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Essay Outline 8

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Title: ____________________
1. Introduction
1. General statements (about sentences!
. T"esis statement: ____________________
2. #od$
1. Transitional si%nal& 'irst To(ic Sentence: ____________________
1. Su((ortin% idea 1____________________
. Su((ortin% idea ____________________
). Su((ortin% idea )____________________
2. Transitional si%nal& Second To(ic Sentence : ____________________
1. Su((ortin% idea 1 ____________________
. Su((ortin% idea ____________________
). Su((ortin% idea ) ____________________
3. Transitional si%nal& T"ird To(ic Sentence : ____________________
1. Su((ortin% idea 1 ____________________
. Su((ortin% idea ____________________
). Su((ortin% idea ) ____________________
3. *onclusion
1. *losin% statement
+estate t"esis: ____________________

1. Introduction
T"esis Statement
. #od$
,ar1. Transitional Si%nal& To(ic sentence
Supporting idea 1
Supporting idea 2
Supporting idea 3
,ar. Transitional Si%nal& To(ic sentence
Supporting idea 1
+ Explanation
Supporting idea 2
+ Explanation
Supporting idea 3
+ Explanation
,ar). Transitional Si%nal& To(ic sentence
Supporting idea 1
+ Explanation
Supporting idea 2
+ Explanation
Supporting idea 3
+ Explanation
III. *onclusion
TO,I* 1:
People attend school for many different reasons (for example, expanded knowledge, societal
awareness, and enhanced interpersonal relationships). Why do you think people decide to go
to school? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
At one point or another in their high school lives, many students onder hether they
should go to university. Some say no to the !uestion "ecause they might thin# that higher
education is not necessary $or them. %thers say yes and spend the next $our years in classrooms.
In m$ o(inion& (eo(le c"oose to %o to uni-ersit$ because o. t"ree main reasons suc" as
(ursuin% t"eir academic interest& (re(arin% .or t"eir .uture career& and en/o$in% social li.e.
'irst o. all& man$ (eo(le attend uni-ersit$ to stud$ a (articular sub/ect or .ield in
0"ic" t"e$ are interested dee(l$. &niversity curriculums allo students to $ocus on the $ields
they are interested in and explore them in depth. 'oreover, universities o$$er a variety o$
speciali(ed courses instructed "y #noledgea"le pro$essors. Such a ide selection o$ courses
and pro$essors ith expertise ena"le students to pursue their academic goals in the $ields o$ their
Anot"er common reason .or (eo(le to %o to uni-ersit$ is t"at colle%e education
o.ten leads to a better career in t"e .uture. As a matter o$ $act, in many countries, people ith
university degrees tend to $ind "etter)paid *o"s than those ithout them. +ompanies usually o$$er
higher salaries and more attractive positions to university graduates. ,n addition, some
universities provide their students ith opportunities to ac!uire practical s#ills that can "e use$ul
in the real orld. -or example, they o$$er courses in computing, $oreign languages as ell as
apprentice programs in hich students can get or#ing experience in a company.
'inall$& .or some students& en/o$in% social li.e can be t"e su..icient reason .or
sta$in% in sc"ool .or anot"er .our $ears. &niversities o$ten attract students $rom di$$erent parts
o$ the country and even $rom the orld, so they have chances to meet diverse groups o$ people
and learn a"out their li$e)styles. 'oreover, universities usually have numerous clu"s and student
organi(ations, such as sports teams, ho""y groups, and social activity groups. .oining these
groups, li$elong $riendships are o$ten $ormed. /hus, universities can "e places to meet people o$
di$$erent "ac#grounds and $oster relationships.
In conclusion& %oin% to uni-ersit$ is a si%ni.icant decision in li.e& and (eo(le ma$
"a-e di..erent reasons .or ma1in% t"at decision. T"e$ mi%"t decide to attend uni-ersit$ to
(ursue t"eir academic %oals& to ac"ie-e a better career& or to de-elo( .riends"i(s. 0hatever
the reason is, it is important $or students to ma#e the "est o$ the opportunities the school provides
them. ,$ they do, the time they spend as university students ill surely "e one o$ the most
meaning$ul periods o$ their li$e.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the est teachers. Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
I. T"esis Statement
,n my opinion, , do not thin# they are the "est teachers "ecause o$ some reasons as $ollos.
II. #O2Y
1 !irstly, parents limit their children"s freedom.
) "e orried a"out their $riends
a"out their study
a"out a trip to some places
) As a result2 lac# many s#ills in li$e.
1 #econdly, parents usually impose their ideas on their children.
3 decide ma*ors4*o"s
3 decide marriages
3 As a result2 su$$er a lot
1 $astly, parents are often traditional.
) live ith the past
) not up)to)date
) have di$$erences in entertainment
III. *onclusion
,n short, parents are very important, "ut *ust in our teenage.
I.T"esis Statement
,n this essay, ,5d li#e to explain hy , thin# parents are the "est teachers among all educators.
II. #O2Y
-irst, no"ody can understand the children "etter than the parents do.
to #no their children ell.
to correct their children5s mista#es on time.
to give advice hen their children are in need
,n addition, parents are alays "eside their children.
to ma#e their children optimistic in li$e
to $orm their children5s personality
to ma#e their children reali(e their responsi"ility $or their children later.
Last& (arents usuall$ tr$ to be %ood e3am(les .or t"eir c"ildren to .ollo0.
consider their parents idols
"e deeply a$$ected "y their parents2
3 E3am(les: !uitting smo#ing or drin#ing, having a moral li$e.
III. *onclusion
,n short, , thin# no"ody can understand their children more than their parents do, so the parents
can "e considered their children5s "est teachers.
TO,I* ):
%owadays, food has ecome easier to prepare. &as this change impro'ed the way people li'e?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

/he tentieth century has "rought ith it many advances. 0ith those advances, human lives
have changed dramatically. ,n some ays li$e is orse, "ut mostly it is "etter. +hanges in $ood
preparation methods, $or example, have improved our lives greatly t"an1s to t"e con-enient
.ood (re(aration& t"e -ariet$ o. .ood& and "ealt".ul eatin%
'irst o. all& t"e con-enience o. (re(arin% .ood toda$ is ama5in%. 0hile stoves have gotten too
slo $or us, microave coo#ing is much easier. 0e can press a $e "uttons, and a meal is
completely coo#ed in *ust a short time. 6reviously, people used to spend hours preparing an
oven)coo#ed meal7 hoever, no they can use that time $or other "etter things. 'oreover, there
are all #inds o$ porta"le, prepac#aged $oods e can "uy. A$ter "uying them, e *ust heat them in
the o$$ice microave, and lunch at or# is !uic# and easy.
In addition& .ood (re(aration toda$ allo0s .or more -ariet$. 0ith re$rigerators and $ree(ers,
e can preserve a lot o$ di$$erent $oods in our homes. Since technology ma#es coo#ing so much
$aster, people are illing to ma#e several dishes $or even a small meal. 6arents are more li#ely to
let children "e pic#y, no that they can easily heat them up some prepac#aged macaroni and
cheese on the side. 8eedless to say, adults living in the same house may have very di$$erent
eating ha"its as ell. ,$ they do not ant to coo# a lot o$ di$$erent dishes, it is common no to
eat out at restaurants several times a ee#.
Last but not least& "ealt".ul eatin% is also easier t"an e-er no0. 0hen people coo#, they use
ne $at su"stitutes and coo#ing sprays to cut $at and calories. /his reduces the ris# o$ heart
disease and high cholesterol. Additionally, e can "uy $ruits and vegeta"le $resh, $ro(en or
canned. /hey are easy to prepare, so many o$ us eat more o$ those nutritious items daily. Some
decades ago, e could not imagine the process o$ ta#ing some $ro(en $ruit and ice $rom the
$ree(er, adding some lo)$at yogurt $rom a plastic cup and some *uice $rom a can in the
re$rigerator, and hipping up a lo)$at smoothie in the "lender.
In s"ort, our li$estyle is $ast, "ut people still li#e good $ood. 0hat ne $ood preparation
technology has given us is more choices. /oday, e can prepare $ood that is more convenient,
healthier, and o$ greater variety than ever "e$ore in history.
/%6,+ 92
(t has een said, )%ot all learning takes place in the classroom.* +ompare and contrast
knowledge gained from personal experience with knowledge gained from classroom
instruction. (n your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
I. T"esis Statement
T"rou%"out t"e di..erent sta%es o. li.e& .rom (rimar$ sc"ool to uni-ersit$ to adult"ood&
boo1s and e3(erience teac" us man$ s1ills 0e need .or li.e.
II. #O2Y
,A+A 1
!irstly, as children in primary school, we learn facts and information from ooks, ut that is
not all we learn in school.
3 ,n our class or#2 to get "asic #noledge 4 theory
3 %n the playground2 ho to ma#e $riends, hat to do and hat not to do
#econdly, in our uni'ersity classes and in our student"s life, we learn a lot of information and
skills we will need for our future careers.
) ,n class2 pro$essional #noledge
) ,n real li$e2 to get along ith our classmates4roommates 4learn customs and ha"its
,A+A )
!inally, when we enter life, we still continue to read ooks or attend training courses, ut we
also get skills that no ook can teach.
) #noledge $rom extra classes or training courses
) successes and $ailures
) experiences at or#, at home, and ith our $riends
,n short, "oo#s teach us a lot, "ut there is a limit to hat they teach. 'eanhile, lives teach us
ho to improve our careers, ho to improve our relationships, and ho to "e the person e ant
to "e.
TO,I* 6:
,our go'ernment has announced that it wishes to uild a factory near your community. Do
you support or oppose the factory?
I. T"esis Statement
,n my opinion& .actories cause (ollution& tra..ic (roblems& and c"an%ed li.e7st$les.
II. #od$
-. !irstly, factories cause pollution.
) expel smo#e
) send industrial aste
) send aste ater
.. #econdly, traffic prolems will e more serious.
more population
more roads
more vehicles
/. !inally, my community will change a lot.
more complicated social li$e.
more social evils
changed li$e)styles

I. T"esis Statement
In m$ o(inion& a ne0 .actor$ 0ill brin% m$ communit$ a lot o. ad-anta%es suc" as /obs .or
local residents& communit$ de-elo(ment& and %ood social li.e.
II. #od$:
,ar. 1
'irstl$& a ne0 .actor$ 0ill create /obs .or local residents.
) employed residents
) ne services
) material supplies
Secondl$& buildin% a .actor$ 0ill "el( de-elo( t"e communit$.
) "uilding roads
) improving pu"lic transportation
) upgrading electricity and ater supply

'inall$& a ne0 .actor$ ma$ stabili5e social li.e.
) not move to other places
) not have much time to aste
) not have much time to commit social evils
TO,I* 8:
(f you could change one important thing aout your country, what would you change? Use
reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
I. T"esis Statement
,n my opinion, the sense o$ community should "e changed "ecause people do not $eel connected,
they do not loo# out $or each other, and they do not get to #no their neigh"ors.
II. #od$:
,oint 1:
-irstly, people here do not $eel connected to the community.
) 8ot put don roots in the community
) not *oin community organi(ations
) not get involved in community issues
,oint :
Secondly, 6eople do not try to support others around them.
) 8ot atch out $or each other5s children
) 8ot chec# in on elderly neigh"ors
) not #no i$ a neigh"or has pro"lemes
,oint ):
-inally, neigh"ors do not get to #no each other.
) 8ot help atch houses
) no casual, $riendly ay o$ mentioning the pro"lem
) simple pro"lems "ecome a ma*or disagreement.
III. *onclusion
,n short, my hometon is a nice place to live in many ays, "ut it ould "e much nicer i$ e
had that sense o$ community.
TO,I* 9
(s it good for children to watch 01 a lot? Use reasons and specific examples to support your
/: ma#es people more violent, inactive, and less creative.
II. #O2Y
'irstl$& man$ (ro%rams and mo-ies on tele-ision are -iolent.
3 "oxing program
3 action $ilms2 $ighting, #illing
easy $or the vieer to imitate
Secondl$& 0atc"in% tele-ision so muc" ma1es us less acti-e.
3 sit still
3 lac# exercise
3 not contact society
Last& 0atc"in% T; a lot ma1es us less creati-e.
3 not thin#ing
3 not imagining
3 not having time to create
,n short, /: has its strong negative e$$ects on our lives.
TO,I* <
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 0ele'ision has destroyed
communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your
/elevision can increase communication "ecause nes and other in$ormation e see on /: gives
us things to discuss ith our $riends and $amily, /: also helps us understand each other "etter,
and /: can help us share our interests ith others.
II. #O2Y
1. ,A+A. 1
'irst& ne0s (ro%rams on tele-ision %i-e us man$ t"in%s to tal1 about.
) 0atch nes henever e turn on the television
) hear a"out things that a$$ect our lives
) ant to share our opinions ith others
. ,A+A.
Second& 0"ere-er 0e li-e& 0e can access to t"e same cable T; (ro%rams as (eo(le in ot"er
(arts o. t"e 0orld.
) have something in common ith the people at or#, at school or other places
) "e$amiliar ith some o$ the same /: programs
) as a result2 have a ay to "egin ne $riendships.
). ,A+A. )
Last& most (eo(le use T; as a 0a$ to entertain t"emsel-es.
) 6eople ho play sports
) 6eople ho li#e traveling
) an excellent $orm o$ communication that helps people understand each other "etter.
,n short, /: is an important means that helps people contact together more and more.
TO,I* 1=:
#ome people elie'e that uni'ersity students should e re2uired to attend classes. 3thers
elie'e that going to classes should e optional for students. Which point of 'iew do you agree
with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
,n my opinion, to learn academic su"*ects, it is very necessary to come to class "ecause o$ the
$olloing reasons.
II. #O2Y:
To(ic sentence 1:
!irst of all, when attending classes, a student is guided how to read his materials or textooks
) "eing given additional in$ormation
) as#ing his teacher any o$ his dou"ts
) "eing told many ne ideas related to the topic
) getting some experiences $rom his teachers
To(ic sentence :
4oreo'er, attending classes often helps him de'elop his communication skills.
) have many chances to participate in group)discussions, to raise his on ideas, to listen
and to analy(e his classmates5 ideas.
) learn ho to "ehave in a group
) is a"le to reali(e ho important the teamor# is to $inish his assignments.
To(ic sentence ):
(n addition, going to class trains him to e a responsile and disciplined person.
) is responsi"le $or preparing #noledge as ell as li$e experience $or his $uture.
) "e punctual.
) examples
To(ic sentence =:
$ast ut not least, class attendance might help him a'oid wasting time or committing social
) to spend time properly.
) not have much time to aste in co$$ee shops, pu"s, "ars, or gam"ling.
) examples
,n short, , "elieve that attending classes at college or university is very necessary $or students to
get more than *ust #noledge $rom teachers.
TO,I* 18:
(t has recently een announced that a new restaurant may e uilt in your neighorhood. Do
you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your

I. T"esis Statement
( can see that a new restaurant would ring more traffic prolems to the area, attract
undesirale people, and e uneneficial to my neighorhood.
II. #O2Y
,ara. 1
'irstl$& tra..ic con%estion is alread$ a (roblem in our nei%"bor"ood.
too narro streets
more tra$$ic
8ot enough par#ing lots
Secondl$& I am also concerned about t"e t$(e o. (atrons t"e ne0 restaurant 0ould brin%
into our nei%"bor"ood.
Social evils
'inall$& t"ere are ot"er t$(es o. businesses t"at 0e need in our nei%"bor"ood more.
a "oo#store or a pharmacy
shopping centers
,n short, a restaurant might "ring *o"s, "ut it ould also "ring tra$$ic and noise, and it ould use
space that might "e "etter used $or another type o$ "usiness.
TO,I* 1>:
#hould go'ernments spend more money on impro'ing roads and highways, or should
go'ernments spend more money on impro'ing pulic transportation (uses, trains, suways)?
Why? Use specific reasons and details to de'elop your essay.
T"esis Statement:
#o as to sol'e the traffic prolem, in my opinion, the go'ernment should spend money
uilding suway lines, railroads, and more us routes.
II . #O2Y
-. !irst, if suway lines are uilt and reach to e'ery corner of the city, people would not need
to use their pri'ate means of transportation to commute any more.
3 lessen motor"i#es
3 reduce tra$$ic *ams
3 protect the environment
.. #econd, the railroad system in our country is not enough and in ad condition.
3 result in $eer truc#s and long)distance "uses
3 reduce tra$$ic accidents
3 Examples
3. $ast ut not least, with the increase of us users at present, it has een pro'en that people
are getting used to pulic transportation.
3 not enough "uses and "us routes
3 save money
3 reduce tra$$ic *ams or accidents
,n short, improving the pu"lic transportation system ill help reduce tra$$ic *ams, accidents and
air pollution in our country.
(n general, people are li'ing longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific
reasons and details to de'elop your essay.
T"e main reasons are %reater access to "ealt" care& modern science and ad-anced
tec"nolo%$ in "ealt" care& and better nutrition.
II. #O2Y
1. 'irstl$& basic "ealt" care is a-ailable to more (eo(le no0.
pu"lic hospitals ith modern $acilities
more clinics and doctors
compared ith the past
. Secondl$& (eo(le also li-e lon%er t"an1s to modern science and ad-anced
tec"nolo%$ in "ealt" care.
3 help doctors predict the disease soon and exactly.
3 help doctors operate patients more !uic#ly and exactly
3 help invent and produce ne medicines
). 'inall$& t"e ?ualit$ o. nutrition "as im(ro-ed also.
3 eat more health$ully
3 Examples
+ eating lo $at $ood
+ eating $ruits and vegeta"les
In conclusion& im(ro-ed "ealt" care and "ealt"$ eatin% "abits allo0 us to li-e lon%er.
TO,I* )
We all work or will work in our 5os with many different kinds of people. (n your opinion,
what are some important characteristics of a co6worker (someone you work closely with)? Use
reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

T"esis Statement
,n my opinion, a good co)or#er should "e a cooperative person, should adapt ell to changes,
and should "e help$ul to others in the o$$ice.

II. #O2Y
,ara%ra(" 1
!irst of all, a god co6worker should e 'ery cooperati'e.
3 do her "est to get along ith others
3 do her part ell not to a$$ect everyone else
3 have a positive attitude to create a pleasant or#ing environment.
#econd, a good co6worker is adaptale.
3 not "e stu""orn a"out changes in schedules or routines.
3 not o"*ect to having her *o" revised.
3 no pro"lem ith ne procedures
,ara%ra(" )
$ast, a good co6worker is helpful.
3 help someone $alling "ehind in his4her or#.
3 "e illing to change her schedule to help another or#er5s emergency.
3 "e illing to ta#e on extra or#.
III. *onclusion
,n short, hen co)or#ers are cooperative, adapta"le, and help$ul, everyone gets along "etter and
can get their *o" done ell.
TO,I* )
#om people spend their entire li'es in one place. 3thers mo'e a numer of times throught
their li'es, looking for a etter 5o, house, community, or e'en climate. Which do you
prefer7 staying in one place or mo'ing in search of another place? Use reasons and
specific examples to support your opinion.
(. 0hesis #tatement
,n my opinion, , pre$er moving a num"er o$ times, loo#ing $or changes "ecause o$ some
reasons as $ollos.
,n my opinion, , pre$er moving a num"er o$ times, loo#ing $or changes to see the orld,
to get "etter li$e, and to help others
((. 8ody
-. 0he first and most o'ious reason to mo'e from one place to another is to see the world.
) improve my mind 4 enrich my #noledge
) meet people o$ many races
) pass through areas o$ di$$erent climates
. 0he second reason for mo'ing is the opportunity to get etter 5os and li'ing conditions.
) get higher education
) $ind a suita"le *o"
) get diversi$ied entertainment.
). $ast ut not least, some people mo'e to new places ecause they want to help others or
contriute something to the de'elopment of the place they come.
) or# in di$$icult parts o$ their country to help poor people there
) change aste lands into cultivated areas
) esta"lish "usinesses to create *o"s $or local residents
III. *onclusion
,n conclusion, , thin# that almost people ant to loo# $or something "etter than hat they
already have.
TO,I* ))
(s it etter to en5oy your money when you earn it or is it etter to sa'e your money for some
time in the future? Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.
(. 0hesis #tatement
(f ( am asked whether ( spend money or sa'e it when ( can earn it myself, ( will answer that (
will keep it for some time in the future
ecause ( will ha'e a lot of expenses.
because o. t"ree main reasons as .ollo0s.
because o. "i%"er education& a com.ortable li.e& and sudden situations.
II. #od$:
-. !irstly, ( sa'e money for my higher education.
be more and more things to study
not be cheap at all.
not be always supported
2. (n addition, in the future, ( want to ha'e a comfortale life
have a nice house, fashionable clothes, and a luxurious car.
get married
help my children
). $ast, ( cannot foresee what will happen to me and my family in the future.
have an unexpected illness
help my brothers or sisters
not want to depend on my children economically
III. *onclusion
(n short, it is not easy to earn money now, so ( do not want to spend my money carelessly. (
ha'e to e well6prepared for what ( ha'e mentioned ao'e.
TO,I* 1=>
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us aout life.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
(. 0hesis #tatement
Playing games is both fun and useful because they teach us the skills we need in life such as
cause-and-effect, how to deal with people, and following rules.
((. 8ody
!irst of all, games teach us aout cause6and6effect relationships.
) hit a ball, someone will catch it.
) make certain combinations with cards, we win points.
) pay attention to the results of our actions.
#econdly, playing games teaches us how to deal with other people.
) Teamwork
) how to assign tasks according to each persons skills
) interacting with other people.
!inally, game playing teaches us how to follow rules to achie'e something.
) Need to know the rules
) now how to go step by step toward a desired end
) !earn strategy.
(((. +onclusion
!earning all these things would be much slower if we didnt play games.
/%6,+2 @"at are ad-ata%es o. t"e InternetA
As e #no almost everything these days is done ith the help o$ the ,nternet. /he ,nternet
ma#es communication much more convenient, it is an a"undant source o$ in$ormation, and it
helps many people entertain themselves ith endless entertainment activities. %verall, the
,nternet has made our li$e easier and more convenient.
/hrough the ,nternet, our communication is much more convenient noadays. E)mail,
-ace"oo# or /itter ma#es it possi"le to communicate ith people instantly at any time o$ day.
/his is important $or "oth our or# and our personal lives. /he ,nternet ma#es it possi"le to $ind
out the latest nes right aay) even i$ it is nes that happens someplace $ar aay. /he ,nternet
ma#es it possi"le to get almost any #ind o$ in$ormation $rom anyplace !uic#ly herever e are.
,n addition, the ,nternet is a treasure source o$ in$ormation on any given topic under the sun.
Search engines ma#e in$ormation accessi"le on various su"*ect matters such as las, services,
trade $airs, con$erences, mar#et in$ormation, ne innovations or technical support, and even
dispense advice on love and relationships matters. ,t has "ecome common practice to see#
assistance $rom the e" in order to research and gather resources $or homeor#, o$$ice
presentations, and supplement one5s on research.
'oreover, entertainment is one o$ the $oremost reasons hy people pre$er sur$ing the 0e". ,n
$act, the ,nternet has "rought us ith multi$aceted entertainment industries. -inding the latest
updates a"out cele"rities and exploring li$estyle e"sites have "ecome day)to)day activities o$
many ,nternet users. /here are also innumera"le games, game shos, movies, songs etc. that can
"e donload $ree o$ charge. ,ndeed, online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal success
"ecause o$ its ever)increasing demand throughout the orld.
,n short, e are living in the computer and 0ed age. 0e can no do more things and do them
more easily than e could "e$ore. %ur personal and pro$essional lives have improved "ecause o$
the ,nternet.

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