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Maze of Zayene 1, Prisoners of The Maze (LVL 8-12) PDF

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The document provides information for running a roleplaying adventure in a maze, including notes for the game master and details about encounters, characters, and maps.

The document is about running a roleplaying adventure where characters are trapped in the Maze of Zayene. It includes notes for the game master on running the adventure as well as character descriptions and maps.

The document provides details for mapping the maze, including guidance on tracking direction, mapping secret doors and traps, and scale of the maps.


A World of Kalibruhn™ Adventure

The Maze of Zayene - Part t
Prisoners of the Maze

Table of Contents
ABBREVIATIONS USED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
USING T HIS SERIES MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INTRODUCTION ............................ . ........................... 3
NOTES FOR T HE GM .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . ......... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . ... . 4
Beg1nn1ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Dungeon Description .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ............. 4
Light ................... .. .. .. . . .. . .. . ................. .. .. . .. . .. . ... . 4
Mapping .......... . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ......... . .. . ...... . .. .. .. . .. . . 4
Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Noise ............ . .. .. . . ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . ............... 4
Surprise ..................................................... . .. .. .. . . 4
The Carpet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Food and Water .... . .. . .. .. .. . .. . ... . ...... . .. .. . .. . .. ............... 4
Random Encounters ............ .. . ............ ............ . .. . .. .. .. 5
Encounter Distance ............... . .. . .......................... 5
Random Encounter Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Level T ransporters ..................................... . . .. .. . .. .. .. 5 ·
Special Player-Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Character Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Special Note ... . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . ..................... . .. 6
KEYED ENCOUNTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Art Gallery . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . ........................ 16
APPENDICES . . .. . . ........................................ .. . .. ... 25
A: Monsters/ Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
B: N-PCs/ Spells ........... . .. . .. ... . . ... . .. . .. .. .. . .. . ... . .......... 28
C: Player-Characters . . .................................... .. . .. . . .. 29

Editing: Robert Kuntz, James Ward, Theron 0. Kuntz
Illustrators: Bill Taylor, David Zenz
Front Cover Artist: David Zenz
Cartographer: Theron 0. Kuntz
Typesetting: Getter Press Works, Inc. WORLD OF KALIBRUHN is a trademark owned by
Playtesters/ Contributors: Eric N. Shook, David Cooke, Joe Robert J. Kuntz
Chrislaw, Ruth Fazzini, Derrick Anderson, James Ward, ©1987 Robert J. Kuntz. All Rights Reserved.
Gary Gygax, and the "Two Daves"
Special Thanks to: Eric N. Shook Printed in the U.S.A.
Used In This Series
St Strength CL Character-Level: A variety of MP Character Types: F Fighter , Mg Mage, Pr
In Intelligence usually used to indicate Player-, Priest, IL Illusionist , Bd Bard, As
Ap Appeal (sometimes known as Non-Player character's MP only Assassin, Tf Thief, Fp Fighter
charisma, leadership ability) Al Alignment (paladin}, Fr Fighter (ranger}.
Ws Wisdom (also insight) A T Armor T ype HIK Hits to kill
v Vitality (also constitution) Dm Damage Atk Numbers of attacks possible
Ag Agility (also dexterity, et al.) EX Value or ~X: Experience point Lair: Chance of being in lair/home, etc.
Bt Beauty (also known as comliness) value THA TO To hit armor type 0
MI Magical Immunity (also magical GM Game Master (also known as DM, /flying speed · game inches
resistance; also used to indicate CM, etc.) llSIAlim11fingspeed ·game inches
SRs which are above normal, or SP Special (attacks, powers, defenses. gp, sp, ep, pp (gold, silver , electrum,
different in some way) weapons, etc.) platinum)
MP Melee Prowess (level of monster/ ft feet lsl Onkr. (spell): Rank or level of spell use
being; MP: F7 stands for melee M Moves (or movement) usually in Time: Segment =6 seconds; Melee round =
prowess, level 7 fighter) game inches IO segments, or 1 minute; Turn = 10
SR Savings Rolls (or ' throws, saves , D (D%, D6, etc.): Type of die (or dice) rounds. or 10 minutes.
et al.) used

Usin~ These Series Modules

This four part series is organized as Part 2, Dimensions of Flight: This de- Kings, wherein all is revealed about King
follows: tails the acquiring of the s tones which Ovar and thewizardZayeoe. This module
must be used to exit t he maze. Alter· can stand alone.
Part 1, Prisoners of the Maze: This can nately, these stones are keys to Part 3, Part 4, The Eiglll Knigs: This wraps up
stand alone with a little extrapolation; or Tower Chaos. T his module can stand the adventures in the Maze of Zayene
it may be used with its intended partner, alone with little difficulty. series. This can be used as a separate
Part 2, below. This module has several Part3, Tower Chaos: T his continues the adventure with little input required.
exit/ entry points for Parts 2 and 3; and, quest against evil King Ovar and his
there are other modules yet to be tied into conniving count wizard Zayene. This is
this. also the introduction to Part 4, The Eight

The secret league has voted. The council seal the fu ture of Ersille and avenge the positions over the heads of each of your
has met in secret discussion . A verdict has lives and blood of the thousands who have fellows, they stop abruptly and hang sus-
been reached. They, the representatives of died in Ovar's mines, torture rooms and pended. From each floating orb pours a
the hoped-for reascendancy of the Ersillian slave pens. luminous cascade of strange colors: yellow-
Kingdom, would put an end to the reign of A pair of gigantic guards, covered with gold; leaf green; glowing brown; trans-
Ovar the Crazed. These plotters would black mail a nd with skull-like helms, lucent white. Your associates' figures
have the King assassinated and an ordered stand to either side of the doorway. At your become pale and insubstantial; and then
and glorious kingdom re-established once approach, each guard s lam s t h e your own arm is transparent! The room
again. These savants of power would bring adamantine bu tt of his long halberd on the fades, but the leering face of Zayene seems
Ersille to the fore, with its riches and floor; and with the sound echoing down to grow larger and brigh ter , filling the
splendor, its influence and might again the corridor , grasps the gold ring on the whole universe. Then ... blackness! Thus
supreme, and with their number right- door by which he stands, and heaves. The begins MOZ Part 1, PRISONERS OF
fully directing the kingdom . It is your duty large portals swing open without noise. As THE MAZE.
to be the embodiments of action! you enter , the opulence of the throne room
You and your cou ncil-brothers have nearly causes you to falter in your steady
been directed to come before the assembled and purposeful approach to destiny.
membe r s . As you e n ter the draped All of you draw a deep breath when the
chamber a nd sit in a chair next to a long, great valves shut behind you. You have
intricately carved table made of priceless done it! You are before the crazed tyrant,
teak, your blood races with excitement, Ovar! He has seen no threat to your
then chills. These cloaked figures repre- entreat for a private audience. He has
sent unknown embodiments of power and allowed you to come before him to discover
strength. Even the air of this underground the "new plants" you have supposedly
hall exudes an undefinable weirdness. To discovered on an alleged voyage to the
dare such a n undertaking requires either Horse Lords: min iature flowers, only
madness or power -- or both. A cowled head fractions of an inch tall, and with their
turns towards where you sit; from it miniature insect-life as well!
comes a rasping voice: There sits t h e despot, patient ly
awaiting you on one of his thrones of
" You are to be the babes who uproot obsidian and silver. Ovar s miles upon
the rotten and impure tree. Be merci- seeing the cloth-dra ped coffer you bear, for
less!' In its destruction you create a he thinks it contains the tiny flowers he
new foundation, one that will be the intends to be the culminating pieces in his
answer to the peoples' hopes. In its collection of flora and fauna. You kneel,
place a greater tree of Ersille will hands touching the lustrous marble floor.
grow, one whose top will embrace the Ovar bids you rise and approach to where
sun, whose limbs will touch the the sumptuous rugs of red silk and silver
moons, and cause our former tormen- thread are spread. As you near the throne
tors to wither away!" you are elated. NOW! Each of you attacks
by bounding with dra wn weapon or by
An arm points towards an area where quickly motioning in spell casting. Just as
the curtains are drawn back to reveal a suddenly Ovar disappears from his throne!
small door. You and your brothers bow, Confusion! Terror! Have you been be-
and then back from the chamber, each trayed? How was Ovar aware of the plan?
filled with his own inner purpose. How could he have escaped so easily and
It is exhilarating business to serve as swiftly? You turn to flee, but know that
executioners of someone not fit to your escape chances are slight indeed; but
command a rabble of sou thern savages; any chance is better than none. First, the
and it is quite a different task to stand long trollish guards no doubt waiting outside;
before the council's combined gaze: THAT then a sprin t to lose pursuit in the laby-
makes one's blood congeal! rinthine passages of the tower. At this
You converse in whispers as your party moment you see HIM! It is the most
moves steadily and silently through seem- powerful of mages, the dreaded Zayene.
ingly endless corridors and passageways. Each of you tries to confront the court
Eventually, the floor changes from coarse wizard, but all of your actions seem weak,
stone and brick to polished black marble. slow, and disjointed. The dreaded mage
Torches, lanterns and cressets light the smiles evilly as he watches you. With
hallways now. In moments you will be laughter on his cruel lips, and an un-
s tanding before th e platinum-worked natural light g lowing from his eyes,
portals of the King's lesser throng room. Zayene draws a handful of tiny orbs from
Where you've been in the gargantuan the breast of his robe and hurls them at
cower none of you know; but where you are you in a single motion quicker than the
bound is certain: At one stroke you will strike of a giant snake! As the orbs reach

Notes for the GameMaster
BEGINNTNG: The party is transported directions for movement as "STRAJGHT Damage to the carpet will repair (regener·
to the beginning of PRISONERS OF AHEAD," " LEFT," "RIGHT," "AHEAD, ate) at the rate of one square yard per turn.
THE MAZE, START (•), indicated on 30 DEGREES RIGHT," and so on. If an Aside from the aforementioned physical
map number 1. Their bodies are now arbitrary direction is picked, turn the attributes concerning the carpet, a strange
normal, not transparent. Because they maze map to the arbitrary heading to sort of absorption quality is inherent to it.
came ready to assassinate King Ovar, they maintain map direction continuity. Foreign material, such as dirt, food, oil,
are not equipped to adventure in a water, et al., does not remain on the carpet,
dungeon. Nevertheless, they must now do NOISE: The party will be pretty quiet but is assimilated and used for regener·
so. This particular scenario comes com· as it moves, as the red carpeting muffles ative purposes ·· a sort of outre sus·
plete with four player-characters. T hese the sound of footfalls. The party will not tenance. Flaming oil spilled on the capret
special characters are detailed fully in the notice this unless someone inquires about will burn for exactly half the usual time
appendices. If you are allowing players to noise. Add 6-10% of attempts made by and then goes out. As noted above, this
use their own characters, be certain that thieves to move silently. form of attack causes no damage. No trace
you read the section entitled GUIDE- of the burning (soot, burn marks, etc.) will
LINES FOR REGULAR PLAYER- SURPRISE: While the inhabitants of be seen. Animal and vegetable matter left
CHARACTER PARTICIPANTS (note this maze are used to the carpeting's upon the carpet for more than one hour
the Table of Contents). effects, player-characters will never be so. will be affected. A scroll, for instance, will
Therefore, use the following surprise be partially absorbed in one hour and
DUNGEON DESCRIPTION: The rules: considered useless. Bare flesh so exposed
corridors are composed of well-worked for the same time will contract a purple
stone, with 15' high ceilings unless other· Party without bright light/ D6 I 1·4 rash, and sustains I HtK of damage for
wise noted. The roof has typical gothic surprises every turn it remains against the carpet.
arches, with occasional supports where Party with bright light/ D6/ 1-3 Leather shoes/boots wear through in 6
necessary. The corridors are covered with surprises hours, thus exposing the flesh beneath.
wall-to-wall red carpeting! The light The situations are endless if one con·
source is dim at this point and time. (See Normal dungeon adventuring light siders the many items possible to an expe·
the section on STARTING(•).) sources, such as magical weapons, torches dition. Use common sense and establish
and unmasked lanterns, are considered boundries of absorption rates based upon
LIGHT: Tell the players that their "bright" in this instance. Dimly glowing the simple explanations and guidelines
magical weapons are shedding only a very magical weapons and torchlight from a given above.
dim light. Unbeknownst to them this brand over 30' distant is considered "with·
effect is due to their transportation to the out bright light." Even if the player· N.B.: Unless otherwise stated, the
maze, which has destabilized the normal characters are properly prepared with carpet is not in any of the chambers of the
emission of light from magical weapons light, the carpet's silencing effect allows maze.
for 5 turns, after which time they function monsters to surprise the party 50% of the
normally. time. However, if a ranger is along, and is FOOD AN D WATER; Naturally, the
As they proceed east from (•) they will unengaged in combat or other procedures party members have no liquids (other than
notice a dim radiance ·· torches ahead. (tracking, for instance), surprise rolls are potions) or food with them, for they were
What they don't know is that these reduced by one pip in each separate case concerned with matters not requiring
brands, placed every 100' or so, are (these become 1-3 and 1-2, respectively). these. Player-characters continuing with·
magical, and will burn eternally if left in out these are affected:
their respective holders. Any torch taken THE CARPET: Although the carpet·
and used by the party will bum out in 2 ing is of a highly magical nature, and will Each 6 hours without water: · l HtK
turns. radiate a faint dweomer of an "alteration" Each full day without water: -1 point of
type, it can be damaged, Normal effects, Strength;· l point of Agility; · l point of
MAPPING: Do not allow players to such as tearing, lifting, cutting, or burning Vitality; and -50% of remaining HtK
map. They have absolutely no mapping it are ineffectual. The carpet can be cut by Each 8 hours without food: ·l HtK
equipment with them. If they are creative +2 or better bladed weapons. Cold in any Each full day without food: · l point of
they will figure out some makeshift way to form will not affect it; but fire-, or electri· Strength; · l point of Agility
map (bits of charcoal from a torch and the cal-type magic attacks will damage it.
back of a scroll, for instance). Only a Burning damage done by magical flame, Point loss es are easily restored.
trailing map can be made until the player· electricity, or by strong acid, will cause the Drinking normally while resting will re·
characters locate proper mapping utensils. carpet to smoke and fume. For every store 1 HtK/Agility point; 6 turns of rest
square yard of carpet so affected, the will restore an additional 10 points. HtK
DIRECTION: Direction will probably fumes created will equal a pillar of smoke are always restored first. A full day of rest
be impossible to determine in this maze slightly more than one yard in diameter, will make the individual normal again,
until the party gets information from some and reaching to the ceiling. This smoke is with all lost points restored. This assumes
encounter, or uses magical aid (i.e., by highly toxic. Anyone entering it will that regular fluid intake continues. Food is
communing with a god, for instance). sustain 2-5 HtK per yard traveled through, likewise helpful when suffering from star·
Lacking correct direction does not stop no saving roll. The smoke will thin in one vation. A normal meal will heal the effects
players from arbitrarily assigning some turn, whereupon only half damage will be of a full day of starvation. Characters
direction as "north" and proceeding from taken from passing through it. After two should be warned that without rest and/ or
then on as if it were. If this is not done, give turns the smoke disappears completely. food/liquid intake that they will sustain
mounting point losses.

RANDOM ENCOUNTERS: There RANDOM ENCOUNTER MATRIX GMs having more than four partici·
are a few monsters wandering the maze. pants, or, wishing to use regular player-
Those denizens of this place who might be Many of the encounter s have been characters from existing campaigns,
randomly encountered are listed on a specially produced for this adventure. You should read each special character to get a
special table following this short treat· will find these described in the appendices feel for the balance wor ked into them:
ment. Normal random encounters occur (see Table of Contents). this should provide enough data to enable
every ... substitutions of complimentary weapons,
(Roll 1D20) spells, and C·Levels to be made in a way
1) ...200'-300' of normal (slow) movement consistent with the intentional design of
2) ...400'-500' of rapid (non-mapped) 1) 1·2 Xorns the module.
movement 2) 3-12 Shadows As a general note, all of the special
3) ... time the party is particularly noise in 3) 4-9 Wraiths characters are fanatical brothers of an
an open/ exposed area 4) 2·5 Phase spiders organization aimed at the elimination of
4) ... hour the party rests in an exposed area 5) 2-5 Dopplegangers King Ovar, with the end hope of rein·
5) ...four hours spent resting in a well 6-9) The Jester See appendices stating Law to the Kingdom of Ersille.
secluded area 10) Grotin See appendices Each character is fearless, although indi·
11) 10-60 Giant rats vidual play could vary this superimpo·
To determine if an encounter occurs, 12) Harry See appendices sition. This, and the honor expressed with
roll l DlO. A 0 (10) indicates an encounter. 13) 2-7 Spectres the vow given to defend every member of
If an encounter occurs near an area 14) 4·40 Gnolls the party, must be stressed to the players.
where a keyed mobile monster is indi· 15) Bubbles See appendices They will forge ahead, choosing to die
cated, the encounter is with that keyed 16) Grell/Beholder rather than surrender to evil beings, or to
monster. All such keyed encounters must 17) Flesh golem those who would compromise t heir
occur within no more than 60' of the 18) Red slime See appendices mission. Flight is unthinkable in the face
entrance to that particular encounter 19) 1·2 Gorgons of danger to other party members;
area. Otherwise, the encounter is random, 20) Friendly Ghost See appendices although if the odds were so tremendous
and the RANDOM ENCOUNTER that the even tua l saving of a party
MATRIX must be used. LEVEL TRANSPORTERS: Zayene member would mean the total annihi·
If a party is being slow, noisy, and has built four magical transporter areas lation of the party, then the good of the
otherwise showing little expertise at play, into his maze. Each such area has a letter party, and its mission, could prevail with·
roll random encounters twice as often as code, A, B, C, and D, respectively. When out too much reflection upon the mores
normal. If player-characters are noisy and any life form enters the center of a trans· involved. On the whole, however, this
relatively stationary, an encounter will porter, it activates and transports such group is loyal and cooperative to a fault!
absolutely occur in D4 rounds. Simply beings (with items, and possessions up to
determine the encounter, and the direction 100 pounds beyond normal encumberance GUIDELINES FOR REGULAR
it is coming from, in advance. per being) within 20' to the next sequential PLAYER-CHARACTERS: Use the ut·
area (viz., A transports to B, B to C, and so most care in aiding your players in
N.B.: NO ENCOUNTERS OF ANY on, with D transporting back to A). After select ing wh ic h characters should
S ORT OCCUR WITHIN 30' OF THE functioning, a transporter will not work adventure in this module. If three char·
TRANSPORTER AREAS (q.v.). for one full hour of sending or receiving. acters play, then their total levels should
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS DO NOT Each transporter corridor has a painting equal 36, with a mage of level 12, a ranger
OCCUR ON THE DIMENSIONAL at its end; these depict (in perfect simu- or paladin of level 13, and a priest of level
SUBLEVELS (See Module 2, "Dimen- lation) the continuation of the corridor. 11. If five characters participate, the
sions of Flight"). This ruse is undetectable until a close average level should be 8. In any event, all
As a final note to the GM, discretion examination can be made when a trans· characters should be human and of one of
must be used when a party is in trouble. If porter is not functioning, or, right after the professions ·· priest, mage, or fighter
they have obviously goofed off to the ex· initial transportation occurs (i.e., before ··which is common to this race. Though
tent that they have brought upon their the beings leave the dead end). These can not recommended, a single half-elf may be
own doom, so be it. But when bad luck is be destroyed, and/ or marked in such a way permitted in a group of five or six. All
the rule when the party is honestly trying to convey warning of their proximity. characters are of Lawful/Neutral or
to get on with the adventure at hand, then Zayene will have destroyed paintings Lawful/Good alignment!
temperance might be brought into play. restored-in 2-8 days. None of the characters may be equipped
GMs are the final arbiters in every case, Examination of the very bottom left· for a dungeon expedit ion, but each should
but adjustments can be made so as to allow hand corner of each painting will reveal a have a selection of magical items which
players to further explore the possibilities small "P" initial painted in a reddish powers approximate those given to the
of this module. pigment. four special characters. After checking the
whole of this work, GMs should have a fair
ENCOUNTER DISTANCE: Random SPECIAL PLAYER CHARACTERS: idea as to which items are, and are not,
encounters will be from 30'-60' (D4 roll) Because of the unusual nature of the useful. No items are conspicuous: players
distance if no surprise exists. If either or scenario, in concert with the continuing are attempting an assassination, so items
both groups are surprised, encounter dis· requests for ready·to·play·characters on their persons should be limited to those
tance will be from 10'·20' (l / 2D6 roll). made by enthusiasts, four special charac· which are easily secreted.
Individuals of each group may move 10' I ters have been pre-generated for use with Use common sense in either case. Too
surprise segment; and being within 10' is PRISONERS OF THE MAZE. Basic, as much is just that; and not enough is
considered close enough to launch an well as special, powers for each player· probably a death sentence. If the char·
attack duripg a surprise segment. character are detailed in the appendices. acters are under·equipped with magic, for

instance, have the box which was written, but this will allow for you to tricks, dissemble, lie, cheat, and generally
s upposed to contain flowers actually be augment, delete, extemporize, or develop deceive the adventurers as to their actual
'filled with special magical items supplied whatever you feel needs such as play nature and purpose. Bold-faced evil, cheap
by the council. Of course, with the failure progresses. Begin at ST ART (•). Read tricks, and irrational and insane behavior
of the assassination, these items would be this carefully. Give the characters a are not uncommon to many modules, so
used for the party's escape from the maze. moment to adjust to their surroundings. the party will probably expect such. There-
Be careful in balancing these degrees. You Remember the various difficulties they fore, the GM must take special care to
will have to live with the results. face, but remind them of the obvious ones treat each adventure as if it were his or her
(like lighting) only. favorite one, and as such worthy of extra
SPECIAL GM NOTE As the player-characters move into the forethought, imaginative role-playing, and
maze, you, the GM, must keep in mind skillful handling. The spice of this adven·
Read this module and become so that this is a nasty, evil place. It is popu· tu re is the near storybook detail of events
familiar with it until it seems as if you lated by inhabitants with intelligence and which can be developed as the exploration
actually participated in devising it. In this cunning; and these desire to harm the of the maze, and its environs, unfolds.
way you will not only know what is party in any way. These denizens will use

Prisoners of the Maze
Keyed Encounters (X-24)
START slide the pillars up so that those trapped S ilve r Lever Five: When pulled
Ch a ract e rs appear a t point * looking can escape. If trapped characters cannot nothing will happen for one full round.
down the corridor. They are standing on a be dislodged, remember the section on Then a 2' wide x 3' high panel slides open
red carpet. A faint light can be seen issuing FOOD AND WATE R, keeping in mind along the (east) wall, revealing a picture of
from up the corridor. To their immediate that dehydration and starvation could be the same size. The picture is removeable
right is a chiseled inscription on the wall: the trapped character(s) worst enemy. If from the panel, and depicts a collage of this
this lever is pulled again, a second set of level (at a guess, for a fragment of the
" The colors that sent you here, pillars moves downward to block the picture shows a room with five levers).
But a different shape, initial set, thus making it impossible to get The lever room is marked by an X spot;
Are there not here, at and move the first set of pillars. and upon closer examination the picture
And are your escape." seems to be a map which starts from this
Iro n Lever Two: When this is pulled very room!
"Through four doors, an acid rain pours forth from many small When followed, the map leads the char-
To buy four more; pin-like holes in the ceiling, covering all acters to keyed encounter #4, one of the
Didi MENTION occupants of the room. An immediate 2D6 keepers of the caged animals, then south of
This before?" of damage is dealt; and a poison saving roll King Ovar's Trophy Chamber, key #6.
must be made by each character to deter- The map concludes with a 20' x 20' room.
The GM should consult the preceeding mine his or her successful exit from the Then magical verses appear on the pic-
sections on MAPPING and DIREC- room. Those failing to save have not exited ture's surface:
TION. Let the party organize and form a immediately, and the down pouring acid
marching order. Tell them that any rain causes an additional 1D6 damage. "Pass the living, close to the dead
magical weapons which shed light are not The acid pours down for 1-12 turns and Two doors, secret, go south instead
doing so. This situation will correct itself then stops, seemingly depleted; but, if the Two ways, twenty, which way to go?
in 5 full turns, and then all weapons lever is pulled again, double the amount of A bed time dream, or an icy foe?"
previously affected return to normal. Also acid pours forth for 2-24 turns, and then
consult the section on LIGHT. stops. Nothing happens if the lever is Two new lines appear on the map after
As the player-characters proceed along pulled a third time. someone reads the verses aloud. One line
the corridor they will note a torch, in its leads through a secret door to the south,
holder, at 30'. If taken out and used, it Tin Lever Three: Nothing seems to and onto key #11, the King's Bed Chamber;
extinguishes in 2 turns. If left in the holder happen when this lever is pulled. In the other leads north to key #22, the sub-
it burns indefinitely, for it is magical. If the actuality, the golden statue at key #2 will dimensional entryway to Poharn's realm
holder is removed from the wall, the magic animate and proceed to this rom (read key (module 2). Note that players establish a
is destroyed and the torch immediately #2 for the statue's statistics). If the char- TRUE north direction in this case.
extinguishes. acters have not posted aguard, they will be
N.B.: This is the case with every torch surprised by the statue as it enters this
and torch-holder on this level. room. Note that the hissing noise will not
serve to warn the characters due to the 2. THE GOLDEN STATUE
1. T HE ROOM OF LEVERS magical nature of the statue. If the statue
has been previo usly defeated, an On a 2' round pedestal is a 6' high human
There are five metal levers on the far unaligned sword +3 will appear instead. clad in golden armor. There is nothing else
(south) wall of this otherwise empty room. Pulling this lever a second time causes the here.
A definite hissing noise is heard when you same effect as lever number two. When the adventurers enter this room,
enter. the statue will come to life and attack. As it
The hissing is merely a magical noise Bronze Lever Fo u r: When pulled commences to battle, a brilliant light will
activated when beings enter or leave this nothing seems to happen; but the stone permeate the entire room, seemingly
room. Reduce surprise chances by -1 if the golem statue of King Ovar at key #3 will issuing from the pedestal. Nothing is af-
party is quietly engaged with the levers immediately activate and move to this fected by this light source, save that when
and encounter a wandering monster, for room. As with the golden statue, the the statue is killed, the pedestal's light
the hissing will serve as a partial alert hissing noise will not function to alert the reproduces an exact duplicate of t he
system in that case. characters. The statue does make noise, statue; this appears on the pedestal 1
however, thus normal chances of surprise segment later and moves to attack if there
Brass Lever One : Pulling this lever is any being within the room.
are possible. If the statue was previously T he pedestal must be destroyed to stop
causes two pillars to be thrust down from dispatched, a healing mist will fill the
the ceiling to enclose the area before, and a room instead. This heals all physical the duplication process.
little to the sides of the south-west wall. damage. The mist is beneficial for 1-4
Characters in this area as the pillars KNIGHTS OF CHAOS: AT 0, M 12",
segments; it then thins and has no subse- MP: FB, HtK 50, Atk 3/2, Dm 1-8 sword;
descend sustain 3D6 of crushing damage, quent healing potential. If this lever is
and then are trapped against the wall. Any average abilities, SP armor protects from
pulled a second time nothing happens. fire base attacks; (See Appendices for
items in hand must save vs. crushing. It
takes a combined 36 strength, or more, to further information.) Special Note: The

statues do not move beyond the confines of enter and note these things, a figure rises if slain, characters so-doing might have
the room. from a bed 20' to your left. their alignment(s) changed!
Harry (see the appendices for full statis-
PED EST AL: AT -1, HtK 63, SP saves vs. tics) has been hiding near his bed. He rises HARRY: (See the appendices).
spells as F8; all weapons damage it at -2 to confront the characters, using his
HtK per blow. special attack powers to confine, then HYAENODON:AT7,M 12",MP5,HtK
eliminate, them all. If his HtK falls to 5 or 30, Atk l , DM 3·12).
below he will attempt to escape, possibly
3. OVAR STATUE releasing the caged beasts in the con- CAR N IVOROUSAPE:AT6,M 12",MP
fusion. If Harry is out of position, if he 5, HtK 31, Atk 3, Dm 1-4/ 1-411·8, SP rends
Set upon a 3' round dias in the middle of would expose himself to attack, or if he for 1-8 if both hands hit.
this room is a 9' high stone statue of King cannot get to the cages, then he will not be
Ovar. The statue's upper torso is bent over able to easily release the creatures (only a JACKALS: AT7, M 12", MP lD4, HtK4,
slightly, as if it were inspecting the space 0-20% chance). But if he has maneuvered 4, 3, 3, 1, 1, Atk 1, Dm 1-2.
immediately before and beneath it. into position, he may make l -4attempts, at
Upon closer inspection, it is noticed that a 40-70% chance of success per try, to J ACKALWERES: AT 4, M 12", MP 4,
the face's expression is of disdain and release the beasts. Use discretion in this HtK 25,21, Atk 1, Dm 2-8, SP gaze causes
contempt. case, judging whether Harry has any sleep, iron or +1 weapon to hit.
The stone here is similar to that which chance to perform this type of operation.
composes the entirity of the dungeon; but If Harry escapes he will flee to key# 11 to SPL ECKL E: AT 715, M 9"/ 12", MP 5,
the pedestal is crafted from a different, warn the keeper of the caged of the party's HtK 30, Atk 1, Dm 2-8 (1D8+1), SP
more porous, type of stone. presence. psionics. Note the appendices for ampli·
A successful secret door check before fication.
the statue's right foot will reveal a small (8 THE CAGES (A-D): These cages are
inch square) compartment; inside this is a made from iron and are openable with the
Wan.d .of Wonde r , which has 6 charges previously mentioned keys.
A) In this cage is a snarling, yapping
h yaenodon which will attack any being 5. BAS RELIEF
1) Slows creature pointed at for 1-2
turns within its reach . Set before this cage is
a small barrel of meats. A bas relief is set into the wall here. It has
2) Heavy rain falls for 1 round in a 3" no framing, other than the outline of the
radius about the wand-wielder wall itself. It is 10' wide by 4' high, and
3) Lustrous colors dance over a 3"x3" B) The carnivorous ape here will attempt
to grab anyone coming near its cage. A appears to be wet with pigments, or
area blinding all who are susceptible paints, which make up its entirity.
for 2-7 (D6+ 1) rounds cask of rank fruits and meats is kept
near, but out of reach of, this cage. Pictured is a swirling mass of green,
4) Darkness covers wand wielder, and yellow, and black colors, all chaotically
invisibility covers opponents, for 1-6 rendered in a style which could be judged
tu rns C) T wo dirty, scruffy humans are within
the cage. They look to have been mal- as insanely abstract.
5) A rat appears, squeaks and runs In actuality, this is no bas relief at all,
away treated; and they beg, in raspy, maybe
parched voices, to be set free. but a conglomeration of green slime, ochre
6) An 8D4 Fire ball shoots forth jelly, and black pudding. If characters
In actuality, these are two jackal-
weres. The largest has a magical copper come within l' of this, the pudding and the
1-4 segments after the secret compar t· jelly slide fo rth and attack. The green
ment is opened the statue animates and ring inset with 6 crystal stones. When a
stone is crushed, a jackal is summoned, slime is thus dislodged and falls to the
moves to attack as a stone golem. floor, where there remains a 20% chance
and may stay and fight for the wearer
of the ring for 1-10 turns. If the jackal- per turn that any character in the area of it
STONE GOLEM: AT 5, M 6", MP 10,
weres are set free, they automatically will step into it.
HtK 60, Atk 1, Dm 3-24, SP casts S low Jn the middle (5' up and 5' across)
s p e ll l" in front every other melee round; attack, turning to their true form. The
largest one crushes all six stones at section of the alcove which serves to house
+2 weapons to hit , Rock to Mud slows this horribleness, is a secret compartment.
50% for 2D6 rounds, Mud to Rock re- once to s ummon the jackals.
Located therein is a cheap copper medal-
stores all damage, Ston e to Flesh makes lion inset with 6 large glass beads. This is
golem susceptible to normal attacks. D) A strange creat ure, short and hairy,
resides in here. It does nothing im- a form of Necklace of Miss les, with one
mediately. If freed it will drink all of the 7, two 5, and three 3 D6 Fire balls.
water in the area, insisting to sample
4. ASSIST ANT KEEPER the characters' supply, if any. It seems BLACK PUDDING: AT 6, M 6", MP 10,
OF THE CAGED neutrally disposed towards the char- HtK 50, Atk l, Dm 3-24, immune to cold
acters, otherwise. and lightning.
This is a spa r sely furnished room: This is a spleckle (see the appen-
various furs are on the floor; hanging on dices for this new creature). It will OCHRE JELLY: AT 8, M 3", MP6, HtK
the right-hand (or east wall, if the char· follow the party, and perhaps even 32, Atk 1, Dm 3-12 (1Dl0+2); lightning
acters have discovered a true direction) is a assist it, if it gets water. It attempts to divides it.
chain and collar. On pegs next to these is a attack players to drain their body fluids
set of th ree keys. To the left (west) is a if it lacks water at any time. Note that GREEN SLIME: AT 9, MO", MP 2, HtK
table set before many cages, which are this creature isn't evil, just that it 0, Atk 0, Dm 0, SP 1-4 melee rounds turns
inset into the wall ahead of you. As you requires constant intake of water; and ones touching into slime.

6. KING OV AR'S gp fire opals; two 500 gp aquamarines; two knives, etc., there is a metal box located on
TROPHY CHAMBER 500 gp peridots; two 1,000 gp rubies; two work table. In it are 65 100-500 gp value
1,000 gp oriental topaz'; two 1,000 gp gems. There is a recently finis hed quartet
This room is well li t by many torches and sapphires, two 1,000 gp emeralds. of ape heads on a stand near this. (If sold to
ornate lanterns placed 5'-7' above the floor. Flanking the entryways to key #7 are a taxidermist, or to a collector of such art,
Upon the walls, interspaced with these two framed 6' high by 21/ 2' wide pictures. these may fetch 400 gp as a set, or 80 gp
lanterns and torches, are many large The right one depicts King Ovar slaying a apiece.)
plaques, each bearing a head, presumably gynosphinx with a fiery sword. The left
stuffed, of the following creatures: Hyena, one shows Ovar with his foot propped
flightless bird, baboon, elephant, black upon a mastadon's left foreleg. He looks
bear, buffalo, hippopotamus, jaguar, lion, quite regal with his scepter in hand. 8. THE PIT
and a wild boar. These head pieces appear Behind the gynosphinx picture is a
very well made, and their eyes even seem secret compartment which holds 500 pp This pit is located in a 10' wide corridor of
to follow you as you move. On stands near and a 11,000 gp valued pearl necklace. The a real maze on this level. Its 10' x 10'
these are a va riety of fully stuffed pictures have no sale \'alue. immensity slants down to a bottom 8'x 8'
creatures in exhibition-like poses: A square filled with four ranks of three
s potted lion , wild bull, titanothere, dire spikes each. These spikes jut 3' high, are
wolf, ceratosaurus, yeti, hell hound, and a solidly placed, and have keenly sharpened
displacer beast. As you note these things 7. OLECK'S STUFFING ROOM points.
the room comes alive with sounds of Roll for normal chances to fall into this.
barking, growling, bellowing, baying, There are a lot of items in this well lit Characters falling in sustain 106 +1 per
grunting, yelping, and sundry mixed chamber; but before you can identify any- spike times 1-4 possible spikes which can
noises of an artificial variety but still real thing two ogres attack you. A small man be fallen upon. Theoretically, damage
enough. All of these noises emanate from standing behind them seems to be doing could total as high as 28 HtK! The amount
the head pieces. Almost as son as these something requiring his attention. of spikes which can be fallen on represents
cacophonies start, they stop; and at the an average for any human-sized being.
same time the hell hound and displacer OLECK: MP: F7, AT 4 (chain mal, +1 Less than human-sized beings halve the
beast leap from their stands and rush ring), HtK 39, Atk 1, Om 1-6 short sword, number fallen on, always rounding frac-
towards you! SP +1 for Ring of Protection, average tions up, while larger than human-sized
The noise made by the head-pieces will abilities. Amulet of Animation (see creatures double the number of spiles
alert Oleck at key #7 (read that carefully). below). landed on.
He will animate a stuffed owl bear and The 8th spike can be moved to a 45
send it to assist in the attack against the OGRES (Ralph and Joe): AT 5, M 9". MP 4 degree angle, if this is tried. When this is
intruders. The owl bear enters the trophy +l , HtK 30, 27, Atk 1, Om 1-10. done a clicking sound is heard.
chamber one round after the displacer This is an opening device for the sliding
beast and hell hound leap from their The Amulet of Animation: Oleck will secret door at key #9 (q.v.).
stands. Oleck must choose which corridor be using this amulet if charges and stuffed The tenth spike has a hollow side. If
it will proceed along to key #6. creatures remain. This amulet has 12 casually probed this will be easily noted.
charges remainingbefore the animation of Inside is a scroll of 10 spells; all ten are
DISPLACER BEAST: AT 4, M 15'', MP the owl bear. Keep track of expended written in a large circle, and in small
6, HtK 30, Atk 2, Om 2-8/ 2-8, SP -2 on charges. The magic of this piece allows the lettering. The spells are listed below.
opponent's attack dice, MI saves as F12 +2. user to animate 6 MP creatures and below The spells are easily read, and function
with a 1 charge expenditure; creatures normally, with one exception. In the
HE LLHOUND:AT 4,M 12",MP7, HtK above 6 MP require 2 charges. The ani- middle of the scroll, and surrounded by the
34, Atk 1, Om 1·10, SP 7 point breath mation is immediate (1 segment); and unbroken circle of spells, is a minute series
weapon, sight allows to locate hidden or creature animated are attuned to the of runes which are not noticeable even by
invisible 50%. amulet and obey the animator by general elvish sight, and can be revealed only
mental commands, such as "Kill the in- through the use of a set of Eyes of
OWL BEAR: AT 5, M 12", MP 5 +2, HtK truding humans," "Slay those attacking Minute Seeing, or by some item which
47, Atk 3, OM 1-5/1-5/2-12, SP hugs for the animals, .. etc. As is stated, the mental would magnify.
2- 16. command is general, and thus must be After each spell is read, and disappears,
carefully thought out. Animated creatures there is a corresponding 10% cumulative
These are King Ovar's trophy chambers: perform, attack. etc., as do their real chance that the type V demon imprisoned
and the characters can check these counterparts. In this case all creatures at the middle of the scroll will be released.
thoroughly if they defeat the combined represented here come with full HtK. For instance, if one spell out of the ten
forces of keys #6 and #7. Most of these Oleck need not concentrate upon an possible i used. an immediate check is
animals/ monsters were brought back animated creature outside of giving it its made to see if the demon escapes: this
from successful hunting expeditions to the first command; thereafter it performs as requires a 91-100 or 0 % roll; if two spells
Happy Hunting Grounds, where Ovar ordered until killed or ordered to perform are used, thus weakening the protective
maintains an outposl. differently. ci rcle, a roll of 81-100% would release the
Upon examination of the head-pieces' The amulet is not rechargeable, but is demon, etc.
eyes, characters will note that these are worth 5,000 gp if sold with charges. or The only warning the players might
fashioned from gems of various worth as 1.000 EX if kept. receive about the scroll"s weirdness is
follows: In addition to the materials common toa when after each spell is used a low, yet
Two 5,000 gp white pearls; two 500 gp taxidermist. s uch as cotton, thread. distinct, moaning is heard. This is in fact
topaz'; two 1,000 gp black opals; two 5,000 needles. chemical solutions, scalpels, the demon realizing that a portal is slowly

opening for it: it is moaning in satisfaction! emptying of an entire jug's acid. wood and carved with images of beautiful
If the demon is released, read the players There is a 5% chance that one of the maidens. The sheets are dyed royal purple.
the following: A foul wind seems to issue characters will fall into a covered refuse The sheets (collectively) is actually a
from nowhere. Da rkne s s (as the spell) pit in the middle of the area. Roll for each sheet phantom.
instantly covers a 5' radius area; the character after the first round, and sub·
demon comes forth from the darkness, the sequent rounds thereafter. Those falling SMALL BIRCHWOOD CHES T : In
party is automatically surprised. in sustain 2D6 impact damage, and will be this are various silken robes and gowns.
The demon attacks all types and classes out of the fight until they can exit the pit. Under these is a gold buckle fora belt. Next
of magic-users first, then concentrates its Hidden amongst some garbage in the pit to this is a pair of boots.
efforts on clerical-types and paladins; and is a quiver of 14 arrows. All, except one +3, The collective sheets is also a phantom,
thereafter it pursues and attacks whoever are normal arrows. and attack when touched or attacked in
is in sight. any way.
R UF US: AT 4, M 9", MP: F9, HtK 54, Atk The buckle is golden (worth 255 gp); and
Mage Scro ll Spe lls (10 at level 12) 3/ 2, Dm 108, battle axe +3, SP AT 4 the boots are those of S t riding and
Bracer s of De f. S pringing.
1s t: 1 s t:
Charm P erson Push LORIN: AT 5, M 9'', MP: F6, HtK 37, Atk OAK DRESS ER: This is set against the
1, Dm 1D8, scimitar +2. near (northern) wall.
2 nd: 2 nd: The mirror atop this is magical. The
De t ect Invis ibilit y first character coming near this and
Invisibility looking therein will be exchanged with the
doppleganger within. Only one human- ·
2 nd : Flame Arr ow sized live object can fit in the mirror. If the
A vermilion curtain propped upon sturdy
Mirror Image poles circles this area. mirror is broken, the inhabitant is re·
4th: If the curtain is parted the following is leased, but with -10 to 40% HtK. T HE
3 rd: Ha llucinatory seen: PLAYER MUST PLAY THE PART OF
Gus t of Wind Te rrain There is a man squatting on the floor. THEIR DOPPLEGANGED CHARAC-
He appears to be meditating. His features TER: and since the exchange happens so
5 th: 6th: are intense but withered, and his dress fast, other characters will have no idea
Hold Mons ter Mo ve Earth --robes of vermilion hue and a white silk that it indeed took place.
waist-sash inset with a lovely purplish The top dresser drawer has two l" high
TYP E V DE MON: AT ··7/·5, M 12", MP gem ·· seem to be his only possessions. As alabaster figur ines wrapped in fe lt
7 +7, HtK 52,Atk 7, Dm 2-8,andsixfor 1D6 you stare at him he opens his eyes and therein. When looked at, characters note
+ each, Spells: Charm P e r son , Dark 7 strokes his black beard, then looks at you. that these depict a carrion crawler and
n ess (used 1st round), Levitate, Detect This is the evil oracle, Zulg. He sustains shrieker, respectively.
In v is ibility, P y rot echnics, Poly - 10 HtK, is AT 10, and is considered level 0 There is a secret compartment in the
mo rph Self, Projecte d Image, SP +1 or for attack purposes. He does not attack, shrieker's base which contains a magical
better wea pons to hit. but will, if attacked in any way, curse the ring. If donned, both figurines transform
party with a dire and long-lasting con· to flesh, grow to normal size and star t
fusion (much like the spell of the same their attack functions. If killed, they rever t
name). T he confusion's effects last 1-8 to their alabaster figurine size and form,
9. THE TORTURE CHAM BER hours and stop the characters affected but all cracked and pulver ized.
from recognizing alignments. Characters
In this large amply lit room are these meeting monsters and/ or other N-PCs N IGHTS T AND: This electrum-plated
immediately noticeable objects: two racks, while so affected must sustain spell SRs or stand is set on the door's (eastern) wall.
an iron maiden, a table with attached become friends (as with spell) with those The lantern on top this is made of silver
shackles, many wall chain/manacle sets; a beings or creatures. There is no save/ cure (worth 150 gp if stripped), and is com·
large cage attached to a chain and pulley from/ for this curse. pletely hooded. The lantern has a Con-
hovers above a 10' round flaming fire pit at Zulg will be irritated by the intrusion, t inual Light spell within it which will
the center of t he room; tables in the but almost instantly directs the char· illuminate the room if the hood is raised.
corners are heaped with implements of acters to letter key (C) to the south-east. The lantern's base is attached to the stand
torture: metal rods, pokers, three daggers, This establishes true direction. Other· by a secreted hook. If the lantern is moved
stone a nd wood splinters, and a number of wise, he supplies them with false infor- (pulled at, lifted) a Fire ball trap will
stone jugs. Before you can star t investi- mation when asked a question. explode dealing 5D8 of damage to all in the
gating, a man jumps out from behind the The gem is a 3,500 gp amethyst. room. T he lantern is ruined in this in-
iron maiden, and another runs screaming stance; and the stand (normally worth 600
at you from the right! gp) is reduced to cinders.
Rufus, the master of this chamber , and
Lor in, his assistant, attack, attempting to 11. THE KING'S BED CHAMBER ROCK.ING CHAIR: ln the left-hand (south·
kill or capture the party members. Rufus east) corner is an oaken rocking chair with
appears as a humanoid, while Lorin is This is obviously some sleeping room . A a black fur rug before it. The chair is
outfitted in chain mail. large bed, small chest, dresser, nightstand, carved with scenes of a boreal land: bears
During the fight Lorin and Rufus will large lantern, rocking chair, black rug, and are romping, penguins are diving, and
th row the jugs of acid (10) at the char· chest with attached mirror, are the room's fishermen are throwi ng harpoons at
acters. They may hurl one/round each; entire contents. various sea creatures.
and when these hit 2D6 of acidly burning The rug appears normal, (but will
damage is dealt . One h it equa ls the THE BED: This is fash ioned from teak· radiate magic if this is checked for).

If the chair is sat in, the floor will in several spots upon the curtain are many friends/benefactors cannot find them.
collapse, hurtling a character into a 14' different sized bells. (An excuse for any question about their
deep pit for 2D4 +2 impact damage. immunity to detection, etc.)
Matters are complicated since the rug ·· GM NOTE W E LL: One of the inhabi·
actually a Rug of Smothering ·· is con· tants of this room has a magical item The women evade any other questions
nected to the chair by a thick fur strand, which permeates a 10' radius area with a which might be indicative of accussative
and will be pulled into the pit to land upon Mind Blank-type spell. No detection remarks, doubts, and suspicions leveled at
the character in question. If the rug is powers (detecting lies/ alignments, or even them. When the characters are s uffi·
removed before the character dies, a ESP powers) reveal anything about the ciently duped and out of position, or when
random D% roll is made to determine the room's occupants prior to entering it. Also they show signs of departing (and turn
percentage of remaining HtK lost due to note sub-key #1, Veeredra the Vampiress. their backs). the women will attack. At
smothering. that time they show their true forms and
As the characters enter this room they purposes!
CHEST AND LARGE MIRROR: Set note that it is lit by three chandeliers of
against the far (west) wall is a 4' square clear crystal and electrum make. The #I) Vee r e dra: This lithe, black haired,
silver filigreed mirror. A heavily padlocked floors here are covered in a patchwork pale woman is by far the most beautiful
walnut chest is directly below this on the color design consisting of gold, red, and of the three presen t. She wears tight
floor. green rugs. There are numerous furs of fitting black robes which revea l a
The chest is actually a pit of bubbling rare cats everywhere. The walls are s hapely figure.
acid which is under a permanent illusion covered with mauve and citrine·colored Veeredra is actually a vampiress. Her
that makes it appear as a chest. Touching silks. There is the fragrance of patchouli robes conceal an intricately made
the illusion causes 3D6 of damage, in the air, no doubt issuing from an dagger and amulet beneath.
walking in it causes 6D6 of damage, im· incense burner somewhere within the Amulet of the Mind's Eye: This
mersion equals death. Jumping out of the room's expanse. amulet always functions, permeating a
pit insures no further contact damage, but Located at the room's center are five 10' radius space about the wearer with
affected characters must rid themselves of figures: two bald-headed men ·· with a Mind Blank spell. All creatures
(or water-dowse) their now acid-soaked large scimitars ·· are guarding three possessing thought process's are
clothes/dress or continue to sustain 50% women reclining upon an assortment of guarded from any spells/powers
above-listed damage per turn thereafter. sequined pillows. There is a feast spread having to deal with detection, com·
The mirror is magical. Its power to before the women: succulent meats, muning, information retrieval, etc. as
negate magical sendings will affect beings' cheeses, fruits and breads, with clear long as they stay within the range of
spells/items, etc. wh ich are directly in takar wine (a rare wine said to be made by the amulet's protective field.
front of it, and extending 4' up/down and the gods themselves!) bottles to be seen
across to the far wall it faces. Among other among these viands. The women invite #2) Cryenna: She is a hardy looking,
magics negated by this mirror are any the party to attend the feast; and although middle-sized woman with long red hair
attempts at ascertaining the chest's actual the men seem somewhat ill at east by your and shiny green eyes. Her voice seems
form (as in detecting true form, or some presence, they make no objection to the gruff, yet at times this changes to a soft
such). As a general rule, any power, item, women's offer and step aside as you whine. She is dressed in khaki-colored
spell, etc. is non-functionable when used approach. robes.
from in front of this mirror. Cryenna is a weretigress. She will
The mirror is attached to the wall by The women and men are not what they stay near the vampiress and attacks
studs. If pulled/forced from its hanging seem. The women are detailed below. The when s he does, turning to were-form
position, it breaks and forever becomes men are zombie eunuchs which attend the and leaping upon her closest opponent.
non-magical. vampiress. She uses her natural claw/ bite attacks.
Note that the Mind's E ye Amulet She has no treasure.
S H EET PHANTOM: AT 3, MP3, HtK possessed by the vampiress will stop suc·
(Bed) 17, (Chest) 15, Atk 1, Dm 104, SP cessful checks of the mens' and womens' #3) He lga: This woman appears as a
suffocation. alignments, intentions, etc. T he informa· sturdy, muscle-bound amazon with
tion the women reveal is limited to these blonde hair and chestnut colored eyes.
DOPPLEGANGER: AT 5, MP 4, HtK seemingly pertinent facts: She wears full plate armor and has a
23, Atk 1, Dm 1012, SP immune to sleep reversible yellow/green cloak.
and charm, saves as FlO. N.B. Sewn shut inside the cloak is
1) They are captives of King Ovar. P eriapt of Wound Clos ure and a
SHRIEKER: AT 7, MP3, Ht K 17, Atk 0, 2) They wish to escape but don't know potion of S torm Giant Strength. Her
DMO. how since they are guarded. sword is beneath some pillows. .
3) They might know a way out; and if the Helga is presently charmed by the
CARRION CRAWLER: AT 317, MP3 guards are killed, they will show them vampiress and will follow her com·
+l, HtK 16, Atk 8, DM paralysis. that way. (They take the party to key mands. If she is freed from Veeredra
#19, The Art Gallery, q.v., hoping to set she will (D% roll) 1·50, join the adven·
a trap with the Wizard/Artist Pynyck turers for equal divisions of treasure
there.) and magic, or 51-100 will leave on her
4) They haven ' t seen men in many own. (GM Note: Write in Helga's name
months now. (This is an attempt made next to all Jester encounters on the
12. THE KING'S HARE M by the vampiress to get closer to a male wandering monster encounter table,
character to drain/charm him.) q.v.; there is an equal chance thereafter
The opening to this room is shaded by a 5) King Ovar has placed spells of conceal· for The Jester or Helga encounter to
finely wrought bead curtain. Interwoven ment on them so that their former occur when this is rolled.)

ZOMBIES: AT 9, M 6", MP 5, HtK 29,24, 1-4/1-411-12, SP 2 rakes for 2-5 each, If the jester has not been killed in an
Atk l, Om 1010 +l. silvered/+ 1 or better weapon to hit. encounter with the party before now, or, if
he has not joined their expedition, he is
VEEREDRA THE VAMPIRESS: AT HELGA THE FIGHTER: AT 0, M 12", hidden behind a table in this room. If the
I , M 12"/ 18", MP 8, Ht K 51, Atk 1, Om MP: F7, HtK 54, Om 108 +l; SP Flame- characters enter and search the room , he
5-10 and energy drain x 2, SP +1 or better tongue sword, +2, plate mail. s urrenders to them, for he has wearied of
weapon to hit, 3 HtK regeneration/ round; fleeing about in the maze without food or
Jeep, Charm, Hold, and Paralysis do 13 . WRECKED ROOM water. For amplification on this N-PC and
not affect; cold and electrical damage is what he knows, read t he section in the
halved; onyx dagger = 500 gp. This room appears to be wrecked: tables, appendices detailing him.
chairs, a desk, bottles, and various other
CRYENNA THE WERETIGRESS: objects too crushed to define, a re spread
AT 3, M 12", MP 6 +2, HtK 34, Atk 3, Om about its interior.

14. (A-C). OVAR'S CO URT in excruciating pain to the recipient (this 15. THE ARCHERY CHAMBER
interferes with the attempted action); and
This room is well lit by torches (one every if the thoughts/attempted actions are This room is well lit by a blazing light near
10'). As the characters enter it two distinct forced to continue, unconsciousness, for the ceiling. As the characters enter here,
sounds are heard and a variety of beings 04 hours, results. Other actions (such as archers, which had been invisible, appear
are seen. First, a bald-headed, old man moving, and attacking other creatures, along the far (south-eastern) wall and
sitting behind a judge's bench strikes his etc.) can be accomplished only if the char· commence firing at the characters.
gavel upon the bench top and speaks to the acter in question rolls a succes ful spells The archers continue to fire until they
characters: "You are guilty of high treason SR at -4 ··a missed save causes unconscious- are meleed; and then they fight hand-to·
against King Ovar! You are to be tried by a ness (as above). Only 25% movement speed hand. The captain steps back from a
jury of your future peers." He motions to is possible due to the restraining nature of concerted attack and will shoot into the
the jury box to the right (east) whereat sit the shackles. Initiative is likewise reduced melee thereafter. Of course, this indis-
e ight cow l ed and silent by -2. criminate shooting might hit his own men
figures. "Sit down so that the trial may The shackles are only removeable by instead of the characters, so note the
begin." He motions to the four chairs along beings outside their magical influences. chances for this well.
the wall to the right of the entry door. The blazing light is a level 20 Continua l
The characters may attempt anything Light spell, of triple area/strength.
at this point. If they fight, the eight figures
from the jur y attack; and at the same time FOUR ARCHERS: AT 8, M 12", MP: F4,
the two jailers, which are standing out of 14. D. THE PRISON ROOM HtK 25,22,21,20, Atk 2.bow or 1 sword , Om
sight behind the bench, move to capture or 106 + magical arrow bonus, or 1D6 for
kill the characters through use of their This is a room with dirt floor, ceiling and short sword, SP Each has fou r ar rows +3,
Shackles of Impris onme nt (q.v.). The walls. There are bones spread about. In six +2, and ten +1.
judge stays seated at the bench while each corner is a shovel.
repeatedly striki ng his gavel and exclaim- If the characters were brought here CAPTAIN: AT 5, M 12", MP: F6, Atk 1,
ing over and over: "Order in the court! while under the influence of the shackles, Om 108 +3 w/ Crossbow of Accuracy
Order in the court!" they wake up 04 hours later with no and bolts, longsword for 108, SP fourteen
If the characters seat themselves, they shackles on. There are no apparent exits bolts +3, sixteen bolts +2.
are tried in a whirlwind manner and from the room.
pronounced guilty as charged. The jailers The characters must use the shovels to
then appear and shackle them, and they dig a hole out of the room. However, the
are taken to key 14 D., The Prison room is magical, and when/ if 3' of dirt is
Room. If the characters resist, jailers, dug it will magically reappear, flinging the 16. THE KEEPER OF THE CAGED
jury, and judge attack/act as outlined characters out of the space they had just
above. worked into. At the center of this circular chamber is a
The buried left-hand (west) door can be man bedecked in full plate mail. He sits at
A) J UDGE: AT 10, MP: FO, HtK 2, Atk 0, dug to, but the dirt-refilling process will a table, and is setting down a mug of some
Special Note: He is insane and will not take effect even then. steaming liquid and reaching for a glowing
attack. but acts his part as the judge. The only way for the characters to win whip on the table before him.
their freedom is by going through the door. This room is lit by a single fire located in
B) J URY: 6 Skeletons: At 7. MP I, HtK There is an inscription upon the door, a shallow pit near the table. T hree poles
6,5, 4,4, l , 1, Atk 1, Dm 1-6. which might be noted if any one of the prop up a large stewing pot, which at this
2 Wights: At 5, MP e +3, Htk 20,22, Atk 1, characters near it when it is uncovered time is bubbling over with a hot gruel.
Om 1-4 and drains energy, SP silvered/ inquires about the door's make, or des-
magical weapons only hit. cription. There is a cumulative 20%chance Rukshilan ··the master keeper of Ova r's
that the inscription may be fully noted caged specimens here·· will attack with all
C) JAILERS: 2 Knights of Chaos: AT 2, upon each separate dig. The fifth dig of his know-how and skill: He will kick the
MP: F8, HtK 47,43, Atk 2/ 3, Om 108 +3, SP automatically re\'eals this entence: poles, thus spilling the stew pot. The gruel
20•JI, immune to fire attacks, missed saves will spill out in a 2" radius, thus covering
vs. fire = 50% damage, 2 S hackles o f "'Speak they liege's name and depart" Rukshilan's flank so that he may not be
Imprisonme nt each. surrounded if he defends the open space
Technically, their liege is still Ovar next to the spill. The gruel will scald all
Shackles of Impris onme nt: These since he remains alive, and if all of the those stepping into it for 204; it cools in
are whirled in the air for one melee round characters present speak his name at the one hour, decreasing in temperature so
to set them in motion; then they can be time the dig re\'eals the door, the door will that it may be hopped on/ over without
thrown up to 30' distance. If a lO hit roll is open. The dirt remains heaped until they ustainingdamage in half that time, and is
missed, the shackles spend another round pass beyond the room, at which time the fully examinable in one hour's time, if this
boomeranging back to the original door slams shut and the dirt returns to the is desired.
thrower; and if that person/being has wall. There are four cages located here.
moved during that time the shackles No other means will secure the char· Rukshilan will choose to release his caged
merely land within l '·6' (06)of where they acters' escape from this room. If they stay beasts if his HtK are reduced to 16 or less.
were originally thrown from. in here for a long time period, refer to the At that time he throws the lever (near the
If a hit is scored, the shackles lock section on STARVATION. After 5 days NW secret door); the cages open and he
around the recipient's ankles and clasp the jailers and wights reappear to subdue attempts a stealthy bu t confused escape
shut. Thereafter, any escape-type or hurt· the remaining characters. They are out the door and to key #15. lf the archers
fu l-type thoughts which are aimed at the turned into wights and made part of the there have not been dispatched, he will
original wielder of these shackles results Jury at key #14 B. lead them in a counterattack of h is room .

Rukshilan has many magics, not least of position = all cages closed; UP = A open; PERYTON: AT 4 (thicker feathers/hide),
which is a Bag of Tricks. He may choose DOWN= B open; RIGHT = Copen; LEFT= M 12"/2 1", MP6, HtK 32, Atk 1, Dm 4-16,
to use the creatures from this if so hard D open; any slots beyond one at any SP +2 to hit, +1 weapons needed to hii: it.
pressed that he fears that his death is position besides center= all cages open.
imminent. He will also pull forth several GIANT WOLVERIN E: AT 4, M 15'',
aeatures from this to aid in the recapture A) Two bugbears are held captive here. MP 4 +4, HtK 29, Atk 3, Dm 2-5/ 2-5/ 2-5.
o{ his room, and/or in the tracking of the The keeper has mistreated them, so if
characters. they are loosed, they attack him first, GIANT POISONOUS TOAD: AT 6, M
then the characters. T hey will , of 6"/ hops 6", MP 5, Atk 1, Dm 2·8, SP bite =
Ruks hilan's Magical Ite m s cou rse, attack a nything which stands poison, +2 to melee rolls due to enclosed
in their path to the keeper. quarters of pool.
Whistle of Control: This appears as a
silver 3 (real) inch long tube. When blown B) A larger than normal-sized peryton is
upon a shrill pitch affects all those within kept here. It has been trained to attack
ro· of it, and saving ro!ls vs. command/ magic-users first. It will obey Rukshi· 17. GONG ROOM
rontrol must be made. This device will Ian's commands since it fears the
affect mammals and water creatures but whistle and the whip. T his room contains a set of t hree gongs
not plan ts or ot her monsters which are not along the fa r upper right·ha nd (NW) cor-
specifically related. For example, an owl C) A giant wolverine is here. It is not ner. T heir colors are gold, electrum, and
bear would be affected, since its makeup is trained and thus will always attack the silver. Each is 2 feet round and a ll a ppear
similar to the animal kingdom, but a being closest to it. dented. ext to each of these are their
chimera would not be, since its physiology separate beaters.
is mixed between animal/monster. D) Located within the confines of this cage The electrum gong's beater has a hollow
Beings so affected are controlled for 204 is a poisoned toad. It is submerged at cap with a Ring of Spell Turning in it ;
rounds; they then stand in a stupor for 1 this time, awaiting feed. however , the ring fun ctions only three
round before regaining normal facil ities, In its stomach is a Ring of Rege ne r- times, and then, for some inexplicable
at which time they may act as they wish. ation x 2. This merely doubles the rate reason , d is in tegrates fro m the user's
The wielder of the whistle MUST be able of regeneration. finger.
to speak the language of the creature/ The gongs are summoning devices: If
being he or she are attempting to control, Since the party would have been preoc- one gong is rung, a minotaur appears a nd
or those creatures/beings merely stand cupied with attacking Rukshilan, the attacks; if two gongs are ru ng simul-
immobile for 106 rounds, then are normal. room contents are now described. ta neou sly, a ma n t icor e appear s a nd
The whistle may be blown twice per full attacks, using its missle offense first ; if all
day. It is wor th 12,000 gp if sold or 3,400 The room is laid with many a nimal furs; three gongs are rung in unison , a type VI
EX if kept. It is useable by all classes. on the table is a mug of strong tea which demon appears already immolated!
Rukshilan was sipping when the char- The summoned monsters will attack
Whip of Pain: Beings struck by this acters entered. The pit is fired with a any intruder in their room; they will not
whip must sustain a Vitality check (408 bundle of wood -· no value. The steaming pursue beyond the room's limits, even
roll) to make their score. Scores over the gruel upon the floor is just that. though they might duel missle-, spell-wise
amount equal the number of rounds the There is a cot near the doorway. with any character a ttempting to fight
being is unconscious due to the massive Beneath this is a box which contains these them in this fas hion through the doorway.
pain inflicted. personal belongings: A ring of gold with an If a ll of the gongs' inhabitants are some-
The whip entangles on rolls of 2 and 3 inset ruby (worth 3,200 gp); a map to key how defeated, one of the characters in·
and thus is not useable in the next round #4 via key #17 and three secret doors; 345 stantly becomes aware that he or she has
while it is being untangled. On a roll of 1 gp, and a box of tea leaves. Food for the the power to grant one Wish to someone
the whip accidently strikes the user. creatures is stored in grain bins, casks, else. The gongs will summon up to three
Agility bonuses, magic, etc. will help barrels, and boxes near the cages. In front minotaurs, two manticores, and but one
change the roll in the user's favor. On a of (A) are casks with meats for the bug- demon.
natural 20 roll the target is automatically bears; in front of (B) is a box with dried T he gongs function in this room only,
knocked out no matter the Vitality score fruit and meat for the peryton; in front of a nd will not even sound if struck while
involved. (C) are roots and rank meats fo r the beyond these limits. Their values are: Gold
T he whip is worth 23,000 gp if sold or wolver ine; in front of (D) is a barrel of = 4,500 gp; electrum = 3,400 gp; silver =
4,600 EX if kept. It is useable by all classes. stinky fish for the toad. Rukshilan's food 1.350 gp. T he beaters a re valueless.
must consist of grain, and perhaps some of
Bag of Tricks : The creatures below the food for the peryton, since this is dried. MINOTAUR: AT 6, M 12'', MP 6+3, HtK
come out in the order listed: Otherwise there is a large barrel of water 39 each, Atk 2, Dm 1-4/ 1-12 +2.
CREATURE AT MP HtK DAMAGE located along the wall between cages A and
Tiger 6 5+5 28 2·512-5/ 1-10 8. Next to this is a drinking cup and abou t MANTICORE: AT 4, M 12"/ 18", MP
J aguar 6 4+2 22 1-3/ 1-311 ·8 a dozen wooden buckets. 6+3, HtK 36 each , Dm 1-3/1-3/1-8, SP
Leopard 6 3+2 15 l ·3/ l ·311·6 Spikes.
Buffalo 7 5 34 1-8/ 1-8 RUKSHILAN: AT2, M 12",MP: F9, Ht K
Eagle 7 1 6 1-211-2/J 62, Atk 1, Dm 304 for whip plus special, DEMON: AT -2, M 6"/15', MP 8 +8, HtK
Ostrich 7 3 14 2-8 SP Whip of P a in, Whis tle of Control, 39, Atk 1, DM 2-9 for magic sword, SP 4-24
Bag of Tric ks (see above). for immolation, shed Darkness 10' r.,
Cause Fe a r , Detect & Read Magic,
THE CAGES: The lever on the far BUGBEARS: AT 5, M 9", MP3 +l , Ht K Re ad Language, Detect Inv. Objects,
(NW) wall is in a cross-slot. CENT ER 19,20, Atk 1, Dm 2-8. P y rotechnics, Dispel Magic, Sugges -

tion, Tele kinese up to 6 ,000 gp Small Wooden Chest: This contains the rays of light that are now cascading
weight, Symbols : Fear, Sleep, Stun, moth-eaten cloaks and worm-eaten boots. through several strange looking window
Discord, 75%MI,(N.B. No gating allowed panes on the walkway above: these arc
for this adventure.) Cloven Copper Trumpet: This tar· inside the apse-shaped dome and strike the
nished and dusty item lies in a (SE)corner. crystal, which in turn, sheds its dull light
This is a cloven Bronze Horn of upon the gallery's contents. Due to this
18. ABANDONED CHAMBER Vahalla; and if the parts are thrust to· magical circumstance, the pictures them·
gether and held (with rope, glue Mend selves seem surreal at times, or oddly
This cham ber appears dusty and spell, etc.) there is a 65% chance of it bizarre to one's corner vision. At times the
unused; but the party easily notes that retaining its former powers. pictures seem to move, though this must
this must have been a sanctuary for inhabi· be a trick of the lighting.
tants of the maze at one time. Many GM SPECIAL NOTE: There is a 25% These pictures are hung upon the walls
objects of a broken, rusted, or disused chance per turn that the roll from key ttl8 and hexagonal columns here, perfectly
nature litter its entirity. A will enter this room; and if no guard was interspaced with sculpture work dis·
Many of the condemned, wandering posted here, it urprises the characters on played on pedestals.
prisoners of this level have at one time a D6 roll of 1-4. The creator of these art pieces is
sought refuge here. Their tell-tale signs Pynyck, the Wizard-Artist. He is at this
are emeshed in the room's various con· HUGE SPIDER: AT 5, M 18", MP 2 +2, time occupied with another of his works at
tents as follows: HtK 7, Atk 1, Om 1-6, SP Surprises on D6 key #19 A. He will not come forth to deal
roll of l ·5, weak poisonous bite=+ 1 to SR. with the characters unless they somehow
3' High StoneJ ug: Dried mulberries spill alert him to their presence (excess noise,
over this container's top. etc.). It is left up to separate GMs to
Any character reaching within this, or ascertain if the party has indeed alerted
in any way exposing its interior (cracking 18 A. VORACIOUS TROLL him.
it, dumping the contents, etc.) will be There is a small chance that those
attacked by a huge spider lurking therein There are piles of dirt, an assortment of players passing near picture key #35 will
(see below). bones, rusty and shattered weapons, and be seen by Pynyck through his one-way
tattered and shredded clothing in this mirror (Read key #19 A, P yn yck's
2 Lanterns: The first one examined is room. Work Room.)
broken and unuseable; the other is a bulls· It will take the adventurers D4 turns to
eye type which will function for 3 full search through this mess.
turns on its remaining oil. If there is no guard posted here when the THE P AINTINGS
troll returns, the party is automatically
2 Vermilion Cushions: These appear surprised. To ascertain when the troll There are 39 paintings located here.
torn and discolored. appears, roll %: Those that are magically gifted (have
animateable monsters therein, are enter·
Broken Bucket: This is moldy and l-25 The troll is gone and will not able, etc.) are indestructible. All physical,
smells awful. return before the characters leave mental. or magical attacks negotiated
this chamber. against these fail, merely bouncing off, or
Shattered Crystal Goblet: This appears having no effect.
totally destroyed. 26-50 The troll is in transit to this room Those non-magical pictures are easily
Close examination reveals a single ruby and will arrive in 1/ 206 turns. destroyed. All picture frames are merely
worth 900 gp. decoration, and unless specifically noted
5I·100 The troll returns 112 turns after can be removed from the paintings; but
Quiver of 14 Arrows. These are shat· the party enters the room. magical paintings stay attached to the
tered and decayed. wall in any case. Each frame's value is
TROLL: AT 4. M 12'', MP 6 +6, HtK 45, listed where applicable; and it is assumed
Gray Bottle. This appears to be a carved Atk 3. Dm 1-8/ 1· / 1-12, SP Regenerates, that these values represent the deprecia·
stone bottle. hunger insanity allows this creature to tion that would have occurred due to the
There is a jelly substance inside this. If attack as a level 10 monster and score +2 characters' method of removi ng them
swallowed the imbiber becomes Delusion - on damage dealt out. (with daggers, etc.). If characters devise
ed for 1-8 rounds, no SR. (He/she im· some method of removing the frames
mediately believes that this room's worth· without damaging the craftsmanship,
less items are of value, and vice versa.) increase those listed values by 10-40% (D4
19. THE ART GALLERY roll).
Large Papyrus Scroll. This has gib· The frames· dimensions (viz.. 5 1/ 2' x 2',
berish written on it as follows: "Go left, GM NOTES et al.) indicate height, then width.
then right, then back again, Aha! I've got The floor here is laid with a light gray
it! The treasure is buried here!" carpeting, and a dull white light permeates
This was written by a person who the room. Many pictures of various sizes TOUCHING THE PICTURES
swigged from the Delus ion potion above. hang within view of the entryway, though
characters must go in to see more. Touching the pictures actually means
Crumpled Mage's Hat: A foreign sen· In the center part of the gallery (see inset reaching out with a fleshy part of one's
tence with obvious signature appears on map) is a multi-faceted crystal which body and making contact with the art
this. hangs from a long, sturdy chain attached piece. Characters using any other method,
Let those who understand ogrish to the upper extremities of the gallery. In such as probing pictures' surfaces with
language read: " I dun it wit mi club .. Ralf" fact. this cr ystal seems to act as a focus for poles. etc.. will not activate their magic.

E~TERING PAINTINGS, AND huge mandrill baboon ·· blue-faced and cannot be resummoned by the same party
RE-ENTERING THE GALLERY hideously rib-nosed. This creature stands for a full week.
before a large palm tree where lesser
Some pictures, where noted, are enter- statured baboons can be seen descending THE CRYSTALS
able. Having done this, characters find from.
themselves in areas as previously noted If t he picture is touched nothing Silver Crystals: These are greasy to
from the gallery-side. happens immediately; but the mandrill the touch. When placed in water and let set
These areas are actually sub-dimen- becomes magically aware of the party. It for three rounds, each will produce a
sional "pockets"; and all spells, abilities, will wait until all adventurers have passed Healing potion.
or magical items (except those which allow and are presumably occupied elsewhere,
transportation, such as T eleportation, and then it and its minion baboons will Amber Crystals: These feel brittle to
etc.) are useable here. Note that transpor· enter the gallery and attack the party. If the touch. When eaten these will Neutral-
tat ion spells can be used inside of the areas the mandrill is killed, the remaining ize Poison.
- just that they cannot be used to exit baboons become ferociously excited, at·
these due to the magical interference of the tacking for+ 1 to hit until all are eliminated Violet Crystal: This feels rough to the
dimensional pockets. or driven away. touch. If crushed and mixed with water, it
Characters note that there are pictures functions as a Treasure Finding potion.
on the walls of these areas, directly where MANDRILL: AT 6, M 12", MP 5, HtK 34,
they enter from: These depict the gallery Atk 2, Dm 2-7/l-3.
from the adopted viewpoint, as if these
were actual windows looking upon some 15 BABOONS: AT 7, M 12", MP 1 +1, 4) This portrayal is set in a 6' x 2 l/2'
till life painting. The characters must re· HtK (10) x 4, (5) x 2, Atk l, Dm 1-4. frame of ebony (worth 354 gp if stripped).
enter the gallery through these separate Depicted upon the aging canvas is a
pictures. Each are 5' x 2' and allow one portrait of an insane but regal looking
human-sized, or halfling-sized, being to person, bedecked in robes of black with
transport through, one per round. These 3) This picture is set in a gold and silver snakes, lion heads, and two-headed
characters appear outside the picture they platinum filigreed 5' x 2' frame (785 gp). dragons coursing its length. He wears a
originally entered to get to the dimensional Depicted is a lovely and ageless white silver and gold crown set with rubies,
area. This type of traversement is not birch tree. Among its leaves are silver-, emeralds and sapphires. His left hand
limited by degree in any way. amber-, and violet-colored crystals. These grasps a sil ver scepter, and his right hand
are intermixed with many gems adorning juts forth to reveal a black orb in its palm .
its branches. Set before the tree is a copper Three buttons can be seen on the upper
PICTURE KEYS: bottle stoppered with a large yellow gem. right-hand side of the frame.
Touching the bottle in any way causes it The fi rst two buttons do nothing when
l) This 5' x 2' picture is framed in teak to drop to the gallery floor in front of the pushed; but when the third is pressed a
(worth 500 gp) and festooned with many characters. If opened a Djinni will come needle springs from its center and pins the
small flowers. It depicts a table of oak with forth and serve its new masters: It states hand pressing it to the wall. Only flesh will
a large silver mug upon it. Rising from the that this is a limited service connected activate this magical process. The floor
mug is a clenched leprous fist with a silver with the picture, and no more (i.e., it beneath the character will spout water
ring adorning a finger. In the background cannot grant a wish, nor will it fight for (stale but drinkable, if players think of
are swirling ethereal-like clouds which are the party). It states that it is the only being t his); and an electrical shock travels
sprouting flames and hurling meteor-like capable of entering the picture (which is through the wall and jolts the grounded
rocks about the table ··but these do not true) to retrieve the crystals and gems character, and any in contact with
touch it. therein . him/her, for 706 damage. The pin then
If approached and touched, the fist will If ordered into the picture for such receeds and the character is released.
activate and comes forth up to 10' distance retrieval, the Djinni returns with worth·
form the picture. The fist corresponds to less gems and crystals, piling all he has
the spell Bibgy's Clenched Fist; it is gotten before the characters' feet. The
able to sustain 40 HtK and is AT 4. It characters immediately recognize the true 5) This 5' x 2' oak frame holds an empty
trikes at any characters within its worthlessness of these articles; and if they canvas. Set before this is a small artist's
vicinity; and if the characters retreat out press the Djinni for recompense he re- table, with a paint brush, and a jar of
of its range, it recedes back into the turns to the picture again to bring forth rainbow-colored paint, obviously made of
pictu re, whereat it heals/regenerates the true treasure: 3 si lver crystals, 2 crushed gemstone and other pigments.
damage at 1 HtK/hour. amber crystals, 1 violet crystal and 100 If the characters use the paint and brush
If the fist is destroyed through combat gems. The crystals are magical; but the to paint a picture, a generic type will
its ring drops to the floor. The character gems are all worthless glass. always appear on the once empty canvas:
donning this ring becomes instantly aware If the Djinni is ordered to procure more Adepiction of a cavern heaping with gems
of its powers. This ring is a combination· than the share he already brought, he will appears. Deep footsteps starting at the
type, having the powers of a ring of Fire whirlwind as per his ability, sending the painting's bottom-center lead step by step
Resistance, and with a limited spell characters flying to the walls for a D6 of through the deep gem mass to an ivory
storing capability: stored within it is a impact damage each; and the crystals, if throne encrusted with minerals and gems.
1010 Fireball. not previously stored away, will be flung If the characters go into this picture
The ring cannot be re-stored with spells about the gallery to be (D% roll each), l · they appear (one at a time) in the first set of
after the loosing of the Fireball. 40%, shattered and thus made useless or, foot prints. If they approach the throne via
41-100%, to be lost for D6 rounds as the the remaining prints ahead of them, they
2) This piece is set in a simple 7' x 3' frame characters search for them. The Djinni reach it safely. But if they step from the
of boxwood (worth 345 gp). Depicted is a then appears back in the picture and safety of the prints, all doing so must make

SRs vs. petrification. Those failing are BLACK-ARMORED FIGHTER: AT - rough hewn corridor.
turned to gem material and fall upon the 1, M 12", St 18(75), MP: F9, HtK 58, Atk This picture may be entered. Ask the
gem mass. Characters are irrecoverable in 3/ 2, Dm 3Dl0, SP plate mail +4, partial characters what corridor they have
t h is for m , except through divine spell immunity. chosen. Actually, these corridors are pits
intervention. as seen from floating above. Anyone
Cha racters flying (etc.) above the mass 7) This representation is set in a 6' x 2 112' entering these will fall into their depths:
fi nd dead end rough hewn chambers filled frame of bronze with silver filigree (worth 10' for the small, 20' for the medium, and
with the same gem material. 540 gp). It depicts three husky black 30' for the large. One D6 of damage/IO'
Characters which sit (one at a time) warriors in bronze hauberks: The first one fallen is dealt in this case. A picture of the
upon the throne come into contact with holds a sword, the second, a javelin; and gallery is located at each pit's bottom so
their deities. When this is done a purple the third, a green bow. that characters may return.
gem on the right hand arm of the chair These weapons may be taken from the
lights up. When four questions are asked picture, but only in proper sequence: First
(as a Commune spell), the light goes out. the shortsword; then the bow; and then
Each character may ask 4 questions, and the javelin. (10) This painting is set in a 6' x 2 1/ 2'
with each sitting the gem re-lights to go frame of malachite (worth 600 gp).
out after the four questions have been Curse d Sword: When first used in Depicted are seven distinctly different
answered. However , any character asking combat , and every hour thereafter, this hands.
more than his or her s hare of questions cursed sword +2 screams, affecting
will be thrown from the chair onto the gem creatures within hearing distance as does GM N OTE: The hands will reach out to
pile; they must make a SR upon landing a shreiker. If thrown away, the sword re- grasp passerbys that fail to make SRs vs.
and another while returning to the foot· seeks its owner's sword hand, floating and spells.
printed path. following forever, no matter where he or The hands attack the characters and
The throne is definitely an obscure she flees to! A Re move Curse will des· can hit only if SRs vs. spells are missed.
artifact and looks priceless; but if taken troy the item; a Wis h will send it back to The characters then return chops/spells
from this dimension it ceases to function , the picture. vs. the hands; then the hands return to the
and after 30 days it disintegrates into a pile picture to come out in the next melee
of dust. Green Bow: This weapon is not round. The hands always attack first.
magical but is an heirloom of the great The hands must be eliminated, or they
elven warrior. If returned to the family will follow the characters throughout the
Tharsilon, whose representatives live in gallery, darting back to the picture and
the woods west of Ersille, characters then reappearing to haunt the characters.
6) T his illusion is set in a 5' x 2' silver receive 20,000 elf coins (comparable to They will not leave the gallery.
frame (worth 500 gp) and depicts a great platinum, but having the further attribute If the hands are destroyed, the picture's
black-armored fighter. He holds aloft a of usefulness in forming light mail +2 surface changes form to reveal a large 2' x
huge metallic mace which has a spiked therefrom, with the additional payment of 3/ 4' gauntleted hand, palm facing the
head and black haft. 2,000 gp for armorer costs involved). characters. Characters placing their own
When the picture is touched, the fighter hands upon any of this hand's area gain
leaps from it to do battle. He fights to the J avelin of t h e Fa r Eye: This +3 2-24 points of healing and +2 on all SRs for
death, choosing to attack in order of pre- weapon can be thrown double normal the next 2-5 (D4 +1) hours. This hand
ference fighter types, then cleric·, priest· javelin distances (ranges increase to 4, 8, remains on the canvas for D6 rounds. It
types, then mages. This fighter is not 12). then disappears, and the canvas turns
affected by 1st-3rd order spells of any type. deathly black in color.
T he mace's function is noted below.
8) This picture is set in a 4' x 1-1/ 2' frame #1, Clawe d Hand: This is embroiled
Blac k Ma c e: The mace head is of burgundy-stained walnut. Depicted are in flame and will cause 1Dl2 fire damage
fashioned from iron and formed in the two crossed battle-axes. to those not making their spell SRs.
likeness of a spiked skull. The haft is made If touched, nothing happens. Characters
from a large discolored bone and streaks of walking away from this, or passing by #2, Mummy Hand: This will cause
aged blood can be seen on its surface. again, will be attacked by the axes which 1D6of rotting damage to those failing their
The Black Mace is magical but has no fall upon them, striking at all times from spell SRs. The affected character will also
plus to hit. Damage dealt is dependent behind. Hits are automatic for those contract a disease which will deal an
upon the wielder's strength score. beings with AT 1 or lower, and 50% likely additional 106 per hour until it is cured.
if AT is above that. Damage dealt is 2D6.
Stre ngth These axes continue to float up to 20' from #3, Black Hand: This will reach out
9 or be low deals 2Dr the picture, attacking all those which and strangle those failing their spell SRs.
10-12 deals 2D6 attempt to parry them, or cast a spell, etc. It causes 1D4 the first round, and is
13-15 deals 2D8 They go back to their containment when attached; it then does lDlO thereafter
16 deals 2Dl0 characters disengage. They will continue until destroyed, no SR possible.
17 deals 3D8 to come forth from their picture if char·
18 deals 3Dl0 acters pass near them (within the 20') #4, Sk e le tal Hand: This bony append·
19= deals 4Dl0 again. This picture is indestructible. age will shoot its fingers at those failing
their spell SRs. Each finger deals a D4· l of
The above damage amounts cannot be damage (0·3); The fingers regenerate
altered due to other bonuses or spells; the 9) This work of art is set in a 6 112' x 3' ins ide the picture, so upon returning to
damage given is the total amount dealt by frame of carved stone. Depicted is one melee the hand has a full compliment of
a blow. large·, one medium-. and one small-sized these again.

#5, Me tallic Hand: This appears a s a WATER ELEMENTAL: AT2, M6"/ robed in scarlet and wearing a silverish
bronze gauntlet with many sharp s pikes / 18'', MP16 , Htk90, Atkl, DM5D6 , crown.
protruding from its knuckles. It will NOTE: -5 points per strike, SP weapons, The picture is of little worth, but if
punch those not making their spell SRs for +2 or better to hit. moved, a recess behind it will reveal two
3D4 of damage. potions: one Extra Hea ling, one Pois on.
The bottles and liquids appear to be of the
#6, Banded Hand: This appear s 12) This 5' x 2 1/2' piece is framed in
same form and content.
carved from black walnut and banded
cherry wood and is etched with geo·
with adaman tine and iron. Its open-
metrical designs. Depicted are many
handed strike will deal 2Dl2 to those not 16) This 5' 112 x 2' painting's frame is
different colored geometrical forms: gold
making their spell SRs . made of teakwood inlaid with many gray
prisms, green trapezoids, mauve tetre-
gonal prisms, maroon sphenoids, and olive and black colored birds of prey. Depicted
#7, P o is oned Hand: This appendage on the canvas proper is a large griffon
has strong fingers which drip a greenish
Any character gazing at this for more circling about a mountain top.
ichor. It rends for 3D8; and an additional
than one melee round must make a spell If this painting is touched, the griffon
poison SR must be made by those not disappears from the picture; if it is touched
SR roll -3 due to the swirling, hypnotic
making their initial spell SR. again the griffon reappears nea r its
patterns these s hapes appea r as.
Characters fai ling th e ir saves are original pos ition , but now a formless rider
HANDS (ge neral): AT7, Ml 2"
mesmerized, rooted to their separate spots is astride its back. If touched three times,
floating, HtK12 each, SP SRs as level 12
for 1 full turn. During this time they may the pair disappear. Nothing happens if the
Mage. painting is touched further. After 24 hours
not move, attack or defend, If they are not
withdrawn from in front of the picture the painting appears as it did when
immediately after the expenditure of l initially viewed.
11) This 4' x 2' picture is set in a frame of turn, they are magically sucked into it. This is one of Pynyck's earliest attempts
emobssed silver which has layers of aqua- Such characters are forever lost unless at merging his wizardry with paintings.
marine gemstone inlaid into it (worth Pynyck (key 1119A) is convinced to retrieve
1,230 gp). Depicted is a water scene, with them.
many fish swimming near t he wreck of a 17) This 6' x 2' picture is framed with
sunken s hip. The hull is open on t he aft crystal (worth 230 gp) and depicts a n old
(viewer's side), and its hold's contents 13) This 6' x 2 1/2' picture is framed with man sitting at a desk piled high with books
litter the nearby sea bottom. A few small ivory sections and depicts a giant juggling and scrolls. The edges of this picture are
chests are clearly seen nearer to the boulders while balancing himself on a obscured by a thick covering of mold.
bottom of the picture. mountain side.
The characters may reach within the This picture is not magical. If the frame
picture and bring forth two small chests. is dismantled the ivory can be sold for 760
The first chest has a water trap upon it; gp. Pynyck is fond of this particular piece; 18) This 5 1/2' x 2 1/ 2' picture is framed
and when opened three globes of water and if it is destroyed by the characters he with platinum and inset with jasper and
shoot forth, impacting the opener for lD 10 might well seek revenge (of sorts) upon sun stones (worth 5,500 gp total). Depicted
of damage each. Inside the chest are 4 them . is a cupola area with four human-sized
potions of W ater Breathing. rectangular windows of colored glass.
The second chest has a large (3' high , 2' When entered this picture functions as a
cylindrical), water-filled glass jug in it. It is transpor tation device to, but not from, the
corked sh ut at this time. 14) This 4' x l 112' picture is framed in walkway above.
If the jug is uncorked the water weird copper and depicts many strange symbols You can now look down upon the art
ins ide will attack the character closest to and runes ·· all upon a field of black gallery, past the huge, shining crystal
In a 1' x 1' x 1' secret panel in the
it. The chest also contains a woolen sack. suspended from a chain here. The walls
In t his is a blue pearl which if looked at column's surface just above this picture is here are decorated with mosaics, and
closely reveals two words - " Water" and a magnifying glass and three sheets of tesselated with many demonic and and
" Elements" ·· inscribed upon its shiny vellum. If the glass is found, and then used surrealistic-type representations, bizarre
surface. If purposefully crushed, a water to scrutinize the painting, several lines of patterns, obtuse s hapes, unearthly
elemental is summoned to serve the one backward magical writing will appear. If landscapes, etc. The characters become
whose action freed it. If the pearl is the vellum is placed a sheet at a time upon aware instantly that these depictions are
accidently crushed, the water elemental the area of this writing, pressed upon, and all a product of one mind! Built into the
departs upon being freed. It serves its then lifted off, spells will be transferred to lower north wall are 6' wide by 2 1/ 2' wide
summoner for D6 +1 melee rounds and their surfaces. There are four level 3-5 windows of curved, pellucid glass. One is
then departs. If the water elemental is priest spells and five level 5-6 mage spells stained amber; one is azure; one is rose;
loosed in the 'wierd's presence, it will be on the canvas. Each vellum sheet holds and the last is emerald green. Together
controlled and ordered to attack the party. three spells. NOTE: Elves will sense some· these portals emit lights which arc and
thing hidden about the picture; other then join within the dome; then this light
WATER WEIRD: AT4, Ml2", MP3 items/powers that allow similar magnifi- is transmitted to the crystal globe which in
+3, Htk24, Atk special, Dm Paralyzation, cation may be used in place of the glass. turn sheds an off-white light upon the
S P Edged weapons do 1 point, con· gallery (re-read the introduction to key 1119
centrated cold (Cold spell, etc.) slows it, for amplification).
fire·type spells do 50% or 0% damage, 15) This 6' x 2' picture is framed in These portals are in fact dimensional
Purify Water kills it, controls water mahagony and carved with many satyrs annexes to the Elemental Planes of Fire
elementals. and cupids. Depicted is a lovely woman (rose), Air (azure), Earth (amber), and

Water (emerald green). It is obvious to the girded in red and is playfully wielding a immediately after the gas shoots forth, an
characters that these portals also serve as quarterstaff to poke at his companion with acid sprays 1·3 targets within a 5' radius,
viewing apertures since chairs, easels, ·· a sandy-haired young man of intense causing 1010 burning damage, no SR
canvas, and other artist's implements, are features. This other youth seems to be possible.
arranged near each of them. Characters ignoring his jocose friend, and is instead Nothing will happen for a hour after
looking into these windows will note land· staring directly at the artist's point of this; and then the picture functions as
scapes ·· with occasional moving figures view. described, shooting gas and spraying acid.
··common to the plane viewed. Thus fiery These are Pynyck's two adopted sons.
lands with volcanoes are seen through the Not so long ago they attempted to assas· 24) This 5' x 2' picture is framed with
rose pane; and sustained viewings (one or s inate him and thereby gain favor with embossed silver serpents which coil about
more hours) reveal a fire creature/being of King Ovar. The attempt failed, and it is the picture in such a way so as to appear to
some sort (dragon, salamander, et al.); and not known what unpleasant circum· purposefully surround it. Depicted on the
so it goes in similar fashion with the stances have overcome the two. canvas' surface are five eyes: one is colored
remaining planes. off-white and has raised, reddish veins and
Characters may pass into an Elemental an olive pupil; the second is black with a
Plane by walking through the proper pane 21) This 2' x 4' painting is framed in mauve center; the third is dull yellow and
at a rate of one/ turn: Characters then find normal stained birchwood (no value) and drips an ichorish, purple substance from
themselves on the plane selected. GMs are depicts an old hag standing before a its brown pupil; the fourth is pink with no
on their own in designing adventures for cauldron of bubbling liquid. pupil, and has porcupine quills for lashes;
the characters on these planes. There is no This is a person known to Pynyck as the last is bulbous and tan·colored, with a
way to cross back to the gallery from the Grezbale the Witch. She lives in Enots' black center.
planes. realm (See the Maze of Zayene Part 2, If the tan/black fifth eye is touched
The panes are indestructable, resisting " Dimensions of Fligh t.") (with flesh only) a tiger's eye gem (worth
all magics and physical attacks. 650 gp) will drop into the palm of the
touching-character's hand. It radiates
magic (if this is checked for); and if placed
22) This 5' x 2' picture is framed in black in the missing eye of the tiger at picture
19) This 5' x 2' picture is framed in bone iron with inlaid black jade and augite key #26 the tiger there will come to life and
and depicts a dark cavern. The cave is crystals (worth 690 gp total). On the serve the character who replaCP.d the gem.
filled with many large piles of bones ·· canvas are many amorphous black, inky GM NOTE: Do not reveal the identity of
some appearing to be of humanoid and blob·type representations, which seem to the stone unless some character present
human extraction. move and shift as the viewer watches. (dwarf, jeweler, et al.) would know about
If any character touches the picture in If stared at for more than two rounds, it. There is a 10% chance that any
any way (including probing its surface seven silverish letters appear upon the uninformed character would know this
with non·flesh·type devices of any sort) s urfac e which spe l l the word gem by name.
one of the large piles of bones falls forth "GREVLYN."
upon the gallery's floor. If the black jade is probed or touched, a
Upon close inspection all of these large top piece will dislodge, revealing a
remains will be noted as human in con· small compartment in back of it. In this is 25) This 6' x 3' picture is framed in
figuration. They do not radiate evil or a iron ring which when donned feels cold chissled porphyry and represents a
magic if these qualities are detected for. to the touch. This ring is a homing device human-sized bird·like creature. Its skull
As soon as the characters are out of sight for the "Realm of Shadow" (Publisher's sports a saw-tooth beak and a crest of
of these, the bon es will instantly (1 note: A planned future release.) When the rainbow-colored feathers. Its trunk is
segment) form into animated skeletons character wearing this approaches an black with white stripes. Its dark green
(elves, rangers, and/or thieves within 60' annex to this plane, the ring will start to wings fill the remainder of the picture.
might hearan audible clacking noise on 06 heat; and when touched to the actual A bronze plaque near the picture's base
rolls of 1 or 2 as the skeletons recombine.) dimensional entry point to this plane, it has the inscription " Kohoci" upon it.
The skeletons immediately search out the will burn a hole through it (much like a
characters to attack them. One ab· cigarette would burn a hole in paper), thus
normally large skeleton seems to be this allowing the characters to enter the 26) This 5' x 2' picture is framed in
macabre group's leader. " Realm of Shadow." rosewood. A s ilver fox, lynx, puma, lion,
panther, and tiger are shown in various
19 S KELET ONS: AT7, Ml2", MPl, action poses.
Htk 3 x (19), Atkl, DM106, SP 50% 23) This 4' x 2' picture is framed in If scrutinized, the tiger's right eye
damage from sharp/edged weapons, holy \'ermilion·stained boxwood. Represented appears missing, and its socket is oozing
water does 204. is a larger than human-sized heart, set blood.
against a background of cadavers rising If any character puts the gem from
LARGE SKELET ON: AT4, Ml5", from coffins. The characters note that the picture key #24 in the tiger's missing eye·
MP6, HtK37,Atkl, OM 106+1 (bone club), heart pumps/ moves, with a faint socket this creature will jump from the
SP Treat as mummy for turning, holy thumping noise being heard. picture and obey its new master com·
water does 104, edged/sharp weapons do If the heart is touched actual blood will pletely. It will obey the commands of the
50%damage. be felt. This action causes a cloud of person/being who replaced the gem.
scarlet gas to shoot forth from the organ.
20) This 6' x 3' picture is framed in All beings within a 10' radius of the picture TIGER: AT2, M 12", MPS, HtK38, Atk3,
electrum and inlaid with bloodstone and are enveloped and must make SRs vs. Om 1·5/1·5/1-10, SP rear claws rake, 2-8/ 2·
raw demantoid crystals (worth 900 gp poison or be affected as by a S tin king 8, serves until killed or ordered hence,
total). Pictured here are two youths: one is Clo ud spell; to complicate matters, never checks morals .

27) This 3' x 2' picture is framed in black-, it they note the single eye looking directly 36) This 5' x 3' picture is framed in pink
and red-colored satinwood; and its design at them with a stare which after 2-5 marble. Represented is a young boy with
consists of alternately inlaid black and red rounds of continuous viewing will cause black hair and sparkling grey eyes. He sits
squares. The picture itself details a huge all those having done so to make SR rolls upon the lap of an elderly man who is
emerald set against a black backdrop. vs. F ear. Those failing saves run reading the lad a story from a leather·
If any corner of the frame is pressed screaming in terror for the next D20 bound book. In the background is an open
upon, the picture slides down to reveal a l' rounds. Characters are only affected once window; outside this ·· starting to enter
deep by 2' wide by l' high niche. Contained by this picture, and then can never be through it -· is a shadowy figure in dark
therein is an emerald necklace (worth Feared again. robes.
6,000 gp) which is actually a Necklace of
Adaptation. Pynyck uses this item to 37) This 5' x 3' picture is framed in yellow
assist him when he enters other realms of 32) This 5' x 2 1/2' picture is framed in
clear glass. Depicted is a golden-armored marble and depicts the young person from
existance, such as the Elemental Planes picture #36 some years later. A suave
(note picture key #18). knight astride an unearthly looking black
charger which spits flames from its fellow, he wields a rapier as if in mock
nostrils. To the knight's side is a standard combat with an imaginary foe. His silver-
bearer holding aloft a black flag embla- and-black capote blows in the wind and his
28) This 4 1/2' x 2' picture is framed in
zoned with a twelve-pointed diamond face is beaded with sweat.
silver and enameled with glossy scarlet
(worth 1,200 gp). Depicted is a gigantic crown. Other well armed horsemen follow.
white worm entwined about a pinnacle of 38) This 5' x 3' picture is framed in brown
jagged ice. In the background, set against a marble and depicts an artist's work room,
backdrop of snow-capped mountains, is a 33) This 6' x 3' picture is framed in jade complete with all the utensils common to
palace of blue ice. (worth 800 gp) and depicts a large fighter this profession. A middle-aged man stands
in shining black and silver armor. His before an easel. He has a dispassionate
shield bears a heraldric green dragon. look on his face as he paints a picture of a
29) This 4' x 2' picture is framed in a hard Above him circle many dragons, but he lovely lady at rest in a coffin.
stone and depicts a wall of bricks. A seems not to care.
number of bricks appear missing.
39) This 6' x 3' picture is framed in
If the picture is touched (with flesh) this
34) This 7' x 4' picture shows a mage in platinum and inlaid with jet, smokey
wall will fall from the picture, landing
the act of casting a spell from an ivory quartz, and jasper (worth 10,000 gp total).
upon those standing to its immediate
wand. The man is richly dressed in green Depicted is the man from picture key #38,
front. Damage dealt is 2D6; and as long as
and has many magically glowing items on yet obviously older. He is standing on top
the painting is touched, bricks will fall.
his person. All of these items are profusely of the world as if he were a giant in respect
However, the bricks disappear one round
inlaid/ decorated with gems and gold. to it. His face is besmirched with a deep,
after contacting solid objects, so there is no
Other distinct magical items include an readable smile of victory. His right hand
real chance to be buried, nor is there a
emerald-tipped rod at his belt, two azure holds several paint brushes, much like the
possibility of accumulating thousands of
rings on his right hand, a shiny silver way a king would hold a scepter.
dagger at his side, and a bulging black
pouch hanging from his belt. THE CARVI NGS (A-J): There are ten
30) This 5' x 2 1/2' picture is framed in If the ivory wand is touched by any carvings deposited throughout the gallery.
gold (worth 565 gp) and is engraved with character it will fall from the picture·· and Statues are set by themselves; figurines
many fighters in gladitorial-like stances. right at that moment a soft laugh will be and statuettes are set on 3' high pedestals;
Depicted is a scene of an already bitten and heard by the entire party, this seems to and the one relief is carved into the wall at
clawed man. He is desperately grasping for come from the now smiling figure of the carving letter key J.
a fallen short sword. A great lion rears mage in the picture. This is a wand of
above him, with claws raking his head. In Secret Doors and Trap Detection (12 A) Set upon this red pedestal is a clay pipe
the background are rows of seats con· charges). with the effigy of a werewolf carved into
taining cheering spectators. its front. ext to this is a small teakwood
This is obviously a rendition of King box (worth 80 gp) carved with many ornate
Ovar's arena, which the characters (25% 35) This 6' x 3 112' picture is framed in flowers.
chance each) might be familiar enough platinum (worth 4,700 gp) and shows a If the box is opened and its contents
with to recognize by this depiction. larger than normal wearbear wearing a examined, the characters will discover
golden crown. finely powdered wolvesbane (about 20
This is actually a one-way magical pinches worth).
31) This 6' x 2' picture is framed in mirror connecting gallery key #19 A The pipe is magical , and if a pinch· of
dogwood and is stained blue. It shows the (Pynyck's Work Room). If anyone stands powder is placed within the bowl, and
profile of a man from his shoulders to the in front of this picture/mirror for more subsequently lit, and puffed, red smoke
top of his head. The man wears a grey than three rounds, Pynyck will become will pour forth to cover a 10' radius area
night robe. He appears to be angry. aware of them, since he often checks on about the smoker. This smoke will deter
If checked for, this radiates magic. The the gallery by peering through this. If all types and amounts of were-type
characters will feel an oppressive ·· and alerted, Pynyck will be prepared for the creatures from entering the area covered
ever present -- evil emanating from this at characters' entry to his room. by it. However, each pinch lasts about 5-10
all times (range = sight). And even when (D6) rounds; and after that time period all
they are not within sight of this piece they GM NOTE: on·magical pictures 36-39 were-creatures held at bay can attack ··
are somehow aware that it is aware of represent Pynyck throughout several and it will be noted that the majority of
them! Every time they pass within s ight of parts of his life. attacks (75% of the time) are launched

against the pipe wielder. The per son Otherwise, it is worth 800 gp to others this is no bust at all, bu t an onyx helm
smoking th is pipe must remain stationary inclined to purchase it. (worth 860 gp). If lifted from the pedestal
in order for the smoke to settle and take and viewed, a soft lining of black feathers
affect. (E) Set upon a stone pedestal is a bust are noted.
If the wielder -- or anyone in proximity to hewn from basalt, inlaid with wooden If the helm is donned, all characters
the smoke -- moves through the smoke teeth, and w h ich sports two iron horns. Its must make SRs vs. spells. (GM NOTE:
during the smoke-spewing interval, the eyes are fashioned from red tou rmaline Only the SR for the player character
magical affects of the smoke are cancelled. (worth 900 gp each) and its pointed ears trying the helmet on is really req uired , the
One pinch of powder is expended in this are pierced by golden ear rings (worth 300 other SRs being mere bluff to steer players
instance. gp each). The bust's overall expression is from the truth of the matter.)
like that of a crazed elf. T here is a creature in the helm w hich
(B) Set u pon an emerald green pedestal is Those characters gazing upon this piece attem pts to control the character try ing it
a l " (real inches) high statuette carved for 1 rou nd become aware of many tiny on; if the save is successful, the character
from red amber (worth 12,500 gp to a bugs running around on its head. Those notes a stinging sensation on his or her
collector of th is rare amber, or 5,000 to a continuing to view this scene past the first head, and then may choose to discard t he
jeweler , et al.). Represented is an effigy of a round become aware that, 1) the bust's helm or keep it on . If the SR is failed, the
salamander. facial features have changed and now character in question comes under the
T his item radiates a dim magical aura resemble the viewer's own face, and that, direct control of the creature of the helm (a
detectable by all intelligent life forms 2) they can feel bugs running abou t on symbuus; note the appendices for th is new
w itho ut the use of items, magic, etc. their own heads! monster). Controlled characters follow the
Anyone touching this piece will trigger a Characters must make SRs vs. spells or commands of the crea ture; they avoid
permanent Magic Mouth spell: "May the sustain 2-20 points of shock damage; those confrontation in battle where they would
cu rses of a thousand devils and demons be sa ving no longer feel the bugs on their be exposed to damage; they will lag beh ind,
upon you and your kind! So says Karnghu heads, nor do they see their own facial looki ng for a good chance to flee and escape
the Curser!" features on the bust. Those failing SRs their fellows . Any attempt to remove the
Nothing else happens. take 1-10 addition a l points of sh ock helm will result in -· D% ·- 1-50%, the
damage each time they see this bust, character's skull, brain tissue, being torn
though the bugs can no longer be felt. If the out (this equals death), or 51-100%, the
(CJ Set upon a jet black pedestal is a bust bust is covered (with a sheet, for example) victim falli ng unconscious for 2-8 (2D4)
of an insane looking man with a crown. the magic is negated, since it can no longer rounds. The creature will comm unicate
The carving looks skillfu lly chiseled from be seen. these nasty ou tcomes to its v ict im
a rare piece of streaked porphyry. beforehand.
When approached (within 1 foot) the
(F) This bust is set upon a pedestal of pure
bust will begin to speak, with eyes and lips bone. The carving is composed from red S YMBU US: AT9,M3",MP3+3,HtK 13,
moving in unison. It immediately com- Atk 2-5, Dm special, SP controls victim's
sandstone and features the likeness of an
mands theentire par ty to place their magic old man, bent over as if in deep thought. thoughts/ actions. Refer to the appendices
and weapons at its pedestal's base. If the It is worth 600 gp. for amplification.
ch aracters do not do th is the head
th reatens to summon monsters from the (IJ Set against the wall here is a 6' high
pictures to destroy them. If the party (GJ This 10' high statue is carved from
iron statue, crafted to portray a young
finally complies, and all place the entirity fire-blacked steatite and inlaid with car-
man holdi ng a quarterstaff. T he hands
of their weapons/ magic as ordered, the nelian and rock crystal. A deformed,
quasimodoish, creature is featured. and face appear fleshy to sight and touch.
bust will stop talking. Attempted retrieval T h er e is a s imilarity between the
of the placed items reactivates the process If this statue's rock crystal nose is statue's face and pictu re key #20's quar ter-
of demands and threats. If they do not pushed, a poison dart will shoot from the
staff-wielding young man . The statue is
comply, the bust starts shouting; and the base of the statue. There is a 75% chance
not magical, the fleshy parts being only a
loudness will increase diametrically each that the dart will hit any one character
process of using certain leathers to attain
round until (3 rounds later) the gallery standing in fron t of the statue (GMs must
its consistency. Only Pynyck knows for
itself begins to shake from the vibrations! make determinations). The character
what strange reasons he has created this
(Note that Pynyck will be alerted in this struck must make a SR vs. poison or
weird represen tation of his adopted son.
case). If the characters attempt to destroy s ustain 4-16 (4D4) points of damage due to
the bust it will explode, causing 3D6 of sweating, vertigo weakness, vomiting, etc.
Those saving take no damage. The dar t
OJ Set into the wall here is a 6' x 2' relief of
fragmentation/ concussion damage to all a young man (the second of Pynyck's
within a 5' radius of it! has enough poison on it for an extra dose adopted sons as noted in picture key #20).
<an y character checking the dart notes
Its ha nds and face are fleshy to sight and
(DJ Set upon a simple wooden pedestal is a remaining fluid); however, unless a pro-
9" (real inches) high serpentine carved pelling device is su pplied (Drow bolt gun ,
T h is is not magical. However, if its right
figurine. It looks somewhat human and et al.) the dar t will be inefficient as a
eye is rotated a full turn, the secret door to
somewhat avian; but because the colors hurled or held weapon, accruing -3 to hit in
Pynyck's sleeping quarters opens (note the
and facial expressions change constantly, all cases.
gallery map, and picture key #19 B).
it is hard to tell just what type of being is
represented here. (HJ On this stone pedestal is a painted
This figurine is enchanted with a simple black head piece. Its eyes are fashioned 19 A. PYN YCK'S WORK ROOM
illusory magic w hich makes its form from yellow glass and a decorative tan
appear to change shape. If sold to an feather plume juts from its top. Its expres- GM NOTE: In this room, busy at work
ill usio nist, or to someone with similar sion is one of berserk rage. on a new painting (if he hasn't stopped to
interests. a total of 2,000 gp can be netted. Upon inspection characters note that deal with th~ characters), is Pynyck, the

Mage-Artist. If Pynyck wasn't aware of the nearest opponent. This plant is intel- month; and GMs must arbitrarily deter·
the characters, or if he was surprised, read ligent, in a way, and if damaged 75% or mine where the user(s) of this will be
the following: more, it will flee back to the picture. transported to. There is a 25% chance that
Otherwise it never checks morale. the characters' previous realm of
You see what is obviously an artist's existence will be found per every use of
studio/work room. Among the first things #2: Centered on a (east) wall is a 5' x 2' this coin; but beyond this the sky's the
noted are supplies for painting and onyx-framed (worth 500 gp) picture limit!
sculpting, shelves lined with figurines, depicting the present day Pynyck floating
hewn busts, head pieces, and other in a dark abyss. PYNYCK: AT 7, M 12" MP: Mg 11, HtK
strange items of indeterminable nature. This picture is a combination soul 66 (18 vitality), Atk spell of GM's choice,
Sundry materials fill the corners, and device/ magic jar for Pynyck. If he is killed, SP Robe of Scintillating Colo r s.
small, metal flying creatures -·some alien his soul will be spirited into the picture,
to you, some recognizable·· hang from the and then returns 5 rounds later to re- PICTURE PLANT : AT7, M 12",MP7,
ceiling by thin metal strands. Other inhabit his body; his dead body regains HtK 43, Atk 2, Dm 1012, AL N, SP
tables, and desks of various sizes, are 70% of all lost HtK, and otherwise operates Immune to lightning, cold does 50%
placed about the room in an orderly as if r esurrected (like the spell damage; note that the plant eats its killed
fashion; and on these are canvas, paints, Resurrection ). remains. This removes it from combat for
palettes, chisels, brushes, paper, rocks, If killed a second time, the resurrection I round per 100 pounds ingested, fractions
clays, stones, glass shards, metal pieces, process takes 10 rounds, and the body rounded up. Eaten objects are recoverable
casts, hammers, molds, bottles, etc. After regains 50% of all HtK; and if killed thrice, only th rough divine intervention or by
you note these things a person in bright Pynyck's soul remains in the picture for implementation of a Wish.
colored robes jumps out from behind an six months, then returns to the body with
easel where he was obviously hidden. (GM 25(X1 HtK. The body will not decompose
NOTE: Normal surprise rolls apply; also during this time if kept within a one mile 19 B. PYNYCK'S S LEEPING
note Pynyck's description below.) radius of the picture; furthermore, Pynyck CHAMBER
cannot return to his body if it is removed
If Pynyck surprises the characters, or if beyond this same mile range. His soul This is obviously a sparsely furnished
he is awaiting them in any case, read the forever remains trapped in the picture in bedroom. Located here is a king-size bed
following: this eventuality. with fine silken sheets, a dresser
P y n yck's D escr i ption / First ,,. mirror, a divan, and a nightstand.
Round: The man before you appears old, #3: On the right-hand (wesc> wall i a 6' At the foot of the bed are a pair of boots
of medium build with black cropped hair. x 3 112· mirror. --nothing special. Inside the dresser are
His emerald green eyes stare at you, be· This mirror is one-way, allowing the three black robes, a pair of red gloves
traying in their recesses a mix of madnes viewer to see that ponion of the gallery- embroidered with chromatic dragons, and
and mysticism! You note that his bril- side from picture key ::35's ,·antage point. three aquamarine sashes decorated with
liantly colored robes shine and move on This magical mirror could be dismounted small ruby chips (worth 230 gp each).
their own accord. (GM NOT E: This is a and taken: and if remounted it allows On the nightstand is a crystal bottle (15
Robe o f Scintillatin g Colors which is viewing through 2' thick intervening non- gp)containing scented oil; and next to this
on when the characters enter. Note that magical substances. Note that picture #35 in a gold-colored, wooden box (no val ue),
the robe's powers will take precedence and this room mirror are interconnected, are flint and stee.
over any other attack mode since it is func- and weigh about 1,300 lbs. total. There isa 1112' x l' x 1' chest behind the
tioning before the first round.) divan on the far (north) wall. The chest is
Pynyck will attack the party with the #4: Located on a cluttered table next to trapped with a poison gas which could spill
follow ing spells w hile summoning his some stone pieces is a metal box. fonh to cover the entire room in 2 seg-
Plant Creature(see#l, below): 1) Burning This 1" x 2" x 112" real size, white gold ment's time. Those characters saving vs.
Ha nds, 2) Fumble on a fighter or priest, box (120 gp value) is engraved with ice poison accrue no damage and remain
3) W e b at the most characters, 4) Slow on peaks and lightning bolts. Inside the box, immune to the gas; but those failing their
the roughest looking mage. on a piece of velvet, is a white coin. SRs sustai n 3-30 points initially and 2-12
Besides the aforementioned objects, This item is the Coin of th e Ice King, a points for every round they remain in the
there are four special items in this rare artifact which was acquired by gas-filled room.
chamber. Pynyck while he traveled Poharn 's realm The chesc's interior is lined with 60
lq.\".I. If thrown into the air, it floats and inlaid wooden knobs. All are removeable
# 1: On an easel at the center of this gyrates on its own accord; and just as it (taking 5 rounds. total), but only the 8th
room is a picture of a plant. falls towards the floor ground 3 segments and 42nd knobs contain treasure: 100 base
This magical picture is framed in bronze later. a white light, approximately 6' high 300 gp pearls each.
(no worth) and depicts an alien plant with by 2 1/ 2' wide and extending from ground
fangs, human-type mouths situated on le\•el upwards, appears. This light will
thick prehensil-like vines, and gnarly, remain in place for I full hour, allowing 20-23. F IVE FOOT WIDE DOORS
grotesquely-shaped limbs ·· each limb those so desirous to pass into it: they find
resembling a knotty human leg with a themselves in the Realm of Poharn, The You see a dark room with something in it.
three-toed fool. This monstrosity sports lee King (Publisher's Note: An upcoming The characters must go in to see more
three rows of different sized green and release.) The coin's light is also noted on since no type of light or scrying device/
white eyes on top a clump of brush which this icy plane, and may be traveled spell works to reveal the nature/ makeup
just might be its head. through to get back to known areas of of these rooms.
Pynyck will summon this monster on existence. Transported characters are de· If the characters enter a room and close
the second melee round. It bursts forth posited at the exact point exited from to its door, the room lights up with a faint
from its magical containmen t and attacks arrive here. The coin functions but once a faer ie fire.

IMPORTANT GM NOTE: These are If the characters go into the space
the four dimensional annexes which the beyond they find themselves in· a 30'
party must go into to recover the stones circular rom. A set of 8' wide stairs circle
needed to escape the maze. Characters upwards from the center of the room.
entering the transporational a reas here Nothing else is apparent.
are sent to those different realms. GMs The stairs ascend to the ground level of
should refer to the descriptions detailed in Ovar's tower. If the characters go up the
Maze of Zayene Part 2, " Dimensions of stairs, GMs must refer to Maze of Zayene
Flight," sections A-D. Part 3, "Tower Chaos" key #2.
On the east wall of this circular
24. LARGE IRON DOOR chamber is a secret door. If located,
opened, then stepped through, the char-
This door is split down the middle forming acters find a set of stairs leading down.
two 5' wide iron doors. To either side of the After descending 100' these end. A corridor
split and perfectly aligned with each other, leads off to the west; and 1,000 yards later
are two (each) circular slots with small, a blockage occurs ·· rocks and dense
round depressions in them. brambles.
The stones found in the dimensions It will require 2 hours of digging to clear
(note GM information at maze keys #20- away this stuff in order for the characters
23) must be inserted into these four to proceed. They notice light after l 3/4
depressions in order to open this door. hours of digging. Daylight! Upon digging
When accomplished, the door opens easily. through, the characters fine themselves
112 mile from the capitol city. T h ey are
GM NOTE: Nothing else opens this free of Zayene's maze at last!
magical door, nor may it be magically
entered in any way.

Appendix A,
New Monsters/Traps
BUBBLES (Magical Trap) 4 . Doubl e Bubbl e: Combine two this fact seem important now.
bubbles from 1-3, and/or 5, 6. If pressed for information the ghost will
There are six types of bubbles floating tell the adventurers how to escape by
throughout the maze. Objects contacting 5. Yellow Bub ble : When burst this re- gaining the keys in the separate dimen-
these cause them to burst and to release leases yellow mold spores in a 20' radius sions (key Ifs 20-23; and see module 2,
their power/ effect as noted below under area. " Dimensions of Flight"), placing them
separate headings. All bubbles float at in the door at maze key 1124, and pro-
6"/ turn. 6. Grey Bubble: When popped a poi- ceeding up the tower (unfortunately for
sonous water is loosed in a 15' radius area, the characters, the ghost does not know
Roll a 06 upon encountering: causing 204 damage/round for the next about the secret door at key 1124 which
2-5 04 + 1 rounds, no SR possible. would reveal an easy escape route if
1. Clea r Bubble: When burst this re- found!). It vaguely warns about many
leases 206 sonic damage to susceptible THE FRIENDLY GHOST dangers in the tower, but does not specify
beings within a 15' radius. these.
This being corresponds to a ghost, but After conversing the ghost begs for any
2. Black Bubble: When popped this re- with the exception that it wanders this priest present to cast a Rem ove Curse
leases a volatile acid up to 10' in all plane of existence attempting to escape it. upon him so that his wanderings on this
directions, dealing 208 acid damage to all If encountered with force it flees; if plane may end. 1f this is done, the ghost
hit. Treat the acid as a level 9 monster for allowed to approach the party it will talk to disappears, never to return. If this is not
hitting purposes. the characters, as long as they remain accomplished, the ghost wanders off. It
friendly. will avoid/ignore the characters during
3 . Red Bubble: This bubble will explode The ghost relates that it has no name, subsequent run-ins, unless they have the
if lightning or fire touches it, dealing 706 having forgotten it over the years. It does Remove Curse spell!
fire damage to all beings in a 10' radius remember serving the wizard Zayene in
area. If touched in any other way, it merely some capacity ·· perhaps as an apprentice
deflates, causing no damage. --but doesn't remember when, nor does

GROTIN Treat metal weapons as plate metal
base, plus one column for every weapon
Number Encountered: 1 plus (i.e., a sword +2 would equal AT 0,
Armor Type: 3 etc.) it has. Weapons and armor do not lose
Moves: 6" their intrinsic plusses/powers until disin-
Melee Prowess: Level 12 monster tegrated. Regular weapons disintegrate
Lair: 70% after being reduced by two columns (from
Treasure: I, S AT 2 to AT 4); magical weapons gain the
Attacks: 1-4 benefit of their plusses for additional AT
Damage: See below columns which must be overcome in order
Special: Listed below to cause disintegration (i.e., a sword +5
Magic Immunity: As level 12 mage would have to be reduced seven AT
Intelligence: Average columns before it disintegrated).
Size: 7-11' round Damaged armor or weapons can be
Psychic/Psionic: No repaired at a cost of 200 gp per AT column
EX Value: 5,350 lost; however, the knowledge to repair
The grotin appears as a mass of gray grotin-type disintegration damage is
dust particles varying in size from 7' to 11' known only to a few magical-type
in radius. Its l' round, solid black core armorers (a dwarf, an elf, and an insane
remains stationary as the outer parts re· mage/artifacer), and these persons would
flow and re-shape themselves. have to be foun d and then persuaded to
The grotin moves by levitation motion, repair the damage.
exuding a low humming sound, which Skin, Fur, Leather, Cloth, Paper, P·lant The grotin's strands cannot be chopped
increases to a sharp shrilling whistle, as it stuff: Strands deal 2D4+ 1 of damage to off since they are resupplied with new dust
attacks. beings protected/ dressed with/in such material which extends from the core.
This creature is aware of its immediate material. The material contacted disinte- Grotins are susceptible to concentrated
surroundings, and cannot be surprised grates. Magical-type armors, weapons, et fire attacks, taking 1 point of extra damage
since it acts upon totally different sense al. are subject to standard SRs vs. for every 4 points dealt in this manner. Its
impressions (more feeling than sight or disintegration. SRs vs. all types of fire attacks are at -2.
smell, etc.) than most mammals do. Metal: Strands deal 1D4 of damage to Lightning, or cold-base, attacks score
The grotin preys upon anything diges- those protected with such material; the only 50% damage vs. this creature, while
tible, and attacks nearly everything that metal must be contacted by 2 or more water-base attacks will slow it by 2" per 2'
moves. When attacking it looses 1-4 1/2' strands to be affected. Missed SRs vs. radius of the grotin's body area covered.
round dust strands which can extend up to disintegration reduce the metals AT Total immersion equals death.
20' from its central core. If these strands rating by two columns. Metal reduced by Beings killed by the grotin are disinte-
contact an object, consult the following for more than four columns automatically grated, and considered irrecoverable
results: disintegrates, no more SRs allowed. unless the gods favor their return!

and though they have good intelligence, it

KNIGHTS OF CHAOS is controlled. Their weaponry is standard,
with swords being favored. The armor of
Number Encountered: Varies the higher-leveled knights (7 and better) is
Armor Type: Variable enchanted against fire, these types of
Moves: 12" attacks not affecting them in the least
Melee Prowess: Fighters, Levels 4-10 way.
Lair: None Knights of Chaos never check morale.
Treasure: Variable They can be controlled by human control
Attacks: As per level magics, but their SRs in these instances
Damage: By weapon type are at +6. If killed and examined they
Special: Defenses noted below appear as manikins.
Magic Immunity: Standard
Intelligence: Exceptional but controlled RED SLIME
Size: Human (6'-7')
Psychic/Psionic: No This is a variation on green slime (or
EX Value: As level (plus two specials, one other favorite slimes). This particular
exceptional) slime is drawn towards red colors. Thus
These totally evil servants of the chaotic when encountered in the maze area there
wizard, Zayene, appear as well armed and is an 80% chance (on D%) that the encoun-
armored knights in golden trappings. tering party will be surprised by it, since it
They are used to marshall King Ovar's lies hidden on the red carpeting there.
armies, though Zayene has put them to a There is an off-hand (20%) chance that
further use of spreading terror amongst either its uneven surface, or its somewhat
those he considers enemies of the realm. glassy sheen, is noticed, thus alerting
Knights of Chaos are created beings, adventurers of its presence.

Number Encountered: l or 2 Number Encountered: 1-4
Armor Type: 8/ 6 Armor Type: 9
Moves: 9"/ 12" Moves: 3" (crawl)
Melee Prowess: Lever 3/ 5 monster Melee Prowess: Level 3+3 monster
Lair: 35% Lair: 100%
Treasure: Q Treasure: 1 x2
Attacks: 1 Attacks: 2-5
Damage: 1-4 or 3-9 (by size) Damage: Special
Special: Psi attacks possible Special: Controls victim (see blow)
Magic Immunity: Level 7 fighter Magic Immunity: Standard
Intelligence: Above average Intelligence: High
Size: 2' or 9' Size: 114' to 112' roughly round
Psychic/Psionic: Yes. Points= 90-140: All Psychic/Psionic: Immune
EX Value: 522 or 755 EX Value: 260
This creature appears as a central mass
of fleshy, pulp-like brain tissue with a
feathered (black, grey, or brown) bottom. A
feather antennae extends 6" (real inches)
above the brain portion; and this allows
the symbuus sensory capacity (like a
The symbuus may be found concealed
within any head piece (helmets, caps,
turbans, etc.). It uses these pieces as in deciding the division of the directed
natural protection areas, and for other s pell's potency. Roll D% and note how
reasons more diabolical. much of the spell affected the host. The
When a symbuus is "tried on" (these remainder affects the symbuus . Then
creatures wait for uns uspecting humans/ adjust SRs, spell effects, and duration
humanoids, etc. to place the helmet (or accordingly. SRs are increased by 1 for
whatever) on their heads) it will shoot 2-5 every 10% below the spell's full 100%
Spleckles come in two distinct sizes: 2' needle-like appendages into its victim's effect. For instance, a symbuus would
or 9' tall. They appear as truncated , long- head. These penetrate the skull and cause receive a +5 to a SR if it was affected by
haired creatures, with purplish mottlings the victim to save vs. spells at -1 per needle 50% of the spell.
on their tannish fur. They have evil- (i.e. , if four needles hit, then four SRs at -1 These creatures are often found in caves
looking eyes -- all dark and with depth to each are required). Victims fail ing any one and in other deserted areas where they
them -- but they are basically pacifistic of these SR rolls immediately come under rest in helms, etc. Assassins have been
creatures. the symbuus' mental control While con - known to present these creatures, com-
When feeding they protrude a 10' long trolled, a character is directed by the plete with head pieces, as gifts to unsus-
fibrous tentacle from their mouth areas; creature to avoid harmful confrontations; pecting victims . If a symbuus is captured
and with this they draw water from any and during that time the symbuus feeds alive the Assassin's Guild will pay 500 gp
object, be it living or not. When the off of the host's brain matter, draining 1 per damage point it can sustain (i.e., a 6
tentacle is attached the spleckle feeds intelligence, 1 vitality/ constitution point HtK creature = 3,000 gp, etc.). Wounded
itself, but at the expense of the living being per week of feedi ng. Once intelligence creatures -- no matter their sustainable
(in those cases) since this process causes reaches 0 victi ms are "vegetablized" points -- net 50% less.
l/2D6 of damage to the drained creature in havi ng no though ts other than those
question. imparted to it by the symbuus . Death
Spleckles are primarily water creatures, occurs at -3 vitality; and if raised from the
but can fu nction on land as well, moving dead, these characters require Restora -
about on many centipede-like feet. When tion spells cast upon them to bring their
they're born , they appear as bulbous vitality scores to 0 (at least), or death
spores. Spores are bourn by the winds; a nd reoccurs 1-3 hours later.
later , after absorbing air-water, they land, During the symbiotic attachment the
now 5' round. Spores hatch lDlO days victim also loses appeal (charisma) points
later, this process requiring about 15 at a rate of 1 per month. However, only 6
gallons of water. If no water is available poin ts can be lost in this manner. Appeal
the spore lies dormant for 12 days, then poin ts may be replaced with Wis h spells
dies. Spleckles swell to 2' high upon (l point/ wish).
hatching; and it takes a full 3 years to For ceful r emoval of t h e attach ed
attain to their second size, this 7' growth symbuus will kill the host, for skull-parts,
process culminating in but one night's and brain tissue, will be torn away. Spells
time! Spleckles must consume the equiva- which hold, stun, sleep, or which offer
lent of four quarts of water per hour; and if control ability, may be used to remove the
they fall below this mark they seek out symbuus. However, treat this symbuus/
alternate sources (as in filtering the host arrangement as an equal proposition
liquids from a human , etc.).

Appendix B,
Non-Player Characters/Spells
HARRY, The Assistant Keeper of the THE JESTER
(NOTE: The jester has been thrown into
(Note: As a wandering encounter , Harry the maze for having affronted Ovar with
will attempt to kill the characters. If too many jokes about nepotism. He is
outnumbered, or his HtK fall below 18, he currently damaged and quite afraid of
flees.) encountering any creatures that might
harm him. If the characters approach him
Character-Level: Level 10 Fighter in a friendly manner, he will talk .. from a
Moves:(" distance; but if there are signs of hostility
Hits to Kill: 53 he either runs, hides in shadows, or uses
Armor Type: 4 (= adjustment) his spells to escape (viz. , Disappear). If
Attacks: 1 befriended he joins the adventurers in
Damage: 3-8 (hand axe +2) their escape-quest (but will not join them
Special: See below to help assassinate Ovar). He knows
St 17 In 11 Ws 10 Ag 14 V 16 Ap 7 general information about the way out ..
such as that four colored stones are needed
Harry is the chaotic-evil Assistant to escape .. but he doesn't konw how these
Keeper of the Caged (key #4). He appears are used, or where these stones might be
as a 61/ 2' tall, ugly man dresseg in a heavy found.)
black fur suit. His hands are covered with
gloves made of the same black fur. A hand Character-Level: Level 6 Thief
axe +2 and a set of 3 keys are always at his
Moves : 12"
belt. Hites to Kill: Full: 28, Presently: :19
His fur and gloves are magical. Three
Armor Type: 5 (=adjustment)
times/ day he can generate a growth of hair JESTER SPELLS
which exudes from the suit, and which Attacks: 2
Damage: 2-5 (dagger +1)
covers a 10' high by 20' deep by 20' wide Juggling Lights: The jester juggles fou r
Special: Spells
area. All beings of less than 8' tall, or different-colored (colors optional), palm-
St 12 In 13 Ws 9 Ag 13 V 14 Ap 15
weighing less than 600 lbs. are affected sized glowing globes in the air before him.
immediately, since the hair will swirl to This corresponds to a Suggestion spell,
engulf them, thus reducing their move· The jester (Mar by name) appears as an and the hypnotic affect produced allows
ment and attacks by 75%. Likewise, such average size male, clothed in court jester 's the suggestion to be made effectively. Any
trapped beings attack at -5. Mage spells attire. He carries a bag, and a dagger is at being within sight may be affected. The
take twice as long to cast; priest spells are his side. time/ duration of this spell is 9 turns, and 3
80% ineffective since the hair muffles Bag: This is a bag of holding. In it is a segments are required to cast it.
them, making it impossible for them to card (below) and his jester material. The globes may be used as light sources .
intone requests to separate deities. Agility Card: This is wrapped in silk. It is a card Each lights up a 20' radius area; and they
bonuses for defense do not apply to trapped once given to him by Pynyck after Mar told last in this secondary function for 48
beings. him a great joke. He was told not to use .. or hours. Globes may still be used in the
Harry may travel freely through the even look at .. the card unless he was in Juggling Lights spell if they are not used
hair; and he is delighted to do so, for by desperate circumstances. The card is any up (a full 48 hours of lighting used). If any
using his gloves upon trapped victims he good draw from a Deck of Many Things. of t he lights a re used/ burnt out, the
may s trangle them for 10 poin ts of Globes of Light: Any one of these lights Juggling Lights spell will not function in
damage/hit. Once the gloved-hands have (used in the Juggling Lights spell (q.v.)) its primary capacity until the burnt out
latched onto a victim's throat, damage is can be used to shed light in a 20' radius globe(s) are replaced.
automatic/round. area. There are four globes in the bag.
If the hair is set on fire, it burns, Bag of Dust: When used in concert with Stink Bomb: This corresponds to a
spewing smoke into the affected area. This the other components/gestures inherent Stinking Cloud spell except that hand-
equals a Stinking Cloud spell for as long to the Dust of Unco n trollabl e sized balls are thrown then burst, spewing
as it burns plus D4 rounds. Harry can Laughte r spell (q.v.) it functions; but the noxious fumes in a 2" x 2" x 2" a rea.
withdraw the unburnt portion at any otherwise it is just dust. The balls may be thrown up to 6" and
time. 2 Glass Balls : Used with the Stink explode upon impact.
The fur suit and gloves come as a set; Bomb spell. If used apart from the spell's If the components are mixed improper-
and if they are destroyed, lost, or used other necessary components, etc., it will ly, or if the required verbalizations/ges-
apart from eath other, neither will merely act to obscure the area affected. tures of the spell are failed, upon exploding,
function. EX Value for the set is 2,300; and Balanced Dagger+ 1: Though only+ 1 on the bomb's gas is non-toxic, and only acts
if sold these will net 12,000 gp from damage this weapon accrues a +3 to hit to obscure the area affected. The gas-
barbarian/ berserker types, or 10,000 gp when thrown. The jester will only throw it cloud's duration is 5 rounds; and 2 seg·
from other interested parties. under extreme life-threatening conditions. ments are required to cast this spell.

Disappe ar: This spell corresponds to a become embittered with the jester and 71· 90% Uncontrollable Guffaw: Recipients
Rope Tric k spell, except that the jester their general situation, losing points to can only attack every other round
does a double backwards flip, then springs hit/ defend as explained under the spell, and cannot defend themselves.
into the air and vanishes into his extra· Curse. They are further reduced by ·3 to
dimension. Time/duration is 6 turns; and This spell's time/ duration is 6 rounds; hit/ react and may move no more
2 segments are required to cast this spell. and casting it takes l round. than a l" crawl per turn.
91-100% Belly-Acher: Recipients fall to the
Joke: This covers a 5" x 5" area. A joke Dust of Uncontrollable Laughter: floor in the throes of insane
spell has a 65% chance of raising a listen· This affects a 10' x 10' area 7 feet high, and laughter. All weapons in hand, or
ing character's morale and fighting capa· can be thrown 2". All human/humanoid· loosely held items, are dropped.
bi Ii ties (as the Bless spell). Each charac· type creatures must make SRs vs. spells. Those thus situated may not move,
ter receives a D% roll to determine the All failing SRs roll D% and consult the attack or defend themselves.
spell's effects. The listeners must be following table:
within hearing and spell distances. Duration/ time is 2-7 r ounds; and
unengaged in fighting, spell casting, or in 01· 10% Small Snicker: lose ·l to hit/react. casting time takes 1 round.
actions quite opposite of resting or normal 11· 30% SubstantialGiggle:Lose-ltohit,·l The jester also knows these spells:
activity. Li steners must be at least to react, moves reduced by 3". Ve ntriloquis m , Friends, Jump. All
neutrally disposed towards the jester in 31 · 50% Revealing Chuckle: Lose -2 to hit, ·2 listed/ known s pells may be used twice
any case, or the joke will have no effect. A to react, moves cut by 6". each by the jester and no more.
score of 66% or better indicates an adverse 51 - 70% Full Fledge Laugh: Lose .3 to hit, ·3
effect upon the listeners, and they will to react, moves cut by 6".

Appendix C,
Scroll: With Infravis ion, Passwall,

Character-Level: Level 11 Mage 3 Potions: Mammal Control, Plant

Hits to Kill: 51 Control, Gaseous Form.
Moves: 12"
Armor Type: 3 (= adjustment) SPECIAL: Carjus may cast two illusion·
Magical Adjustment: +5 ist spells per day (per his own spell level).
Agility Bonus: +2 These must be chosen before the adven·
Weapon in Hand: Dagger +3 ture begins and are in addition to his
Damage Base: 1-3/ 1-4 regular spells. Because of his training in
Alignment: Lawful/Neutral illusory magic, he is resistant to illusion/
Deity: Nusu·Sa (a sun god) phantasms of any sort. Because of this
St 12 In 17 Ws 16 Ag 16 V 16 Ap 14 training he may also adjust his eyes to
bright light in such circumstances. Thus
Carjus appears as a sandy-haired, small, he cannot be blinded by massive light
young man, not at all what one might emission, etc.
expect a mage of his obvious rank to look
like! S PELLS: 1st Order (Burning Hands,
Carjus' dark blue cloak is of +2 Pro- C h arm Person , Jump , U n see n
tection; his cobalt blue ring is Pro- Servant) 2nd Order (Invisibility, Ray
tection +3. His tunic and hose are parti· of Enfeeble m e nt, Stinking Cloud,
colored red/yellow; and his boots are made W e b) 3rd Order (Lightning Bolt, Fire-
of soft leather. ball, Has te, Hold Person) 4th Order
Carjus fears that all might not go right, (Confu s ion , Fumble, Polymorph
so he has brought along a pouch con· Others, Wall of Fire) 5th Order (Cone
taining the following items : of Cold, Feeblemind, Magic Jar)

S ORREN THE WORTHY Tucked into his girdle are Gauntle t s of
Swimming and Climbing. Sorren wears
Character-Level: Level 12 Fighter doe-skin boots.
Hits to Kill : 91
Moves 12" SPECIAL: Sorren has been blessed by
Armor Type: ·3 (=adjustment) his deity and thus has some special defen·
Magical Adjustment: +3 sive attributes he may use. T hese are
Agility Bonus: +3 useable twice per day and last 6 melee
Weapon in Hand: Long sword +3 rounds each.
Attacks: 3/ 2 1) Missie Invulnerability: When his
Damage Base: 1-8/ 1·12 deity's name is spoken a glow radiates his
Strength Benefits: +l/ +3 air, protecting him from all types of
Alignment: Lawful/Neutral missles ·· magical or other.
Deity: Reh-Pog (an earth god)
St 18(1%) In 12 Ws 15 Ag 18 V 12 Ap 13 2) Fire Invulnerability: Upon speaking
the word "flame," tongues of cool flame
Sorren is just over 6' tall and is broad envelope his for m, protecting him from all
shouldered. His a rmor is inlaid with gold, but those fires generated by the highest·
but despite its appearance is quite service· ranked demons, devils, or gods.
able, being plate mail +3. His coif is black,
and he carries his helmet in his left hand 3) Attack Invulnerability: Upon speak·
(initially). His long sword is known as ing the word "shield" a yellow light
"Slriker." Under his sable cloak is a large wreathes his form, making him immune to
pouch. Contained in this are: magical·, magical spell·, and beast-type
physical attacks (i.e., a wand attack ,
2 Potions: S peed , Fi r e G i a n t Bigb y's Cle n c h e d Fi s t , and/ or a
Stre ngth monster's claws, etc., etc.). Sorren
Scroll: Protection from P e trifica- remains vulnerable to humanoid/human/
tion et al. attacks which employ weapons.
Periapt: Wound Clos ure

HORRUL RIZZUK Ex tra He aling, 4 vials of holy water, and

a candle with tinder box. A scroll of
Character-Level: Level 9 Priest Protection from D e mons is hidden in
Hits to Kill: 64 his robe.
Moves: 12"
Armor Type: ·l (=adj us tment) S PECIAL: Horrul is blessed with the
Magical Adjustment: +2 ability to cast two spells at once, twice per
Agility Bonus: +2 day.
Weapon in Hand: Footman's mace +2
Attacks: 1 S P E LLS : 1st Order (Bl ess,
Damage Base: 2-7/ 1-6 Command, Detect Evil, Light, Light,
Alignment: Lawful/Good Sanctua r y) 2nd Order (Cha nt, Hold
Deity: . usu Sa (a sun god) P e r s on, S ile n ce 15' Radius, S lo w
St 12In13Ws17Ag16V16Ap 14 P o ison , S low Pois on, Speak with
Animals) 3rd Order (Continual Light,
Horrul Rizzuk is a stocky fellow, much Di s p e l Ma g ic, Pra ye r , R e move
like a horseman in appearance, but being Curse ) 4th Order (Cur e Se riou s
far from that, of course! The embroidered Wounds, S ticks to Snakes) 5th Order
yellow robe he wears over a suit of plate (Fla m e S trike )
mail +2 is reversible to a Robe o f
Ble nding. His diety's holy symbol ·· a ten· S P ECIA L N OTE : Spells may be
pointed sun ·· hangs about his neck in the changed after one day's time, but this
form of a necklace. On his belt are two requires 4 hours rest and prayer in a
small pouches containing 2 potions of secluded area.

Character-Level: Level 10 Paladin
Hits to Kill: 82
Moves: 12"
Ar mor Type: -1 (= adjustment)
Magical Adjustment: +3
Agility Bonus: +3
Weapon in Hand: Flame Tongue
sword +l
Attacks: 3/ 2
Da mage Base: 1-8/1-12
Strength Benefits: +11+ 1
Alig nment: Lawful/Good
Deity: T he White One (a nature god)
St 17 In 13 Ws 12 Ag 17 V 17 Ap 17

Fa llehn is called fair due to his beauty

and persuasiveness; but has never been
termed "fair" because his rigid standards,
-which he imposes u pon all he meets, are
hard for his friends and acquaintances to
deal with.
Fallehn wears gold-washed plate armor
+2; and he has a set of Striding and
Springing boots (+ 1 to AT in addition).
. Wrapped about his 61/ 2' frame is a purple
cloak with a pouch hidden u nder this. In it
is a potion of Invulnerability, scroll of
Protection from Possession, and 20
gp. His sword, "Cleanser" (see Weapon in
Hand, above), has many powers: 13 In , +7
ego, is Lawful/ Good, detects gems/
invisible objects within a 5' and 10' radius,
respectively. It comm u nicates w ith
Fallehn th rough empathatic means.

SPECIAL: Paladin Powers: Detect evil

(enemies) 60' distant; SRs at +2; diseases
immunity; hand-cures 20 HtK/day; twice/
week =cure disease.
Besides these powers, Fallehn has been
blessed with the ability to always hit the
object he is striking at with "Cleanser,"
thrice daily.

SPELLS : 1st Order (Cure Light

Wounds, Cure Light Wounds)





t SCALE : l so= 10 FT





I 3s 31 37











SCALE : l so =l0 FT


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