This seminar report provides an introduction to Bluetooth technology. It discusses the basics of Bluetooth including its operating frequency of 2.4 GHz, maximum range of 10 meters, and data transfer rates. The report describes how Bluetooth devices can communicate point-to-point or in a point-to-multipoint network with one device acting as the master. It also outlines some of the Bluetooth communication protocols used at different layers like the Link Manager Protocol and Host Controller Interface. The report provides an overview of the key aspects of Bluetooth technology.
This seminar report provides an introduction to Bluetooth technology. It discusses the basics of Bluetooth including its operating frequency of 2.4 GHz, maximum range of 10 meters, and data transfer rates. The report describes how Bluetooth devices can communicate point-to-point or in a point-to-multipoint network with one device acting as the master. It also outlines some of the Bluetooth communication protocols used at different layers like the Link Manager Protocol and Host Controller Interface. The report provides an overview of the key aspects of Bluetooth technology.
This seminar report provides an introduction to Bluetooth technology. It discusses the basics of Bluetooth including its operating frequency of 2.4 GHz, maximum range of 10 meters, and data transfer rates. The report describes how Bluetooth devices can communicate point-to-point or in a point-to-multipoint network with one device acting as the master. It also outlines some of the Bluetooth communication protocols used at different layers like the Link Manager Protocol and Host Controller Interface. The report provides an overview of the key aspects of Bluetooth technology.
This seminar report provides an introduction to Bluetooth technology. It discusses the basics of Bluetooth including its operating frequency of 2.4 GHz, maximum range of 10 meters, and data transfer rates. The report describes how Bluetooth devices can communicate point-to-point or in a point-to-multipoint network with one device acting as the master. It also outlines some of the Bluetooth communication protocols used at different layers like the Link Manager Protocol and Host Controller Interface. The report provides an overview of the key aspects of Bluetooth technology.
-- PPATEL ATEL NNAIMISH AIMISH RR.. MS.AMEE SHETH MS.AMEE SHETH ( ( 01CE032) 01CE032) & & Z ZALA ALA R RAJVIRSINH AJVIRSINH MRS.NEHAL KALANI MRS.NEHAL KALANI (01CE044) (01CE044) 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER &I.T.ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER &I.T.ENGINEERING (Vth SEMESTER) (Vth SEMESTER) V.V.P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAJKOT V.V.P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAJKOT THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT PATEL NAIMISH R. PATEL NAIMISH R. (0CE0!") (0CE0!") ZALA RAJVIRSINH ZALA RAJVIRSINH (0CE0##) (0CE0##) $ $ th th SEMSTER OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING HAS SEMSTER OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING HAS SATISFACTORY COMPLETED THE PROJECT IN THE SU%JECT SATISFACTORY COMPLETED THE PROJECT IN THE SU%JECT SEMINAR ON SEMINAR ON & &%LUETOOTH %LUETOOTH ' ' UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF STAFF IN UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF STAFF IN CHARGE (ITHIN THE FOUR (ALL OF V.V.P. ENGINEERING CHARGE (ITHIN THE FOUR (ALL OF V.V.P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE. COLLEGE. DATE OF SU%MISSION) DATE OF SU%MISSION) STAFF IN CHARGE STAFF IN CHARGE HEAD OF DEPT HEAD OF DEPT 2 CONTENTS . %LUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY %ASICS . I*t+,-./t0,* ." (0+12133 /,44.*0/5t0,*3 .! R5-0, 6+17.1*/8 90+12133 /,44.*0/5t0,*3 ". RADIO AND %ASE %AND SPECIFACTION : ". R5-0, 3;1/060/5t0,* "." Ph830/52 20*<3 ".!. P5/<1t3 ".# P5/<1t H15-1+ !. THE %LUETOOTH COMMUNICATION SOLUTION # !. %2.1t,,th P+,t,/,23 St5/< !." %2.1t,,th P+,60213 !.! %2.1t,,th /2,/< !.# St5t1 t+5*30t0,* !.$ S1/.+0t8 #. LINK MANAGER PROTOCOL (LM) "$ $. HOST CONTROL INTERFACE (HCI) ": :. LOGICAL LINK AND ADAPTATION PROTOCOL (L"CAP) "= >. RFCOMM ! ?. SEREVICE DISCOVERY PROTOCOL (SDP) !! =. O%JECT E@CHANGE PROTOCOL (O%E@) !$ 0. TELEPHONY CONTROL PROTOCOL (TCP) != . %LUETOOTH OPERATION AND (ORKING #" ". APPLICATION #> 3 PREFACE Imaging a world without wir!! Now da"# thi# ha# rmain no imagination $ut with th mrging t%hnologi# li& '(RS) 'SM) and #hort rang *lutooth t%hnolog" th wird %onn%tion ar going to $ a#il" and %onomi%all" r+la%d $" th wirl## %ommuni%ation. , in our #minar r+ort namd -*lutooth. ar tr"ing to gi/ introdu%tion a$out thi# nw t%hnolog". *a#i%all" *lutooth i# a #hort rang) low +owr wirl## t%hnolog" whi%h wor&# on th 2.0 'H1 2r3un%" $and whi%h i# 2r in #+a%. Th *lutooth $a#i%all" man# that w ar tr"ing to introdu% how it wor&# 4 it# a++li%ation li#td in thi# r+ort. An a%%## +oint man# that it %an $ u#d 2or adho% ntwor&ing) %onn%tion #ta$li#hmnt with othr *lutooth d/i%# and al#o with th #+%i2i% a++li%ation. *" u#ing thi# t%hnolog") an" *lutooth d/i% wit%h ar a/aila$l in th rang ar %ommuni%at with a%h othr $" th #ta$li#hing a %onn%tion in an" o2 th (i%o nt. 0 ACKNO(LEDGEMENT , wi#h to 5+r## our +ro2ound than&# to th +o+l around u# who hl+d ma& thi# r+ort a ralit". Mo#t #+%iall") w than& M#. Am Shth and Mr#. Nhal Kalani who gratl" in2lun%d th manu#%ri+t#. Than&# to our +arnt#) who# %hr2ul n%ouragmnt hl+d u# in ma&ing thi# r+ort. 6
. INTRODUCTION *lutooth i# a #hort7rang radio lin& intndd to r+la% th %a$l8#9 %onn%ting +orta$l and :or 2i5d l%troni% d/i%#. K" 2atur# ar ro$u#tn##) low %om+l5it") low +owr) and low %o#t. *lutooth o+rat# in th unli%n#d ISM $and at 2.0 'H1. A 2r3un%" ho+ tran#%i/r i# a++lid to %om$at intr2rn% and 2ading. A #ha+d) $inar" ;M modulation i# a++lid to minimi1 tran#%i/r %om+l5it". Th #"m$ol rat i# 1 M#:#. A #lottd %hannl i# a++lid with a nominal #lot lngth o2 <26 mi%ro #. ;or 2ull du+l5 tran#mi##ion) a Tim7=i/i#ion =u+l5 8T==9 #%hm i# u#d. >n th %hannl) in2ormation i# 5%hangd through +a%&t#. Ea%h +a%&t i# tran#mittd on a di22rnt ho+ 2r3un%". A +a%&t i# nominall" %o/r# a #ingl #lot) $ut %an $ 5tndd to %o/r u+ to 2i/ #lot#. Th *lutooth +roto%ol u## a %om$ination o2 %ir%uit and +a%&t #wit%hing. Slot# %an $ r#r/d 2or #"n%hronou# +a%&t#. *lutooth %an #u++ort and a#"n%hronou# data %hannl) u+ to thr #imultanou# #"n%hronou# /oi% %hannl#) or a %hannl whi%h #imultanou#l" #u++ort# a#"n%hronou# data and #"n%hronou# /oi%. Ea%h /oi% %hannl #u++ort# a <0 &$:# #"n%hronou# 8/oi%9 %hannl in a%h dir%tion. Th a#"n%hronou# %hannl %an #u++ort ma5imal ?23.2 &$+# a#"mmtri% or 033.@ &$+# #"mmtri%. Th *lutooth #"#tm %on#i#t# o2 a radio unit) a lin& %ontrol unit) and a #u++ort unit 2or lin& managmnt and ho#t trminal intr2a% 2un%tion#) # 2igur. Th %urrnt do%umnt d#%ri$# th #+%i2i%ation# o2 th *lutooth lin& %ontrollr) whi%h %arri# out th $a# $and +roto%ol# and othr low7l/l lin& routin#. Lin& la"r m##ag# 2or lin& #t7u+ and %ontrol ar d2ind in th lin& managr +roto%ol. < Th *lutooth #"#tm +ro/id# a +oint7to7+oint %onn%tion or a +oint7to7 multi+oint %onn%tion. In th +oint7to7multi+oint %onn%tion) th %hannl i# #hard among #/ral *lutooth unit#. Two or mor unit# #haring th #am %hannl 2orm a (i%o nt. >n *lutooth unit a%t# a# th ma#tr o2 th (i%o nt) whra# th othr unit8#9 a%t# a# #la/8#9. A+ to #/n #la/# %an $ a%ti/ in th (i%o nt. In addition) man" mor #la/# %an rmain lo%&d to th ma#tr in a #o7%alld +ar&d #tat. Th# +ar&d #la/# %annot $ a%ti/ on th %hannl) $ut rmain #"n%hroni1d to th ma#tr. *oth 2or a%ti/ and +ar&d #la/#) th %hannl a%%## ar %ontrolld $" th ma#tr. Multi+l (i%o nt# with o/rla++ing %o/rag ara# 2orm a #%attr nt. Ea%h (i%o nt %an onl" ha/ a #ingl ma#tr. How/r) #la/# %an +arti%i+at in di22rnt (i%o nt# on a tim7di/i#ion multi+l5 $a#i#. In addition) a ma#tr in on (i%o nt %an $ a #la/ in anothr (i%o nt. Th (i%o nt# #hall not $ 2r3un%" #"n%hroni1d. Ea%h (i%o nt ha# it# own ho++ing %hannl. ."(0+12133 /,44.*0/5t0,*3 Bommuni%ating without wir# i# not a nw %on%+t. *road%a#t radio and tl/i#ion ar two %ommon 5am+l# o2 wirl## %ommuni%ation#C othr# in%lud #atllit#) %ordl## and %llular tl+hon# and rmotl" %ontrolld tl/i#ion#) garag door o+nr# and automo$il door lo%&#. ,hil mo#t o2 th# 5am+l# m+lo" %ommuni%ation /ia radio wa/#) th u# o2 in2rard) a non7/i#i$l #+%trum o2 light) i# al#o rlati/l" %ommon. ? *lutooth wirl## %ommuni%ation m+lo"# radio 2r3un%" t%hnolog") u#ing radio wa/# to %ommuni%at through th air in a mannr 2undamntall" #imilar to $road %a#t radio or tl/i#ion. .!R5-0, F+17.1*/8 (0+12133 C,44.*0/5t0,*3 R; t%hnologi# m+lo" tran#mittr# and r%i/r# tund to +rodu% and %on#um) r#+%ti/l") radio wa/# o2 a gi/n 2r3un%" rang. Th tran#mittrD# +owr and th r%i/rD# #n#iti/it" hl+ to dtrmin th di#tan% o/r whi%h th" %an %ommuni%at. High tran#mi##ion +owr out+ut i# u#d 2or long7rang %ommuni%ation# #u%h a# $road%a#t tl/i#ion whil #hort7rang %ommuni%ation# gnrall" r3uir mu%h l## +owrC thu# t%hnologi# that ar d#ignd to %ommuni%at a%ro## onl" a 2w mtr# %ould $ m+lo"d in #mall) mo$il $attr" +owrd d/i%#. Anothr %hara%tri#ti% that i# rl/ant 2or %ommuni%ation a++li%ation# i# th a$ilit" o2 radio wa/# to +ntrat man" o$E%t#. >$#ta%l# r2l%t light wa/# u#d in t%hnologi# #u%h a# in2rard) $ut radio wa/# u#d in R; t%hnologi# in gnral %an +ntrat man" o$#ta%l#. Thu# R; t%hnologi# %an +rmat man" o$#ta%l# #u%h a# %lothing) $odi#) wall#) door#) and th li&. Thi# man# that thr i# no r3uirmnt 2or a lin o2 #ight $twn th tran#mittr and th r%i/r. R; t%hnologi# u# 2r3un%" modulation to gnrat radio wa/# within a %rtain 2r3un%" #+%trum) whi%h n%od in2ormation and %an $ intr%+td $u" r%i/r# tund to th %orr#+ond 2r3un%". F .!. RF C,44.*0/5t0,*3 0* th1 ".# GHA F+17.1*/8 S;1/t+.4 ,hil th 2.0 'H1 #+%trum i# glo$all" unli%n#d) thr ar rgulator" r3uirmnt# and othr %on#idration# 2or it# u#. Th# in%ludG Th #+%trum i# di/idd into ?@ %hannl#. *andwidth i# limitd to 1MH1 +r %hannl. ;r3un%" ho++ing #+rad #+%trum %ommuni%ation# mu#t $ m+lo"d. Intr2rn% mu#t $ anti%i+atd and a++ro+riatl" handld. .!." S;+15- S;1/t+.4 RF C,44.*0/5t0,*3 (ithin R; %ommuni%ation #+rad #+%trum r2r# to di/iding th a/aila$l #+%trum $a#d u+on 2r3un%") tim) a %oding #%hm or #om othr mthod. M##ag# to $ #nt ar thn di/idd into /ariou# +art# that ar tran#mittd a%ro## th di/idd #+%trum. ;r3un%" di/i#ion #+rad #+%trum) whi%h i# th mthod m+lo"d with *lutooth wirl## %ommuni%ation) di/id# th #+%trum into di22rnt 2r3un%i#) or %hannl#. A #ingl m##ag +a%&t i# tran#mittd on a #l%td %hannl) and thn th radio #l%t# a nw %hannl to tran#mit th n5t +a%&t) and th +ro%## r+at#) thr$" #+rading th m##ag a%ro## th a/aila$l 2r3un%" #+%trum. Ea%h t%hnolog" #+%i2i# it# own mthod 2or #ta$li#hing th 2r3un%" ho++ing +attrn to tun to th %orr%t %hannl# in #u%%##ion to r%i/ a%h +a%&t and a##m$l th %om+lt m##ag. Thi# +ro%## i# %alld 2r3un%" ho++ing #+rad #+%trum) o2 ;HSS. ;HSS introdu%# additional %om+l5it" a# %om+ard to u#ing a #ingl #tati%all" #l%td 2r3un%") "t it al#o #u++li# #om $n2it#. ;ir#t) R; intr2rn% %an $ rdu%d #in% all radio# ho+ 2rom on 2r3un%" to anothr. @ ,hn all o2 th +arti%i+ant# in th #+%trum m+lo" ;HSS) intr2rn% %au#d $" %olliding tran#mi##ion# on th #am 2r3un%" in l## li&l" than it would $ i2 a%h radio u#d a #ingl %hannl 2or a long duration. In addition) whn %olli#ion# do o%%ur) thir 22%t# ar l##nd) #in% onl" a #ingl +a%&t i# lo#t and that +a%&t %ould $ rtran#mittd at a nw 2r3un%") whr again it i# l## li&l" to n%ountr intr2rn%. S%ond) ;HSS %an +ro/id a dgr o2 #%urit" 2or %ommuni%ation# in that onl" a r%i/r that &now# th 2r3un%" ho++ing +attrn %an r%i/ and a##m$l all th +a%&t# o2 a m##ag. *%au# th ho++ing +attrn 2or a gi/n #+%trum i# ha/il" utili1d with man" radio#. Thu# ;HSS %an $ m+lo"d to hindr a/#dro++ing. A# +r/iou#l" notd) th u# o2 #+rad #+%trum i# r3uird in th 2.0 'H1 rang) largl" to minimi1 intr2rn% +ro$lm# $%au# th #+%trum i# unli%n#d. Th d#ign 2or *lutooth wirl## %ommuni%ation m+lo"# rlati/l" ra+id 2r3un%" ho++ing. 1H " RADIO AND %ASEB%AND SPECIFICATION ". RADIO SPECIFICATION Th *lutooth tran#%i/r i# o+rating in th 2.0 'H1 ISM $and. Thi# #+%i2i%ation d2in# th r3uirmnt# 2or a *lutooth tran#%i/r o+rating in thi# unli%n#d $and. R3uirmnt# ar d2ind 2or two ra#on#G (ro/id %om+ati$ilit" $twn th radio# u#d in th #"#tm =2in th 3ualit" o2 th #"#tm "." PHYSICAL LINKS *twn ma#tr and #la/8#9) di22rnt t"+# o2 lin&# %an $ #ta$li#hd. Two lin& t"+# ha/ $n d2indG S"n%hronou# Bonn%tion7>rintd 8SB>9 lin& A#"n%hronou# Bonn%tion7L## 8ABL9 lin& Th SB> lin& i# a +oint7to7+oint lin& $twn ".". SCO LINK Th SB> lin& i# a #"mmtri%) +oint7to7+oint lin& $twn th ma#tr and a #+%i2i% #la/. Th SB> lin& r#r/# #lot# and %an thr2or $ %on#idrd a# a %ir%uit7#wit%hd %onn%tion $twn th ma#tr and th #la/. Th SB> lin& t"+i%all" #u++ort# tim7$oundd in2ormation li& /oi%. Th ma#tr %an #u++ort u+ to thr SB> lin&# to th #am #la/ or to di22rnt #la/#. A #la/ %an #u++ort u+ to thr SB> lin&# 2rom th #am ma#tr or two SB> lin&# i2 th lin&# originat 2rom di22rnt ma#tr#. SB> +a%&t# ar n/r rtran#mittd. 11 Th ma#tr will #nd SB> +a%&t# at rgular intr/al#) th #o7%alld SB> intr/al TSB> to th #la/ in th r#r/d ma#tr7to7#la/ #lot#. Th SB> #la/ i# alwa"# allowd to r#+ond with an SB> +a%&t in th 2ollowing #la/7to7ma#tr #lot unl## a di22rnt #la/ wa# addr##d in th +r/iou# ma#tr7to7#la/ #lot. I2 th SB> #la/ 2ail# to d%od th #la/ addr## in th +a%&t hadr) it i# #till allowd to rturn an SB> +a%&t in th r#r/d SB> #lot. Th SB> lin& i# #ta$li#hd $" th ma#tr #nding an SB> #tu+ m##ag /ia th LM +roto%ol. Thi# m##ag will %ontain timing +aramtr# #u%h a# th SB> intr/al TSB> and th o22#t =SB> to #+%i2" th r#r/d #lot#. "."." ACL LINK In th #lot# not r#r/d 2or SB> lin&#) th ma#tr %an 5%hang +a%&t# with an" #la/ on a +rH7#lot $a#i#. Th ABL lin& +ro/id# a +a%&t7#wit%hd %onn%tion $twn th ma#tr and all a%ti/ #la/# +arti%i+ating in th (i%o nt. *oth a#"n%hronou# and i#o%hronou# #r/i%# ar #u++ortd. *twn a ma#tr and a #la/ onl" a #ingl ABL lin& %an 5i#t. ;or mo#t ABL +a%&t#) +a%&t rtran#mi##ion i# a++lid to a##ur data intgrit". A #la/ i# +rmittd to rturn an ABL +a%&t in th #la/7to7ma#tr #lot i2 and onl" i2 it ha# $n addr##d in th +r%ding ma#tr7to7#la/ #lot. I2 th #la/ 2ail# to d%od th #la/ addr## in th +a%&t hadr) it i# not allowd to tran#mit. ABL +a%&t# not addr##d to a #+%i2i% #la/ ar %on#idrd a# $road%a#t +a%&t# and ar rad $" /r" #la/. I2 thr i# no data to $ #nt on th ABL lin& and no +olling i# r3uird) no tran#mi##ion #hall ta& +la%. 12 ".! PACKETS ".!. GENERAL FORMAT Th $it ordring whn d2ining +a%&t# and m##ag# in th $a# $and #+%i2i%ation) th 2ollowing rul# a++l"G Th la#t #igni2i%ant $it 8LS*9 %orr#+ond# toC Th LS* i# th 2ir#t $it #nt o/r th airC In illu#tration#) th LS* i# #hown on th l2t #idC Th lin& %ontrollr intr+rt# th 2ir#t $it arri/ing 2rom a highr #o2twar la"r a# i.. thi# i# th 2ir#t $it to $ #nt o/r th air. ;urthrmor) data 2ild# gnratd intrnall" at $a# $and l/l) #u%h a# th +a%&t hadr 2ild# and +a"load hadr lngth) ar tran#mittd with th LS* 2ir#t. ;or in#tan%) a 37$it +aramtr IJ3 i# #nt a# o/r th air whr 1 i# #nt 2ir#t and H i# #nt la#t. Th data on th (i%o nt %hannl i# %on/"d in +a%&t#. Th gnral +a%&t 2ormat i# #hown in 2igur. Ea%h +a%&t %on#i#t# o2 3 ntiti#G th a%%## %od) th hadr) and th +a"load. In th 2igur) th num$r o2 $it# +r ntit" i# indi%atd. ;igurG Standard +a%&t 2ormat Th a%%## %od and hadr ar o2 2i5d #i1G ?2 $it# and 60 $it# r#+%ti/l". Th +a"load %an rang 2rom 1ro to a ma5imum o2 2?06 $it#. =i22rnt +a%&t t"+# ha/ $n d2ind. (a%&t# ma" %on#i#t o2 th a%%## %od onl") o2 th a%%## %od hadr) or o2 th a%%## %od7hadr7+a"load. 13 LS* ?2 60 H72?06 MS* A%%## %od Hadr (a"load ".!." ACCESS CODE Ea%h +a%&t #tart# with an a%%## %od. I2 a +a%&t hadr 2ollow#) th a%%## %od i# ?2 $it longC othrwi# th a%%## %od i# <F $it# long. Thi# a%%## %od i# u#d 2or #"n%hroni1ation) =B o22#t %om+n#ation and idnti2i%ation. Th a%%## %od idnti2i# all +a%&t# 5%hangd on th %hannl o2 th (i%o ntG all +a%&t# #nt in th #am (i%o nt ar +r%dd $" th #am %hannl a%%## %od. In th r%i/r o2 th *lutooth unit) a #liding %orrlator %orrlat# again#t th a%%## %od and triggr# whn a thr#hold i# 5%dd. Thi# triggr #ignal i# u#d to dtrmin th r%i/ timing. Th a%%## %od i# al#o u#d in +aging and in3uir" +ro%dur#. In thi# %a#) th a%%## %od it#l2 i# u#d a# a #ignaling m##ag and nithr a hadr nor a +a"load i# +r#nt. Th a%%## %od %on#i#t# o2 a +ram$l) a #"n% word) and +o##i$l" a trailr. ;igurG A%%## %od 2ormat ".!.". A//133 /,-1 t8;13 Thr ar thr di22rnt t"+# o2 a%%## %od# d2indG Bhannl A%%## Bod 8BAB9 =/i% A%%## Bod 8=AB9 In3uir" A%%## Bod 8IAB9 10 LS* 0 <0 0 MS* (ram$l S"n% ,ord Trailr Th r#+%ti/ a%%## %od t"+# ar u#d 2or a *lutooth unit in di22rnt o+rating mod#. Th %hannl a%%## %od in idnti2i# a (i%o nt. Thi# %od i# in%ludd in all +a%&t# 5%hangd on th (i%o nt %hannl. Th d/i% a%%## %od i# u#d 2or #+%ial #ignaling +ro%dur#) .g. +aging and r#+on# to +aging. ;or th in3uir" a%%## %od thr ar two /ariation#. A gnral in3uir" a%%## %od 8'IAB9 i# %ommon to all d/i%#. Th 'IAB %an $ u#d to di#%o/r whi%h othr *lutooth unit# ar in rang. Th ddi%atd in3uir a%%## %od 8=IAB9 i# %ommon 2or a ddi%atd grou+ o2 *lutooth unit# that #har a %ommon %hara%tri#ti%. Th =IAB %an $ u#d to di#%o/r onl" th# ddi%atd *lutooth unit# in rang. Th BAB %on#i#t# o2 a +ram$l) #"n% word) and trailr and it# total lngth i# ?2 $it#. ,hn u#d a# #l27%ontaind m##ag# without a hadr) th =AB and IAB do not in%lud th trailr $it# and ar o2 lngth <F $it#. Th di22rnt a%%## %od t"+# u# di22rnt Lowr Addr## (art# 8LA(#9 to %on#tru%t th #"n% word. ".!."." P+154C21 Th +ram$l i# a 2i5d 1ro7on +attrn o2 0 #"m$ol# u#d to 2a%ilitat =B %om+n#ation. Th #3un% i# ithr 1H1H or H1H1) d+nding whthr th LS* o2 th 2ollowing #"n% word i# 1 or H) r#+%ti/l". Th +ram$l i# #hown in 2igur.
16 LS* MS* LS* MS* LS* MS* LS* MS* (ram$l #"n% word (ram$l #"n% word 1 H 1 H 1 H 1 H H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1 ;igurG (ram$l ".!.".! S8*/ (,+- Th #"n% word i# a <07$it %od word dri/d 2rom a 20 $it addr## 8LA(9C 2or th BAB th ma#trD# LA( i# u#dC 2or th 'IAB and th =IAB) r#r/d) ddi%atd LA(# ar u#dC 2or th =AB) th #la/ unit LA( i# u#d. Th %on#tru%tion guarant# larg Hamming di#tan% $twn #"n% word# $a#d on di22rnt LA(#. In addition) th good auto %orrlation +ro+rti# o2 th #"n% word im+ro/ on th timing #"n%hroni1ation +ro%##. ".!.".# T+5021+ Th trailr i# a++ndd to th #"n% word a# #oon a# th +a%&r hadr 2ollow# th a%%## %od. Thi# i# t"+i%all" th %a# with th BAB) $ut th trailr i# al#o u#d in th =AB and IAB whn th# %od# ar u#d in ;HS +a%&t# 5%hangd during +ag r#+on# and in3uir" r#+on# +ro%dur#. Th trailr i# a 2i5d 1ro7on +attrn o2 2our #"m$ol#. Th trailr togthr with th thr MS* o2 th #"n% word 2orm a ?7$it +attrn o2 altrnating on# and 1ro# whi%h ma" $ u#d 2or 5tndd =B %om+n#ation. Th trailr #3un% i# ithr 1H1H or H1H1 d+nding on whthr th MS* o2 th #"n% word i# H or 1) r#+%ti/l". Th %hoi% o2 th trailr i# illu#tratd in 2igur. Trailer in CAC when MSB of sync word is 0 (a), and when MSB of sync word is 1 (b). 1< LS* MS* LS* MS* LS* MS* LS* MS* S"n% word trailr S"n% word trailr 8a9 8$9 1 H 1 H 1 H 1 H H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1 ".# PACKET HEADER Th hadr %ontain# lin& %ontrol 8LB9 in2ormation and %on#i#t# o2 < 2ild#G AMKA==RG 37$it a%ti/ mm$r addr## TL(EG 07$it t"+ %od ;L>,G 17$it 2low %ontrol ARMNG 17$it a%&nowldg indi%ation SEMNG 17$it #3un% num$r HEBG F7$it hadr rror %h%& Th total hadr) in%luding th HEB) %on#i#t# o2 1F $it#) # 2igur) and i# n%odd with a rat 1:3 ;EB r#ulting in a 607$it hadr. Not that th AMKA==R and TL(E 2ild# ar #nt with thir LS* 2ir#t. Th 2un%tion o2 th di22rnt 2ild# will $ 5+laind n5t. ;igurG Hadr ;ormat ".#. AMDADDR Th AMKA==R r+r#nt# a mm$r addr## and i# u#d to di#tingui#h $twn th a%ti/ mm$r# +arti%i+ating on th (i%o nt. In a (i%o nt) on or mor #la/# ar %onn%td to a #ingl ma#tr. To idnti2" a%h #la/ #+aratl") a%h #la/ i# a##ignd a tm+orar" 37$it addr## to $ u#d whn it i# a%ti/. ".#." TYPE Si5tn di22rnt t"+# o2 +a%&t# %an $ di#tingui#hd. Th 07$it TL(E %od #+%i2i# whi%h +a%&t t"+ i# u#d. ;ir#t) it #hall $ dtrmind whthr th +a%&t i# #nt on an SB> lin& or an ABL lin&. Thn it %an $ dtrmind whi%h LS* 3 0 1 1 1 F AMKA==R TL(E ;L>, ARMN SEMN HEB 1? t"+ o2 SB> +a%&t or ABL +a%&t ha# $n r%i/d. Th TL(E %od al#o r/al# how man" #lot# th %urrnt +a%&t will o%%u+". ".#.! FLO( Thi# $it i# u#d 2or 2low %ontrol o2 +a%&t# o/r th ABL lin&. ,hn th RI $u22r 2or th ABL lin& in th r%i+int i# 2ull and i# not m+tid) a ST>( indi%ation 8;L>,JH9 i# rturnd to #to+ th tran#mi##ion o2 data tm+oraril". ,hn th RI $u22r i# m+t") a '> indi%ation 8;L>,J19 i# rturnd. ,hn no +a%&t i# r%i/d) or th r%i/d hadr i# in rror) a '> i# a##umd im+li%itl". In thi# %a#) th #la/ %an r%i/ a nw +a%&t with BRB although it# RI $u22r i# #till not m+tid. Th #la/ #hall thn rturn a NAK in r#+on# to thi# +a%&t /n i2 th +a%&t +a##d th BRB %h%&. ".#.# AREN Th 17$it a%&nowldgmnt indi%ation# ARMN i# u#d to in2orm th #our% o2 a #u%%##2ul tran#2r o2 +a"load data with BRB) and %an $ +o#iti/ a%&nowldg ABK or ngati/ a%&nowldg NAK. I2 th r%+tion wa# #u%%##2ul) an ABK 8ARMNJ19 i# rturnd) othrwi# a NAK 8ARMNJH9 i# rturnd. ,hn no rturn m##ag rgarding a%&nowldg i# r%i/d) a NAK i# a##umd im+li%itl". NAK i# al#o th d2ault rturn in2ormation. ".#.$ SEEN Th SEMN $it +ro/id# a #3untial num$ring #%hm to ordr th data +a%&t #tram. ;or a%h nw tran#mittd +a%&t that %ontain# data with BRB) th SEMN $it i# in/rtd. Thi# i# r3uird to 2iltr out rtran#mi##ion# o%%ur# du to a 2ailing ABK) th d#tination r%i/# th #am +a%&t twi%. *" %om+aring th SEMN o2 %on#%uti/ +a%&t#) %orr%tl" r%i/d rtran#mi##ion# %an $ di#%ardd. ".#.: HEC 1F Ea%h hadr ha# a hadr7rror7%h%& to %h%& th hadr intgrit". Th HEB %on#i#t# o2 and F7$it word gnratd $" th +ol"nomial <0? 8o%tal r+r#ntation9. 3 THE *LAET>>TH R; B>MMANIBATI>NS S>LATI>N Th +r%ding di#%u##ion 2orm# th $a#i# 2or undr#tanding th *lutooth d#ign) whi%hG In th lowr la"r# %ntr# around wirl## R; %ommuni%ation# in th 2.0 'H1 #+%trumC I# o+timi1d 2or #hort7rang %ommuni%ation) low +owr %on#um+tion and low %o#tC and In th highr la"r# ru## tran#+ort and a++li%ation +roto%ol# alrad" d/lo+d 2or #imilar domain# #u%h a# tho# u#d with in2rard wirl## %ommuni%ation. Th r#ult i# a wirl## %ommuni%ation t%hnolog" that i# #+%iall" a++ro+riat 2or %a$l r+la%mnt and 2or u# with +orta$l d/i%# in +r/a#i/ %om+uting a++li%ation#. Som o2 th 2undamntal +rin%i+l# 2or *lutooth R; %ommuni%ation ar d#%ri$d hr. !. (h5t 03 th1 %2.1t,,th P+,t,/,2 St5/<F Th *lutooth +roto%ol #ta%& %on#i#t a #t o2 rlatd #o2twar routin#) or +roto%ol#) a%h o2 whi%h +r2orm# on o2 th ta#&# r3uird to a%%om+li#h th %ommuni%ation# $twn th two d/i%#. Th /ariou# +roto%ol# within th *lutooth +roto%ol #ta%& wor& togthr to n#ur that data i# tran#mittd rlia$l" 2rom on *lutooth d/i% to anothr *lutooth d/i%. 1@ Thi# %on%+t o2 multi+l +roto%ol# wor&ing togthr i# #imilar to th on u#d $" othr highl" #u%%##2ul +roto%ol #ta%&#) #u%h a# TB(:I() Nt,ar) and SNA. Th *lutooth +roto%ol #ta%& i# #hown in 2igur 1. A# with othr +roto%ol #ta%&#) th a++li%ation +rogram within th d/i% 2ir#t %ommuni%at# with th high#t +roto%ol la"r) whi%h thn %ommuni%at# with th n5t low#t la"r) t%. Th low#t la"r thn %ommuni%at# #nd# out +a%&t# o2 data and %ontrol in2ormation a%ro## th *lutooth lin& /ia th +h"#i%al hardwar 8th *lutooth radio9 to th #%ond d/i%D# radio. Th %ommuni%ation $twn la"r# than +ro%d# in th r/r# ordr 8low#t7to7high#t9 until th data ra%h# th a++li%ation +rogram in th #%ond d/i%. Th *lutooth +roto%ol #ta%& i# u#d in %onEun%tion with th Lin& Managr) th *lutooth $a# $and hardwar and th *lutooth R; intr2a% hardwar to tran#mit data o/r a *lutooth wirl## lin&. Th Lin& Managr) $a# $and) and R; ar %oll%ti/l" &nown a# th Lin& %ontrol hardwar. Th Lin& Managr Bontrol# lin& #tu+) #%urit") and %ontrol) and th Lin& Managr on two *lutooth d/i%# %ommuni%at with a%h othr /ia th Lin& Managr (roto%ol 8LM(9. Th $a# $and +ro/id# th digital hardwar intr2a% and handl# th $a#i% low7l/l *lutooth %ommuni%ation# +roto%ol#) whil th R; hardwar ta&# %ar o2 th a%tual radio tran#mi##ion. In mo#t *lutooth hardwar im+lmntation#) th Lin& Managr and $a# $and 2un%tion# ar %om$ind into a #ingl %hi+ &nown a# th Ho#t Bontrollr) whil th R; 2un%tion i# i#olatd onto a #+arat radio %hi+ or modul. 2H INSIDE %LUETOOTH !.. Th1 H5+-95+1 C,*t+,221+ I*t1+65/1 (HCI) HBI i#nDt rall" a *lutooth la"r. Rathr) it i#olat# th *lutooth $a# $and and lin& managr and +ro/id# a #tandard intr2a% to th +roto%ol #ta%&. AART) RS7232) and AS* ar th #tandard HBI tran#+ort +roto%ol#. !.." Th1 L,G0/52 L0*< C,*t+,2 5*- A-5;t5t0,* P+,t,/,2 (L"CAP) L2BA( la"r intr2a%# to th lin& %ontrollr and allow# multi+l %hannl# to #har a #ingl *lutooth lin&. In thi# mannr) multi+l di22rnt high7l/l R; 8radio and antnna9 Lin& Managr *a# $and Lin& Managr Bontrol Audio 8SB>9 =ata 8ABL9 Ho#t Bontrollr Intr2a% 8HBI9 Tran#+ort Intr2a% =ata 8ABL9 R;B>MM S=( Bontrol Bontrol A++li%ation H>ST *LAET>>H M>=ALE TRANS(>RT *AS 21 +roto%ol# li& TB(:I( and >*EI 2il tran#2r to $ u#d #imultanou#l". It al#o +ro/id# grou+ managmnt) in%luding th handling o2 +oint7to7multi+oint %onn%tion# and th ngotiation o2 3ualit" o2 #r/i% 8M>S9 $twn d/i%#. !..! L0*< M5*5G1+ P+,t,/,2 (LMP) LM( la"r o2 th +roto%ol manag# th #ta$li#hd lin&# whi%h ar alrad" #ta$li#hd $" th L2BA(. !..# Th1 S1+H0/1 D03/,H1+8 P+,t,/,2 (SDP) S=( +ro/id# a wa" to di#%o/r a/aila$l *lutooth #r/i%#. A *lutooth d/i% %an a%t a# and S=( %lint loo&ing 2or #r/i%# or a# S=( #r/r +ro/iding a #r/i% or #r/i%#) or it %an ha/ $oth 2un%tion#. !..$ RFCOMM Th R;B>MM la"r +ro/id# a m%hani#m 2or tran#mitting and r%i/ing %hara%tr# o/r a *lutooth lin& a# i2 th a++li%ation wa# tal&ing to a #rial +ort. *%au# o2 it# #im+li%it" and 2amiliarit") man" a++li%ation# will u# R;B>MM 2or #rial data tran#2r#. !..: T121;h,*8 C,*t+,2 P+,t,/,2 S;1/060/5t0,* (TCS) Th Tl+hon" Bontrol (roto%ol S+%i2i%ation 8TBS9 la"r %ontrol# /oi% and data %all#) +ro/id# grou+ managmnt) and handl# #ignaling. Not that th a%tual /oi% and data i# tran#mittd and r%i/d dir%tl" to and 2rom th $a# $and /ia th HBI without going through th L2BA( la"r. !..> OCI1/t EJ/h5*G1 P+,t,/,2 (O%E@) Th >$E%t E5%hang (roto%ol 8>*EI9 la"r +ro/id# a #im+l m%hani#m 2or mo/ing o$E%t# li& 2il#) l%troni% $u#in## %ard#) and m##ag#. 22 !." (HAT ARE %LUETOOTH PROFILESF Not all o2 th *lutooth +roto%ol# within th *lutooth +roto%ol #ta%& ar u#d at th #am tim $" an a++li%ation +rogram. In 2a%t) a t"+i%al a++li%ation +rogram onl" u## a$out hal2 o2 th a/aila$l *lutooth +roto%ol# a%h tim it %ommuni%at# o/r a *lutooth lin&. ;or 5am+l) i2 th a++li%ation +rogram i# #nding 2a%#imil data it onl" u## th R;B>MM) L2BA() and S=( +roto%ol#C it do# not u# >*EI) TBS) or IrMB. In ordr to #im+li2" a++li%ation d/lo+mnt and n#ur intro+ra$ilit") th *lutooth SI' ha# d2ind -+ro2il. 2or /ariou# a++li%ation#. Ea%h o2 th# +ro2il# d2in# a #t o2 r3uird *lutooth +roto%ol# 2or th gi/n a++li%ation. ;or 5am+l) th #rial +ort +ro2il r3uir# th L2BA() S=L() and R;B>MM +roto%ol# +lu# #rial +ort mulation a++li%ation #o2twar. Burrntl" thr ar thirtn +ro2il# d2indG !.". G1*1+0/ A//133 P+,6021 Th 'nri% A%%## (ro2il d2in# th $a#i% +ro%dur# 2or #ta$li#hing %onn%tion# $twn two *lutooth d/i%#. It i# u#d in %onEun%tion with othr *lutooth +ro2il#) and allow# #om l/l o2 %ommuni%ation# /n i2 th two d/i%# ar running two di22rnt *lutooth +ro2il#. *lutooth d/i%# that do not %on2orm to an" othr *lutooth +ro2il mu#t %on2orm to thi# +ro2il. Th 'nri% A%%## (ro2il in%lud# th LM( and L2BA( +roto%ol#. 23 !."." S1+H0/1 D03/,H1+8 A;;20/5t0,* P+,6021 Th Sr/i% =i#%o/r" (ro2il d2in# how an a++li%ation +rogram on a d/i% %an lo%at #r/i%# on othr *lutooth d/i%# u#ing th *lutooth Sr/i% =i#%o/r" +roto%ol. Th Sr/i% =i#%o/r" (ro2il in%lud# th LM() L2BA( and S=( +roto%ol#. !.".! C,+-2133 T121;h,*8 P+,6021 Th Bordl## Tl+hon" (ro2il d2in# th +roto%ol# and +ro%dur# 2or im+lmnting th %ordl## +hon 2un%tion o2 a 3-in-1 phone 8a d/i% that 2un%tion# a# a %ordl## +hon) a wal&i7tal&i) and a %llular +hon9. Thi# +ro2il in%lud# th LM() L2BA() S=() and TBS +roto%ol#. Th a++li%ation mu#t al#o $ a$l to $"+a## L2BA( and ha/ dir%t a%%## to #om *lutooth lowr la"r +ro%dur#. !.".# I*t1+/,4 P+,6021 Th Intr%om (ro2il d2in# th +roto%ol# and +ro%dur# 2or im+lmnting th wal&i7tal&i 2un%tion o2 a 3-in- phone. It in%lud# th LM() L2BA( and S=( +roto%ol#. Th a++li%ation mu#t al#o $ a$l to $"+a## L2BA( and ha/ dir%t a%%## to #om *lutooth lowr la"r +ro%dur#. !.".$ S1+052 P,+t P+,6021 Th Srial (ort (ro2il allow# two *lutooth d/i%# to mulat a hardwird RS7232 #rial +oint7to7+oint %onn%tion. It in%lud# th LM() L2BA() S=( and R;B>MM +roto%ol#. A #rial +ort mulation a++li%ation or othr A(I i# al#o r3uird. !.".: H15-31t P+,6021 Th Had#t (ro2il i# d#ignd 2or %ommuni%ation# $twn a had#t and a d/i% li& a %llular tl+hon. It u## th LM() L2BA() S=( and R;B>MM. 20 Th a++li%ation mu#t al#o $ a$l to $"+a## L2BA( and ha/ dir%t a%%## to #om *lutooth lowr la"r +ro%dur#. !.".> D052B.; N1t9,+<0*G P+,6021 Th =ial7u+ Ntwor&ing (ro2il i# u#d to im+lmnt %ommuni%ation# $twn a d/i% that r3uir# dial7u+ #r/i%# and a d/i% +ro/iding #u%h #r/i%#. It u## th LM() L2BA() S=( and R;B>MM +roto%ol#. So2twar i# al#o r3uird 2or dialing:%ontrol and modm mulation:%ommuni%ation. !.".? F5J P+,6021 Th ;a5 (ro2il i# #imilar to =ial7u+ Ntwor&ing (ro2il 5%+t that i# d#ignd 2or 2a5 %ommuni%ation in#tad o2 rgular data %ommuni%ation#. It u## th LM() L2BA() S=( and R;B>MM +roto%ol#. So2twar i# al#o r3uird 2or dialing:%ontrol and modm mulation#:%ommuni%ation. !.".= LAN A//133 P+,6021 Th LAN A%%## (ro2il +ro/id# th +roto%ol# and +ro%dur# 2or th im+lmntation o2 a gatwa" d/i% that allow# a *lutooth d/i% running th +o+ular ((( +roto%ol 8+oint7to7+oint +roto%ol9 to %ommuni%at with a LAN7$a#d d/i%. Although it i# %ommonl" u#d with th TB(:I( +roto%ol) it %an $ u#d with an" +roto%ol that %an o+rat o/r th ((( +roto%ol. Th LAN A%%## (ro2il u## th LM() L2BA() S=( and R;B>MM +roto%ol#. It al#o r3uir# ((( and managmnt #o2twar. In addition) $oth th #nding and r%i/ing d/i%# r3uir highr l/l ntwor&ing +roto%ol# li& TB(:I(. !.".0 G1*1+0/ OCI1/t EJ/h5*G1 P+,6021 26 Th 'nri% >$E%t E5%hang (ro2il i# th gnri% #+%i2i%ation 2or intro+ra$ilit" $twn d/i%# that u# th >*EI +roto%ol. It d2in# th intro+ra$ilit" $twn th lowr la"r +roto%ol# and u#d in all o2 th +ro2il# that u# >*EI. !.". OCI1/t P.3h P+,6021 Th >$E%t (u#h (ro2il r3uir# th 'nri% >$E%t E5%hang (ro2il. It %o/r# th u#ag o2 a *lutooth d/i% to +u#h and:or +ull an o$E%t 8#u%h a# a $u#in## %ard9 to or 2rom anothr *lutooth d/i%. Mandator" #u++ortd o$E%t t"+# in%lud +hon $oo&) %alndar) m##aging and not#. !."." F021 T+5*361+ P+,6021 Th ;il Tran#2r (ro2il r3uir# th 'nri% >$E%t E5%hang (ro2il. It +ro/id# 2or $row#ing a 2il #"#tm on a rmot *lutooth d/i%) tran#2rring o$E%t# 82il and 2oldr9 to:2rom th rmot *lutooth d/i%# and mani+ulating o$E%t# 8.g. dlting 2il#9 on th rmot d/i%. !.".! S8*/h+,*0A5t0,* P+,6021 Th S"n%hroni1ation (ro2il r3uir# th 'nri% >$E%t E5%hang (ro2il. It allow# two *lutooth d/i%# to automati%all" u+dat th a++ro+riat in2ormation on a%h d/i% 8.g. an addr## $oo& or %alndar9 #o that th in2ormation on $oth d/i%# agr# with a%h othr. 2< !.! Th1 %2.1t,,th C2,/< E/r" *lutooth unit ha# an intrnal #"#tm %lo%&) whi%h dtrmin# th timing and ho++ing o2 th tran#%i/r. Th *lutooth %lo%& i# dri/d 2rom a 2r running nati/ %lo%&) whi%h i# n/r adEu#td and i# n/r turnd o22. ;or #"n%hroni1ation with othr unit#) onl" o22#t# ar u#d. Th# o22#t#) whn addd to th nati/ %lo%&) +ro/id tm+orar" *lutooth %lo%&#) whi%h ar mutuall" #"n%hroni1d. Th *lutooth %lo%& ha# no rlation to th tim o2 da" and %an thr2or $ initiali1d to an" /alu. Th *lutooth %lo%& +ro/id# th hart $at o2 th *lutooth tran#%i/r. It# r#olution i# at la#t hal2 th TI or RI #lot lngth) or 312.6 N#. Th *lutooth %lo%& ha# a %"%l o2 a$out a da". I2 th %lo%& i# im+lmntd with a %ountr) a 2F7$it %ountr i# r3uird that wra+# around at 2 2F 1. Th LS* ti%&# in unit# o2 312.6 N#) gi/ing a %lo%& rat o2 3.2 KH1. !.# STATE TRANSITION Th 2ollowing diagram #how# a #tat diagram illu#trating th di22rnt #tat# u#d in th *lutooth lin& %ontrollr. Thr ar two maEor #tat#G STAN=*L and B>NNEBTI>NC in addition) thr ar #/n #u$ #tat#) +ag) +ag #%an) in3uir") in3uir" #%an) ma#tr r#+on#) #la/ r#+on#) and in3uir" r#+on#. Th #u$ #tat# ar intrim #tat# that ar u#d to add nw #la/# to a (i%o nt. To mo/ 2rom on #tat to th othr) ithr %ommand# 2rom th *lutooth lin& managr ar u#d) or intrnal #ignal# 8#u%h a# th triggr #ignal 2rom th %orrlator and th timout #ignal#9 in th lin& %ontrollr ar u#d. Th STAN=*L #tat i# th d2ault #tat in th *lutooth unit. In thi# #tat) th *lutooth unit i# in a low7 2? +owr mod. >nl" th nati/ %lo%& i# running. Th %ontrollr ma" la/ th STAN=*L Stat to #%an 2or +ag or in3uir" m##ag# or to +ag or +r2orm th in3uir" it#l2. ,hn r#+onding to a +ag m##ag) th unit will not rturn to th STAN=*L #tat $ut ntr th B>NNEBTI>N #tat a# a #la/. ,hn %arr"ing out a #u%%##2ul +ag attm+t) th unit will ntr th B>NNEBTI>N #tat a# a ma#tr. !.$ SECURITY In ordr to +ro/id in2ormation %on2idntialit") th *lutooth #"#tm +ro/id# #%urit" ma#ur# $oth at th a++li%ation la"r and th lin& la"r. Th# ma#ur# #hall $ a++ro+riat 2or a +r n/ironmnt. Thi# man# that in a%h *lutooth unit) th authnti%ation and n%r"+tion routin# ar im+lmntd in th #am wa". ;our di22rnt ntiti# ar u#d 2or maintaining #%urit" at th lin& la"rG a +u$li% addr## that i# uni3u 2or a%h u#r) two #%rt &"#) and a random num$r whi%h i# di22rnt 2or a%h nw tran#a%tion. Th 2our ntiti# and thir #i1# a# u#d in *lutooth ar #ummari1d in th 2ollowing ta$l. 2F Th *lutooth d/i% addr## 8*=KA==R9 i# th 0F7$it IEEE addr## that i# uni3u 2or a%h *lutooth unit. Th #%rt &"# ar dri/d during initiali1ation and ar 2urthr n/r di#%lo#d. Normall") th n%r"+tion &" i# dri/d 2rom th authnti%ation &" during th authnti%ation +ro%##. ;or th authnti%ation algorithm) th #i1 o2 th &" u#d i# alwa"# 12F $it#. ;or th n%r"+tion algorithm) th &" #i1 ma" /ar" $twn 1 and 1< o%tt#. Th #i1 o2 th n%r"+tion &" i# %on2igura$l 2or two ra#on#. Th 2ir#t ha# to do with th man" di22rnt r3uirmnt# im+o#d on %r"+togra+hi% algorithm# in di22rnt %ountri# 7 $oth with r#+%t to 5+ort rgulation# and th lgal #tatu# o2 l%troni% +ri/a%" in gnral. Th 2l5i$l &" #i1 al#o +ro/id# 2or a 2utur u+grad +ath 2or th #%urit" without th nd o2 a %o#tl" rd#ign o2 th algorithm# and n%r"+tion hardwar. In%ra#ing th 22%ti/ &" #i1 i# th #im+l#t wa" to %om$at in%ra#d %om+uting +owr at th o++onnt #id. Th n%r"+tion &" i# ntirl" di22rnt 2rom th authnti%ation &" 8/n though th lattr i# u#d whn %rating th 2ormr9. Ea%h tim th n%r"+tion i# a%ti/atd) a nw n%r"+tion &" i# gnratd. Th li2tim o2 th n%r"+tion &" do# not n%##aril" %orr#+ond to th li2tim o2 th authnti%ation &". It i# anti%i+atd that th authnti%ation &" will $ mor #tati% in it# natur than th 2@ n%r"+tion &" O on% #ta$li#hd) th +arti%ular a++li%ation running on th *lutooth d/i% d%id# whn) or i2) to %hang it. To undrlin th 2undamntal im+ortan% o2 th authnti%ation &" to a #+%i2i% *lutooth lin&) it i# al#o r2rrd to a# th lin& &". Th RAN= i# a random num$r) whi%h %an $ dri/d 2rom a random or +#udo7random +ro%## in th *lutooth unit. Thi# i# not a #tati% +aramtr) and %hang# 2r3untl". # LINK MANAGER PROTOCOL LM( m##ag# ar u#d 2or lin& #t7u+) #%urit" and %ontrol. Th" ar tran#2rrd in th +a"load in#tad o2 L2BA( and ar di#tingui#hd $" a r#r/d /alu in th +a"load hadr. Th m##ag# ar 2iltrd out and intr+rtd $" LM on th r%i/ing #id and ar not +ro+agatd to highr la"r#. Lin& Managr M##ag# ha/ highr +riorit" than u#r data. Thi# man# that i2 th Lin& Managr nd# to #nd a m##ag) it #hall not $ dla"d $" th L2BA( tra22i%) although it %an $ dla"d $" man" rtran#mi##ion# o2 indi/idual $a# $and +a%&t#. Th m##ag# in LM( do not nd 5+li%it a%&nowldgmnt #in% LB +ro/id# a rlia$l lin&. *lutooth %an #u++ort an a#"n%hronou# data %hannl) u+ to thr #imultanou# #"n%hronou# /oi% %hannl#) or a %hannl) whi%h #imultanou#l" #u++ort# a#"n%hronou# data and #"n%hronou# /oi%. Ea%h /oi% %hannl #u++ort# a <0 &$:# #"n%hronou# lin&. Th a#"n%hronou# %hannl %an #u++ort an a#"mmtri% 3H lin& o2 ma5imum ?23.2 &$:# in ithr dir%tion whil +rmitting 6?.< &$:# in th rturn dir%tion) or a 033.@ &$:# #"mmtri% lin&. $ HOST CONTROLLER INTERFACE (HCI) $. INTRODUCTION Th HBI +ro/id a %ommand intr2a% o2 th $a# $and %ontrollr and lin& managr) and a%%## to hardwar #tatu# and %ontrol rgi#tr#. Thi# intr2a% +ro/id# a uni2orm mthod o2 a%%##ing th *lutooth $a# $and %a+a$iliti#. 31 !i"#re$ end %o end o&er&iew of lower sof%ware layers %o %ransfer da%a ;igur illu#trat# th +ath o2 a data tran#2r 2rom on d/i% to anothr. Th HBI dri/r on th Ho#t 5%hang# data and %ommand# with th HBI 2irmwar on th *lutooth hardwar. Th Ho#t Bontrol Tran#+ort La"r 8.g. +h"#i%al $u#9 dri/r +ro/id# $oth HBI la"r# with th a$ilit" to 5%hang in2ormation with a%h othr. $." %2.1t,,th H5+-95+1 %2,/< D05G+54 'nral o/r/iw o2 th *lutooth hardwar i# outlind in 2igur. It %on#i#t o2 an analog +art7th *lutooth radio) and a digital +art7 th Ho#t Bontrollr. Th (h"#i%al $u# hardwar (h"#i%al $u# 8AS*) (B %ard9 ;irmwar (h"#i%al $u# 8AS*) (B %ard9 ;irmwar HBI ;irmwar HBI ;irmwar ;irmwar Lin& Managr ;irmwar Lin& Managr *a# $and %ontrollr *a# $and %ontrollr HBI =ri/r HBI =ri/r (h"#i%al $u# =ri/r 8AS*) (B %ard9 (h"#i%al $u# =ri/r 8AS*) (B %ard9 >thr Highr La"r =ri/r >thr Highr La"r =ri/r *lutooth Hardwar *lutooth Hardwar *lutooth Ho#t *lutooth Ho#t A#r data HB I HB I (h"#i%a l (h"#i%a l ,irl## 32 Ho#t Bontrollr ha# a hardwar digital #ignal +ro%##ing +art7th Lin& Bontrollr 8LB9) a B(A %or) and it intr2a%# to th ho#t n/ironmnt. Th hardwar and #o2twar +art# o2 th Ho#t Bontrollr ar d#%ri$d $low. !i"#re$ Bl#e%oo%h 'ardware Archi%ec%#re (&er&iew. $.! P,330C21 Ph830/52 %.3 A+/h0t1/t.+13 *lutooth d/i%# will ha/ /ariou# +h"#i%al $u# intr2a%# that %ould $ u#d to %onn%t to th *lutooth hardwar. Th# $u## ma" ha/ di22rnt ar%hit%tur# and di22rnt +aramtr#. Th *lutooth Ho#t Bontrollr will initiall" #u++ort two +h"#i%al $u# ar%hit%tur#) AS* and (B %ard. $.!. US% HCI A+/h0t1/t.+1 Th 2ollowing $lo%& diagram #how# th *lutooth %onn%tion to th Ho#t (B /ia th AS* HBI. AS* %an handl #/ral logi% %hannl# o/r th #am #ignal +h"#i%al %hannl. Thr2or %ontrol) data and /oi% %hannl# donDt r3uir an" additional +h"#i%al intr2a%#. Not that thr i# no dir%t a%%## to rgi#tr#:mmor" on th *lutooth modul o/r AS*. In#tad) thi# i# don $" *lutooth Ho#t Bontrollr Lin& Managr Ho#t Intr2a% Radio Intr2a% B(A Bor Lin& $a# $and Bontrollr E5trnal Intr2a% *lutooth radio R; LINK 33 u#ing th a++ro+riat HBI %ommand# and $" u#ing th Ho#t Bontrollr Tran#+ort La"r intr2a%. !i"#re$ Bl#e%oo%h Bloc) *ia"ra+ wi%h ,SB 'C $.!." PC C5+- HCI A+/h0t1/t.+1 !i"#re$ Bl#e%oo%h Bloc) *ia"ra+ wi%h -C-Card 'C *#id th AS* intr2a%) dri/ati/# o2 th ISA $u# ar an o+tion o2 ran intgratd (B #olution. Anli& AS*) all tra22i% $twn th Ho#t and th *lutooth modul will go a%ro## th (B Bard $u# intr2a%. Bommuni%ation $twn th ho#t (B and th *lutooth modul will $ +rimaril" don dir%tl" /ia rgi#tr#:mmor". Th 2ollowing $lo%& diagram #how# th data 2low 2or a (B7 Bard HBI. : LOGICAL LINK CONTROL AND ADAPTATION PROTOCOL (L"CAP) :. L"CAP 90th Oth1+ L581+3 Bontrol AS* =ata Voi% S"#tm *u# R; Modul Lin& Bontrollr B(A Bor 8Lin& Managr9 AS* Sla/ AS* Bontrollr Bommand (B7Bard =ata Voi% S"#tm *u# R; Modul Lin& Bontrollr B(A Bor 8Lin& Managr9 (B Bard Bard $u# Bontrollr 30 Th Logi%al Lin& Bontrol and Ada+tation (roto%ol 8L2BA(9 i# on o2 two lin& l/l +roto%ol# running o/r th *a# $and. L2BA( i# la"rd o/r th *a# $and (roto%ol and r#id# in th data lin& la"r. L2BA( +ro/id# %onn%tion7 orintd and %onn%tionl## data #r/i%# to u++r la"r +roto%ol# with +roto%ol multi+l5ing %a+a$ilit") #gmntation and ra##m$l" o+ration) and grou+ a$#tra%tion#. L2BA( +rmit# highr7l/l +roto%ol# and a++li%ation# to tran#mit and r%i/ L2BA( data +a%&t# u+ to <0 &ilo$"t# in lngth. Th L2BA( S+%i2i%ation i# d2ind 2or onl" ABL lin&# and no #u++ort 2or SB> lin&# i# +lannd. !i"#re 1$ ./CA- wi%hin pro%ocol layers Th 2ormat o2 th ABL +a"load hadr i# #hown $low. ;igur 2 di#+la"# th +a"load hadr u#d 2or #ingl7#lot +a%&t# and 2igur 3 di#+la"# th hadr u#d in multi7#lot +a%&t#. Th onl" di22rn% i# th #i1 o2 th lngth 2ild. Th +a%&t 2rom multi7#lot +a%&t#.
=/i%P1 (h"#i%al =ata Lin& High l/l +roto%ol or a++li%ation Ntwor& la"r L2BA( LM( *a# $and High l/l +roto%ol or a++li%ation Ntwor& la"r L2BA( LM( *a# $and 36 !i"#re /$ AC. -ayload 'eader for sin"le-slo% pac)e% !i"#re /$ AC. -ayload 'eader for +#l%i-slo% pac)e%s Th 2un%tional r3uirmnt# 2or L2BA( in%lud +roto%ol multi+l5ing) #gmntation and ra##m$l" 8SAR9) and grou+ managmnt. ;igur 0 illu#trat# how L2BA( 2it# into *lutooth (roto%ol Sta%&. L2BA( li# a$o/ th *a# $and (roto%ol and intr2a%# with othr %ommuni%ation +roto%ol# #u%h a# th *lutooth Sr/i% =i#%o/r" (roto%ol 8S=(9) R;B>MM) and Tl+hon" Bontrol 8TBS9. Voi%73ualit" %hannl# 2or audio and tl+hon" a++li%ation# ar u#uall" run o/r *a# $and SB> lin&#. (a%&t 1d audio data) #u%h a# I( Tl+hon") ma" $ #nt u#ing %ommuni%ation +roto%ol# running o/r L2BA(. !i"#re 0$ ./CA- in Bl#e%oo%h -ro%ocol Archi%ec%#re
LS* 2 1 < MS* LKBH ;L>, LEN'TH
LS* 2 1 < MS* LKBH ;L>, LEN'TH And2ind
*a# $and S=( R;B>MM Audio TBS L2BA( Voi% LM( ABL SB> 3< > RFCOMM Th R;B>MM +roto%ol +ro/id# #rial +ort mulation o/r th L2BA( +roto%ol. Thi# +roto%ol i# $a#d on th ETSI #tandard TS H?.1H. R;B>MM i# a #im+l tran#+ort +roto%ol) with additional +ro/i#ion# 2or mulating th @ %ir%uit# o2 RS7232 #rial +ort#. Th R;B>MM +roto%ol %an #u++ort u+ to <H #imultanou# %onn%tion# $twn two *lutooth d/i%#. How/r th num$r o2 %onn%tion# that %an $ u#d #imultanou#l" in a *lutooth d/i% i# d/i%7d+ndnt 8and i# im+lmntation7#+%i2i%9. R;B>MM i# intndd to %o/r a++li%ation# that ma& u# o2 th #rial +ort# o2 th d/i%# in whi%h th" r#id. In th #im+l %on2iguration) th %ommuni%ation #gmnt i# a *lutooth lin& 2rom on d/i% to anothr 8dir%t %onn%t9. *lutooth %an al#o $ u#d a# th +ath $twn a d/i% and anothr ntwor& %onn%tion d/i% #u%h a# a modm. R;B>MM i# onl" %on%rnd with th %onn%tion $twn th d/i%# in th dir%t %onn%t %a#) or $twn th d/i% and a modm in th ntwor& %a#. 3? R;B>MM %an #u++ort othr %on2iguration#) #u%h a# modul# that %ommuni%at /ia *lutooth on on #id and +ro/id a wird intr2a% on th othr #id. Th# d/i%# ar not rall" modm# $ut o22r a #imilar #r/i%. R;B>MM a%%ommodat# two #u%h t"+# o2 d/i%#. T"+ 1 d/i%# ar %ommuni%ation nd +oint# #u%h a# %om+utr# and #rial +rintr#. T"+ 2 d/i%# ar tho# that ar a +art o2 th %ommuni%ation #gmntC .g.) modm#. 3F ? SERVICE DISCOVERY PROTOCOL (SDP) Th Sr/i% =i#%o/r" (roto%ol 8S=(9 +ro/id# a man# 2or a++li%ation# to di#%o/r whi%h #r/i%# ar a/aila$l and to dtrmin th %hara%tri#ti%# o2 tho# a/aila$l #r/i%#. *lutooth Sr/i% =i#%o/r" (roto%ol 8S=(9 addr### #r/i% di#%o/r" #+%i2i%all" 2or th *lutooth n/ironmnt. It i# o+timi1d 2or th highl" d"nami% natur o2 *lutooth %ommuni%ation#. S=( 2o%u## +rimaril" on di#%o/ring #r/i%# a/aila$l 2rom or through *lutooth d/i%#. S=( do# not d2in mthod# 2or a%%##ing #r/i%#. Though S=( %an %o5i#t with othr #r/i% di#%o/r" +roto%ol#) it do# not r3uir thm. In *lutooth n/ironmnt#) #r/i%# %an $ di#%o/rd u#ing S=( and %an $ a%%##d u#ing othr +roto%ol# d2ind $" *lutooth. S=( i# im+lmntd u#ing a %lint:#r/r modl o2 %ommuni%ation. Th #r/r maintain# a li#t o2 #r/i% r%ord# %orr#+onding to th #r/i%# a##o%iatd with th #r/r. Thr i# a #r/i% r%ord %ontaining in2ormation a$out a%h #r/i%. A %lint rtri/# in2ormation 2rom a #r/i% r%ord maintaind $" th S=( #r/r $" i##uing an S=( r3u#t. Th %lint a++li%ation mu#t o+n a #+arat %onn%tion to th #r/i% +ro/idr in ordr to utili1 th #r/i%. 3@ >n *lutooth d/i% %an #u++ort onl" on S=( #r/r. A *lutooth d/i% ma" 2un%tion $oth a# an S=( #r/r and a# an S=( %lint. I2 multi+l a++li%ation# on a d/i% +ro/id #r/i%#) an S=( #r/r ma" a%t on $hal2 o2 tho# #r/i% +ro/idr# to handl r3u#t# 2or in2ormation a$out th #r/i%# that th" +ro/id. Similarl") multi+l %lint a++li%ation# ma" utili1 an S=( %lint to 3ur" #r/r# on $hal2 o2 th %lint a++li%ation#. 0H = O%JECT E@CHANGE PROTOCOL (O%@) >*EI i# a ###ion +roto%ol d2ind $" In2rard =ata A##o%iation 8Ir=A9 to intr%onn%t th 2ull rang o2 d/i%# that #u++ort Ir=A +roto%ol#. >*EI i# a %om+a%t) 22i%int) $inar" +roto%ol that na$l# d/i%# to 5%hang data in a #im+l and #+ontanou# mannr. >*EI) how/r) i# not limitd to u# in an Ir=A n/ironmnt. >$E%t E5%hang (roto%ol 8>*EI9 i# to na$l th d/lo+mnt o2 a++li%ation +rogram# that 2un%tion wll o/r $oth #hort7rang R; and IR mdia. Thi# +roto%ol d2in# th intr#%tion +oint whr *lutooth and Ir=A a++li%ation# ma" %on/rg. Thi# +roto%ol i# al#o utili1d $" th *lutooth t%hnolog") ma&ing it +o##i$l 2or a++li%ation# to u# ithr th *lutooth R; t%hnolog" or th Ir=A IR t%hnolog". How/r) /n though $oth Ir=A and *lutooth ar d#ignd 2or #hort7rang wirl## %ommuni%ation#) th" ha/ #om 2undamntal di22rn%# rlating to th lowr7la"r +roto%ol#. ;or *lutooth) >*EI i# thr2or ma++d o/r th lowr la"r +roto%ol# naml" R;B>MM and TB(:I() whi%h ar ado+td $" *lutooth. Though Ir=A d2in# %onn%tionl## >*EI al#o) *lutooth u## onl" th %onn%tion7orintd >*EI. Th 2ollowing 2igur #how# th +la%mnt o2 th >*EI +roto%ol and a++li%ation# u#ing it in th *lutooth +roto%ol hirar%h". 01 =. O%E@ AND %LUETOOTH ARCHITECTURE ;igur d+i%t# +art o2 th hirar%h" o2 th *lutooth ar%hit%tur and #how# th +la%mnt o2 th >*EI +roto%ol and th a++li%ation +ro2il# u#ing it. Th +roto%ol# %an al#o %ommuni%at with th #r/i% di#%o/r" =* /n though th 2igur do# not #how it. In th *lutooth #"#tm) th +ur+o# o2 th >*EI +roto%ol i# to na$l th 5%hang o2 data o$E%t#. Th t"+i%al 5am+l %ould $ an o$E%t +u#h o2 $u#in## %ard# to #omon l#. A mor %om+l5 5am+l i# #"n%hroni1ing %alndar# on multi+l d/i%# u#ing >*EI. Al#o) th 2il tran#2r a++li%ation %an $ im+lmntd u#ing >*EI. ;or th o$E%t +u#h and #"n%hroni1ation a++li%ation#) %ontnt 2ormat# %an $ th /Bard) /Balndar) /M##ag and /Not# 2ormat#. Th /Bard) /Balndar) /M##ag and /Not# d#%ri$ th 2ormat# 2or th l%troni% $u#in## %ard) th l%troni% %alndaring and #%hduling) th l%troni% m##ag and mail#) and th l%troni% not#) r#+%ti/l". =." O%E@ OVER RFCOMM Th *lutooth d/i%# #u++orting th >*EI +roto%ol mu#t #ati#2" th 2ollowing r3uirmnt#. 1. Th d/i% #u++orting >*EI mu#t $ a$l to 2un%tion a# ithr a %lint) a #r/r or $oth 2. All #r/r# running #imultanou#l" on a d/i% mu#t u# #+arat R;B>MM #r/r %hannl#. 3. A++li%ation# 8#r/r:%lint9 u#ing >*EI mu#t $ a$l to rgi#tr th +ro+r in2ormation into th #r/i% di#%o/r" data$a#. Thi# in2ormation 2or di22rnt a++li%ation +ro2il# i# #+%i2id in th +ro2il #+%i2i%ation#. 02 =.! O%E@ SERVER STARTBUP ON RFCOMM ,hn a %lint #nd# %onn%ting r3u#t) a #r/r i# a##umd to $ rad" to r%i/ r3u#t#. How/r) $2or th #r/r i# rad" to r%i/ %rtain +rr3ui#it# mu#t $ 2ul2illd $2or th #r/r %an ntr th li#tning modG Th #r/r mu#t o+n an R;B>MM #r/r %hannl Th #r/r mu#t rgi#tr it# %a+a$iliti# into th #r/i% di#%o/r" data$a# A2tr thi# othr ho#t# ar a$l to 2ind th #r/r i2 ndd) and th #r/r li#tn# 2or gt r3u#t# 2rom %lint#. =.# RECEIVEING O%E@ PACKETS FROM SERIAL PORT A# di#%u##d arlir) on o$E%t %an $ 5%hangd o/r on or mor (ut r3u#t# or 't7r#+on#. How/r) i2 >*EI i# running dir%tl" o/r th #rial +ort) it do# not r%i/ +a%&t# 2rom R;B>MM. In#tad) a $"t #tram i# r%i/d $" >*EI 2rom a #rial +ort mulatd $" R;B>MM. To dt%t +a%&t# in th $"t #tam) >*EI ha# to loo& 2or o+%od# or r#+on# %od# d+nding on whthr a +a%&t i# r3u#t or a r#+on#. Th o+%od# and r#+on# %od %an $ thought o2 a# th #tart 2lag# o2 +a%&t#. In >*EI +a%&t#) thr i# no nd 2lag that would indi%at th nd o2 a +a%&t. How/r) a2tr th o+%od o2 r#+on# %od) th lngth o2 a +a%&t i# r%i/d in th n5t two $"t#. Thu#) th whol lngth o2 a +a%&t i# &nown) and th $oundar" o2 two +a%&t# %an $ dtrmind. All data that i# not r%ogni1d mu#t $ dum+d. Thi# %ould %au# a #"n%hroni1ation +ro$lm $ut) %on#idring th natur o2 th >*EI +roto%ol) thi# i# not a +ro$lm o/r R;B>MM) whi%h +ro/id# rlia$l tran#+ort o/r *lutooth. 03 =.$ CONNECTION ESTA%LISHMENT A %lint initiat# th #ta$li#hmnt o2 a %onn%tion. How/r) th 2ollowing #3un% o2 ta#&# mu#t o%%ur $2or th %lint i# a$l to #nd th 2ir#t r3u#t 2or dataG *" u#ing th S= +roto%ol d#%ri$d in th S=( #+%i2i%ation) th %lint mu#t di#%o/r th +ro+r in2ormation a##o%iatd with th #r/r on whi%h th %onn%tion %an $ #ta$li#hd Th %lint u## th di#%o/rd R;B>MM %hannl to #ta$li#h th R;B>MM %onn%tion Th %lint #nd# th Bonn%t7r3u#t to th #r/r) to #ta$li#h an >*EI ###ion. Th ###ion i# #ta$li#hd %orr%tl" i2 th %lint r%i/# a #u%%##2ul r#+on# 2rom th #r/r. =.: DISCONNECTION Th di#%onn%tion o2 an >*EI ###ion o/r R;B>MM i# #traight2orward. Th di#%onn%tion i# don $" u#ing th =i#%onn%t7r3u#t. ,hn th %lint ha# r%i/d th r#+on#) th n5t o+ration i# to %lo# th R;B>MM %hannl a##ignd to th >*EI %lint. 00 0 TELEPHONY CONTROL PROTOCOL (TCP) Th *lutooth Tl+hon" Bontrol +roto%ol S+%i2i%ation *inar" 8TBS *inar"9 i# $a#d on th ITA7T R%ommndation M.@31. Anli& th #+%h a++li%ation#) whi%h dir%tl" utili1 th SB> %hannl o2 th $a# $and) th TBS *inar" +roto%ol i# im+lmntd o/r L2BA( and utili1# th ABL %hannl#. Th TBS %ontain# th 2ollowing 2un%tionalit"G Ball Bontrol 8BB9 7 #ignaling 2or th #ta$li#hmnt and rla# o2 #+%h and data %all# $twn *lutooth d/i%#. 'rou+ Managmnt Q #ignaling to a# th handling o2 grou+# o2 *lutooth d/i%#. Bonn%tionl## TBS 8BL9 Q +ro/i#ion# to 5%hang #ignaling in2ormation not rlatd to an ongoing %all 0. OPERATION %ET(EEN DEVICES TBS u## +oint7to7+oint #ignaling and ma" u# +oint7to7multi+oint #ignaling. (oint7to7+oint #ignaling i# u#d whn it i# &nown to whi%h #id a %all nd# to $ #ta$li#hd. (oint7to7multi+oint #ignaling ma" $ u#d whn thr ar mor #id# a/aila$l 2or %all #ta$li#hmntC .g. whn) 2or an in%oming %all) a hon $a# #tation nd# to alrt all +hon# in rang. (oint7to7+oint #ignaling i# ma++d toward# a %onn%tion7orintd L2BA( %hannl#) whra# +oint7to7multi+oint #ignaling i# ma++d toward# th %onn%tionl## L2BA( %hannl) whi%h i# turn i# #nt a# $road%a#t in2ormation on th $a%on %hannl 06 ;igur 1 illu#trat# +oint7to7+oint #ignaling to #ta$li#h a /oi% or data %all in a #ingl7+oint %on2iguration. ;ir#t th othr d/i% i# noti2id o2 th %all r3u#t u#ing th +oint7to7+oint #ignaling %hannl 8A9. N5t) thi# #ignaling %hannl i# u#d to 2urthr #ta$li#h th #+%h or data %hannl 8*9. !i"#re 1$ poin%-%o-poin% si"nalin" in a sin"le-poin% confi"#ra%ion ;igur 2 $llow illu#trat# how +oint7to7multi+oint #ignaling and +oint7to7 +oint #ignaling i# u#d to #ta$li#h a /oi% or data %all in a multi7+oint %on2iguration. ;ir#t all d/i%# ar noti2id o2 th %all r3u#t u#ing +oint7to7 multi+oint #ignaling %hannl 8A9. N5t) on o2 th d/i%# an#wr# th %all on th +oint7to7+oint #ignaling %hannl 8*9C thi# #ignaling %hannl i# u#d to 2urthr #ta$li#h th #+%h or data %hannl 8B9. =/i% P 2 =/i% P 1 TBS TBS A * Sar%h or data %hannl (oint7to7+oint #ignaling %hannl 0< !i"#re/$ si"nalin" in a +#l%i-poin% confi"#ra%ion A * B A =/i% P 1 =/i% P 0 =/i% P 3 =/i% P 2 TBS TBS Sar%h or data %hannl (oint7to7+oint Signaling %hannl TBS TBS A (oint7to7multi+oint #ignaling %hannl 0?
. %LUETOOTH AND FREEUENCY HOPPING In *lutooth intr2rn% i# a/oidd $" u#ing a 2r3un%" ho++ing 8;H9 #+rad #+%trum t%hnolog". ;H i# a t%hnolog" wll #uitd 2or low7+owr) low7 %o#t radio im+lmntation# and i# u#d in #om wirl## LAN +rodu%t#. Th *lutooth #+%i2i%ation d2in# a high ho+ rat o2 1<HH ho+# +r #%ond in#tad o2 Eu#t a 2w ho+# +r #%ond u#d in othr im+lmntation#. Th 2r3un%" $and i# di/idd into a num$r o2 ho+ %hannl# with /r" %hannl $ing Eu#t a 2ra%tion o2 th total 2r3un%" $and. In *lutooth /r" %hannl i# u#d 2or <26 mi%ro #%ond 8on #lot9 2ollowd $" a ho+ in a +#udo7 random ordr to anothr %hannl 2or anothr <26 mi%ro #%ond tran#mi##ion r+atd %on#tantl". That wa" th *lutooth tra22i% i# #+rad o/r th ntir ISM $and and a /r" good intr2rn% on th n5t ho+ %hannl i# /r" low. ;urthrmor rror %orr%tion algorithm# ar u#d to %orr%t th 2ault %au#d $" Eammd tran#mi##ion#. Th ?@ ho+ %arrir# ha/ $n d2ind 2or th *lutooth wirl## t%hnolog" 5%+t 2or Ja+an) ;ran% and S+ain whr 23 ho+ %arrir# ha/ $n d2ind) $%au# th ISM7$and i# narrowr thr. ,hn *lutooth unit# ar %ommuni%ating) on unit a%t# a# ma#tr and th r#t a%t a# #la/#. Th ma#trD# unit #"#tm %lo%& and th ma#tr idntit" ar th %ntral +art# in th 2r3un%" ho++ing t%hnolog". Th ho+ %hannl i# dtrmind $" th ho+ #3un% and $" th +ha# in thi# #3un%. Th idntit" o2 th ma#tr dtrmin# th #3un% and 0F th ma#tr unitD# #"#tm %lo%& dtrmin# th +ha# in th #la/ unit) an o22#t ma" $ addd to it# #"#tm %lo%& to %rat a %o+" o2 th ma#trD# %lo%&. In thi# wa" /r" unit in th *lutooth %onn%tion hold# #"n%hroni1d %lo%&# and th ma#tr idntit") that uni3ul" idnti2i# th %onn%tion. ." M53t1+ 5*- S25H1 R,213 At th $a# l/l) whn two d/i%# #ta$li#h a *lutooth lin&) on a%t# in th rol o2 ma#tr and th othr in th rol o2 #la/. Th #+%i2i%ation +rmit# an" *lutooth radio to a##um ithr rol) and a d/i% ma" a%t a# a ma#tr 2or on %ommuni%ation lin& and a# a #la/ 2or anothr lin&. Th rol o2 ma#tr do# not im+l" #+%ial +ri/ilg# or authorit"C in#tad it go/rn# th #"n%hroni1ation o2 th ;HSS %ommuni%ation# $twn th d/i%#. Th ma#tr d/i% dtrmin# th 2r3un%" ho++ing +attrn and th +ha# 2or th ho++ing #3un%. All #al/# %ommuni%ating with a gi/n ma#tr ho+ togthr in uni#on with th ma#tr. Th ma#tr rol gnrall" i# a##umd $" th d/i% that initiat# th %ommuni%ation. Som d/i%# might $ %on2igurd to a%t in onl" on rol) $ut mo#t *lutooth d/i%# ar 5+%td to in%lud radio# that %an a##um ithr rol) d+nding u+on th u#ag %a# $ing +r2ormd. Th d/i% initiating %ommuni%ation a##um# th ma#tr rol at th out#t) although th ma#tr and #la/ rol# %an $ #wit%hd. 0@ A gi/n ma#tr ma" %ommuni%at with multi+l #la/# 7 u+ to ? a%ti/ #la/# and u+ to 266 +ar&d #la/#C all #la/# %ommuni%ating with a #ingl ma#tr 2orm what th #+%i2i%ation %all# a (i%o nt. Thr %an $ onl" on ma#tr in a #ingl (i%o nt. A%tuall" mor than 266 +ar&d #la/# ar +o##i$l. Th *lutooth #+%i2i%ation d2in# dir%t addr##ing 2or u+ to 266 +ar&d #la/# /ia a +ar&d #la/ addr## $ut al#o +rmit# indir%t addr##ing o2 +ar&d #la/# $" thir #+%i2i% *lutooth d/i% addr##) thu# 22%ti/l" allowing an" num$r o2 +ar&d #la/#) although 2rom a +ra%ti%al +r#+%ti/ it would $ unu#ual to ha/ mor than 26< d/i%# in a #ingl (i%o nt. Th ma#tr7#la/ rlation#hi+ i# n%##ar" in *lutooth low l/l %ommuni%ation $ut in gnral d/i%# o+rat# a# +r#. ,hn on d/i% #ta$li#h# a +oint7to7+oint lin& with anothr d/i%) th rol that a%h d/i% a##um# i# o2tn unim+ortant and i# irrl/ant to highr l/l +roto%ol# and to th u#r o2 th d/i%. In #om u#ag #%nario# it ma" $ ad/antagou# or /n n%##ar" 2or gi/n d/i% to a##um a +arti%ular rol) $ut in man" %a## it i# not Stand$" (ar&d Sla/ Ma#tr A%ti/ #la/ A * H I S N I M J V E ( M > = 1Hmtr# 6H %riti%al to #ta$li#h a #ingl #+%i2i% rol 2or a%h d/i%C #om #%nario# wor& 3uall" wll with d/i% rol# r/r#d. It i# im+ortant to undr#tand th ma#tr7 #la/ rlation#hi+ 2or low7l/l %ommuni%ation# whil at th #am tim undr#tanding that in gnral d/i%# o+rat a# +r# to a%h othr. .! C,44.*0/5t0,* T,;,2,G8 Th *lutooth ntwor& modl i# on o2 +r7to7+r %ommuni%ation# $a#d u+on +ro5imit" ntwor&ing. ,hn two d/i%# %om within rag o2 a%h othr th" %ould automati%all" #ta$li#h a %ommuni%ation lin&. =/i%# will not n%##aril" $ing to %ommuni%at #+ontanou#l" whn th" n%ountr a%h othr) a# th $a# $and %ould $ %on2igurd to a%%+t onl" %rtain %onn%tion#) or /n non at all. Nominal rang 2or th #tandard Hd*m *lutooth radio i# a++ro5imatl" 1H mtr#C +owr7am+li2id 2Hd*m radio# with a rang o2 a$out 1HH mtr# ar al#o +o##i$l. Th *lutooth /r#ion 1.H #+%i2i%ation 2o%u## +rimaril" on th #tandard radio and thu# dal# mo#tl" with %ommuni%ation within a 1H mtr rang. (ro5imit" ntwor&ing without wir# na$l# th 2ormation o2 +r#onal ara ntwor&#) or 2dration# o2 +r#onal d/i% #u%h a# mo$il tl+hon#) +agr#) not$oo& %om+utr# and +r#onal digital a##i#tant#. ,hn th# d/i%# %an %ommuni%at #aml##l") thir o/rall utilit" i# nhan%d. Anothr a++li%ation 2or +ro5imit" ntwor&ing i# th intra%tion o2 mo$il d/i%# with 2i5d d/i%# #u%h a# &io#&#) +rintr#) ntwor& a%%## +oint# and /nding ma%hin#7 a +r#on %ould #ta$li#h %ommuni%ation $twn hi# +r#onal d/i% and a 2i5d d/i% Eu#t $" a++roa%hing it. Thi# to+olog" na$l# othr u#ag modl#) too (i%o nt to+olog") introdu%d arlir) %an now $ 2urthr 5+lord gi/n th or going di#%u##ion o2 ma#tr and #la/ rol# and $a# $and mod#. A (i%o nt %on#i#t# o2 a #ingl ma#tr and all #la/# in +ro5imit" that i# %onn%td to that ma#tr. Th #la/# ma" $ 61 ina%ti/) #ni22) hold or +ar& mod# at an" gi/n tim. All o2 th d/i%# in th (i%o nt ar #"n%hroni1d) all ho++ing togthr. Thr ma" $ othr d/i%# in +ro5imit" that ar not %onn%td to th ma#tr and thu# ar not +art o2 th (i%o nt) in%luding d/i%# in #tand$" #tat. ;igur #how# thi# mor gnral /iw o2 a (i%o nt C not that thr %ould $ u+ to #/n a%ti/ #la/# and an" num$r o2 +ar&d #la/# and #tand$" d/i%#. A# d#%ri$d and illu#tratd a$o/) a d/i% ma" $ an a%ti/ or +ar&d +arti%i+ant in a (i%o nt or it ma" not $ +art o2 an" (i%o nt. In addition) it i# +o##i$l 2or a d/i% to ta& +art in mor than on (i%o nt. ,hn two or mor (i%o nt# at la#t +artiall" o/rla+ in tim and #+a% a #%attr nt i# 2ormd. All o2 th #am +rin%i+l# o2 (i%o nt# al#o a++l" 2or #%attr nt#C a%h (i%o nt ha# a #ingl ma#tr and a #t o2 #la/# whi%h ma" $ a%ti/ or +ar&d. Ea%h (i%o nt ha# it# own ho++ing +attrn dtrmind $" it# ma#tr. A #la/ %ould +arti%i+at in multi+l (i%o nt# $" in turn #ta$li#hing %onn%tion# with and #"n%hroni1ing to di22rnt ma#tr# in +ro5imit". In 2a%t) a #ingl d/i% might a%t a# a #la/ in on (i%o nt $ut a##um th ma#tr rol in anothr (i%o nt. .!. SCATTERNETS Th #%attr nt to+olog" +ro/id# a 2l5i$l mthod $" whi%h d/i%# %ould maintain multi+l %onn%tion#. Thi# %ould $ #+%iall" u#2ul 2or mo$il d/i%# whi%h 2r3un%" mo/ into and out o2 +ro5imit" to othr d/i%#. ;igur #how# on 5am+l o2 a #%attr nt u#ing th #am r+r#ntation# a# in 2igurC othr 5am+l# o2 #%attr nt# ar +o##i$l. 62 " APPLICATIONS HOME Th Thr7in7on (hon with *lutooth #u++ort) on hand#t will $ a$l to +ro/id multi+l 2un%tionalit". ,hn at hom) th +hon 2un%tion# a# a %ordl## +hon) %onn%td to th 2i5d lin. ,hn on th mo/) it 2un%tion# a# a mo$il +hon %onn%td to th mo$il ntwor&. Additionall") whn th +hon %om# within rang o2 anothr mo$il +hon with $uilt7in *lutooth t%hnolog") it 2un%tion# a# a wal&i7tal&i. Th Intrnt *ridg An 5tn#ion o2 thi# modl %ould $ a mo$il %om+utr that allow# #ur2ing th Intrnt irr#+%ti/ o2 th lo%ation o2 th u#r) and rgardl## o2 whthr th u#r i# %ordl##l" %onn%td through a 63 mo$il +hon 8%llular9 or through a wir lin %onn%tion 8.g. (STN) IS=N) LAN) =SL9. SMART HOME Hom# 3ui++d with *lutooth d/i%# ma" $ a$l to r%ogni1 th arri/al o2 it# $ona2id r#idnt# and unlo%& th door on thir arri/al. Th d/i% will al#o adEu#t hat to a +r#t tm+ratur. ,hil thi# i# ha++ning) th data 2rom th indi/idualD# (=A ma" $ 5%hangd with th hom l%troni% $oard) and th 2amil" %alndar i# u+datd to r2l%t th #%hduld a%ti/iti# in th o22i%. OFFICE Th1 A.t,45t0/ S8*/h+,*0A1+ Th *lutooth t%hnolog" will al#o allow automati% #"n%hroni1ation o2 th d#&to+) mo$il %om+utr) (=A# and th mo$il +hon. ;or in#tan%) a# #oon a# on ntr# hi#:hr o22i% th addr## li#t and %alndar in th (=A will automati%all" $ u+datd to agr with th on in th d#&to+) or /i% /r#a. Th1 I*t1+5/t0H1 C,*61+1*/1 In mting# and %on2rn%#) on %an tran#2r #l%td do%umnt# in#tantl" with #l%td +arti%i+ant#) and 5%hang l%troni% $u#in## %ard# automati%all") without an" wird %onn%tion#. In anothr #imilar a++li%ation) on %an a%%## onD# (=A to #nd th +r#ntation to th l%troni% whit$oard. Th minut# o2 th mting ar al#o r%ordd on a (=A and wirl##l" tran#2rrd to othr +arti%i+ant# $2or th" la/ th mting. TRAVELERS A.t,45t0/ Ch1/<B0* 60 Th *lutooth na$ld mo$il +hon or th (=A %an +r#nt th l%troni% ti%&t to th airlin #"#tm without on ha/ing to go through th 3uu at th %h%&7in %ountr#. Th airlinR# on7lin #"#tm +r2orm# th idnti2i%ation /ia th I=7tag 2atur $uilt into th mo$il +hon or th (=A and %on2irm# th r#r/d #at. In th air+ort waiting loung) &io#&# %ould $ 3ui++d with *lutooth7 na$ld Intrnt +ort#. Via th# +ort#) on %ould %onn%t th *lutooth7na$ld la+to+#) (=A#) and othr d/i%# to a%%## th o22i% or hom7$a#d #r/r# /ia th airlin #r/r. Th airlin# ma" al#o +ro/id 2r Intrnt /oi% %all u#ing /oi%7o/r I(. SUMMARY In th 2utur) *lutooth i# li&l" to $ th #tandard in tn# o2 million# o2 mo$il +hon#) (B#) la+to+# and a whol rang o2 othr l%troni% d/i%#. It i# al#o +oi#d to +ro/id a 2l5i$l m%hani#m 2or adho% ntwor&ing o2 d/i%#. A# a r#ult) th mar&t i# going to dmand nw inno/ati/ a++li%ation#) /alu7addd #r/i%#) nd7to7nd #olution# and mu%h mor. Th +o##i$iliti# o+nd u+ rall" ar limitl##) and $%au# th radio 2r3un%" u#d i# glo$all" a/aila$l) *lutooth %an o22r 2a#t and #%ur a%%## to wirl## %onn%ti/it" all o/r th world. ,ith #u%h a +otntial) *lutooth i# li&l" 66 to $%om th 2a#t#t ado+td t%hnolog" in hi#tor". Th *lutooth t%hnolog" i# li&l" to %o5i#t with othr wirl## t%hnologi#) naml" Ir=A and HomR;. Ir=A alrad" ha# an in#talld $a# o2 million# o2 d/i%# 8mo$il +hon#) (=A#) t%.9 How/r) it ha# th limitation o2 lin7o27#ight %ommuni%ation) whi%h i# not #o in th %a# o2 *lutooth and HomR;. >n th othr hand) du to th highl" dir%tional natur o2 th tran#mi##ion 8o2 th IR $am9) Ir=A i# l## +ron to intr2rn% 2rom #imilar d/i%# in adEoining ara#. In a##o%iation with othr indu#tr" initiati/#) #u%h a# ,A( 8,irl## A++li%ation (roto%ol9 and S"m$ian) *lutooth will ha/ trmndou# 22%t# on /r"da" li2. *lutooth i# on o2 th &" t%hnologi# that %an ma& th mo$il in2ormation #o%it" +o##i$l) $lurring th $oundari# $twn th hom) th o22i%) and th out#id world. REFERENCES htt+G::www.$lutooth.%om htt+G::www.l%troni%#2or"ou.%om htt+G::www.t%#.%om htt+G::www.atml.%om htt+G::www.thwirl##dir%tor".%om S+%i2i%ation o2 th *lutooth S"#tm / 1.H *) Volum 1) Bor. *lutooth S+%ial Intr#t 'rou+) =%m$r 1@@@ 6< S+%i2i%ation o2 th *lutooth S"#tm / 1.H *) Volum 2) (ro2il#) *lutooth S+%ial Intr#t 'rou+) =%m$r 1@@@ Ir=A >$E%t E5%hang (roto%ol) Ir>*EI) Vr#ion 1.2) In2rard =ata A##o%iation) Mar%h 1@@@ A ,irl## Bonn%ti/it" T%hnologi# Bom+ari#on) In2rard and Radio ;r3un%") In2rard =ata A##o%iation) S+tm$r 1@@F Th >22i%ial *lutooth Sit) htt+G::www.$lutooth.%om htt+G::www.intl.%om:mo$il:$lutooth: HomR; ,or&ing 'rou+ Sit)