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Engineering College

I - UNIT Assignment 1. (a) Broadly classify the integrated circuits for a wide range of applications. (b) What is a practical Op-amp? Draw its equivalent circuit. (c) In an Op-amp, V2 = 0 (inverting terminal input). What is the voltage at V1 (non-inverting terminal input) for an output of 5V if AOL = 50000. 2. (a) List various advantages of IC technology over discrete component implementation. (b) Distinguish between differential mode and common mode operations of differential amplifier. 3. (a) Explain the terms: i. CMRR. ii. PSRR. iii. Thermal drift. iv. Inverting configuration of Op-Amp. v. Input offset voltage (b) What is a voltage follower? What are its features and applications? 4. (a) Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of an inverting amplifier, obtain the expression for closed loop voltage gain. (b) Derive the output voltage of an Op-amp based differential amplifier. 5. (a) Obtain the frequency response of an op-amp using suitable mathematical expressions. (b) How fast can the output of an op-amp change by 10V if its slew rate is 1V / S? 6. (a) Discuss D.C. characteristics of op-amp in detail. (b) The input signal Vi to an op-amp is 0.04 Sin 1.13 X 105t is to be amplified to the maximum extent. How much maximum gain can be had by using op-amp, with slew rate of 0.4 V/Sec.

II - UNIT Assignment

1. (a) Derive the expression for the frequency of the output of an astable multivibrator. (b) Design a averaging amplifier circuit to provide a gain 5 for 4 input signals of same frequency. 2. (b) What is a sample and hold circuit? Why is it needed? With neat circuit diagram, describe the operation of an Op-amp based sample and hold circuit. (b) What do you mean by sampling? 3. (a) Draw the circuit for converting a sinusoidal ware form into a square wave and into a series of pulses, one per cycle and explain. (b) Design a subtractor in non inverting configuration. 4. (a) What is an instrumentation amplifier? What are the basic requirements of a good instrumentation amplifier.

(b) Design an instrumentation amplifier whose gain can be varied continuously over the range 1 A 1000 use 100 k potentiometer. 5. (a) Draw the circuit and explain the operation of instrumentation amplifier using transducer bridge. Derive the expression for its output voltage. (b) What are the applications of instrumentation amplifier? Explain. 6. (a) Explain how the averaging circuit can be derived from the summer. (c) Design the op-amp circuit which can give the output as V0 = 2 V1 - 3 V2 + 4V3 - 5V4 7. (a) Explain the operation of zero crossing detector using Op-amps. (b) Design a differentiator using Op-amp to differentiate an input signal that varies in frequency from 1 KHz to 10 KHz. 8. (a) Explain with a neat circuit diagram the working of voltage to current converter with floating load and grounded. (b) Design a circuit to convert a 4 mA to 20mA input current to 0V to 10V output voltage. The circuit is powered from 15V regulated supplies. (Assume necessary data)

III - UNIT Assignment 1. (a) Explain the operation of RC phase shift oscillator using op-amp and derive the expression for frequency of oscillations. (b) Design the wien bridge oscillator circuit to have output frequency of 10 KHz. 2. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of a triangular wave generator using a comparator and integrator. Explain its operation by referring to the output waveform. (b) Design an RC phase shift oscillator for 300 Hz frequency using IC 741 and 15 volt power supplies. Assume necessary component values. Suggest a method to reduce the output voltage swing to 6:5 volts 3. (a) Explain the frequency responses of all types of filters. (b) Figure 1 below shows the first order Butterworth LPF that uses RC network, calculate the gain if the filter is a function of frequency. Give gain magnitude and phase angle equations. 4. (a) Draw the basic circuit of wien bridge oscillator and explain its operation. Also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation. (b) Design a second order low pass filter at a higher cut off frequency of 2KHz. 5. (a) Derive the expression for frequency of VCO and list important specifications of 566 VCO IC. (b) Define the conditions on the feedback circuit of an amplifier to convert it in to an oscillator. 6. (a) Design a I order wide band- reject having fH=200 Hz and fL =1 kHz, having the pass band gain of 2 each. Assume necessary data. (b) Draw the first order low-pass Butterworth filter and analyze the same by deriving the gain and phase angle equation. 7. (a)Write short notes on the operation of Quadrature oscillator. (b) In the figure 2 given below if the integrator components are R1=120 K and C1 = 0.01 F, R3= 6.8 K , R2= 1.2K , determine i. Peak-to-peak triangular output amplitude. ii. The frequency of triangular wave.

Figure 1

Figure 2

IV - UNIT Assignment 1. (a) Draw and explain the functional block diagram of IC 555. (b) Explain the functioning of 555 in Monostable configuration. 2. (a) Explain how astable mode of 555 can be modified to get a square wave generator. (b) Design a 555 based square wave generator to produce a symmetrical square wave of 1 KHz. If VCC = 12V. Draw the voltage across timing capacitor and the output. 3. (a) Describe the 555 timer (i) Monostable multivibrator application in Pulse Width Modulation. (ii) Astable multivibrator application in FSK generator. (b) A 555 timer is configured to run in astable mode with R1 = 20K and R2 = 8Kand C = 0.1uf. Determine the output frequency and duty cycle. 4. (a) Design an astable multivibrator using 555 timer to produce a square wave of 2 KHz frequency and 70% duty cycle. Draw the circuit with all component values. (b) Explain how a PLL is used as a frequency multiplier. 5. (a) Explain the role of the basic building blocks of PLL. (b) Determine the DC control voltage vc at lock if signal frequency fs = 10 KHz, VCO free running frequency is 10.66 KHz and the voltage to frequency transfer coefficient of VCO is 6600 Hz / V. 6. (a) Draw the schematic circuit diagram of the following and explain their working. i. Analog phase detector. ii. VCO. Derive necessary expressions. (b) What is their role in PLL? Explain. 7. (a) Describe how frequency division and multiplication can be achieved using a Phase Locked Loop. (b) Draw the circuit of a PLL AM detector and explain its operation.

IV - UNIT Assignment 1. (a) Draw and explain the functional block diagram of IC 555. (b) Explain the functioning of 555 in Monostable configuration.

2. (a) Explain how astable mode of 555 can be modified to get a square wave generator. (b) Design a 555 based square wave generator to produce a symmetrical square wave of 1 KHz. If VCC = 12V. Draw the voltage across timing capacitor and the output. 3. (a) Describe the 555 timer (i) Monostable multivibrator application in Pulse Width Modulation. (ii) Astable multivibrator application in FSK generator. (b) A 555 timer is configured to run in astable mode with R1 = 20K and R2 = 8Kand C = 0.1uf. Determine the output frequency and duty cycle. 4. (a) Design an astable multivibrator using 555 timer to produce a square wave of 2 KHz frequency and 70% duty cycle. Draw the circuit with all component values.

5. (a) Explain the role of the basic building blocks of PLL. (b) Define the following terms with reference to PLL. i. Lock range. ii. Capture range. iii. Pull-in-time.

V - UNIT Assignment 1. (a) Explain the operation of flash A/D converter. (b) Explain how dual slope A/D converter provides noise rejection. (c) If the maximum output voltage of a 7-bit D/A converter is 25.4V. What is the smallest change in the output as the binary count increases. 2. (a) What are the sources of errors in DAC? Explain. (b) The digital input for a 4-bit DAC is 0110 calculate its final output voltage. (c) Draw and explain the block diagram of IC 1408. 3. (a) Compare flash, dual slope and successive approximation register type ADCs. (b) Find out step size and analog output for 4-bit R-2R laddar DAC when input is 0100 and 1100. Assume Vref = +5V. 4. (a) Explain Functional diagram of successive approximation ADC (b) Explain counter type A/D converter. 5. (a) The basic step of a 16-bit DAC is 10.3 mV. If 0000000000000000 represents 0V, what output is produced if the input is 1101101111111111? (b) Calculate the values of the LSB, MSB and full scale output for an 32 bit DAC for the 0 to 20V. 6. Write short note on: (a) R-2R Ladder DAC

(b) inverted R-2R Ladder.

7. (a) Explain the operation of a multiplying DAC and mention its applications. (b) List out various types of D/A converter and A/D converters and compare their merits and demerits.

VI - UNIT Assignment 1. (a)Explain the following terms: (a) VOL(max) (b) VOH(min) (c) VIL(max) (d) VIH(min) (b) Explain with neat diagram interfacing of TTL gate and CMOS gates.

2. (a) Explain the classification of integrated circuits (b) Sketch TTL NAND Gate and explain its working (c) Sketch TTL NOR Gate and explain its working. 3. (a) Sketch CMOS NAND Gate and explain its working (b) Sketch CMOS NOR Gate and explain its working. 4. (a) What is a transmission gate ? Explain with the help of neat diagram. (b) Explain why two totem pole outputs can't be tied together. (c) With neat circuit explain the concept of open collector O/P with pull-up resistor. 5. (a) Design a CMOS transistor circuit that has the functional behavior F(Z) = (A + B)(B + C). (b) Explain sinking current and sourcing current of TTL output? Which of the above parameters decide the fan out and how? 6. (a) Draw the circuit of a Totem-pole TTL NAND gate ? What is the purpose of using a diode at the output stage? Explain its operation and verify the truth table. (b) When do we use open-collector TTL gate? (c) Which is the fastest logic gate and why?

VII - UNIT Assignment 1. Design and Explain 4- line to 16 line decoder with 74138. 2. (a) Design 4:1 Mux with logic diagram and symbolic representation. (b) Convert the binary numbers to gray codes using Ex- OR gates (a) 1001 (b) 11001111 (c) 10000001 (d) 10011 3. (a) Draw the logic diagram of 74x283 IC and explain the operation? (b) Write short notes on BCD to binary converter? 4. (a) Design a 3 input 5 outputt multiplexer? Write the truth table and draw the logic diagram. (b) Write short notes on full subtractor. 5. (a) Give the logic diagram of 74x147 and explain its truth table? (b) Write short notes on half subtractor? 6. (a) Design a 2-bit comparator using logic gates and draw its logic diagram (b) Explain BCD to 7-segment decoder with the help of a truth table.

VIII - UNIT Assignment

1. (a) Explain with neat sketch how four bits 1110 are serially entered into the shift register. (b) Explain with neat sketch how four bits 1110 are serially shifted out of the shift register. 2. (a) Draw the circuit diagram, function table and logic symbol of a D latch with a control signal (b) Draw and explain the working of RS and clocked RS flip flops 3. Differentiate between Asynchronous counter and synchronous counter? Design a 4-bit counter in synchronous mode 4. (a) Design and explain 4-bit parallel-in and serial-out shift register (b) Distinguish between latch and flip-flop

5. (a) Draw and explain the working of 4-bit UP/DOWN synchronous counter. (b) Write short notes on edge triggered and level triggered flip flops

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