Dragon Reiki
Dragon Reiki
Dragon Reiki
Andrea Baginski
E-Mail: chisara@dragonsky.de
Getting reconnected to our Elemental Forces again with the help from the Dragons
Andrea Baginski Reiki Teacher for Usui Reiki Ra~Sheeba, TeraMai, Ethereal Crystal, Kundalini Reiki, Imara, Ama Deus, Elementar Reiki, Engel Ki, Gold Reiki, Hawaiian Huna, Isis Seichim, Karuna Ki, Violet Flame.
Native Americans from several parts of the USA and Canada told in the 19.th Century that on more than one occasion they had seen Dragons which came from the depths of a lake. Such sightings are reported from Lake Okanangan in British Columbia, from Lake Payette in Idaho, Lake Folsom in California, and from Lake Champlain in Vermont. In the Village Henham in Essex, Great Britain, there appeared on the 27th May 1669 a flying dragon like being out of the woods, which lead the population into a panic. They chased away the unwanted visitor by throwing stones at him. Until today the people celebrate in Henham each year the driving out of the mysterious Dragon. In the Congo - so it is told - lives a Dinosaur; the natives are calling him MokeleMbembe. Over 200 years he has been sighted very frequently from both natives and Europeans in the Likouala area. This is only a part of the stories about Dragons. Each of us has to decide for himself:
Dragon Abilities
The different kinds of Dragons are considered to have very different abilities. They are strong, cruel, courageously, helpful, intelligent, wise, are in connection to magic, are the keeper of secret knowledge and much more. Dragons are the mightiest forces of the ethereal realms, but are belonging to the fire element too; they are able to show up simultaneously in the elements water, air, fire and earth. Thats why there exist Fire Dragons, Earth Dragons, Air Dragons and Water Dragons. Dragons are the keepers you can find at the doors to wisdom, are keepers of precious treasures, which can only be found behind these special doors. They are guarding the transitions from fire to light, from knowledge to wisdom. This is often shown in eastern cultures, where Dragons are heaven-sent messengers which are guarding the treasures and homes of the Gods and control all of the powers.
There are Thunder- and Rain Dragons, Earth Dragons which clean the Rivers, Royal Dragons which control the empires, giving them the highest possible forces, Dragons which have control over Yin and Yang needed for the fulfillment of the Tao (eastern way to wisdom). A Master who has learned to control these powers is called someone who is able to ride the Dragon. Mighty in protection, perfection, superordinately vision, highest luck and with big power and strength are for the ones which are born under their power, blessed with their strength or under protection of this power. Founders of many eastern kingdoms where Dragon fighters.
Dragons are symbols for sexual power, unleashed energy, force and protection, biggest misfortune and poison, but also for complete healing. As long as Dragons were born, the whole life energy will always renew. Dragons are always seen, if the use of all powers is needed to walk trough a portal. The power lines of Earth, the Leylines, are also called dragon tracks. The energy points of the body, which are used for acupuncture, are named dragon points. The ascending and descending lunar nodes in a horoscope are also called the dragon points; They are revealing from where a human being comes, with which abilities he is gifted with and where he is going to. Dragons are mighty powers, which are sleeping in each of us too. The more we follow the Dragon tracks, the more we unfold our inner power, we are reaching our own strength. Power for itself is a neutral energy. Whats important is how you use it, if you are able to control it, if you steer it to reach your higher goals, or if the power is dominating you. A human being not living his power and forces will often encounter this forces from the outside. In Dragon Reiki we are trying to reconnect to these powers. Too much of this power has been lost during our evolution into the technological age and too many people are feeling like having lost their roots. Now we are feeling drawn to get back to our spirituality, to see again the things behind the veil. Dragon Reiki is one of the ways to reach this goal.
The Skeleton
The Dragon is the biggest known flying Creature. To hold his enormous body mass in the air, he had to develop another body structure than the other Reptiles, HIS WINGS. His wings are based on his broad shoulders. Through that there is a special system of joints needed, which is unique and not shown in any other species. There are Dragons who are also experts in Black Magic and the Black Arts and who serve the dark side. They use their powers to enslave people and create Slaves; even after the death of the Dragon they will still protect the treasure chamber. These terrible creatures are also able to use Black Magic to fight humans so they can only be defeated by a Magician.
It is impossible to list all color shades which are common in the sparkling colors of the Dragons, but we can summarize these three important color components:
Shades of Green, with impressive mixtures from green and yellow, sometimes with dark brownish shades, and polished gold.
Although these three main groups of colors were never mixed, you cannot really call the color of a Dragon solid. In general his scales show one of these base colors with a metallic shimmer which is hard to describe. If the scales look faded and transparent this is a sure sign of bad health. Many Dragons are famous because of the striking color of their scales, like Ancalagon the Black, Smaug the Golden and Spars the Green.
When the time comes for the female Dragon to take her first wedding flight, she usually is up grown to a beautiful adult being, full of wisdom which was taught to her by the most formed females. They gave her all that is needed, including instructions about all parts of the dragon life. She starts her flight alone, but will soon become accompanied by the males who want to mate with her. Often she is in the center of a swarm of some one hundred fully developed male Dragons. The flight of the Dragons can easily be watched due to this enormous extent.
The Male Dragons will drive the Female in the direction of the place which was chosen by the Dragon Father for the mating to take place. Young Female Dragons which are masters in magic often transform into the shape of a beautiful woman. Because they are able to hold this illusion longer than the male Dragons, they are able to integrate into human society for a sufficient long time without revealing their true identity. The memory of such an event is living on in some legends like in the story of Melusine.
This digging lifestyle is very common for the Earth dragons and Water Dragons - Fire dragons use other social structures, behaviors and habits. In the special chapters for each species there are more detailed descriptions about different homes, and the slaves and servants which are bound to each family.
He is the Head of the Dragons, and each Dragon swears to obey him. His part is to keep peace within his species. He will also choose the true name for the young dragons, and last but not least he will decide when the young virgin females are old enough for the mating. Old infertile females which have retired from the world assist him with this. They are very knowledgeable in magic affairs, are titled Queen and enjoy the full authority at the court of the Dragon Father. They are the ones which choose the new Dragon Father after a Dragon Fathers death. Female Dragons are shy and rare, and therefore they are treated with special attention and care. For the mating the male Dragons follow the female trying to catch her. After the female has mated with a male she lays one egg for which very special care is taken by the male alone. After this she returns to the starting place where the other males are waiting and the mating game starts again. The female mates to all awaiting males but only from the first egg a female Dragon will emerge, all following Dragons emerging the other eggs will be male. Females are taken shortly after the birth to the court of the Dragon Father, where they will grow up.
After he reaches the age of 4 years he starts his journey to the Dragon Fathers court where he learns the social behavior of the Dragons and the art of Magic. When he has finished this stage he will receive his True Name and will now stand on his own 2 feet or will live as a servant of an older Dragon. An independent Dragon looks for a cavern. In the center of the cavern he keeps his treasures on which he sleeps. Around the cavern there are rooms for his servants who take care that the cavern is kept clean. They also groom the Dragon scales and were never treated badly.
This Dragon only reaches the size of about 2 meters per maximum in length and lives in the chimneys of power plants. He has adapted himself to the temperatures and the sulfur concentration within these chimneys. His scales are sulfur yellow and rust in color, and he is only able to spit small fire tongues. These Dragons are very destructive, because when they fight they throw a tail of sulfur gases behind them, causing acid rain. Scholars call these Dragons a step back in time rather than a step forward; for some reason they have lost the ability to speak their mother language and the lack of any social organization is also a proof for this opinion. The other Dragons species are not very keen on these Dragons.
This Fire Dragon Subspecies is extremely rare; they live only in the volcano Etna in Sicily. They have dull scales and very short legs. They are also able to spit fire, but they re-breath their fiery air which causes burns to form in his esophagus. The Sicilian Dragon is also illiterate and not able to speak; this is why the human who discovered this species called it an accident of the evolution.
This dragon is the most honored Dragon Hero. Although he belongs to none of the elements (Earth, Air, Water or Fire), he unified in a natural way to all of them He is the best looking of the Dragon species, because he is unique, pure and beautiful. None of the four Elements is strange to him. Only one human is his friend and only three humans have ever seen him. He has never ever been aggressive and is without all faults. He is a guardian and protects the haunted Castle where a knight with pure heart protects the Holy Grail of devotion. The Holy Grail is the baptism basin of peace, nature and life. Only three people have seen him but only one was worthy enough and without sin and with enough dignity for him. The golden Dragon was selected to take this knight to the haunted castle, where both of them protect the Grail until some day he can return to the earth to bring peace between Humans and Dragons. There is not a lot of information known at this time about the golden Dragon.
Dragon Journey
Sit or lay in a comfortable position; take three deep breaths in and out, slowly and in full comfort. Close your eyes and think of nothing. All around you is dark. Go deeper and deeper. Slowly a light turns on around you and in front of your eyes is a passage appearing made from stone with old inscriptions on the walls. Look at these old inscriptions and let them work on you a little bit. Now take a look into this passage. Now you can see that this is a cavern, from where a gentle light shines. Take up this light in you before you go into the cavern. Now step into the cavern, walking deeper and deeper into the cavern. You are walking deeper and deeper and the light shines brighter with each step. The light is floating into your body and your whole being and it calms your whole entity. Feel your heartbeat now , how gentle and peaceful it beats. Now you are slowly reaching the origin of the light. You see that the light comes from a large crystal which is protected by a dragon. Step forward and approach the light and the dragon. Now you are directly in front of the Dragon, he opens his eyes and looks deep into yours. A flood of energies is floating now through your whole being. All negative energies which are stuck in your energy structure will pass and sink into the earth. Now you are ready to make a journey with the Dragon. Climb onto his back and take a seat; after you have made yourself comfortable he takes flight with you up trough an opening in the cavern to the outside world. When you are outside you recognize that you are not longer in your world, but in a completely other world. The Dragon is flying with you over the Sea. The stars shine brightly as bright as the full moon while a gentle breeze flows trough the air. It all feels wonderful.
In front of you you are recognizing an island. There is a large fire burning on the island. The Dragon is flying with you straight to this fire and is landing some meters away on the ground. Now climb down from the Dragons back and walk to the fire. Look into the flames, feel their warmth and their gentle energy. From the right side of you a lady walks up to you. You look at her and look into her face. She has a gentle, tender face and is of very clear and gentle nature. She radiates calmness, peace and strength. Now she is standing in front of you and tells you something about yourself, your true being on this planet, your personal order and about the creation of this universe. Listen carefully to what she has to say and try to remember as much as you can. Take it into your heart and seal it there. (pause) Now she reaches out with her hand and places it directly in front of your heart Chakra. A bright light flows from her hand to your heart Chakra cleansing it from all negative energies, helping you therefore to reach the source of all creation, where all knowledge was created. Now she takes her hand away and reaches into the fire. She takes a piece of glowing wood and closes her hand. When she opens her hand, a crystal has replaced the glowing wood. This crystal is for you. The crystal is a sign of purity and light with which you are now bound forever in a manner which is very deep and not explainable because now you are connected more to the source than before. Take this crystal with you, have it always near to you. Never forget that you have it. Thank her now and say goodbye. Give a last view to the fire then turn around to face the dragon. He is waiting for you to take you back home. Walk over to him, sit again on his back. Now he flies back to the cavern from where you started. While you are flying back home, take a look back one more time, and see how the island fades in the light of the moon and stars. A deep satisfaction and quietness flows trough your body and spirit.
Now you are back at the cavern, you jump from the Dragons back and walk in front of him; look into his eyes and thank him for this journey. Thank him from the bottom of your heart and with truth. Turn around and leave the cavern. As soon as you are trough the passage door, the cavern disappears but you know that you can always come back whenever you want to meet your dragon friend and take a new journey with him. Your Dragon Friend will always be there to take you to meet those beings who help you and can give you answers to your questions. Now go on walking, the room is getting darker again; take 3 deep breaths; slowly and with intention come back to our world now where you started from. Open your eyes, and you are back again. Enjoy for a while the energy which is floating trough you and be happy!
To transform a characteristic, a feeling, energy or whatever you want to transform into the opposite or into something other. This Symbol is versatile in use. Let your imagination run free when you use this symbol and try to use it whenever you think that a change is needed.
To balance the elements in your body, your soul and your spirit. Its always of use wherever a new balance is needed.
Connection of body, soul and spirit. To strengthen and stabilize one self. With this Symbol you strengthen and intensify the connection to your higher self and your inner child. Therefore the bond to the healing energies and to the source of creation is strengthened
Draw this symbol in a dark blue transparent color. Take both hands for drawing it. Or you can just visualize it. Union of two different powers to a unity. The first one is for things in your surrounding field, all what is in your outer area. The second one is for all what is inside you. If you are working on a client, please use only the first one, the second one only if you have talked about its way to work with your client.
To unify the four elements in body, soul and spirit, to strengthen, to equalize and to fulfill them. Its impossible to describe it, you must experience Unity and Unification for yourself.
Say the following words while drawing this symbol: 1-2-3 4 5 6 a pyramid strengthened in earth bound in the heart unified in the universe
All I can say about this symbol is that it will enlighten your heart.
Dragon heart
Strength, power, silence, wisdom, life, peace and light. Very recommended if you are not in your own center. With this symbol the attunement is sealed too.
When we are giving a Dragon Reiki there are many beings that arrive to help with the changes that the client will experience. They bring along with them different energies representing different aspects of our Being. One of those beings is the Dragon. It was recently told to me that the Dragon symbol in the attunement process was like a manifestation. So I asked if this was so. I was told yes, while it does represent manifestation, it also brings in magic. That is how us humans see our full power manifesting magic. The Dragon Voice comes from our power source deep in our belly and up through the voice. It can come out as toning. It usually starts at a low Ohhhhh and can build up to quite a high and loud Ohhhhhhh OR it can be just a Heeeee. I have experienced it turning into an SSSsssssss. Take a deep breath into your belly, breathe out slowly and then let escape the tone straight out of your belly. Feel into your heart and into your belly; you will be lead and the tone will be given to you when you are really ready. At first you may be a little self-conscious, but all that have tried it have been surprised at the ability of holding that tone for quite some time. The Dance of Light and Vibration and the Dragon Voice is a matter of stepping away from the client so that you are still in the energy field but not right up close to the physical body, and move around the body blowing the Voice.
I wish you a lot of fun and joy with this system. There are a lot of things from a higher view to understand, things that were and things that are meant to happen. Dragon Reiki should help you on this way. Its able to extend your Mind and to change it in a positive way.
The power and love of the Spirits may be always with you.
Prepare the room and yourself in an energetic way for giving an attunement. The intention is the most important thing. Arrange the room so it feels good for you. I recommend to give this attunement in a room which is lighted only by candlelight. Thus the vibration is more comfortable and smoother, and the room is getting a greater deepness by this. If you like it you can use incense sticks (Vanilla, Sandalwood or rose with patchouli) . Drink a glass of water before you start the attunement. If you like you can take a shower or wash your face and your hands before giving the attunement. More creative fantasy in the arrangement of the room is up to you. Let your intuition and heart lead you, than there can nothing be wrong. To strengthen the attunement energy I recommend you to learn the dragon voice and use it mentally in the attunement (that means only in your mind).
The Attunement
The attunement includes all symbols. The disciple has to sit on a chair, the backbone straight, hands with the palms upside on the thigh. 2) Stand behind the disciple, breath three times deeply in and out, deep into the lower abdomen. Imagine that you cover yourself with each breath into golden light that covers you completely and flows trough you. 3) Now draw over the crown Chakra of the disciple the Transformation symbol, see how it pours into this Chakra. Imagine the symbols at the drawing always in golden color. 4) Stand in front of the disciple. Draw the Balance symbol over the whole Body in a golden color; see how it pours into his aura. 5) Draw over the heart Chakra, then on the third eye Chakra, then on both palms the symbol Unity in golden color, see how it pours into every Chakra and spreads. 6) Draw now over the heart Chakra, the crown Chakra and the soles of the feet the symbol Unification (draw both symbols and imagine them in a blue-golden transparency color); see it pour and spread into the Chakras. 7) Draw now over the heart Chakra and the palms the symbol Unity and Unification in a golden color. See how it pours into the Chakras and spread. 8) Draw now over the whole body the symbol Unity and Unification in a golden color. Stand behind your disciple and draw the symbol again as big as your disciple in a golden color and see how it pours and spreads into his aura. 9) Stand now at the right side of your disciple and draw the symbol Shanty as big as your disciple is into the disciples aura, walk then to their left side and draw the symbol again in his aura. See how the symbols are floating and spread into the aura. 10) Now stay in front of your disciple. Draw the symbol Dragon heart over his crown Chakra, than over the soles of his feet, over the heart Chakra and over the palms. Imagine the symbol in golden color and see how the symbol floats and spreads into the aura. 11) Now stand behind your disciple and put your hands on their shoulders. Imagine the symbol Dragon heart in a golden color and see how it flows through you and floats into the disciple. Now say With this I seal this attunement and (Name of the disciple) is initiated for all times into Dragon Reiki! 1)
Dragon Reiki II
Andrea Baginski Reiki Lehrerin fr Usui Reiki, Ra~Sheeba, TeraMai, Ethereal Crystal, Kundalini Reiki, Imara, Ama Deus, Elementar Reiki, Engel Ki, Gold Reiki, Hawaiian Huna, Isis Seichim, Karuna Ki, Violet Flame und andere
Dragon Reiki II is channeled by me, Shihan Chisara and is an extension to the Dragon Reiki. After my attunement into Dragon Reiki Level 1, 5 new symbols were shown to me. It was revealed to me that they were to be used in a separate connection to special Dragons and their abilities. These symbols make it possible to use these abilities of the Dragons more purposefully and effectively or to adjust or transform our own abilities which we dislike with the corresponding other Dragon power. For this reason I dont list only the positive aspects from the powers, but also the obstructive ones too. As we learned yet in Dragon Reiki, Dragons where divided into a few main categories: Earth-, Fire-, Air- and Water-Dragons. Another category of dragons are the Golden Dragons. The exact abilities I will list with the corresponding symbols. This can only be a small and subjective representation. Maybe you will feel that these qualities are a little bit different, they may feel stronger, maybe smoother. Simply try it and make your own experiences. I wish you a wonderful time discovering them, in love Chisara.
His abilities are: enthusiasm, activity, power, strength, courage, strong will, determination and passion On the other hand he can be: aggressive, angry, jealousy, bellicose, increased egoism Color: Red We can use this symbol whenever we need a greater forcefulness, when we want to change a situation in which we need to show a strong will or a certain fighting ability (in a Law court or at salary negotiations this is sometimes useful *blink*). Red clothes are able to strengthen these abilities. The Fire dragon is the one who arranged for us to come up with the energy we need, to have the stamina to do our work and to insist.
His abilities: all emotions, softness, emotionally, floating, intuition, compassion, peaceful, forgiving, love, pardon but on the other hand: laziness, ignorance, instability, weakness Color: blue We have today a tendency to hide our emotions, but how often you wish you where able to show emotions? How often have you asked yourself how would a situation come out if you where able to show more sensitivity? How often did you show hardness or cruelty and would have preferred to be smoother which was your inner feeling? We have forgotten to show our emotions, often we are not aware of them. This symbol gives us the possibility to get into a better contact to our emotions, to recognize them clearer. It gives us the strength and the courage to stand by our emotions, to let them float and to break free from our inner hardening.
His abilities: respect, stamina, stability, prosperity, earth bound, but on the other hand: stubborn, indecision, immobility. Color: green or brown
The earth dragon has the ability of Strength and to strengthen all abilities. He is responsible for the control of our instincts and the increasing of our property (spiritual and material). He is able to show us consciously things that are helpful in our spiritual development. Because he represents matter, he is the one to bring thoughts and wishes to reality, can fulfill them. He is the Dragon which acts.
His Abilities: Communication in a common sense. This contains all what you say and your behavior too. Intelligence, happiness, renewal, an alert mind on the other hand: quick changes of mind, inattentively, forgetfulness.
Color: yellow This Dragon thinks before he acts. He takes the pros and cons and analyzes them. But he is also an initiator of this plans and shows us which way to go. He gives us ideas and inspirations and the mind power to show us the
His abilities: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, patience, spirituality, karma balancing, helpful magic Color: gold Who would not like to own the abilities of the golden dragon? But you should not forget to get this ability it is a long path full of development. A way in which we learn to turn the abilities of the other Dragons mentioned above into a harmonized relationship, into a balance. This Dragon Symbol helps to ease this path a little bit. If you work with this Symbol you will recognize changes in your environment and within you, which is good for you and full of inspiration. Because this Dragon is the guardian of all knowledge he helps you to reach the knowledge that was hidden before and which helps you personally. He saves all-embracing truth in his being. The Golden Dragon stands over all other Dragons and is able to help you to get better into contact with the other Dragon Species.
The Attunement
The attunement includes all symbols. The disciple sits with a straight backbone on a chair, palms upside on the thigh. Stand behind your disciple, breath three times deeply into your lower abdomen, in and out. Visualize how each breath covers you into a golden light that floats trough you and fulfills you. Visualize the Dragon heart symbol and cover yourself in it. Draw now over the crown Chakra of the disciple the symbol of the golden Dragon and see how it floats into the Chakra. Visualize these symbols always in a golden color.
Now stand in front of your disciple. Draw the symbols of the Earth-, Air-, Water- and Fire Dragon on both soles and palms of the disciple.
Draw the Symbol of the golden Dragon over the crown Chakra, then over the heart Chakra, then over the soles and at the end over the palms. Visualize the symbol in a golden color and see how it floats into the Chakras and spreads. Now stand behind your disciple, put your hands on their shoulders. Visualize the symbol of the golden Dragon in a golden color and see how it floats trough you into the disciple, Now say: Hereby I seal this initiation. Now (Name of the disciple) is initiated forever into dragon Reiki Level II! May the abilities of the Elemental Dragons and the wisdom and knowledge of the Golden Dragon always be with him/her