Rosari Reiki ™ Manual: Yulius Eka Agung Seputra
Rosari Reiki ™ Manual: Yulius Eka Agung Seputra
Rosari Reiki ™ Manual: Yulius Eka Agung Seputra
Dont copy and use this without my permission (Yulius Eka Agung Seputra) --
Rosari Reiki
Long Time, I have done meditation for 1988, in dec,2,2001, I found
Reiki Energy called Rosari Reiki.
Rosari Reiki do simultant :
1. Clean Chakra in your body.
2. Do healing to Phisical and non Phisical (metaphysic)
3. Give peace in your meditation
4. Can access Natural Energy (water, earth, air,fire)simultantly so
we can do Self healing, distant healing, trash your negative
energy (we can Try and pray to Our God).
5. Can be implemented with reflexiology, anmo, etc
6. Can open your third eye
Sagitarius archer
Devine Triangle
Tabular Healing
Level 2
Radar Eclipse
Energy Bowl
Mass Healing
Grounding energy,
balance energy in your
Level 3
Third Eyes
Devine Chakra
Level 4
Time Target
Tingkat 5
Give Rosari Attunement, Give
authority to access moment, Energy
ball, authority.
Can access another energy which you
dont have (gtummo, tummo, shing
chi, lightarian, fusion,etc)
1. Pray Thanks God
2. Free affirmation to send Rosari Reiki
Right hand (RH) in your head left hand (LH) in agnya chakra 3 minutes,move
your RH to throat chakra, LH still in agnya chakra 3 minutes, move LH to heart
chakra RH still in throat chakra 3 minutes, move RH to solar plexus chakra LH
still in heart chakra 3 minutes, move LH to perineum chakra RH still in solar
plexus chakra 3 minutes, hold perineum chakra both your hand.