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PV-Battery Waste Management

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Amy Author, Bode Author, and Catherine Author

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

David Author and Emily Author

Other Organization

Document elaborated by Factor

November 2016

Document elaborated by Factor

November 2016
This publication was reproduced from the best available copy
submitted by the subcontractor and received no editorial review at NREL.


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AMADER Malian Rural Electrification Agency
ECREEE ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EPR extended producer responsibility
EU European Union
GIZ German International Cooperation Agency
IDCOL Infrastructure and Development Company Limited (Bangladesh)
IEA-PVPS International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
OHSAS Occupational Health Safety Standard
PV photovoltaic
REREDP Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project
R&D research and development
SBC Secretariat of the Basel Convention
SHS solar home system
SWEEPNET Regional Solid Waste Exchange of Information and Expertise
WEEE waste from electrical and electronic equipment

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Waste Management Stakeholders .................................................................................................................. 3
Waste Management Process ........................................................................................................................... 4
Financing Schemes ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Waste Management Approach ....................................................................................................................... 6
Actions for PV Panels/Batteries Waste Management ...................................................................................... 7
Institutional capacity .............................................................................................................................. 7
Technical Capacity ................................................................................................................................. 7
Human Capacity ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Experiences in Developing Countries ............................................................................................................. 8
Off-Grid Electrification and its Impacts on the Waste Management System the Case of
Bangladesh (Batteiger 2015)............................................................................................................ 8
E-waste Africa Programme .................................................................................................................... 9
PV Panel Recycling in China ................................................................................................................. 9
PV Panel Recycling in India................................................................................................................. 10
Tender for the Electricity Supply with SHS for At Least 150,000 Isolated Households in Peru ......... 10
ECREEE-AMADER Project Pre-Feasibility Study of the Hybridization of 97 Rural Minigrids in
Mali ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 12

List of Figures
Figure 1. Life cycle stages for PV panels and batteries ........................................................................................ 3
Figure 2. Waste management process for the recycling of PV panels and batteries ................................................ 4

The waste management of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in the context of rural electrification
presents a great challenge. Systems are, mainly, placed in isolated and underdeveloped areas that
are difficult to access, making collection very problematic. But, mainly because nothing is
considered a waste in these areas, all components of the PV systems are recycled locally or
reused for different purposes.

Another complexity exists because the main components of the systemPV panels, batteries,
and eventually lamps (incandescent and compact fluorescents)demand their own waste
management strategy.

PV panels and batteries are entering the waste cycle at different times, panels after more than 25
years and batteries usually in five years; the amount of waste generated is different, and their
components need specific treatment to avoid environmental impacts.

In addition, PV panels and batteries have very different starting points in terms of experience in
waste management. The waste management industry has experience with recycling batteries
(mostly lead-acid) due to their application in vehicles, but this is not the case for PV panels.

End-of-life management could become a significant component of the PV value chain. The
recovered material can be injected back into the economy and can serve to produce new PV
panels or be sold into global commodity markets, thus increasing the security of future raw
material supply. End-of-life management for PV panels will spawn new industries, can support
considerable economic value creation, and is consistent with a global shift to sustainable long-
term development (IRENA & IEA-PVPS 2016).

At the end of 2015, there were 229 gigawatts (GW) of installed PV worldwide, of which 3 GW
are in the Africa and Middle East region (SPE 2016). The amount of off-grid systems is
negligible compared with grid connected systems. The few initiatives and studies on PV panel
recycling are focused in bigger markets (China, United States, India, Japan, and European
Union), which are expecting important streams of PV waste by 2030 and 2050 (IRENA & IEA-
PVPS 2016).

Most countries around the world classify PV panels as general or industrial waste. At present,
only the European Union (EU) has adopted PV-specific waste regulations. In the EU waste
regulation, PV panels fall into the category of electrical and electronic equipment waste (e-waste
or WEEE).

E-waste, including PV panels, is of particular concern because it contains hazardous substances

(e.g., heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and endocrine disrupting substances such as
brominated flame retardants). On the other hand, e-waste also contains materials of strategic
value such as indium and palladium and precious metals such as gold, copper, and silver. These
materials can be recovered and recycled (SBC 2011).

The major potential environmental concern arising from solar home systems (SHS) is the
improper disposal of the lead-acid storage battery used in SHS. If not properly disposed, the lead
sulphate can contaminate surrounding land and bodies of water (World Bank 2013). The situation
of end-of-life battery management in sub-Saharan Africa is of particular concern. Collection and
recycling practices lack basic precaution measures to prevent the emission of lead and battery
acid to the workspace and the environment. This causes severe and potentially life-threatening
health risks for workers and the communities surrounding such operations (Manhart, et al. 2016).

Battery recycling has a long tradition, both in industrialized and developing countries, especially
car batteries. However, the conditions of the recycling process vary dramatically from one
country to another.

In developing countries licensed battery recycling plants face a serious competition from the
informal sector. This informal sector consists of battery re-conditioners that replace defective
battery cells, and back-yard smelters, which recover up to about 40% of the lead content of
battery cells jettisoned by re-conditioners. In the Philippines, for example, it is estimated that the
battery re-conditioners collect almost a third of the domestically generated scrap, while not more
than 10% remains uncollected. In India, the formal sector recycles only 20% of the domestically
generated scrap (Alsema 2000).

Rapid urbanization, a growing vehicle fleet, and power storage applications (due to the frequent
blackouts) are increasing the use of batteries at unprecedented rates in Africa. The total end-of-
life volume for lead-acid batteries in Africa is estimated at 1.23 million tons in 2016, which
means that every year, more than 800,000 tons of lead require sound management. This amount is
equivalent to 8% of the total annual world production of lead (Tr, Manhart and Scheleicher

Due to the high lead content, used lead-acid batteries have an economic value all over Africa.
End-of-life batteries are commonly sold by end users to local scrap dealers for cash. The local
scrap dealers sell their batteries to traders who are in contact with wholesale buyers. The
increasing volume of batteries and the unbroken demand for lead has spurred the rapid growth of
domestic lead recycling industries in many African countries. While, formerly, batteries were
often recycled in small backyard workshops, such businesses are increasingly replaced by
informal smelters of industrial scale (Manhart, et al. 2016).

Waste Management Stakeholders
The life cycle methodology is a holistic approach to waste management, independent of the type
of waste.

The stakeholders of the life cycle of both PV panels and batteries would be producers,
distributors, customer, and recyclers. Focusing on the end of the life cycle, the stakeholders could
be summarized as follows:

Producers: Part of the waste management process as recipients of recycled material or as

the physically and financially responsible party for the environmental impact of their
products, through the extended producer responsibility (EPR).
Distributors/retailers: Sell and sometimes install and finance the SHS. They will sell the
spare batteries. They are well placed to be part of the waste management chain, doing a
preliminary aggregation, but they must be incentivized for that.
Consumers: Responsible for the proper disposal of the battery or PV panel. The
consumer may try to minimize costs by, for instance, selling the old battery in the
informal market, which can have a negative effect on the development of sound waste
collection and treatment.
Recyclers: Formal or informal; profit maximization drives their activity. This activity
should be properly counterbalanced by adequate legislation, control, and capacitation to
prevent harmful practices, both for them and the general public and environment.

Figure 1. Life cycle stages for PV panels and batteries

Source: IRENA & IEA-PVPS 2016

Waste Management Process
The steps of a recycling process for PV panels and battery components are much the same as any
other recycling process, which is composed of the following steps:






Figure 2. Waste management process for the recycling of PV panels and batteries
In the process, PV panels or batteries are collected from separate waste generation points and
transferred to a central location where first-level treatment can start. After this first treatment
step, which usually separates the waste product into material groups (e.g., metals, mixed plastics,
glass), in the case of PV panels, further processing of the different material streams is required for
recovery and recycling. Finally, the disposal of non-recoverable, non-recyclable fractions also
needs to be taken care of in the physical system (IRENA & IEA-PVPS 2016).

To what extent this system can be implemented at a local level depends mainly the local technical
and financial capacity. It is possible to limit the local activity to the collection and aggregation
phase and transfer the classified waste to a broader level (national) with enough capacity to finish
the process.

The costs of operating these physical systems are a function of several factors. These include the
geographic and economic context, the chosen number of collection and processing points, and the
complexity of dismantling and separation processes (first-level treatment). A final factor is the
value/costs associated with final processing of the different material streams for recycling or

Financing Schemes
To provide the financial basis for recycling end-of-life products, several fee models have been
developed and implemented worldwide. Part of these fees is set aside to finance the waste
treatment system when end-of-life products are dropped off at collection points operated by
municipalities, dealers, wholesalers, producers, or their service providers. The fees are typically
structured to follow several principles to ensure they are fair, reasonable, based on actual
programme costs, and include regular revisions (IRENA & IEA-PVPS 2016).

It is crucial to define which agent would have the fee burden: producers, consumers, or society
in general:

Producer-financed compliance cost: The producer finances the activities of the waste
management system by joining a compliance scheme and paying for its takeback system
or stewardship programme.
Consumer-financed upfront recycling fee: The fee is paid to collect funds for the future
end-of-life treatment of the product. Consumers pay the fee at the time of the purchase of
the panel or the battery. The fee is set according to estimates for future recycling costs but
may also be used to offset current recycling costs.
Consumer-financed end-of-life fee (disposal fee): The last owner pays a fee for the
collection and recycling costs to the entity in charge of the recycling of the end-of-life
Society-financed recycling system: End-of-life management is supported by society,
with government organizations controlling and managing operations financed by taxation.

Waste Management Approach
Waste management approaches or schemes need to take into account different options for
collection systems (e.g., pick-up versus bring-in systems). They also need to consider the nature
and design of products to manage end-of-life and recycling processes adequately (e.g., PV panels
are often classified as e-waste). Hence, waste management leads naturally also to a motivation to
change the design of products themselves in favor of easier waste treatment, for instance (IRENA
& IEA-PVPS 2016).

There are three main approaches for waste management of products like PV panels or batteries:

Voluntary approach from producers that often rely on their internal environmental
management systems to manage all of their companys environmental responsibilities,
including the end-of-life of their products or services. Within this or other frameworks,
some PV panel manufacturers have established individual voluntary takeback or product
stewardship programmes that allow defective panels to be returned for recycling on
request. The management of such programmes can be borne directly by the company
(direct management) or indirectly through a recycling service (indirect management).
Public-private approach is a voluntary scheme that includes both bring-in and pick-
up systems based on the principle of a public-private partnership between industry and
regulators. An example is PV CYCLE. The association was established by leading PV
manufacturers and is fully financed by its member companies so that end-users can return
member companies defective panels at over 300 collection points around Europe.
Regulatory approach, in which regulators establish the producers legal liability for
product end-of-life, the waste collection, recovery and recycling targets, and minimum
treatment requirements to ensure environment and human health protection.

Actions for PV Panels/Batteries Waste Management
Cross-sectoral enabling actions are required to establish a long-lasting, self-sustainable and safe
waste management system for PV panels and batteries. Actions to create an enabling framework
for these systems are (SWEEPNET, 2014):

Institutional Capacity
Formulate a specific regulation for PV and batteries waste (or as part of e-waste).
Develop a monitoring and reporting system on waste stream of PV panels and batteries
for better informed decision-making.
Establish an EPR system for entities that import, produce, and market PV panels and
Carefully consider the possible roles of the informal collection and dismantling sectors
before establishing a parallel system in competition to these structures.
Technical Capacity
Explore investment and technical transfer opportunities from other sectors (e-waste
management and car batteries waste management) for the development of national
smelters to process the metal waste locally.
Explore investment and technical transfer opportunities to create facilities for the
recovery of precious and special metals.
Study and establish the required infrastructure for each stage of the waste value and
disposal chain, for example:
o Collection: Organize business-to-business collection circuits for the public and
private sector, business-to-customer circuits for households with door-to-door
collection, district waste collection centers, etc.
o Transport: Encourage the acquisition of vehicles by operators in the existing
informal sector through loans at subsidized interest rates, payment facilities, etc.
o Storage: Facilitate the acquisition of land to build storage for companies,
wholesalers, and semi-wholesalers in order to improve storage conditions (more
space, specialized zones, competitive rates, etc.). This would mitigate open-air
storage and leaching.
o Dismantling: Organize the informal sector by establishing dismantling
cooperatives and offer operators technical and financial support (training,
professional equipment, personal protective clothing, etc.)
o Crushing/mechanical sorting: Develop and disseminate existing technology
through technology transfer programs to improve environmental quality.
Human Capacity
Entities that are currently engaged in informal e-waste and batteries collection and pre-
processing become officially acknowledged as key players in the recycling chain.
Integrate health and safety precautions into informal practices. Offer opportunities for the
informal sector to gradually transform itself into a formalized structure.
Develop outreach, awareness, and education programs and campaigns for consumers on
the disposal of PV panels and batteries.

Experiences in Developing Countries
Off-Grid Electrification and its Impacts on the Waste Management
System the Case of Bangladesh (Batteiger 2015)
The SHSs are sold to the end users by so-called Partner Organizations, which provide
microcredits as well as the maintenance of the SHS. The Partner Organizations receive financial
support and training from the Development Company Limited (IDCOL), while IDCOL receives
financial support from the donors. REREDP stands for Rural Electrification and Renewable
Energy Development Project.

IDCOL started the SHS program in 2003 to ensure access to clean electricity for the off-grid rural
areas of Bangladesh. As of April 2016, about 4 million SHS have already been installed under the
program in the off-grid rural areas of Bangladesh. As a result, almost 18 million beneficiaries are
getting solar electricityaround 11 % of the total population of Bangladesh. IDCOL has a target
to finance 6 million SHSs by 2017, with an estimated generation capacity of 220 MW of
electricity (IDCOL 2016).

In the beginning of the REREDP in 2003, no environmental impacts other than CO2 mitigation
were assessed. In 2005, IDCOL developed a policy guideline on the disposal of warranty-expired
batteries. Customers should be notified three months before the warranty of five years expires to
change their batteries.

In 2006, the Department of Environment of Bangladesh added an amendment to the

Environmental Protection Act of 1995, which regulated battery recycling and collection.

Since 2012, regular assessments of environmental impacts of REREDP have to be reported.

Despite the guidelines on proper disposal, in the first environmental and social impact report of
IDCOL, two major environmental impacts related to the SHS Project were reported: improper
disposal of lead-acid batteries and improper disposal of solar panels (Batteiger 2015).

In rural areas, lead-acid batteries are mostly recycled in the informal sector. The reasons for that
seem to be that used lead-acid batteries have an economic value and are sold to local recyclers.
Customers trust the local recyclers more than the collection framework of the Partner
Organizations and, after the warranty time of five years, the Partner Organizations lose their
interest in maintaining contact with the customers.

None of the battery recyclers is collecting the batteries with the acids. This mainly happens
because of cost savings due to lower weight of the batteries. For this reason, many small-scale
collectors drain the acid right after receipt. Most commonly, the acid together with the dissolved
and dispersed lead is simply poured out into the environment. This is the first major point of
pollution in the recycling chain (Manhart, et al. 2016).

As all international organizations started to ask for environmental impact reports, IDCOL was
forced to implement new measures to strength batteries waste management system:

Mandatory quality standards for batteries manufacturers. There are 17 listed battery
suppliers in IDCOL SHS program that have fully completed the ISO 14001:2004
(Environmental Management Standard) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health
Safety Standard) certification process. Out of these 17 battery suppliers, only three have
their own recycling plants, while the rest have entered into arrangements with the existing
three recycling plants to use their facilities. Given the growth of the program, the existing
recycling capacity will become inadequate in the near future; all the existing
manufacturers need to have their own recycling plants. IDCOL will take initiative to

require the existing suppliers irrespective of local manufacturers or importers to set-up
their own recycling plants by June 30, 2016.
In order to incentivize consumers to recycle batteries, the Partner Organizations pay the
customers a portion of the cost of the new battery as salvage value of the warranty-
expired battery of similar capacity. The battery manufacturers then reimburse the salvage
value amount to the Partner Organizations on receipt of such batteries (EPR). Subject to
availability of funds, IDCOL then pays USD$5 as collection cost to Partner
Organizations. As per the guidelines, Partner Organizations do not sell any new battery to
the existing SHS customers without collecting the expired ones.
E-waste Africa Programme
The E-waste Africa Programme of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was aimed to enhance the environmental
governance of e-wastes and to create favorable social and economic conditions for partnerships
and small businesses in the recycling sector in Africa.

The program spanned from November 2008 to until June 2012 and its goal was to enhance the
capacity of West Africa and other African countries to tackle the growing problem of e-waste.
Specifically, the project aimed to:

Improve the level of information on flows of e-products and e-waste imported to West
African countries and other African countries to enhance decision-making;
Increase the capacity of partner countries to manage end-of-life e-equipment and e-waste
at the national level;
Investigate the feasibility of establishing environmentally sound materials recovery
Enhance the capacity to monitor and control transboundary movements of e-waste and to
prevent illegal traffic.
The E-waste Africa Programme was carried out in Benin, Cte dIvoire, Egypt, Ghana, Liberia,
and Nigeria and resulted in reports on the state of e-waste management in each country.

The project was completed with the first Pan-African Forum on E-waste. The Forum adopted a
Call for Action on E-waste in Africa, outlining a set of priorities to support development of a
regional approach for the legal transboundary movements and the environmentally sound
management of e-waste for the African continent to protect human health and the environment as
well as to promote opportunities for social and economic development (Secretariat of the Basel
Convention 2011).

PV Panel Recycling in China

At present, PV panels in China do not have specific requirements for end-of-life treatment. In
February 2009, the State Council promulgated the Waste Electrical and Electronic Product
Recycling Management Regulation, which came into effect in January 2011. The 2011 regulation
requires e-waste to be collected in various ways and recycled in a centralized processing system.
Producers can collect and recycle the products by themselves or entrust collection to sellers, after-
sales service agencies or e-waste recyclers and entrust recycling/disposal to qualified institutions.
At present, however, PV panels are not included in the waste electrical and electronic products
processing directory of the regulation.

Because of the current low volume of waste, China does not have a mature PV panel recycling
industry. However, China has sponsored research and development (R&D) on PV recycling

technologies, focusing on two recycling methods for c-Si PV under Chinas National High-tech
R&D Programme PV Recycling and Safety Disposal Research from 2012 to 2015.

PV Panel Recycling in India

India has no specific regulations regarding PV panels waste. This waste is covered by general
waste regulations. Waste is managed under the 2016 Solid Waste Management Rules and the
Hazardous and Other Wastes Rules.

Legislation covering requirements for general e-waste and restrictions on the use of hazardous
substances in electronic products are included in the E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules
of 2016. However, these rules only apply to household electronics and not PV panels. An
industrial-scale e-waste recycling infrastructure already exists in India but only covers household
electronics and not PV.

Tender for the Electricity Supply with SHS for At Least 150,000
Isolated Households in Peru
A program for the massive deployment of SHS has been launched in Peru. It has been estimated
that there are around 500,000 households that could potentially benefit from the program.
Providing these users with an SHS would be a significant contribution to close the energy access
gap. This has resulted on the first tendering for energy supply for off-grid zones with SHSs for at
least 150,000 households. The tender process started in September 2013 and the contract was
signed in November 2014. Implementation started only recently because the result of the tender
was challenged. The Tender documents address waste management as follows:

The investor (winner of the tender) is obliged to commit with all applicable Laws,
among others the Peruvian Standard Norms for the management of waste for the
components of the systems, as well as, all norms related with the environment,
quality, security, social and labour among others.

There are technical norms and regulations in Peru for electronic equipment, but those explicitly
exclude equipment for electricity generation. While the other components of the system could be
considered under these norms, it is not clearly the case for the PV panels.

ECREEE-AMADER Project Pre-Feasibility Study of the

Hybridization of 97 Rural Minigrids in Mali
A tender to procure a study was launched in January 2016 by the ECOWAS Center for
Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency (ECREEE) and the Malian Rural Electrification
Agency (AMADER) that includes the drafting of an Environmental Management Plan for the
hybridization, with PV, of existing diesel mini-grids. Initially, this study should include
guidelines to address waste management.

With the large-scale deployment in recent years, there is an increasing concern about the
environmental and health impact of waste management of the different components of solar

The waste management of PV systems in the context of rural electrification presents a great
challenge. Systems are, mainly, placed in isolated and underdeveloped areas that are difficult to
access, making collection very problematic. But, mainly because nothing is considered a waste in
these areas, all components of the PV systems are recycled locally or reused for different

The Africa and Middle East region has only 1.3% of worldwide PV installed capacity. The
amount of off-grid PV systems is negligible. Today, most countries around the world classify PV
panels as general or industrial waste. While there is a clear business opportunity in the PV panels
waste management sector, this seems to be the case mainly in a few big markets.

Battery recyclingespecially car battery recyclinghas a long tradition, both in industrialized

and developing countries. Due to the high lead content, used lead-acid batteries have an economic
value all over Africa. End-of-life batteries are commonly sold to local scrap dealers for cash. The
local scrap dealers sell their batteries to traders who are in contact with wholesale buyers. The
increasing volume of batteries and the unbroken demand for lead has spurred the rapid growth of
domestic lead recycling industries in many African countries. While, formerly, batteries were
often recycled in small backyard workshops, such businesses are increasingly replaced by
informal smelters of industrial scale.

While there are not international experiences on rural electrification programs with a ful-fledged
waste management system in place and working properly, some lessons learned and best
practices on waste management could be applied to PV systems for rural electrification:

The first pillar of any waste strategy is prevention. The inclusion of quality standards all
along the value chain, and in particular to producers, will better protect people and the
environment and will extend the life of panels and batteries, reducing the waste.
Carefully consider the possible roles of the informal collection and dismantling sectors
before establishing a parallel system in competition to these structures.
Formulate specific regulation for PV panels within the legislation on waste of electrical
and electronic equipment.
Formulate waste management guidelines for the rural electrification program.
Establish a prequalification system for organizations willing to participate in the rural
electrification program. To qualify for the rural electrification program, staff from the
organizations will have to complete training in, among other topics, waste management.
Establish a buy-back mechanism, particularly for batteries, by introducing financial
incentives/rewards for households to return expired batteries to the prequalified
organization rather than to informal smelters.
To finance the buy-back mechanism, establish an extended producer responsibility
system for entities that import, produce, and/or market PV panels and batteries.

Alsema, E.A. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Home Systems. Utrecht:
Department of Science Technology and Society. Utrecht University, 2000.

Batteiger, Alexander. "Off-Grid Electrification and its Impacts on the Waste Management
System the Case of Bangladesh." 2015.

IDCOL. IDCOL. 2016. (accessed 11 17, 2016).

IRENA & IEA-PVPS. End-of-Life Management: Solar Photovoltaic Panels. 2016.

Manhart Andreas , Amera Tadesse, Kuepouo Gilbert, Mathai Diana, Mnganya Silvani, and
Schleicher Tobias. The deadly business Findings from the Lead Recycling Africa Project.
Freiburg: Oeko-Institut e.V, 2016.

SBC. Where are WEee in Africa? Findings from the Basel Convention. E-Waste Africa
Pogramme. 2011.

Secretariat of the Basel Convention. Basel Convention. 2011.

SPE, Solar Power Europe. Global Market Outlook for Solar Power 2016 - 2020. Brussels,

SWEEPNET. Report on the Solid Waste Management in Morocco. GIZ, 2014.

Tr Maria, Manhart Andreas, and Scheleicher Tobias. Generation of used lead-acid batteries
in Africa - estimating the volumes. Freiburg: ko-Institut e.V., 2016.

World Bank. Implementation completion and result report. Rural Electrification and
Renewable Energy Development Project. The People's Republic of Bangladesh. 2013.


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