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Request For Authority

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK AND !I"!

WA# Office of the Re$ion%l Di&ecto& Re$ion II ' C%$%(%n )%lle( Re$ion Tu$ue$%&%o Cit(* C%$%(%n 2nd Indorsement January 8, 2014 Respectfully forwarded to the Honorable Secretary, D !H, "on#fac#o Dr#$e, ort %rea, &an#la, for appropr#ate act#on the here#n set of documents relat#$e to the re'uest of &r( H)IRRID*) +),I- -( D) .)/-, %ttorney III, Re0#on II, for author#ty to pract#ce h#s profess#on as .aw Instructor after off#ce hours and dur#n0 wee1ends and hol#days, w#th the #nformat#on that such author#ty to pract#ce as a .aw Instructor w#ll be #n the follow#n0 2n#$ers#t#es and 3olle0es to w#t4 3%*%5%- S6%6) 2-I,)RSI65 7 %ndrews 3ampus 3ar#tan, 6u0ue0arao 3#ty, 3a0ayan 8.9 ,%R*%S 3/..)*) 6u0ue0arao 3#ty, 3a0ayan %ttached here#n #s the updated Re'uest for %uthor#ty to pract#ce w#th the proper amendment as to the spec#f#c 2n#$ers#ty or 3olle0es and #ts locat#on where the author#ty #s sou0ht for( MEL)IN B+ NA)ARRO* MN A* CE O I) Office&,In,Ch%&$e

Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK AND !I"!WA# Office of the Re$ion%l Di&ecto& Re$ion II, C%$%(%n )%lle( Re$ion Tu$ue$%&%o Cit( -o$ember 20, 201: 6he Honorable Secretary Department of ubl#c !or1s and H#0hways 6HR24 DIR( &).,I- "( -%,%RR/, &-S%, 3)S/ I, /ff#cer9#n93har0e 6h#s off#ce S2"J)364 R);2)S6 8/R %26H/RI65 6/ R%36I3) /8 R/8)SSI//26SID) /88I3) H/2RS <9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999< ursuant to Sect#on 12, Rule <,III of the re$#sed 3#$#l Ser$#ce rules, Sect#on =(b(2 of R% >=1: and &emorandum dated &arch 18, 201: of the D !H Secretary, may I respectfully re'uest for author#ty to en0a0e #n the pract#ce of my profess#on as a lawyer part#cularly as a .aw Instructor #n the follow#n0 3olle0es and 2n#$ers#t#es to w#t4 3%*%5%- S6%6) 2-I,)RSI65 7 %ndrews 3ampus 3ar#tan, 6u0ue0arao 3#ty, 3a0ayan 8.9 ,%R*%S 3/..)*) 3entro, 6u0ue0arao 3#ty, 3a0ayan I hereby underta1e to ab#de w#th all the cond#t#ons to be spec#f#ed there#n #n connect#on w#th the author#ty to en0a0e #n the pract#ce of profess#on as a .aw Instructor( "e assured that the t#me de$oted for the abo$e9ment#oned en0a0ement after off#ce hours w#ll not #n any way #mpa#r my effect#$eness and eff#c#ency nor tend to confl#ct w#th my off#c#al funct#on as %ttorney III of th#s /ff#ce( 8or your cons#derat#on and appro$al( ,ery truly yours, %665( H)IRRID*) +),I- -( D) .)/%ttorney III

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