Green Power Marketing in The United States: A Status Report (Eighth Edition)
Green Power Marketing in The United States: A Status Report (Eighth Edition)
Green Power Marketing in The United States: A Status Report (Eighth Edition)
Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Technical Report
Green Power Marketing in NREL/TP-620-38994
the United States: A Status October 2005
Report (Eighth Edition)
Lori Bird and Blair Swezey
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government.
Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any
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infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by
trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
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Table 1. Price Premiums Charged for Utility Green Pricing Products ..................................3
Table 2. Estimated Cumulative Number of Customers Participating in Utility Green
Pricing Programs......................................................................................................5
Table 3. Customer Participation Rates in Utility Green Pricing Programs by Year..............5
Table 4. Annual Sales of Green Energy through Utility Green Pricing Programs ................6
Table 5. New Renewable Energy Capacity Supplying Green Pricing Programs in 2004 .....7
Table 6. Estimated Cumulative Number of Customers Purchasing RECs or Green Power
from Competitive Marketers, 2002-2004 ..............................................................10
Table 7. Retail Sales of Renewable Energy in Competitive Markets and RECs.................11
Table 8. New Renewable Capacity Supplying Competitive Markets and RECs, 2004.......12
Table 9. Estimated Green Power Customers by Market Segment.......................................15
Table 10. Estimated Green Power Sales by Market Segment................................................15
Table 11. Estimated Green Power Sales by Customer Segment, 2004..................................16
Table 12. Estimated New Renewables Capacity Supplying Green Power Markets..............17
Table A-1. Utilities Offering Green Pricing Programs in 2004 ...............................................75
Table A-2. Utility Green Pricing Programs by State, October 2005........................................76
Table A-3. Retail Green Power Product Offerings in Competitive Electricity Markets,
October 2005..........................................................................................................85
Table A-4. Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Retail Products, October 2005 ..................89
Table B-1. EPA Green Power Partnership Top 25 Partners by Size of Purchase,
October 2005..........................................................................................................91
Table C-1. Estimated U.S. Green Power Customers by State and Customer Class ...............92
This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The authors wish to thank Linda Silverman
and the EERE renewable energy technology programs for their support of this work. The
authors also wish to thank Adam Capage of Platts; John Halley and Cheryl Camuso of
Community Energy Inc.; Anthony Amato, Sarah Margaret Gilbert, and Kurt Johnson of
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership; Lars Kvale of the
Center for Resource Solutions; and Elizabeth Brown of NREL for their thoughtful review
of the document; as well as Michelle Kubik of NREL for her editorial support. Finally,
the authors thank the many green power marketers and utility contacts that provided the
information summarized in this report. Additional information on green power market
trends and activities can be found on the U.S. DOE’s Green Power Network Web site
An Overview of Green Power Marketing in the United States
Currently, about 600 utilities offer green power programs to customers in 34 states. These
programs allow customers to purchase some portion of their power supply as renewable
energy—almost always at a higher price—or to contribute funds for the utility to invest in
renewable energy development. The term “green pricing” is typically used to refer to these utility
programs offered in regulated or noncompetitive electricity markets.
In some competitive (or restructured) retail electricity markets, electricity customers can
purchase electricity generated from renewable sources by switching to an alternative electricity
supplier that offers green power. In addition, in some states, default suppliers offer green power
options to their customers in conjunction with competitive green power marketers. To date,
nearly a dozen states that have opened their markets to retail competition have experienced some
degree of green power marketing activity.
Finally, any consumer can purchase green power using renewable energy certificates (RECs),
which represent the unique or “green” attributes of electricity generated from renewable energy-
based projects. Residential and nonresidential consumers can support renewable energy
development through REC purchases regardless of whether they have access to a green power
product from their retail power provider and without having to switch to an alternative electricity
supplier. Today, a few dozen companies actively market RECs to residential or business
customers throughout the United States.
This report documents green power marketing activities and trends in the United States. The first
section of the report provides an overview of green power markets, including product pricing,
sales, and consumer response. The second section provides brief descriptions of utility green
pricing programs. The third section describes companies that actively market green power in
competitive markets and those that market RECs nationally or regionally. The final section
provides information on a select number of large, nonresidential green power purchasers,
including businesses, universities, and government agencies.
Utility Green Pricing Programs
The number of utilities offering green pricing has grown steadily in recent years—today, more
than 600 investor-owned, public, and cooperative utilities in 34 states offer green pricing
programs (Figure 1 and Tables A-1, A-2).1 Because a number of small municipal or cooperative
utilities offer programs developed by their power suppliers, the number of distinct green pricing
programs is about 125. Since 1999, between about 15 and 25 new programs have been added
each year. Initially, part of the growth in utility green power offerings was attributable to the
threat of retail market competition, while more recent growth has been spurred by state laws
requiring utilities to offer green pricing.2 In addition, utilities are becoming increasingly
comfortable with the operational reliability and improved economics of renewable energy
technologies, leading to a growing willingness to undertake projects. And a number of utilities
have expanded their programs as customer demand has grown.
For an up-to-date list of utilities with green pricing programs, see the table of utility green pricing programs on the
U.S. Department of Energy’s Green Power Network Web site at
These states include Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington.
Products and Pricing
Typically, green pricing programs are structured so that customers can either purchase green
power for a certain percentage of their electricity use (often called percent-of-use products) or in
discrete amounts or blocks at a fixed price (block products), such as a 100-kilowatt-hour (kWh)
block. Most utilities offer block products but may also allow customers to purchase green power
for their entire monthly electricity use. Utilities that offer percent-of-use products generally
allow residential customers to elect to purchase 25%, 50%, or 100% of their electricity use as
renewable energy, while a few offer fractions as small as 10%. Larger purchasers, such as
businesses, can often purchase green power for a smaller fraction of their electricity use.
The price premiums charged in green pricing programs range from 0.33¢/kWh to as much as
17.6¢/kWh, with a median of 2.0¢/kWh and a mean of 2.45¢/kWh (Table 1). Programs that
feature solar-based products represent the high end of the range. A handful of utilities offer
volume discounts or lower premiums to nonresidential green power customers.
10 Programs with
0.4–2.5** (0.5)–2.5 1.0–1.5 0.7–1.5 0.6–1.3 0.33–1.0
Lowest Premiums*
Number of Programs
24 50 60 80 91 101
*Represents the 10 utility programs with the lowest price premiums for new customer-driven renewable energy. This
includes only programs that have installed—or announced firm plans to install or purchase power from—new
renewable energy sources. In 2001, the discrepancy between the low end of the range for all programs and the Top
10 programs was because the program with the lowest premium (0.9¢/kWh) was not eligible for the Top 10 because
it was either selling existing renewables or had not installed any new renewable capacity for its program.
**Data for April 2000.
Source: Bird and Brown (2005)
The average price premium has dropped at an annual average rate of 8% since 2000 (Figure 2).
Some of this reduction can be attributed to lower market costs for renewable energy supplies.
Also, increases in the price of natural gas have narrowed the price gap between renewables and
gas-fired generation alternatives. This has led to lower starting premiums for many new
programs as well as reduced the effective premiums in programs that exempt participating
customers from fuel-related price increases.3
3.5 Median
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Customer Participation
At the end of 2004, more than 330,000 customers were participating in utility green pricing
programs nationwide, including about 8,100 nonresidential customers.4 Between 1999 and 2004,
the number of participating customers increased nearly fivefold, with an average annual growth
rate of 38%. Table 2 shows the increase in customers delineated by residential and
nonresidential customer segments. During 2004, the number of residential and nonresidential
customers grew at approximately the same rate of 25%. In previous years, the number of
commercial and industrial-sector participants increased more rapidly than residential
participants, at least partly because of increased targeting of nonresidential customers. The
equivalent growth rates among customer segments in 2004 may indicate a shift back toward a
residential focus, or reflect the impact of increased competition from competitive REC
It should be noted that some utilities periodically adjust the green power premium to reflect changes in the cost of
fossil fuels used for electricity generation. Thus, when fuel prices rise, the effective green power premium falls.
Utilities offering fuel-price exemptions or fixed-rate green power options include: Austin Energy, Edmond Electric,
Eugene Water & Electric Board, Madison Gas and Electric, OG&E Electric, We Energies, and Xcel Energy.
NREL received participant and sales data for about 70% of utility green pricing programs in 2004, including all of
the major programs. The remaining programs, which are smaller in size, do not have a large impact on overall
participant numbers. Annual program participant numbers have been adjusted downward from those previously
reported in Bird and Swezey (2003) because of program participation revisions made by the Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power.
Table 2: Estimated Cumulative Number of Customers Participating
in Utility Green Pricing Programs
In 2004, customer participation rates in utility green pricing programs remained steady, with an
average of 1.3% and a median of 1.0% across all programs (Table 3). The overall lack of
improvement in participation rates may result from a number of factors, including a lack of
customer awareness of the green power program;5 customer unwillingness to pay a premium for
green power; customer uncertainty regarding the actual benefits of the program; and varied
levels of interest among utilities in marketing and promoting the program (Holt and Holt, 2004;
Swezey and Bird, 2001). The top 10 programs with respect to participation rates did show
improvement, with the average rate among these programs increasing to 6.3% in 2004 from
5.5% in 2003.6
Top 10
programs for 2.1%–4.7%# 2.6%–7.3% 3.0%–7.0% 3.0%–5.8% 3.9%–1.1% 3.8%–4.5%
*The high end of the range declined from 2000 to 2002 because the utility with the highest participation rate
(Moorhead Public Service) experienced an increase in its overall customer base, while the number of participants in
its green pricing program remained steady. The program was fully subscribed in 2000, and the utility has not
attempted to expand it.
Data for April 2000
Source: Bird and Brown (2005)
A number of utilities have reported that only 20% to 30% of their customers are aware that a green power option is
“Top 10” rankings of utility green pricing programs are posted on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Green Power
Network Web site at
For the past three years, the average rate of attrition has been increasing. Utilities reported that an
average of 10% of customers dropped out of green pricing programs in 2004, up from 7% in
2003 and 4% in 2002. While retention of participants is still high, the trend indicates that
customer retention may require attention from program managers.
Collectively, utilities sold more than 1.8 billion kWh of green power to retail customers through
green pricing programs in 2004 (Table 4). Green power sales to all customer classes increased
by 43% in 2004, compared to 44% in 2003 and 56% in 2002 (Figure 3). The growth in sales can
be attributed to a larger number of customers purchasing green power, as well as larger
purchases by nonresidential customers.
Table 4: Annual Sales of Green Energy through Utility Green Pricing Programs
(million kWh)
m illion kWh
1800 Total
1600 Residential
1400 Nonresidential
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
At the end of 2004, more than 700 MW of new renewables capacity was supplying utility green
pricing programs, with nearly 230 MW planned (Table 5). Wind, solar, and landfill gas are the
renewable resources most commonly used for utility programs, with wind energy representing
the largest portion of the total capacity.
Table 5: New Renewable Energy Capacity Supplying Green Pricing Programs in 2004
About one-third of states have restructured their electricity markets to introduce retail service
competition. Currently, electricity consumers in the following states can purchase competitively
marketed green power: Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia, as well as the District of Columbia (Figure 4
and Table A-3).7,8
Initially, buying green power in competitive retail markets entailed switching service from the
incumbent utility to a green power supplier. However, with few exceptions, green power
marketers have found it difficult to compete or to persuade customers to switch suppliers (Wiser,
et al, 2001). As a remedy, a number of states now require default suppliers (which are often the
incumbent distribution utilities) to offer green power options to their customers. These suppliers
typically provide customers with a choice of several products offered by competing green power
marketers. In addition, several utility suppliers have voluntarily teamed with a single green
power marketer to offer a green power option to their customers. Utility/marketer partnership
For an up-to-date list of products offered by competitive green power marketers, see the U.S. Department of
Energy’s Green Power Network Web site at
We do not include Oregon and Ohio in this list. In Oregon, only large commercial and industrial customers are able
to switch to competitive green power providers; residential and small commercial customers have access to green
power options offered by the incumbent utilities, which we categorize as green pricing (see the green pricing
section). In Ohio, at least one green power marketer supplies customers of municipal aggregation groups with a
“cleaner energy” product, but the renewable energy content is very low. Green power is not offered more broadly in
the market.
programs are now available in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island; and, most
recently, Connecticut and New Jersey—both launched statewide programs in 2005.
RECs provide another alternative to switching electricity suppliers. Also known as “green tags”
or tradable renewable certificates (TRCs), RECs represent the unique or “green” attributes of
renewable energy generation and can be sold separately from the commodity electricity. REC-
based products may be supplied from a variety of renewable energy sources throughout the
country and sold to customers nationally; or they may be supplied from renewable energy
sources in a particular region or locality and marketed as such to local customers. More than 20
companies offer certificate-based green power products to retail customers via the Internet, and a
number of other companies market RECs solely to commercial and industrial customers.9
RECs are also sold in the wholesale market and are frequently used by utilities and marketers
who bundle the RECs with commodity electricity to sell green power to retail customers. In fact,
RECs are used to supply most of the programs in which default suppliers have teamed with
marketers. Thus, it can be difficult to distinguish REC products from other green power
For an up-to-date list of companies offering certificate-based green power products, see the U.S. Department of
Energy’s Green Power Network Web site at:
offerings. This is particularly true when REC products are supplied from renewable sources
located in the same region in which they are marketed.
The green power products offered in competitive markets tend to differ from those offered by
utilities in regulated markets, in that they may contain a mix of electricity generated from new
and preexisting renewable energy projects; whereas utility green pricing programs generally
utilize only new renewable energy supplies. One reason for this is that competitive suppliers are
more concerned about price competition, and existing resources are typically available at lower
costs. Also, when markets initially opened to competition, green power marketers often were
forced to offer existing renewables because of a lack of new renewable energy supplies.
However, as new renewable energy facilities have come online, the fraction of new renewables
in retail products has increased. In addition, certification programs have required increasing
amounts of new renewables. Going forward, the Green-e certification program has proposed
changes to its certification standards that would require all certified products to be supplied
exclusively from new renewable energy projects.10 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
Green Power Partnership has proposed a similar change to its program requirements for green
power purchasers.11
Competitively marketed green power products generally carry a price premium of between
1¢/kWh and 2.5¢/kWh, although offerings range from no premium to 5¢/kWh. The price
premium charged depends on several factors such as the price of “standard offer” or default
service, the availability of incentives to green power marketers or suppliers, and the cost of
renewable energy generation available in the regional market. Some marketers charge prices
very close to or even below to the default market price but may also charge a monthly service
fee; others offer fixed-price products at a premium, which provide customers with protection
against increasing prices for a specified period of time, usually only one year. The renewable
energy sources most commonly used to supply competitive green power offerings are wind,
landfill gas, and small or low-impact hydropower, while a number of products also contain a
small amount of solar energy. Higher-priced products often contain a larger fraction of new
renewable energy content or more desirable resources, such as new wind and solar.
Similar to competitively marketed products, retail prices charged for REC products typically
range from about 1¢/kWh to 2.5¢/kWh for residential and small commercial customers (Table
A-4). In most cases, larger customers are able to negotiate lower prices. Nearly all REC products
are sourced from new renewable energy generation projects (a requirement of Green-e
certification)12 and about half are certified, which is a higher fraction than in the competitive
retail markets. The greater interest in certification among REC suppliers may stem from concerns
over “double counting” or that RECs are generally not subject to regulatory scrutiny. Wind
energy is the most commonly used renewable energy source, although some REC products blend
Administered by the San Francisco-based Center for Resource Solutions, the Green-e program certifies retail and
wholesale green power products that meet its environmental and product content standards. For details on the
proposed revised standard, see
REC products are subject to a different Green-e standard than other competitively marketed products. See the full
REC Standard at
other renewable energy sources, such as biomass (typically from bio-methane sources) and solar.
Also, one marketer offers RECs that are exclusively derived from solar photovoltaic (PV)
systems, while another offers a 100% small-hydro REC product.
Customer Participation
Based on data received from green power marketers, we estimate that as many as 200,000 retail
customers were purchasing green power from competitive suppliers—or in the form of RECs—
at the end of 2004.13 Most of these customers are purchasing green power from competitive
suppliers in states with retail competition, primarily in the Northeast and Texas, including about
30,000 participants in utility/marketer programs. Of the total, less than 10,000 retail customers
purchase REC products, with most customers concentrated in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast
states where REC marketers tend to be most active. In competitive markets, the vast majority of
customers purchasing green power are residential customers, while the fraction of nonresidential
customers purchasing RECs is higher—on the order of one-fifth.
Table 6 presents trend data on customers purchasing RECs or green power from competitive
marketers. In 2004, the number of customers increased modestly following a year of essentially
no growth in which losses of customers in California offset gains in Texas and the Northeast.
Much of the growth can be attributed to participation in relatively new utility/marketer
partnership programs in the Northeast—most of which were introduced in late 2003 or during
2004.14 One of these programs ranked among the top 10 utility green power programs nationally
in terms of number of customer participants, with nearly 15,000 customers.
An estimated 4.4 billion kWh of renewable energy was sold to retail customers by competitive
and REC marketers (Table 7). About 2.7 billion kWh of this total was sold to retail customers
These figures do not include customers purchasing products containing only a small fraction of renewable energy
content. For example, Green Mountain Energy Company serves an estimated 420,000 customers in Ohio with a
product blend that contains only 1% to 2% of renewable energy content.
The first such program was launched in National Grid’s Niagara Mohawk service territory in September 2002,
followed by a partnership between NYSEG and Community Energy in October 2002. In the fall of 2003, the
National Grid program was expanded to Massachusetts Electric and Nantucket Electric. During 2004, Narragansett
Electric, Rochester Gas & Electric, PECO Energy, and Long Island Power Authority introduced programs. And in
2005, Connecticut and New Jersey launched default supplier green power programs.
bundled with electricity in competitive electricity markets—a 40% increase from 2003.15 This
figure includes renewable energy from both existing and new sources as well as that sold to
customers in products that contain only a small percentage of renewable energy. It also includes
sales of renewable energy through default utility-supplier programs or utility/marketer
partnership in states with retail competition, which totaled 136 million kWh. Retail sales of
RECs, which are sold separate from electricity and largely derived from new renewable energy
sources, grew nearly threefold, reaching 1.7 billion kWh in 2004.
2003 2004
Competitive Markets
Residential n/a 2,140
Nonresidential n/a 510
Subtotal 1,900 2,650
Residential n/a 40
Nonresidential n/a 1,690
Subtotal 660 1,720
Total Sales 2,560 4,370
n/a = not available
Table 7 also delineates green power sales by customer segment. In 2004, about 80% of green
power sales in competitive markets (which involve the sale of electricity) were to residential
customers, while about 60% of sales through default supplier programs were to residential
customers. In contrast, nearly all of the REC sales (which are separate from electricity) were to
nonresidential customers. Nonresidential customers may have greater interest in REC products
because of their flexibility, the potential for cost savings,16 and because they are generally more
knowledgeable about electricity markets and understand the concept; whereas residential
customers may be more comfortable with a delivered electricity product and may be confused by
the REC concept. Business customers are also more amenable to purchasing RECs that might be
generated nationwide, if they operate facilities in multiple locations across the country.17
An estimated 1,530 MW of new renewables capacity is used to supply competitive green power
markets or is being sold as RECs in both retail and wholesale markets; wind energy is the
predominant resource type (Table 8). More than 225 MW of additional renewables capacity is
planned, again dominated by wind.
This includes green power sold to customers through default utility-supplier programs.
RECs can provide cost savings when they are sourced from renewable energy projects in more favorable resource
locations and because the electricity need not be delivered directly to the customer, which lowers transaction costs.
For example, the EPA Green Power Partnership reports that the majority of its top 25 partners purchase RECs (see
Appendix B). In addition, the Green Power Market Development Group promotes the purchase of RECs among its
members. See
Table 8: New Renewables Capacity Supplying Competitive Markets
and Renewable Energy Certificates, 2004
Overall, the experience in competitive markets has been varied and highly dependent on state-
specific market rules, standard offer prices, state policy support for renewable energy, and the
cost of renewable generation sources available in the region. As early as 1998 and 1999, green
power marketers garnered 1% to 2% of customers in California and Pennsylvania.18 More
recently, significant marketing activity has been concentrated in Texas, as well as the Mid-
Atlantic and New England states—including Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
With the exception of Texas and Pennsylvania, these markets have not engendered significant
customer switching to green power products; therefore, green power marketers have turned to
strategies that do not require customers to switch from their current electricity providers, such as
teaming with default suppliers or selling RECs separate from electricity. Competitive marketers
have also suffered from the same lack of consumer awareness that has plagued green pricing
programs. In recent years, some states and nongovernmental organizations have undertaken
public education campaigns to try to remedy this problem.
Texas. Texas is arguably the most viable competitive retail electricity market in the United States
today, with a significant and sustained level of switching by both residential and nonresidential
customers. As of August 2005, more than 2 million electricity customers had switched suppliers
in the state, representing 24% of residential customers and 34% of commercial and small
industrial customers (Public Utility Commission of Texas, 2005).
Renewable energy products are available in every service territory in Texas. For several years,
Green Mountain Energy Company and Reliant Energy have offered green power options to retail
customers and, in 2005, two new companies entered the market—Direct Energy and Gexa
Energy. The number of customers purchasing renewable energy from competitive suppliers has
grown substantially in recent years, with the U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA)
reporting about 60,000 customers served by competitive green power suppliers in 2003, up from
about 40,000 in 2002 (Appendix C) (EIA, 2004). The number of nonresidential green power
In California, the electricity crisis of 2000 and 2001 forced most green power marketers to exit the market.
customers increased nearly sevenfold during this same period from 400 to 2,700.19 The 60,000
green power customers represented about 5% of the approximately 1.2 million customers who
had switched suppliers by the end of 2003, or about 1% of all electric customers eligible to
switch suppliers in the state.
Green power marketers in Texas are offering a variety of options to customers including
products sourced from renewable energy blends, such as wind, solar, and hydro; products
sourced exclusively from wind; and products that include only 50% renewable energy content.
Some marketers are offering green power products below the “price to beat” in certain service
territories. One marketer also offers a fixed-rate renewable energy product. Several other
suppliers serve large, nonresidential customers with wind energy.
Mid-Atlantic and New England. In the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions, most states have
experienced limited customer switching. Early on, Pennsylvania experienced relatively heavy
switching, but activity has since decreased. Customer switching peaked in the spring of 2001,
when nearly 800,000 customers had switched suppliers, but only about one-fourth that many are
served by competitive suppliers today (Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate, 2005). Most
switching activity has been in the Duquesne Light and PECO Energy service territories.
Consistent with the overall market trend, the number of green power customers in Pennsylvania
has also declined in recent years, with the EIA reporting about 75,000 green power customers in
2003, down from about 92,000 in 2002 (EIA, 2004).20
Offsetting some of these losses, PECO Energy launched a wind energy offering in conjunction
with competitive marketer Community Energy in May 2004; and, by the end of the year, the
utility had enrolled more than 9,000 customers in the program. However, in October 2005, Green
Mountain Energy Company announced that it will stop providing electric generation service to
about 30,000 customers in the state and will instead offer a REC-based product.
A smaller but growing number of customers are purchasing green power in other Mid-Atlantic
states such as Maryland and Virginia, as well as the District of Columbia. According to figures
from the EIA, the number of customers purchasing green power in Maryland increased from
about 2,500 in 2002 to more than 14,000 in 2003. In addition, Virginia and D.C. combined
experienced more than a doubling of green power customers from 4,100 in 2002 to 9,400 in 2003
(EIA, 2004). However, the number of customers purchasing green power in New Jersey declined
slightly from about 2,200 to 1,800 during the same period, according to EIA figures. New Jersey
launched a statewide default-supplier program in October 2005, which may stimulate the market.
Most of the recent market activity in New York and New England has involved programs in
which competitive marketers have teamed with default providers. In some cases, the default
suppliers have been required by state law or regulation to offer green power programs to their
EIA reported 68,611 green power customers in Texas in 2003 and 47,638 in 2002, including 2,993 and 539
nonresidential customers, respectively. Adjusting these figures for customers participating in utility green pricing
programs, we estimate that about 60,000 customers were purchasing green power through competitive suppliers in
2003 and 40,000 in 2002. The figures for nonresidential customers were adjusted similarly.
This figure likely includes some customers who are purchasing only a small amount of renewable energy through
a state-mandated program. In an effort to encourage competition in the state, Green Mountain Energy Company won
the right to serve 50,000 randomly selected PECO customers in 2001.
standard-offer service customers. Most of the programs are structured so that consumers can
choose among products offered by several marketers, while a few incumbent utilities have
teamed with a single marketer. Generally, a surcharge is applied to the customer’s regular utility
bill. Most of these programs are supplied with RECs, but customers essentially receive a bundled
green power product, because they also purchase electricity from the default supplier.
The first such program was launched in the fall of 2002 in the Niagara Mohawk service territory
in upstate New York, and later was expanded to other distribution utilities owned by National
Grid in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Under the program, customers can choose among
wind-only options or renewable energy blends offered by several green power marketers. As of
the end of 2004, about 15,000 customers participated in the National Grid program across all of
the utilities, making it one of the top utility green power programs nationally. Elsewhere in New
York, NYSEG launched a program to market wind energy to its customers in partnership with
Community Energy in the fall of 2002, and Rochester Gas & Electric followed suit in spring
2004. And, in August 2004, the Long Island Power Authority launched a program through which
customers could choose among products offered by several competing marketers.
In Connecticut, the state’s two default suppliers initiated green power programs in April 2005,
which may help to reinvigorate the market. In 2003, the Connecticut green power market
dissolved completely when the state’s only two green power marketers ceased operations, with
one citing burdensome state market rules. According to EIA, about 1,000 customers were
purchasing green power in 2002, but all of those were returned to standard-offer service.
While overall customer purchaser numbers are still relatively modest in these states, total sales of
renewable energy are more significant than the customer figures suggest, resulting from large
green power purchases by businesses, colleges and universities, government agencies, and other
nonresidential customers. More than 200 MW of new wind energy capacity in New York,
Pennsylvania, and West Virginia is being used to serve green power customers in the region, in
the form of both RECs and bundled electricity products, primarily through deals negotiated by
Community Energy and its partners.
In summary, more than 500,000 electricity customers nationally are purchasing green power
products through regulated utility companies, from green power marketers in a competitive
market setting, or in the form of RECs (Table 9). In aggregate, utility green pricing programs
have shown steady growth in customers over time as the number of utility programs has
increased and as existing programs have grown. On the other hand, competitive markets have
been less consistent. While green power sales have grown in Texas and some Northeast states,
other markets have failed altogether—most notably in California and Connecticut. While REC
customers represent a small fraction of the total customer base, REC sales have increased
dramatically because of a number of very large purchases. It is important to note that there is
greater uncertainty in our customer estimates for competitive and REC markets because of data
Table 9: Estimated Green Power Customers by Market Segment
In comparison, the EIA has reported the number of U.S. customers purchasing green power by
state (Appendix C), including those that purchase products with very low (1% to 2%) renewable
energy content. According to the EIA, about 880,000 customers purchased renewable energy
through utilities or competitive suppliers in 2003, up from 710,000 in 2002 (EIA, 2004). These
figures are generally consistent with our estimates when adjusted for customers purchasing
products with low renewable energy content.
Average participation rates among utility green pricing programs have remained steady at just
more than 1%, although the top performing utility green pricing programs have achieved rates
ranging from 4% to 15%. Competitive markets have experienced penetration rates of from 1% to
2% in states where the market has been conducive to retail competition.
Retail sales of renewable energy in voluntary purchase markets experienced strong growth in
2004, increasing more than 60% to 6.2 billion kWh annually (Table 10). This includes sales of
renewable energy derived from both new and preexisting renewable energy sources. REC sales
nearly tripled, while sales through utility green pricing programs and competitive marketers also
exhibited strong annual growth of about 40%.
Purchases by residential customers represent slightly more than half of total renewable energy
sales in voluntary markets (Table 11). In 2004, nonresidential customers accounted for 30% and
20% of total renewable energy sales in green pricing programs and competitive markets,
respectively, and nearly all REC sales. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)
Green Power Partnership reported having about 530 nonresidential partners with collective
annual purchases of 2.06 billion kWh at the end of 2004 (Amato 2005). Given that the Green
Power Partnership represents a subset of the market, our estimate of 2.74 billion kWh of
nonresidential sales at the end of 2004 is generally consistent but likely represents an
underestimate of the total market.
Since 2000, the amount of renewable energy capacity serving green power markets has increased
more than tenfold (Figure 5, Table 12). At the end of 2004, more than 2,200 MW of new
renewable energy generation capacity was being used to supply green power markets, with
another 450 MW planned (Bird and Swezey, 2005).
Annual Cumulative
700 2,500
Annual MW
Cumulative MW 2,000
400 1,500
300 1,000
0 0
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Table 12: Estimated New Renewables Capacity Supplying Green Power Markets
The green power market continues to exhibit strong growth and provide an important stimulus
for renewable energy development. Green power marketing provides an additional revenue
stream for renewable energy projects, and raises consumer awareness of the benefits of
renewable energy. More than 50% of U.S. electricity customers now have the option to purchase
green power directly from a retail electricity supplier, while RECs are available to consumers
nationwide—although many consumers may not be aware of REC purchase options. Based on
this review, we have identified a number of industry trends and market challenges:
• Retail sales of green power continue to grow significantly, led by REC purchases by
nonresidential customers, although residential sales also continue to grow. In addition,
customers have increased the size of their purchases, in some cases because of declining
prices. Thus, the nonresidential market, once considered to be too price-sensitive to buy
green power, has emerged in recent years as the primary of driver of market growth. This
trend appears likely to persist at least in the short term as renewable resources improve in
cost-effectiveness and government agencies, businesses, and universities continue to
purchase green power to meet environmental goals and enhance their public image.
• Nationwide, the number of customers purchasing green power grew moderately in 2004 as a
result of new utility/marketer partnerships in the Northeast, customer switching in Texas, and
continued growth in both existing and new green pricing programs. However, consumer
awareness of green power options remains low and continues to pose a barrier to achieving
greater market penetration rates. Regional marketing efforts recently initiated by a number of
states, nonprofits, and utility groups may help to raise awareness among consumers.
• While a relatively small number of utilities continue to dominate participation and sales
figures among green pricing programs, growth is occurring in a greater number of utility
programs. Going forward, sustained growth will depend on the ability of utilities to translate
the success of the top-performing programs to the rest of the industry and to address
customer attrition, which has increased in recent years.
• Utility green pricing premiums have continued to fall, owing to a combination of higher
prices of conventional generation fuels and lower renewable resource costs. Wholesale REC
prices have also fallen in some markets, contributing to REC sales growth. A key challenge
to the industry is to enhance the value of green power purchases by providing customers with
the price stability benefits of renewable energy. Price stability is especially important in an
environment of rising and volatile prices for traditional fuels. Very few utilities or marketers
offer such benefits to their customers.
• The continuing growth in the use of RECs is expected to put downward pressure on green
power prices in all voluntary purchase markets. Only a handful of utilities offer lower green
power rates or volume discounts for large nonresidential customers. The slower growth of
nonresidential customers in green pricing programs may be partly a result of increased
competition from REC marketers.
• Although the utility sector continues to add green pricing programs at a steady rate, only
about 20% of the nation’s utilities offer a green pricing product. The greatest impetus for the
introduction of new programs has come from state mandates, indicating that growth in
programs may plateau unless more states require green power tariff offerings.
• Low customer switching rates continue to be a barrier to green power sales in most
competitive retail markets and there are no new competitive retail market opportunities on
the horizon. Thus, future growth opportunities lie in default-supplier programs that do not
require customers to switch suppliers, or in the few remaining viable competitive electricity
markets, such as Texas. RECs will likely become an increasingly important sales vehicle for
green power in competitive markets, particularly with large nonresidential customers.
Utility Green Pricing Programs
Green pricing is an optional utility service that allows customers to support a greater level of
utility company investment in renewable energy technologies. Participating customers pay a
premium on their electric bill to cover the incremental cost of the additional renewable energy.
This section presents information on utilities that offer green pricing programs to their customers
(see Tables A-1 and A-2 for a list of utilities and a summary of green pricing programs by state,
City of Alameda—Since 1999, Alameda Power and Telecom has offered its customers the
ability to voluntarily contribute to utility investments in clean power programs. Although the
California-based municipal utility already obtains more than 80% of its power resources from
renewable energy sources, it offers the Clean Future Fund, through which customers can affect
the way the utility “will make future investments in generation sources.” Participating customers
pay an additional 1.0¢/kWh on their bills or about $3.75 per month for the typical household.
Fully 100% of the contributions go to fund new renewable resources.
Alliant Energy—Alliant offers the Second Nature program under which residential and business
customers in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin can support increased renewable energy
production. Residential customers can choose to replace 25%, 50%, or 100% of their electric
usage as renewable energy at a rate premium of 2.0¢/kWh. Farm, small business, and
commercial/industrial customers can make a monthly contribution through the program. The
power to supply the program comes from a mix of new landfill gas and wind energy projects.
The Second Nature product is Green-e certified by the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS).
In some cases, several distribution cooperatives or other publicly owned utilities might market green power supplied by a single
utility entity, such as a generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative. For example, the Tennessee Valley Authority supplies
green power to 67 local public power companies that market the power to their customers. Only the supplier utility organization
is described here.
7.2-MW wind energy project in Bowling Green, OH. Only three AMP-Ohio utilities currently
offer the program.
Under its Sun Power For the Schools program, Anaheim customers can make monthly
contributions toward the purchase, installation, and maintenance of solar photovoltaic (PV)
power systems at city schools. Residential customers can contribute in increments of $1.50,
while the minimum contribution for business customers is $15 per month. Monies collected
through the program pay 60% of the PV system costs, while the utility and participating schools
split the remaining cost. The schools are responsible for the design, purchase, and installation of
the solar systems. Customers participating in one or both programs must agree to enroll for a
minimum of six months.
Arizona Public Service—In 1996, Arizona Public Service (APS) established a voluntary solar
tariff to give residents, businesses, and communities the opportunity to purchase solar energy and
help develop the technology. Through the utility’s SolarPartners program, customers can
purchase 15-kilowatt-hour (kWh) blocks of solar energy for $2.64 a month (17.6¢/kWh).
Program costs have been partly subsidized by shareholders and the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) through the Utility PhotoVoltaic Group (UPVG) (now the Solar Electric Power
Association). Customer response far exceeded the utility’s initial targets, and the program has
been continually expanded. More than 1 MW of solar projects have been built in various Arizona
cities, including Flagstaff, Tempe, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Glendale, Prescott, and Yuma, with many
of the projects built in partnership with the host cities.
City of Ashland—The City of Ashland (Oregon) and the nonprofit Bonneville Environmental
Foundation (BEF) have teamed to offer the city's electricity customers a green power option.
Under the Renewable Pioneers program, residents and businesses can support local and regional
renewable energy development by purchasing “green tags” directly from BEF. BEF offers two
Green-e certified products from new renewable resources: Cooler Future Green Tags, consisting
of 99% wind and 1% solar priced at 2¢/kWh, and Brighter Future Green Tags, which are a blend
90% wind and 10% solar priced at 2.4¢/kWh. A portion of the revenues from green tags sales to
Ashland residents and businesses are used to fund solar projects within the city. Program
participants see no change in their utility bills because the green tags purchase is a separate
transaction with BEF. The Renewable Pioneers program replaced Ashland's Solar Pioneers
Austin Energy—In January 2000, Austin Energy, the municipally owned utility of the City of
Austin, Texas, launched GreenChoice, a program through which residential and business
customers can choose to receive 100% renewable energy generated primarily from wind and
landfill gas resources. In just 10 months, the utility had fully subscribed the initial 40 MW of
renewable energy supply planned for the program. Austin Energy now contracts for 215 MW of
wind energy from West Texas, as well as 11 MW of output from landfill gas generation facilities
located near Austin and San Antonio.
A key feature of the program is that subscribers pay a “green rate,” which remains fixed for the
term of the utility’s renewable energy contracts, which is generally 10 years. The green rate
replaces the utility’s standard fuel charge and, thus, GreenChoice customers are protected from
fuel price fluctuations. The utility is now in the third phase of renewable energy supply
procurement for which the green rate charge is 3.3¢/kWh. At the current fuel charge of
2.796¢/kWh, the effective green power premium is about 0.5¢/kWh for new GreenChoice
Basin Electric Power Cooperative—Basin Electric, a regional power cooperative that generates
and transmits electricity to 121 member rural electric systems in nine states, offers wind energy
to its member systems under the Prairie Winds brand. Initially, the wind energy was supplied
from two, 1.3-MW wind projects in North Dakota and South Dakota, and priced at $2.50 per
100-kWh block, or 2.5¢/kWh. Basin has since added more than 80 MW of wind energy to its
resource portfolio through joint projects and purchase agreements, which has expanded the
amount of “green tags” available for sale. Basin is now offering green tags through the Prairie
Winds program at a price of $5 per 1,000-kWh block, or 0.5¢/kWh.
Benton County PUD—In 1999, Benton County PUD, which serves about 37,000 customers in
Benton County, Washington, began offering its customers the opportunity to support power
purchases from Klickitat PUD’s Roosevelt Regional Landfill Gas Facility. Benton pays about
3.5¢/kWh for the landfill power, which at the time was approximately 1¢/kWh more than it pays
for its other power sources. In late 2002, the utility added 3 MW to its green power supply with
purchases from the 48-MW Nine Canyon Wind Project in eastern Washington. Customers
choose their level of program participation with minimum contributions of $1 per month
required for residential customers and $10 per month for commercial customers. The
contributions are not tied directly to the customer’s electricity use.
Boone Electric Cooperative—Boone Electric Cooperative (BEC), which serves about 25,000
customers in Boone County and portions of five other mid-Missouri counties, announced in 2003
that it would begin offering its customers a wind energy purchase option. The green power
would be sold in 100-kWh blocks at a price of about $3 per month, or a rate premium of
3¢/kWh, and sourced from Aquila's 110-MW Gray County Wind Farm in southeastern Kansas.
In February 2004, BEC announced a decrease in the premium charged for its Renewable Choice
green power product from 3¢/kWh to 2¢/kWh. The premium reduction stemmed from the
utility’s use of walnut shells that were ruined when tornadoes struck a storage building in
Stockton, Missouri. The damaged shells were transported about 150 miles and co-fired in a coal
plant, generating nearly four million kWh that are now used to supply the green pricing program.
Burbank Water and Power—Burbank Water and Power (BWP), a municipal utility serving
about 50,000 electricity customers in the Los Angeles suburb of Burbank, offers the Clean Green
Support program, under which residential customers can purchase green power in the form of
“green tickets” for 50% or 100% of the their monthly electricity needs. The cost for the 50%
green power option is an additional $3 per month (about 1.2¢/kWh for the average residential
consumer), while the cost for the 100% option is $5 (about 1¢/kWh, on average). There is no
minimum enrollment period. The green tickets (or RECs) represent the environmental attributes
of electricity generation from renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydro, geothermal,
and biomass energy. BWP shops the open market for the best green power prices.
Cedar Falls Utilities—Since 1999, Cedar Falls Utilities (CFU) has offered its customers the
option of contributing to support the operation and maintenance of three, 750-kW wind turbines
that were installed in November 1998 by a consortium of seven Iowa municipal electric utilities.
CFU owns two-thirds of the wind project. The project, (near Algona, Iowa) received $2.8 million
of funding from the U.S. DOE and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) through the
Utility Wind Turbine Verification Program. Customers can participate by purchasing 100-kWh
blocks of wind energy at a cost of $2.50 per month, or 2.5¢/kWh.
Central Vermont Public Service— Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) offers a green
pricing program supplied from farm-based methane systems. The CVPS Cow Power program
offers customers the option of receiving 25%, 50%, or 100% of their electricity as green power,
at an extra cost of 4¢/kWh. If farm-based generation proves insufficient to supply the program,
the utility will first attempt to acquire and retire renewable energy certificates from other
regionally based renewable generation sources or, as a last resort, deposit customer payments
into the CVPS Renewable Development Fund that will provide incentives for farm-based
generation projects. CVPS serves more than 150,000 customers in nearly three-quarters of the
towns, villages, and cities in Vermont.
Chelan County PUD—Chelan County PUD, with more than 38,000 customers in north-central
Washington state, offers the Sustainable Natural Alternative Power (SNAP) program, which
gives customers an opportunity to support local producers of solar and wind power. Customers
donate a fixed amount each month, and the funds are distributed annually to local producers,
who supply power into the PUD's electrical grid for use by local customers. The contributions
are not tied directly to the customer’s electricity use.
Clallum County PUD—Clallum County PUD, a public utility serving about 25,000 customers
in northwestern Washington, offers its customers a fixed-rate green power option. Under the
program, customers can opt to purchase green power for 100% of their electricity needs at a
fixed rate of 6.9¢/kWh, which represents a premium of 0.7¢/kWh above the utility’s standard
rate. To supply the program, Clallum purchases one average megawatt of power from the 8-MW
Klickitat landfill-gas facility located in Roosevelt, Washington.
Clark Public Utilities—Clark Public Utilities, a public utility district that provides electric
service to more than 155,000 customers throughout Clark County, Washington, offers its
customers an option to purchase 100-kWh blocks of green power for an additional $1.50 each
month, or 1.5¢/kWh. The power for the Green Lights program is sourced from the Bonneville
Environmental Foundation (BEF) in the form of RECs representing the environmental attributes
of power generated from new wind and solar projects in the Pacific Northwest region. BEF is
also assisting with product marketing. A portion of the customer premiums is used to develop
new renewable energy projects in Clark County.
Colorado Springs Utilities—Colorado Springs Utilities, which serves more than 569,000
customers in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado, offers its residential and commercial customers
a wind power option at a cost of $3 per 100-kWh block, or a premium of 3¢/kWh above the
standard rate. The utility purchases power from Xcel Energy’s Ponnequin wind project to supply
the program.
Columbia River PUD—Columbia River PUD offers a wind energy option to its 17,500 Oregon-
based customers. Under the Choice Energy program, customers can purchase wind energy in
100-kWh increments each month for an extra $2 above standard rates, or a premium of 2¢/kWh.
Alternatively, customers can purchase wind energy for 100% of their electricity needs at a lower
premium of 1.5¢/kWh. Power for the program is supplied by the Bonneville Power
Administration from the Condon, Klondike and Stateline wind projects located in Eastern
Concord Municipal Light Plant—In December 2003, Concord Municipal Light Plant (CMLP),
which supplies electricity to approximately 7,200 residents and businesses in Concord,
Massachusetts, announced a green pricing program offering its residential and business
customers the option to purchase 100-kWh blocks of hydropower for an extra $3 each month, or
a premium of 3¢/kWh. Customers can sign up for an unlimited number of blocks. Electricity for
the program is to be supplied from a repowered 160-kW, run-of-the-river hydro facility at the
Powdermill Dam in West Concord that will generate approximately 500,000 kWh per year.
Damage to the dam spillway has delayed implementation of the green power program.
In May 2004, the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) issued an order requiring
Consumers Energy to implement a new renewable resources program to include a “phased-in
approach” to adding renewable energy capacity to more closely match customer subscriptions.
The MPSC also ordered the utility to implement a non-bypassable charge of 5 cents per meter
per month on all customers as a “funding mechanism to recover green power program costs not
covered by contributions of customers who agree to pay a premium for green power.”
Under the utility’s new Green Generation program, customers can purchase 150-kWh monthly
blocks of renewable energy for $2.50—a rate premium of 1.67¢/kWh—or can choose to meet
100% of their monthly electricity use with renewable energy at the same price. The utility has
reached agreements with five independent developers to supply approximately 238,000 MWh
(~27 average megawatts) of renewable energy annually from new wind (75%) and landfill gas
(25%) facilities to be located in Michigan's Lower Peninsula.
Corn Belt Power Cooperative—Corn Belt Power Cooperative, an Iowa-based generation and
transmission entity serving 11 distribution cooperatives and one municipal electric cooperative,
is providing wind energy to its member systems. The majority of the distribution co-ops have
established programs under which customers can contribute funds to support Corn Belt’s 7-MW
purchase from the 98-MW Hancock County Wind Energy Center in Iowa. The contributions are
used to pay the above-market cost of the wind energy purchase. Any excess revenues collected
will be used to support additional development of Iowa-based renewable energy resources.
Two Corn Belt distribution utilities—Butler County REC and Sac County REC—offer a
different program through which customers can support the development of local, small wind
energy projects by contributing $1.50 each month for 100 kWh of wind energy production. The
utilities pay 1.5¢/kWh above avoided cost for wind energy generated from new, customer-owned
systems of less than 100 kW in size.
Cowlitz PUD—Cowlitz PUD, which supplies electricity to customers in southwestern
Washington, offers a Renewable Resource Energy program, through which its residential and
business customers can support the development of new renewable energy sources in the Pacific
Northwest. Customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of green power for an additional $2 per
month, or a premium of 2¢/kWh. Cowlitz purchases “green tags” from the Bonneville
Environmental Foundation generated from the Stateline and Condon wind projects in
Washington and Oregon and the Hanford/White Bluffs solar project near Richland, Washington.
Deseret Power—Deseret Power, a Utah-based G&T cooperative, provides a green power option
to the six member distribution cooperatives that it serves, covering 47,000 customers in Utah,
Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arizona. The product is supplied with RECs obtained from
projects located in the western states and is priced at $1.95 per 100-kWh block, or a rate
premium of 1.95¢/kWh.
Dominion North Carolina Power—In 2003, the North Carolina Utilities Commission approved
a stakeholder-developed plan to offer two green power products to utility customers statewide.
The first product is a "mass-market" product consisting of a resource mix of new solar, wind, and
methane from biomass that is offered to residential and small business customers at a cost of
$4.00 per 100-kWh block or 4.0¢/kWh. The contribution is tax deductible. The second product
includes a resource mix of new and existing solar, wind, small hydro, and biomass and is offered
to larger-volume customers at a price of $3.00 to $4.00 per 100-kWh block, depending on the
purchase size. The green power products are offered by most of the state's electric utilities,
including Dominion North Carolina Power, Duke Power, Progress Energy Carolinas, and many
North Carolina electric cooperatives and municipalities. The program is administered by
Advanced Energy, a Raleigh-based nonprofit research organization.
DTE Energy—At the direction of the Michigan Public Service Commission, Detroit Edison,
which serves 2.1 million electricity customers in Southeastern Michigan, has proposed a new
renewable energy program under which the utility's residential customers could purchase
renewable energy equivalent to 50% or 100% of their electricity needs at a rate premium of
2¢/kWh. Nonresidential customers would have an additional option of purchasing renewable
energy in 1,000 kWh increments (blocks) each month at a premium of 2¢/kWh for the first 3,000
blocks and 1.8¢/kWh for all additional blocks. Initially, the utility would purchase RECs from
projects located in the Great Lakes region to supply the program.
Detroit Edison was one of the first utilities in the United States to offer a green pricing program
when it established the SolarCurrents program, supporting the development of centrally located
PV projects. The utility also introduced a SolarSchools program, through which commercial
businesses could sponsor solar energy service at local elementary schools as well as development
of a solar energy curriculum for students.
Duke Power—In 2003, the North Carolina Utilities Commission approved a stakeholder-
developed plan to offer two green power products to utility customers statewide. The first
product is a "mass-market" product consisting of a resource mix of new solar, wind, and methane
from biomass that is offered to residential and small business customers at a cost of $4.00 per
100-kWh block or 4.0¢/kWh. The contribution is tax-deductible. The second product includes a
resource mix of new and existing solar, wind, small hydro, and biomass and is offered to larger-
volume customers at a price of $3 to $4 per 100-kWh block, depending on the purchase size. The
green power products are offered by most of the state's electric utilities, including Dominion
North Carolina Power, Duke Power, Progress Energy Carolinas, and many North Carolina
electric cooperatives and municipalities. The program is administered by Advanced Energy, a
Raleigh-based nonprofit research organization.
El Paso Electric—El Paso Electric, which serves customers in southern New Mexico and west
Texas, offers its customers a wind energy purchase option through the Renewable Energy Tariff
Program. Residential and commercial customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind power at
costs ranging from $1.92 to $3.19 per month, or 1.92¢/kWh to 3.19¢/kWh, depending on the
state and customer classification. The wind power is supplied from two, 660-kW turbines at
Hueco Mountain Wind Ranch near Horizon City, Texas. Customers must agree to participate for
a minimum of one year.
Emerald People’s Utility District—Emerald PUD, a public utility near Eugene, Oregon,
serving 17,000 customers, offers its electric customers three renewable power options: 50%
Renewable, 100% Renewable and 100% Wind. All three products are offered in partnership with
Green Mountain Energy Company. The two renewable energy products consist of a blend of
80% geothermal and 20% wind and are priced at 0.78¢/kWh. The 100% wind product is priced
at 1.2¢/kWh.
Eugene Water and Electric Board—Since 1999, EWEB has marketed wind power to
customers from its 20% share of the Foote Creek Rim I wind project located in southeastern
Wyoming. Customers can purchase wind energy to provide from 10% to 100% of their
electricity needs for which the utility charges a fixed wind power rate of 5.274¢/kWh. Since the
program was established, the effective premium for the EWEB Windpower product has fallen
from 3.09¢/kWh to about 0.74¢/kWh for the average wind power customer because of cost
increases experienced for traditional generation sources. In 2002, EWEB signed a contract with
PacifiCorp Power Marketing (now PPM Energy) to purchase a share of the output from the
Stateline Wind Project located on the Oregon/Washington border.
Florida Power & Light—Florida Power & Light (FPL) is operating a three-year pilot program
through which residential customers can purchase renewable energy certificates from wind, solar
and biomass generation sources located in Florida and other states. The RECs are sold in 1,000-
kWh blocks for $9.75, or 0.975¢/kWh. For every 10,000 customers who sign up for the Sunshine
Energy program, FPL will add 150 kW of solar capacity in Florida. FPL partners with Green
Mountain Energy Company to market the program to its customers.
Fort Collins Utilities—Fort Collins Utilities has offered a wind energy product to its customers
since 1996. In June 2004, the Colorado-based municipality recently lowered the premium
charged for its Wind Power Program to 1.0¢/kWh from 2.5¢/kWh. The lower premium,
guaranteed for 2004 and 2005, resulted from a decision to purchase wind energy certificates
from the new, 144-MW Pleasant Valley Wind Energy Facility in southwest Wyoming—the
utility is purchasing about 5% of the project output. In addition, Fort Collins continues to
purchase power from Platte River Power Authority’s Medicine Bow, Wyoming wind project.
Residential customers can choose to buy $5 or $10 blocks of wind energy, or have their total
energy use supplied with wind. Business customers can either purchase wind energy to meet
their entire monthly electricity use or in 2,500-kWh blocks for $25 per month.
Georgia Electric Membership Corporation—Twenty-eight member utilities of the Georgia
EMC, which collectively serve about 1.2 million retail customers, offer a green power option to
their residential and business customers. Under the Green Power program, residential customers
of the electric cooperatives can sign up to purchase 150-kWh blocks of green power for an
additional $3 to $5 each month (2¢/kWh to 3.33¢/kWh), depending on the participating EMC.
Business customers can sign up for a percentage of their power use in proportion to their annual
electricity use. Power for the program is supplied from two in-state landfill gas projects with a
combined capacity of 5 MW, and a 2.3-MW, certified low-impact hydropower project located in
Athens, GA. A portion of the program revenues goes toward research and development.
Georgia Power—In July 2003, the Georgia Public Service Commission approved a program
through which Georgia Power would offer its 2 million residential and business customers an
option to purchase 100-kWh blocks of green power for an additional $5.50 per month or a
premium of 5.5¢/kWh above the standard electricity rate. After several unsuccessful attempts to
secure green power supplies at an acceptable price, the utility announced in July 2005 that it
entered into a 10-year contract to purchase the output of a 3.2-MW landfill gas generating
facility located in Dekalb County that is expected to be operational by the fall of 2006. The
Green Energy product is available to residential customers in 100-kilowatt-hour blocks. Business
customers must purchase a minimum of two blocks, 25 blocks, or 400 blocks, depending on their
tariff category. Participating customers are required to subscribe for a minimum of one year.
Billing will not begin until the green power supply becomes available.
Grant County PUD—Grant County PUD, a public utility serving about 35,000 retail customers
in central Washington, offers its customers a wind power purchase option. Under its Alternative
Energy Resources program, customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind power for an extra
$2 per month or 2.0¢/kWh. The power is supplied from the utility’s 25% share of the 50-MW
Nine Canyon Wind Project located in eastern Washington. Alternatively, customers may make a
voluntary contribution in the form of a lump sum payment, which will be used to support
development of alternative energy resources, such as solar and biomass.
Grays Harbor PUD—Grays Harbor PUD, which supplies electricity to about 32,000 residents
of Grays Harbor County in western Washington, offers a renewable resource option through
which its customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of renewable energy for $3, or a premium of
3¢/kWh. The power is supplied from the utility's 6-MW share of the 50-MW Nine Canyon Wind
Project located in eastern Washington.
Great River Energy—Great River, formed in 1998 through the merger of Cooperative Power
Association and United Power Association, offers the Wellspring renewable energy program to
its 28 member distribution cooperatives in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The wind power is
supplied from the 6-MW Chandler Hills and a second 6-MW wind farm located near Dodge
Center, Minnesota. Great River makes the power available to its members with a suggested retail
price premium of 1.5¢/kWh, but each distribution utility sets the wind energy premium for its
Green Mountain Power—GMP, an investor-owned utility that serves one-quarter of the retail
customers in Vermont, offers a monthly renewable energy service that enables customers to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by supporting the development of new renewable energy
projects. Under the CoolHome program, customers can make tax-deductible donations of $6 per
month to Clean Air-Cool Planet (a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding solutions to global
climate change), which, in turn, uses the donations to support development of new renewable
energy projects through Vermont-based NativeEnergy. Program revenues are being used to
support two 30-kW turbines fueled by methane gas from a wastewater facility in Vermont, a
750-kW wind turbine on the Rosebud Sioux reservation in South Dakota, and several farm
methane projects in Vermont.
Hawaiian Electric—In 1996, HECO initiated a program to be funded in part with customer
contributions with a minimum goal of installing 20 kW of PV systems on public school facilities.
Customers can make voluntary, monthly fixed-dollar contributions or lump-sum contributions at
any time. During its entire period of operation, the Sun Power for Schools program has supported
the installation of 23.6 kW of PV at 20 schools.
Holy Cross Energy—Holy Cross, which serves more than 43,000 customers in Colorado’s
Roaring Fork Valley, offers its customers two different green power options. Under the Wind
Power Pioneers program, customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of Colorado-based wind
energy at a rate premium of 2.5¢/kWh with the wind energy sourced from Xcel Energy. Under
the Local Renewable Energy Pool program, customers can purchase green power generated
locally by Holy Cross members operating small-scale hydroelectric facilities or photovoltaic
systems in blocks of 75 kWh for $2.50 per month, or a premium of 3.3¢/kWh.
Idaho Power Company—Idaho Power Company, which serves 700,000 customers in southern
Idaho, eastern Oregon, and northern Nevada, offers a green power program through which
residential and business customers in Idaho can contribute a fixed dollar amount each month to
support the development of renewable resources in the Pacific Northwest through the purchase
of RECs supplied by the Bonneville Environmental Foundation. Customer contributions are used
exclusively to purchase renewable energy, with program overhead and marketing expenses
funded from other sources. Although the green power contributions are not tied directly to the
customer’s electricity use, each $3 contribution purchases the equivalent of 308 kWh of green
power, which represents a renewable energy price of 0.97¢/kWh.
Indianapolis Power and Light Company—Indianapolis Power and Light Company (IPL)
offers its residential customers, as well as commercial and industrial customers whose demand
does not exceed 2,000 kilowatts, an option of purchasing 10%, 25%, 50%, or 100% of their
monthly electricity use from renewable energy sources. The power to supply the program is
sourced from outside the IPL service territory with the rate premium capped at 3.0¢/kWh.
Keys Energy Services—KEYS, a municipal utility serving 27,000 customers in the Florida
Keys, offers green power to its residential and business customers. Under the GO GREEN
program, customers can choose from two green power options. The first, called Florida Ever
Green, is supplied from solar hot water heating systems (20%), photovoltaic systems (5%), and
biomass facilities (75%) located in Florida. The utility offers $10, $25, and $50 monthly
purchase options for this product, which carries a 2.75¢/kWh premium price. The second option,
called USA Green, is supplied from wind farms (50%), biomass facilities (45%), and
photovoltaic systems (5%) sourced nationwide and is offered as $10, $15, and $20 monthly
purchase options, with a lower rate premium of 1.6¢/kWh. Both products are supplied by
Sterling Planet and certified by Environmental Resources Trust. There is no minimum
enrollment period for either product.
Lansing Board of Water and Light—Lansing Board of Water and Light, the municipally
owned utility of Lansing, Michigan, offers its 97,000 residential and business customers an
option to purchase 250-kWh blocks of green power for an extra $7.50 per month, or a premium
of 3.0¢/kWh. The power for the GreenWise Electric Power program comes from existing
renewable energy projects: a landfill-gas facility in Lansing and two small-hydro facilities in
Cheboygan County. Customers must subscribe for a minimum of three years.
Lewis County PUD—Lewis County PUD, a public utility serving about 27,000 customers in
western Washington, offers its customers an optional Green Power Rate. Under the program,
residential and business customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind power for an
additional $2 each month, or 2¢/kWh. To supply the program, the utility is purchasing 1 MW of
power from the 50-MW Nine Canyon Wind Project located near Kennewick, Washington.
Lincoln Electric System—In 1998 and 1999, Lincoln Electric System (LES) constructed two,
660-kW wind turbines on the northeast side of Lincoln, Nebraska, to supply its customers with a
green power option. The utility accepts monthly donations of any whole dollar amount of $5 or
greater, with a minimum monthly contribution of $4.30 to purchase the equivalent of about 100
kWh. Initially priced at 6.0¢/kWh, LES was able to reduce the wind energy premium to
4.3¢/kWh because of its eligibility for the Renewable Energy Production Incentive, available
through the U.S. Department of Energy.
Los Alamos Department of Public Utilities—The City of Los Alamos (NM) Department of
Public Utilities offers the L.A. Green through which customers can subscribe to purchase 100-
kWh blocks of green power at a rate of $1.80 per block (1.8¢/kWh) in addition to the regular
electricity rate. Customers may also choose to subscribe to green power for 90% of their monthly
electric consumption at the same premium rate of 1.8¢/kWh. Large Commercial Customers have
several participation choices of 1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 50% or 90% of monthly usage at the
same 1.8¢/kWh rate. The initial green power supply will be sourced from the 204-MW New
Mexico Wind Energy Center located in eastern New Mexico but the utility plans to purchase
RECs from other qualified producers of renewable energy in New Mexico and elsewhere in the
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power—Since 1999, the Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power (LADWP) has offered the Green Power for a Green L.A. program, which gives
customers the option to purchase green power for 100% of their electricity needs for 3¢/kWh.
The minimum participation for residential and small nonresidential customers is 20% of their
metered energy use; for medium or large nonresidential customers, the minimums are 500 and
1000 kWh per month, respectively. For residential customers, the extra cost is partially offset by
free energy efficiency products and services provided by the utility—for example, LADWP
currently gives two complimentary compact fluorescent bulbs to new green power customers. In
2003, program demand was met by existing small hydroelectric (52%), solar (0.1%), and biogas
energy (38%), as well as a purchase of wind energy (10%). In 2004, program demand was met
entirely by purchases of wind power, consistent with a stated goal that all future program supply
come from newly developed local renewable resources and/or from open market renewable
energy purchases.
Lower Valley Energy—Lower Valley Energy (LVE), an electric cooperative serving about
13,500 members in western Wyoming and southeastern Idaho, offers its residential and business
customers a green power product supplied under an agreement with the Bonneville Power
Administration. The renewable power comes from the Foote Creek Rim Wind Project in
Wyoming and from other regional projects. Residential customers can purchase 300-kWh blocks
of green power for $3.50 each month, which represents a rate premium of 1.17¢/kWh, while
commercial customers can purchase 1,500-kWh for $17.50 per month (Partner Level) or 3,000-
kWh blocks for $35.00 per month (Champion Level). The utility lowered the premium by 30%
from the initial level of 1.67¢/kWh by eliminating the administrative margin between what it
pays for wind power and what it charges its members. Customers can sign up for as many blocks
as they desire.
Madison Gas and Electric—Madison Gas and Electric (MGE), which serves 120,000
customers in and around Madison, Wisconsin, constructed an 11.22-MW wind farm in 1999 in
northeastern Wisconsin with most of the output being marketed to customers as a green power
option—a 3-MW portion of the project is being used to meet a state renewable energy mandate.
The utility sells the power in 150-kWh blocks for $5 per month, a premium of 3.3¢/kWh over the
standard electricity rate. Less than three months after the project came on-line, more than 5,100
residential customers and about 100 businesses had enrolled, fully subscribing the program.
Mason County PUD No. 3—Mason County PUD No. 3, which serves 28,000 customers in
western Washington, offers a wind energy option to its residential and commercial customers.
Under the Mason Evergreen Power program, customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind
power for $2 per month, or a premium of 2¢/kWh. Each block represents about 10% of an
average residential customer's monthly electricity use. There is no limit on the number of blocks
that can be purchased. Customers can enroll, change their participation level, or drop out of the
program at any time. The green power is supplied from the utility's 2-MW share of the 64-MW,
Nine Canyon Wind Project in south central Washington.
MidAmerican Energy—MidAmerican Energy offers a green power option to its nearly 600,000
Iowa-based residential and business customers. Under its Renewable Advantage program,
customers can make one-time, periodic, or monthly contributions to support the development of
new renewable energy resources. Customers can sign up to participate either by using a check-
off box on their utility bill or via the utility’s Web site. Minimum contribution levels are $1.00
for both residential and commercial customers. The funds collected will be used to construct an
additional wind turbine at the company's existing wind site. Once built, other renewable energy
sources, such as solar or landfill gas projects, will be explored.
$1.50 per month or a premium of 1.5¢/kWh. The wind energy is provided from two, 900-kW
wind turbines in North Dakota.
Moorhead Public Service—Moorhead Public Service (Minnesota) has constructed two, 750-
kW wind turbines to serve customers of its Capture the Wind green pricing program. Both
turbines were constructed only after the utility had fully subscribed the wind energy output. The
utility charges a premium of 0.5¢/kWh for 100% renewable energy—one-third of the energy is
provided from the wind projects and the remainder from hydro facilities already in the utility’s
resource mix. Thus, the effective premium for the wind power is 1.5¢/kWh. Residential
customers must make a three-year purchase commitment and can choose to serve 100% of their
electricity needs with the renewable energy blend or purchase monthly blocks of 1,000 kWh.
Commercial customers pay the same premium and can purchase all of their electricity as
renewable energy or buy monthly blocks of 1,500 kWh. Moorhead State University purchases
83,000 kWh each month, representing more than half of the average output of one turbine. The
program has been fully subscribed for several years.
Muscatine Power and Water—Muscatine Power and Water, a municipal utility serving 10,800
electricity customers in eastern Iowa, offers a green power option—Solar Muscatine—through
which its residential customers can make monthly contributions of $3, $5, or $7 to support the
acquisition and installation of photovoltaic arrays in the community.
City of Naperville—The City of Naperville (Illinois) municipal utility partners with Community
Energy Inc. to offer a green pricing program to its residential and commercial customers. The
Naperville Renewable Energy Option product is supplied from a combination of wind energy
(90%), small-hydro (5%), and solar energy (5%) procured from in-state sources, and is priced at
a 2.5¢/kWh premium to the regular electricity rate. The minimum participation level is $5.00 for
the purchase of 200 kWh.
Nevada Power—As part of an order approving the acquisition of a new natural gas-fired power
plant, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada issued a requirement that Nevada Power
propose a green pricing tariff in its 2005 general rate case. Under the tariff, customers would be
able to make voluntary purchases of power from renewable energy resources and be protected
from cost increases in fossil fuels used for power generation. The commission also ruled that any
renewable energy sources developed under the program should be in addition to green power
sources used to meet the state’s renewable portfolio standard.
New-Mac Electric Cooperative—New-Mac Electric Cooperative, which serves about 16,000
customers in Newton, McDonald, and Jasper counties, Missouri, offers its customers an option to
purchase green power in 100-kWh blocks for an extra $3 per month or 3¢/kWh. There is no limit
to the number of blocks that can be purchased, but customers must make a 12-month
commitment to purchase the same number of blocks each month. The power is provided through
KAMO Electric Cooperative (KAMO Power), an Oklahoma-based G&T cooperative, which
makes green power available to its member distribution co-ops. The power is supplied by
Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI), which sources wind energy from Aquila's 110-MW
Gray County Wind Farm located in southeastern Kansas.
City of New Smyrna Beach—The City of New Smyrna Beach (Florida) Utilities Commission
offers its customers a green power contribution program through which customers can make
monthly contributions of $2, $5 or $10 per month to support the installation of solar electric
systems at local public facilities. To date, the city has installed two PV systems at public sites
totaling 9.8 kW, and nine residential solar systems.
OG&E Electric Services—OG&E Electric Services, which serves about 700,000 retail
electricity customers in Oklahoma and western Arkansas, offers 100-kWh blocks of wind power
for an extra $2 per month or 2.0¢/kWh. However, wind power subscribers are exempted from the
utility's fuel adjustment charge, which reduces the effective wind power premium. In October
2005, the fuel adjustment charge amounted to 2.01¢/kWh, bringing the wind energy rate to parity
with the utility’s standard electricity rate. The wind energy is supplied from OG&E's 51-MW
share of the Oklahoma Wind Energy Center project near Woodward, Oklahoma.
Omaha Public Power District—Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) offers a green pricing
option to its customers consisting of power generated from new wind and landfill gas resources
at a price premium of 3¢/kWh. Residential customers can participate at one of four set levels,
ranging from $4.50 to $30 per month (150 kWh to 1,000 kWh per month), while commercial
customers can obtain 25%, 50%, or 100% of their power needs through the program. The green
power is supplied from a 660-kW wind turbine and a 3.2-MW landfill gas plant. Customers must
agree to participate in the program for a minimum of one year. OPPD serves more than 280,000
customers in southeast Nebraska.
Orcas Power and Light Cooperative—Orcas Power and Light Cooperative (OPALCO), an
electric cooperative serving Washington’s San Juan Islands, offers its customers a green power
mix of low-impact hydropower and wind energy sourced from the Bonneville Power
Administration at a price of $3.50 per 100-kWh block, or a premium of 3.5¢/kWh. The utility
uses a portion of the customer contributions to support the development of on-site renewable
resources in its service territory. OPALCO “buys down” the cost of customer-owned systems
and purchases the system output at above-market prices. OPALCO sends its green power
subscribers an annual report that documents program facts and figures.
Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative—Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative (OTEC), which serves
25,000 members in eastern Oregon, offers a green power option under which customers can
purchase 200-kWh blocks of wind power for an additional $3 each month, or 1.5¢/kWh. To
supply the program, the co-op has contracted with the Bonneville Power Administration and the
Bonneville Environmental Foundation for wind power generated by facilities located in the
Pacific Northwest. Participants must enroll for a period of one year.
Otter Tail Power Company—Otter Tail Power, an investor-owned electric utility serving
nearly 250,000 customers in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, offers its customers an
option to purchase wind energy in 100-kWh blocks for an extra $2.60 per month, or a rate
premium of 2.6¢/kWh. The green power for the TailWinds program is supplied from a single,
900-kW wind turbine located along Buffalo Ridge in southwestern Minnesota. Customers must
subscribe for a minimum of one year.
Pacific County PUD #2—Pacific County PUD #2, which serves about 15,000 residents of
Pacific County, Washington, offers a green power program through which its residential and
business customers can purchase 100-kWh blocks of green power for $1.05 per month, or
1.05¢/kWh. There is no limit to the amount of green power that customers can purchase. The
utility purchases the green power from the Bonneville Power Administration. BPA, in turn, gives
a portion of the wholesale green power payment to the Bonneville Environmental Foundation to
support the development of new renewable energy facilities in the Pacific Northwest.
PacifiCorp—PacifiCorp offers a wind energy tariff in the six western states in which it sells
retail electricity as either Pacific Power or Utah Power. Under the Blue Sky program, PacifiCorp
customers in California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming can purchase 100-
kWh blocks of electricity from new wind projects for a monthly premium of $1.95 per block or
1.95¢/kWh. Since the inception of the program, PacifiCorp has twice lowered the premium
because of the improved economics of wind energy. And in August 2004, Utah Power
introduced a variation on the Blue Sky program, which provides volume purchase discounts to
commercial customers that purchase more than 10,000 kWh of wind energy each month for at
least one year. The wind energy that PacifiCorp sells to its customers is supplied from wind
energy projects in the Pacific Northwest. Pacific Power customers in Oregon can also choose
from two other green power products offered through the utility by a third-party supplier.
City of Palo Alto Utilities—City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) offers its residential,
commercial, and industrial customers a 100% renewable energy product sourced from newly
constructed wind turbines located within the western power system and new California-based
solar photovoltaic projects. Participating residential customers must sign up to receive 100% of
their electricity use as green power while commercial customers can either receive 100% green
power or purchase the green power in 1,000-kWh blocks. The additional cost for the green
power is 1.5¢/kWh. The city partners with 3 Phases Energy Services on the design and operation
of the program, and procurement of the renewable energy supplies. Within 18 months of
unveiling the PaloAltoGreen program, the city announced that it had enrolled 10% of its
customers as green power purchasers.
Pasadena Water & Power—Pasadena Water & Power (PWP) offers a “green power” option to
its approximately 60,000 residential customers. Through the program, customers can purchase
newly developed wind energy at a premium of 2.5¢/kWh. The utility has a long-term agreement
with PPM Energy to purchase 6 MW of output from the 150-MW High Winds project located in
Solano County, California. PWP is using the wind energy both to supply the green pricing
program and to comply with a state law that requires public utilities to develop and implement a
renewable portfolio standard.
Platte River Power Authority—Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) supplies wind power for
the green pricing programs of its four Colorado-based municipal utility members—Estes Park,
Fort Collins (see above), Longmont, and Loveland—as well as to Tri-State G&T and the city of
Aspen. PRPA has expanded its Medicine Bow, Wyoming, wind site several times to meet
growing customer demand for green power—the site now includes 11 turbines totaling nearly 8.5
MW of generating capacity.
PNGC Power—PNGC Power, formerly the Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative, is a not-
for-profit, private energy services cooperative owned by 15 electric cooperatives in the Pacific
Northwest. PNGC owns and operates the 2.5-MW Coffin-Butte landfill gas generation facility in
Benton County, Oregon. While the project output is shared proportionally among the member
cooperatives, four Oregon-based members market the landfill-derived power to their customers
as a premium green power service. The four utilities are Central Electric Cooperative,
Consumers Power, Douglas Electric Cooperative, and Umatilla Electric Cooperative. The green
power premiums charged range from 1.8¢/kWh to 2.0¢/kWh.
Portland General Electric—Portland General Electric (PGE) customers have access to three
different green power products: Green Source, which is a 100% renewable power option sourced
from and marketed in partnership with Green Mountain Energy Company and which includes
energy from certified low-impact hydropower facilities (25%), geothermal plants at The Geysers
in California (25%), and new wind resources in the Pacific Northwest (50%); Healthy Habitat,
which adds a $2.50 monthly contribution for salmon habitat restoration to the Green Source
product; and PGE Clean Wind, which consists of wind power from the Pacific Northwest. The
pricing for the first two products is 0.8¢/kWh above the basic utility rates, while residential and
small commercial customers pay a rate premium of 1.75¢/kWh for the PGE Clean Wind product.
Progress Energy—In 2003, the North Carolina Utilities Commission approved a stakeholder-
developed plan to offer two green power products to utility customers statewide. The first
product is a "mass-market" product consisting of a resource mix of new solar, wind, and methane
from biomass that is offered to residential and small business customers at a cost of $4.00 per
100-kWh block or 4.0¢/kWh. The contribution is tax deductible. The second product includes a
resource mix of new and existing solar, wind, small hydro, and biomass and is offered to larger-
volume customers at a price of $3.00 to $4.00 per 100-kWh block, depending on the purchase
size. The green power products are offered by most of the state's electric utilities, including
Dominion North Carolina Power, Duke Power, Progress Energy Carolinas, and many North
Carolina electric cooperatives and municipalities. The program is administered by Advanced
Energy, a Raleigh-based nonprofit research organization.
PSI Energy—PSI Energy, a subsidiary of Cinergy that serves more than 700,000 retail
electricity customers in Indiana, offers its customers the ability to make monthly contributions to
a fund to support the development of renewable resources. The revenues collected are used to
purchase green power or to assist the utility’s efforts to develop energy generated from
environmentally friendly sources. To date, PSI has used funds collected to build an 8-kW PV
system and a 10-kW wind system in Indiana.
Public Service Company of New Mexico—Under the PNM Sky Blue program, Public Service
Company of New Mexico (PNM) residential and small-business customers can purchase 100-
kWh monthly blocks of wind energy for an extra $1.80, or a premium of 1.8¢/kWh. Large
businesses can purchase wind energy for up to 90% of their electricity usage at the same rate of
1.8¢/kWh. Power for the program is supplied from the 204-MW New Mexico Wind Energy
Center near Fort Sumner, New Mexico. PNM also sells 50 MW of the wind project output to Salt
River Project for its EarthWise Energy green pricing program.
Puget Sound Energy—Puget Sound Energy (PSE), an investor-owned utility serving more than
900,000 customers in western Washington State, offers its residential and business customers an
option to purchase 100-kWh blocks of green power for an extra $2 per month, or a 2.0¢/kWh
premium on the regular rate. Participating customers must purchase a minimum of 200 kWh per
month. PSE is teaming with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation to supply the program
with power from new wind projects and other renewable resources in the Pacific Northwest.
City of St. Charles—In partnership with ComEd and Community Energy Inc., the City of St.
Charles (Illinois) municipal utility offers its residents and businesses the ability to donate a fixed
monthly amount to purchase renewable energy certificates from ComEd. The certificates
represent the output of local renewable energy projects, including landfill gas and a 51-MW
wind project to be constructed just north of Peoria.
City of St. George Energy Services Department—The City of St. George Energy Services
Department, which serves about 24,000 meters in southwestern Utah, offers a green power
option to its residential and business customers. Under its Clean Green Power Program, users of
city power can purchase renewable energy in 100-kWh monthly increments for $2.95 each, or a
rate premium of 2.95¢/kWh. The power is supplied from the 144-MW Pleasant Valley Wind
Project in Wyoming and the city-owned Pine Valley hydro project. Program revenues will be
invested in additional green power sources.
Salt River Project—Salt River Project (SRP), a public utility that provides electricity service to
820,000 customers in the Phoenix metropolitan area, offers customers the EarthWise Energy
product, which can be purchased in 100-kWh blocks for an additional $3 per month or a
premium of 3¢/kWh. The product is supplied from a broad mix of renewable resources,
including landfill gas, low-impact hydropower, geothermal energy, wind energy and solar PV
projects. SRP has entered into several purchase agreements for renewable power including: a
five-year contract to purchase 50 MW of wind power from Public Service Company of New
Mexico (PNM); a five-year agreement to purchase 25 MW of geothermal power from plants
operating in California's Imperial Valley; and a 10-year agreement to purchase 10 MW from a 15
to 20-MW wood-fired power plant to be built near Snowflake, AZ in 2008.
City Public Service of San Antonio—City Public Service of San Antonio (CPS), the municipal
electric utility serving more than 550,000 customers in San Antonio, Texas, offers a wind power
option to the city's retail electricity customers. The wind energy is available in 100-kWh blocks
for an additional $3 per month, or a premium of 3.0¢/kWh. Customers are not contractually
bound to the program and can enter or leave the program, or change their purchase levels at any
time. The power for the Windtricity program comes from the 160.5-MW Desert Sky Wind
Project in West Texas, from which CPS purchases the entire output.
Santee Cooper—Santee Cooper, a state-owned electric and water utility in South Carolina, sells
green power derived from landfill gas plants to its customers and member utilities for a premium
of 3.0¢/kWh, with all program revenues to be reinvested in development of additional renewable
resources or facilities. Through the program, residential customers can purchase the green power
in 100-kWh blocks, small commercial customers in 200-kWh blocks, and large business
customers in blocks of 1,000 kWh. Santee Cooper serves 126,000 direct customers in Horry,
Georgetown, and Berkeley counties. The utility also supplies power to 15 of the state’s 20
electric cooperatives serving 437,000 customers in 38 counties and directly serves 34 industrial
customers in 11 counties.
Savannah Electric—In July 2003, Savannah Electric received regulatory approval to offer its
residential and business customers the option to purchase 100-kWh blocks of green power for an
additional $6 per month or a premium of 6.0¢/kWh above the standard electricity rate. Monthly
minimum purchase requirements are one block for residential customers, three blocks for small
nonresidential, 100 blocks for medium nonresidential, and 400 blocks for large nonresidential.
The initial supply source for the green power will be landfill gas generation. All participating
customers are required to subscribe for a minimum of one year. Savannah Electric serves
320,000 people in a five-county area of Georgia.
Seattle City Light—In July 2005, Seattle City Light unveiled a new program through which
customers can purchase renewable energy certificates equivalent to a portion or all of their
electricity use. Initially, the Green-Up program will offer wind energy certificates supplied from
the Stateline Wind Project at a rate premium of 1.5¢/kWh—the utility has a 20-year agreement
with PPM Energy to purchase 175 megawatts of wind energy from the project. In the future, the
program may also be supplied from biomass and landfill gas projects. The utility plans to use the
net program revenues to make additional purchases of renewable energy from new facilities.
Since 2002, Seattle City Light has offered the voluntary Seattle Green Power program through
which customers can make contributions to support the development of smaller-scale, local, or
regional renewable energy projects.
Silicon Valley Power—Silicon Valley Power (SVP), the municipal electric utility of the City of
Santa Clara, CA, offers a program—Santa Clara Green Power—through which residential,
commercial, and industrial customers can choose to receive 100% renewable energy for a
premium of 1.5¢/kWh. The product is supplied with renewable energy credits from newly
constructed wind turbine facilities and new solar photovoltaic projects located within California.
Additionally, a portion of the program revenues are used to support new solar facilities in the
Santa Clara community. SVP is partnering with 3 Phases Energy Services, a California-based
renewable energy company, to develop and manage the renewable energy purchases and
marketing on behalf of the City.
Snohomish County PUD—Snohomish County PUD offers its 260,000 residential and business
customers a voluntary program, Planet Power, through which they can purchase 150-kWh
blocks of electricity generated from renewable energy sources for an additional $3 per month, or
2.0¢/kWh. Each block represents about 15% of an average residential customer’s monthly use.
There is no limit on the number of blocks that can be purchased, and customers can enroll or
discontinue their participation at any time. The utility has contracted with the Bonneville
Environmental Foundation to supply renewable energy certificates representing output from new
wind energy projects in the Pacific Northwest.
City Utilities of Springfield—City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri, offers a wind power option
to its residential and business customers. Participants can purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind
power for $5, or 5¢/kWh and must agree to participate for a minimum of one year. The wind
power is sourced from a Kansas wind farm.
Tacoma Power—Tacoma Power, which serves more than 140,000 customers in the state of
Washington, offers its customers an option to purchase a blend of low-impact hydro and wind
power supplied by the Bonneville Power Administration in partnership with the Bonneville
Environmental Foundation. Residential customers can participate by paying an extra $3, $6, or
$10 each month. Business customers have additional purchase options. The effective premium
charged for the power is 1.5¢/kWh.
City of Tallahassee—The City of Tallahassee municipal utility offers residential and business
customers three different products and blends of green power. The Wind Plus product is a
nationally sourced blend of 55% wind, 25% bioenergy, 15% hydro, and 5% solar, and carries a
price premium of 1.85¢/kWh. The Tallahassee Blend is a mix from 80% hydropower and 20%
solar from local sources and is priced at 2.5¢/kWh above the standard rate. And the Pure Solar
product is 100% from local or other in-state solar sources with a premium of 11.6¢/kWh. Each
product has monthly payment options of $10, $15, or $20. All three products are supplied in
partnership with Sterling Planet, a Georgia-based green power marketer.
Tennessee Valley Authority—Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) offers the Green Power
Switch program through which customers of TVA-supplied distribution companies can purchase
150-kWh blocks of renewable energy for an extra $4 per month, or a premium of about
2.67¢/kWh. Power for the program is supplied from a mix of wind energy, landfill gas, and solar
energy from PV systems installed at public facilities throughout the TVA region. In December
2004, TVA completed the expansion of its Buffalo Mountain Wind Park with the addition of 15,
1.8-MW wind turbines, bringing the total installed capacity to 29 MW. Three, 660-kW turbines
have been in operation at the site since 2000. Eighty-five of TVA’s 159 distributors currently
offer the program to their customers. The program has also received Green-e accreditation from
the Center for Resource Solutions.
Traverse City Light & Power—Since 1996, Traverse City (Michigan) has operated a green
pricing program for its residential and small commercial customers, selling the output from a
600-kW wind turbine that was constructed on the edge of town. Residential and commercial
customers pay a 1.58¢/kWh premium to purchase 100% of their power from wind energy. The
municipal utility has not expanded the program.
Unisource Energy Services—Unisource Energy Services (UES), an investor-owned utility
providing electric service to about 77,000 customers in Arizona, gives customers the option to
sponsor one watt (20 kWh) of solar power generation by contributing $2 each month, or
10¢/kWh. Each additional watt or 20-kWh block of green power is priced at $1.50 per month, or
7.5¢/kWh. Proceeds from the GreenWatts program will be used to build new solar power
projects in communities served by UES. Until UES can establish its own sources of renewable
energy, a portion of the customer contributions will be used to purchase green power “credits,”
or renewable energy certificates, from other sources.
Waverly Light and Power—Waverly Light and Power (WLP), a municipal electric utility
serving 4,300 customers in northeast Iowa, developed a new green pricing option for its
customers. Under its Green Power Choice program, customers can make contributions to support
the development of renewable energy sources in Waverly. The minimum contribution is $2 per
month and all contributions are tax deductible. Since 2001, WLP has been selling wind power
certificates under its Iowa Energy Tags program. Each “tag” represents 2,500 kWh of wind
power output and is priced at $50, or 2.0¢/kWh. The tags are sourced from three wind turbines
owned and operated by the utility—one 900-kW turbine located north of Waverly and two 750-
kW turbines located near Alta, Iowa. Revenues from the certificate sales are used to develop
additional wind projects.
We Energies—Since 1996, We Energies, formerly Wisconsin Electric, has offered an optional
renewable electricity service under which its customers can choose to receive 25%, 50%, or
100% of their power from renewable energy sources at a premium of 2.04¢/kWh. The renewable
energy supply is a mix of wind energy, small hydropower, and landfill-gas generation and the
program has received Green-e accreditation from the Center for Resource Solutions.
In fall 2005, We Energies announced two enhancements to its Energy For Tomorrow renewable
energy program: an experimental buy-back rate for customer-sited solar PV systems and a bulk
purchase rate for large business customers. Under the three-year solar buy-back pilot, We
Energies will purchase the entire output of customer-sited PV systems sized between 1.5 kW and
100 kW at a rate of 22.5¢/kWh for 10 years, up to a total installed capacity of 500 kW. The solar
output will be used to supply the Energy for Tomorrow program and solar system owners must
be enrolled in the program to be eligible for the payments. The utility also lowered the cost of
renewable energy for larger purchases made by nonresidential customers. Under the new tariff,
customers who purchase more than 70,000 kWh of renewable energy per month will pay a
premium of 1.5¢/kWh compared to the base premium of 2.04¢/kWh.
Wisconsin Public Power Inc.—Wisconsin Public Power Inc. (WPPI), which supplies wholesale
power to 32 municipal utilities in Wisconsin, offers a green energy option to retail customers of
participating distribution utilities. Residential and business customers can purchase 150-kWh
blocks of green power for $3 a month, or 2¢/kWh. The power comes from a mix of wind energy,
low-impact hydropower, and small, local digester gas facilities. WPPI owns two wind turbines
near Worthington, Minnesota, with a combined generating capacity of 1.8 MW, the output of
which has been fully subscribed by the program. In 2004, WPPI contracted to purchase 40 MW
of wind energy from a new project to be built near Waupun, Wisconsin, that will provide
additional wind energy for its program.
Xcel Energy—In 1993, Xcel Energy established a green pricing contribution program for its
Colorado-based customers. Through the Renewable Energy Trust, customers could either make
fixed contributions or use a bill “roundup” option to support utility investments in renewable
energy. Through the trust, Xcel has deployed more than 60 PV projects, including 40 kW of off-
grid PV systems and more than 60 kW of school-based systems.
In 1997, Xcel introduced the Windsource program in Colorado, which offers customers an option
to purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind energy at a base price of $2.50 per month or a rate
premium of 2.5¢/kWh. Customers can also receive their entire monthly electricity consumption
from wind energy. Colorado-based Windsource customers are exempted from the utility’s energy
cost adjustment (ECA), which has led to a steady decline in the effective premium paid for the
Windsource product as fuel prices have risen. In October 2005, Xcel filed with the Colorado
Public Utilities Commission for an ECA adjustment, which if approved, will provide
Windsource customers with a savings of 1.55¢/kWh against standard electricity service. Because
of growing customer demand over time, Xcel has expanded its Colorado-based wind energy
supply to more than 60 MW, from which it also supplies a number of other utility programs.
Xcel has also installed 2 MW of wind to serve its New Mexico-based customers—the wind
energy is priced at a premium of $3 per 100-kWh block, or 3¢/kWh. Customers can purchase as
few or as many blocks of wind energy as desired, up to their total monthly consumption. And, in
early 2003, Xcel launched the Windsource program for its 1.1 million Minnesota-based
customers, giving these customers the option to purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind power for $2
each, or a premium of 2¢/kWh. Xcel supplies the program primarily from small wind power
projects in Minnesota.
Yampa Valley Electric Association—Yampa Valley, which serves Steamboat Springs and
several other cities in northwestern Colorado, offers its customers an option to purchase 100-
kWh blocks of wind power for 3¢/kWh. Yampa Valley sources the supply from Xcel Energy’s
Ponnequin wind site in northern Colorado.
Competitive Green Power and
Renewable Energy Certificate Marketing
Green power marketing refers to the sale of green power in competitive markets, where multiple
suppliers and service offerings generally exist. Currently, marketers offer green power products
to retail customers in 10 states—Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey,
New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia, as well as Washington, D.C. (for a
summary of retail green power products, see Table A-3).
This section presents information on retail green power marketers and REC suppliers,
utility/marketer partnerships, selected wholesale green power providers, and REC brokers.
3 Phases Energy Services—3 Phases is a registered energy service provider in California, where
it markets power generated from renewable energy sources to residential and business customers
under its Green Direct program. The company also offers green certificates supplied from new
wind resources for approximately 2¢/kWh. The certificates can be purchased on a monthly or
annual basis. The company's Web site includes an “environmental footprint calculator,” which
helps potential customers calculate the number of certificates that would be required to offset the
carbon emissions associated with an individual's annual household energy use and transportation
requirements. 3 Phases supplies RECs to a number of large nonresidential customers, including
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Safeway, HSBC Bank, and Kinko’s. The
company also supplies renewable energy and marketing services for green pricing programs
offered by utilities including PacifiCorp, the City of Palo Alto, and Silicon Valley Power.
APS Energy Services—In June 2005, APS Energy Services entered into a six-month contract
with the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems to supply
the universities with renewable energy for 15% of their electricity needs. Under a six-month
contract, UC and CSU will purchase 39,000 MWh and 34,000 MWh, respectively, of RECs
consisting of wind (86%) and landfill gas (14%) resources. The RECs are supplied by 3 Phases
Energy Services under a wholesale agreement with APS Energy Services.
price premium of 2¢/kWh. It recently introduced Brighter Future Green Tags, which have a
higher percentage of solar (10%) and are priced at 2.4¢/kWh. It also wholesales green tags to a
number of utilities in the West and to a variety of large nonresidential customers, including
White Wave, Interface Fabrics Group, and a number of ski areas. Along with new wind energy
resources, BEF funds have supported the development of more than 200 kW of solar energy
projects in the region.
Cape Light Compact—An aggregator serving 185,000 residents of the 21 towns in Cape Cod
and Martha's Vineyard (Massachusetts), the Cape Light Compact is offering two green power
purchase options to its members. Under the Cape Light Compact Green program, customers can
purchase 100% of their electricity from renewable energy sources including run-of-the-river
hydro (75%), landfill gas or wind (24%), and solar (1%) at a premium of 1.8¢/kWh over the
Compact's standard electricity product. Alternatively, customers can choose a 50% renewable
energy option at a premium of 2.3¢/kWh for the green power portion. Initially, 25% of the
product will come from “new” renewable resources. A portion of the renewable energy premium
can be deducted from federal taxes. Additionally, the state will match up to 75% of the premium
to provide funds for community-based, renewable energy projects and similar initiatives for low-
income residents across the state.
Center for Ecological Technology—The Center for Ecological Technology (CET) has teamed
with three other nonprofit suppliers of renewable energy in New England to market a single
green power product to residential and small commercial customers in the region. Under the
agreement, CET, Mass Energy Consumers Alliance, People’s Power & Light, and Conservation
Services Group (CSG) are offering New England GreenStart, a 100% renewable energy product
sourced from New England-based resources and currently consisting of small hydro (75%),
biomass (19%), wind (5%), and solar (1%). Going forward, CET will focus on marketing New
England GreenStart in western Massachusetts and helping to secure new renewable energy
sources from that area.
Clean and Green—In 2005, Boulder, Colorado-based Clean and Green began offering a Green-
e certified REC product sourced from municipal and community-based wind energy projects
nationwide. The company offers the RECs to residential customers in 300 kWh increments for
about 3¢/kWh.
Community Energy Inc.—Community Energy Inc. (CEI) is a Pennsylvania-based, for-profit
corporation that markets wind energy certificates in New York, the Mid-Atlantic, Illinois, and
Colorado. CEI builds customer demand to support identified wind energy projects in the
customer's region and contracts for the supply under long-term arrangements with wind
developers and other suppliers.
CEI has teamed with a variety of utilities and marketers to offer its New Wind Energy products to
retail customers in the Northeast (see Utility/Marketer Partnerships). The company
participates in default utility green power programs in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York,
Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. CEI has also independently teamed with utilities such as New
York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG), Rochester Gas & Electric, and PECO Energy to offer
wind energy supplied from local wind projects. It also markets wind energy to customers in New
York City, Philadelphia, and the Washington, D.C., area through cooperative marketing
agreements with ConEdison Solutions, the Energy Cooperative Association of Pennsylvania, and
Washington Gas Energy Services. In addition, CEI acts as a wholesale supplier. Its marketing
partnerships have supported the development of more than 200 MW of new wind generation and
it has wind projects under development in Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New England, and
other states east of the Mississippi River.
Conservation Services Group—Conservation Services Group (CSG) has teamed with three
other nonprofit suppliers of renewable energy in New England to market a single green power
product to residential and small commercial customers in the region. Under the agreement, CSG,
Mass Energy Consumers Alliance, People’s Power & Light, and CET are offering New England
GreenStart, a 100% renewable energy product sourced from New England-based resources and
currently consisting of small hydro (75%), biomass (19%), wind (5%), and solar (1%). Going
forward, CSG will concentrate on its wholesale market activities, including building new PV
plants throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island, many of which will be supported by New
England GreenStart customers.
In addition, CSG offers a Green-e certified REC product called ClimateSAVE that is currently
supplied from wind and solar facilities in New York and Kansas.
that serves as an aggregator for the state's governmental and nonprofit organizations,
Constellation NewEnergy contracted to supply renewable energy to a number of facilities in
Maine. It also supplied green power for both the Republican and Democratic national
Direct Energy—In summer 2005, Direct Energy Inc. began offering renewable energy purchase
options to retail customers in Texas. Its Pure Texas Wind Plan is a 100% renewable energy
product offered at a fixed price for one year. A second option, the Clean Texas Wind Plan, is a
50% renewable energy product offered at a 2% guaranteed savings to the “Price-to-Beat.” Direct
Energy currently serves about 900,000 customers in Texas. In June, the company signed a long-
term power purchase agreement with AES Corp. for the output of the 120-MW Buffalo Gap
Wind Farm located near Abilene, Texas.
EnviroGen—Based in Buffalo, New York, EnviroGen participates in the both the Niagara
Mohawk GreenUp program and the Long Island Power Authority LIPA Green Choice Program
(see Utility/Marketer Partnerships). In both programs, the company offers a product supplied
from a blend of 75% biomass and 25% small hydro resources at a premium of 1.0¢/kWh.
Gexa Energy—In spring 2005, Gexa Energy began offering green power to residential and
commercial customers in Texas, as well as to commercial customers in Massachusetts and New
York. In the Houston market, the price for the company’s “Gexa Green” renewable energy
product is 0.5¢/kWh more than for the company’s conventional power product. The power for
the renewable energy offering is sourced from wind, solar, and hydroelectric sources. Gexa
currently serves approximately 800 megawatts of load associated with more than 100,000 small
commercial and residential customers throughout Texas.
Green Mountain’s market activities have resulted in the development of more than 170 MW of
new renewable energy projects, including a 160-MW wind project in west Texas, wind projects
in California and Pennsylvania, and commercial-scale photovoltaic systems in most of the states
in which the company operates. Green Mountain has financial backing from Nuon (one of the
largest electric utilities in the Netherlands) and BP Amoco.
Levco Energy—In March 2005, Levco Energy, a Norwalk, Connecticut-based heating oil and
energy provider, began offering a 100% renewable energy product to residential customers in the
Connecticut Light and Power service territory at the same cost as standard-offer service. Levco’s
100% Renewable Program consists of RECs sourced 98.5% from state-defined Class II
resources, such as existing waste-to-energy, biomass, or hydro facilities, and 1.5% from Class I
resources, such as new solar, wind, fuel cells, and landfill gas.
Maine Interfaith Power & Light—In fall 2004, Maine Interfaith Power & Light introduced two
new green power offerings sourced from zero-emission renewable energy resources, which
replace and improve upon its initial green power offering launched in January 2003. The first
new product, Green Supply II, is sourced from the Worumbo hydropower facility in Lisbon
Falls, Maine, which is the only small hydropower dam in the state certified as low-impact by the
Low Impact Hydropower Institute. The product is priced at 1¢/kWh above the standard offer
rate. The second offering, Green Supply Plus, couples electricity from the Worumbo hydropower
facility with 20% new wind electricity and is priced at 1.5¢/kWh above the standard-offer rate.
Mass Energy Consumers Alliance—Mass Energy Consumers Alliance (Mass Energy) has
teamed with three other nonprofit suppliers of renewable energy in New England to market a
single green power product to residential and small commercial customers in the region. Under
the agreement, Mass Energy, People's Power & Light, CSG, and CET are offering New England
GreenStart, a 100% renewable energy product sourced from New England-based resources and
currently consisting of small hydro (75%), biomass (19%), wind (5%), and solar (1%). Going
forward, Mass Energy and People's Power & Light will continue to provide overall
administration and management of New England GreenStart, as well as oversee the development
of a marketing and outreach campaign to support the retail green power market.
Mass Energy also offers a REC product called New England Wind, which is available to
customers throughout New England. The product is sold in 2-MWh blocks at a cost of $100, or a
premium of 5¢/kWh. Customers purchasing New England Wind do not switch electricity
providers but continue to pay their standard monthly electricity bill. Mass Energy supplies the
product from a 660-kW wind turbine located in Hull, Massachusetts.
People’s Power & Light—A Rhode Island-based nonprofit supplier of renewable energy,
People’s Power & Light has combined forces with three other New England-based green power
marketers to market a single green power product to residential and small commercial customers
in the region. Under the agreement, People's Power & Light, Mass Energy, Conservation
Services Group (CSG), and the Center for Ecological Technology (CET) are offering New
England GreenStart, a 100% renewable energy product sourced from New England-based
resources and currently consisting of small hydro (75%), biomass (19%), wind (5%), and solar
(1%). People's Power & Light is providing overall administration and management of New
England GreenStart, as well as overseeing the development of a marketing and outreach
campaign to support the retail green power market.
QVINTA Inc.—In June 2004, QVINTA Inc. entered into a three-year agreement with the U.S.
EPA to supply 2.35 million kWh of RECs for EPA’s Duluth, Minnesota, laboratory sourced
from wind facilities located in Dodge Center, Minnesota.
Reliant Energy—Reliant Energy offers a 100% wind energy option to residential customers in
Texas. Reliant introduced its renewable energy option to customers outside of the Houston area
in 2002 and expanded the offering to Houston customers in 2005. Under the state’s electricity
restructuring law, incumbent utilities were restricted from providing competitive products and
services in their home territory until January 1, 2005. To supply the product offering, Reliant
purchases renewable energy credits from Texas-based wind farms.
Select Energy—As the competitive energy marketing and services arm of Northeast Utilities,
Select Energy offers Green-e certified renewable energy to business and institutional customers
in the Mid-Atlantic. The company has entered into contracts to supply green power to the U.S.
EPA and the U.S. General Services Administration.
Sky Energy Inc.—Greenville, South Carolina-based Sky Energy Inc. offers a Green-e certified
REC product sourced from wind energy projects nationwide.
Sterling Planet—A Georgia-based green power marketer, Sterling Planet participates in utility
green power programs in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island
(see Utility/Marketer Partnerships), through which it offers renewable energy blends. Sterling
Planet also offers a Green-e-certified 100% REC product to residential and business customers
nationwide. The RECs are obtained from a number of different sources throughout the United
States, encompassing the use of solar, wind, and biomass resources. The average price of the
RECs is 1.6¢/kWh. Sterling Planet has entered into contracts to supply RECs to a number of
large, nonresidential customers, including the U.S. EPA and Fortune 500 companies that
participate in the Green Power Market Development Group.
Sterling Planet also partners with Suburban Energy Services to offer green power to homeowners
and small businesses in New York. It has developed green power marketing partnerships with
several utility companies, including the City of Tallahassee, Keys Energy Services, and JEA.
NYSEG electric service territories in partnership with Sterling Planet. The companies are
offering a product called Sterling Green—a blend of new wind, small hydroelectric, and methane
gas derived from renewable sources. Customers choosing the green power product pay 1.5¢/kWh
more than the company’s standard electricity product.
TXU Energy—TXU Energy, a utility serving 2.7 million electric customers in Texas, contracted
with Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas, to supply approximately 78 million kWh of wind
power annually to meet all the electricity requirements of the base.
Washington Gas Energy Services—An affiliate of Washington Gas, Washington Gas Energy
Services (WGES) partners with Community Energy to offer wind energy to businesses and
residents in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. In some service territories, WGES offers
100-kWh blocks of wind energy at a 2.5¢/kWh premium. In other areas, customers can choose to
purchase wind energy for a portion of their electricity use, ranging from as little as 5% to as
much as 100%. The power is supplied from the 66-MW Mountaineer Wind Energy Center in
West Virginia, which began operating in December 2002.
Waverly Light and Power—Waverly Light and Power (WL&P), a municipal electric utility
serving 4,300 customers in Waverly, Iowa, sells wind energy certificates representing the
environmental attributes of the output of three utility-owned and operated wind turbines—a 900-
kW turbine north of Waverly and two 750-kW turbines near Alta, Iowa. The certificates are sold
in 2,500-kWh blocks for $50, or 2.0¢/kWh. According to the utility, revenues from the certificate
sales will be used to develop additional wind energy projects.
Connecticut Light and Power and United Illuminating—In April 2005, a green power
program was unveiled for customers of Connecticut Light and Power and United Illuminating.
Under the new program, customers have the option to purchase green power for 50% or 100% of
their electricity needs from two providers—Sterling Planet and Community Energy—which were
selected by the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control through a competitive bidding
The Sterling Planet product is sourced from new wind (33%), existing small hydro (33%), and
new landfill gas generators (34%) at a premium of 1.15¢/kWh over standard-offer service. The
Community Energy offering is sourced from 50% new wind and 50% landfill gas and priced at
1.1¢/kWh over standard-offer rates.
Long Island Power Authority—Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) provides green power
options for the nearly 1.1 million electricity customers that it serves on Long Island. Under its
LIPA Green Choice Program, retail customers can purchase green power in the form of RECs
directly from participating green power marketers. Currently, three marketers—Community
Energy, EnviroGen, and Sterling Planet—offer renewable energy blends or a 100% wind energy
option ranging from 1¢/kWh to 2.5¢/kWh above standard electricity costs. Participating
customers receive a single bill from LIPA reflecting both standard electricity charges and the
incremental charge for the green power.
Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company—In fall 2003, National
Grid expanded its GreenUp program and began offering green power options to customers of its
electric distribution subsidiaries in Massachusetts. Currently, customers of Massachusetts
Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company can purchase products offered by three
different green power suppliers: Community Energy, Mass Energy, and Sterling Planet. The
products are blends of power from new and existing renewable energy resources and range from
1.35¢/kWh to 2.4¢/kWh above a customer's standard electricity rate.
Narragansett Electric—In March 2004, National Grid expanded its GreenUp program to
customers of Narragansett Electric, a subsidiary company that serves 465,000 electricity
customers in Rhode Island. Under the program, customers can purchase green power from one of
three participating green power marketers: Community Energy Inc., People's Power & Light, and
Sterling Planet. The product options range from 1.5¢/kWh to 2.0¢/kWh above the cost of
standard service and consist of renewable energy supplied from a variety of sources, such as
wind, small hydro, biomass, and solar. Participating customers do not switch from their existing
utility service but see a green power surcharge on their regular bills.
New Jersey Utilities—In fall 2005, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) announced
the start of a new program through which the state’s retail electric customers can purchase
renewable energy without switching electricity suppliers. Under the Clean Power Choice
Program, residential and business customers can enroll by checking a box on their utility bills
and selecting from among renewable energy products offered by four marketers: Community
Energy, Green Mountain Energy Company, Jersey-Atlantic Wind, and Sterling Planet. The
products offered through the program are renewable energy blends offered at rate premiums
ranging from 0.9¢/kWh to 2.9¢/kWh. In addition, one supplier is offering blocks of New Jersey
wind energy for 5.5¢/kWh. Green power sold in the program must be sourced from renewable
energy that is not otherwise used to meet a statutory requirement, such as a renewable portfolio
standard. The program began October 1 in the PSE&G and JCP&L service territories and will
expand to Atlantic City Electric and Orange & Rockland Utilities in April 2006. The BPU’s
Office of Clean Energy will oversee and administer the program and ensure that relevant New
Jersey consumer protection rules and procedures are followed.
New York State Electric and Gas—New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG), an electric
utility that serves about 830,000 electricity customers in upstate New York, has teamed with
Community Energy to offer wind energy to its residential customers. The New Wind Energy
product is available in 100-kWh blocks at a cost of $2.50 per block monthly. Customers must
purchase a minimum of two blocks. The power is supplied from the 30-MW Fenner Windpower
Project, which is about 40 miles southeast of Syracuse.
Niagara Mohawk—In 2002, Niagara Mohawk, a National Grid subsidiary that serves 1.5
million electricity customers in upstate New York, introduced a program through which its
residential and commercial customers could purchase electricity generated from renewable
energy sources offered by third-party providers. The GreenUp renewable energy program was
developed as a result of the settlement agreement reached in the Niagara Mohawk-National Grid
merger. Under the program, participating customers do not switch from their regular utility
service, but see a line item for a green power surcharge on their utility bills. Customers can
choose to purchase green power products offered by four providers: Community Energy Inc.,
EnviroGen, Green Mountain Energy Company, and Sterling Planet. The products are blends of
power from new and existing renewable energy resources and range from 1¢/kWh to 2¢/kWh
above a customer's standard electricity rate. In September 2004, Niagara Mohawk announced
that about 8,800 customers had enrolled in the program.
PECO Energy—In May 2004, PECO Energy, a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation that serves
1.5 million electric customers in southeastern Pennsylvania, began offering a wind energy
product to its residential and business customers. Customers can purchase PECO WIND in 100-
kWh blocks monthly for an additional charge of $2.54 per block (2.54¢/kWh), or can choose to
receive 100% of their electricity from wind energy. The extra charge for the wind energy is
added directly to the utility bills of participating customers. The wind energy is supplied by
Community Energy Inc. from several Pennsylvania-based wind projects, including Mill Run (15
MW), Somerset (9 MW), and Waymart (60 MW). In November 2004, PECO announced that it
had enrolled more than 9,000 households in its PECO WIND program.
Rochester Gas & Electric—Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E), a utility distribution subsidiary
of Energy East Corporation that serves 350,000 electricity customers in upstate New York, is
teaming with Community Energy Inc. to offer its customers the option of purchasing electricity
generated from new in-state wind energy sources. Under its Catch the Wind program, customers
can purchase 100-kWh blocks of wind energy monthly for an extra $2.50 (2.5¢/kWh). The
minimum purchase is two blocks per month, which is equivalent to one-third of an average
residential customer’s electricity use. The extra charge for the wind energy will be added to the
regular electricity bill of participating customers.
A variety of companies and generators supply green power or RECs in wholesale markets. Some
of the more prominent wholesale marketers are listed below, as well as other supplier entities
that have explicitly stated their intent to market the output of renewable energy generating
projects in voluntary purchase markets.
Aquila—Aquila offers Green-e certified RECs to retail marketers and commercial and industrial
customers. The certificates are supplied from the company's 110-MW Gray County (Kansas)
Wind Farm, which was completed at the end of 2001.
Basin Electric Power Cooperative—Basin Electric, a regional power cooperative that generates
and transmits electricity to 124 member rural electric systems in nine Midwestern states, markets
RECs from two new 40-MW wind energy projects in North Dakota and South Dakota. Basin
also supplies green power to many of its distribution cooperatives under the Prairie Winds
product name.
Exelon—Exelon has long-term power purchase agreements for the output of four wind projects
in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, with a combined capacity exceeding 175 MW. The company
has an agreement with Community Energy to market the output to customers throughout the
MidAmerican Energy— MidAmerican Energy, which provides electricity to about 700,000
customers in the upper Midwest, is marketing a portion of the output of its 360-MW wind project
in northwest Iowa, which is expected to be complete by the end of 2005.
Nebraska Public Power District—Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) plans to sell a
portion of the output of a recently constructed 60-MW wind project near Ainsworth, Nebraska,
to other public utilities as wholesale wind energy and RECs.
Vision Quest—A division of TransAlta Energy Corporation based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
Vision Quest has entered into a two-year agreement with the Bonneville Environmental
Foundation to supply Green Tags created from wind projects that it owns and operates at various
locations throughout Canada, including the 68-MW Summerview wind farm in Alberta. Vision
Quest facilities and products are certified both in Canada and by the Green-e program in the
United States. BEF offers the Green Tags to businesses and utilities in both countries, opening
up the market for cross-border sales of renewable energy.
Evolution Markets—Evolution Markets is an emissions and coal brokerage firm based in White
Plains, New York, which has been approved as a broker of Green-e certified RECs. The
company also manages an Internet-based bulletin board for RECs, which provides a venue for
wholesale buyers and sellers to post bids and offers for renewable energy attributes and green
GFI Group—GFI Group, with offices in New York City and international locations, is a
brokerage and financial services firm specializing in financial and commodity markets, including
emissions trading and RECs.
Selected Green Power Customers
Because polls and surveys show that individual consumers place a high value on environmental
protection and the use of cleaner energy sources, early green power marketing efforts focused
primarily on residential customers. More recently, green power providers have focused
marketing efforts on nonresidential customers. Once thought to be too price sensitive to be
willing to pay more for green power, businesses recognize that green power purchasing can help
meet corporate goals related to environmental improvement and sustainable business practices.
Larger customers are also more economical for marketers to serve than many small customers.
This section highlights green power purchasing by selected nonresidential customers. In addition
to business customers, green power purchasers include municipalities, government agencies, and
other organizations. In the federal sector, green power purchases are encouraged by the Energy
Policy Act of 2005, which replaces a 1999 Presidential Executive Order that called for federal
agencies to expand the use of renewable energy within facilities.
Advanced Micro Devices—In September 2005, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), a leading
supplier of personal computer processors and memory, announced that it would purchase 100%
renewable energy from Austin (Texas) Energy's GreenChoice program for its Austin facilities.
Under the agreement, AMD purchases 52 million kWh of renewable energy annually or enough
to power 4,000 average Austin homes year-round.
Aspen Skiing Company—In 1997, Aspen Skiing Company became the first ski resort to
purchase wind power. Today, the company purchases 1,200 MWh of wind power annually and
recently constructed a 115-kilowatt microhydro plant that combined represent about 5% of its
electricity use. Aspen is also the first ski industry member to join the Chicago Climate Exchange
and hopes to achieve a 10% reduction in annual carbon dioxide emissions by 2010 from 1999
Austin Independent School District—In October 2003, the Austin Independent School District
entered into an agreement with Austin Energy to purchase 45 million kWh of green power
annually, or enough to meet 30% of its annual electricity needs. According to the school district
superintendent, the purchase is a “wise investment for Austin schools” because the price of the
green energy is fixed through 2011 under Austin Energy’s GreenChoice program. During 2000
and 2001, the district was forced to double its utility budget as a result of increases in the price of
natural gas.
Ben & Jerry's—In August 2002, Ben & Jerry's announced that it would offset a year's worth of
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from its Vermont ice cream production facilities by supporting
the construction of a new 750-kW wind turbine on Native American lands in South Dakota.
Through its participation in NativeEnergy's WindBuilders Business Partner program, Ben &
Jerry's purchased renewable energy credits equivalent to 4.5 million kWh of wind energy
generated during the life of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe wind turbine. The purchase offsets
approximately 5,000 tons of CO2.
Clif Bar—Clif Bar, a Berkeley, California-based maker of nutrition bars and foods for
endurance activities, offset the carbon dioxide emissions associated with the energy used to
power its offices, manufacturing operations, and business travel during 2002 by purchasing
renewable energy credits generated from a new Native American-owned wind turbine. Through
its participation in NativeEnergy’s WindBuilders program, Clif Bar purchased RECs equivalent
to 2.2 million kWh of wind energy generated during the life of the 750-kW Rosebud Sioux Tribe
wind turbine in South Dakota. The purchase offsets about 2,000 tons of CO2.
FedEx Kinko's—In October 2003, FedEx Kinko's (formerly Kinko’s) entered into agreements
to expand its green power purchases by 80%. Under a contract with 3 Phases Energy Services,
the company purchases 13.9 million kWh of biomass energy certificates for 45 retail stores in
Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. In addition, FedEx Kinko's entered into
agreements with utilities in South Carolina, Wyoming, and Colorado to purchase green power
for another 20 branches. With these agreements, the company is purchasing a total of 29 million
kWh of green power annually for more than 11% of its retail stores spanning 18 states.
HSBC Bank North America—In April 2005, HSBC Bank announced that it is purchasing wind
energy certificates equivalent to about 25% of its electricity needs under an agreement with 3
Phases Energy Service. HSBC is purchasing 68 million kWh annually of Green-e certified RECs
sourced from new wind projects in California and Minnesota, making it one of the largest retail
green power purchases in North America. In December 2004, HSBC became the world’s first
major bank to commit to carbon neutrality. The bank plans to achieve this goal by reducing
energy use, buying green electricity, and offsetting the remaining carbon dioxide emissions by
investing in carbon credit or allowance projects.
Hyatt Hotels—In August 2005, two Hyatt hotels in Dallas entered into an agreement with
Austin-based Green Mountain Energy Company to purchase renewable energy for 100% of their
electricity needs. Together, the Hyatt Regency Dallas at Reunion and Hyatt Regency DFW
International Airport have committed to purchase about 35 million kWh of renewable energy
annually, which is the largest hospitality industry purchase of renewable energy nationally.
Lockheed Martin— In October 2003, defense and aerospace contractor Lockheed Martin
committed to purchase enough green power to meet 10% of the annual electricity needs of its
Palo Alto (California) facilities through the City of Palo Alto Utilities’ green pricing program.
Under the agreement, Lockheed Martin purchases 1.8 million kWh of renewable energy
Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse—Lowe's, the nation's 13th largest retailer, announced
in July 2002 that it would purchase about 3% of its monthly electrical use for its 32 stores from
the Green Power Switch program offered by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and its
distributors. The company agreed to purchase about 4.5 million kWh of green power annually for
its stores and has since increased the purchase to 6 million kWh.
Lundberg Family Farms— Under an agreement with 3 Phases Energy Services announced in
July 2003, Lundberg Family Farms, a Sacramento-based farm and packager of natural and
organic rice products, committed to purchase green power for 100% of the electricity used to run
its milling, processing, and packaging operations. Under the agreement, the farm purchased 4.4
million kWh per year of wind energy certificates supplied from the Stateline and Klondike wind
energy facilities in Oregon
Luzenac America Inc.—In July 2003, Luzenac America Inc. entered into an agreement to
purchase renewable energy certificates from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation to offset
100% of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with its electrical energy use at the
Yellowstone Talc Mine in Montana. The certificates, or “green tags,” represent more than 1.7
million kWh of renewable energy generated from wind energy sources in the region.
Mohawk Fine Papers, Inc.—In May 2005, Mohawk Fine Papers, the nation’s largest
manufacturer of premium printing and imaging papers, increased its annual purchases of wind
energy by more than 350% to run its two mills in upstate New York as well as a newly
purchased facility in Ohio. The annual purchase of 45 million kWh makes Mohawk one of the
leading U.S. business purchasers of green power, according to data compiled by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership. Wind energy now provides 21%
of the annual power needs of the New York mills and 50% of the Ohio mill’s needs.
New Belgium Brewing Company Inc.—The New Belgium Brewing Company Inc. of Fort
Collins, Colorado, purchases 100% wind energy to power the brewery's operations. A brewer of
specialty beers, New Belgium entered into an agreement in March 1999 with Fort Collins
Utilities to purchase the wind energy at a premium price for 10 years. The entire 70-person staff
of New Belgium voted to purchase the wind power even though the additional cost will diminish
the size of their annual bonuses. To supply the New Belgium contract, a new 660-kW wind
turbine was added at the Platte River Power Authority wind site near Medicine Bow, Wyoming.
Office Depot—Office Depot, a national seller of office products with 867 retail stores in 44
states, entered into an agreement with Pittsburgh-based Strategic Energy in June 2004 to
purchase green power for 12 of its California retail stores and warehouses. Under the two-year
contract, the company is buying approximately 19 million kWh of electricity annually, generated
from landfill gas and wind.
OfficeMax, Inc.—OfficeMax Inc., one of the nation’s largest providers of office supplies and
services, announced that it is offering its North American business customers a 100% post-
consumer recycled paper manufactured with wind power and certified by the Forest Stewardship
Council (FSC). The paper is also made without the use of chlorine and chlorine compounds.
Mohawk Color Copy 100% Recycled Paper is manufactured by Mohawk Paper Mills, the only
U.S. mill using wind energy in its paper-making process.
Starbucks—In April 2005, Starbucks Coffee Company committed to purchase wind energy
certificates sufficient to match 5% of the electricity used to power its company-operated stores in
North America. The purchase is part of a multifaceted environmental sustainability strategy to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the company’s business activities. According to
the company, the purchase is equivalent to the output of 11 large wind turbines. Starbucks also
recently joined the Green Power Market Development Group, a collaboration of leading
corporations and the World Resources Institute, dedicated to building corporate markets for
green power.
Tower Companies—A family-owned commercial and residential building developer, the Tower
Companies announced an agreement in March 2003 to purchase green power to supply
company-owned buildings in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Under the terms of a new
2-year deal signed in 2005, Pepco Energy Services (PES) will supply 41 million kWh of green
power to meet 100% of the energy needs of Tower's commercial buildings and Tower-owned
apartment communities. Sterling Planet is providing PES with green energy in the form of
renewable energy certificates.
WhiteWave—In 2003, White Wave, a leading manufacturer of Silk soy milk and other soy-
based foods based in Boulder, Colorado, contracted to purchase wind energy certificates
equivalent to 100% of the electricity used in its manufacturing operations. Under agreements
with Renewable Choice Energy and Bonneville Environmental Foundation, the company
committed to purchase 20 million kWh of "Green Tags" supplied from wind farms in several
states. In 2004, WhiteWave’s parent company, Dean Foods, acquired Horizon Organic, a leading
producer of organic dairy products and consolidated the Silk and Horizon Organic brands under a
new division called WhiteWave Foods. In 2005, the division more than doubled its purchase of
green power to 49.5 million kWh to encompass the energy used by Horizon Organic.
Whole Foods Market Inc.— A leading natural and organic supermarket based in Austin, Texas,
Whole Foods Market currently purchases or generates 71 million kWh of green power, which is
equivalent to more than 20% of its electricity needs nationally. The company has expanded its
purchases over time. In June 2004, Whole Foods committed to purchase wind energy certificates
for 10% of the electricity used at its 28 stores and facilities in the North Atlantic Region,
covering Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. More recently
the company purchased green power equivalent to 100% of the electricity usage of its nine
natural food stores in Colorado and New Mexico.
American University—In February 2003, American University (Washington, D.C.) entered into
a contract with Washington Gas Energy Services and Community Energy to meet 5% of its
electricity needs for five years with wind power. The power is supplied from the 66-MW
Mountaineer Wind Energy Center in West Virginia, which began operating in December 2002.
California Universities—In June 2005, the University of California (UC) and California State
University (CSU) systems entered into an agreement to purchase renewable energy for 15% of
their electricity needs. Under a six-month contract with APS Energy Services, UC and CSU will
purchase 39 million kWh and 34 million kWh, respectively, of renewable energy certificates
consisting of wind (86%) and landfill gas (14%) resources. The RECs will be supplied by 3
Phases Energy Services under a wholesale agreement with APS Energy Services. The purchase
stems in part from UC’s policy on Green Building Design and Clean Energy Standards, which
was adopted in July 2003 to increase sustainability system-wide. At CSU, the announcement
comes on the heels of a two-year campaign run by university students and Greenpeace to
encourage CSU to adopt a comprehensive clean energy and sustainability policy. The university
is drafting a policy that will include standards for energy conservation, clean energy generation,
clean energy purchasing, and sustainable building design.
College of the Atlantic—In July 2004, the College of the Atlantic, based in Bar Harbor, Maine,
made a 20-year commitment to purchase wind energy for 100% of its electricity needs. The
college signed an agreement with Endless Energy Corporation (EEC) to buy wind energy from
the Redington Mountain Windfarm, which will be completed in 2005. Pending completion of the
wind project, the College of the Atlantic is purchasing renewable energy credits, or “green tags,”
from NativeEnergy supplied from the Rosebud Sioux wind project in South Dakota.
Concordia University—In July 2003, Concordia University became the first college or
university in the nation to subscribe to 100% green power for all of its power needs. The 77-
year-old Lutheran school in Austin, Texas, enrolled in Austin Energy’s GreenChoice program
for all of the approximately 6 million kWh of electricity that it uses annually. Concordia will use
energy efficiency improvements to offset the additional cost of the green power.
Connecticut College—In December 2003, Connecticut College entered into an agreement with
New York-based EAD Environmental to purchase wind energy for approximately 44% of its
annual electricity needs, doubling its previous green power commitment. Under the two-year
agreement, the college is purchasing 13 million kWh of Green-e certified wind energy
certificates sourced from wind farms in the United States.
Duke University—In April 2003, Duke University (North Carolina) teamed with certificate-
marketer Renewable Choice Energy to issue a green power challenge to its students. The
university has agreed to match student purchases of wind power up to 1.25 million kWh
annually. Funding for the program comes from savings generated by a cooperative energy
conservation effort between the university and Environmental Alliance, a student organization
committed to promoting the implementation of sustainable practices at the university. The
student group has conducted events to promote the challenge. In 2005, the university began
purchasing 18 million kWh of wind RECs from Sterling Planet.
Harvard University— In May 2004, Harvard University entered into a two-year contract with
EAD Environmental to purchase about 4 million kWh of Green-e certified RECs to offset the
electricity consumption of a newly constructed, energy-efficient Graduate Student Housing
building. The purchase is helping the university achieve certification for the new building under
the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
Green Building Rating System. Since then, Harvard has expanded its green power purchases and
as of fall 2005, eight of Harvard’s schools and departments were collectively purchasing 22
million kWh of renewable energy, or the equivalent of 7% of Harvard’s total electricity usage.
Oregon State University—In September 2003, Oregon State University (OSU) committed to
purchase 5 million kWh of green power from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation. Under
the four-year agreement, the university is purchasing “green tags” representing the energy output
of wind and solar facilities in the Pacific Northwest. The purchase was made possible through a
state policy that allows large customers, like OSU, to self-direct a portion of their state-mandated
public purpose charge payments to support specific renewable energy and energy efficiency
programs. The university also announced plans to site a small renewable energy project, such as
a solar photovoltaic array, on the campus.
Schools that increased their purchases as part of the Consortium’s “Getting to 10% Wind”
campaign include: Eastern University, which purchases wind energy equivalent to 32% of its
electricity use, Dickinson College (12%), the University of Pennsylvania (10%), Juniata College
(10%), Allegheny College (10%), Chatham College (10%), Duquesne University (10%),
Keystone College (10%), and Mercyhurst College (10%). Other schools purchasing wind energy
include Drexel University (8%), Franklin & Marshall College (7%), Carnegie Mellon University
(6%), Gettysburg College (5%), and Penn State University (5%).
State University of New York— Under a contract with Community Energy signed in 2002, the
University at Buffalo, the largest campus in the State University of New York (SUNY) system,
committed to purchase wind energy for about 2% of its electricity needs. In 2004, the University
at Buffalo increased its multi-year purchase to the output of three wind turbines from the Fenner
wind project in upstate New York, or 12 million kWh annually.
following a petition drive that garnered 1,300 student signatures. The affirmative vote for wind
energy represented the largest margin of victory of any measure on the ballot. According to
college officials, the record turnout was directly attributable to student campaigning in support of
the wind energy measure.
In May 2005, the university expanded its green power purchases to offset 100% of the electricity
needs of the three student-run campus buildings. The university was able to increase its wind
energy purchases from 2 million kWh to 8.8 million kWh annually, partly because it used a
competitive bid process, which yielded a lower supply price. CU now buys wind energy from
Community Energy Inc. at a price premium of about 0.61¢/kWh, compared to an original
purchase price of 2.5¢/kWh through Xcel Energy’s Windsource green pricing program. Half of
the wind energy for the new purchase is being supplied from a wind project in southeast
Colorado and the other half from the upper Midwest.
University of Pennsylvania—In April 2003, the University of Pennsylvania entered into a 10-
year agreement to purchase 40 million kWh of wind energy annually from Community Energy.
The new agreement doubles the amount of wind energy that the university previously purchased
to the equivalent of 11% of its annual electricity needs. The purchase made it possible for
Community Energy and other partners to move forward with the construction a new 20-MW
wind project in Pennsylvania, with the university purchasing 40% of the output.
University of Southern Maine—In May 2004, the University of Southern Maine purchased
RECs from EAD Environmental to offset the electricity consumption of a newly constructed,
energy-efficient building. Under the agreement, the university is purchasing 1.5 million kWh of
green power, which is equivalent to approximately 7% of the total electricity consumption at its
three campuses. The purchase is helping the university achieve certification for the new building
under the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Green Building Rating System.
University of Wisconsin—In spring 2003, the University of Wisconsin (UW) Oshkosh became
the first Wisconsin university to make a green power purchase commitment. At least 3% of the
university's electricity needs, totaling nearly 1 million kWh annually, have been provided
through Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) Company's NatureWise product, which is sourced
from a combination of wind and biomass resources in Wisconsin.
Western Washington University—In June 2005, the Western Washington University (WWU)
board of trustees confirmed the university’s intent to purchase renewable energy from Puget
Sound Energy for 100% of its electricity needs. In spring 2004, a WWU student initiative on
renewable energy passed with 84.7 percent approval. The student initiative included a maximum
fee of $19 per quarter for full-time students to support a renewable energy purchase. On June 10,
the board capped the student fee at $10.50 per quarter. The fee is expected to generate $355,000
per year or enough revenue to purchase approximately 35 million kWh of renewable electricity
in the 2005-06 school year at a rate premium of 1¢/kWh.
Long Island—In April 2005, six Long Island municipalities in Suffolk County announced that
they are purchasing more than 8 million kWh of wind energy annually through the LIPA Green
Choice Program in partnership with Community Energy Inc. Through the program, the
communities of Southold, East Hampton, Riverhead, and Shelter Island, as well as the Town of
Southampton and Village of Southampton, are using the green power to meet some or all of their
municipal electricity needs. In addition, both the Suffolk County and Nassau County legislatures
recently passed legislation calling for the counties to purchase up to 50% of their future
electricity needs from renewable energy sources, subject to cost caps.
City of Los Angeles/ Los Angeles World Airports—In October 1999, the Los Angeles World
Airports (LAWA)—the municipal organization that governs the city's four airports, including
Los Angeles International (LAX)—announced its participation in the Los Angeles Department
of Water and Power's (LADWP) Green Power for a Green LA program. Under a 10-year
agreement, LAWA will gradually increase the percentage of green power it purchases from
LADWP, from an initial 10% of total electricity use to 50% in 2010. LAWA hopes to purchase
100% green power by 2015. LAWA initially is using discounted rate savings to pay the higher
cost of the green energy, but the organization is prepared to spend an additional $250,000
annually to meet the longer-term commitment. LAWA currently purchases about 1 million kWh
annually to power the LAX and Van Nuys airports.
On March 2, 2001, the Los Angeles City Council expanded the city government’s purchases
when it approved a plan to meet about 10% of the city’s electricity needs with power generated
from new renewable resources. The city will purchase approximately 50 million kWh per year
of renewable power from LADWP.
Montgomery County Aggregation—In May 2004, an aggregation of Maryland city and county
agencies led by Montgomery County entered into an agreement with Washington Gas Energy
Services and Community Energy Inc. to meet 5% of the group’s combined electricity use with
wind energy. Under the two-year deal, the buying group, which includes six county agencies, 11
municipalities, and Prince George’s County, collectively purchase 38 million kWh of wind
energy annually sourced from the 66-MW Mountaineer Wind Energy Center in West Virginia.
Montgomery County has included the wind energy purchase as a control measure for ozone
pollution in a State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality improvement.
City of Myrtle Beach—In April 2002, Myrtle Beach became the first city in South Carolina to
purchase green power for its municipal facilities by subscribing to Santee Cooper's GreenPower
program. Under the one-year agreement, Myrtle Beach purchased 372,000 kWh of green
power—which represents between 2% and 5% of the city's total annual energy use—at an extra
cost of $10,800, or 2.9¢/kWh.
City of Newark—On January 24, 2005, the Newark (Delaware) City Council unanimously
approved a resolution to increase the city’s purchase of renewable energy to 2% of total
electricity use by 2006 or approximately 7.5 million kWh annually. The vote followed a
recommendation made by the City’s Conservation Advisory Commission to increase renewable
energy purchases from the current level of 0.1% to 0.5% in 2005 and 2% in 2006. It is estimated
that the purchase will increase the average household electric bill by 14 cents per month in 2006.
The city, which operates its own electric utility and purchases power on the wholesale power
market, currently uses about 373 million kWh of electricity annually.
New York City Economic Development Corporation—In March 2005, ConEdison Solutions
and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) announced an agreement
under which the EDC is purchasing 3.7 million kWh of wind energy annually for two city-owned
industrial centers in Brooklyn: the 4 million-square-foot Brooklyn Army Terminal and the 1
million-square-foot Bush Terminal. The wind energy is supplied under a wholesale agreement
with Community Energy Inc. and sourced primarily from the 30-MW Fenner Wind Power
Project, which is east of Syracuse, New York.
New York Municipal Wind Buyers Group—In 2004, Community Energy announced that it is
supplying 36 New York municipalities with wind energy to meet from 5% to 100% of their
municipal electricity needs. The 36 communities are part of a “Municipal Wind Buyers Group,”
which is able to reduce wind energy prices for all members as they reach aggregate purchasing
milestones. In February 2004, the aggregated purchases had led to a 5% price reduction from the
initial 2¢/kWh premium. As of September 2005, the number of communities participating in the
buyers group had expanded to more than 50.
Salt Lake City—In fall 2002, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson approved a contract to
purchase wind energy to supply Salt Lake's historic City and County Building. Under the
agreement, the city initially purchased 420,000 kWh of wind energy annually from Utah Power,
and has since increased its annual purchase to 1.5 million kWh. The extra cost of the wind
energy was covered with savings realized from energy efficiency improvements. The Mayor's
Office also worked with the Utah Wind Power Campaign and Utah Power to develop a direct-
mail piece for residents to tout the benefits of wind power.
City of Santa Monica—In March 2004, electricAmerica and the City of Santa Monica
(California) renewed an agreement under which the company will continue to supply 100%
renewable energy to the city’s municipal facilities. The 5 MW purchase is sourced from a variety
of renewables such as wind, biomass, and geothermal. In 1999, Santa Monica became the first
city in the nation to purchase green power to meet its entire municipal electricity needs.
City of Saratoga Springs—The city of Saratoga Springs, New York, has committed to purchase
wind energy certificates equivalent to about 40% of the electricity used at its municipal facilities.
Under a five-year agreement with Community Energy Inc., the city will purchase 2.9 million
kWh annually at an extra cost of $43,750, or approximately 1.5¢/kWh. The power will come
from the 30-MW Fenner Windpower Project in Madison County, New York. Saratoga Springs is
one of 24 municipalities in the state that purchase wind energy.
City of Seattle— In fall 2001, the Seattle City Council (Washington) unanimously approved a
plan for its municipal utility to obtain about 5% of its power supply from wind resources.
Initially, Seattle City Light purchased 50 megawatts (MW) of wind energy generation from the
Stateline project, under a contract with PacifiCorp Power Marketing Inc., which was expanded to
175 MW in 2004.
Connecticut— In April 2004, Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland issued an executive order
that calls for state government to obtain 20% of its electricity needs from renewable energy
sources by 2010, increasing to 50% in 2020 and 100% by 2050. The order, which covers all
state-owned buildings (including colleges and universities), is an outgrowth of a stakeholders
dialogue on climate change conducted during 2003. Under the order, the total state government
demand for renewable electricity is estimated to be 140 million kWh in 2010.
Illinois—Illinois Governor George Ryan issued an executive order in April 2002 committing the
state to purchase green power for at least 5% of the electricity used by buildings owned or
operated by agencies under the governor's control. The amount of renewable energy purchased
will increase to at least 15% by 2020. The executive order defines “green power” as electricity
generated from renewable sources such as wind, solar, organic wastes, and hydropower. It
excludes the burning of municipal solid waste, wood waste, or tires.
Iowa—On April 22, 2005, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack issued an executive order directing state
agencies to obtain 10% of their electricity from renewable energy sources. According to the
order, “agencies may generate their own alternative energy or may participate in their utility’s
green power purchase program, where available, to meet this requirement.” The order also calls
for the agencies to reduce their energy consumption by an average of 15% by 2010, relative to
2000 levels, and to procure alternative or hybrid-electric vehicles for 100% of their non-law
enforcement light-duty fleet by 2010. In addition, all state bulk purchases of diesel fuel must
contain 5% renewable content by 2007, increasing to 20% by 2010.
New Jersey—In July 2003, the State of New Jersey reaffirmed its commitment to purchase
green power by entering into a 33-month contract with Pepco Energy Services and Community
Energy for 54.9 million kWh or 20.6 MW of wind energy generated from wind farms in the Mid-
Atlantic region. The agencies entered into the agreement in part to meet the 10%
environmentally friendly green power purchase goal established by New Jersey Governor James
New York—In June 2001, New York Governor George Pataki issued an executive order calling
for state agencies to obtain 10% of their electricity needs from renewable sources (such as wind,
solar, biomass, geothermal, and fuel cells) by 2005, with the percentage increasing to 20% by
2010. The order applies to state buildings and those of quasi-independent organizations such as
the State University of New York and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Pennsylvania— In October 2004, the State of Pennsylvania announced that it would triple the
amount of wind energy it purchases as a component of a plan to obtain 10% of its electricity
needs from in-state energy sources. Under four-year contracts with Community Energy Inc. and
Strategic Energy LLC, the state is purchasing 100 million kWh annually, or 10% of the state
government’s electricity needs, from wind energy (35%), waste coal (10%), and low-impact,
run-of-river hydroelectric energy (55%), at an average rate premium of 0.34¢/kWh. Initially, the
state purchased renewable energy for 5% of its electricity needs, under a contract signed in 2002.
Rhode Island—In April 2004, Governor Donald Carcieri announced that the Rhode Island State
Energy Office committed to purchase enough green power to meet all of the electricity needs of
the State House for the next five years. The purchase was estimated to cost about $210,000,
which is to be paid through funds from the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Fund. In April 2005,
the State Energy Office issued a competitive solicitation for the renewable energy supply.
Tennessee—In May 2002, Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist announced that all state
buildings in Nashville, including the governor's mansion, were obtaining a portion of their power
from renewable sources, making Tennessee the first state government in the Southeast to
purchase green power. The power is supplied by Nashville Electric Service through the utility's
participation in the Tennessee Valley Authority's Green Power Switch program, which uses
wind, landfill-methane, and solar resources. The state purchases totaled about 720,000 kWh
annually at an extra cost of $19,000 per year.
In May 2005, Governor Phil Bredesen announced plans for all state parks in Tennessee to
purchase renewable energy, where available. Forty-four of the 54 state parks have access to
green power through the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Green Power Switch program and have
committed to collectively purchase nearly 2.1 million kWh annually. The combined park
purchases will cost $55,152 annually but will be offset by more than $190,000 in expected
savings achieved through energy efficiency measures, such as lighting and cooling
improvements. The State of Tennessee also purchases green power for the Executive Residence
and state buildings in downtown Nashville. Supporting greater use of renewable energy was a
recommendation of the Governor’s Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality.
Wisconsin—In August 2005, Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle unveiled a broad package of
legislation and executive orders to support conservation and sustainable use of the state’s natural
resources, including a call for state agencies to purchase 10% of their power needs from
renewable energy sources by 2006, increasing to 10% by 2010. The action was recommended by
the Governor’s Task Force on Energy Efficiency and Renewables in July 2004.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005, signed into law by President Bush on August 8, calls for the
energy secretary to “ensure that, to the extent economically feasible and technically practicable,”
3% of the electric energy consumed by the federal government in fiscal years 2007 through 2009
be derived from renewable sources, increasing to 5% in fiscal years 2010 through 2012, and
7.5% by 2013 and each fiscal year thereafter. The new law replaces Executive Order 13123,
issued in 1999, which established a goal for federal agencies to obtain 2.5% of their electricity
from renewable energy sources by 2005.
Dyess Air Force Base—In early 2003, Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas, contracted with
TXU Energy to purchase wind power to meet the entire electricity requirements of the base.
Under the two-year agreement, Dyess purchased approximately 78 million kWh of wind power
each year. Dyess offset the extra cost of the wind power with savings realized in the state's
competitive retail electricity market.
Fairchild AFB—Under the agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration announced in
March 2004, Fairchild Air Force Base, outside of Spokane, Washington, committed to purchase
renewable energy to meet the entire electricity load of the military base. Under the contract,
Fairchild purchased 65.7 million kWh of green power from wind (99%) and small hydro (1%)
projects in the region. The bulk of the purchase was in the form of renewable energy certificates,
with the remainder made up of delivered energy.
General Services Administration— Under the three-year contract with Green Mountain Energy
initiated in the fall of 2002, the General Services Administration (GSA) committed to purchase
100% renewable electricity service for the Liberty Bell Pavilion at Independence National
Historical Park and other federal government-operated facilities in Philadelphia. The purchase
amounted to 3.7 million kWh of green power annually.
In 2002, GSA also entered into a contract to purchase green power to meet the entire electricity
needs of two of its buildings in New York – the Binghamton Federal Building and the Pirnie
Federal Building in Utica. Under a three-year contract with Select Energy, GSA has purchased
1.1 million kWh of wind energy annually at a premium of 1.75¢/kWh. The wind energy is
supplied from the Fenner wind farm in New York. This contract was renewed for another year in
In November 2003, GSA also contracted with Pepco Energy Services (PES) to supply electricity
generated from renewable sources to the U.S. departments of Interior, Labor, and Transportation.
Under the contract, PES supplied more than 10 million kWh of Green-e certified power to the
three federal agencies through May 2004. One-fourth of the green energy was supplied from
regional wind farms with the remainder from landfill-gas projects.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory—In 2000, the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) began purchasing green power from the Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) to meet a portion of its electricity needs. Under the agreement, the laboratory
became one of the first industrial participants in TVA's Green Power Switch program. ORNL
purchased 375 blocks, or 675,000 kWh annually, at an extra cost of $18,000 per year.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory—In January 2004, the Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory (PNNL) entered into agreements to purchase green power for all of the electricity
used at its Marine Sciences Laboratory in Sequim, Washington. When added to preexisting
purchases for its main campus in Richland, Washington, PNNL purchases 12 million kWh of
green power annually, representing 15% of the laboratory’s total electricity needs. The purchases
are made from the Clallam County Public Utility District and the City of Richland. PNNL is a
U.S. Department of Energy research laboratory operated by Battelle.
U.S. Department of Energy—As of October 2005, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
began purchasing 152 million kWh of green power, or enough to supply 3% of the total
electricity needs of its facilities throughout the country.
In August 2005, the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) announced that 10 entities of
the U.S. Department of Energy, including the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, have
teamed with the Fort Carson Army Base to purchase 117,825 MWhs of renewable energy
certificates (RECs) annually for the next five years. The RECs will come from a combination of
biomass generation from sawmill plants in California, and wind projects in California and
Nebraska, and will be supplied by Sterling Planet, a national RECs marketer based in Norcross,
Georgia. WAPA coordinated the requests for proposal for all of the agencies and also committed
to purchase a portion of the RECs.
In 2001, EPA founded the Green Power Partnership to help build demand for green power
among commercial and industrial electricity customers. As of September 2005, more than 600
companies and organizations had joined the Partnership Program, with collective purchases of
about 2.9 billion kWh of green power annually.
Green Power Market Development Group—Formed in 2000, the Green Power Market
Development Group (GPMDG) is a commercial and industrial partnership of more than a dozen
companies dedicated to building corporate markets for green power. In December 2004, the
group announced 67 MW of renewable energy purchases following 97 MW of renewable energy
commitments in September 2003. The group’s goal is to develop 1,000 MW of new, cost-
competitive green power by 2010. The diverse group of businesses, which represent an estimated
8% of total U.S. corporate energy use, includes DuPont, General Motors, IBM, Interface,
Johnson & Johnson, Kinko’s, and Pitney Bowes. More recently, Dow Chemical Company,
Staples Inc., and Starbucks have joined the group.
U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership — In 2001, EPA founded the Green Power Partnership to
help build demand for green power among commercial and industrial electricity customers. As of
September 2005, more than 600 organizations had joined the program as partners, including
Fortune 500 companies, states, federal agencies, trade associations and universities. Collectively,
these program partners purchase about 2.9 billion kWh of green power annually (see Appendix
B for the list of the top 25 green power partners as of October 2005).
Amato, Anthony 2005. Email communication, ERG (contractor for U.S. EPA), Boston, MA,
September 26, 2005.
Bird, L. and E. Brown, 2005. Trends in Utility Green Pricing Programs (2004), NREL/TP-620-
38800 Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September.
Bird, L. and K. Cardinal, 2004. Trends in Utility Green Pricing Programs (2003), NREL/TP-
620-36833 Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September.
Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2005. “Estimates of New Renewable Energy Capacity Serving U.S.
Green Power Markets” National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September.
Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2004. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report
(Seventh Edition), NREL/TP-620-36823. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
Bird, L. and B. Swezey, 2003. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (6th
Edition), NREL/TP-620-35119. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October.
Center for Resource Solutions, 2002. Green-e Verification Report, 2001
Center for Resource Solutions, 2001. Green-e Verification Report, 2000
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2004. Renewable Energy Annual 2003,
DOE/EIA-0603(2003), December.
Holt, E.A., and M. Holt, 2004. Green Pricing Resource Guide (2nd Edition), Ed Holt &
Associates, Inc., Harpswell, Maine. Prepared for the American Wind Energy Association,
Washington DC, September.
Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate, 2005. Electric Shopping Statistics, July 1, 2005,
accessed October 10, 2005:
Public Utility Commission of Texas, 2005. Report Card on Competition, August 2005 accessed
October 10, 2005:
Swezey, B. and L. Bird, 2000. Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (5th
Edition), NREL/TP-620-28738. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, August.
Swezey, B. and L. Bird, 2001. Utility Green Pricing Programs: What Defines Success?
NREL/TP-620-29831. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, August.
Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, E. Holt, and B. Swezey, 2001. Forecasting the Growth of Green Power
Markets in the United States. NREL/TP-620-30101. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, August 2001.
Appendix A – Tables of Green Power Product Offerings
Table A-1: Utilities Offering Green Pricing Programs in 2004
Table A-2: Utility Green Pricing Programs by State, October 2005
State Utility Name Name Type Start Date Premium
AK Golden Valley Electric Association Sustainable Natural various local 2005 Contribution
Alternative Power projects
AL Alabama Power Company Renewable Energy Rate biomass co-firing 2003 6.0¢/kWh
AL TVA: City of Athens Electric Department, Cullman Green Power Switch landfill gas, PV, 2000 2.67¢/kWh
Electric Coop, Cullman Power Board, Decator Utilities, wind
Florence Utilities, Hartselle Utilities, Huntsville, Joe
Wheeler EMC, Muscle Shoals Electric Board,
Scottsboro Electric Power Board, Sheffield Utilities,
Tuscumbia Electric Department
AZ Arizona Public Service APS Solar Partners central PV 1997 17.6¢/kWh
AZ Salt River Project EarthWise Energy central PV, wind, 1998/ 3.0¢/kWh
landfill gas, small 2001
hydro, geothermal
AZ Tucson Electric GreenWatts landfill gas, PV 2000 10¢/kWh
AZ UniSource Energy Services GreenWatts PV 2004 10¢/kWh
CA Anaheim Public Utilities Green Power for the PV 2002 Contribution
CA Anaheim Public Utilities Green Power for the wind, landfill gas 2002 1.5¢/kWh
CA Burbank Water and Power Clean Green Support various 2001 1.0¢/kWh
CA Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Green Power for a wind, landfill gas 1999 3.0¢/kWh
Green LA
CA PacifiCorp: Pacific Power Blue Sky Block wind 2000 1.95¢/kWh
CA Palo Alto Utilities/3 Phases Energy Services Palo Alto Green wind, PV 2003 1.5¢/kWh
CA Pasadena Water & Power Green Power wind 2003 2.5¢/kWh
CA Roseville Electric RE Green Energy geothermal, PV 2000 1.0¢/kWh
CA Sacramento Municipal Utility District Greenergy wind, landfill gas, 1997 1.0¢/kWh or
hydro, PV $6/month
CA Silicon Valley Power / 3 Phases Energy Services Santa Clara Green wind, PV 2004 1.5¢/kWh
CO Colorado Springs Utilities Green Power wind 1999 3.0¢/kWh
CO Holy Cross Energy Wind Power Pioneers wind 1998 2.5¢/kWh
CO Holy Cross Energy Local Renewable small hydro, PV 2002 3.3¢/kWh
Energy Pool
CO Platte River Power Authority: Estes Park, Fort Collins Wind Energy Premium wind 1999 1.0¢/kWh -
Utilities, Longmont Power & Communications, 2.5¢/kWh
Loveland Water & Light
CO Tri-State Generation & Transmission: Carbon Power, Renewable Resource wind, hydro 1998 2.5¢/kWh
Chimney Rock, Gunnison County Electric, Kit Carson Power Service
Electric, La Plata Electric, Mountain Parks Electric,
Mountain View Electric, New Mexico, Northwest
Rural, Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association, Public
Power District, San Isabel Electric, San Luis Valley
Rural Electric Coop, San Miguel Power, Sangre,
Springer Electric, United Power, White River (18 of 44
coops offer program)
CO Xcel Energy Renewable Energy PV 1993 Contribution
CO Xcel Energy WindSource wind 1997 0.97¢/kWh
CO Yampa Valley Electric Association Wind Energy Program wind 1999 3.0¢/kWh
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
FL City of Tallahassee/Sterling Planet Green for You biomass, PV 2002 1.6¢/kWh
FL City of Tallahassee/Sterling Planet Green for You PV only 2002 11.6¢/kWh
FL Florida Power & Light / Green Mountain Energy Sunshine Energy biomass, wind, PV 2004 0.975¢/kWh
FL Gainesville Regional Utilities GRUgreen Energy landfill gas, wind, 2003 2.0¢/kWh
FL Keys Energy Services / Sterling Planet GO GREEN: Florida solar hot water, 2004 2.75¢/kWh
Ever Green PV, biomass
FL Keys Energy Services / Sterling Planet GO GREEN: USA wind, biomass,PV 2004 1.60¢/kWh
FL Tampa Electric Company (TECO) Tampa Electric's PV, landfill gas, 2000 5.0¢/kWh
Renewable Energy biomass co-firing
FL Utilities Commission City of New Smyrna Beach Green Fund local PV projects 1999 Contribution
GA Georgia Electric Membership Corporation (16 of 42 Green Power EMC landfill gas 2001 2.0¢/kWh-
coops offer program): Carroll EMC, Coastal Electric, 3.3¢/kWh
Cobb EMC, Coweta-Fayette EMC, Flint Energies,
GreyStone Power, Habersham EMC, Irwin EMC,
Jackson EMC, Jefferson Energy, Lamar EMC,
Ocmulgee EMC, Sawnee EMC, Snapping Shoals
EMC, Tri-County EMC, Walton EMC of Monroe
IL City of Naperville / Community Energy Renewable Energy wind, small hydro, 2005 2.5¢/kWh
Option PV
IL City of St. Charles/ComEd and Community Energy TBD wind, landfill gas 2003 Contribution
IL Dairyland Power Cooperative: Jo-Carroll Evergreen Renewable wind 1997 1.5¢/kWh
Energy/Elizabeth Energy Program
IN Hoosier Energy (5 of 17 coops offer program): EnviroWatts landfill gas 2001 2.0¢/kWh-
Southeastern Indiana REMC, South Central Indiana 4.0¢/kWh
REMC, Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC,
Decatur County REMC, Daviess-Martin County REMC
IN Indianapolis Power & Light Elect Plan Green Power geothermal 1998 0.9¢/kWh
IN PSI Energy/Cinergy Green Power Rider wind, PV, landfill 2001 Contribution
gas, digester gas
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
IN Wabash Valley Power Association (7 of 27 coops offer EnviroWatts landfill gas 2000 0.9¢/kWh-
program): Boone REMC, Hendricks Power 1.0¢/kWh
Cooperative, Kankakee Valley REMC, Miami-Cass
REMC, Tipmont REMC, White County REMC,
Northeastern REMC
IA Farmers Electric Cooperative Green Power Project biodiesel, wind 2004 Contribution
IA Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (80 of 137 Green City Energy wind, biomass, PV 2003 Varies by
participating) Afton, Algona, Alta Vista, Aplington, utility
Auburn, Bancroft, Bellevue, Bloomfield, Breda,
Brooklyn, Buffalo, Burt, Callender, Carlisle, Cascade,
Coggon, Coon Rapids, Corning, Corwith, Danville,
Dayton, Durant, Dysart, Earlville, Eldridge, Ellsworth,
Estherville, Fairbank, Farnhamville, Fontanelle, Forest
City, Gowrie, Grafton, Grand Junction, Greenfield,
Grundy Center, Guttenberg, Hopkinton, Hudson,
Independence, Keosauqua, La Porte City, Lake Mills,
Lake View, Laurens, Lenox, Livermore, Maquoketa,
Marathon, McGregor, Milford, Montezuma, Mount
Pleasant, Neola, New Hampton, Ogden, Orient,
Osage, Panora, Pella, Pocahontas, Preston, Readlyn,
Rockford, Sabula, Sergeant Bluff, Sibley, Spencer,
Stanhope, State Center, Stratford, Strawberry Point,
Stuart, Tipton, Villisca, Vinton, Webster City, West
Bend, West Liberty, West Point, Westfield,
Whittemore, Wilton, Winterset
IA MidAmerican Energy Renewable Advantage wind 2004 Contribution
IA Missouri River Energy Services (MRES): Alton, RiverWinds wind 2003 1.0¢/kWh-
Atlantic, Denison, Fontanelle, Hartley, Hawarden, 2.5¢/kWh
Kimballton, Lake Park, Manilla, Orange City, Paullina,
Primghar, Remsen, Rock Rapids, Sanborn, Shelby,
Sioux Center, Woodbine
IA Muscatine Power and Water Solar Muscatine PV 2004 Contribution
IA Waverly Light & Power Green Power Choice wind 2003 Contribution
IA Waverly Light & Power Iowa Energy Tags wind 2001 2.0¢/kWh
KY East Kentucky Power Cooperative: Blue Grass EnviroWatts landfill gas 2002 2.75¢/kWh
Energy, Clark, Cumberland, Fleming, Grayson, Inter-
county Energy, Jackson, Licking, Mason, Nolin, Owen
Electric, Salt River, Shelby, South Kentucky
KY TVA: Bowling Green Municipal Utilities, Franklin Green Power Switch landfill gas, PV, 2000 2.67¢/kWh
Electric Plant Board wind
MA Concord Municipal Light Plant (CMLP) Green Power hydro 2004 3.0¢/kWh
MI Consumers Energy Green Generation wind, landfill gas 2005 1.67¢/kWh
MI Lansing Board of Water and Light GreenWise Electric landfill gas, small 2001 3.0¢/kWh
Power hydro
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
MI Traverse City Light and Power Green Rate wind 1996 1.5¢/kWh
MI Upper Peninsula Power Company NatureWise wind, landfill gas 2004 4.0¢/kWh
and animal waste
MI We Energies Energy for Tomorrow wind, landfill gas, 2000 2.0¢/kWh
MN Alliant Energy Second Nature landfill gas, wind 2002 2.0¢/kWh
MN Basin Electric Power Cooperative: Minnesota Valley Prairie Winds wind 2002 1.0¢/kWh-
Electric Coop, Sioux Valley Southwestern 2.5¢/kWh
MN Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency Green Energy Program wind, landfill gas n/a 1.5¢/kWh-
MN Dairyland Power Cooperative: Freeborn-Mower Evergreen Renewable wind 1997 1.5¢/kWh
Cooperative / Albert Lea, People's / Rochester, Tri- Energy Program
County / Rushford
MN Great River Energy (all 28 coops offer program): Wellspring Renewable wind 1998 1.45¢/kWh-
Agralite, Arrowhead, BENCO Electric, Brown County Wind Energy Program 2.0¢/kWh
Rural Electric, Connexus Energy, Co-op Light &
Power, Crow Wing Power, Dakota Electric
Association, East Central Electric Association,
Federated Rural Electric, Goodhue County, Itasca
Mantrap Cooperative, Kandiyohi Power Cooperative,
Lake Country Power, Lake Region Electric
Cooperative, McLeod Cooperative Power, Meeker
Cooperative Light & Power, Mille Lacs Electric
Cooperative, Minnesota Valley, Nobles Cooperative
Electric, North Itasca, Redwood Electric Cooperative,
Runestone Electric, South Central Electric Association
, Stearns Electric, Steele-Waseca, Todd-Wadena ,
Wright-Hennepin Electric
MN Minnesota Power WindSense wind 2002 2.5¢/kWh
MN Minnkota Power Cooperative: Beltrami, Clearwater Infinity Wind Energy wind 1999 1.5¢/kWh
Polk, North Star, PKM, Red Lake, Red River, Roseau,
Wild Rice, Thief River Falls
MN Missouri River Energy Services (39 of 55 munis offer RiverWinds wind 2002 1.0¢/kWh-
program): Adrian, Alexandria, Barnesville, Benson, 2.5¢/kWh
Breckenridge, Detroit Lakes, Elbow Lake, Henning,
Jackson, Lakefield, Lake Park, Luverne, Madison,
Moorhead, Ortonville, St. James, Sauk Centre,
Staples, Wadena, Westbrook, Worthington
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
MT Basin Electric Power Cooperative: Lower Yellowstone Prairie Winds wind 2000 1.0¢/kWh-
MT Northwestern Energy E+ Green wind, PV 2003 2.0¢/kWh
MT Park Electric Cooperative Green Power Program wind, hydro 2002 1.2¢/kWh
MT Southern Montana Electric Generation and Environmentally wind, hydro 2002 1.05¢/kWh
Transmission Cooperative (5 co-ops): Fergus Electric, Preferred Power
Yellowstone Valley, Bear Tooth Electric, Mid
Yellowstone, and Tongue River
NC NC Electric Cooperatives (15 of 27 cooperatives offer NC GreenPower biomass, wind, PV 2003 4.0¢/kWh
the program): Albemarle EMC, Blue Ridge Electric
Membership Corp., Brunswick Electric Membership
Corp., Carteret Craven Electric Coop., Edgecombe-
Martin County Electric Membership Corp.,
EnergyUnited, Four County Electric Membership
Corp., Haywood Electric Membership Corp., Jones-
Onslow Electric Membership Corp., Pee Dee Electric
Membership Corp., Piedmont Electric Membership
Corp., Randolph Electric Membership Corp., Roanoke
Electric Membership Corp., Tri-County Electric
Membership Corp., Wake Electric Membership Corp.
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
ND Minnkota Power Cooperative: Cass County Electric, Infinity Wind Energy wind 1999 1.5¢/kWh
Cavalier Rural Electric, Nodak Electric, Northern
Municipal Power Agency (12 municipals)
ND Missouri River Energy Services: City of Lakota RiverWinds wind 2002 1.0¢/kWh-
OH American Municipal Power-Ohio / Green Mountain Nature's Energy small hydro, 2003 1.3¢/kWh-
Energy: City of Bowling Green, Cuyahoga Falls, landfill gas, wind 1.5¢/kWh
OK Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (19 of 19): WindWorks wind 2004 0.5¢/kWh
Alfalfa Electric Cooperative, Caddo Electric
Cooperative, Canadian Valley Electric Cooperative,
Choctaw Electri Cooperative, Cimmaron Electric
Cooperative, Cotton Electric Cooperative, East
Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Harmon
Electric Cooperative, Kay Electric Cooperative,
Kiamichi Electric Cooperative, Kiwash Electric
Cooperative, Northfork Electric Cooperative,
Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma Electric
Cooperative, People's Electric Cooperative, Red River
Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Rural Electric
Cooperative, Southeastern Electric Cooperative,
Southwest Rural Electric Cooperative
OR City of Ashland/Bonneville Environmental Foundation Renewable Pioneers PV, wind 2003 2.0¢/kWh
OR PacifiCorp: Pacific Power / 3 Phases Energy Services Blue Sky Habitat wind, biomass, PV 2002 0.78¢/kWh +
OR Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative: Central Green Power landfill gas 1998 1.8¢/kWh-
Electric Cooperative, Clearwater Power, Consumers 4.0¢/kWh
Power, Douglas Electric Cooperative, Umatilla Electric
Cooperative (5 of 16 coops offer program)
OR Portland General Electric / Green Mountain Energy Green Source existing 2002 0.8¢/kWh
geothermal, wind
OR Portland General Electric / Green Mountain Energy Healthy Habitat existing 2002 0.8¢/kWh +
geothermal, wind $2.50/mo.
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
OR Portland General Electric Company Clean Wind for Medium wind 2003 1.35¢/kWh-
to Large Commercial & 1.7¢/kWh
Industrial Accounts
OR Portland General Electric Company Clean Wind Power wind 2002 1.75¢/kWh
SC Santee Cooper, Aiken Electric Cooperative, Berkeley Green Power Program landfill gas 2001 3.0¢/kWh
Electric Cooperative, Edisto Electric Cooperative,
Fairfield Electric Cooperative, Horry Electric
Cooperative, Laurens Electric Cooperative, Lynches
River Electric Cooperative, Marlboro Electric
Cooperative, Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative,
Palmetto Electric Cooperative, Pee Dee Electric
Cooperative, Santee Electric Cooperative, Tri-County
Electric Cooperative, York Electric Cooperative
SD Basin Electric Power Cooperative: Bon Homme- Prairie Winds wind 2000 1.0¢/kWh-
Yankton Electric Assn., Central Electric Cooperative 2.5¢/kWh
Association, Charles Mix Electric Association, City of
Elk Point, Clay-Union Electric Corporation, Codington-
Clark Electric Cooperative, Dakota Energy
Cooperative, Douglas Electric Cooperative, FEM
Electric Association, H-D Electric Cooperative,
Kingsbury Electric Cooperative, Lyon-Lincoln Electric
Cooperative, McCook Electric Cooperative, Northern
Electric Cooperative, Oahe Electric Cooperative,
Renville-Sibley Coop. Power Assn., Sioux Valley
Southwestern Electric Coop, Southeastern Electric
Coop, Union County Electric Cooperative, Whetstone
Valley Electric Cooperative, Black Hills Electric Coop,
LaCreek Electric Coop, West River Power
Association, Butte Electric Coop, Cherry Todd Electric
Coop, Moreau Grand, Grand Electric Cooperative,
SD Missouri River Energy Services: City of Vermillion RiverWinds wind 2002 1.0¢/kWh-
TN TVA: Alcoa Electric Department, Appalachian Electric Green Power Switch landfill gas, PV, 2000 2.67¢/kWh
Cooperative, Athens Utility Board, Bristol Tennessee wind
Electric System, Caney Fork Electric Cooperative,
City of Maryville Electric Department, Clarksville
Department of Electricity, Cleveland Utilities, Clinton
Utilities Board, Cookeville Electric Department,
Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation,
Dickson Electric Department, Duck River Electric
Membership Corporation, Elizabethton Electric
System, EPB (Chattanooga), Erwin Utilities,
Fayetteville Public Utilities, Gibson Electric
Membership Corporation, Greeneville Light and
Power System, Harriman Utility Board, Johnson City
Power Board, Jackson Energy Authority, Knoxville
Utilities Board, Lafollette Utilities Board,
Lawrenceburg Power System, Lenoir City Utilities
Board, Loudon Utilities, McMinnville Electric System,
Memphis Light, Gas & Water, Meriwhether Lewis
Electric Cooperative, Middle Tennessee Electric
Membership Corporation, Morristown Power System,
Mountain Electric Cooperative, Murfreesboro Electric
Department, Nashville Electric Service, Newport
Utilities, Oak Ridge Electric Department, Paris Board
of Public Utilities, Plateau Electric Cooperative, Powell
Valley Electric Cooperative, Pulaski Electric System,
Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, Sevier
County Electric System, Springfield Department of
Electricity, Sweetwater Utilities Board, Tullahoma
Utilities Board, Upper Cumberland Electric
Membership Corporation, Volunteer Energy
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
TX Austin Energy (City of Austin) GreenChoice wind, landfill gas, 2000/1997 0.5¢/kWh
TX City Public Service of San Antonio Windtricity wind 2000 3.0¢/kWh
TX El Paso Electric Company Renewable Energy wind 2001 1.92¢/kWh
UT City of St. George Clean Green Power wind, small hydro 2005 2.95¢/kWh
UT Deseret Power GreenWay various 2004 1.95¢/kWh
UT Pacificorp: Utah Power Blue Sky wind 2000 1.95¢/kWh
VT Central Vermont Public Service CVPS Cow Power biogas 2004 4.0¢/kWh
VT Green Mountain Power CoolHome / wind, biomass 2002 Contribution
WA Avista Utilities Buck-A-Block wind 2002 0.33¢/kWh
WA Benton County Public Utility District Green Power Program landfill gas, wind 1999 Contribution
WA Chelan County PUD Sustainable Natural PV, wind, micro 2001 Contribution
Alternative Power hydro
WA Clallam County PUD Clallam County PUD landfill gas 2001 0.7¢/kWh
Green Power Program
WA Clark Public Utilities Green Lights PV, wind 2002 1.5¢/kWh
WA Cowlitz PUD Renewable Resource wind, PV 2002 2.0¢/kWh
WA Grant County PUD Alternative Energy wind 2002 2.0¢/kWh
Resources Program
WA Grays Harbor PUD Green Power wind 2002 3.0¢/kWh
WA Lewis County PUD Green Power Energy wind 2003 2.0¢/kWh
WA Mason County PUD No. 3 Mason Evergreen wind 2003 2.0¢/kWh
WA Orcas Power & Light Go Green wind, hydro 1999 3.5¢/kWh
WA Pacific County PUD Green Power landfill gas 2002 1.05¢/kWh
WA Pacificorp: Pacific Power Blue Sky wind 2000 1.95¢/kWh
WA Peninsula Light Green by Choice wind, hydro 2002 2.8¢/kWh
WA Puget Sound Energy Green Power Plan wind, PV, biogas 2002 2.0¢/kWh
WA Seattle City Light Green UP (C&I only) wind 2005 1.5¢/kWh
WA Seattle City Light Seattle Green Power PV, biogas 2002 Contribution
WA Snohomish County Public Utility District Planet Power wind 2002 2.0¢/kWh
WA Tacoma Power EverGreen Options small hydro, wind 2000 1.5¢/kWh
WI Alliant Energy Second Nature wind, landfill gas 2000 2.0¢/kWh
WI Dairyland Power Cooperative: Barron Electric, Evergreen Renewable wind 1998 1.5¢/kWh
Bayfield/ Iron River, Chippewa / Cornell Valley, Clark / Energy Program
Greenwood, Dunn / Menomonie, Eau Claire / Fall
Creek, Jackson / Black River Falls, Jump River /
Ladysmith, Oakdale, Pierce-Pepin / Ellsworth, Polk-
Burnett / Centuria, Price / Phillips, Richland, Riverland
/ Arcadia, St. Croix / Baldwin, Scenic Rivers /
Lancaster, Taylor / Medford, Vernon / Westby
WI Great River Energy: Head of the Lakes Wellspring Renewable wind 1997 1.45¢/kWh-
Wind Energy Program 2.0¢/kWh
WI Madison Gas & Electric Wind Power Program wind 1999 3.3¢/kWh
WI We Energies Energy for Tomorrow landfill gas, hydro, 1996 2.04¢/kWh
State Utility Name Program Type Start Date Premium
WI Wisconsin Public Power Inc. (34 of 37 munis offer Renewable Energy small hydro, wind, 2001 2.0¢/kWh
program): Algoma, Cedarburg, Florence, Kaukauna, Program biogas
Muscoda, Stoughton, Reedsburg, Oconomowoc,
Waterloo, Whitehall, Columbus, Hartford, Lake Mills,
New Holstein, Richland Center, Boscobel, Cuba City,
Hustisford, Sturgeon Bay, Waunakee, Lodi, New
London, Plymouth, River Falls, Sun Prairie, Waupun,
Eagle River, Jefferson, Menasha, New Richmond,
Prairie du Sac, Slinger, Two Rivers, Westby
Table A-3: Retail Green Power Product Offerings in Competitive Electricity Markets,
October 2005
State Company Product Name Residential Fee Resource Mix Certification
Price Premium
CT Community Energy (CT CT Clean Energy 1.1¢/kWh — 50% new wind, 50% —
Clean Energy Options Options 50% or 100% landfill gas
Program) of usage
CT Sterling Planet (CT Sterling Select 50% or 1.15¢/kWh — 33% new wind, 33% —
Clean Energy Options 100% of usage existing small low
Program) impact hydro, 34%
new landfill gas
DC PEPCO Energy Services Green Electricity 10%, 1.35¢/kWh (for — landfill gas —
(3) 51% or 100% of usage 100% usage)
DC PEPCO Energy Services NewWind Energy 51% 2.05¢kWh (for — new wind —
(3) or 100% of usage 100% usage)
DC Washington Gas Energy New Wind Energy (5%, 2.5¢/kWh — new wind —
Services / Community 10%, 25%, 50%, or
Energy 100% of usage)
ME Maine Renewable Maine Clean Power 2.87¢/kWh — 80% low impact hydro, —
Energy/Maine Interfaith Plus 20% wind
Power & Light (4)
MD PEPCO Energy Services Green Electricity 10%, 2.75¢/kWh (for — landfill gas —
(5) 51% or 100% of usage 100% usage)
MD PEPCO Energy Services NewWind Energy 51% 3.35¢/kWh (for — new wind —
(5) or 100% of usage 100% usage)
MA Cape Light Compact (6) Cape Light Compact 1.768¢/kWh (for — 75% small hydro, 24% —
Green 50% or 100% 100% usage) new wind or landfill
gas, 1% new solar
MA Massachusetts New Wind Energy 50% 2.4¢/kWh — 50% small hydro, 50% Green-e
Electric/Nantucket or 100% of usage new wind
State Company Product Name Residential Fee Resource Mix Certification
Price Premium
MA Massachusetts New England 2.4¢/kWh (for — 75% small hydro, 19% —
Electric/Nantucket GreenStart 50% or 100% usage) biomass, 5% wind, 1%
Electric/Mass Energy 100% of usage solar (≥25% of total is
Consumers Alliance new)
MA Massachusetts Sterling Premium 50% 1.35¢/kWh — 50% small hydro, 30% Environmental
Electric/Nantucket or 100% of usage bioenergy, 15% wind, Resources
Electric/Sterling Planet 5% new solar Trust
NJ Green Mountain Energy Enviro Blend 1.0¢/kWh $3.95/mo. 5% new wind, 0.4% —
Company (7) solar, 44.6% captured
methane, 50% large
NY Long Island Power New Wind Energy and 1.3¢/kWh — 60% new wind, 40% —
Authority / Community Water small hydro
NY Long Island Power Green Power Program 1.0¢/kWh — 75% landfill gas, 25% —
Authority / EnviroGen small hydro
NY Long Island Power New York Clean 1.0¢/kWh — 55% small hydro, 35% —
Authority / Sterling Planet bioenergy, 10% wind
NY Long Island Power Sterling Green 1.5¢/kWh — 40% wind, 30% small —
Authority / Sterling Planet hydro, 30% bioenergy
State Company Product Name Residential Fee Resource Mix Certification
Price Premium
NY Niagara Mohawk / Think Green! 1.0¢/kWh — 75% landfill gas, 25% —
EnviroGen hydro
NY Niagara Mohawk / Sterling Green 1.5¢/kWh — 40% wind, 30% small Environmental
Sterling Planet hydro, 30% bioenergy Resources
NY Niagara Mohawk/Green Green Mountain 1.3¢/kWh — 50% small hydro, 50% Green-e
Mountain Energy Energy Electricity wind
NY Rochester Gas & Catch the 2.5¢/kWh — 100-kWh blocks of —
Electric/Community Wind/NewWind Energy new wind
PA Energy Cooperative of EcoChoice 100 2.78¢/kWh — 89% landfill gas, 10% Green-e
Pennsylvania (10) wind, 1% solar
PA Energy Cooperative of Wind Energy 2.5¢/kWh — wind —
Pennsylvania (10)
PA PECO PECO Wind 2.54¢/kWh — 100-kWh blocks of —
Energy/Community new wind
Energy (10)
PA PEPCO Energy Services Green Electricity 10%, 3.7¢/kWh (for — 100% renewable —
(10) 51% or 100% of usage 100% usage)
PA PEPCO Energy Services NewWind Energy 51% 4.48¢/kWh (for — 100% new wind —
(10) or 100% of usage 100% usage)
RI Narragansett Electric / NewWind Energy 50% 2.0¢/kWh — 50% small hydro, 50% Green-e
Community Energy, Inc. or 100% of usage new wind
RI Narragansett Electric / New England 1.5¢/kWh — 69% small hydro, 30% Green-e
People's Power & Light GreenStart RI 50% or new wind, 1% new
100% of usage solar
RI Narragansett Electric / Sterling Supreme 100% 1.98¢/kWh — 40% small hydro, 25% Environmental
Sterling Planet biomass, 25% new Resources
solar, 10% wind Trust
TX Green Mountain Energy Pollution Free: Reliable -0.03¢/kWh $5.34/mo. wind and hydro —
Company (11) Rate or Month-to-
VA PEPCO Energy Services NewWind Energy 51% 5.33¢/kWh (for — new wind —
(12) or 100% of usage 100% usage)
VA Washington Gas Energy New Wind Energy 2.5¢/kWh — 100 kWh blocks of —
Services / Community Certificates new wind
Prices updated as of July 2005 and may also apply to small commercial customers. Prices may differ for large
commercial/industrial customers and may vary by service territory.
New is defined as operating or repowered after January 1, 1999 based on the Green-e TRC certification standards.
Offered in PEPCO service territory. Product prices are for renewal customers based on annual average costs for
customers in PEPCO's service territory (6.8¢/kWh).
Price premium is for Central Maine Power service territory based on standard offer of 7.13¢/kWh.
Product offered in Baltimore Gas and Electric and PEPCO service territories. Price is for PEPCO service territory based
on price to compare of 6.55¢/kWh.
Price premium is based on a comparison to the Cape Light Compact's standard electricity product.
Green Mountain Energy offers products in Conectiv, JCPL, and PSE&G service territories. Product prices are for
PSE&G (price to compare of 6.503¢/kWh).
Price premium is based on a comparison to ConEdison Solutions' standard electricity product in the ConEdison service
Price premium is for Niagara Mohawk service territory. Program only available in Niagara Mohawk service territory.
Premium varies depending on energy taxes and usage.
Product prices are for PECO service territory (price to compare of 6.21¢/kWh).
Product prices are based on price to beat of 12.1¢/kWh for TXU service territory (specifically Dallas, Texas) (Except
where noted). Except for Gexa Green, which is listed in price per kWh, prices based on 1000 kwh of usage monthly, and
include monthly fees.
Products are available in Dominion Virginia Power service territory
Table A-4: Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Retail Products, October 2005
Location of Residential
Renewable Renewable Price
Certificate Marketer Product Name Resources Resources Premiums* Certification
3 Phases Energy Services Green Certificates 100% new wind Nationwide 2.0¢/kWh Green-e
Blue Sky Energy Corp Greener Choice™ Landfill Gas Utah 1.95¢/kWh —
Green Tags
Bonneville Environmental Green Tags ≥98% new wind, ≤1% Washington, 2.0¢/kWh Green-e
Foundation new solar, ≤1% new Oregon, Wyoming,
biomass Montana, Alberta
Clean and Green Clean and Green 100% new wind National 3.0¢/kWh Green-e
Clean Energy Mid Atlantic Wind 100% new wind Mid Atlantic 2.0¢/kWh Green-e
Clean Energy National New Clean 24% wind, 25% National 0.6¢/kWh Environmental
Partnership/Sterling Planet Energy MIx biomass, 50% landfill Resources Trust
gas, 1% solar
Clean Energy National and 100% new wind National 1.0¢/kWh Environmental
Partnership/Sterling Planet Regional New Wind Resources Trust
Community Energy New Wind Energy 100% new wind Colorado, Illinois, 2.0¢/kWh - Green-e
New York, 2.5¢/kWh
Pennsylvania, West
Conservation Services ClimateSAVE 95% new wind, 5% Kansas (wind), 1.65¢/kWh - Green-e
Group new solar New York (solar) 1.75¢/kWh
EAD Environmental 100% Wind Energy 100% new wind Not specified 1.5¢/kWh —
EAD Environmental Home Grown Hydro 100% small hydro New England 1.2¢/kWh —
Certificates (<5MW)
Green Mountain Energy TBD (Pennsylvania 100% wind National 1.7¢/kWh- —
REC product) 2.0¢/kWh
Maine Interfaith Power & Green Tags ≥98% new wind, ≤1% Washington, 2.0¢/kWh —
Light/BEF (supplied by BEF) new solar, ≤1% new Oregon, Wyoming,
biomass Montana, Alberta
Mass Energy Consumers New England Wind 100% new wind Massachusetts 5.0¢/kWh —
NativeEnergy CoolHome New biogas and new Vermont and 0.8¢/kWh - **
wind Pennsylvania 1.0¢/kWh
(biomass), South
Dakota (wind)
Renewable Ventures PVUSA Solar Green 100% solar California 3.3¢/kWh Green-e
Location of Residential
Renewable Renewable Price
Certificate Marketer Product Name Resources Resources Premiums* Certification
SKY energy, Inc. Wind-e Renewable 100% new wind Nationwide 2.4¢/kWh Green-e
Sterling Planet Green America 45% new wind, 50% Nationwide 1.6¢/kWh Green-e
new biomass, 5%
new solar
Waverly Light & Power Iowa Energy Tags 100% wind Iowa 2.0¢/kWh —
WindCurrent Chesapeake 100% new wind Mid-Atlantic States 2.5¢/kWh Green-e
Premium may also apply to small commercial customers. Large users may be able to negotiate price premiums.
Most product prices are as of July 2005.
** The Climate Neutral Network certifies the methodology used to calculate the CO2 emissions offset.
NA = Not applicable.
Appendix B
Table B-1: EPA Green Power Partnership Top 25 Partners by Size of Purchase,
October 2005
Annual Purchase
Rank Purchaser
1. U.S. Air Force 321,416
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 246,809
3. Johnson & Johnson 241,398
4. U.S. Department of Energy 152,000
5. The World Bank 85,000
6. Safeway Inc. 78,000
7. U.S. General Services Administration/Region 2 76,185
8. Whole Foods Market 71,428
9. City of San Diego, CA 69,843
10. HSBC North America 68,181
11. New Jersey Consolidated Energy Savings Program 55,624
12. Advanced Micro Devices/Austin, TX Facilities 52,448
13. WhiteWave Foods 49,500
14. Austin (TX) Independent School District 48,827
15 Staples 48,283
16. Mohawk Fine Papers, Inc. 45,000
17. The Tower Companies 41,000
18. U.S. Army/Fort Carson 40,000
19. University of Pennsylvania 40,000
20. Montgomery County, MD 38,412
21 Hyatt Regency/Reunion & DFW Airport Hotels 35,300
22. Western Washington University 35,000
23. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 34,800
24. FedEx Kinko’s 29,300
25. East Bay Municipal Utility District/Main WWT Plant 26,000
Source: U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership
Appendix C
Table C-1: Estimated U.S. Green Power Customers by State and Customer Class
Participating Customers
Industry 2003 2002
Participants Non-
State 2003 Residential Residential Total Total
Alaska ................................................
Arizona............................................. 2 5,838 96 5,934 4,039
Arkansas ............................................
California............................................ 8 60,626 1,653 62,279 55,631
Colorado ............................................ 18 43,418 776 44,194 39,191
Connecticut ........................................ 1,056
Delaware............................................ 8
District of Columbia............................ 2 4,612 212 4,824 1,686
Florida ................................................ 1 206 12 218 146
Georgia .............................................. 11 3,881 14 3,895 418
Hawaii ................................................ 3 3,551 28 3,579 3,040
Idaho .................................................. 4 2,437 71 2,508 2,090
Illinois ................................................. 1 8 8 8
Indiana ............................................... 9 1,075 16 1,091 708
Iowa ................................................... 30 5,756 29 5,785 4,403
Kansas ...............................................
Kentucky ............................................ 5 115 3 118 6
Maine ................................................. 1 5 5 47
Maryland ............................................ 2 14,205 151 14,356 2,553
Massachusetts ................................... 1 1 1
Michigan............................................. 6 1,285 61 1,346 1,189
Minnesota .......................................... 76 19,805 450 20,255 7,922
Mississippi.......................................... 1 7 7
Missouri.............................................. 4 261 261 136
Montana ............................................. 4 48 1 49 241
Nebraska............................................ 4 4,086 85 4,171 4,809
Nevada............................................... 1 284 1 285 241
New Hampshire .................................
New Jersey ........................................ 1 1,731 85 1,816 2,226
New Mexico ....................................... 5 5,610 164 5,774 629
New York ........................................... 2 133 1 134
North Carolina.................................... 9 3,747 166 3,913
North Dakota...................................... 9 1,771 21 1,792 670
Ohio ................................................... 1 387,938 40,911 428,849 356,309
Oklahoma........................................... 1 6,712 46 6,758
Oregon ............................................... 12 37,173 4,966 42,139 35,674
Pennsylvania...................................... 3 74,583 93 74,676 92,722
Rhode Island......................................
South Carolina ................................... 4 1,506 219 1,725 1,152
South Dakota ..................................... 12 613 11 624 513
Tennessee ......................................... 1 1 1
Texas ................................................. 4 65,618 2,993 68,611 47,638
Utah ................................................... 1 12,264 3,216 15,480 8,924
Vermont .............................................
Virginia ............................................... 2 4,624 15 4,639 2,394
Washington ........................................ 18 16,406 452 16,858 11,003
West Virginia......................................
Wisconsin........................................... 50 26,158 437 26,595 20,913
Wyoming ............................................ 5 1,488 85 1,573 1,215
Total .................................................. 308 819,579 57,547 877,126 711,550
P = Preliminary; R = Revised
Note: Electric industry participants include the following respondent types: Federal, state, municipal, investor-owned, and
cooperative utilities; municipal marketing authorities; and power marketers (or energy service providers). Non-residential
may include some customers for which no customer class is specified. Blank cells indicate no date was reported for the
state or the number of customers in a class was zero. Totals may not equal the sum of the components due to
independent rounding. Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, “Annual Electric Power Industry
Source: EIA Renewable Energy Annual 2003, DOE/EIA-0603(2003), December 2004.
Form Approved
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
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October 2005 Technical Report
Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report DE-AC36-99-GO10337
(Eighth Edition)