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Teacher Notebook

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Mftayla Mackert

ELED 3650
March 27,2014
Child A:

I-earning Profile Questbnnaire: How Do You Lke to karq Student Interest Inventory 6
Anecdotal Records

I administered these three

assessnrents to

leamnnre abott Child A.


The frst assessrnent was a Larning Profle Questiornraire. This assessnrent gave me an
idea oflrow Child A likes to barn I learned that Child A likes to work alone at his desk,
but he abo eqiop working with other students in grorps or pairs.

I aho learned

that this

chih thinks or.ilside the box becarse he created his only cohnrn ofanswers. Instead of a
']les" or a 'bo," he wanted to create a cohnrur for "sonrtinres." He say that lre
sonretinrs lftes to work hard to inpress his teachers and parents, and he sorrrctimes
works hard on$ for himself This assessnrnt showed rre that when Child A gets
frusfated, he sonrtinrs gives W onhb assignnrnts- He sorrctinrs tkes to barnby
rnoving and doing.

The second assessnrent was a Sh.ldent Interest lnventory. From this assessnpnt

tlnt Chfld A

I bamed

has 5 sblings. He is the second to youngest. He really er{oys reading; soccer,

and lacrosse. His frvorife book is V[ay of

Kings.His fivorite food


piza.His fivorite

kmgirr Dragors. Ifhe had one wish it would be that he didn't have any
honpwork. This telb np that even thouglr he is gifted, he does not really e4joy
band is

chsswork. His fivorite thing aborr school is recess, which is another indbator that he
does not enjoy doing chsswork and assignrrnnts.

I have noticed that Child A conrcs hte

to school every Wednesday when I ampresent. He walks in ard distacts the class from
tlreirwork. He is veryprotective ofhis things. Onhb desk, he has written'Do not sit
here," and 'Do not touctL" He does not lfte people rrrssing with his thin5. He gets abng
fiirly well with other students, b$ at recess he sie alone and reads. I have noticed that
Child A woub rnrch rather read than do anything else. He seerrs verybored with his
school work because he is gifted, ard aheady knows rmst of the rnaterial being taugfr. He
frequently frrds wap to be distacting. For exanpb, he willnske animalnobes. He
conpletes all ofhis assignrrrents neat$ and correctly, btf it rsually takes him nuch
The ttrird assesstrrcnt I used was arrecdotalrecords.

longer than the rest ofthe class. My rrentor teacher says this is because he is a

perfectionist and will not twn anything in urless it is as close to perfect as he can get it.

My focus for Child A would be to fnd an assigmnent or project ttrat will enhance his
learning and keep him challenged and engaged. \D ,Ctt
Throudt these assessrrpnts I have harned a bt about Chro A that I can use to heS rne
create a planto challenge and nptivate

him \b '+V

The first thing I would do is talk to him about what he would hke to harn nnre
about based on his interests. I know he loves to read, and likes sports. He rnay want

to research nlore on a specific player or sport.


I will ask for his irpu on project ideas that he will find interesting.
Together we would conrc W with an interesting idea for a project. We will design a
rubrb together, and set a tinrc limit for when he needs to be finished. We will corne
W with clear eryectations that will challenge him and keep him engaged. He will
be allowed to work on this project whenever he has free tinre.

As the teacher, I will provi<le my scafolding when needed, but the assignnrnt will be
rrnstly independent. I feel this would really challenge Child A, and keep himmoving


Creded by Ms. Mariely Sanchez


Differuntiate lnstruction









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L,hild A

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child B:
Iraming Profile Questiomaire: How Do You Lfte to I-eam, Shrdent Interest Inventory
AnecdotalRecords 6 {F

administered the sanp tlnee assessrpnts to leam


abors Child



frst assessnrent was a karningProfib Questionnaire. This assessnrcnt gave me an

idea ofhow Chib B hkes to bam She studies best when it is qubt, but she can ignore
orfrside noise iftlrere is any. She likes to work at her tabb or desk. She sala she likes to
work hard to inpress her teachers and parents, and she also hkes to work hard for herself
She says *rat she doesn't ahrays finish all ofher work if she beconres frustrated. She likes

to have exact insffuctions on how to finish an assignrrrnt. She hkes to have a set tinre
franre for finishing an assignnrnt. She did not answer the questions that asked her if she

tkes to work alone or ingotps.

The second assessnrnt was a Strdent Interest Inventory.

I leamed that Child B has two

sblings. One is an older brother, and one is her twin sister. She hkes to play outside. She

tkes softball, rnountainbfting and pbyingwithher friends. Her fivorite book is

George's Marvelous Magicinn. Her frvorite rmvie
bsagna. She wants school to be shorter, which tells



Frozen, and her fivorite food is

slre does not eqioy beng at school

The third assessnpnt I used was anecdotal records. ChiH B b very interesting to observe

becawe she does not talk. She chooses to be nnrte. She willnot talk with any adults. There
is onb one gnl in the chss who I have seen her talk to. She will not even nnke gestures

or shake her head. She does well on assignnrnts, and finishes her work. She speaks with
trer twin sister, and her nvin speaks, btd she refuses to. My nrentor teacher has erylained

that she has a rougfr horne life that may conftbrse to why she chooses not to talk.

My focus for Child B b to heS trer conrrunicate tlnou$r writing and then eventually
connunicate by speaking.
Through these assessnpnts

child B.

I have learned things tfnt rnay he$

nre to create a plan


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thiag I

wouh do is write her a letter. I willwrif

a frbrdly htter so I can

beginto bujH trstwifhthe shrdeft.
Ne& I wouH ask her to write rre back. Hopefirlty sh wrll choose to respond.
The next step wouh be to fiyto talk to lrer inperson I wouh invite her trrin
sbter, and th strdent that she talks with in class. I think this wouH be$ her to
ftel cornfortable enougfu to reqpod.


she chooses not to speak,

I wilt contirnr worki4g on the written responses.



nterest lnvento


Today's Date:

Birh Date:

Brothers and Sisters:










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what I like to do most at home: V



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These are myfavorite hobbies:

\ rrtt






lf I had one wish, it would be:

School would be better if:

This is what my teacher did last year that I liked the most:

This is what my teacher did last year that I liked the least:

Creded by Ms. Mariely Sanchez



Differentiate lnstrurtion




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