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Model Question Paper First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination Common To All Branches Basic Electronics Time: 3 Hrs. Max - Marks: 100

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Time: 3 hrs. MAX.MARKS: 100

NOTE: Answer any five full questions, selecting at least two full questions from
each Part.


1.a. Sketch and explain the VI characteristics of a p.n. junction diode. ( 5 Marls)

b. Draw and explain the working of a FWR with necessary wave forms. Derive
the expression for Idc and η
(10 Marks)
c. Define ripple factor. Show that for HWR RF is 1.21
( 5 Marks)

2. a. Draw the circuit for CB configuration for an PNP transistor , show its input and
output characteristics and explain briefly how these characteristics can be
obtained. ( 10 Marks)

b. Derive the relationship between αdc & βdc ( 5 Marks)

c. For the circuit shown in fig. Determine IB, IC, IE & VCE and draw the dc load
line and mark the Q paint on it. Assume VBE=0.7V

VCC=16V ( 5 Marks)

RB=470K Ω RC=2.7K Ω


Ib βdc

3.a. Explain the factors causing the Q point instability. ( 5 Marks)

b. Define stability factor explain the stability factor in CB configuration

( 5 Marks)
c. Explain the working of a collection to base bias and voltage divider bias circuits.
( 10 marks)

4. a Using the transistor model of circuit explain the characteristics of SCR

( 10 Marks)

b. Explain UJT relaxation oscillator in the help of circuit diagram and waveform
(5 Marks)
c. Explain the operation of FET an amplifiers ( 5 Marks)


5. a. Explain the barkhausen criterion for oscillations ( 5 marks)

b. Define decibel and explain the working of a capacitor coupled two stage CE
Amplifier. (10 marks)

c. With the help of neat block diagram explain Hartley oscillator and give the
expression for frequency (5 Marks)

6. a. Derive the equations with relevant diagrams for: ( 8 Marks)

i) Integrator
ii) Adder
b. Explain the need for opamp ( 4 Marks)

d. With the help of neat block diagram explain the working of a CRO
( 8 Marks)

7. a. Derive an expression for amplitude modulated wave ( 5 Marks)

b. Convent i) (11582.875)10 = (?)8

ii) (894867.368)10 = (?)16 (4 marks)

c. i) Add:-CDEF.5DH + 49E6.F74
ii)Subtract 101000 from 0101111 using is complement
iii)Subtract (4317.64)8 from 42.345)8 using 8s complement
(1+2+3 = 6 Marks)
d. With the help of neat block diagram explain superhetrodyne receivers .
( 5 marks)

8. a) Design a full adder and explain how it is used in parallel adder (10 Marks)

b) Write the truth table and symbol for the following gates
i) AND ii) OR iii) XNOR iv) NOT v) XOR (10 Marks)

Model Question Paper
Students have to answer choosing at least two questions from each part.
Part A

5. a. Describe the physical mechanism for avalanche breakdown and the Zener beak down 6M
b. In a bridge rectifier, the input is from 230V, 50Hz mains. Calculate the DC o/p voltage, if a 8M
capacitor of 1000µF (microfarads) is used as a filter. Calculate ripple factor.
c. Explain the need for filter and operation of capacitor filter with a neat waveform 6M

5. a. Explain he current components crossing each junction of a Transistor biased in active region 6M
b. Draw the DC loadline and determine the operating point for the Transistor circuit having 8M
β=50, RC=1k, RB=100k and Vcc=5V.
c. Explain the input/output characteristics of the Transistor in common base configuration 6M

3. a. Sketch a base bias ckt using NPN transistor. Show polarities of Vcc, Vbe and Vce 6M
b. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of base bias, collector to base bias and voltage divider 8M
c. Define stability factor for a transistor bias ckt. Compare the three basic bias ckts with regard 6M
to thermal stability.

4. a. Sketch construction of SCR. Also sketch two transistor equivalent Ckt. And show how it is 8M
derived from SCR construction and explain how the device operates.
b. Explain the characteristics of UJT. 6M
c. A SCR with peak forward and reverse voltage of 30v max RMS current 0.8 amps, Vg 1.7v, 6M
holding current 5mamps, gate trigger current 200µ, amps input of 15 v calculate load
resistance and determine instantaneous Vg level which SCR switches off.

Part B
5. a. State and explain the Barkhausen criteria to obtain sustained oscillations. 6M
b. If it is desired to generate 500 KHz signal in a Colpitts oscillator using L= 50mH, 6M
calculate the value of C. For the same value of frequency and C find the value of L if
Hartley oscillator is used 8M.
c. Explain two stage CE Amplifier 6M

6. a. List the Ideal and typical characteristics f an operational amplifier 6M
b. Explain the applications of an OPAMP as a) Integrator B0 Adder. Also derive the output 8M
c. With a neat block diagram, explain the working of CRO 6M

7. a. With neat waveforms, derive the expression for AM. 8M
b. Perform the following subtraction using 1’s and 2’s Complement subtraction method. 3M
a) (1111)2 – (11101)2 b) (10111)2 – (0011)2 c) (1101)2 – (1001)2
c. Convert the following numbers to the given bases. 3M
a) (342.56)2 = (?)16 = (?)2 = (?)8 b) (ABCD)16 = (?)2 = (?)8 = (?) 10
d. Explain working of super heterodyne receiver. 6M
8. a. Simplify the following equations and realize using basic gates. 5M
a) F=A’BC+AB’C+ABC b) Y=A’B’C’+A’BC’+AB’C’
b. Draw the logic circuit for full adder and write its truth table with expression 6M
c. Simplify the following equations and realize using only NAND gates. 4M
a) Y=XYZ + XYZ + YZ + Z’ b) Z-wxy’ + x’y + w’x’y
d. Explain De morgain’s theorem using 3 variables 5M

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