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A. Positive meaning 1.

Make = strengthen sbs health =cement/ cultivate / better/ enhance/ strengthenrelation = to be conductive to = provide sb the chance/ opportunity to V = give sbfavorable condition toV 2. Help =equipsbwithst =bestow uponsbst = provide sbeasier access to V = enable sb to st 3. Get= accumulate(knowledge, skills, experience, capital) =gain/ achieve/ obtain(knowledge, skills, experience, money, score) = enhance(knowledge, skills, experience) = nurture/ sharpen/ foster/ cultivate(knowledge, skills, experience, relation) B. Negative meaning y Cause, lead to, result in, trigger, posest
y Be responsible forst, be conductive tost y Be a culprit of / a contributor to/ the cause of/ the reason for/ be a catalyst forst y Put stat risk/ in danger/ in jeopardy y Endanger/ jeopardize/ risk/ worsen/ threaten/ intimidatest

o Agree Benefit/ advantage Have (a)great/ significant/ tremendous/ positive/ good influence(s) on st Have (a)great/ significant/ tremendous/ positive/ good impact(s) on st o Disagree Disadvantage/ drawback/ downside Have (a) negative/ unwanted/ adverse effect(s) onst Have (an)appalling/ catastrophic/ disastrous consequence(s) tost

y Negative victim/ patient/ addicts/ abusers/ sufferers y Neutral+ Positive  Learner/ user/ owner/ watcher/ viewer/ player

 The old/ the student/ children/ adults/ parents/ couples

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