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Profeesional Interview3

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Student Name: Raymond Fang Period: 7

1. For omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d' (&eae de)ri*e t+e %antaie ,eru rea&itie o% t+e -o*.
(fantasy vs. reality)
Through research their is the possibility to solve diseases that plague humanity. It's every researchers dream to
discover the cause of disease and the key to addressing it.
.. W+at i $our )urrent edu)ationa& &e,e&/ W+at )ontinuin# edu)ation and trainin# are re0uired/
(educational level and reuirements)
I got a !" in #hina.
1. P&eae de)ri*e t+e t$(i)a& da$ to da$ a)ti,itie o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d.
(day$to$day activities)
I design and complete e%periments related to the topic I am studying each day.
2. 3o! e)ure are $ou in $our )urrent (oition/ W+at do $ou t+in" i t+e %uture o% $our %ie&d/
(&ob security)
Re,ied Fa&& .411
Printed Name o% Peron
Rui 'ao
Ro&e o% Indi,idua&:
(((!entor ((()ther *rofessional +, ((-()ther *rofessional +.
P&a)e o% 5uine: /niversity of Te%as !edical 0ranch
5uine Addre: 12, /niversity 0lvd3 'alveston3 T- 77444
P+one Num*er: (526) 77.$,2,,
6ate o% Inter,ie!: !arch ,7th
T$(e o% Inter,ie!: (-(( In *erson ((( Telephone8 (((9mail8
8"ocumentation Reuired (:ttach 9$mail to Intervie; <erification *age)
I'm not sure about the security of my position. Research depends on funding. =ithout funding3 researchers don't
have a &ob since all e%periments depend on money. Funding can be given or taken a;ay at any time.
7. W+at i a t$(i)a& 8a,era#e or &o!et to +i#+et9 a&ar$ o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d/
:. W+at (otentia& %or #ro!t+ i t+ere in $our %ie&d/
(gro;th potential)
There is very lo; potential for gro;th actually. The approaches for discovering solutions to diseases ;ill remain
the same.
;;;Quetion <-14 !i&& *e )reated *$ t+e ISM tudent.
<. W+at ena*&e $ou to )ome to $our -o* ea)+ and e,er$ da$/
I come to ;ork because I have to maintain a living and the dream of discovering something.
=. 3o! ati%ied are $ou !it+ $our -o*/
I am satisfied doing my &ob.
>. 3o! mu)+ (reure do $ou %ee& &i"e $our -o* (ro,ide/
There is obviously pressure in my &ob because pressure is necessary to accomplish things. =ithout pressure3
nothing ;ill be done.
14. 3o! do $ou %ee& &i"e $our o))u(ation +a )+an#ed o,er t+e $ear/
?o3 my &ob has remained mostly the same over the years.
Re,ied Fa&& .411

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