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AD&D - The Mad Demigod's Castle

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The Mad Demigod's Castle

By Richard Graves

The dungeon level presented here can be used as a standalone introductory level in any campaign world but was
specifically designed to be compatible with the fan made Castle of the Mad Archmage material produced by
Joseph Bloch. Enjoy, and may your adventures inside the dungeons of the castle be memorable ones.
Special thanks goes to Joseph Bardales for his outstanding digital cartographic work.

Level One: The Storage Rooms

This level was given over to storage for provisions for
the castle above. It has direct access to the
surface as well as levels 2 and 3.

Random Encounters

Roll 1d6 every 6 turns, or more often if warranted (by
PC's making excessive noise, etc.). On a roll of 1, a
random encounter will take place.

Roll Encounter
1 3-8 (1d6+2) kobolds
2 2-7 (1d6+1) rats, giant
3 2-5 (1d4+2) stirges
4 1-4 (1d4) centipedes, giant
5 2-5 (1d4+1) zombies
6 1-6 (1d6) skeletons
7 3-8 (1d6+2) rats, ordinary
8 2-8 (2d4) goblins
9 1-4 (1d4) spiders, giant
10 1-6 (1d6) bats, ordinary

Encounter Areas

1. FOUNTAIN. Two statues in the center of a
fountain here are of a man chasing a half
naked woman. Both statues have broad,
playful, grins on their faces. Anyone drinking
from the fountain must make a save vs. spell or
begin laughing loudly and uncontrollably for
1d6 rounds. If the waters are searched, a
heavily tarnished silver spoon will be found.
2. ENTRANCE. A spiral staircase here provides
access to the surface.
3. A wooden table and a stool exist here. On top
of the table is a small box containing 89 nails.
A leather backpack that contains a dead
mouse and an empty potion bottle can be
found under some wooden debris along the
west wall.
4. A faded red rug covers much of the floor in this
room. The remains of a once beautiful but
now worthless silver tea set lies scattered about
the ground.
5. A small stone statue of a gremlin sits on top of
a table covered with dust here. Three wooden
chairs surround the table.
6. DARK CHAMBER. A permanent darkness spell
keeps this entire room pitch black. Inside the
room is a large oval table surrounded by two
chairs. A clay jug full of vinegar sits on top of
the table as does a dead beetle. Under the
table is a pair of leather boots in good
7. A loud buzzing sound can be heard coming
from behind the door to this room. The floor is
painted in orange and white stripes.
8. FIRE BEETLES. The door to this room is ajar. A
large broken picture frame can be found in
the seat of a rocking chair here. If the room is
searched, three worthless glass beads will be
found. Three fire beetles also exist here (9, 8, 7
9. Seven wooden coffins have been stacked on
top of each other in this room. Two wooden
stakes lie on the floor next to a horseshoe and
an iron spike. If the coffins are searched, 16
iron pieces will be found.
10. MIRROR ROOM. The walls, ceiling and floor of
this room are covered in mirrors. Breaking any
of the mirrors causes a paralyzing gas to fill the
room (save vs. paralyzation or become
immobile for 3d4 rounds). Behind the mirror on
the south wall is a small alcove in which the
skeleton of a halfling can be found. Next to
the skeleton is a sack containing a small gold
statue of a dragon worth 200 g.p. Behind the
mirror in the north wall is a human skeleton (6
h.p.) that will animate and attack with a
dagger in each hand if the mirror that
conceals it is broken.
11. Dozens of worn-out shoes, boots and sandals
can be found on the floor of this room.
12. A small desk here contains six brass buttons
and four pieces of chalk. Bits of broken
glass, a burned out torch stub and a broken
quarter staff lie on the floor.
13. KOBOLDS. Eight kobolds armed with small
spears can be found here (3 h.p. each).
14. A large shield depicting a red dragon on its
surface can be found here. Under the shield is
a leather glove.
15. SECRET ROOM. A large chest here contains
788 s.p., 242 e.p., 169 g.p., an ivory horn
worth 20 g.p. and a +1 dagger.
16. Several sets of manacles can be found along
the east wall here. A twenty foot long rope
covered with black marks lies on the floor.
17. DEAD BODY. The body of a dead female half-
elven fighter lies here. The body is stripped of
all possessions and appears recently dead. If
examined, the cause of death will appear to
be two sword or dagger thrusts to the back.
18. TRAP. A dead rat has been nailed to the
surface of the door to this room. Anyone
opening the door will be fired on by three
darts. The darts have a THAC0 of 15 and do
1d4hp of damage each. Three locked chests
can be found here. Chest #1 contains 199
e.p., chest #2 contains 335 s.p., chest #3
contains 20lbs of gravel. The chest with the
gravel is fire trapped (anyone opening it takes
2d6+2 of damage from a fiery explosion, save
for half damage).
19. A large amount of mostly broken and useless
furniture has been stacked precariously near
the center of this room. Desks, tables, chairs,
shelves, etc... form a column that rises almost
eight feet high. Poking or prodding the
furniture is likely to cause the entire column to
crash loudly down to the ground (DMs should
make a wandering monster check if this
happens). Anyone entering or exiting the
room through the west door has a 1 in 6
chance of stepping on a tripwire that will also
cause the column to collapse.
Three secret compartments exist here (one in
the south wall, one in the west wall and one in
the east wall). The compartment in the west
wall is empty, the compartment in the east wall
contains a scroll with the spell sleep written on
it and the compartment in the south wall is also
20. ZOMBIES. Six zombies can be found here (11,
11, 10, 9, 9, 8 h.p.).
21. CRAZY BILL. A strange man named Bill
Harker can be found here hiding behind some
old broken furniture. Bill mistakenly believes he
is a spellcaster and is likely to ask the PCs if he
can join them. Bill appears to have not
bathed in quite some time and will be dressed
in tattered clothes. He has greasy gray hair, is
balding and appears to be in his early 60's. If
questioned, he will tell the PCs that he is
merely exploring the dungeon trying to seek
his fortune. Bill has a pet crow which he calls
Ivan that spends most of its time perched on
his head.
Bill Harker, HD 1, Hp 6, THAC0 20, #AT 1, D By
weapon type, AC 10, MV 12, XPV 15
22. SPIDERS. Four large spiders lair here (6, 6, 5, 4
23. STONE TABLET. A large stone tablet
approximately four feet high by two and a half
feet wide by 12 inches thick can be found in
this room leaning against the east wall. One
side of the tablet is broken and consequently
has a rough edge. It appears incredibly
ancient and very heavy (It weighs 1,700lbs).
Ancient writing covers the surface of the tablet
in three distinct sections (an upper portion, a
middle portion and a lower portion). The top
two portions are written in now unknown
languages while the bottom portion is written in
Elvish. The writings describe an apocalyptic
event referred to as The Great Unraveling
which foretells an end to all life on the planet.
The writings talk of several signs that are
supposed to precede the apocalypse these
include plague, drought, famine and war as
well as a slow undoing of time itself. A human
skeleton lies facedown on the floor of this room
clutching the base of the tablet with its hands.
24. GHOUL. The floor of this room is covered with
filth and chewed animal bones of various sizes.
A single ghoul lairs here (12 h.p.).
25. TRAP. A human jawbone can be found lying
on the floor of this room. Set into the center of
the west wall is a large metal ring. Written
above the metal ring in Orcish are the words,
"Pull Me".
Pulling the ring will activate a scything blade
trap (the blade cuts across the floor and does
1d10hp of damage to the person who pulled
the metal ring; the blade has a THAC0 of 12
and will sever a leg on a natural attack roll of
26. ILLUSIONARY DOOR. The door to this room
appears real and solid in every respect until
someone attempts to actually touch it. Any
physical object that comes into contact with
the door will pass harmlessly through it.
Inside the room is a human skeleton lying on its
side on the floor. The skeleton wears a
beautiful dark green dress with rows of tiny
emeralds across the front. The dress is in good
condition and, if carefully removed from the
skeleton without tearing it, can be sold for up
to 3 g.p.
27. The door to this room is ajar. Anyone
approaching it will be assaulted by a strong,
foul-smelling, musky odor. A large table with
six sealed large clay jars on top of it can be
found inside the room. Under the table is a
large blanket in which the body of a recently
dead skunk is concealed. Three of the clay
jars contain orange paint, one contains blue
paint, one contains 40 c.p. and one contains
82 s.p.
28. A small bottle containing a red colored liquid
sits on top of a wooden table here. The top of
the table is partially covered with patches of
melted candle wax (the wax conceals the
name "Jeremiah Abelgore", which has been
crudely carved onto the table's surface). The
liquid is ordinary perfume and can be sold for
10 s.p.
29. Water slowly drips from the ceiling into a
puddle of water that has accumulated on the
floor in this room. Three small humanoid
skeletons are cocooned in thick webbing in
the northeast part of the room. If the bodies
are searched, a dagger, an empty wooden
scroll case and a purse containing 12 s.p. and
24 c.p. will be found.
30. ROOM OF NAMES. The walls of this secret room
are made of smooth polished granite. Several
hundred names have been carefully
engraved on the walls in small silver letters.
These are the names of former adventurers
who perished while exploring the dungeons
under the Mad Demigod's Castle. Any PCs
that die while exploring the dungeons will
magically have their names added to the
walls of this room.
31. GOBLINS. Eight goblins armed with clubs can
be found here (6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4 h.p.).
32. A dozen pieces of firewood can be seen
scattered about the floor in this area.
33. Two empty weapon racks can be found here.
A loose cobblestone on the floor conceals
three gold pieces.
34. A partial ceiling collapse here has left the floor
of this room strewn with rubble. If the room is
searched, the remains of a soiled brown rug
will be found along with a wooden pitcher.
35. ORCS. Six orcs armed with clubs and spears
can be found here (7, 6, 6, 7, 4, 4, h.p.). Each
has 1d8 e.p. One of them possesses a +1
36. This room contains 10 barrels of ale worth a
total of 4 g.p. and five casks of wine worth 10
g.p. each. Four large mugs can be seen
sitting on top of a large round table. The
center of the table contains several neatly
stacked rows of silver pieces totaling 39 s.p.
On the floor is a large sack that contains 200
bronze pieces, 78 c.p., 1d6 gems and a
potion of cure poison.
37. STATUE. A statue of a unicorn exists here.
38. A long wooden table here contains beakers
and many types of oddly shaped glass
containers full of the residue of colored fluids.
Acid has eaten away at the surface of one
end of the table. A large trunk here contains
an empty clay jug and a flask full of a non-
magical fluid, which will cause nausea and
vomiting if consumed.
39. A brass statue of an old man reading a book
stands in NW corner of this room. The dead
body of an orc can be found here.
40. SKELETONS. The door to this room is trapped
with a glyph of warding. Triggering the glyph
causes a bright flash of light (save vs. magic or
go blind for 1d4 rounds). Immediately after
the trap is triggered, four skeletons armed with
shortswords will attack (6, 6, 6, 5 h.p.).
Inside the room is a stone sarcophagus with a
heavy lid containing a human skeleton
wearing the tattered remains of fine clothing
as well as a diamond tiara worth 500 g.p. A
secret compartment in the bottom of the
sarcophagus contains a wand of magic
missiles (12 charges).
41. A 10 foot wide, 20 foot deep pit full of murky
brown water that smells bad exists here. Under
the water, at the bottom of the pit is a
watertight box that contains ten clay bricks
(weighing 6 lbs each), 138 s.p., 2d6 gems and
a scroll with the spell detect magic written on
42. ORCS. Four orcs armed with longswords can
be found here (6, 6, 5, 5 h.p.). Each has 1d8
43. A small marble table can be found pushed up
against the south wall of this room. A cracked
mirror hangs over the table and pieces of a
broken porcelain vase lie on the floor.
44. The door to this room is locked. Inside are two
chests each containing 10 yards of silk worth
100 g.p. each.
45. A bench made of metal and wood exists here.
The room is otherwise empty.
46. ORCS. Five orcs armed with shortswords can
be found here (6, 6, 5, 4, 4 h.p.).
47. A large iron cross approximately 3 feet high
hangs on the east wall here. A broken sling
lies on the floor.
48. A black robe lies on top of a round stone table
49. A human skeleton missing its left arm lies
crushed under a large rock in this cave.
50. A small pile of rocks here conceals a leather
backpack that contains iron rations, 19 silver
coins and a pair of diamond earrings
wrapped in a blue velvet cloth worth 100 g.p.
51. STIRGES. Five stirges can be found here (7, 7,
6, 6, 5 h.p.).
52. An arrow is embedded in the wooden surface
of the door to this room. Three wooden desks
can be found here. Desk #1 contains 22
buttons and a sewing needle, desk #2
contains a small cloth bag with a gold nugget
in it worth 1 g.p. and desk #3 contains a scroll
with the spell burning hands written on it.
53. GIANT RATS. Ten giant rats can be found here
(2 h.p. each). If the room is searched, a
grimy, old, blue robe will be found on the floor
under numerous small animal bones (sewn into
the lining of the robe is a small emerald worth
15 g.p.).
54. TRAP. A large "X" has been scratched onto the
surface of the door to this room. The doors
handle has been coated with a substance
similar to sovereign glue. Anyone attempting
to open the door will find themselves stuck to
the doors handle. A huge copper coin worth
4,000 c.p. lies on the floor in this area. Lifting
the coin triggers a trap that causes sleep gas
to fill the room.
55. GOBLINS. Seven goblins armed with clubs can
be found here (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 h.p.).
56. STATUE. The statue of an exceptionally good
looking naked woman can be found here.
She has a seductive smile on her face that
seems to promise much. The statue is currently
painted green (if examined closely, there is a
2 in 6 chance that tiny bits of yellow and red
paint will be seen on the statue in several
Upon entering the room, a magic mouth on
the statue will speak and say, "Paint me
orange so that I may live, once transformed I'll
freely give". If and when the statue is painted
orange, it will rhyme again asking to be
painted another color. It will continue to do
this indefinitely... if detected for, the statue will
radiate magic.
57. TRAP. A pressure plate trap on the ground in
front of the door to this room will activate if
more than 60lbs of pressure is placed upon it.
If the trap is activated, a hail of needles will
strike the person opening the door for 1d6+1
Inside the room is a large trunk containing 317
copper pieces. A secret compartment in the
bottom of the trunk contains two small
electrum balls worth 20 g.p. each.
58. TREASURY. This secret room contains a stone
pedestal upon which rests a large silver
lantern. The shutters are tightly closed around
the glass. Casting detect magic reveals that
the lantern is magical. The lantern will shed
light as per a normal lantern but will never
require fuel to operate. Also in the room are
three chests; chest #1 contains 2,155 s.p.;
chest #2 contains 1,806 e.p. and chest
#3 contains 834 g.p. as well as one piece of
jewelry and four gems.
59. STAIRS. Stairs here lead down to area 77 on
dungeon level 2.
60. STAIRS. Stairs here lead down to area 78 on
dungeon level 3.
61. STAIRS. Stairs here lead down to a one way
secret door west of area 87 on dungeon level
62. Algae grows in a large pool of dark green
water in this cave.
63. Seven large baskets made of straw can be
found along the north and west walls of this
room. Basket #1 contains six ordinary arrows;
basket #2 is empty; basket #3 contains an
arrow coated with contact poison; basket #4
contains dirt and a human skull; basket #5
contains a red robe; basket #6 contains a
vial of holy water and basket #7 contains a
64. WARRIOR. A warrior here named Douglas
Wilson is now insane due to physical contact
with the Sphere of Prophesy in room 65. He will
be found kneeling on the floor howling and
shrieking. Douglas will attack anyone entering
the room. His treasure consists of a fox pelt
worth 2 g.p., a solid gold comb worth 40 g.p.
and ruby worth 100 g.p.
Douglas Wilson, 4th Level Warrior, Hp 34,
THAC0 17, #AT 1, D 1d6+1+3, w/ +1
shortsword, SD Insane (immune to all mind-
effecting spells), SQ 18/67 Strength (+2 to hit,
+3 damage), AC 5 w/ Scale Mail & Shield, MV
6, XPV 270
65. SPHERE OF PROPHESY. A large translucent
sphere that seems to hum with energy can be
found floating approximately two feet off the
ground in the center of this room. The sphere
bathes the room in a dim bluish light. Anyone
who approaches the sphere and gazes at it
will see extremely violent images of themselves
experiencing horrific physical trauma of some
kind (perhaps being eaten by a monster). The
images will continue for 1d3 rounds before
they cease.
Anyone touching or stepping into the sphere
will be affected for 2d4 rounds as per the 4th
level Wizard spell Confusion.
66. A pile of bricks can be found in the NE corner
of this room. A secret compartment in the
south wall contains four +1 arrows.
67. GIANT CENTIPEDES. Three giant centipedes
can be found here (2 h.p. each). A large
barrel here contains 117 gems worth 1 g.p.
68. A large piece of smashed, twisted metal
apparently blackened by fire or some other
form of intense heat now lies on the floor near
the south wall of this room. It is several feet
high by several feet wide and has a large,
strange looking piece of shattered glass
affixed to part of its surface. An examination
of this oddity will reveal that it was most likely a
functional piece of machinery at one time,
although its purpose can now only be guessed
at. On the floor is a small rectangular, slightly
rusted piece of metal with the insignia, "454
69. AUTOMATON. This room contains a table
surrounded by four chairs.
A large heavily banged-up oak dresser
pushed up against the west wall contains
some old clothes and a large brown sack. The
sack contains an evil clown doll with a
disturbing smile painted on its face.
Automaton, HD 3+1, Hp 18, THAC0 17, #AT 2,
D 1d3 w/ knife, AC 6, MV 3, XPV 120
70. APPARITION. The ghostly image of small boy
sweeping the floor of this room can be found
here. The apparition is harmless and the boy
is likely to ask anyone he encounters if he can
take a break from his duties for a short while
because he is very tired.
71. A human corpse wearing rusted plate mail
armor lies face down on the ground in this
room. An arrow can be seen sticking out of
the corpses back.
72. GIANT TICKS. A huge crack exists in the east
wall of this room. An old wooden bed frame
can be found here along with a small sack
containing 30 s.p. Two giant ticks are also
here (8 h.p. each).
73. NAMES. The following names have been
scratched onto the surface of the east wall
with a dagger... "Markus Delany", "Jeffrey
Bergstrom", "Brandon Morrison", "Charles
Roach, Darlene Butler and "Howard Davis".
74. Inside this room is a table on which a large
bowl of fresh fruit can be found (apples,
bananas, pineapples, pears, grapes and
oranges). Anyone eating the fruit will be
blessed with infravision or stricken with
blindness for 2d4 turns (50% chance of either
effect happening).
75. ENTRANCE. A spiral staircase here provides
access to the surface. A dead bird lies
next to an overturned wooden chair on the
76. SINGING STATUE. A statue of a middle aged
woman holding an infant lovingly in her arms
exists in the center of this room. If the statue is
touched, it will begin singing loudly for one
round which is likely to attract wandering
monsters. Two wooden crates here contain
straw and broken pottery.
77. STICKY TRAP. Dozens of small holes about an
inch in diameter cover the walls and ceiling in
this room. A large, heavy wooden bucket full
of rocks sits on the floor in the SE part of the
room. Under the bucket is a tattered green
and white gown covered in many places by
dirt and grime. Lifting the bucket off the floor
triggers a pressure plate trap under it, which
will cause a terrible smelling, glowing, sticky,
yellow liquid to simultaneously spray out of all
the holes in the walls and ceiling for several
seconds. Anyone in the room at the time the
trap is triggered will become completely
covered with the mysterious yellow substance
(no save). The sticky yellow goo, which smells
similar to skunk odor, is luminescent (PCs
covered in it will literally glow in the dark and
be visible up to 60 feet away which will reduce
and/or eliminate their chances to surprise
opponents) and can only be removed by
applying liberal amounts of soap and water.
Because of its gooey nature, the substance will
also reduce movement rates by 25% until
removed. The trap will reset itself 24 hours
after it is triggered (all traces of the sticky
yellow goo will have completely
78. A battered wooden desk can be found here.
One drawer contains a dried-up 1oz vial of
black ink and another contains two fishhooks.
A small secret compartment in the desk
contains a slim wooden stick approximately an
inch wide by 12 inches long. Numbers have
been neatly written along one edge of the
wooden stick in black ink. One end of the
stick has been crudely carved into the likeness
of a human figure. Next to the wooden stick is
a small stone (the upper portion of the stone
has been painted white and the lower part
painted red). Both the stone and the wooden
stick will radiate magic if detected for. A
strong feeling of inner peace and security will
be immediately experienced by anyone who
holds the stick in one hand and the stone in
the other.
79. ZOMBIES. Five zombies can be found here (12,
11, 11, 9, 8 h.p.).
80. A pile of 20 lead bars can be found on the
ground in the south part of this room. One of
the bars is actually a gold bar painted to look
like a lead bar and is worth 250 g.p.
82. An old wooden cradle exists in the NE part of
this room. If the cradle is examined, the letters
NG will be found carved in small letters on one
side of the cradle.
83. A round wooden table covered with dust and
surrounded by three chairs can be found in
this room. On top of the table is a candelabra
and a medium sized wooden bowl full of
ashes. A rusty dagger can be found laying on
the floor next to a worthless wine goblet with
several dents and scratches on its surface.
84. STAIRS. Stairs here lead down to area 61 on
dungeon level 3.
85. A quiver in good condition with a single arrow
in it can be found on the floor of this room. An
empty wineskin can also be found here.
86. SNAKES. A large sticky cluster of two dozen
eggs exists here. The eggs are guarded by
two large snakes (HD 2, Hp 9 each, #AT 1, SA
Poison). If the eggs are not destroyed, they will
hatch in 1d4 days. The remains of a dead
human thief (killed by snake poison) wearing
leather armor lies next to a large chest that
contains nine rare sticks of incense worth 10
g.p. each as well as 128 e.p.
Giant Snakes, HD 2+1, Hp 12 each, THAC0 19,
#AT 1, D 1d4 w/ bite, SA Poison, AC 5, MV 9,
XPV 120
87. GOBLINS. Seven goblins armed with clubs can
be found here (6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 h.p.).
88. GOBLINS. Four goblins armed with spears can
be found here (5, 4, 4, 4 h.p.). Four large clay
pots lie on the floor. Pot #1 contains 65 s.p.;
pot #2 contains 71 s.p.; pot #3 contains a
piece of jewelry concealed within dark brown
dirt and pot #4 contains 31 e.p. and 19 g.p.
89. A skeleton covered with dust leans against the
west wall of this room while sitting on a wooden
stool. Glued to the bottom of the stool is a
metal key that can be used to unlock the door
to room 90 on this dungeon level.
90. SILVER SKELETON. The door to this room is
locked. The west part of this room is filled with
sand approximately 1 - 3 feet high. If the
room is entered, a skeleton covered with silver
paint will spring up out of the sand and attack
with a +1 hammer. The skeleton wears a gold
necklace worth 125 g.p.
Skeleton, HD 3, Hp 16, THAC0 16, #AT 1, D
1d6+1 w/ +1 hammer, SD Turned as a
Vampire, AC 7, MV 12, XPV 120
91. STIRGES. Five stirges can be found here (7, 7,
6, 6, 5 h.p.).
92. Two locked trunks can be found here. One
contains a jar with 24 human teeth, a fancy
wig and a scarf. The other contains a cursed
When worn the helmet immediately reduces
the wearer's strength to 3. It can only be
removed by the use of a wish, limited wish,
alter reality or remove curse spell. If detected
for, the helmet will radiate magic.
93. The corpse of a small dog can be found here
next to a silver candlesnuffer worth 1 s.p.
94. This small room contains two barrels of red
paint, a pair of gloves and seven wooden
crates that contain a combined total of 314
crossbow bolts.
95. SPIDERS. A disgusting pile of filth composed of
bones, skin and grime lies in the center of this
room. A skull in the refuse pile contains a gold
ring worth 100 g.p. Two large spiders hide in
the upper part of the webs in the center of the
room (7, 6 h.p.).
96. KOBOLDS. Nine kobolds armed with small
spears can be found here (3 h.p. each).
97. GIANT RATS. Seven giant rats can be found
here (3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 h.p.).
98. TRAPPED DOOR. The door to this room is
trapped. Anyone trying to open it may be
struck by a large stone block that will fall from
the ceiling for 1d10+1hp of damage. The PC
attempting to open the door is entitled to a
dexterity check to avoid the falling stone
block... a successful save results in no
Inside the room are two crates (one contains a
suite of plate mail armor packed in straw, the
other contains 100 arrows, a crossbow, a
shortbow and a large black pearl worth 30
99. Seven cannonballs can be found scattered
about the floor of this room. The cannonballs
are approximately 6 inches in diameter and
weigh 20 pounds each.
100. This room was once a storage area for a
variety of foodstuffs (grain, fruit, dried meat,
flour, beans, etc). Moldy sacks that have
been chewed through by mice now lie all over
the floor. Shelves that once held spices and
herbs are now full of dust and cobwebs. A
large amount of mice can be found here still
trying to find a meal.
If the room is searched, a skeleton with a
metal chain tied around its neck will be found
(the bones of the skeleton have been heavily
gnawed on by rodents) along with a pitchfork.
101. WELL. A circular stone well exists here. A
wooden bucket attached to a rusty metal
chain can be lowered into a cistern (see area
10 on dungeon level 2) to obtain water.
102. TRAPPED PAINTING. A large oil painting of a
handsome young man with red hair sitting on
a large mushroom can be found on the south
wall of this room. The man holds a harp in his
hands and stares contemplatively up at the
sky. Any PC examining the painting that
possesses an intelligence of 14 or greater will
notice a hidden message in the brushstrokes
of the painting that reads, "Appreciate me as
a group and I will reciprocate". If all the PCs
spend one round staring at the painting at the
same time, the man in the painting will
suddenly turn his head to face the PCs, which
will then possess decidedly demonic features.
He will begin shouting in orcish, saying "Fools,
now you will suffer the wrath of Grummish!".
When this happens, everyone in the room must
make a save vs. spell or have their strength
reduced by 1d6 points for 24 hours as well as
be stricken with extreme feelings of anxiety
and panic (-1 to all attack rolls) for 2d4
103. KOBOLDS. Seven kobolds armed with daggers
and small spears can be found here (3 h.p.
104. Wooden shelves can be found here
containing several pieces of quartz crystals as
well as pieces of other minerals such as
granite, marble, slate, hematite, etc... A small
round table on which a candleholder sits can
also be found here surrounded by two chairs.
An old barrel containing dirt, straw and two
potions also exits here.
One potion has a yellow and orange color
and is marked, "reduction" on its side - once
drank, the imbiber will immediately lose 1d20
lbs of body weight. All attempts to identify this
potion will fail. There are no ill effects to the
dramatic weight loss and the weight can be
regained normally over time. The other potion
has a dark purple color and is a potion of
105. TRAP. The illusion of a small gold cube can be
seen sitting on top of a white marble table in
this room (the table is real but the cube is not).
The cube appears to be approximately 4
inches in diameter, inlaid with diamonds and
very valuable. Anyone coming near the
pedestal will cause an iron gate to crash down
in the corridor leading to this area. The bars of
the gate are weak and rusted - anyone trying
to bend them gains a 20% bonus to their
normal base chance.
106. STATUE. A statue of a bearded middle-aged
man holding a large empty tray out in front of
him can be found near the east wall of this
If the statue is approached, a magic mouth
cast on it will speak and say, "Charity keeps
the world in balance. Give freely and a great
reward will soon follow". If the head of the
statue is removed, an orange gem worth 10
g.p. will be found.
107. OGRE. An ogre named Bitizar lairs here (27
h.p.). He is armed with a bastardsword. His
treasure consists of a gold septre worth 250
g.p. as well as a large sack that contains 134
c.p., 58 s.p., 11 g.p. and a potion of cure
108. STIRGES. A large shallow pool of greenish
water exists here. A statue of a human warrior
stands in the center of the pool on a slightly
raised, circular platform. A group of four
stirges here will attack any intruders who enter
the room (7, 6, 6, 5 h.p.).
109. Seven small clay pots can be found on the
floor along the south wall. The pots are empty.
110. Large bright red tapestries hang from the walls
of this room. A couch and a large well-made
chair can also be found here.
If the room is searched, there is a 33% chance
that a small copper tube approximately 4
inches long by 1 inch wide will be found
lodged in a crevice in the west wall. A blade
or other such instrument will be needed to free
the tube from the crevice. If the top of the
tube is unscrewed, it will be found to contain a
ring made of a hard, polished red mineral.
The ring is magical and will grant +1 saving
throws to anyone who wears it. As soon as the
ring is worn, the wearer will begin to gain
weight at the rate of 1d6+1 pounds per day.
The ring can be easily removed and any
weight gained can be lost normally through
time with exercise and a good diet.
111. TRAP. The door to this room is trapped with a
poison needle trap (save vs. poison at +1 or
die). Inside the room is a large sack
containing 165 s.p., 36 g.p. and five gems.
112. SKELETONS. Five skeletons armed with rusty
shortswords can be found here (6, 6, 5, 4, 4
113. A wooden wagon wheel covered with dust
and cobwebs can be found here.
114. An iron brazier that doesnt appear to have
been used in many years can be found
covered in black soot in a corner of this room.
A cracked wooden staff with a well carved
snakes head at its top can be found lying on
the floor.
115. KOBOLDS. Six kobolds armed with small spears
can be found here (3 h.p. each).
116. A humanoid body appears to lie on a wooden
table here under an old dirty blanket. If the
blanket is removed, an ordinary scarecrow will
be revealed. An empty brass pot full of grime
as well as an ordinary copper ring can be
found on the ground.
117. KOBOLDS. Five kobolds armed with small
spears can be found here (3 h.p. each). A
wooden trunk in the NE corner of the room
contains 97 c.p., 46 s.p., 10 e.p., a gold
bracelet worth 20 g.p. and 1d4 gems.
118. STAIRS. Three sets of stairs exist along the north
wall. The NW stairs lead down to area 137 on
dungeon level 2, the central stairs lead down
to area 1 on dungeon level 3 and the NE stairs
lead down to area 1 on dungeon level 2.
119. Three tables can be found here along the east
wall. On top of each table are two large
bowls full of water. One bowl contains three
120. SECRET ROOM. This secret room has been
plundered long ago. Three copper coins can
be found on the floor near four large empty
121. YELLOW MOLD. A skeleton lies between two
large chests that can be found on the floor of
this room. The skeleton and chests are
covered with a strange yellow mold. Opening
either chest or moving the skeleton will disturb
the mold. One chest contains a ball of string,
a small piece of copper wire and a scroll of
cure light wounds while the other contains
982 s.p., 166 g.p., a piece of jewelry, a potion
of gaseous form and an iron cobra (7 h.p.).
Yellow Mold, HD N/A, Hp N/A, THAC0 N/A, #AT
1, D N/A, SA Poison Spores (50% chance to
emit a cloud of spores if roughly touched,
save vs. poison or die), SD 20% Magic
Resistance, SQ Destroyed by Fire, Rendered
Dormant for 2d6 turns by a Continual Light
Spell), AC 9, MV 0, XPV 65
122. An old wooden desk containing a small
leather bag full of pumpkin seeds can be
found here.


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