[ N.B. (1) Answer all questions in Part A and Part B and either(a)or (b) of each question in Part C. (2) Each question carries 1 (one) mark in Part A, 3 (three) marks in Part B and 10 (ten) marks in Part C]
Part - A 1. Three resistance 4, 6, 8 are connected in series across a terminal voltage of 24 volts. Find the current in the circuit. 2. Define the term Cycle. 3. Name the losses in a transformer. 4. State any one application of 3 phase induction motor. 5. What is majority carriers? 6. Mention any two ideal characteristics of an operational amplifier. 7. Draw the half-adder circuit. 8. Define Decoder. 9. What is Shift register? 10.What are the types of synchronous counter? Part-B 11. Derive an expression in r.m.s. value. 12. Draw a neat diagram of a 3 point starter. 13. Compare half-wave and full-wave rectifier in single phase. 14. Simplify the following expression by Boolean law - A. B + A B 15. Write a note on 4 bit binary up / down counter. Part - C 16.a. 1) Derive an expression for the equivalent resistance of three resistors connected in parallel. 2) Explain the terms: (i) Form Factor (ii) Peak Factor Mention their practical significance. OR b. 1) What are the care and maintenance of lead acid batteries? 17.a. 1) Derive the e.m.f. equation of a transformer. 2) Explain the Rotor construction of salient pole alternator. OR b. 1) Explain the construction and working principle of D.C. motor. 18.a. 1) With neat diagram, explain the V.I Characteristics of P.N. Junction diode. 2) Explain the working principle of LED. OR b. 1) With neat diagram, explain the input and output characteristics of common emitter amplifier. 19. a. 1) Explain and give the truth table of NAND logic gates. 2) Simplify the equation X = A B C + A B C + ABC using K - map and synthesize. OR b. 1) Explain how EX-OR gates can be used as parity checker. 20. a. 1) Explain how T flip-flop are constructed. 2) Draw a logic diagram of a 4 bit synchronous counter and explain its operation. OR b. 1) Explain the four modes of operation in which the 4 bit shift register can be used.