demand side of the equation, we then ment System stores regenerative
operation of fuel consumed by replacing it with use analytical tools to determine the energy created during swing
electrical energy, in turn also lowering optimal amount of solar, wind and deceleration and bucket lowering, and
efficiency” emissions. energy storage. These predictive tools the system uses that power during
The price of renewable energy has allow us to design a customised periods of high demand to reduce the
rapidly declined over the past decade, solution with the best mix of available generator load cycle. Ultra capacitors
so many mines are evaluating solar technologies for each customer’s site.” enable the system to store and release
and wind energy options for reducing energy quickly.
on-site diesel-fuel consumption. In generators on less fuel This technology has been validated
addition, natural gas and heavy fuel oil Caterpillar has developed technology as an off-grid solution at the
are viable alternatives to diesel for that will permit mining companies to Caterpillar proving grounds in Arizona,
many mine locations. Smith suggests: power the Cat 7495 or 7495 HF US. After field trials at an operating
“Ultimately, we are looking towards electric rope shovels on just 4MW of mine, it is expected to be commer-
the elimination of fossil fuel-driven generator power. cially available later in 2015.

April 2015 www. .com

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