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EE Important Questions

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(Accredited with NAAC ‘A’, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and

Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University – Anantapur)

An ISO 9000:2015 Certified Institution

Course: II B.Tech-I Sem(2022-23) Staff: K.Girish Kumar Subject: EE

Important Questions:

Unit-1 Transient Response

1. In the circuit shown in figure below, steady state is reached, while the switch is in position 1. At t = 0,
the switch is moved to position 2. Determine the energy stored in the capacitor at t = 0.1 ms.

2. The circuit shown in the figure below is initially at steady state, with the switch K opened. If the
switch is closed at time t = 0, determine the expression for the voltage across the capacitor for t ≥ 0.
Also find its final steady state value.

3. In the RL circuit shown in figure below, the switch is in position 1 long enough to establish steady
state conditions and at t = 0, it is switched to position 2. Find the resulting current.
4. (a) Derive the DC response of an RC circuit. Also derive the voltage across the capacitor and resistor.
Draw its responses.

(b) For the above circuit, consider R = 10 Ω, C = 0.1F and a constant voltage of 20 V is applied to the
circuit at t = 0. Obtain the current equation, voltage across the capacitor and resistor.

5. Derive the Transient response of a series R-L circuit with DC Excitation.

6. Obtain total transient response for an RLC series circuit with Sinusoidal Excitation.

7. The switch in the circuit shown below is moved from position (1) to (2) at t = 0. Find the expression
for V C and V R for t > 0. And also derive the formulae used.

Frequency Response
2 (a) Write note on foster and cover form of LC circuits.
(b) Write a brief note on different types of passive filters.

3(a) Explain in detail about band pass and band elimination filters.
(b) A pure inductance of 150mH is connected in parallel with a 40μF
capacitor across a 50 V, variable frequency supply. Determine the resonant
frequency of the circuit.

4. Obtain the first and second form of foster network for the driving point impedance of LC network
shown below:

5(a) Explain in detail about Resonant frequency in a series RLC circuit.

(b) A pure inductance of 100mH is connected in series with a Resistance 10
ohm and 40μF capacitor across a 50 V, variable frequency supply. Determine
the resonant frequency, Quality Factor, Band width of the circuit.

Two-Port Networks

1 (a) For a two port network, express:

(i) z-parameters in terms of h-parameters. (ii) ABCD parameters in terms of y-parameters.

(b) Determine the transmission parameters of the network shown in figure below.
2 (a) Determine the h parameters of the two port network shown in figure below.

(b) The Z parameters of a two port network are Z11 = 10Ω, Z22 = 20Ω, Z12 = Z21 = 5Ω. Determine: (i)
The ABCD parameters of this network. (ii) Its equivalent T network.

3 (a) Find the transmission parameters of the following network and hence determine whether the
network is reciprocal.

(b) Show that for a two-port network [Y] = [Z]-1.

4 (a) What are ABCD parameters? Why are they called transmission parameters?

(b) For the network shown below find out z parameter.

5. Derive the Z-parameters of two port network. Relate Y, h and ABCD parameters with Z-parameter.

6 a) Explain the interrelationships between Z-parameters in terms of Y-parameters for a two port network
b) Compute the transmission parameters for the two port network if the Z - parameters for the network are
Z11 = 42Ω, Z22 = 35Ω, Z12 = Z21 = 25Ω.

1. Explain the construction and working of DC generator.

2. Explain Swinburne’s test of DC machine with suitable diagram. Derive the expression for efficiency.
3. a) Derive emf equation of dc generator.
b) Explain in detail about types of dc generators.
4. a) Explain open circuit characteristics of DC generator.
b) A four pole wave connected armature has 1000 conductors and flux per pole is 0.05 Wb. Calculate
the emf generated when the generator is running at a speed of 1200 rpm.
5.a) Explain load characteristics of dc generators.
b) A DC motor connected to 240 V supply has an armature resistance of 0.15 ohm. Calculate the
armature current when back emf is 213 V.
6. a) Explain principle of operation of dc motor in detail.
b) Derive torque equation of dc motors.
7.a) Explain various speed control methods of dc motors with the neat sketches.
b) A 250 V DC shunt motor takes 5A on no-load. The armature and field resistances are 1Ω and 125Ω
respectively. Find its efficiency when it takes a line current of 25A.
8. Explain about performance characteristics of dc motors.
9. Draw and explain three point starter in detail.


1. Explain the open circuit and short circuit test of transformer.

2. Explain constructional details of two types of induction motors with suitable
3. Explain the regulation of alternator by synchronous impedance method with
suitable phasor diagram.
4. In no-load test of single-phase transformer, the following test data were obtained:
Primary voltage : 220V; Secondary voltage : 110 V
Primary current : 0.5 A; Power input : 30 W
Find the following:
(i) The turns ratio.
(ii) The magnetizing component of no-load current.
(iii) Its working (or loss) component.
(iv) The iron loss.
Resistance of the primary winding = 0.6 ohm
5. a) Derive emf equation of a transformer.
b) Explain working principle of transformer.
6. a) Explain principle of operation of three phase induction motor.
b) Draw and explain torque slip characteristics of three phase induction motor.

7 Describe with neat sketches, the constructional details of a synchronous machine.

. [salient pole and non salient pole types]

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