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New-2013 Application Form 2

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P !a"! #ar$ %&! 'our"! (ou )ou * +r!,!r %o a%%!-* (all dates are for2014) * April 27 - May 22 June1 June26 August 17 Septe !er 11 "#to!er 1$ -%o&e !er 1' %o&e !er 2' (e#e !er 1)

* *ourse dates ay !e #+anged at t+e dis#retion of t+e #entre, All #ourses are 4 -ee. intensi&e #ourses, /e do not offer part-ti e #ourses, 0ou need to !e a!le to #o it yourself entirely to t+e #ourse for t+ose 4 -ee.s (ie, #lear your s#+edule or any -or.1 fa ily or so#ial #o it ents) as t+e #ourses are &ery intensi&e, 2+e #ourse -ill run as long as t+ere are suffi#ient parti#ipants, "ur #ourses tend to fill up 3uite far in ad&an#e so -e re#o end applying a% !a"% %)o #o-%&" ia*.a-'! -e a##ept a a4i u of 10 people per #ourse, %o e4#eptions, *ourses are filled on a first-#o e-first-ser&ed !asis, P!r"o-a i-,or#a%ioSur-a#! E#ai a**r!"" Curr!-% a**r!"" P&o-! -u#/!r P!r#a-!-% a**r!"" P&o-! -u#/!r P a'! o, /ir%& Da%! o, /ir%& ** 0ou A/ou S&!a"&aa Fir"% -a#!" 0a !!* A&#a*

#( !*o1212(a&oo3'o# A G&a* Co !g!" ,or H!a %& S'i!-'!", Burai*a&, Sau*i Ara/ia Mo/i ! +&o-! 4566776174002

1 Ga a8a A D!!- S%3, Ma-"oura, Eg(+%3 420100797:651 Ma-"oura, Eg(+% 11 Na%io-a i%( Ma( Eg(+%ia1591

ust !e o&er 20 at t+e start of t+e #ourse,

Di"a/i i%(
5 2+e 6ritis+ *oun#il T&! U-i%!* ;i-g*o#8" i-%!r-a%io-a orga-i"a%io- ,or !*u'a%io-a o++or%u-i%i!" a-* 'u %ura r! a%io-"3 /e are registered in 7ngland as a #+arity,


2+e 8nited %ations #on&ention on t+e rig+ts of disa!led people defines a disa!led person as so eone -+o +as long-ter -it+ &arious !arriers ot+ers, (o you +a&e a disa!ility9 0es:%o ;f yes1 please gi&e ad<ust ents to !e ore details of t+e nature of your disa!ility and -+et+er you re3uire any ade to fa#ilitate your parti#ipation in t+e #ourse, p+ysi#al1 ental1 intelle#tual or sensory i pair ents1 -+i#+ in intera#tion ay +inder t+eir full and effe#ti&e parti#ipation in so#iety on an e3ual !asis -it+

E*u'a%io-a <ua i,i'a%io-" (start -it+ <ua i,i'a%ioA%%!-*i-g a-* +ar%i'i+a%i-g P!ar"o-8" %&r!! *a( i-> "!r.i'! +ro*u'% %rai-i-g o?To+ No%'&@3 Trai-i-g +rogra# oT!a'&i-g E-g i"& U"i-g Co##u-i'a%i.! A++roa'& Trai-i-g +rogra# o' a""roo# #a-ag!#!-% Trai-i-g +rogra# oT!a'&i-g MiA!* A/i i%( a-* Larg! Grou+" Trai-i-g Progra##! oT!a'&i-g a-* A""!""i-g )i%&i- %&! Co-%!A% o, %&! Co##o- Euro+!aFra#!)or$B R!a*i-g a-* 0ri%i-g C S+!a$i-g a-* Li"%!-i-g BE DE-g i"& La-guag!E E#+ o(#!-% &i"%or( (start -it+ E#+ o(!r A G&a* Co !g!" ,or H!a %& S'i!-'!" I-%!r-a%io-a A'a*!#( ,or H!a %& S'i!-'!" A Far*ou" La-guag! S'&oo A Mi-&aF S!'o-*ar( S'&oo > ;SA A Far*ou" I-%!r#!*ia%! S'&oo >Eg(+% A G!! Pri.a%! S!'o-*ar( S'&oo ost re#ent please) S%ar% *a%! 11=5=2011 Fi-i"& Da%! 2=10=2011 S'&oo = U-i.!r"i%( = I-"%i%u%! A G&a* Co !g!"

Bri%i"& Cou-'i > Ri(a*& Bri%i"& Cou-'i > Ri(a*& Bri%i"& Cou-'i > Ri(a*&

D!'!#/!r2005 D!'!#/!r2005 D!'!#/!r2005

A+ri 2010 A+ri 2010 A+ri 2010

Bri%i"& Cou-'i > Ri(a*&

29%& S!+%!#/!r2005

10%& S!+%!#/!r2005

Ma-"oura U-i.!r"i%(> Eg(+% ost re#ent please) Po"i%io- &! * ESP L!'%ur!r ESP L!'%ur!r ESL EFL T!a'&!r ESL T!a'&!r ESL T!a'&!r
5 2+e 6ritis+ *oun#il



S%ar% *a%! 1:=:=2011 G 200: 2007 2001 1555 1556

Fi-i"& Da%! U-%i -o) 2012 200: 2007 2001 1555

T&! U-i%!* ;i-g*o#8" i-%!r-a%io-a orga-i"a%io- ,or !*u'a%io-a o++or%u-i%i!" a-* 'u %ura r! a%io-"3 /e are registered in 7ngland as a #+arity,


La-guag!" Ara!i# (Mot+er 2ongue) O%&!r a-guag!" "+o$!(=lease indi#ate degree of fluen#y) E-g i"& a-guag! A)ar*i-g /o*( Hua i,i'a%io-" III Fir"% a-guag! E-g i"&

Da%! a)ar*!*


III P !a"! a%%a'& 'o+i!" o, a-( E-g i"& a-guag! Hua i,i'a%io-" (ou &a.! /!!- a)ar*!*, ,or !Aa#+ ! IELTS or TOEFL3 *a !ridge 7S"> +as set t+e language entry re3uire ent for *7>2A and at a good *1 le&el on t+e *o on 7uropean ?ra e-or. (see *1 des#riptor !elo-), ;f you are a non-nati&e of 7nglis+1 your 7nglis+ language #o peten#e -ill !e s#rutinised in your appli#ation and pre-inter&ie- tas. and in t+e inter&ie-1 s+ould you !e offered one, @e#ently a-arded 7nglis+ language 3ualifi#ations li.e ;7>2S and 2"7?> -ill also !e #onsidered, *1 des#riptorA Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, wellstructured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. +ttpA::en,-i.ipedia,org:-i.i:*o onB7uropeanB?ra e-or.BofB@eferen#eBforB>anguages

0&( )ou * (ou i$! %o %a$! %&! CELTA 'our"! a-* )&a% *o (ou !A+!'% %o gai-J (=lease -rite a!out 100 -ords)

There is a lot to be said about the advantages of a CELTA course. One of the bonuses of the course is that it will prepare me as a teacher to become an effective EFL&ES teacher an!where " choose to go around the world# as this is an internationall! accepted $ualification. Another main reason for %oining the CELTA course is that CELTA is famous for being one of the most respected English teaching $ualifications. &esides# stud!ing the CELTA course will ma'e teaching for me much easier as throughout the training# "(ll be given the opportunit! to be armed with confidence and ideas that will help me do the %ob better. "n addition# %oining the course will provide me with the necessar! potentials re$uired to become an effective teacher who is able to emplo! all these potential to produce an effective teaching process during which the students will learn effectivel! within an atmosphere of fun# cooperation# and productive enthusiasm. Also# stud!ing the CELTA course will enhance m! teaching abilities and $ualifications. The course will also widen m! hori)on in teaching as "(m e*pecting to gain a lot of
5 2+e 6ritis+ *oun#il T&! U-i%!* ;i-g*o#8" i-%!r-a%io-a orga-i"a%io- ,or !*u'a%io-a o++or%u-i%i!" a-* 'u %ura r! a%io-"3 /e are registered in 7ngland as a #+arity,


teaching e*perience and creative ideas that will help me a lot in the teaching field. Stud!ing a CELTA course will provide me with a resourceful mind that will create tons of non+ precedent ideas and teaching methods that prove efficient and fantastic inside the classroom. "t will also give me a good chance to practice the best of the useful teaching strategies and methods inside class including appl!ing the most suitable strategies of classroom management# classroom fun# and lots of other strategies such as the effective abilit! to teach various levels# teach big classes# monitor and observe students# create a funn! as well as beneficial classroom atmosphere# ,etc. The course will also provide me with creative non precedent ideas and strategies for teaching grammar and vocabular! to students of all levels. -ot onl! that# but "(m e*pecting also to gain the desirable talent of effectivel! enhancing the receptive as well as the productive s'ills for students of different levels. &eing the best 'nown and most widel! ta'en English language teaching $ualification which is ac'nowledged throughout the world# the course will be of a great help to m! career as an ESOL . EFL teacher as it will give me a great opportunit! to wor' an!where around the world. &esides# it will be a significant part in m! resume which will ma'e it more desirable for emplo!ers all over the world.

A-( o%&!r r! !.a-% i-,or#a%io-J Ho) *i* (ou &!ar a/ou% %&! 'our"! a% %&! Bri%i"& Cou-'i J 0a !!* A&#!* E Ta-%a)i Sig-a%ur! M( 'o !agu!"> I-%!r-!% Da%!

Di"' ai#!r P !a"! r!a* %&i" .!r( 'ar!,u ( /!,or! "ig-i-g a-* %&!- +a(i-g (our *!+o"i%3 1, ; #onfir t+at ; +a&e no disa!ilities1 illnesses or e otional pressures t+at -ill interfere -it+ y perfor an#e on t+is #ourse and ; a a!le to #ope -it+ stress, ; also #onfir t+at ; a li&ing -it+in a #o forta!le and sta!le en&iron ent and tra&elling to and fro t+e 6ritis+ *oun#il ea#+ day -ill not interfere -it+ y a!ility to fully fo#us on t+e #ourse, 2, ; understand t+at t+e -or.-load is &ery de anding and t+at a great deal of ti e and energy -ill need to !e de&oted to it, ; understand t+at t+e #ourse intensity ay not suit e&ery learning style, ; realise t+at ; -ill !e e4pe#ted to spend a lot of ti e outside t+e #ourse +ours on y o-n (!ot+ in t+e e&enings and at -ee.ends), ', ; understand t+at 100C attendan#e is a #ourse re3uire ent and t+at1 under no #ir#u stan#es1 s+ould ; !e doing ot+er studies or -+ilst on t+e *7>2A #ourse,

5 2+e 6ritis+ *oun#il T&! U-i%!* ;i-g*o#8" i-%!r-a%io-a orga-i"a%io- ,or !*u'a%io-a o++or%u-i%i!" a-* 'u %ura r! a%io-"3 /e are registered in 7ngland as a #+arity,


4, ; understand t+at t+is is not a language #ourse and ; -ill !e e4pe#ted to resear#+ language areas for tea#+ing and -ritten assign ents, ; also appre#iate t+at it is not un#o on for ost trainees to !e as.ed to resu! it parts of so e -ritten assign ents, D, ; appre#iate t+at alt+oug+ ; -ill !e e4pe#ted to -or. independently1 ; also need to !e a good tea in a supporti&e anner -it+ y peers, e !er

6, ; re#ognise t+at a #ertain standard of presentation and preparation -ill !e e4pe#ted in y -or., ; also understand t+at all -or. su! itted on t+e #ourse ust !e y o-n1 and t+at any #+eating or plagiaris #an result in i ediate e4pulsion fro t+e #ourse, 7, ; fully a##ept t+at ; -ill !e su!<e#ted to #onstru#ti&e #riti#is !y !ot+ y tutors and y peers1 and -ill !e e4pe#ted to parti#ipate in group feed!a#., ; realise t+at ; -ill !e e4pe#ted to respond to feed!a#. in a professional anner, ), ; understand t+at y perfor an#e on t+e #ourse -ill !e onitored t+roug+out and ; -ill !e .ept infor ed of y progress1 in#luding t+e possi!ility of failing, ; also realise t+at t+e #ourse is graded on y tea#+ing pra#ti#e1 y -ritten assign ents and y o&erall professionalis , $, ; understand t+at t+e *a !ridge 7S"> grades areA =ASS1 =ASS E6F1 =ASS EAF1 and ?A;>, ; realise t+at it is possi!le to fail t+is #ourse and also t+at t+e a<ority of #andidates -orld-ide1 attain a straig+t =ASS grade -+i#+ is a #onsidera!le a#+ie&e ent, ; appre#iate t+at any pre&ious tea#+ing e4perien#e ; ig+t +a&e is no guarantee of doing -ell on t+e *7>2A #ourse, 10, ; understand t+at s+ould ; de#ide to -it+dra- fro refunded to e, t+e *7>2A #ourse at any ti e1 t+e #ourse fees -ill not !e

; also understand t+at t+e !alan#e fee of 121600 >7 is due at least 2 -ee.s !efore t+e #ourse start date, ; a a-are t+at t+e 6ritis+ *oun#il1 *airo reser&es t+e rig+t to #an#el or postpone t+is #ourse, %AM7A /aleed A+ ed 7l 2anta-i S;G%A28@7A (A27A':2:2014

P !a"! !#ai %&i" ,or# a" a- a%%a'&#!-% %oB


0ou ust su! it t+e pre-inter&ie- tas. toget+er -it+ t+is appli#ation for for your appli#ation to !e #onsidered, Appli#ations t+at eet t+e standard -e are for -ill !e offered an inter&ie-1 pro&ided t+ere are pla#es a&aila!le on t+e #ourses, U-"u''!"",u a++ i'a%io-"B ;f your appli#ation is unsu##essful1 you -ill !e notified !y e ail, /e -ill +ig+lig+t our reasons for not an appli#ation to t+e inter&ie- stage, Io-e&er1 please understand it is not possi!le for us to enter into a #orresponden#e to gi&e detailed feed!a#. on t+e reasons and appeals -ill not !e #onsidered, 2+is is !e#ause of t+e large &olu e of appli#ations re#ei&ed, R!a++ i'a%io-B ;f your appli#ation is unsu##essful1 you ay reapply after 6 ont+s, /e feel it usually at least t+is long to a.e signifi#ant i pro&e ents in language a-areness or language #o peten#e, ;f you reapply in si4 ont+s1 -e -ill as. you spe#ifi#ally a!out t+e steps you +a&e ta.en to address t+e issue +ig+lig+ted in t+e original inter&ie-,

5 2+e 6ritis+ *oun#il T&! U-i%!* ;i-g*o#8" i-%!r-a%io-a orga-i"a%io- ,or !*u'a%io-a o++or%u-i%i!" a-* 'u %ura r! a%io-"3 /e are registered in 7ngland as a #+arity,


5 2+e 6ritis+ *oun#il T&! U-i%!* ;i-g*o#8" i-%!r-a%io-a orga-i"a%io- ,or !*u'a%io-a o++or%u-i%i!" a-* 'u %ura r! a%io-"3 /e are registered in 7ngland as a #+arity,

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