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Engineeringpractice September2023

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In This Issue
Volume 9 | Number 40


Advanced Process Control and DIGITAL EDITOR

04 Optimization for Oil Refining
Eng. Javier Marín
Shauna Tysor


Dr. Marcio Wagner da Silva

Jayanthi Vijay Sarathy

Some Common Questions on Ronald J. Cormier
19 Centrifugal Compressors
Jayanthi Vijay Sarathy

Petrochemicals x Transportation
25 Fuels: Which will Drive the Strategic
Planning of the Downstream Players
for Next Years?
Dr. Marcio Wagner da Silva

42 Design and Revamp Guidelines for

Palm Oil Stripper Columns
Karl Kolmetz

Advanced Process Control and Optimiza-

tion for Oil Refining
Eng. Javier Marín

After the removal of the restrictions imposed
to stop the advance of the COVID-19 pan-
demic, the energy market has registered a
faster-than-expected recovery, the demands
for liquid fuels continue to increase in most
countries, so it is imperative to increase in-
ventories of distillates to supply the local and
global demand for hydrocarbons at values
close to those registered before the start of
the pandemic. However, the projection for the
consumption of liquid fuel is not as favorable
as expected, according to the report “Short-
Term Energy Outlook. July 2023” published
by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
EIA, consumption of liquid distillates will in-
crease by only 1.8 million barrels per day (b/ Given this not-very-encouraging situation for
d) in 2023 and by 1.6 million b/d in 2024 Vs. the liquid hydrocarbons sector, the use of
2.3 million b/d in 2022. software and mathematic tools for controlling
and optimizing chemical processes should be
a priority to maximize production and mini-
mize energy consumption. Complex product
disposition scenarios require an exhaustive
analysis of the entire supply chain and the
operation of the different process units to op-
timize the entire production line without com-
promising the quality of the products.
However, there are exceptions to the down-
ward trend in distillate consumption, accord-
ing to the report “Annual Energy Outlook
2022 Reference Case” published by the U.S.
Energy Information Administration EIA, The
US total consumption of petroleum and other
liquids will increase in most years through
2050. But regardless of some local scenarios,
downstream companies at a global level con-
According to the report "Oil 2023 Analysis
tinue to promote automation/optimization pro-
and Forecast to 2028" published by the Inter-
jects, with advanced process control (APC),
national Energy Agency IEA, this trend of low
LP models, and real-time optimization (RTO)
consumption of liquid distillates will continue
that allow increasing refining margins.
until at least 2028, due to increased produc-
tion of biofuels and increased demand for REFINING MARGINS
electric cars that will possibly bring oil de-
The objective of oil refining is to satisfy the
mand to a record low of 0.4 mb/d in the year
demand for fuels, lube oil, and some other
distillates, to generate a profit that allows cov-
ering costs. Therefore, the most important
economic parameter of oil refining is the:

data through online connections to the DCS,

The refining margin: The difference between
runs simulations and data reconciliation, in-
the value of the products obtained and the cost
fers product quality and operating conditions
of the crude oil processed in the refinery, after
to finally estimate the optimum operation
deducting the variable costs.
point, and sends operating targets to one or
The profitability of the refining business will al-
ways be affected by variations in the price of
crude oil and distillates, and on many occa-
sions, the only alternative to maintain a favora-
ble refining margin is to minimize energy costs,
avoid unscheduled plant shutdowns and max-
imize product performance. For this, there are
various alternatives, techniques, and tools
aimed at minimizing fuel consumption in fur-
naces and boilers, prolonging the equipment
operation cycle (for example: minimizing foul-
ing of heat exchangers), and maximizing the
production of high-value distillates.
Many refineries use Linear Programming (LP)
as their primary optimization technique, which
allows operations to be mathematically opti-
mized based on objectives and constraints. Even the oldest refineries have increased
Through linear programming, highly complex their level of automation and control, with the
refining processes can be modeled as a sys- aim of optimizing their productive processes.
tem of multiple equations, whose solution al- The correct installation and maintenance of
lows to optimally satisfy the business needs, key instrumentation will be essential for the
maximize its objective function, maintain pro- successful implementation of APC and RTO.
duction within quality parameters, minimize Otherwise, refineries will face model conver-
costs, and meet market commitments. The gence and tuning problems derived from mis-
success of linear programming (LP) in refiner- reading field values.
ies is contingent on advanced knowledge of
operations, constraints, and objectives, as well ROLE OF REAL-TIME OPTIMIZERS AND
as high reliability of input data, adequate infor- APC
mation processing, and successful disclosure
of directions to the different levels of operation. Undoubtedly, implementing stand-alone mul-
tivariable controllers in refining units is a good
The second tool to improve the refining margin
alternative to obtain economic incentives. Re-
is the Advanced Process Control (APC) which
gardless of the design of the refinery or the
is typically based on model-predictive control
needs of the local market, any refinery is sus-
(MPC) technology and consists of empirical
ceptible to catalyst deactivation phenomena,
models with multiple inputs and multiple out-
equipment fouling, and service supply fail-
puts that manipulate variables of the different
ures, among others, to maintain the produc-
units until finding an optimum operation point.
tion rate, the APC controllers need to operate
The advanced process control is implemented
in sync with the directions of the Planning and
Scheduling team and the goals of rigorous
-Maximize process capacity. real-time models.
-Reduce product off-spec.
To successfully integrate the LP models with
-Minimize downtime. the optimization and control tools, it is neces-
sary to send the different optimization vectors
-Optimize energy consumption.
from the planning team to the lower levels
The third optimization tool is the Real Time Op- and keep the effective communication of op-
timizer RTO, a rigorous, large-scale model erational limits and optimization directions to
made up of multiple systems of differential- supervisors/operators simultaneously and
algebraic equations and thermodynamic equa- immediately. In addition, it is required that the
tions that describe refining processes. This optimization models can understand the ex-
type of model acquires process and laboratory isting limitations in the plant reflected in the

APC controller (for example, hydraulic limita- map the largest number of controlled varia-
tions). Otherwise, the increase in the refining bles by manipulating the necessary variables,
margin will be conditional on human interven- with empirical models, identified under robust
tion, not only on the advanced process control mathematical techniques. When trying to inte-
engineers who carry out the appropriate grate APC with a real-time optimizer, the ma-
maintenance and tuning of models but also on trix of the different APC controllers must be
operators and supervisors who allow APC con- replicated to the optimizer model, to contem-
trollers to operate with the necessary degrees plate for the real-time optimization, all the dy-
of freedom and under the limits of controlled namic and hydraulic effects considered in the
and manipulated variables appropriate to the empirical models.
design and planning.
Many industries in the downstream sector have
If the objectives built into multivariable con-
opted for cross or hybrid planning schemes
trollers are different from the objectives built
where logistics, operational and process objec-
into the LP, the plant will run at a different op-
tives are combined to find the sweet spot of
erating point from the one suggested by the
maximum performance and minimum expense.
LP or the schedule. If the constraints set in
For this, the different units are linked through
the APC controller differ from the constraints
individual APC controllers coordinated by a re-
set in the LP model, the optimization in the
al-time optimizer that estimates economic ben-
control system will be incorrect.
efits and generates critical targets for cut-off
temperatures in main separation towers, reac- REFINING MARGIN USING APC AND LP
tion temperatures, reflux flowrates, and pump- MODELS
around flowrates.
A typical increase in refining margin capture
The optimization of any refinery should consid- by APC implementation is approximately
er three relevant aspects: $0.3/b. An accurate LP model can improve
the refining margin by $0.5/b. The optimal
operation of both technologies in a refinery
with a small capacity of 100 -thousand-b/d
Not all process units in a refinery require the would mean a capture of $29 million per year.
implementation of APC, some effluent treat-
ment plants or plants where several physical
separation processes intervene without an ad- According to the report “Oil 2023 Analysis
equate level of automation will be candidates and Forecast to 2028” published by the Inter-
for the implementation of highly complex con- national Energy Agency, gasoline consump-
trol applications at the basic/supervisory con- tion in the world will decrease by 0.3 mb/d in
trol layer of the Distributed Control System the coming years. The downstream compa-
(DCS). In the case of highly complex plants, nies should adapt their facilities, change unit
with a large number of controlled and manipu- operating conditions, and implement precise
lated variables that end up forming a matrix of and updated control and optimization sys-
great magnitude and interconnection, with sev- tems that allow maximizing the production of
eral disturbance variables and a high level of high-demand distillates vs. the production of
operational flexibility, it will be recommended gasoline.
the implementation of APC, which will allow the
future implementation of an optimizer that syn-
chronizes plans of the refinery with the plant,
but it should be noted that in cases of control
applications of high complexity in the DCS, the
ability to align with the refinery planning will not
necessarily be lost, it will only be required to
make it clear which variables should be con-
trolled and manipulated by the console opera-
For many refineries it is crucial to implement
APC controllers with effective gain matrices
that are easy to identify and maintain, one ideal
premise for APC implementation should be to

Diesel is one of the distillates with the greatest AUTHOR

optimization options through the development
Javier Marín is an MSc candidate in Engi-
of blending systems for intermediate streams
neering Management, a Process Control/
from the atmospheric distillation unit, FCC unit,
Advanced Process Control Engineer with
Hydrocracker unit, Delayed coker unit and HDT
more than 12 years of experience in crude oil
unit. Diesel blend optimization models are typi-
refining with B.Eng Degree in Chemical Engi-
cally implemented to maximize Diesel produc-
neering from Antonio José de Sucre Universi-
tion while staying within specification on key
ty UNEXPO – Venezuela and a Refining Di-
properties (e.g distillation points, sulfur).
ploma from IPF School – France.
Hydrocarbon Processing. 2010 – “Increase
your margin by 25%”.
McKinsey & Company. 2015 - “Capturing mar-
gin opportunities in oil and gas refining”.
International Energy Agency. 2023 – “Oil 2023
Analysis and forecast to 2028”.
U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA,
Short-Term Energy Outlook. July 2023.
U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA,
Annual Energy Outlook 2022 Reference case.

Enhanced LP-CRS™

This position paper provides an overview of the INTRODUCTION

Enhanced LP- CRS™ system developed by The global oil and gas (O&G) industry faces a
NGLTech and its potential to address the chal- significant challenge in reducing emissions
lenges of associated gas flaring in the oil and and maximizing the utilization of valuable re-
gas industry. The paper discusses the environ- sources. Associated gas (AG) flaring is a
mental impact of flaring and highlights the limi- prevalent practice that contributes to green-
tations of existing solutions. It presents the key house gas (GHG) emissions, with alarming
features of the Enhanced LP-CRS™ system, statistics from the World Bank's Global Gas
emphasizing its commercial viability for low- Flaring Partnership (GGFR) highlighting its
pressure natural gas streams. The paper pro- environmental impact. Malaysia, among other
poses a global marketing and commercializa- countries, also contributes to the high levels
tion strategy, focusing on partnerships, market of AG flaring.
penetration, demonstration projects, thought
leadership, scalable manufacturing, and contin- To address this urgent issue, NGLTech has
uous research and development. The En- developed the Enhanced LP-CRS™ system,
hanced LP-CRS™ system aligns with the vi- an innovative technology specifically de-
sion of sustainable practices and environmen- signed to extract valuable NGLs and oil con-
tal stewardship. By optimizing resource utiliza- densates (C3+ components) from low-
tion and reducing emissions, it contributes to pressure natural gas streams, with a focus on
the industry's goals. Moreover, the high perfor- flare gas applications. This system stands out
mance and low capital expenditure (capex) of as the only commercially viable solution opti-
the Enhanced LP-CRS™ system result in a mized for NGL extraction from low- pressure
short payback period, making emission reduc- natural gas.
tion profitable for end-users rather than an ad- This position paper provides a comprehen-
ditional cost. sive overview of the Enhanced LP- CRS™
system and its potential to revolutionize emis-
sion reduction and resource monetization in
the O&G industry. It highlights the environ-
mental and economic benefits, showcases
unique features and enhancements, and
demonstrates alignment with industry objec-
By examining the commercial potential of the
Enhanced LP-CRS™ system, this paper un-
locks opportunities for emission reduction and
revenue generation. It emphasizes the urgen-
cy of the issue, showcases technological ad-
vancements, and presents a compelling case
for widespread adoption.
Implementing the Enhanced LP-CRS™ sys-
tem fosters sustainable practices, optimizes
resource utilization, and contributes to global
emission reduction efforts. This position pa-
per serves as a foundation for industry stake-
holders, policymakers, and investors to un-
derstand the potential impact and role of the
Enhanced LP-CRS™ system in achieving
sustainability goals of the O&G industry.

· Low Pressure and High Impurities: Asso-

ciated gas is typically low pressure and
contains high levels of impurities, includ-
ing significant water vapor content. Pro-
cessing such gas for monetization re-
quires substantial energy consumption
and capital investment.

· Marginal Oil Production Facilities: Oil pro-

duction facilities have become relatively
marginal in size, often producing less than
30 MMscfd and typically short production
life of 5 to 10 years. The combination of
these issues further complicates the mon-
etization of associated gas, exacerbating
techno-economic challenges.

· Limited Solutions for Low Gas Production

Rates: Existing gas monetization technol-
ogies face obstacles due to the short
lifespan of oil-producing fields and the
relatively low gas production rates. Justi-
fying the high investments required for
commercial viability becomes difficult.

· Cost-Prohibitive Market Solutions: While

numerous gas monetization solutions ex-
ist, they often involve significant capital
investments and long lead times for cus-
tomized designs. This renders them com-
mercially unviable for many facilities.

· Untapped Potential of C3+ Components:

The low-pressure associated gas flared at
oil producing facilities contains a high
concentration of valuable C3+ compo-
nents, such as NGLs, LPG, and oil con-
densates. However, the extraction and
monetization of these components remain
largely untapped.

Given these challenges and limitations, there

PROBLEM STATEMENT is an urgent need for a commercially viable
solution that efficiently and economically
Monetizing associated gas from oil producing monetizes low-pressure associated gas while
facilities presents significant challenges due to meeting the specific requirements of oil pro-
the specific characteristics of the gas and the duction facilities. The Enhanced LP-CRS™
nature of oil production operations. The key system developed by NGLTech offers a
issues surrounding associated gas flaring and unique and promising approach to overcome
the limitations of existing solutions are as fol- these obstacles. It enables the extraction and
lows: monetization of valuable C3+ components
while simultaneously reducing flare gas emis-


The Enhanced LP-CRS™ system represents

a significant advancement in addressing the
industry-wide challenge of flare gas emission
reduction and monetization. Building on our
extensive operational experience and lessons
learned from deploying the LP-CRS™ system
in multiple facilities, we have further refined
and optimized the technology to create the
Enhanced LP-CRS™ system. This enhanced
version incorporates several key improve-
ments, including:

1. Enhanced Performance: Achieves up to

40% reduction in GHG emissions from
flaring and allows for the extraction of val-
uable NGLs, LPGs and/or oil condensates
from the gas.

2. Improved Reliability and Operability: En-

sures consistent and efficient operation
under demanding conditions, providing a
higher level of operational stability.

3. Compact and Lightweight Design: Re-

duced size and weight by up to 50%, facil-
itating transportation, installation, and in-
tegration into existing facilities.

4. Container-Size Footprint: Designed to fit

within a standard 20-foot container, sim-
plifying logistics and reducing deployment

5. Standardized Nominal Capacity Units:

Offers four standardized units, enabling
flexibility in operating conditions, high
quality components, quick delivery and
ability to be relocatable.

These enhancements position the Enhanced

LP-CRS™ system as a game-changing solu-
tion for flare gas management, allowing com-
panies to achieve sustainability goals, capital-
ize on valuable resources, and establish lead-
ership in responsible energy production.

The combination of this enables deep chilling

of the feed gas after pressure boost at the
turbo-expander down to temperatures as low

-40°C, allowing for the separation of heavy

ends (C3+) from the NG stream that may be
supplied at pressures as low as 3 barg. To
inhibit the formation of hydrates, methanol is
used as a Hydrates Inhibitor (HI) in the sys-
tem. Importantly, the methanol is regenerated
within the Enhanced LP-CRS™ package, sig-
nificantly minimizing the need for methanol
make-up and ensuring the sustainability of
the process. The whole process is self-
contained with no external utility requirements
apart from nominal amounts of instrument
power supply.

These technological advancements, including

the proprietary cooling process, compact tur-
bo-expander, and effective hydrate inhibition,
are integral to the Enhanced LP-CRS™ sys-
tem's exceptional performance and efficiency.

The LP-CRS™ is designed to extract Natural

Gas Liquids (NGLs) from natural gas streams
ranging typically from 20 to 100 barrels/MMscf,
with inlet gas pressures as low as 3 barg and a
corresponding reduction of greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions by up to 40%. It achieves
this without the need for inlet booster compres-
sion or external refrigeration nor gas dehydra-
tion thus making it a high-performance solution
for NGL extraction that is also highly reliable
and compact. Apart from the highly reliable
turbo-expander, there are no other moving
parts in the system, thus the high reliability and
operability even under demanding conditions.
Rigorous field trials and refinement have fur-
ther enhanced the system's performance and
operational stability.


The Enhanced LP-CRS™ system incorporates

several technological advancements that ena-
ble efficient and effective NGL extraction. The
system utilizes a combination of compact heat
exchangers, separators, and a proprietary
compact, high-speed turbo-expander, coupled
with NGLTech's patented expansion cooling

STANDARDIZED NOMINAL CAPACITY (NGLs) while simultaneously reducing green-

house gas (GHG) emissions. The system can
In response to the industry's demand for effi- efficiently process raw gas to deliver lean de-
cient and adaptable solutions, NGLTech has hydrated gas, which can be utilized as fuel
achieved significant reductions in the size and gas, production of LNG, CNG or GTL or if no
weight of the Enhanced LP-CRS™ system, up other alternatives are available, safely flared.
to 50% compared to previous iterations. Irrespective of whether the lean, dehydrated
gas exiting the Enhanced LP-CRS™, is uti-
The Enhanced LP-CRS™ system is specifical- lized or is flared, the resulting CO2 emissions
ly engineered to fit within a standard 20 or 40- is expected to reduce by up to 40%.
foot container, depending on its capacity, offer-
ing a standardized container-size footprint. The removal of NGL and dehydration of gas
This standardized design ensures logistical using the Enhanced LP- CRS™ skid is es-
convenience, reduces deployment time, and sential for two reasons. First, dry lean gas
enables faster implementation of the technolo- (similar to typical methane natural gas) is
gy across various facilities. necessary for power generation, CNG, LNG
or methanol production. Specifically, natural
The combination of compact, standardized and gas- powered engines, used to drive genera-
container size design enables the system to be tors run poorly on rich natural gas. Second,
delivered within 5 months, easily transported the value of the NGL is much higher than nat-
and installed, eliminating the need for complex ural gas, and it simply makes good business
and time- consuming customization. Coupled sense to recover the liquids.
with the fact that the system is designed for
varying inlet flow conditions, this will also ena- The extracted NGLs offer various possibilities
ble the units to be easily relocatable after the for utilization. They can be co-mingled with
field production life expires. the export crude oil stream, enhancing the
volume and quality of the crude oil. Alterna-
Four standardized nominal capacity units for tively, the NGLs can be stored separately in
the Enhanced LP-CRS™ system are available LPG bullets, providing a valuable product for
and these units provide high quality compo- market distribution. Furthermore, the NGLs
nents with consistent performance. Additional- can be routed to a condensate stabilizing col-
ly, NGLTech provides customization options umn, enabling condensate stabilization and
for clients with unique needs, offering tailored extraction of LPG as separate products. This
solutions to maximize the benefits of the En- flexibility allows operators to choose the most
hanced LP-CRS™ system in a variety of oper- suitable option based on their specific opera-
ational contexts. tional and market requirements.

APPLICATIONS In addition, the short delivery time of within 5

months for the standard units of the En-
The Enhanced LP-CRS™ system offers versa- hanced LP-CRS™, enable quick reduction of
tile applications that address multiple challeng- emissions while increasing net revenue as an
es in the oil and gas industry. This cost- effec- interim measure, while waiting for full-scale
tive solution enables the monetization of flare solution deployment which may entail a lead
gas by extracting valuable Natural Gas Liquids

time of more than 2 years. By offering a range generation, LNG, CNG, GTL, etc. for mone-
of applications, the Enhanced LP-CRS™ sys- tizing the gas generally economically not via-
tem empowers oil and gas facilities to optimize ble. Table 2 presents some of the prominent
their operations, reduce emissions, and gener- solutions providers in the market.
ate additional revenue streams.
As indicated in the tabulation, all the solutions
mentioned above require relatively high
CAPEX and require additional facilities for
pressure boost, gas pre-treatment, power
supply, among others. Particularly for off-
shore facilities, these solutions become pro-

On the other hand, the Enhanced LP-CRS™

packages which come in four.

(4) nominal capacities are significantly small-

er, lightweight and with lower capital cost.
Even for facilities where the gas is to be mon-
etized for power generation, CNG, LNG,
CNG, pipelined, etc. the system is a cost-
effective solution for pre-treatment. In addi-
tion, the short delivery time of within 5 months
for the standard units of the Enhanced LP-
CRS™, enable quick reduction of emissions
and increasing net revenue as an interim
measure, while waiting for full-scale solution
deployment which may entail a lead time of
more than 2 years.


While there are several technologies available

in the market targeted for monetization of flare
gas, virtually all are not practical for implemen-
tation at production sites at flare gas in the
range of 3 MMscfd to 25 MMscfd. An impedi-
ment is the fact that oil production facilities in
most locations generally have a short produc-
tion life ranging from 3 to 10 years. The low
production rates and low pressure coupled
with short production life makes many of con-
ventional technologies, like pipelines, power

MARKET POTENTIAL—GLOBAL FLARING technology aligns perfectly with industry

SCENARIO: trends and regulatory requirements, potential-
ly making it a highly sought-after solution.
The global flaring of associated gas (AG) pos-
es significant environmental and economic
challenges. According to data from the World
Bank's Global Gas Flaring Partnership
(GGFR), AG flaring reached 139 billion cubic
meters (bcm) in 2022, resulting in over 350
million tons of CO2-equivalent emissions an-
nually. This extensive flaring activity takes
place across approximately 7,000 production
sites worldwide, highlighting the urgent need
for an effective solution.

Despite global efforts to reduce flaring, gas

flaring has remained consistently high, ranging
from 140 to 150 bcm between 2010 and 2022.
This data demonstrates the magnitude of the
problem and emphasizes the potential impact
of addressing it. Major flaring nations and their
corresponding volumes of gas flared can be
observed in Figure 4.

The market potential for the Enhanced LP-

CRS™ system is substantial, driven by the in-
creasing emphasis on emissions reduction and
sustainable practices in the oil and gas indus-
try. By enabling the extraction of valuable nat-
ural gas liquids (NGLs) from low-pressure nat-
ural gas streams, this technology not only re-
duces flaring and greenhouse gas emissions
but also presents a significant revenue-
generating opportunity.


The business case for the Enhanced LP-

CRS™ system is exceptionally compelling,

The scale of the market opportunity becomes of 493 barrels of oil condensate per day
evident when considering the number of pro- (bopd) from each production site unlocks in-
duction sites worldwide that flare significant cremental revenue of USD 12.1 million, as-
amounts of associated gas. Based on data ex- suming an oil price of USD 70 per barrel. Ad-
tracted from the World Bank's GGFR, there ditionally, the system enables an average re-
are approximately 7,000 production sites glob- duction of 71,400 tons per year in CO2 emis-
ally that flare AG, with around 850 production sions, resulting in potential carbon tax sav-
sites flaring more than 3 MMscfd, totaling 8.4 ings.
bscfd and with a mean AG flaring rate of 9.87
MMscfd. The cumulative financial benefits realized
with the installation of the Enhanced LP-
CRS™ system are remarkable. The estimat-
ed payback period for the technology is ap-
proximately 11 months, highlighting its rapid
return on investment. The total market poten-
tial for the Enhanced LP-CRS™ system is
estimated at a staggering USD 2.98 billion,
underscoring the vast commercial prospects
waiting to be harnessed.

By capitalizing on this unparalleled market

potential, NGLTech can position itself as a
leader in emission reduction and carbon cap-
ture, simultaneously driving substantial finan-
cial gains. The Enhanced LP-CRS™ system's
capability to deliver exceptional economic re-
turns, reduce emissions, and create a sus-

future establishes an unmatched business

case that presents an irresistible proposition
for global adoption.


The Enhanced LP-CRS™ system developed

by NGLTech offers a promising solution to
the challenges of associated gas flaring. By
extracting valuable components from low-
pressure natural gas streams, the system
provides a commercially viable and environ-
mentally friendly approach to monetizing flare
If the initial target for the global commercializa-
gas. It addresses the limitations of existing
tion of the Enhanced LP-CRS™ system focus-
solutions and presents an opportunity for
es on facilities flaring more than 3 MMscfd of
emission reduction and revenue generation.
AG (approximately 850 facilities), the business
case becomes compelling. With an average
The system's high performance and low
cost estimate of USD 3.5 million (ex-works)
capex contribute to a short payback period,
and an estimated installed cost of USD 10.5
making emission reduction using the En-
million for each system, the financial feasibility
hanced LP-CRS™ system profitable for end-
is evident.
users. This economic advantage further in-
centivizes the adoption of technology and
The system's capability to extract an average

promotes sustainable practices within the oil

and gas industry.

In conclusion, the Enhanced LP-CRS™ sys-

tem has the potential to contribute to emission
reduction and resource monetization in the oil
and gas industry. Its implementation aligns
with sustainability goals, promoting responsi-
ble practices, optimizing resource utilization,
and offering economic benefits for end-users.

Some Common Questions on Centrifugal

Jayanthi Vijay Sarathy

The following article covers attending to some multifold in the next few years primarily focus-
questions related to centrifugal compressors. ing on increasing power savings, extended
turbomachinery life, operational efficiency,
LIFE CYCLE COSTS reducing compressor stall and surge avoid-
Most compressor purchasers look at price first, ance. However, to support AI/ML based solu-
but the lowest capex cost is often the highest tions, data gathering using improved sensor
cost when you include energy and mainte- quality & embedded systems would be a pre-
nance cost. How can clients be best helped to requisite.
understand the life cycle cost and the cost of Compressor performance & monitoring de-
quality? pends on a mix of both hardware and soft-
The total lifecycle cost of a compressor pack- ware capabilities and more importantly, how
age comprises of both CAPEX and OPEX accurate and reliable the signal measure-
costs. As part of CAPEX, the expenses cover ments are to perform diagnostics. For reliable
manufacturing, transportation, installation & readings, much starts with the design stage
commissioning costs, which is a one-time af- where, the location of the instrumentation on
fair. However, OPEX costs are a variable the piping and equipment matters as well as
which involves spare parts and consumables how good the support structures and civil
(such as lube oil & nitrogen for sealing), costs foundation is laid. Process instrumentation
due to shipping delays, annual maintenance, often suffer from vibrational disturbances &
associated labour costs, power consumed for any radio/electromagnetic interference
operations & costs associated with production (depending on whether digital or analog)
loss and equipment failure. OPEX costs can thereby generating noise in the signals.
also vary when there are production/ process Therefore, sampling frequency & signal integ-
changes or brownfield expansion/ develop- rity needs to be maintained to generate high
ments, which puts the operational flexibility quality data for any further post processing
and reliability of the turbomachinery under using software methods. In the author’s opin-
question, and if they can deliver the same per- ion, AI/ML cannot be used to compensate for
formance as before. poor design and hardware performance.

Considering a natural gas facility can run over COMPRESSOR FOUNDATIONS

25 to 30 years, turbomachinery suppliers can What are some best practices for centrifugal
focus on coordinating with the client on the compressor foundations?
benefits and savings accrued in investing bet-
ter during the design phase as part of CAPEX. A common issue with compressor operations
Even with a relatively higher cost of CAPEX is resonance which is caused when the oper-
investments, it allows clients to significantly ating forced frequencies become equal to the
save on OPEX in the long run. natural frequency. This can be captured in a
Campbell diagram. Compressor startup and
MONITORING COMPRESSOR PERFOR- shutdown are two events, where the possibil-
MANCE ity of vibrations is the highest as the speed is
In recent years, plant operators look towards ramped up or ramped down. The aim of the
outsourcing their compressor monitoring ser- foundation design must be to transfer the
vices to third party service providers. Both static and dynamic loads uniformly from the
SaaS and PaaS as part of Industrial IoT / Digi- baseplate to the grouting and down into the
tal transformation is expected to increase concrete foundation.

API 686 is a design standard that provides must be provided. Temperature sensors &
guidelines on foundation design. A part of the liquid level gauges must be placed for con-
solution comes from increasing the weight of stant monitoring and prevent overheating dur-
the concrete foundation by at least up to 3 to 5 ing peak operating cycles. The entire con-
times the weight of the total equipment laid on tents in the reservoir are circulated typically
the foundation. The concrete mix should be between 8 to 12 times/hr.
poured into a neat and clean excavation with
zero formed side faces. Typically, increasing To attend to cold/winter/ startup conditions,
the width and length of the foundation is better where the lube oil viscosity needs to be regu-
choice instead of an increase in depth, so as lated, a heating coil can be installed in the
to uniformly distribute the weight of the total reservoir with temperature control. Relief
equipment. For a design less than 50% of the valves and check valves need to be installed
allowable static load, soil bearing methods can appropriately to prevent any backflow and
help avoid shear failure. prevent any over pressurization. A key pa-
rameter is, to maintain the oil pressure which
The foundation needs to be a unified system is fed to the bearings. To do so, a bypass line
which has a concrete footing laid on the soil with a pressure control valve from the oil res-
base. Upon which lies a concrete pad and ervoir to the compressor bearings is installed.
grouting. Jack bolts and anchors are placed This ensures any excess flow of lube oil is
through the grouting and concrete pad upon routed back to the lube oil reservoir. Addition-
which the compressor I-beam base plate is ally, a pressure switch is installed at the lube
installed with vibration dampeners. Therefore, oil pump discharge which upon activation due
to avoid any cracking of the grouting & con- to low discharge pressure, causes the auxilia-
crete, which can result in the anchoring getting ry pump to start. However, in the event where
dislodged, the material quality should be high despite the auxiliary pump running, if the oil
& cured sufficiently. Cracking of the foundation pressure is insufficient, the compressor train
can also occur when there are no expansion needs to shut down.
joints since concrete can expand and contract
due to temperature changes. Additionally, the A typical range of ISO viscosity grades of
shoulder spacing of the grouting must not be lube oils used is between 32 to 46. They must
excessive to prevent any edge lifting which have resistance to oxidation as per ASTM
can cause the grouting to crack. D943, a flash point of more than 2000C as
per ASTM D92 and should provide more than
Grouting is also susceptible to degradation 5000 hours of operation. Lube oils must also
due to oil leakages. Hence provisions such as provide resistance to foaming, volatility at
a drip pan must be provided to avoid any lube high temperatures that can cause reservoir
oil or seal oil leaking into the crevices of the depletion, any corrosion & repel water if it en-
grouting. The primary purpose of anchor bolts ters the lube oil system.
is to prevent any upward movement of the
concrete by providing tensile strength. Earlier SMALL BORE PIPING
designs of anchor bolts were a “J” or an “L” Small bore piping on compressor discharges
shape. But in recent years, the anchor bolting have seen many failures. What are some
is sunk deeper into the foundation with round- best practices for small bore piping on com-
ed plates. pressor discharge?
COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION A chief cause for small bore piping to fail is
What are some best practices of lubrication in due to mainline piping vibrations. Locations in
centrifugal compressors? the mainline which are near piping elements
like flow meters, bends, and Tee-bends expe-
A lube oil system is a closed loop system con- rience turbulent flow. This causes noise and
sisting of a lube oil reservoir, two oil pumps vibrations which is transmitted to the small-
(running + auxiliary) with their respective lube bore piping. Depending on the phase at
oil coolers, followed by oil filters, before the which these issues are addressed, certain
lube oil is fed to the compressor bearings and measures can be taken.
returned to the lube oil reservoir. A common
issue is the accumulation of debris, to form a During the design phase a Finite Element
sludge that settles down at the bottom of the Analysis (FEA) study can be conducted to
lube oil reservoir. Therefore, the base of the check for stress concentration points. The
reservoir must be sloped to ensure easy drain- small-bore piping can then be shifted accord-
age. Any dissolved gases in the reservoir lube ingly to locations which have low stress con-
oil can get degassed for which a vent valve centration. Alternatively, small bore piping
can be welded instead of using threaded

connections with higher piping schedule during

applications. If the buffer gas pressure ex-
the design stage.
ceeds ~5 bar differential pressure, the re-
In case of existing facilities, bracing or sup- verse can happen, i.e., where buffer gas
ports can be provided to minimize any move- (nitrogen) is ingested into the compressor
ment. U-bolts are often used but suffer from
lateral movement and need to be used in pairs casing. In such a situation the process gas
and spaced sufficiently. Alternatively, strapped exported to the client through the gas pipeline
clamping with a liner material can also be would not meet the client's gas purchasing
placed to hold the small-bore piping. A key fac- specification.
tor to be considered is the stiffness of the re-
straint, whereby higher stiffness offers more SEAL OIL SYSTEM
restraint. Using external supports to would be
effective provided the distance between the Seal Oil Systems in centrifugal compressors
small-bore piping and external support is short. are outdated. Aren’t Dry Gas Seals (DGS) the
If no external supports are present, then the
new norm?
small-bore line can be strapped back to the
main line.
For applications up to about 200 barg pres-
COMPRESSOR SEALS sure, dry gas seals can be considered, but for
What are some best practices in centrifugal higher discharge pressures, seal oil systems
compressor seals? are preferable. Additionally, a temperature
limit of 2000C to 2500C exists for DGS due to
For applications up to about 200 bara pres-
the O-ring temperature limitations. However,
sure, dry gas seals can be considered, but for
higher discharge pressures, seal oil systems some of the chief causes of DGS failure are,
are preferable. Additionally, a temperature limit
of 1800C to 2000C exists for dry gas seals due 1. Dirty Gas – The sealing space between
to the O-ring temperature limitations. Tradition- the stationery and rotating surfaces is of
ally oil type seals were in vogue, but with time, the order of 2 to 5 microns. When the
newer designs incorporated dry gas seals. Dry sealing gas supplied contains fine debris,
gas seals offer the advantage of using the pro- you are setting up the seals for failure due
cess gas itself to provide compressor sealing
and thus doing away with the need for seal oil to clogging and subsequent wear & tear.
infrastructure. If the centrifugal compressor in
question is eligible for retrofitting, oil seals up- 2. Reverse Rotation of Impellers – During a
on reaching its end of useful life can be re- centrifugal compressor shutdown, chanc-
placed with dry gas seals which offer better es still exist for any reverse rotation of the
economic advantages, improved efficiency, impellers, if the check valve at the com-
reliability, and reduced fugitive emissions. pressor discharge fails causing reversal in
Seal oil systems suffer from process gas dif- process gas leakages. When the dry gas
fusing into the seal oil and thereby requires seals are designed for unidirectional rota-
degassing equipment to reuse the seal oil. tion, you can take it for granted the seals
This represents maintenance, a monetary and
will wear out faster than expected.
inventory loss in the long run. Water content
affects the quality of seal oil and causes wear
3. Reverse Pressurization – The dry gas
& tear due to drag and deterioration in the
sealing ability. During compressor depressuri- seal from the compressor exits to a low-
zation after a shutdown, chances exist for any pressure flare (or also a cold flare). With
debris to escape through the seal and seal the sealing gas flowing into a common
sleeve. Additionally, any additives in seal oil header to join other stream from multiple
tends to precipitate out if the operating temper-
sources, the possibility of back pressure
atures exceed stipulated temperature limits.
acting on the sealing system exists, there-
To prevent any contamination between seal oil by initiating a compressor trip.
and process gas, nitrogen can be used as a
barrier. The pressure differential used to main- 4. Depressurization post shutdown – This is
tain any process gas from mixing with the seal far more detrimental especially when the
oil is around 3 bar pressure for non-sour appli-
sealing gas contains any sour compounds

such as H2S and CO2 or ingress of air. To size the anti-surge valve (ASV), the phi-
Any contamination of the sealing gas with losophy employed should consider, operating
process gas can cause the mixture to act the compressor on the right-hand side of the
as a poison to the catalyst bed down- SCL while also ensuring the operating point
stream (if any). does not cross the choke flow line. Towards
this, the recycle flow rates across the ASV
5. In case any moisture or condensable va- can be taken to be 1.8 to 2.2 times the surge
pours are present, then either we could flow rate.
potentially see liquid condensation or hy-
drate formation, during a compressor de- Traditionally ASVs have linear opening char-
pressurization. acteristics, though sometimes equal percent-
age characteristics can be incorporated into
6. O-rings are elastomers & any rapid depres- the linear trend. Quick opening characteristics
surization can cause the process gas along are not preferred due to poor throttling char-
with hydrates/condensables / H2S / CO2 to acteristics while Equal percentage valves suf-
diffuse/ permeate into the O-rings, causing fer from slow opening during the early travel
degradation & deformation. period. The stroking time of the valve should
7. Traditionally oil type seals were in vogue, be ideally less than 2 sec with less than 0.4
but with time, newer compressor designs sec time delay and no overshoot. The actua-
incorporated dry gas seals since the tor response time must be less than 100
1990s. But there are legacy compressors msec and the noise limit is ~85 dBA. The
which even to this day, still run on seal oil maximum noise level allowed is 110 dBA.
systems. Anti-surge valves are Fail-open [FO] type and
Therefore, the engineer needs to go on a case should provide stable throttling. Fluid veloci-
-to-case basis, to see what kind of process ties should be less than 0.3 Mach to avoid
gas, process conditions & the kind of plant op- piping damage and valve rattling. The anti-
erations, the turbomachinery has to deal with. surge valve can be operated pneumatically or
Also, not all legacy centrifugal compressors by solenoid action. For valve sizes greater
can be retrofitted with dry gas seals. than 16”, a motor operated valve can be used
to effectuate the fast-opening requirements.
ANTI-SURGE VALVE Although the current module provides a meth-
odology to size an ASV which is suitable dur-
What are some the key elements in sizing an
ing Concept/Basic Engineering stage, a com-
Antisurge Valve for a Centrifugal Compressor?
pressor dynamic simulation shall be per-
The surge curve is defined as the Surge Limit formed with the actual plant layout based on
Line [SLL] and an operating margin is provided detailed design to verify if the ASV can cater
[e.g., 10% on flow rate] which is called the to preventing a surge during start-up & shut-
surge control line [SCL]. To ensure process down scenarios.
safety & avoid mechanical damage, the anti-
The final ASV size must be verified in concur-
surge valve (ASV) must be large enough to
rence with the turbomachinery vendor, valve
recycle flow sufficiently. An undersized valve
manufacturer, if the ASV can cater to the
would fail to provide enough recycle flow to
surge control philosophy employed, slope of
keep the compressor operating point away
the performance curves & polytropic efficien-
from SCL and SLL. Whereas over sizing the
cy maps at the choke points.
ASV leads to excess gas recycling that can
drive the compressor into the choke flow re- UNCERTAINTIES IN MEASUREMENTS
gion. Oversized valves also create difficulties
in tuning the controllers due to large controller How much do uncertainties in measurements
gain values and limited stroke. affect the surge control system?

Pressure, temperature, and flowrate are the
three parameters that go into the anti-surge Application Guidelines for Centrifugal Com-
algorithm. Any uncertainties in these measure- pressor Surge Control Systems, GMRC
ments can either overestimate or underesti- Guidelines, Ver 4.3, Southwest Research In-
stitute, April 2008
mate the surge protection margins. Underesti-
mating the uncertainties is more detrimental, Compressor foundation assessment and re-
as it could prevent the anti-surge controller pairs key to reducing vibrations, Michael Gol-
la, Compressor Tech, Dec 2019, Page 46
from having sufficient time to respond. Say the
flow measuring orifice is near a piping bend, it (
can create turbulence which causes improper content/uploads/2019/12/CT2-Foundations-
recording of the process parameters.
As per GMRC Guidelines, Ver. 4.3, the In-
Practice achievable uncertainties for measured
test parameters, suggests the following typical
values, 0.3% to 2.0% (full scale) for pressure,
0.30C to 4.00C for temperature, 1% to 3% for
flow (clean gas) and 0.2% to 3.0% for density,
enthalpy, and isentropic coefficient. Flow Vijay Sarathy holds a Master’s Degree in
measurement uncertainty is affected by instal- Chemical Engineering from Birla Institute of
lation errors such as insufficient straight run Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani, India
length for fully developed flow, DP meters and is a Chartered Engineer from the Institu-
causing bias errors in flow measurement and tion of Chemical Engineers, UK. His expertise
over 16 years of professional experience co-
pulsating flow in the piping. For accurate pres- vers Front End Engineering, Process Dynam-
sure measurements, the location of the pres- ic Simulation and Subsea/Onshore pipeline
sure transmitters must follow ASME PTC 10 flow assurance in the Oil and Gas industry.
standards. For temperature transmitters, apart Vijay has worked as an Upstream Process
from incorrect positioning and calibration er- Engineer with major conglomerates of Gen-
eral Electric, ENI Saipem and Shell.
rors, insufficient insulation causes heat trans-
fer from the piping wall to the temperature
probes and hence also needs to meet ASME
PTC 10 standards, to reduce uncertainties in
temperature measurements.

In case of DP transmitters on the restriction

orifice, high static line pressures (> 69 bara)
affect the DP measurements and hence need
to be calibrated for higher static pressures. DP
transmitters also suffer from damping which
needs to be minimized for faster response. DP
transmitters also have sampling lines which
are susceptible to liquid entrapment and hence
need to be aligned horizontally to drain any
liquids for accurate measurements.

Petrochemicals x Transportation Fuels:

Which will Drive the Strategic Planning of
the Downstream Players for Next Years?
Dr. Marcio Wagner da Silva

INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT · Substitute products and services – There

are substitute products or services capa-
In 1979 Michel Porter wrote the revolutionary ble of easily substituting the products/
article in Harvard Business Review “How Com- services currently offered?
petitive Forces Shapes Strategy”, where intro-
duced the concept of the five competitive forc- · The threat of new entrants – How difficult
es. Through an analysis of these forces in a is for a new entrant to join the market?
determined business the players can analyses
their competitive positioning while is possible · Rivalry between the existing players -
to define some strategies to achieve better How aggressively the players are compet-
competitive positioning. ing in the market?
According to the Michel Porter article, there Figure 1 presents the relation of the five com-
are five competitive forces that define the com- petitive forces for a determined market.
petitive positioning of a player in a determined
market: According to the positioning of a player in re-
lation of each one of the competitive forces,
· The supplier power – How is the bargain the players can define their strategies to im-
power of the supplier in relation to the con- prove the competitive positioning reinforcing
sumers? the point considered the weakness.

· The costumer power – How is the flexibility The current scenario presents great challeng-
and alternatives of the customer in relation es to the crude oil refining industry, prices
to your services and products? volatility of raw material, pressure from

society to reduce environmental impacts and with energy efficiency of the refining hard-
refining margins increasingly lower. The dras- ware, once more than 60 % of the operat-
tic reduction of sulfur content in the final prod- ing costs are related to energy consump-
uct, lead refiners to look for alternatives to re- tion.
duce the sulfur content in the intermediate
streams, in this business environment it’s pos- · Bargain power of buyers – The costumers
sible to imagine how the Porter’s competitive have low bargain power in the down-
forces to the downstream industry. stream industry once is still difficult to
found energy sources in quantity and
THE PORTER’S COMPETITIVE FORCES IN quality capable to substitute the crude oil
THE DOWNSTREAM INDUSTRY derivatives, of course, in markets with
high quantity of players, the competitive-
Considering the shown in Figure 1, it’s possi- ness can offer alternatives to the costum-
ble to analyze the five competitive forces listed ers, but it’s difficult to achieve great gap of
by Michael Porter to the downstream industry. prices in a commodity market. Despite
· Bargain power of Suppliers – The main this, the public opinion over the down-
supplier of the downstream industry is the stream industry is increasingly important
crude oil producers, normally the refiners and have potential to change the energy
have low bargain power because the crude market, an example is the growing trend
oil price is defined by a several factors, but of energy transition efforts demanded by
refiners relying on flexible refining hard- the society, requiring a transition to low
ware can face advantages once are capa- carbon energy sources.
ble to processing heavier and discounted · Threat of new entrants – Due to the high
crudes that present lower costs. In other
capital requirements, it’s hard to face the
words, adequate bottom barrel conversion
new entrant threat in the downstream in-
capacity can offer a significant competitive
dustry, but this threat can always be con-
advantage to the refiners. Over the years sidered mainly due to government inter-
some companies have developed integrat- ventions and the attractiveness of the lo-
ed operations to minimize the exposition of
cal markets.
the variation of crude oil prices. Regarding
the other suppliers, normally the refiners · Rivalry among existing competitors – This
are considered great costumers and these is a great concern in the downstream in-
suppliers tends to present low bargain dustry, the great number of players and
power, in normal conditions, they do not the standardization of the products create
represent a great threat, in this case, the great pressure over the refining margins,
most integrated players can get competi- to overcome this the refiners have look for
tive advantage. The operational efficiency improve their operational efficiency, but
is another fundamental characteristic, refin- it’s normally quickly followed by the other
ers capable to reduce the operating costs players, reducing the profitability in the
can acquire more resilience face to the var- market.
iations of crude oil prices, the operating
costs reduction is especially related

· Threat of substitute products and services The improvement in fuel efficiency, growing
– Nowadays, this is the great threat to the market of electric vehicles tends to decline
players of the downstream industry. The the participation of transportation fuels in the
reduction of the consumer market in the global crude oil demand. Figure 4 presents
last years became common, news about the growth of electric vehicles in the last
countries that intend to reduce or ban the years in the global market.
production of vehicles powered by fossil
Further the electrification of the automobiles,
fuels in the middle term, mainly in the Eu-
ropean market. Despite the recent fore- new technologies like additive manufacturing
casts, the transportation fuels demand is (3D printing) has the potential to produce
great impact to the transportation demands,
still the main revenues driver to the down-
leading to even more impact over the trans-
stream industry, as presented in Figure 2,
portation fuels demand the growing trend of
based on data from International Energy
vehicles sharing services like Uber has great
Agency (IEA).
potential to destroy demand in the down-
According to Figure 2, the transportation fuels stream industry. Another threat is the growing
demand represents close to five times the de- participation of renewable raw material in the
mand by petrochemicals as well as a focus on crude oil refineries, in a response of the soci-
transportation fuels of the current refining ety requirement to energy transition efforts. In
hardware. Despite these data, is observed a the last months some important players have
strong trend of reduction in transportation fuels announced the conversion of some crude oil
demand followed by a growing market of pet- refineries into renewable processing plants
rochemicals. Still according to IEA data, pre- while other players and technology develop-
sented in Figure 3, is expected a relevant ers announce the production of diesel and jet
growth in the petrochemical’s participation in fuel applying co-processing of crude oil and
the global oil demand. renewable raw material like HVGO in some
refineries around the world.

Another deep change in the downstream sec- players tend to compete in the existing mar-
tor that reinforces the necessity of high conver- ket focusing on defeat competitors through
sion refining hardware is the IMO 2020. Re- the exploration of existing demand, leading to
strictive regulations like IMO 2020 raised, even low differentiation and low profitability. The
more, the pressure over refiners with low bot- blue ocean is characterized by look for space
tom barrel conversion capacity once requires in non-explored (or few explored markets),
higher capacity to add value to residual creating and developing new demands and
streams, especially related to sulfur content reaching differentiation, this model can be
that was reduced from 3,5 % (in mass) to 0,5 applied (with some specificities once is a
%. Refiners with easy access to low sulfur commodity market) to the downstream indus-
crude oils present relative competitive ad- try, considering the traditional transportation
vantage in this scenario, these players can rely fuels refineries and the petrochemical sector.
on relatively low-cost residue upgrading tech-
Due his characteristics, the transportation
nologies to produce the new marine fuel oil
fuels market can be imagined like the red
(Bunker) as carbon rejection technologies
ocean, where the margins tend to be low and
(Solvent Deasphalting, Delayed Coking, etc.),
under high competition between the players
but they are the minority in the market. The
with low differentiation capacity. On the other
most part of the players need to look for
side the petrochemicals sector can be faced
sources of low sulfur crudes, which present
like the blue ocean where few players are
higher cost putting under pressure his refining
able to meet
margins or look for deep bottom barrel conver-
sion technologies to ensure more value addi- the market in competitive conditions, higher
tion to processed crude oils and avoid to loss refining margins, and significant differentia-
competitiveness in the downstream market. tion in relation to refiners dedicated to trans-
For these refiners, deepest residue upgrading portation fuels market. Figure 5 presents the
like hydrocracking technologies can offer great basic concept of blue ocean strategy in com-
operational flexibility, despite the high capital parison with the traditional red ocean where
spending. In this scenario, with necessity to the players fight to market share with low
higher value addition to bottom barrel stream margins.
and growing market of petrochemicals, refiners
As presented above, the market forecasts
with adequate bottom barrel conversion capac-
indicates that the refiners able to maximize
ity can achieve great competitive advantage in
petrochemicals against transportation fuels
the downstream industry.
can achieve highlighted economic perfor-
Based on the description above it’s possible to mance in short term, in this sense, the crude
apply the article published by W. Chan Kim oil to chemicals technologies can offer even
and Renée Mauborge called “Blue Ocean more competitive advantage to the refiners
Strategy” in Harvard Business Review, to clas- with capacity of capital investment.
sify the competitive markets in the downstream
Can be difficult to some people to understand
industry. In this article the authors define the
the term “differentiation” in the downstream
conventional market as a red ocean where the

industry once this is a market that deal with 2 – Offer a new Value Addition – Face the
commodities, but the differentiation here is re- reduction in transportation fuels, an attractive
lated to the capacity to reach more added val- strategy to the downstream sector is to offer a
ue to the processed crude oil and as present- new proposed value to the market through
ed above, nowadays this is translated in the higher value addition to the processed crude
capacity to maximize the petrochemicals yield, oils as well as needed materials to the society
creating differentiation between integrated and with lower environmental footprint than fossil
non-integrated players. fuels. The petrochemical intermediates have
higher added value to refiners and growing
CHANGING THE FOCUS – MORE PETRO- demand as data, the substitution of steel is
CHEMICALS AND LESS FUELS some engineering materials is an interesting
In this business environment it’s possible to way to ensure market to petrochemicals in
adapt the Anssoff Matrix to considering the short term, in this sense, the refiners can
contraction profile of transportation fuels mar- change the production focus from transporta-
ket to analyze the available alternatives to the tion fuels to petrochemicals, especially in
downstream players, the Anssof Matrix is pre- markets like Asia and Europe where the fall-
sented in Figure 6. ing in transportation fuels demand is most
significant. Beyond the petrochemicals, the
In Figure 6 the current position of downstream capacity to add value to bottom barrels
players is focused on transportation fuels de- streams appears like a competitive ad-
mand that presents a contraction profile as vantage.
aforementioned. In this scenario there are
three alternatives to the players: 3 – New Clients and New Value Addition –
Strategically, this alternative seems the right
1 – Look for new clients – This alternative way to follow, mainly to refiners with the most
seems attractive at first look, but the stricter complex refining hardware. Through the pro-
regulations and trend of reduction in the con- motion of closer integration with petrochemi-
sumption create great pressure over the con- cal sector, the refiners not only offer a higher
sumption of fossil fuels. The major consumers proposed value to the clients and society but
of transportation fuels are still the in develop- can reach a new range of costumers capable
ment economies like Brazil, Mexico, and India to ensure higher added value to the pro-
but the most efficient engines and substitute cessed crude oils and lower operational costs
technologies like hybrid and electric vehicles through available synergies between refining
tends to reduce the market growth even in and petrochemical assets.
these countries;

Another strategic planning model which can be assets. The challenge here is related to
applied to the current scenario of the down- the production of green hydrogen in large
stream industry is the PESTEL model. This scale to minimize the carbon intensity of
theory applies six fundamental factors which the downstream sector.
influence the strategy of any business, these
factors are: · Environmental – Again, the environmental
factor favors the petrochemical sector due
· Political – The growing pressure to mini- the higher potential of circularity than the
mize the environmental footprint of the en- transportation fuels.
ergetic matrix is leading the governments
raise the pressure over the downstream · Legal – We are seeing a growing pres-
players to reduce their carbon intensity, sure over the downstream players to re-
this is translated into an increasingly hos- duce the carbon intensity of their opera-
tile scenario to the fossil fuels. tions which is translated to stricter regula-
tions, this factor overlaps with the political
· Economic – The higher added value of pet- factor which favors the adoption of petro-
rochemicals in comparison with transporta- chemicals against fuels as production fo-
tion fuels as well as their higher potential of cus.
circularity are important drivers to consider
in the strategic planning of the downstream A simplified analysis based on the PESTEL
players. The question here is the capital model can indicate the favorability of chang-
intensity required to make the change of a ing the production focus from fossil fuels to
refining asset from transportation fuels to petrochemicals, this is summarized in Figure
petrochemicals. 7.

· Social – The impact of the energy industry At this point it’s important to explain that the
in the communities is high, considering the energy transition is an incremental and not
higher circularity of the petrochemicals disruptive process. The change in the produc-
against the fuels and the higher economic tion focus from fuels to petrochemicals is not
returns it’s possible to imagine a better so- a easy task and the capital requirement is a
cial benefits for the society considering the barrier among the downstream players, our
change of the production focus in the point of view is that the players with capital
power and inserted in more economic devel-
downstream sector from fuels to petro-
chemicals or non-energetic derivatives like oped markets will change quickly from fuels
lubricants depending on the local policies to petrochemicals while the players with less
of the consumer market. access to capital and based in in developing
economies will keep their focus in transporta-
· Technological – The refining and petro- tion fuels.
chemical industries are well technologically
developed, and the commercial technolo-
gies are totally able to allow closer integra-
tion between refining and petrochemical

PETROCHEMICAL AND REFINING INTE- Figure 8 presents a block diagram that shows
GRATION AS DIFFERENTIATION STRATE- some integration possibilities between refin-
GY ing processes and the petrochemical indus-
The focus of the closer integration between
refining and petrochemical industries is to pro- Process streams considered with low added
mote and seize the synergies existing opportu- value to refiners like fuel gas (C2) are attrac-
nities between both downstream sectors to tive raw materials to the petrochemical indus-
generate value to the whole crude oil produc- try, as well as streams considered residual to
tion chain. Table 1 presents the main charac- petrochemical industries (butanes, pyrolysis
teristics of the refining and petrochemical in- gasoline, and heavy aromatics) can be ap-
dustry and the synergies potential. plied to refiners to produce high quality trans-
portation fuels, this can help the refining in-
As aforementioned, the petrochemical industry dustry meet the environmental and quality
has been growing at considerably higher rates regulations to derivatives.
when compared with the transportation fuels
market in the last years, additionally, represent The integration potential and the synergy
a noblest destiny and less environmental ag- among the processes rely on the refining
gressive to crude oil derivatives. The techno- scheme adopted by the refinery and the con-
logical bases of the refining and petrochemical sumer market, process units as Fluid Catalyt-
industries are similar which leads to possibili- ic Cracking (FCC) and Catalytic Reforming
ties of synergies capable of reducing opera- can be optimized to produce petrochemical
tional costs and add value to derivatives pro- intermediates to the detriment of streams that
duced in the refineries.

will be incorporated to fuels pool. In the case with low residual carbon that is a common
of FCC, installation of units dedicated to pro- characteristic in Middle East crude oils. The
duce petrochemical intermediates, called pet- processing scheme involves deep catalytic
rochemical FCC, aims to reduce to the mini- conversion process aiming to reach maxi-
mum the generation of streams to produce mum conversion to light olefins. In this refin-
transportation fuels, however, the capital in- ing configuration, the petrochemical FCC
vestment is high once the severity of the pro- units have a key role to ensure high added
cess requires the use of material with noblest value to the processed crude oil. An example
metallurgical characteristics. of FCC technology developed to maximize
the production of petrochemical intermediates
The IHS Markit Company proposed a classifi- is the PetroFCC™ process by UOP Compa-
cation of the petrochemical integration grades, ny, this process combines a petrochemical
as presented in Figure 9. FCC and separation processes optimized to
According to the classification proposed, the produce raw materials to the petrochemical
crude to chemicals refineries is considered the process plants, as presented in Figure 11.
maximum level of petrochemical integration, Other available technologies are the HS-
where the processed crude oil is totally con- FCC™ process commercialized by Axens
verted into petrochemical intermediates like Company, and INDMAX™ process licensed
ethylene, propylene, and BTX. by Lummus Company.

CRUDE OIL TO CHEMICALS STRATEGY To petrochemical FCC units, the reaction

temperature reaches 600 oC and higher cata-
Due to the increasing market and higher add- lyst circulation rate raises the gases produc-
ed value as well as the trend of reduction in tion, which requires a scaling up of gas sepa-
transportation fuels demand, some refiners ration section. The higher thermal demand
and technology developers has dedicated his makes it advantageous to operate the cata-
efforts to develop crude to chemicals refining lyst regenerator in total combustion mode
assets. One of the big players that have been leading to the necessity of installation a cata-
invested in this alternative is the Saudi Aramco lyst cooler system.
Company, the concept is based on the direct
conversion of crude oil to petrochemical inter- The installation of petrochemical catalytic
mediates as presented in Figure 10. cracking units requires a deep economic
study considering the high capital investment
The process presented in Figure 10 is based and higher operational costs; however, some
on the quality of the crude oil and deep con- forecasts indicate growth of 4,0 % per year to
version technologies like High Severity or pet- the market of petrochemical intermediates
rochemical FCC units and deep hydrocracking until 2025. In this scenario can be attractive
technologies. The processed crude oil is light the capital investment aiming to raise the

market share in the petrochemical sector, al- compared with the original catalyst. This al-
lowing then a favorable competitive positioning ternative raises the operational costs, howev-
to the refiner, through the maximization of pet- er, as aforementioned can be economically
rochemical intermediates. Figure 12 presents attractive considering the petrochemical mar-
a block diagram showing a case study demon- ket forecasts.
strating how the petrochemical FCC unit, in
this case the INDMAX™ technology by Lum- Installation of catalyst cooler system raises
mus Company, can maximize the yield of pet- the process unit profitability through the total
rochemicals in the refining hardware. conversion enhancement and selectivity to
noblest products as propylene and naphtha
In refining hardware with conventional FCC against gases and coke production. The cata-
units, further than the higher temperature and lyst cooler is necessary when the unit is de-
catalyst circulation rates, it’s possible to apply signed to operate under total combustion
the addition of catalysts additives like the zeo- mode due to the higher heat release rate as
litic material ZSM-5 that can raise the olefins presented below.
yield close to 9,0% in some cases when

which can achieve conversions higher than

95 %. In this case, the main available tech-
nologies are the HDH™ process
developed by PDVSA-Intevep, VEBA-
In this case, the temperature of the regenera- Combicracking Process (VCC)™ commercial-
tion vessel can reach values close to 760 oC, ized by KBR Company, the EST™ process
leading to higher risks of catalyst damage (Eni Slurry Technology) developed by Italian
which is minimized through catalyst cooler in- state oil company ENI, and the Uniflex™
stallation. The option by the total combustion technology developed by UOP Company.
mode needs to consider the refinery thermal Figure 13 presents a basic process flow dia-
balance, once, in this case, will not the possi- gram for the VCC™ technology by KBR Com-
bility to produce steam in the CO boiler, fur- pany.
thermore, the higher temperature in the regen-
erator requires materials with noblest metallur- In the slurry phase hydrocracking units, the
gy, this significantly raises the installation catalysts in injected with the feedstock and
costs of these units which can be prohibitive to activated in situ while the reactions are car-
some refiners with restricted capital access. ried out in slurry phase reactors, minimizing
the reactivation issue, and ensuring higher
Another key refining technology to crude oil to conversions and operating lifecycle. Figure
chemicals refineries is the hydrocraking units. 14 presents a basic process flow diagram for
Despite the high performance, the fixed bed the Uniflex™ slurry hydrocracking technology
hydrocracking technologies can be not eco- by UOP Company.
nomically effective to treat crude oils directly
cue to the possibility of short operating lifecy- Other commercial technologies to slurry hy-
cle. Technologies that use ebullated bed reac- drocracking process are the LC-Slurry™
tors and continuum catalyst replacement allow technology developed by Chevron Lummus
higher campaign period and higher conversion Company and the Microcat-RC™ process by
rates, among these technologies the most Exxon Mobil Company.
known are the H-Oil and Hyvahl™ technolo- For this side, the Steam cracking process has
gies developed by Axens Company, the LC- a fundamental role in the petrochemical in-
Fining Process by Chevron-Lummus, and the dustry, nowadays the most part of light olefins
Hycon™ process by Shell Global Solutions. light ethylene and propylene is produced
These reactors operate at temperatures above through steam cracking route. Steam crack-
450 oC and pressures until 250 bar. ing consists of a thermal cracking process
An improvement in relation of ebullated bed that can use gas or naphtha to produce ole-
technologies is the slurry phase reactors, fins.

The naphtha to steam cracking is composed applies a reduce residence time to minimize
basically of straight run naphtha from crude oil the coking process and ensure higher opera-
distillation units, normally to meet the require- tional lifecycle. Another commercial technolo-
ments as petrochemical naphtha the stream gy dedicated to optimizing the yield of eth-
needs to present high paraffin content (higher ylene is the SCORE™ technology developed
than 66 %). by KBR and ExxonMobil Companies which
combines a selective steam cracking furnace
Due to his relevance, great technology devel- with high performance olefins recovery sec-
opers have dedicated their efforts to improve tion.
the steam cracking technologies over the
years, especially related to the steam cracking The cracking reactions occur in the furnace
furnaces. Companies like Stone & Webster, tubes, the main concern and limitation to op-
Lummus, KBR, Linde, and Technip develop erating lifecycle of steam cracking units is the
technologies to steam cracking process. One coke formation in the furnace tubes. The re-
of the most known steam cracking technolo- actions carry out under high temperatures,
gies is the SRT™ process (Short Residence between 500 oC to 700 oC according to the
Time), developed by Lummus Company, that characteristics of the feed. For heavier feeds
alternative as feedstock to steam crackers. like gas oil, is applied lower temperature

aiming to minimize the coke formation, the like UOP, Shell Global Solutions, ExxonMobil,
combination of high temperatures and low resi- Axens, and others are developing crude to
dence time are the main characteristic of the chemicals technologies, reinforcing that this
steam cracking process. Despite be possible is a trend in the downstream market. Figure
to operate with naphtha, nowadays the steam 17 presents a highly integrated refining con-
cracking operators have chosen to operate figuration capable of converting crude oil to
with ethane or LPG against naphtha due to the petrochemicals developed by UOP Company.
competitive prices related to the new sources
of NGL (Natural Gas Liquid), despite this trend As presented in Figure 17, the production fo-
over the last years, in markets where is ob- cus changes to the maximum adding value to
served a gasoline surplus, naphtha can still an the crude oil through the production of high
attractive alternative as feedstock to steam added value petrochemical intermediates or
crackers. chemicals to general purpose leading to a
minimum production of fuels. As aforemen-
According to some forecasts, the demand for tioned, big players as Saudi Aramco Compa-
propylene will rise from 130 million metric tons ny have been made great investments in
in 2020 to around 190 million metric tons in COC technologies aiming to achieve even
2030. Facing the increasingly light feed to re- more integrated refineries and petrochemical
fineries and steam cracking units which tends plants, raising considerably his competitive-
to favor the ethylene production in detriment of ness in the downstream market. The major
propylene, the propylene demand tends to be technology licensors as Axens, UOP, Lum-
supplied by on-purpose propylene production mus, Shell, ExxonMobil, etc. has been ap-
routes like propane dehydrogenation, metha- plied resources to develop technologies ca-
nol to olefins (MTO), and olefins metathesis. pable to allow a closer integration in the
downstream sector aiming to allow refiners
As quoted above, some technology developers extract the maximum added value from the
are dedicating their efforts to develop commer- processed crude oil, an increasing necessity
cial crude to chemicals refineries. Figure 15 in a scenario where the refining margins are
presents the concept of crude to chemicals under pressure.
refining scheme by Chevron Lummus Compa-
ny. Figure 18 presents a comparison between
the petrochemicals yields of traditional refin-
Another crude to chemicals refining arrange- eries, a benchmark integrated refinery and
ments is proposed by Chevon Lummus Com- Hengli crude to chemicals complex, accord-
pany, applying the synergy of residue upgrad- ing to data from IHS market.
ing strategies to maximize the petrochemical
intermediates production, Figure 16 presents a Analyzing Figure 18 it’s possible to note the
crude to chemicals arrangement relying on de- higher added value reached in crude to
layed coking unit. chemicals refineries when compared even
with highly integrated refineries. Based on
Another great refining technology developers

in crude to chemicals refineries is 300 billion the current competitive scenario as well as
US dollars and 64 % of this investment was the operational flexibility related to the pro-
made by Asian players, to reinforce this trend cessed crude oil slate.
Figure 19 present a comparison between the
relation of crude oil distillation capacity and the INTEGRATED REFINING HARDWARE –
integrated refinery capacity for each continent. SYNERGY OF PETROCHEMICALS MAXI-
Figure 19 shows that the Asian players have a
superior integration capacity of their refining As aforementioned the residue upgrading
assets in comparison with another continents, units are capable to improve the quality of
as mentioned above, this can be translated in bottom barrel streams, the main advantage of
a significant competitive advantage to the the integration between residue upgrading
Asian players and a great potential o competi- and petrochemical units like steam cracking
tive imbalance of the downstream market con- is the higher availability of feeds with better
sidering the recent forecasts which indicates crackability characteristics.
growing demand for petrochemicals. Further- Bottom barrel streams tend to concentrate
more, it’s possible to see the power of the Chi- aromatics and polyaromatics compounds that
na in the Asian and global downstream mar- present uneconomically performance in
ket. Another interesting point of Figure 19 is steam cracking units due the high yield of fuel
the positioning of the Middle East market oil that presents low added value, further-
which presents great potential of competitive- more, the aromatics tends to suffer conden-
ness of the petrochemical integration due to sation reaction in the steam cracking furnac-
the high capital availability and access to light es, leading to high rates of coke deposition
and high added crude oil. Recently, the that reduces the operation lifecycle and rais-
SATORP Company (A Joint Venture between es the operating costs. In this case deep con-
Saudi Aramco and Total Energies Compa- version units like hydrocracking can offer
nies), announces an investment of USD 11 higher operational flexibility.
billion in the Amiral crude to chemicals com-
plex in Saudi Arabia. Once cracking potential is better to paraffinic
molecules, and the hydrocracking technolo-
As aforementioned, facing the current trend of gies can improve the H/C in the molecules
reduction in transportation fuels demand at the converting low added value bottom streams
global level, the capacity of maximum adding like vacuum gasoil to high quality naphtha,
value to crude oil can be a competitive differ- kerosene, and diesel the synergy between
ential to refiners. Due to the high capital in- hydrocracking and steam cracking units, for
vestment needed for the implementation that example, can improve the yield of petrochem-
allows the conventional refinery to achieve the ical intermediates in the refining hardware, an
maximization of chemicals, capital efficiency example of highly integrated refining configu-
becomes also an extremely important factor in ration relying on hydrocracking is presented
in Figure 20.

Considering the recent trend of reduction in residue in FCC unit aiming to improve the
transportation fuels demand followed by the yield of high added value derivatives in the
growth of petrochemicals market makes the refining hardware, mainly middle distillates
presence of hydrocracking units in the refining like diesel and kerosene.
hardware raise the availability of high-quality
intermediate streams capable to be converted CONCLUSION
into petrochemicals, an attractive way to max- Nowadays, is still difficult to imagine the glob-
imize the value addition to processed crude oil al energetic matrix free of fossil transportation
in the refining hardware. As presented in Fig- fuels, especially in developing economies.
ure 20, the synergy between carbon rejection Despite this fact, recent forecasts, growing
and hydrogen addition technologies like FCC demand by petrochemicals, and the pressure
and hydrocracking units can offer an attractive to minimize the environmental impact pro-
alternative, sometimes the hydrocracking and duced by fossil fuels creates a positive sce-
FCC technologies are faced by competitors nario and acts as main driving force to closer
technologies in the refining hardware due to integration between refining and petrochemi-
the similarities of feed streams that are pro- cal assets, in the extreme scenario the zero
cessed in these units. In some refining fuels refineries tend to grow in the middle
schemes, the mild hydrocracking units can be term, especially in developed economies.
applied as pretreatment step to FCC units, es-
pecially to bottom barrel streams with high The synergy between refining and petro-
metals content that are severe poison to FCC chemical processes raises the availability of
catalysts, furthermore the mild hydrocracking raw material to petrochemical plants and
process can reduce the residual carbon to makes the supply of energy to these process-
FCC feed, raising the performance of FCC unit es more reliable at the same time ensures
and improving the yield of light products like better refining margin to refiners due to the
naphtha, LPG, and olefins. high added value of petrochemical intermedi-
ates when compared with transportation
Considering the great flexibility of deep hy- fuels. The development of crude to chemicals
drocracking technologies that are capable to technologies reinforces the necessity of clos-
convert feed stream varying from gas oils to er integration of refining and petrochemical
residue, an attractive alternative to improve the assets by the brownfield refineries aiming to
bottom barrel conversion capacity is to pro- face the new market that tends to be focused
cess in the hydrocracking units the uncracked on petrochemicals against transportation

fuels, it’s important to note the competitive ad- International Energy Agency (IEA) - Oil Out-
vantage of the refiners from Middle East that look, 2023.
have easy access to light crude oils which can
be easily applied in crude to chemicals refiner- MUKHERJEE, U.; GILLIS, D. – Advances in
ies. As presented above, crude oil to chemi- Residue Hydrocracking. PTQ Magazine,
cals refineries is based on deep conversion 2018.
processes that requires high capital spending, PORTER, M.E. The Five Competitive Forces
this fact can put under pressure the refiners that Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Re-
with restrict access of capital, again reinforcing view, 1979.
the necessity to look for close integration with
petrochemical sector aiming to achieve com- ROGERS, D.L. The Digital Transformation
petitiveness. Playbook: Rethink your Business for the Digi-
tal Age. 1st ed. Columbia University Press,
In the extreme side of the petrochemical inte- 2016.
gration trend, there are the zero fuels refiner-
ies, as quoted above, it’s still difficult to imag- SARIN, A.K. – Integrating Refinery with Pet-
ine the downstream market without transporta- rochemicals: Advanced Technological Solu-
tion fuels, but it seems a serious trend and the tions for Synergy and Improved Profitability –
players of the downstream sector need to con- Presented at Global Refining & Petrochemi-
sider the focus change in his strategic plans cals Congress (Mumbai, India), 2017.
like opportunity and threat.
SILVA, M. W. – More Petrochemicals with
Despite the benefits of petrochemical integra- Less Capital Spending. PTQ Magazine, 2020.
tion, it’s fundamental to take in mind the ne-
cessity to reach a circular economy in the VU, T.; RITCHIE, J. Naphtha Complex Opti-
downstream industry, to achieve this goal, the mization for Petrochemical Production, UOP
chemical recycling of plastics is essential. As Company, 2019.
presented above, there are promising technol- AUTHOR
ogies which can ensure the closing of the sus-
tainability cycle of the petrochemical industry.
Advances in Catalysis for Plastic Conversion
to Hydrocarbons – The Catalyst Group
(TCGR), 2021.
CHANG, R.J. – Crude Oil to Chemicals – In- Dr. Marcio Wagner da Silva is Process Engi-
dustry Developments and Strategic Implica- neer and Stockpiling Manager on Crude Oil
tions – Presented at Global Refining & Petro- Refining Industry based in São José dos
chemicals Congress (Houston, USA), 2018. Campos, Brazil. Bachelor’s in chemical engi-
neering from University of Maringa (UEM),
CUI, K. – Why Crude to Chemicals is the Obvi- Brazil and PhD. in Chemical Engineering
ous Way Forward. Wood Mackenzie, 2019. from University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
Brazil. Has extensive experience in research,
FRECON, J.; LE BARS, D.; RAULT, J. – Flexi- design and construction to oil and gas indus-
ble Upgrading of Heavy Feedstocks. PTQ try including developing and coordinating pro-
Magazine, 2019. jects to operational improvements and debot-
GARY, J. H.; HANDWERK, G. E. Petroleum tlenecking to bottom barrel units, moreover
Refining – Technology and Economics.4th ed. Dr. Marcio Wagner have MBA in Project Man-
Marcel Dekker., 2001. agement from Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro (UFRJ), in Digital Transformation at
GELDER, A. Refinery-Petrochemical Integra- PUC/RS, and is certified in Business from
tion Disrupts Gas-Based Cracker Feedstock Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV).
Advantage, Wood Mackenzie, 2023.
SMR for Fuel Cell Grade Hydrogen. PTQ Mag-
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KIM, W.C.; MAUBORGE, R. - Blue Ocean
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Design and Revamp Guidelines for

Palm Oil Stripper Columns
Karl Kolmetz

INTRODUCTION As mentioned before, crude palm oil that is

extracted contains impurities that require a
The palm oil industry has emerged as one of purification process to improve the quality,
the vital manufacturing sectors in the world. physical appearance, oxidative stability, and
Further, it has gradually become the most other properties. The impurities are removed
abundant traded vegetable oil in the world, ow- at a processing plant, and thus, it is essential
ing to the growing demand. to ensure that the plant is modern and
Palm oil processing refers to the extraction equipped with advanced technologies to
and refining of palm oil from the fruit of the oil make the process efficient.
palm tree (Elaeis guineensis). Palm oil is wide- The palm oil processing process typically in-
ly used in various industries, including food, volves the following steps:
cosmetics, and biofuel production.
The crude palm oil is gathered from the meso-
carp (seed) of the palm oil. However, the crude Sterilization
palm oil that has been extracted contains un-
wanted impurities and requires a purification Threshing
process to partially or eliminate them to pro- Digestion
duce edible oils, mainly cooking oil.
Extraction of oil
In the current scenario, palm oil is widely used
in tropical countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, Clarification
and parts of Brazil for cooking purposes. Fur-
ther, due to its low costs and oxidative stability, Refining – Physical and Chemical
palm oil has grown popular in these regions. Fractionation


Fractionation is a process that can be em- The Palm Oil Stripper is one of the first frac-
ployed to separate the palm oil into different tionation columns in the palm oil process.
fractions, such as palm olein (liquid fraction) The Palm Oil Stripper is typically one or two
and palm stearin (solid fraction). This process columns. For a single column, the bottoms
is used to obtain oils with specific melting section is called the stripper and the top sec-
points and different applications. tion is called the scrubbing section. Preheat-
ed, hot crude palm oil is entering the stripper
After processing, the palm oil is usually stored column, which is equipped with structured
and transported in bulk for various uses in the packing and operated at very low pressure,
food industry, such as cooking oil, margarine, where the FFA are stripped off by introducing
and processed foods. It is also used in the pro- stripping steam in the bottom. Some pro-
duction of personal care products, soaps, and cesses have the palm oil stripper as part of
biodiesel. the deodorization system.

For a single column the top section is called way to determine your current capacity and
the scrubbing section. The scrubbing section limitations is a high load test. You develop a
can be one to three beds. The scrubbing sec- test and measure all the relevant data. De-
tion is typically structured packing of KLM termine what is the current capacity and limi-
250X EC style. The EC (Enhanced Capacity) tations. Limitations might include packing,
is 2nd Generation Structured Packing. heat exchangers, or pumps.
If the column has two stripping section beds, 2. Develop a simulation matching current da-
the top bed height of 1.3 meters with 1.3 mbar ta
pressure drop. The higher-pressure drop is
due to the pump around the bed which has From the high load test data, a simulation is
higher flow parameters. The middle bed height developed for the complete system including
is approximately 1.6 meters with 0.6 mbar heat exchangers and pumps. The simulation
pressure drop. Total tower pressure drop should match the field data. KLM is happy to
may be in the range of 4 to 6 mbar. A typical assist in your simulation.
column diameter is one to two meters. 3. Review the equipment.
The stripping section is structured packing of Heat Exchangers
KLM 250Y EC style with a bed height of four
to 6 meters. The 6-meter bed might have ap- Heat exchangers are rarely optimized or de-
proximately 3.92 mbar pressure drop. signed well because they are awarded to the
low bidder. Then the operating unit pays for
Typical metallurgy is SS 304, SS 316 and SS the low unit performance in heat exchanged
316L. Typical stripping steam ratio is 0.20 kg/
hr for each MTPD. Free Fatty Acid (FFA) in and run length. Equipment should be bid on
the feed is about 5% wt and FFA out is about a cost and performance matrix.
0.05% wt. Typically, about one stage per me-
ter and packing pressure drop about 1 mbar When a performance matrix is utilized, the
per meter except for the pump around sec- lowest bidder rarely wins the heat exchanger
tions. Typically, design with about 20% safety bidding. For many units heat exchangers set
factors. the run time between maintenance outages.
With today’s high energy cost heat exchanger
Some Palm Oil Strippers may be more com- is a larger focus. KLM can assist with a bet-
plex with an extra draw from the column. ter design and supply of heat exchangers.
Steps of a Column Revamp Pumps
1. Determine Current Capacity and Limitations Pumps again are awarded to the lowest bid-
der. Typical low-cost pump efficiency might
The first step of a revamp is to understand be 80% where newer pumps are above 90% -
your current capacity and limitations. One this is a large energy saving. If you need to

replace a pump do not replace it with a low If you had KLM 250Y before we could consid-
efficiency pump. KLM can assist with a high er KLM 250Y EC for increased capacity. The
efficiency pump. KLM 250Y and KLM 250Y EC has roughly
the same efficiency but the KLM 250Y EC
Packing has about 25% to 40% more capacity.
Structured Packing has performed well in Here are some average Number of Theoreti-
Palm Oil Strippers. Distillation of Oleochemi- cal Stage Per Meter (NTSM) and Height of
cals requires attention to the following key fea- Equivalent Theoretical Plate (HETP). These
tures: numbers are based on low pressure of about
· High Vacuum 1 bar, low relative volatility, and good vapor /
liquid distribution – see next section on dis-
· Low pressure drop tributors.

· Low bottom temperature DISTRIBUTORS

For Packing systems, every designer will
· Minimum holdup
mention that the packing only works as well
· Short residence time as the distributor, and then they normally pro-
vide a not optimized distributor. Normal in-
There is a trade off in structured packing be- dustry standard distributors average about 90
tween capacity and fractionation ability. Early to 92% distribution quality. Below 90% is
columns were designed with KLM 450Y which considered poor and 94% is achievable.
has higher fractionation capacity, but lower
capacity ability. Most newer columns are de- For structured packing, the top two layers dis-
signed with KLM 250Y EC (Enhanced Capaci- tribute the liquid. If each layer is 300mm and
ty - 2nd Generation Structured Packing) which you have a 3-meter bed, you have lost effi-
has less fractionation ability but higher capaci- ciency in the top two layers (600mm) which is
ty. 20% of the bed height. Remember, higher
efficiency will save energy and reduce energy
From the High load test, we can develop vapor costs.
and liquid flows. We can then calculate tower
hydraulic loads. KLM is happy to assist in de- For random packing, the packing will mix the
veloping hydraulic profiles and hydraulic ca- liquid some, but not like the structured pack-
pacity. ing. It is more important to have an optimized
distributor for random packing to increase ef-
To increase fractional ability ficiency and reduce energy.
If your tower diameter is not the limiting case KLM optimizes distributor design to gain as
from the hydraulic profile, we can increase much distribution as possible, to improve the
your style of packing to increase your fraction- packing efficiency, reduce energy costs and
ing ability. If you had KLM 250Y before, we save money. With energy in USA at USD
could consider KLM 300Y, or KLM 350Y for $4.00 MMBtu and in Asia at 15.00 MMBtu, it
better fractionation. If you had KLM 350Y be- does not take much energy saving to be real
fore, we could consider KLM 400Y or KLM money.
450Y for better fractionation.
Palm Oil has a viscosity challenge – make
To increase capacity sure you have an optimized distributor for
your Palm Oil Application.
If your tower diameter is the limiting case from
the hydraulic profile and your fractionation COST OF QUALITY
ability is good, we could slightly decrease your
style of packing to increase your capacity. If There are hundreds of Random Packing Sup-
you had KLM 250X before we could consider pliers, some at very low cost. KLM only buys
KLM 200X. If you had KLM 350Y before we from Quality Suppliers that we have vetted.
could consider KLM 300Y or KLM 250Y. Suppose you are buying random packing and

thickness is 0.30 mm. Low-cost vendor pro- REFERENCES

vides you with a thickness of 0.28, which is
difficult to measure. His raw material cost is
6.66% percent lower. If you have a large bed processing/palm-oil
height, the crush strength of the thinner pack-
ing is lower and the bottom of the bed may be need-to-know-about-palm-oil-refinery-
crushed, leading to a higher pressure drop. process/
Suppose you are buying random packing and Peter Faessler, Karl Kolmetz, Kek Wan
the size is 25 mm. Low-cost vendor provides Seang, Siang Hua Lee, Advanced fractiona-
you packing of 27mm, which is difficult to tion technology for the oleochemical industry,
measure. Packing is sold in 1-meter bags. July 2007, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical
The bags should be full and weighted, make Engineering
sure the bags are weighted. Again, His raw
material cost is 3 to 5% percent lower by using Peter Faessler, Karl Kolmetz, Kek Wan
less metal. Seang, Revamp Strategies for Fatty Acid Dis-
tillation Section In Oleo-chemical Plant, Sept
We know that larger packing size gives more 2004
capacity, but less efficiency. If your energy
cost is low this should not have a large effect, K Kolmetz et al, Kolmetz Handbook of Pro-
but most companies do not have low energy cess Equipment Design, Distillation Column
cost. Selection Sizing and Troubleshooting, Engi-
neering Design Guidelines, May 2021
With energy in US at USD $4.00 MMBtu and
in Asia at 15.00 MMBtu, it does not take much K Kolmetz et al, Kolmetz Handbook of Pro-
energy saving to be real money. There may cess Equipment Design, Distillation Column
be a good reason someone's packing is lower Packing Hydraulics Selection Sizing and
cost – and it may not actually save you mon- Troubleshooting, Engineering Design Guide-
ey. lines, March 2011
Palm Oil Stripper Columns are typically the
first fractionation column in palm oil pro-
cessing. There are many types and styles of
Palm Oil Strippers. There are opportunities to
revamp these towers. Revamps, when possi-
ble, should increase capacity and reduce en-
ergy. This can be accomplished with the prop-
er design of heat exchangers, pumps, and dis-
tillation equipment. KLM would be happy to
work with your team.


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