PT Cost Model 57625
PT Cost Model 57625
PT Cost Model 57625
Technical Report
February 2013
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government.
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Table of Contents
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Approach...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Direct Cost Categories............................................................................................................................ 4
Indirect Costs .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Impact of Labor Cost .............................................................................................................................. 6
Power Tower Cost Model Spreadsheet and Reference Plant ................................................................. 7
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 9
References ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Appendix C – Financial Assumptions Used for SAM Power Tower Reference Plants ...................... 14
Appendix D – WorleyParsons Subcontract Report: Power Tower Plant Cost and Material Input to
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)............................................................................................................ 15
This report describes a component-based cost model developed for molten-salt power tower solar
power plants. The cost model was developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL), using data from several prior studies, including a contracted analysis from
WorleyParsons Group, which is included herein as an Appendix. The WorleyParsons analysis
also estimated material composition and mass for the plant to facilitate a life cycle analysis of the
molten salt power tower technology. Details of the life cycle assessment have been published
elsewhere [1].
The cost model provides a reference plant that interfaces with NREL’s System Advisor Model or
SAM. The reference plant assumes a nominal 100-MW e (net) power tower running with a nitrate
salt heat transfer fluid (HTF). Thermal energy storage is provided by direct storage of the HTF in
a 2-tank system. The design assumes dry-cooling. The model includes a spreadsheet that
interfaces with SAM via the Excel Exchange option in SAM. The spreadsheet allows users to
estimate the costs of different-size plants and to take into account changes in commodity prices.
This report and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet can be downloaded at
In 2010 NREL released a cost model for parabolic trough systems that was designed to interface
with SAM [2]. This was followed in 2011 with a life cycle assessment for a parabolic trough
power plant with 6 hours of thermal energy storage [3]. These reports, and the associated SAM
case, provided a performance, cost, and materials life cycle assessment for the most common
CSP technology in the marketplace.
System performance projections suggest that power tower, aka central receiver, power plants can
produce power for lower cost than existing oil-HTF parabolic trough systems [4]. Consequently
there is growing commercial interest in power tower systems. Molten salt power towers were
demonstrated in the U.S. by the 10 MW Solar Two project in the late 1990s [5]. The HTF at
Solar Two, and for salt towers since, is a 60 wt%, sodium nitrate, 40 wt% potassium nitrate
blend commonly known as “solar salt.” Molten salt towers incorporate direct storage of the HTF
in hot- and cold-salt storage tanks to provide thermal energy storage and decouple solar energy
collection from electricity production. The design powers a Rankine steam thermal cycle at
temperatures and pressures consistent with that used in coal-fired power systems, allowing for
use of well-developed thermodynamic power cycles running at gross conversion efficiencies of
circa 42%. The current state-of-the-art is embodied in the 19.9-MW e Gemasolar Tower that was
commissioned in Spain in 2011 [6]. In the US, the 110 MW e Crescent Dunes Solar Project is
under construction near Tonopah, Nevada [7].
This report summarizes the recent size and cost studies, funded by the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE), for molten salt power towers. SAM is the DOE’s primary tool for CSP
performance and cost analysis. The paper includes a SAM-compatible cost model that provides
component-level costs and scaling parameters to adjust plant size.
The objectives of developing the power tower cost model spreadsheet include:
• Creating a model that allows SAM users to look at the cost impact of individual
components of a typical power tower plant. For example, mirror manufacturers wish to
know how much of the total plant cost is due to the cost of the reflector materials.
• Providing a framework to account for fluctuations in commodity prices over time to keep
the cost model current by incorporating appropriate cost indices for the different cost
• Providing a framework to adjust cost data for changing scale in the various system
• Providing a framework to adjust cost data for different labor rates associated with
different project sites.
The result of these objectives is a spreadsheet model that allows users to update costs for changes
in technology or markets. The spreadsheet is designed to interface with the Molten Salt Power
Tower Model in SAM-2012-11-30. Users are encouraged to customize the spreadsheet model for
their individual purpose.
In March 2010, the DOE and Sandia National Laboratories hosted a Power Tower Technology
Workshop that included participation of industry, the national laboratories, and DOE. At the
workshop, areas of discussion included the current status of power tower technology, technology
improvement opportunities, and cost-reduction goals for power tower systems and subsystems.
The findings of this exercise were later published as the Power Tower Technology Roadmap and
Cost Reduction Plan [8], hereafter referred to as the “Roadmap.” The Roadmap provided a
system-level assessment of the costs for a current molten-salt power tower, with the major
systems defined as shown in Figure 1.
Two other recent studies provided useful size and cost information for the SAM model. In 2010,
a contract report by Abengoa Solar documented the estimated cost for power towers using
supercritical coolants [10]. This report included size and cost information for the current state-of-
the-art molten salt power tower. Elements of this report were used in the current cost model. The
second study was a tower cost and material analysis performed by WorleyParsons Group Inc.
(Denver, CO).
In 2010 NREL published a cost study on parabolic trough plants that was undertaken via contract
with WorleyParsons. WorleyParsons was selected as an engineering firm with comprehensive
services related to all aspects of project development, environmental impact assessment, detailed
design, procurement, construction, and operations & maintenance of renewable energy power
plants, exemplified by their history of engineering design and cost support for multiple
renewable energy and conventional power projects in the United States and abroad. NREL
provided WorleyParsons with nominal design specifications for the reference plant, and the
contractor completed a conceptual design and cost assessment of a parabolic trough plant with
wet cooling and optional dry cooling. WorleyParsons also provided the material composition and
mass data necessary for NREL’s life cycle analysis of the parabolic trough design.
Figure 1. Schematic of a molten salt power tower showing major subsystems [8,9]. Heliostat count
is based on WorleyParsons study case.
In 2011, WorleyParsons was contracted to perform a similar analysis for the molten salt power
tower design. Using the same contractor ensured that the two CSP studies would be consistent in
their structure and methodology. Similar to prior parabolic trough case, installed cost data for
components of the molten salt power tower design were provided by WorleyParsons under their
contract. Because the previously mentioned sources provided cost information, the primary
objective of the WorleyParsons study was to develop the mass and material estimates necessary
for a life cycle assessment of the molten salt power tower design. WorleyParsons also estimated
the cost of many of the power tower plant components. One exception was the solar field, which
was excluded from the WorleyParsons scope of work. The WorleyParsons analysis used the
same system definitions (Figure 1) to be consistent with the prior work. These systems also
represent the major cost categories in the SAM molten salt power tower model.
• Collector System. The solar, or heliostat, field was subdivided into the following
components: mirrors; drives; pedestal, support and foundation; controls and wired
connections; field wiring and foundations labor; installation and checkout. The cost
breakout for each component followed the estimate provided in the Roadmap for the
148m2 ATS heliostat with a 5000/unit per year production level. The cost element for
“manufacturing facilities and profit” in the Roadmap was proportioned across the cost
categories. Solar field costs scale linearly with total solar field reflector area. Unlike the
other systems, the design and cost of the solar field system was excluded from
WorleyParsons’ analysis and was based on data from [8,10,11].
• Tower/Receiver System. The tower/receiver system was subdivided into a tower category
including the tower and riser/downcomer piping & insulation and a receiver category
including the receiver, horizontal piping & insulation, cold salt pumps, controls & heat
tracing. This division was necessary because SAM calculates tower and receiver costs
separately. SAM and the cost spreadsheet scale tower components by tower height. SAM
scales all receiver components with receiver area, however, the cost model spreadsheet
scales only the receiver by receiver area. Other receiver components are scaled by
receiver thermal power.
• Thermal Storage System. The thermal storage system was subdivided into six component
costs: hot tank, cold tank, storage media, piping & insulation, foundations, instruments &
controls. TES costs are scaled by TES capacity in MWh-t.
• Steam Generation System. SAM’s cost page includes a “Balance of Plant” category that
allows users to break out plant components from the major categories for analysis
purposes. Following the convention of the Roadmap, the costs for the steam generation
system are segregated from the power generation system and listed under the balance of
plant category. This is convenient for comparing molten salt and direct steam power
towers. The steam generation system includes: evaporator and preheater circulation
pumps; hot salt circulation and transfer pumps; heat exchangers for reheat, evaporation,
and preheating (economizer); steam drum; as well as the associated piping, valves,
insulation, electrical, controls, and foundations associated with that equipment.
• Power Generation System. The power block costs were estimated using data from the
WorleyParsons’ study, adjusted for labor rates costs in southern California, along with
information from [10]. The power block system is divided into 17 component costs as
shown in Appendix A. Power block costs scale with gross turbine capacity.
• Site Preparation. SAM includes an explicit cost category for site preparation. This
category includes clearing and grading land, storm water control, roads and fences,
blowdown evaporation pond, and water supply infrastructure. The tower model bases site
preparation costs on those from the trough plants in [2]. Costs for clearing and grading
were reduced by 90% under the assumption that the heliostat field would not be graded.
Site preparation costs scale with plant land area.
SAM applies an overall contingency on all direct costs. Contingency addresses unforeseen costs
within the project and it is assumed that all contingency will be consumed during the course of
project construction.
Indirect Costs
Indirect costs in SAM are designed to capture non-hardware project costs such as permitting,
land, legal fees, geotechnical and environmental surveys, taxes, interest during construction, and
the owner’s engineering and project management activities. Some of these categories are listed
explicitly, while many are simply lumped into the EPC and Owner Cost category. SAM’s EPC
& Owner Cost percentages are based on a review of cost estimates from nine utility-scale
projects under the federal loan guarantee program. Land cost is estimated at $10,000 per acre.
Sales Tax is approximately equal to the national average – the value has been standardized
across SAM technologies, and SAM assumes sales tax is applied to 80% of the total direct costs.
Most CSP plants take more than one year for construction. SAM’s default financing costs
assume a 24-month construction period with a 5% loan for the full overnight construction costs.
This translates into approximately an additional 6% cost to the project. Combined, the multiplier
for indirect costs (EPC & Owners Costs, Land, Sales Tax, and Financing during construction)
within SAM is approximately 25.8%. The cost input summaries for the Roadmap, the
WorleyParsons’ study and SAM are shown in Table 1 for comparison.
Table 1. Cost summaries from Tower Roadmap, the WorleyParsons analysis, and the current SAM
default parameters for a molten salt power tower. The SAM default values aggregate information
from several sources.
Direct Cost (DC) Category Units Tower WorleyParsons SAM
Roadmap [8] Group 2012-11-30
(Appendix) Default Values
Assumed location - Daggett, CA Tucson, AZ Daggett, CA
Site Improvements $/m2 - 20 15
Solar Field $/m2 200 n/a 180
Balance of Plant $/kW 350 365 350
(Steam Generation
Power Block (dry cooled) $/kW 1000 1000 1200
Fossil Backup $/kW - - -
Storage $/kWh-t 30 35.5 27
Tower / Receiver $/kW-t 200 142‡ 173‡
Contingency % of DC Included in 9.5 7
Indirect Cost Category
EPC & Owner Costs % of DC 25 - 11
Land $/acre - - 10,000
Sales Tax Rate applied to 7.75% - 5.0%
80% of DC (CA) (US avg)
Financing during % of overnight - - 6.0
Construction costs
Combined Indirects % of DC 31.2% - 25.8%
O&M Cost Category
Fixed Annual Cost $/yr 0 - 0
Fixed Cost by Capacity $/kW-yr 70 - 65
Variable Cost by Gen. $/MWh 3 - 4
‡ SAM estimates tower and receiver costs separately. This value is calculated by summing the total tower and
receiver cost (excluding contingency) and dividing by the rated receiver thermal power.
Users are encouraged to supply their own labor rate correction factor via User Variable 2 in
SAM. The assumed labor rate has a significant effect on installed system cost and operating
Power Tower Cost Model Spreadsheet and Reference Plant
The spreadsheet contains cost information for two plants: a “reference plant” and a “project
plant.” The reference plant matches the default molten salt power tower in SAM 2012-11-30.
The reference plant (highlighted in yellow) is defined as a 115-MW e gross power tower with 10
hours of thermal energy storage located in southern California. The solar multiple was set to 2.4,
and SAM was used to calculate the associated solar field size. The TMY2 climate file for
Daggett, CA was employed. Costs for the reference plant come from a variety of sources as
described above. In some cases the specific costs listed are an aggregate from multiple sources.
This process is used to incorporate opinions of multiple developers and as a mean of updating
technology costs based on advances since the referenced cost study dates.
The spreadsheet cost model is designed to interface with SAM, but it may be used directly
without calling SAM. The project plant provided in the spreadsheet (highlighted in orange)
represents the user’s specific scenario. Data for the project plant can be entered by the user into
the orange cells on the SAM Exchange worksheet. If linked to SAM, these cells are populated
automatically during SAM’s Excel Exchange process. In either event, the spreadsheet calculates
the project plant costs by scaling based on the size of project plant components compared to
those of the reference plant. As supplied, the project plant is set to match the reference plant
The spreadsheet includes cost indices to escalate component and labor costs for inflation and
market factors. Cost indices in the spreadsheet model are based on the Chemical Engineering
Plant Cost Index published monthly in Chemical Engineering Magazine and available online at Additional cost indices are taken from the U.S. Bureau of Labor’s
Producer Price Index (PPI), which can be tracked on line at The
spreadsheet includes a PPI index for synthetic ammonia to represent the nitrate salt storage
media in trough plants. This public index tracks the nitrogen fertilizer market; however, vendor
data suggest it may not be an accurate surrogate for solar salt prices. An estimate of historic solar
salt prices is also included. Salt price has a large impact on overall storage costs, and users are
encouraged to check with vendors for these prices. Users may also customize the spreadsheet by
choosing alternative cost indices. Within the spreadsheet, a specific cost index is selected by
changing the Matl cost esc Factor or Labor cost esc Factor.
The cost model spreadsheet interfaces with SAM through the Excel Exchange linkage. (Note to
Mac users: the Excel Exchange option does not function on Mac computers.) Excel Exchange
allows users to connect any input variable in SAM to a cell or range of cells in a Microsoft Excel
workbook. This feature allows users to use external spreadsheet-based cost and performance
models to generate values for SAM input variables. User-defined input variables can also share
values with external workbooks. The cost model uses four user variables. Exchange variables are
listed in Appendix B. To access Excel data exchange in SAM, first click Configure Simulations
to view the Configure Simulation page:
Then click Excel Exchange to display the Excel data exchange options:
Examples of the use of the cost spreadsheet with SAM are shown in Table 2 below. The four
columns list results for the SAM default molten salt power tower in Daggett, CA, the same
default case supplied with the cost spreadsheet, the default tower design moved to Arizona, and a
smaller power tower located in Daggett, CA. The impact of lower labor rates can be seen for the
Arizona location. The smaller tower case highlights the advantage of scale with the CSP
technology. A smaller plant incurs greater installed and operating costs per capacity that lead to a
larger LCOE.
Table 2. SAM modeling results using the spreadsheet cost model.
2012-11-30 2012-11-30 Arizona
Default Spreadsheet Labor Rates Smaller
Design Parameters Case Model Case Tower Case
Power block gross rating (MW e ) 115 115 115 20
Thermal storage at design point (hours) 10 10 10 15
Solar multiple 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.8
Design conditions dry-bulb temperature 42 42 42 42
Location (weatherfile) Daggett, CA Daggett, CA Tucson, AZ Daggett, CA
Size Parameters
Tower height (m) 203 203 203 93
Receiver design thermal power (MW t ) 670 670 670 136
Solar Field area (m2) 1,289,000 1,289,000 1,289,000 260,000
Thermal storage salt volume (m3) 13,000 13,000 13,000 3,390
Performance Outputs from SAM
Net Capacity (MW e ), annual average 105 105 105 18
Annual net electricity generation (MWh) 539,700 539,700 519,400 109,200
Capacity factor (based on MW e net) 58.9% 58.9% 56.7% 69.2%
Estimated land area (acre) 1,953 1,953 1,953 447
Cost Outputs from SAM
Total Overnight Installed Costs ($/kW e, net ) 7,490 7,500 6,870 11,000
Total Project Installed Costs ($/kW e, net ) 7,910 7,920 7,250 11,700
LCOE (¢/kWh), real with 30% ITC 11.8 11.9 11.0 17.1
LCOE (¢/kWh), real with 10% ITC 14.9 15.0 14.0 20.6
A component-based cost model has been developed for SAM’s molten-salt power tower model.
The cost model spreadsheet interfaces with SAM through the Excel Exchange function. Costs are
based on a nominal 100-MW e (net) reference plant running with a nitrate salt heat transfer fluid
(HTF). Thermal energy storage is provided by direct storage of the HTF in a 2-tank system, and
the design assumes dry cooling. The spreadsheet allows users to estimate the cost of different-
size plants and to take into account changes in commodity prices, and labor rates for different
project locations. This report and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet can be downloaded at
1. Whitaker, M.B., G.A. Heath, J.J. Burkhardt, and C.S. Turchi, “Life Cycle Assessment of a
Power Tower Concentrating Solar Plant and the Impacts of Key Design Alternatives,”
submitted to Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013.
2. Turchi, C.S., “Parabolic Trough Reference Plant for Cost Modeling with the Solar Advisor
Model (SAM),” NREL/TP-550-47605, July 2010.
3. Burkhardt, J.J., III; G.A. Heath, and C.S. Turchi, “Life Cycle Assessment of a Parabolic
Trough Concentrating Solar Power Plant and the Impacts of Key Design Alternatives,”
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol.45, Iss.6; p.2457-2464 (2011).
4. Turchi, C.S., M. Mehos, C.K. Ho and G.J. Kolb, “Current and Future Costs for Parabolic
Trough and Power Tower Systems in the US Market,” NREL/CP-5500-49303, presented at
SolarPACES 2010, Perpignan, France, September 21-24, 2010.
5. Pacheco, J.E., “Final Test and Evaluation Results from the Solar Two Project,” SAND2002-
0120, 2002.
6. Burgaleta, J.I, S. Arias, and D. Ramirez, “Gemasolar, the First Tower Thermosolar
Commercial Plant with Molten Salt Storage, SolarPACES 2011, Granada, Spain, September
20-23, 2011.
8. Kolb, G.J., C.K. Ho, T.R. Mancini, and J.A. Gary, “Power Tower Technology Roadmap and
Cost Reduction Plan,” SAND2011-2419, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM,
April 2011.
9. Reilly, H.E, and G.J. Kolb, “An Evaluation of Molten-Salt Power Towers Including Results
of the Solar Two Project,” SAND2001-6674, Sandia National Laboratories, November 2001.
10. Kelly, B., “Advanced Thermal Storage for Central Receivers with Supercritical Coolants,”
DOE Contract Report under Grant DE-FG36-08GO18149, June 2010.
11. Kolb, G. J., S. A. Jones, M. W. Donnelly, D. Gorman, R. Thomas, R. Davenport, and R.
Lumia, “Heliostat Cost Reduction Study,” SAND2007-3293, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM, June 2007.
12. National Compensation Survey, U.S. Department of Labor, May 2011, accessed December
2012 from
13. Pacific Gas & Electric Company, “Solar Central Receiver Technology Advancement for
Electric Utility Applications,” Phase 1 Topical Report, Report No. 007.2-88.2, San
Francisco, CA, September 1988; Arizona Public Service Company, “Utility Solar Central
Receiver Study,” Report No. DOE/AL/38741-1, November 1988; Alternate Utility Team,
“Utility Solar Central Receiver Study,” Report No. DOE/AL/38741-2, September 1988.
14. Kistler, B.L., “A User's Manual for DELSOL3: A Computer Code for Calculating the Optical
Performance and Optimal System Design for Solar Thermal Central Receiver Plants,”
SAND86-8018, Sandia National Laboratories, November 1986.
15. Gilman, P., 2010. Solar Advisor Model User Manual, latest ed. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Golden, Colorado. See also URL
Appendix A – Power Tower System Subcategories for
SAM Model
Site - Site Preparation
Site - Clearing & Grubbing
Site - Grading, Drainage, Remediation, Retention, & Detention
Site - Evaporation Pond
Site - Roads, Parking, Fencing
Site - Water Supply Infrastructure
Tower - Tower
Tower - Riser and Downcomer Piping & Insulation
Receiver - Receiver
Receiver - Horizontal Piping & Insulation
Receiver - Cold Salt Pump(s)
Receiver - Controls, Instruments, Heat Trace
Receiver - Spare Parts
Fossil Backup
Power Plant - Condensate System
Power Plant - Feedwater System
Power Plant - Auxiliary Cooling Water System
Power Plant - Steam Piping, Insulation, Valves, & Fittings
Power Plant - Fuel Gas Handling & Metering System
Power Plant - Water Treatment System
Power Plant - Power Distribution Systems
Power Plant - Back-up Power Systems
Power Plant - Instruments and Controls System
Power Plant - Fire Protection System
Power Plant - Foundations & Support Structures
Power Plant - Buildings
Power Plant - BOP Mechanical Systems
Power Plant - BOP Electrical Systems
Appendix B – SAM-2012-11-30 / Excel Exchange
Variables out from SAM to Excel: Excel Cell Comments
Design Turbine Gross Output h11
Design Thermal Power h12 Power block design thermal power
Full Load Hours of TES h13
Total Land Area h14
Total Reflective Area h15 Total solar field area
Receiver Design Thermal Power h16
Area h17 Receiver area, shown on SAM Costs page
Tower Height h18
Inflation Rate h19
Sales Tax h20
User Variable 1 h21 Analysis year
User Variable 2 h22 Labor_cost_factor
Variables in to SAM from Excel:
Fixed Tower Cost e11 Cost Factor for SAM's scaling equation
Receiver Reference Cost e12 Cost Factor for SAM's scaling equation
Receiver Reference Area e13 Cost Factor for SAM's scaling equation
Receiver Cost Scaling Exponent e14 Cost Factor for SAM's scaling equation
Appendix C – Financial Assumptions Used for SAM
Power Tower Reference Plants
Appendix D – WorleyParsons Subcontract Report:
Power Tower Plant Cost and Material Input to Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Power Tower Plant Cost and Material
Input to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Prepared for:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Prepared by:
WorleyParsons Group, Inc.
1687 Cole Blvd, Suite 300
Golden, Colorado 80401 USA
The information presented in this document was compiled and
interpreted exclusively for the purposes stated in the document
introduction. WorleyParsons provided this report for NREL solely for
the purpose noted above.
WorleyParsons does not accept any responsibility for the use of this
report for any purpose other than that stated in the document
introduction and does not accept responsibility to any third party for the
use in whole or in part of the contents of this report. Any alternative
use, including that by a third party, or any reliance on, or decisions
based on this document, is the responsibility of the alternative user or
third party.
PROJECT 108037-03981
1. SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 6
This report provides the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) with two objectives. The
first objective is a capital cost estimate for the overnight construction of a state-of-the-art solar
power tower plant in Tucson, AZ. This estimate provides line item material and labor costs for the
individual components of the power plant as well as subsystem costs and a total installed cost
(TIC), excluding the heliostat field. The second objective is to provide input to NREL’s life cycle
assessment (LCA) of this plant which documents the total life cycle emissions, energy payback
time and water consumption. This information includes the estimated size, material composition,
and mass of system components as well as an operations and maintenance (O & M) schedule.
The O&M schedule provides the associated maintenance and consumable material quantities.
This report should be viewed as a high-level assessment with the understanding that site specific
information, optimization, and detailed engineering will affect a LCA of an actual plant. This report
was prepared for public distribution and the cost and LCA information is therefore provided in
summary format. A more detailed confidential report was generated for internal NREL use, which
provides cost at the component and subsystem level along with a LCA breakdown by ASTM
material specification down to the subsystem level.
This project is based on the design of a state-of-the-art solar power tower that uses molten nitrate
salt as the heat transfer fluid (HTF) and thermal energy storage (TES) media. The plant is
designed to generate ~100MWe net (115MWe gross) to the grid at 230kV using 100% dry cooling
and having 6 hours of molten salt thermal energy storage (TES). The power tower plant
subsystems are comprised of the following:
• Site Improvements
• Heliostat Field (by NREL)
• Tower
• Receiver
• Thermal Energy Storage
• Steam Generation System
• Electric Power Generation System
The subsystem breakout generally follows that described in section 2 of reference [3], listed in
Appendix G.
The conceptual design of the plant was based largely on SAND2001-2100 “Solar Power Tower
Design Basis Document”, SAND2001-3674 “An Evaluation of Molten-Salt Power Towers Including
Results of the Solar Two Project” and the SAM model sent to WorleyParsons by Craig Turchi on
2/17/2012; “NREL Power Tower for WP Task 8 study SAM-2011-12-02.zsam”. Many other
references, design tools, standards and specifications were relied upon to conceptually design the
plant, some of which are listed in Appendix G.
A heat & mass balance of the major steam, feedwater and steam generation systems was
performed to establish design flow, temperature and pressure parameters for the associated
equipment and piping. A process flow schematic of the major plant systems is provided in
Appendix A – Conceptual Process Flow Diagram. A major equipment list is provided in Appendix B
– Major Equipment List.
NREL provided the thermal transfer capacity, panel quantity, diameter, and height of the solar
receiver and also the panel tube diameter, wall thickness, and solar absorption length. Tube
quantities per panel were calculated from this data and structures were designed to support the
panel tubes and headers. An additional structure attached to the top of the tower was designed to
support the panels, boom crane, salt inlet vessel, salt outlet vessel, salt overflow vessel, and other
auxiliary receiver equipment. The weight of the receiver and equipment, salt piping, heat tracing,
insulation, instrumentation, and wiring was calculated to determine the design load on top of and
inside of the concrete tower. A concrete tower was designed based on the seismic criteria and
typical soils found in the Tucson, AZ area. The tower and receiver include stairs, platforms, and
elevators for personnel and equipment.
Material Take-off (MTO) and Design Allowances are included in the estimate and are intended to
compensate for the degree of engineering that is incomplete. This is not a contingency; rather it is
a minor allowance included to cover the nominal quantity growth which inevitably occurs as the
design is further developed. Contractor mark-up on bulk materials has been added and reflects the
mark-up that contractors will apply to bulk materials provided under their respective contracts.
The estimate excludes escalation. All costs are presented as overnight 2Q2012 dollars.
Project Contingency addresses unforeseen elements of costs within the current defined project
scope. It is expected that by the end of the project the entire contingency will be spent on either
direct or indirect costs.
Minor balance of plant equipment not included in the project design documents are based on
similar plant designs previously developed by WorleyParsons. Examples of minor balance of
plant equipment include steam turbine gland steam seal system, condenser air removal system,
steam cycle chemical feed system, service air system, steam / water sampling system, and
compressed air systems. Bulk material quantities were developed for select major systems based
on conceptual routings and sizing where available. Quantities for the balance of plant systems
were developed by scaling from a similarly sized plant to meet specific project requirements.
Some of the major equipment costs are based on budgetary quotes or pricing from similar project
cost data. The remaining equipment costs and bulk material pricing are based on WorleyParsons’
cost estimating database, which includes recent pricing for similar materials. Most of the
equipment and materials will be transported by truck to the project site.
4.4 Clarifications
4.4.4 Other
• EPCM work assumes that the selected site is void of all fatal-flaws which could
significantly impact project cost and schedule. These flaws include, but are not limited to:
habitat and locations of threatened-endangered and sensitive species, abundance of
other protected (e.g., native) species, distribution of noxious weeds, areas of critical
wildlife habitats and movement corridors, contaminated soil or hazardous materials,
archaeological artifacts, distribution and significance of cultural resources, Native
American Tribal concerns, recreational areas, special land use designations (e.g.,
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Areas of Environmental Concern), and others.
4.5 Exclusions
As discussed above, the scope of the estimates is generally limited to scope within the project
fence. A list of items excluded from the estimate is as follows:
Owner’s costs are excluded from the estimate. Typical Owner’s costs include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Appendix A – Process Flow Diagram: The diagram illustrates the major flow paths of the plant
design. The Molten Salt is represented by the red lines, steam flows are blue, water flows are
black, and air flows are black. The only air flows on the diagram are the pressurization air to the
receiver inlet air vessel and the air removed from the top of the ACC by the steam jet air ejector.
Appendix B - Major Equipment List: This does not contain weights and is simply supplied for
information to show which equipment falls under each “subsystem”. The green hi-lighted areas are
the major categories as designated in SAM. The grey highlighted areas are the subsystems and the
un-highlighted areas are the major equipment items under its respective subsystem.
Appendix C – Capital Cost Estimate Summary: +/- 40% EPCM cost estimate broken down by the
NREL SAM major subsystems.
Appendix D – Water Usage: Plant annual water usage. A wet surface air cooler (WSAC) is utilized
for some of the auxiliary cooling heat rejection. This information is not included in Appendix “J”.
Appendix E – Specialized Equipment: The major specialized O&M equipment is provided in this
appendix. Both the heliostat wash water and wash truck fuel consumption is based on information
from Sandia as indicated. This information is not included in Appendix “I” or “J”.
Appendix F – O&M Energy: Energy amount and sources required by the plant other than the
electric and thermal energy obtained from solar insolation. This information is not included in
Appendix “J”.
Appendix H – Variable Tower Costs: The cost of a concrete power tower as a function of height, as
described in section 4.6, is provided in this appendix.
Appendix I – Total Mass of Plant Construction Summary: These tables provide the material
weights, and civil quantities, required to construct the plant, excluding the heliostat field (although
civil works are provided for the field – note foundations are categorized as structural by
WorleyParsons). Grading/earthwork quantities and rip-rap are excluded as the site is theoretical
and thus this information would necessarily be speculative. Both metric and U.S. customary unit
tables are provided. Note that last two columns are expressed volumetrically.
WorleyParsons used the following approach to account for the miscellaneous masses that
comprised less than 2% of the total mass of components, equipment, and parts:
• Most of the large equipment overall weights were inclusive of the items composing <2%
and the 2% item’s mass was assigned to the other more significant materials rather than
being excluded.
Appendix J – O&M Replacement Mass Summary: The O & M Replacement Mass Summary
provides the subsystem mass and general material type for the project over a 30 year lifetime,
excluding the heliostat field. The mass is expressed in pounds (lbm) with a summary conversion to
metric tonnes at the bottom of the table.
The derivation of the O&M replacement information relies on that generated for the parabolic
trough under previous Task 5, subtask 2 (WorleyParsons Project 59002505, Report NREL-0-LS-
019-0005 Rev 0), where relevant, and as such, many of the same references, vendor assistance
information and assumptions were utilized for consistency, including a 30 year plant lifetime.
O&M Consumables are provided as separate Appendices, external to Appendix J. These comprise
of Appendix D –Water Usage, Appendix E – Specialized Equipment and Appendix F – Other O&M
Energy Requirements.
Conceptual Process Flow Diagram
Major Equipment List
PROJECT: Power Tower Plant Cost & LCA
TITLE: Major Equipment List
DATE: 8/24/2012
Power Tower Plant Capital Cost Summary:
Materials and Labor
(Using Arizona merit shop labor rates)
NREL Task 8 Solar Power Tower Cost Assessment
100 MW net with Thermal Storage - Dry Cooled
Revision 2 - RCP
Contingency $ 31,680,000
Labor rates are merit shop-based for Arizona with a productivity factor of 1.0
Water Usage
Water Usage
Annual Water Consumption Annual Water Consumption
Item Description
(Acre-Feet / Year) (Cubic Meters / Year)
Heliostat Water Wash 45 56,000
Steam Cycle & Balance of Plant (BOP) 55 68,000
Total 100 124,000
1. Water Consumption calculation includes water treatment equipment efficiency losses; no waste water treatment system
2. Heliostat water wash consumption estimated from Sandia Report SAND2007-3293, Appendix "A", from Scott Jones'
Memo; "Estimating the Present Value of Collector Washing Costs at a Solar Plant" using a blend of Solar Two and
Kramer Junction Company (KJC) data.
3. Water consumption excludes possible periodic dust suppression/palliative applications.
4. Water treatment chemical usage is minor and is roughly estimated at 5,000 lb/yr (2,300 kg/yr).
Specialized Equipment List
Specialized Equipment
Fuel Economy Annual mileage Annual Fuel Annual Fuel
Item description Quantity Fuel Type
(mpg) (per truck) Consumption (gal/yr) Consumption (liters/yr)
1. Heliostat water wash truck annual fuel consumption estimated from Sandia Report SAND2007-3293, Appendix "A", from Scott Jones' Memo; "Estimating the
Present Value of Collector Washing Costs at a Solar Plant" using a blend of Solar Two and Kramer Junction Company (KJC) fuel usage data.
2. General maintenance vehicles are estimated here based on conventional plant site experience. These general maintenance vehicles can be specified to meet
most plant needs.
3. Use of all other O & M vehicles such as man lifts, scissor lifts, and forklifts is considered infrequent and fuel consumption considered negligible compared to the
Wash and General Maintenance vehicles fuel consumption.
Other O&M Energy Requirements
Other O & M Energy Requirements
Item Source Quantity
1. Auxiliary electricity is off-line power consumption backfed from the grid; the bulk of the
consumption is utilized in the heating of various salt systems.
2. Natural gas use is N/A due to assumed implementation of an electric auxiliary boiler.
3. Diesel fuel required for any Specialized Equipment is excluded here.
4. Portable propane trailer(s) were assumed for initial salt melting.
5. Nitrogen usage for the Steam Generation System and any other steam systems layup is minor.
6. MMBtu = Million Btu
The below references represent non-confidential information available to the public. Numerous other
confidential sources, both internal and external to WorleyParsons, as well as national codes, standards
and specifications (e.g. ANSI, ASME, ASTM) were utilized in the development of this Report.
1. Kelly, B. and Kearney, D., “Thermal Storage Commercial Plant Design Study for a 2-Tank Indirect Molten
Salt System,” NREL/SR-550-40166, July 2006.
2. Litwin, R.Z., “Receiver System: Lessons Learned from Solar Two,” SAND2002-0084, March 2002.
3. Reilly, H.E., and G.J. Kolb, “An Evaluation of Molten-Salt Power Towers Including Results of the Solar
Two Project,” SAND2001-3674, November 2001.
4. Zavoico, A.B., “Solar Power Tower Design Basis Document,” SAND2001-2100, July 2001.
5. Turchi, Craig, NREL. “NREL Power Tower for WP Task 8 study SAM-2011-12-02.zsam.” SAM model
file sent to Ryan Bowers. February 15, 2012. E-mail.
6. Kolb, G.J. et al., “Heliostat Cost Reduction Study”, SAND2007-3293, June 2007.
7. WorleyParsons, “CSP Parabolic Trough Plant Cost Assessment,” Technical report and supplemental
documents, WorleyParsons Group, Denver, Report No. 59002501-NREL-0-LS-019-0001, Sept 2009.
8. WorleyParsons, “Material Input for Life Cycle Assessment,” Technical report and supplemental
documents, WorleyParsons Group, Denver, Report No. 59002505-NREL-0-LS-019-0005, Jan 2010.
9. All City Fence Co. Chain Link Fabric. (2011). Retrieved from
10. Aluminum Roll Jacketing. (2008). Retrieved from
11. ASC Steel Floor Deck. (2012). Retrieved from
12. Bonney Forge® Cast Steel Valves. (2012). Retrieved from
13. Bonney Forge® Class 800/1500 lb Gate Valves-Bolted Bonnet-Full & Reduced Port. (2012). Retrieved
14. CALICO Industrial Fixed Cage Ladders. (2012). Retrieved from
15. CAVCO Pipe Valves & Fittings HDPE Pipe Sizes. (2012). Retrieved from
16. Chromalox® Mineral Insulated Cable. (2012). Retrieved from
17. Crane® Cast Steel Valves – Technical Datasheet. (2012). Retrieved from
18. DOWFROST HD Propylene Glycol-based Heat Transfer Fluid. (2012). Retrieved from
19. Fiberglass Technical Data. (n.d.). Retrieved from
20. FILMTEC™ Membranes – Element Weight. (July 2012). Retrieved from https://dow-
21. FILMTEC™ Membranes, FILMTEC BW30-365-FR Fouling Resistant RO Element, Form No. 609-
00368-1008. (2011). Retrieved from
Tower Height Cost Information
PROJECT Power Tower Plant Cost & LCA
TITLE Variable Tower Cost
REVIEWER Ryan Bowers
DATE 6/19/2012
Tower Costs vs. Height
y = 1835.7x2 ‐ 285868x + 3E+07
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250
Tower Height, meters (SAM definition)
Total Mass of Plant Construction Summary
PROJECT Power Tower Plant Cost & LCA Input
TITLE Plant Capital Cost LCA Data - METRIC
DATE 10/8/2012
SOLAR POWER TOWER PLANT TOTALS 11,524 1,011 335 306 287 1,276 545 95 17,418 78,828 3,876 46,889
O&M Replacement Mass Summary
Assumed Plant Life [yr.] 30
Client: NREL of DOE
Project: Power Tower Plant Cost & LCA Input
Title: O&M Schedule
Date: 9/4/2012
Rev: 0
TOTALS (LB) 1,972,288 125,557 125,245 115,970 48,915 90,124 1,113,600 34,000 303,512 15,350
TOTALS (Metric Tonnes) 894.6 57.0 56.8 52.6 22.2 40.9 505.1 15.4 137.7 7.0