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Stanley S. Bass: Super Nutrition and Superior Health

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Stanley S. Bass:
Super Nutrition and Superior Health

The insights that Dr. Bass will share with you on these pages are truly unique. Dr. Bass is one of a long
line of doctors in the drugless tradition that started in the 1830's with Dr. Jennings in USA - Natural
Hygiene. Unlike almost all other doctors in this tradition, Dr. Bass has been unusually open to studying
and incorporating new ideas from e.g. insulin & paleolithic research.
The following is a collection of articles to introduce you to the secrets of drug-free natural healing.

At the age of 19 Dr. Bass discovered drugless (drug-free) medicine. He immediately started reading
and testing the concepts. First he tried water fasting on his own, which is described below. Later he
studied to become a doctor, and found a local mentor, a Natural Hygiene doctor from whom he learnt
" natural hygiene" or " orthopathy" .

Dr. Stanley Bass:
My First Water Fast

" Our parents had passed away and I was able to do pretty much as I pleased.... After a few hours of shivering
from the cold winds blowing in on my wet body, sure enough I developed chills, followed by a fever ..."

From 1936 to 1939 a friend of mine who had been diagnosed as having heart disease had been staying home and avoiding
work. Fearful of straining his heart.

In 1939 he visited a Naturopath who told him that his diagnosis was wrong, that the pain he experienced was due to gas-
pressure against the heart from faulty diet. The doctor put him on an exclusive orange juice diet for 10 days which
resulted in a cure of his condition and the end of his invalidism.

I asked my friend to get the name of the doctor who wrote on this subject of Natural Hygiene from this Naturopath, and
the names he recommended were Wm. Howard Hay and Rasmus Alsaker.
I immediately went to the N.Y. Public Library reading room on 42nd Street, N.Y.C., and read all of their books.
These books referred to about 6 doctors who practiced natural healing and drugless medicine.
While reading the writings of Dr. J ohn H. Tilden, one of 6 doctors, I was startled by his statement that all colds, fevers
and influenzas were nature's attempt to eliminate toxins and free the body of so-called disease.

Could this really be true, I pondered? If so, this radical and shocking fact changed the whole face of disease as a
beneficent attempt of Nature to take care of her children and protect them from harm, as opposed to the idea that these
illnesses were caused by bacteria and microorganisms.

I went home that day determined to find out if this was true.
I was 19 years old at the time, living with a sister and 2 younger brothers (our parents had passed away) and was able to
do pretty much as I pleased.
I devised an experiment to test this theory.
It was winter at the time. One night I took a hot bath, opened the windows of my private bedroom wide and laid my wet
body on a plastic waterproof cover I had put over the bed. I was trying to catch a cold or flu, after which I would go on a
water fast to see if it worked as a quick healing and cleansing agent, as used by Dr. Tilden in his sanitarium.

After a few hours of shivering from the cold winds blowing in on my wet body, sure enough within a few hours, I
developed chills, followed by a fever, great weakness and prostration.
I stayed in bed 3 days and nights, sleeping constantly and had no foods or liquids, after which my strength returned and I
felt better than I ever did before. I had lost 10 lbs in the 3 days and I was so inspired and elated by the discovery of this
great, new healing system, that I continued on the water fast for a total of 10 days.
Then I became a lacto-vegetarian, and began a new life, forever free from all fear of disease. Now I was convinced that
disease was a healing process.

The picture shows me in 1956 on the 38th day of a water fast, while working. My weight is 158 lb.
(Note: resting in bed while fasting is much preferable)

In the course of my life afterwards, I have always been my own doctor and in the 3 times I had
influenza during my lifetime, I always went on a fast, and the flu NEVER failed to disappear after 3
days. This radical experiment changed my life forever.
Another interesting phenomena which I have experienced is, that on 3 occasions in my lifetime,
whenever I had a dead or abscessed tooth causing inflammation and facial swelling, I invariably went
on a water fast, and within 13 to 18 days the dead tooth fell out by itself. Naturally and painlessly.
The dentists I told this to were amazed and said they never heard of this. Yet I saved these teeth as proof of Nature being
able to handle all conceivable physical problems.


Interview with Dr. Bass:
What is important to know before ones first fast?
Fasting is one of the methods used in Natural Hygiene. It is an ancient method, and is usually unequalled in speed and success for
many hard-to-reverse diseases. But there are precautions:
If your body is deficient in something, e.g. minerals, for best results an extended fast (over 9 days) should be avoided. Vegans can be
deficient in proteins and fat. This is a major reason why supervision during your first fast is recommended.

It is usually best to start with a short fast (with bed-rest), then be on a good diet for a couple of months to let the body build health and
strength, while removing its deficiencies. Then have a second fast of equal length or slightly longer, then a good diet again. In this way
you'll avoid possible complications. Breaking the fast in a proper way is also very important.
Dr. Gian-Cursio observed migrating birds falling dead from the sky over New York on many occasions. Since these birds were fasting,
his conclusion was that polluted air, as well as other toxins, can complicate fasts, and that there are times when you shouldn't do a long
fast. Dr. Cursio set a limit of maximum 9 days for fasting and recommended fasting in an unpolluted environment.
In the old days it was pretty easy and safe to go on a long water-fast.
Nowadays with all food additives, dangerous artificial fats and trans-fats, and potent drugs - all of which may have damaged people
severely - it has become more difficult. E.g. almost all bakeries (and candy and ice cream makers) now use dangerous cheap artificial
fats. Antibiotics can have damaged peoples immune systems. (Example: detoxification of antibiotics during fasting can give temporary
very high fevers.) Actually it wouldn't surprise me if we within 20 years will get an enormous wave of mystery deaths, due to the low-
quality foods and detrimental drugs we now give our children.

Also it is better to stay in bed, every day of the fast, with lots of sleep. When it comes to length I think a 10 day fast with bed-rest is
better than a 30-day fast without bed-rest. Almost the only thing you get on a long fast while working is the weight loss, but you don't
get the healing. I would not recommend ANY fast while working, long or short, except possibly the first 2 or 3 days, that's all.

How should I break the fast?
Correctly ending a fast is extremely important. Since the stomach and digestive system have been taking a well-deserved rest, you
have to start them up gently. Small portions of raw foods, preferably liquid, is best the first days, before slowly introducing other easy-to-
digest (raw) foods, in small portions, over the next week. Vegetable juices are fine. Avoid fruits and fruit juices since sugars overactivate

the insulin mechanism. If you avoid fruits for the first week after a fast you should not develop the ravenous appetite that so easily can
undo any weight loss you may have achieved. Note: serious (even life-threatening) problems can develop if you stuff yourself after a
fast, especially with cooked foods.

You can read the following books by Dr. Tilden at the Soil and Health Library - (choose Health Library/Alternative Medical
Tilden, J . H., M.D. (1909) Appendicitis: The Etiology, Hygienic and Dietetic Treatment.
One of the pithiest and most crusty of cantankerous doctors, J ohn Tilden had little respect for his fellow MDs, but enormous respect for the ability of a
human body to heal if only given a chance. PUBLIC DOMAIN
Tilden, J .H., M.D. (1928) Children: Their Health and Happiness.
How to raise happy, healthy children per Dr. Tilden. The good doctor's firmly-stated views are definitely not the wishy-washy uncertainties that many
young parents seem to hold these days. Some may find great wisdom here; others will be repelled by his sociology of human nature. Tilden was
opposed to vaccination and spoiling children. He was in favor of discipline. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Tilden, J . H., M.D. (1924) Constipation: A New Reading On the Subject.
This ubiquitous ailment analyzed, dissected and its real cure indicated. Contains an interesting analysis of types of cases that pertains to all diseases.
Tilden, J . H., M.D. (1921). Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, Volume I
Tilden's magnum opus, wherein the attempts to explain almost everything he understood in one book. Volume 1 covers the general causes of disease
and his general approach to restoration of health. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Tilden, J . H., M.D. Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, Volume II.
In part two, Dr. Tilden details treatment protocols for many different diseases. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Tilden, J . H., M.D. Toxemia Explained. 1935
This polemic was printed and reprinted by Tilden, its prose re-polished half a dozen times from 1926-1935 as Tilden struggled to explain his thesis ever-
more-clearly. Perhaps the finest explanation ever writen explaining why a body gets sick and what to do about it. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

After reading books by Drs. Tilden, Alsaker and William Howard Hay - Dr. Bass discovered Herbert
Shelton, the most prolific writer on Natural Hygiene from the 1920's forward. Dr. Shelton is credited
with reviving Natural Hygiene in its original pure form (without hydrotherapy).
The following article explains an important concept in Natural Hygiene: that diseases are usually
necessary and beneficial, and must be respected - and why stopping disease symptoms (with drugs) is
typically a damaging methodology, causing continually more and more serious (chronic) diseases.

Dr. Herbert Shelton:

" Contrary to popular belief, a cold is not something that we 'catch,' but it represents a process of getting rid of
something we have slowly accumulated." " To remove a gall stone and pronounce the patient cured is tantamount
to saying that the stone was its own cause."

The following article by Dr. Herbert Shelton was first printed in his HYGIENIC REVIEW.
Dr. Shelton had a Texas-based fasting retreat. He collected knowledge from the old hygienic
masters, cleared out the junk, and made it into a basic intelligence system - Natural Hygiene. He
was a great genius, and published the best hygienic magazine ever.

" What does the average individual know about keeping well? Almost nothing. ----- The people and their doctors
are all in the same boat together with a blind man at the helm. They lack the chart and compass and drift
aimlessly on a sea of ignorance and misinformation."


It is high time the people begin to learn something about the causes of disease and of the "complications" that so
frequently develop under regular care. Indeed, physicians and doctors of all schools should learn the causes of disease and
"complications," - and they should all learn to realize, that to mask symptoms with their drugs and treatments is to stand in
their own light.


Behold what a muss! "Scientific medicine" is capable of making a very elaborate diagnosis; but, then, does not know what
is really wrong with the patient nor what to do for him. Don't take my word for it - consult Cabot, Mackenzie, Baldwin,
and others who have dared slip their professional muzzles long enough to do a little effective thinking.

The paradox of all medical paradoxes is that physicians recognize pathology as its own cause. Etiology and diagnosis,
according to the approved theories and practices of the "regulars," starts with a developed pathology. The science of
diagnosis, as practiced today, is merely the naming and classifying of established pathologies; all present and future
symptoms being recognized and treated as pathognomic, all antecedent symptoms being ignored as not having any
relationship to the existing pathology or so-called disease.
What is a system of diagnosis and treatment worth that is based on an etiology that starts with "causes" that are, in truth,
but organized effects?
For example, when a surgeon removes a fibroid tumor, or extirpates a hyperplastic gland, or tonsil, or adenoid without a
thought, or the slightest knowledge that these enlargements are but organized effects - neoplasms (new tissue growths) -
that cannot possibly come into existence without cause, which cause is not touched by the operation - and, then,
pronounces his - patient well (cured), does he not assume that the growth is its own cause? To remove a gall stone and
pronounce the patient cured is tantamount to saying that the stone was its own cause. To remove the thyroid gland and
pronounce the patient well of goitre (hyperthyroidism) is to imply that the goiter caused itself. Is it difficult to understand
that all of these procedures leave the cause untouched - to result in the building of more pathology?

What is disease? Regular medical men freely confess that they do not know. Did they know its essential nature, they
would cease their learned glibness about immunity. Theoretically, one "attack" of an infectious disease establishes
immunity to future "attacks." In practice, they seek to borrow the "acquired immunity" of an animal and transfer it to man.
Or to produce a mild and modified form of the disease so that immunity may be established.
As I have so often pointed out, this is an effort to set aside the law of cause and effect.
Only some so-called infectious diseases are supposed to confer immunity. For example, Forel says: "One attack of
gonorrhea in no way protects against a second infection, but rather predisposes to it, and when this disease becomes
chronic exacerbations or relapses of the acute stage often occur without fresh infection." Nobody thinks that one "attack"
of a cold renders one immune to future "attacks." It is well known that one may have pneumonia numerous times. The
same is true of typhoid fever. The fact is that only a minority of the so-called infectious diseases are supposed to confer
immunity. Of these, there is not one that people have not had two or more times. For example, there are records of men
and women having had smallpox as many as five times.

Opposing truths cannot exist. Our medical, like our social and political state, is a stupendous frenzy. The former, like the
latter, is built out of dualism, and shredded by multiple contradictory systems. The universal belief in dualism has evolved
a chaotic medical state that is well named a "fool's paradise" instead of medical science. Our very thinking on the subjects
of health and disease is dualistic. We think of health and disease as antagonistic entities at war with each other. Disease is
an "attack" from without. Hence, our conception of proper treatment is to go after the attacking force with hammer and
tongs, or with shot and shell - a practice that all too often cripples or kills the patient.

Where law and order reign, why should man be left in a more helpless state than all life below him? To the logical mind,
this is unthinkable. It should be recognized by all that man is as well fitted to live on the earth as are the lower orders of
life. His environment is really more friendly to him than he is to it. It is certainly more friendly to him than he is to
himself. A true health science will teach man how to use both himself and his environment constructively - healthfully.
What does the average individual know about keeping well? Almost nothing. What does the average doctor of all the
schools of so-called healing know about keeping well? About as little as the average layman. The physician lives
haphazardly and his patients live as near like he does as they know how, or as their means permit. The people and their
doctors are all in the same boat together with a blind man at the helm. They lack the chart and compass and drift aimlessly
on a sea of ignorance and misinformation.

When a man becomes ill, he calls a physician, takes the drugs the latter prescribes, and gets well or not, as the case may
be, and neither he nor the physician knows why he did the one or the other. Certainly the prescription of the physician has

nothing to do with his recovery. His prescription has been aimed at masking symptoms and not at cause. He hurls his shot
and shell at the "attacking" force with due courage and vigor and the only thing he destroys is the patient.

The physician has no idea, previous to any one visit, how he will find his patient, and when he finds a change in
symptoms, it has no meaning to him. When a physician prescribes for a patient and leaves him he has no more idea than
the man in the moon in what condition he will find his patient upon his next call. The very best of them cannot tell
whether or not "complications" will develop in a given case. They are never certain that their patient will improve and
cannot be sure that he will not grow worse. When the physician finds a change of symptoms in his patient, he cannot tell
whether this change is due to food, drugs, fear, excitement caused by visitors, improper nursing, or to something else. He
is likely to conclude that it is a "peculiarity of the disease" or an "unusual development." Every first-class physician
knows that "modern medicine" cannot predict anything. Yet, if they had a true science, if they knew real causes and had a
valid plan of care, they would be able to predict - prognose - with something like precision, the outcome of the diseases in
the patients they treat. Their very masking of symptoms with drugs stand in their own light and prevents them from
knowing the true conditions of their patients.

What is disease? We apply this term to a group of abnormal signs and symptoms. We group these symptoms into vaguely
defined symptom complexes give the complexes names and then go after them with hammer and tongs. Stereotyped
treatment is the rule under this way of regarding disease. Quinine for malaria anti-toxin for diphtheria, arsenic for
"syphilis", digitalis for the heart, operation for appendicitis, morphine for cancer, the anti histamines for colds. In not one
instance do we seek to find, understand and remove cause.

Let us look at measles, which is defined as a "catarrhal fever, a typical enanthom," (eruption on the mucous membranes of
the eyes, nose, throat, occasionally bronchus and gastro-intestinal mucous membrane). "The internal enanthema (eruption)
is to be expected, or suspected, when the exanthema (external eruption) fails to show up.
All of the symptomatology of measles, carefully compiled by the makers of medical text-books, as well as of all other so-
called diseases, has very little meaning for the physicians of the various schools of so-called healing. What does it mean?
It means that all of the eruptive fevers - all of the so-called diseases of the mucous membranes, those of the nose and lips,
those involving the throat and lungs, and ending with pneumonia, and all of those that involve the outer skin - are but
different forms of elimination of pent-up by-products of metabolism. They are processes of vicarious or compensatory

Exaltation of function - rapid heart action, rapid breathing, diarrhea, increased temperature, etc., etc.- as seen in the
various so-called acute diseases, represents efforts of the body to eliminate toxins and repair damages. In this respect,
exaltation of function is desirable and beneficial under certain conditions. Such exalted function indicates a wrong
somewhere and this wrong should be searched for and righted without depressing or weakening the sum of the vital

A cold is a catarrhal disease, a "catarrhal fever," and is a process of vicarious elimination. Contrary to popular belief, a
cold is not something that we "catch," but it represents a process of getting rid of something we have slowly accumulated.
What does cold weather have to do with the cause of colds? People "catch" colds as often in warm weather as in cold
weather. An increase in temperature may precipitate a cold as often as will a decrease in temperature. They have colds as
often in dry as in wet weather. Men have colds as often as women, although they dress heavier. Indeed, men have more
catarrh than women, because they dress more warmly, dissipate more and eat more.

Back of every catarrh is a toxemic state. Catarrh is impossible in the absence of toxemia. Toxemia is produced by
anything and everything that enervates the body. Enervation inhibits (checks) excretion (elimination) permitting the
accumulation of uneliminated waste. The accumulation of body waste - end-products of metabolism - produces toxemia.
Toxemia is the universal, basic cause of all so-called disease. Adventitious complicating causes may be super-added to
toxemia. By checked elimination is not meant constipation, but checked excretion through all of the excretory organs of
the body. Toxemia is not caused by constipation and is not removed by laxatives, enemas and colonic irrigations. Nor will

the use of kidney medicines increase elimination through the kidneys. None of the so-called blood-purifiers can be of any
value in remedying toxemia.
The ultimate cause of mankind's many so-called diseases lies in the enervating habits of mind and body practiced almost
universally. Because this is so, the ultimate remedy for our diseases is a correction of the habits of life.

Today, as in the past, when a man becomes ill - he takes a pill from a box, potion from a bottle, gets an injection of a
poison from a hypodermic syringe, or has an organ removed. No attention is given to cause. His life is not changed, his
habits are not corrected, and in a short time he is sick again. Neither the physician nor the patient is able to trace a
connection between the two so-called diseases. So-called health is again restored and the incident passes from memory.
Again, within a short time, another illness (which is as much of a surprise as were the prior two illnesses) develops and
still no thought is devoted to its connection with the two preceding illnesses. So long as the real nature of disease and real
source of cause are not understood, this will continue to be true.

The medical axiom that "all diseases tend to recovery" is much overworked, and by no school more than by the old school
or self-styled "regulars." Why? Because the primary cause, the universal cause of disease - toxemia - is not known. The
many diseases which the medical tongue so flippantly describes as functional derangements that "tend to recovery," are
simply crises in toxemic saturation. In their alleged "self-recovery" in spite of "cures", palliations, and the "chief function
of the physician to guard against complications," there is no recovery at all.
Like the escape of excess steam through the safety-valve of an engine, the steam pressure is lowered for the time being;
but unless the cause of toxemic saturation is removed, crises will recur time after time, as the toxemia continues to in-
crease, and the "curing" has to be done over and over again.
This requires that the wisest of physicians must be constantly busying himself "guarding against complications" -
complications that he is almost always responsible for building.

What is a self-limited disease? Disease is remedial effort. It is a process of purification and repair. When the process of
compensatory elimination that is called disease, has reduced the toxemia to the toleration point, the symptoms subside
spontaneously and the disease is said to be cured. But the patient is not well. He is still toxemic. The cause of the toxemia
has not been removed.
The toxemia will again rise above the toleration point and another crisis will develop. Crisis will follow crisis until
organic change takes place. Gastric ulcer, diabetes, Bright's disease, heart disease, diseases of the arteries or nerves,
cancer, etc., follow in the wake of recurring crises.

Instead of seeing in these changes a progressive pathological evolution of which cancer, diabetes, disease of the heart and
arteries etc., are but end-points - the wisdom of all the ages of medical science is expended in a herculean effort to prove
that established pathology is its own cause. On the day that medical savants succeed in lifting themselves by their own
boot-straps, they will also succeed in proving that pathology is its own cause.

Here in this land of so-called self-limited diseases is where all the curing methods and systems shine. J ust as anything and
everything seems to cure a cold, so anything and everything that may be used with which to treat the patient suffering
with measles or pneumonia or gonorrhea, etc., will appear to cure. Here in the realm of "self-limited" disease the regular
and the irregular cults, the faddists and the mountebanks, every phase of the curing system from the erudite professor to
the most stupid lout prove the virtues of their cures. In this every-doctor's land grandma's cataplasms cure, grand-pa's
brass-ring cure for rheumatism cures, the rabbit-foot charm and buckeye for piles cure, penicillin cures pneumonia and
anti toxin cures diphtheria, the punch in the back cures measles and the herb tea cures gastritis All cures are successful in
this grand jamboree of "self-limited" crises. Christian Science and prayer are as effective as the most scientific treatment.
The prayer may be, as in Africa, directed to a petrified frog - no matter, it cures.

Our toxemic crises - so-called acute diseases - keep pace with the ebb and flow of toxemia as our habits of living hold this
down within the limits of toleration or increase it above the established limits. Toleration is a state of chronic disease, a
state, for example in which chronic catarrh, is continuously active throwing off toxins. Acute diseases are intermittent due

to the fact that toxemia is pushed above the point of established toleration only intermittently. Chronic disease means
chronic provocation. To point this differently: disease begins where cause begins and persists where cause persists.

Nothing so effectively hastens the elimination of toxemia and the recuperation of nerve energy as mental, physical and
physiological rest. Only through rest can the enervated body muster sufficient nerve energy with which to increase its
work of elimination. By physiological rest is meant fasting, or abstinence from all food except water. Once fasting and
rest have enabled the body to eliminate its stored up toxins and recuperate its nerve energy, a physiological mode of living
will enable the patient to grow into better and better health until full health is reached, and to maintain health thereafter.
Such a program of physiological living is not made up exclusively of a plan of eating. Proper diet is extremely important,
but it does not constitute a complete way of life. All of man's life must be live in harmony with simple, well-defined laws
of nature. Exercise, fresh air, sun-shine, sufficient rest and sleep, a wholesome sex life, a cheerful and poised mental
attitude, and consistent avoidance of all devitalizing habits are of equal importance with diet. One cannot maintain health,
no matter what his diet, if he is practicing enervating habits and denying his body the benefits of sunshine, fresh air and
Coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, poisoned soft-drinks, and other poison-habits will wreck the strongest man, no matter what
his diet

If toxemia is not eliminated, if nerve energy is not restored to normal, if the causes of enervation are not removed and
corrected, there can be no genuine return to health. There can be only a recession of symptoms after these have reduced
the accumulated toxemia to the toleration point, perhaps slightly below, and a state of comparative comfort is again
established. This state represents a very low state of health, a state of chronic toxemic saturation. In this state, despite
recurring crises, there is the slow, progressive development of the many and varied forms of chronic and degenerative
pathologies, not the least of which is that condition of organismal enfeeblement, impairment and decline, which we call
old age.

What about bacteria and epidemics? First, there must be a changed condition of the body's fluids and tissues, giving rise to
that systemic impairment that is designated "susceptibility" or 'lowered resistance."
Once you grasp the fact that all had habits lead to toxemia, it will not be difficult for you to grasp the idea that this
perversion of the fluids and tissues must take place before it is possible for bacteria, which are nature's reducing forces, to
make any further changes in these materials. Assuming that the scavenger work done by bacteria under these conditions
actually complicates the disease, they cannot be the primary cause of disease, nor of any epidemic.
Epidemics of any proportion follow in the wake of some mass prostrating influence - war, prolonged dry, hot weather;
prolonged wet, cold weather; sudden changes of temperature, etc. - that further enervate an already a most prostrated and
greatly toxemic part of the population. The sudden rise in toxemia thus occasioned necessitates the development of a crisis
to throw it off. Mass sickness follows mass prostrating influences.

When crises have been repeated (and cured) until organic changes are established, medical delusions multiply like rats in
the corn crib - the most deluded and fatuous draw their air-line decisions, fight their therapeutic battles, and, if they belong
to the "regular" school, promise therapeutic perfection - if only the United States Army and Navy will beat down the
cultists and quacks, while they demonstrate the glories and wonders of "medical science" on the dear people.

It is in this field that all of the cures and curing systems meet their Waterloo. The pathology which has been in the making
since the development of the first of these "self-limited" crises reveals no tendency to spontaneous disappearance. Rather
its tendency it to grow worse and more complicated with the passing of time. Organic change occurs in more and more
tissues and organs and these "complications" defy the best efforts of the peddlers of cures. Cause has been present from
the beginning (the first cold of infancy represents an established toxemia) and has never been removed.
The physicians are long on diagnosis at this terminal stage of the evolving pathology. They name exactly the pathological
status quo and, although they do not hesitate to treat the patient and to accept money for their experiments, they freely
confess that their treatments are ineffective. They have all been experts at curing the continuous series of recurring crises -
the "self-limited" diseases - but they are all helpless before the end-point of the development of which the first crisis was
the initiation. They cannot cure cancer, or diabetes, or Bright's disease, or endocarditis, or arteriosclerosis.

Toxemic subjects who continually poison themselves with excessive carbohydrates and thus stress the pancreas, develop
sugar in the urine. These are cured with insulin. Indeed, insulin cures them until they die of diabetes - go out, perhaps, in
either an insulin or a sugar coma.
Insulin-cured diabetics, like pepsin-cured dyspeptics, are made to feel fine for a year or two - until the burden of cause so
stresses other organs that they develop "complications." They are also so filled with "reflex' discomforts that they demand
other forms of "relief." When this stage is reached the curing must become a medley of palliating measures. Surgery,
drugs, in fact, all kinds of cures, are now resorted to in keeping with the whims of the patient and the caprices of the
physician. Because there are so many who refuse to die after being cured by all known cures, it is necessary to discover
new cures all the time.

Every day we watch people getting fatter and fatter on "plenty of good nourishing food" that "keeps up their strength"
until they die of fatty degeneration, cerebral hemorrhage (apoplexy), or paralysis. Nobody warns them of what is in store
for them and they will not heed if they are warned. So disgracefully have we become habituated to associating health and
even distinction with a most pampered state of the body, that we think it most natural or normal for a fat man to maintain
at the highest pitch, the unholy "love affairs" of his unregulated body. Unfortunately, our standards are empty of all value
except for measuring varying degrees of ill health. Even our "normal" or "healthy" individuals, as measured by these
standards, represent only a slightly less degree of ill health than that seen in the sick.
A study made by the collaboration of forty-three American life insurance companies, using three numerically equal
groups of people over forty-five years of age, showed the incidence of diabetes in these three groups as follows. In the
group of very thin people there was one case; in the normal group there were five cases; in the fat group there were two
hundred and twenty-seven cases. Similar figures are available for cancer and a few other so-called degenerative diseases
of later life. Fat and the overeating that is back of it are serious dangers at all ages of life.

Our strong men do not live any longer than the run-of-the-mill specimens of humanity. Many explanations for this have
been devised. Actually, there is very little excuse for these mental meanderings. Athletes and strong men are often
toxemic to the point of collapse.
They are so vulnerable from the effects of self-poisoning that all they need to bring them down with a "fatal malady" is
some slight unusual enervating influence, or some slightly unusual amount of an accustomed influence. As unreasonable
as it may appear, the average medical man as well as the average layman, recognizes those - who are on the verge of
apoplexy, "heart failure," kidney disease, or other diseases resulting from the degeneration brought on from chronic
toxemia, arterial tension and fat pressure - as ideal types of health.
They are commonly referred to as "pictures of health." In the early days of the recent war a young man was called before
his local board for examination. The physicians found him fit and told him to go home and await his call for induction. He
dropped dead on the way out.

Many bankers and big business men die of operations for prostatic disease. These deaths are wholly unnecessary. Only the
worst type of ignorance and commercialism causes physicians to resort to operations for prostatic enlargement and
prostatic "infection." Cutting out prostate gland is as non-sensical as cutting out uterine fibroids and breast tumors. This
senseless desexing and mutilating of women goes on regularly, country-wide.

Chronic candy drunkenness kills many with coma brought on from acidosis; others develop rheumatism, hard arteries,
organic heart disease, obesity and other symptom-complexes and the urge of the candy manufacturers is for us to consume
more and more candy. Private profits are always paramount to human welfare.

Headaches are often blamed upon eye-strain, and the symptom is palliated with glasses. Eye-strain cause headaches! The
animal body physiologically adjusts itself to all kinds of anatomical deformities and, when in full health, free from
toxemia, functions smoothly in spite of such defects. In caring for "eye strain," it is significant that when toxemia is
removed, the headache ceases.


Anemia is frequently blamed upon food deficiency. But it is never recognized that the deficiency is secondary to the
impairment of nutrition and will end when nutrition is restored to normal. Restoration of normal nutrition depends upon
the removal of the impairing causes and not upon overcrowding an already impaired nutritive system with more food or
with more food of a given kind. When once toxemia and its parent, enervation, are recognized as the real cause of anemia,
we will direct our attention to the removal of these things and to the correction of their causes, and cease the present
foolish effort to usurp nature's prerogative of a cure.

Operations for appendicitis are rendered necessary by the officious gouging, boring and digging examinations made by
physicians who have much more interest in the surgical fee than in the welfare of their patients. A surgeon who
understands what appendicular inflammation is and then makes the regular examination, is a criminal protected by law.
Such surgeons with their heavy-handed examinations are responsible for most of the ruptured appendices against which
they so glibly warn us. They create most of the dangers in appendicitis and produce the apparent need for operation.

For those victims of their own and the physician's ignorance who have developed truly irreparable organic conditions, the
future is not as dark as it may seem, if they can be taught how to live. Nature tolerates a certain degree of irremediable
pathology and permits us to live for an extended period - providing we lighten her burden. She cannot carry the double
load of impaired function and bad habits. She cannot be expected to hold an impaired nervous system at par and at the
same time take care of three times as much food as is needed to replace the ordinary wear and tear. Efficient metabolic
activity cannot be maintained when enervating habits are regularly indulged. The hopelessness of chronic sufferers is not
wholly due to the fact that physicians regularly commence their care of such patients at the wrong end of their diseases,
but also to the fact that causes are ignored and mere palliation, this of a very doubtful character, is exclusively employed.

The man with a crippled pancreas must learn to live within his limitations. The same is true of the heart cripple, the renal
(kidney) cripple and all other types of physiological cripples. A one-legged man would not think of trying to run, but a
man whose heart is crippled does not hesitate to overtax it. The man with an impaired pancreas demands to be permitted
to eat to his belly's content of carbohydrates and then be given a shot of insulin.
"Science" is ever on the alert in its search for new crutches to be employed by the physiological cripples, who never seem
to realize that - while the crutch may seem to give them impunity, they must pay for their bad mental and physical conduct
with increased impairment of other organs, of the whole organism in fact. Neither insulin nor penicillin will ever enable
man to live imprudently with impunity.

The greatest need of this world today is health education. Knowledge of Natural Hygiene is needed by everybody.

Dr. Herbert Shelton

The universal belief in dualism has evolved a chaotic medical state that is well named a " fool's paradise" instead
of medical science. Our very thinking on the subjects of health and disease is dualistic. ----- Disease is an
" attack" from without. Treatment is to go after the attacking force with shot and shell - a practice that all too often
cripples or kills the patient.

You can read the following books By Dr. Shelton at the Soil and Health Library - (choose Health
Library/Alternative Medical Therapies). Also, read Shelton articles at

Shelton, Herbert M. The Hygienic Care of Children. 1931.
Not reprinted by the American Natural Hygiene Society! Shelton at his most aggressive, a vigorous defence of innocent children. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Shelton, Herbert M. The Hygienic System, Vol. II, Orthotrophy. 1935.
Shelton's thorough examination of eating and foodstuffs. Includes the complete data on food combining, feeding of infant and children, the digestive
system, etc. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Shelton, Herbet M. The Hygienic System, Vol. III, Fasting and Sun Bathing. 1934.
In his exhaustive study of therepeutic fasting, Shelton claimed: " In more than thirty years of conducting fasts, I have conducted over twenty-five
thousand fasts - likely no one else has ever equalled his experience with fasting for the purpose of healing disease. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Shelton, Herbert M. Natural Hygiene: Man's Pristine Way Of Life. 1968.
This rather long polemic painstakingly, passionately and rather aggressively examines certain key concepts of Shelton's version of Natural
Hygiene. There is also an excellent history of the development of the Hygienic movement. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Read Introduction by Herbert M. Shelton to Cornaro's Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life below.


Here is an additional article by Dr. Shelton, explaining another concept that every drugless Natural
Hygiene doctor must understand. About how we must give our bodies time to heal, and how quick
relief can be a cause of serious damage in the longterm, perhaps in the form of chronic disease.

Dr. Herbert Shelton:

" If one who has a cold is treated, he gets well in two weeks, and if he is not treated, he gets well in fourteen
days." --- " Why do we expect to get well in a hurry of a condition that requires a life-time for its development?"

One of the most trying problems of the Hygienist, in dealing with the sick, and this is particularly true of chronic
sufferers, is the demand for speedy results. Everybody wants to get well in a hurry. It is not unusual for sufferers to
demand recovery in a week to two weeks.
Why not? Have they not been led to believe that if there is anything wrong, the removal of an organ or part, an operation
that requires but a few minutes to an hour or more, and a few days in the hospital, and they will he as good as new? Have
they not been taught to be content with mere palliation of symptoms, a thing that may be achieved in many instances in a
few minutes? Will not an Alka-Seltzer relieve stomach distress in a very short time; or will not an aspirin relieve a
headache in a few minutes?

Quick relief, even if only temporary, is what is so generally demanded. It is generally true that these means of providing
the speedy results produce an aftermath of troubles of their own that are often worse than the troubles they are given to
relieve. Certainly they never, not in a single instance nor in a single trouble, remove any of the causes that are producing
and maintaining, even intensifying the trouble. They constitute symptomatic treatment and doubtful palliation, and
produce cumulative side-effects.

Why do we expect to get well in a hurry of a condition that requires a life-time for its development? Perhaps one is fifty
years of age and has had a chronic disease since the age of thirty-five, the condition slowly becoming worse during this
time, despite (or because of) the faithful employment of the commonly administered means of palliation. Before the
disease became apparent at the age of thirty-five, there was a long antecedent series of developments that led up to the
disease. It is literally true that the disease had its initial beginnings with the first cold, colic, diarrhea or hives of infancy.

This man has given the methods of cure a full fifteen years of time in which to restore health, but if he turns to Hygiene he
wants to get well over night! Not only is he in a hurry, hut he wants to achieve his recovery with as little disturbance of
his accustomed routine and as little change in his habits of living as possible. He may be willing to change his diet
(temporarily, of course), but why should he give up smoking? He may be willing to fast, at least he may he willing to miss
a few meals, but why should he rest? He has no insurmountable objection to a temporary abandonment of coffee, but why
should he exercise? He actually enjoys sunbathing, but why should he not be permitted to overeat?
Certainly the man whose condition has required a life-time for its evolution will require the employment of all of the
means of Hygiene to reorganize and re-constitute his organism. So long as even one of the causes that have contributed to
the evolution of his trouble is permitted to remain a part of his daily life, and this cause may be one of omission as well as
one of commission, it will contribute to the progressive development of trouble. All causes of weakness, impurity and
suffering are to be removed from the life of the individual, else recovery will be retarded and full recovery prevented.

If we understand the nature of the phenomena with which we are dealing - we can both understand the urgent
need to remove the causes of the suffering of the sick man and the need for time for him to evolve into a state of


It is essential that we recognize the fact that recovery of health is an evolution in reverse and that it requires time to be
completed. What we term disease is an evolution out of wrong ways of life; recovery of health is an evolution out of
correct ways of living. As it takes time to evolve disease, so it requires time to erase the abnormal changes that have taken
place in the tissues of the body and to evolve normal tissue to replace the abnormal tissue.

We can watch the evolution of pathology in the drinker, as he progresses from the so-called moderate drinker to the
habitual and so-called excessive drinker with the progressive weakening of the functions of his body and the slow
evolution of liver sclerosis, delirium tremens and insanity.
Is it to be thought that the effects of ten to twenty years of drinking can be erased in a few days or even in a few weeks,
and full health, with its integrity of structure and vigor of function, restored so quickly? If this could be done, then,
certainly the evils of alcoholism were not as great as we are accustomed to think.
The evolution of pathology out of any type of habitual or chronic poisoning, whether tobacco poisoning, drug poisoning,
or a general and persistent toxic state of the body arising out of lowered functioning power (enervation) resulting from an
enervating way of life, is not unlike the evolution of delirium tremens out of alcoholism. Likewise, the road back, when
the pathology has arisen from some of these other causes, is a slow and gradual one.
In all pathologies, as they continue to evolve, a stage is reached sooner or later, from which there is no turning back. This
is the stage of irreversibility. When this stage is reached there is no longer any hope of recovery of health.

The reader, versed only in the popular and classic ideas about health, disease and healing, will, perhaps, ask: what is the
difference between being cured and recovering health? A cure is the application of something exotic (a drug or a
treatment) which, by virtue of its own power restores the sick man or woman to health. There is no such thing.
Recovery is the restoration of health by means of the operation of forces intrinsic to the organism. This is the only force
known that is capable of restoring health. Healing is a biological process, not an art.

Let us take the common cold. It is estimated that the 190 million people in the United States have an average of four colds
each during the year. Some of these people have fewer than four colds, some have more than four. Now, it is
acknowledged that there is no known cure for the cold. There is no drug, no serum, no vaccine, no form of treatment that
will cure a cold. People treat themselves with all kinds of alleged remedies, but these do not cure the cold. Almost
everybody one meets has one or more cold cures, but none of them are genuine.
Yet, it is a matter of common observation that everybody who has a cold recovers; sometimes in a very few days, in some
instances in three to four weeks. Not so many months ago a prominent physician said that if one who has a cold is treated,
he gets well in two weeks, and if he is not treated, he gets well in fourteen days. The important fact about these recoveries
is that these sufferers get well, but they are not cured for no cure is known. Recovery is said to be spontaneous. It is the
result of lawful and orderly processes that take place in the body of the sick person.

Diseases that get well in this manner are said to be self-limited. This simply means that they are brought to an end in a
more or less definite time by the organism itself and not by treatment. They are all spontaneous recoveries. These
spontaneous recoveries are the things on which all the alleged cures ride to glory. It will not escape the attention of the
reader that the self-limited diseases are all acute; that the chronic diseases tend to run on for years and to grow
progressively worse and that for these, there are no cures. Almost anything seems to cure the self-limited diseases, nothing
seems to work when the disease is not self-limited.

If we understand that it is the sick person that recovers and not the disease, we will understand that there is a vast
difference between treating disease (the popular delusional practice) and caring for a sick person. In the first case, the
efforts are directed at controlling, suppressing, palliating and destroying symptoms and local pathologies; in the second
instance, the efforts are directed at removing the causes that have impaired the body and at trying to supply the body with
its physiological needs. There is no effort made to cure the disease, as it is well understood that healing is a biological
process and that no man can either duplicate or imitate the process. There is no treatment of disease for the reason that
there is no disease, per se, to treat.


Apart from the living organism, disease has no existence. Fever, inflammation, pain, discomfort, vertigo, nausea,
vomiting, griping, purging, coughing, sneezing, etc., etc., that are considered symptoms of disease, are all actions of the
sick organism. They are vital phenomena and do not require treatment.
To suppress diarrhea is to cause the retention in the bowels of the very objectionable materials the diarrhea is designed to
expel; to suppress a cough leaves the obstructing and irritating materials in the respiratory passages. This is not intelligent

If we understand the nature of the phenomena with which we are dealing and its causes and if we realize that time is
required for the causes that are operating to impair the organism in which to evolve their effects, we can both understand
the urgent need to remove the causes of the suffering of the sick man and the need for time for him to evolve into a state
of health. The average chronic sufferer cannot expect to evolve into full health in less than two years and many will
require more time than this. A few will require less time.
Knowing this, we can, with patience and determination, launch ourselves into a way of life out of which good health
evolves - and stick to it until we have achieved the desired results - and then stick to it to the end, that we may maintain
our gains.

Herbert M. Shelton

(Note: Learn more about Natural Hygiene at

-- Victor A. Pixloy --

After reading Dr. Shelton and Dr. Tilden from the 1900's, and books by numerous other Natural
Hygiene doctors from the 1800's, Dr. Bass finally found a mentor in New York. This was Dr.
Christopher Gian-Cursio, a friend of Dr. Shelton.
Dr. Cursio is credited with changing the original Natural Hygiene diets (that used to be predominantly raw vegan)
towards new lacto-ovo vegetarian diets, 85% raw, for improved healing of disease, and for better maintaining of
health. (Note: Dr. Bass later found that omnivorism can be even more beneficial than lacto-ovo vegetarianism.)

Dr. Gian-Cursio:
Natural Hygiene Vegetarian Diet and Food Plan

" While this article consists of only a few pages, being highly condensed, it represents more than 55 years of this
brilliant nutritionist's experience as one of the greatest teachers in the field of Natural Hygiene - natural living and
eating." " I can personally testify to the near miracles I saw in the recoveries from nearly all kinds of illness, both
in his practice and in my own."

The following article for Harper's Bazaar, on March 1979, presents Dr. Cristopher Gian-Cursio's ideas on diet and nutrition .
I knew him and worked with him as one of his closest students for more than 40 years, and I can attest to the fact that, while he
submitted the information in the following article under the original heading "Preventing Cellulite - the Diet
Solution", it in reality was a presentation of his basic diet.

This article contains the crux of his techniques, of the foods he considered to be of the highest quality, eaten in
the ideal sequence for maximum digestion, absorption, assimilation and fixation in the cells of the body - while at
the same time to be correctly combined for maximum utilization.

I can personally testify to the near miracles I saw in the recoveries from nearly all kinds of illness, both in his
practice and in my own. I have also seen hygienic doctors come to Cursio for assistance with especially difficult


While this article consists of only a few pages, being highly condensed, it represents more than 55 years of this brilliant nutritionist's
experience as one of the greatest teachers in the field of Natural Hygiene - natural living and eating.

Stanley S. Bass, Brooklyn, 11/22/99


Those lumps and bulges that look like fat, but can't be dieted or exercised away, may be cellulite, some experts claim.
More than a simple weight problem, this may be a symptom of faulty nutrition and living habits. Now, a unique food plan
could be the answer to all our body's needs.

The food plan conceived by Dr. Cursio and his colleagues is not revolutionary at first glance. What is unusual is the order
in which the foods are eaten
- in a logical, undeviating sequence, conforming to a "highly developed system of food combinations that must not be
altered in any way."

- Called sequential or "layered" eating, the program is designed to conserve the energy used by the body for the digestion
and absorption of foods - in order to maximize the energy needed for healing, repair and the elimination of wastes or
toxins (the raw materials of cellulite). It also insures that no stresses or imbalances result from eating essentially
incompatible foods, or overly complex ones at the wrong time.

A group of research scientists at Columbia University has found evidence that a meal is digested by the body in the exact
order it is eaten - one food group at a time, regardless of its complexity or quantity. According to the theory, if you start
out with a relatively concentrated food that takes a long time to break down, followed by something that takes only half
the time - digestion of the second food will be delayed and it will start to ferment and decompose - losing much of its
nutritional value.

In order to prevent this, the Natural Hygiene Food Plan is based on a simple rule: You generally start your meal with a
freshly prepared vegetable juice, such as carrot, celery, cucumber, tomato or a combination of these. Then you follow with
a blended or tossed salad - foods that are rapidly handled by the body. (Dr. Cursio prefers the semi-liquid blended salad
because it is initially easier to digest, and therefore less of a body energy-consumer.) Next, you introduce a more complex
food, such as a raw, unpeeled fruit, followed by a more concentrated one - nuts, cheese, or eggs, consisting of fats,
proteins, carbohydrates and complicated nucleic acids. Thus, you allow your body to break down relatively "fast," simple
foods first, then progress to levels of increasing difficulty - all to insure the most efficient and least wasteful assimilation
of nutrients.

Assuming that the Natural Hygiene Food Plan succeeds in preserving energy, how does it specifically help rid the body of
toxic wastes and purify the system? How does it eliminate cellulite?

"It's basically a two-fold process," Dr. Cursio explains. "First, people who follow this plan are allowed a relatively high
number of calories - and yet they proceed to lose weight almost as soon as they start. Why? Though they ingest this food,
they don't assimilate much of it - at least initially. They aren't fully able to incorporate these differently-derived nutrients
into their cells or body mass because of their own previous, ingrained pattern of eating and metabolizing foods. Secondly,
the body reacts by starting to "catabolize" or break down its old, long-held residues of accumulated wastes and low-grade
tissues - and cellulite starts to disappear."

What happens after you become conditioned to the new regime? "I have seen many patients lose from 10 to 40 pounds,
and then, after reaching their proper weight, they start gaining on the same or even a lesser amount of food," reports Dr.
Cursio. "So we have to adjust the quantities in order to insure that they maintain their desired weight.

"From consistent and convincing clinical experience, we know that this diet results not only in weight loss, but also
purifies and strengthens body tissues and our natural defenses against disease. We have repeatedly observed people with a
wide range or disorders - including cellulite or diet-resistant fat - get better after strictly following this program. Skin tone
improves, circulation becomes more efficient, hormonal outputs are balanced, vigor increases. As the body's vitality is
enhanced and its capacities are improved, the cleansing or "detoxifying" of its tissues follows as a natural by-product - it
simply happens."

Scientists can't fully explain why, but some believe it works on the principle of self-immunization: Foods themselves
neither cleanse nor pollute our bodies. But rather, the proper ones eaten in a non-stressful sequence help create a highly
favorable internal environment, in which the body can simply maintain or regenerate itself and correct its own imbalances.

Not surprisingly, "less is more" applies with particular relevance to the Natural Hygiene Food Plan. "Eat sparingly and
remember that quantity is all-important," maintains Dr. Cursio, "even when you're eating only wholesome foods. Too
much cheese, fruit, too many nuts can overtax your system and interfere with its proper functioning. And, obviously, so
will anything alien, artificial or unwholesome."

While other anti-cellulite diets stress large quantities of protein, Dr. Cursio's program carefully limits the amount. "As a
nation we consume about twice the protein we need," he points out. "Studies have shown that the over-consumption of
proteins and of all foods in general can actually shorten human life. Excesses are either eliminated or stored - and both
processes help deplete the body of vital energy."

As for liquids: Many diets aimed at preventing or eliminating cellulite recommend drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day
in order to help "flush" out the system. Dr. Cursio believes this is an excessive amount since water is already supplied in
abundance by fruits and vegetables. He advises drinking whenever you feel thirsty - the body's natural signal that we need
water - but never during meals. Liquids of any kind dilute food too much and interfere with digestive enzymes and
secretions. At mealtime, they can also dilate and bloat the stomach.

Another key principle of the Natural Hygiene Food Plan is that foods be eaten in their whole, natural state. Thus whole-
grain breads and brown rice are preferable to parts of them, such as bran or wheat germ. "By isolating one component of a
total food - even a superior one - you may help trigger an internal stress," says Dr. Cursio. "For example, when integrated
in the whole wheat kernel, bran is an important nutritional element, but by itself it's largely an irritating factor: It's not
only essentially indigestible, it also over-stimulates peristalsis and thus hastens the passage of foods through the digestive
tract. As a result the vitamin and mineral content of certain foods may not have adequate time to be absorbed and
assimilated. And the body must waste too much energy to neutralize the irritating bran. Far better sources of fiber - the
soft, gentle, digestible hydrogels - are plentiful in vegetables and fruits."

As in almost any diet, some foods are strictly forbidden on the Natural Hygiene Food Plan, among them, salt, pepper,
sugar (except from natural sources), butter, cream, alcohol, soft drinks (including low-calorie varieties) and ice cream.
Also taboo are yogurt, cottage cheese, whole milk, spinach, asparagus, onions and garlic.

Most experts agree that the overuse of salt contributes significantly to cellulite among other conditions, since it tends to
cause water retention in the tissues. Thus, avoid adding salt to food, and stay away from those containing generous
quantities - canned soups, smoked or processed meats, potato salads, pickles, etc.-as well as flavorings such as celery or
garlic salt and the like.

Though fresh, raw spinach and asparagus are rich in vitamins and iron, they contain oxalic acid, a substance which
(paradoxically) interferes with the absorption and assimilation of iron by the digestive system. Garlic and onion are
undesirable because they contain mustard oil - an ingredient that disrupts the action of certain digestive enzymes. Dr.
Cursio believes that yogurt is a "nutritionally overrated" food: ("The natural bacterial / fermentation process that results in
yogurt actually causes it to coagulate and disintegrate its own milk protein - so we derive no real benefit from it.") He also
advises adults to avoid whole milk and cottage cheese because we don't have the "necessary enzymic makeup" to curdle

(digest) their form of protein. However, cheeses like ricotta and mozzarella - preferably unsalted - already contain the
enzymes that essentially help "digest" them for us before we eat them.

Dr. Cursio suggests eating yolks only rather than whole eggs because the egg white contains avodin - a substance that
destroys biotin, an important member of the vitamin B complex. Strictly limited are added oils and fats, since adequate
amounts of these occur naturally in cheeses, egg yolks and nuts - all mainstays on the eating plan. As much as possible,
oils should be cold-pressed (available in health-food stores) - without chemical additives and unaltered by heat. Always
store them in a cool place to prevent them from becoming rancid.

Dr. Cursio himself treats and supervises only those who are "psychologically prepared" enough to relinquish their former
eating patterns and preferences. Admittedly, they have to be either committed vegetarians or otherwise highly motivated
at the outset to experience the fewest adjustment problems with this 2-week program which consists of raw fruits, dark
leafy green vegetables, vegetable juices, eggs, nuts, cheese and whole grains. However, for inveterate meat eaters, such a
drastic changeover may be unrealistic and unworkable - at least initially. Thus, though he himself does not recommend it,
several members of Dr. Cursio's staff have designed a modified 2-week plan that may vary, depending on your state of
(Note: Consult your doctor first before following these or any other food plans.)

If you strictly follow Dr. Cursio's program, you should expect to lose weight, purify your system and solve your cellulite
problem at a faster rate than if you include chicken or fresh-water fish in your daily diet. If meat is your chief source of
protein, expect to achieve results at the slowest pace of all. To minimize this drawback, avoid beef and pork in favor of
baby lamb and veal, both relatively low in fat and easily digestible. However, even on the modified program, every meal
should include fresh fruits and vegetables; fish, poultry or meat should be eaten no more than once a day, and preferably
every other day. At other times, try having a gourmet vegetarian specialty - such as a savory lentil loaf or green peppers
with whole-grain rice. After awhile, predicts Dr. Cursio, your marked improvement in health and looks will be motivation
for your continuing the program, and even progressing to a more disciplined regime.


Recipes and guidelines are given for all dishes marked with an asterisk.*
Eat foods in the exact order given.


8 ozs. fresh vegetable juice*
12 ozs. blended salad*
12 ozs. fresh fruit
1 egg yolk* (boiled or poached)


8 ozs. fresh vegetable juice
8 ozs. blended salad* (optional, but try for I week if possible)
8 ozs. fresh fruit
1 whole egg* (boiled or poached)
1 fl.oz.=30 ml



(celery and carrots, or cucumber and tomato)
Proportions: 6 ozs. celery or cucumber juice
2 ozs. carrot or tomato juice. Use a vegetable juice extractor, if possible. Never peel vegetables: simply scrub with a brush under cold
running water. Since juices are very sensitive to air, you should drink them immediately after extraction. If you do not own a juicer,
you can add the celery and carrots to your day's blended salad or eat them along with your meals.
1 each small tomato, red or green pepper
1/2 small cucumber
1 tbsp. nutritional yeast
1 tsp. cold-pressed oil (optional)
J uice of lemon or lime 5-6 leaves romaine lettuce
3-4 stalks celery or fresh fennel, chopped
Place cut up pieces of tomato, pepper and cucumber along with yeast, oil and lemon juice into blender. (Nutritional yeast, available in
health-food stores, is particularly flavorful.) Blend until smooth and liquid. Add romaine leaves one at a time. Add celery or fennel;
blend additional 2-3 minutes. (The consistency depends upon personal taste: some like it smooth and watery, others thick and
Eggs should be purchased in a health-food store: You want fertilized eggs from chickens fed organic feed and not anti-biotics.
To cook: Boil or poach for a maximum of 3 to 4 minutes. Eat only the yolk. (Those on the modified plan may eat the whole egg.)

Note: This is a carefully developed, fully nutritious food program. It is not necessary to take supplemental vitamins. If you follow the
plan carefully, you will have all the essentials necessary to maintain health while eliminating cellulite and excess weight.

Cristopher Gian-Cursio, New York, March 1979

As a Natural Hygiene medical student, Dr. Bass first had to learn about " toxemia" . Toxemia is a basic
concept in Natural Hygiene. It means that " toxins" (poisons) are regarded as a major cause of disease,
not virus, bacteria or similar. (One of the 3 causes of disease.)
Here is an article by a friend of Dr. Bass, about how birth defects are easily explained by toxemia.

Dr. Robert R. Gross:
An Urgent Message to Prospective Parents

Life's grisliest disasters and maladjustments take place years before conception and then following, in
the womb " " As mother, so is the child. Most congenital deformities can be prevented, and
monstrosities that have appalled and frightened mankind since antiquity should become avoidable."

Hygienic doctor Robert R. Gross did have a hygienic fasting retreat (The Pauling Health Manor) in the New York area
for 25 plus years - together with his wife, cookbook author Joy Gross.

Each of us is the sum of what he was born with and everything that has happened to him up to this
moment. He is the product of his inheritance, intra- and extra-uterine environment, cultural background,
the personality of his parents, school and religious influences, and the customs and habits of the society in
which he lives.
Most of what has made us what we are was beyond our control. We realize this, not to weep over it, but
also not to let it pursue us throughout our life. We cannot rewrite the past but we can modify the present.
We can reshape the future by supporting the will to live in times of stress with Natural Hygiene
knowledge. Thus, we may overcome the inevitable crises in life with the least damage and with the most
momentum for proceeding on our route in making our lives as rich and happy as they can be made.

To a very limited extent inheritance is responsible for some deformities, susceptibilities that lead to imperfect
development, and abnormal functions of the body. These deviations would be due to grossly microscopic entitles called
"genes," located in the chromosomes which, in turn, are found within the nuclei of the reproductive cells (ova and
spermatozoa). This inheritance or hereditary factor is tremendously overplayed in importance and incorrectly blamed for
the tragedies encountered in births and infant life.
Natural Hygiene has always - and within the past few years, the epidemiologist of the medical profession also - realized
that most congenital (resulting from one's heredity) deformities are not foreordained by heredity but are preventable
accidents of development in the womb. It is very possible to circumvent most congenital deformities by improving the
preparation for pregnancy and by careful attention to stresses and Natural Hygiene habits during this period.

The life of an individual begins not on the day he is born but even long before he is conceived. Life's grisliest disasters
and maladjustments take place, as often as not, years before conception and, then following, in the womb. Here, as an
embryo (the developmental stage until three months) and fetus (the developmental stage from three months to birth) he is
subject to the action of the elements and malice of the mother's non-hygienic living habits. These catastrophies go
unnoticed at the time; they may be signaled only by a rash, occasional headache, and vomiting, irrascible temperament or
For often there isn't any sign of the tragedy until the baby is born with a single eye (cyclopia) or a dwarfed body, a cleft
palate, unhearing ears, unseeing eyes, a blighted mind, cataracts, monstrosities, heart disease, or heart and organs being
left outside the chest cavity, or in failure of one or both legs or arms to develop, or in erythroblastosis fetalis.
Concern with congenital deformity has its roots in antiquity and the birth of a deformed baby in ancient times evoked fear
and awe.
In savage cultures such babies were often sacrificed to the gods or thrown into a river as possessed of evil spirits. Even in
less crude societies the mothers were sometimes brought to trial on mystical grounds and occasionally were burned at the
stake. In recent times the blame had been transferred mainly to the genes and family heredity in explaining the birth of
Experiments on animals, and Hygienists disdain this practice, have demonstrated conclusively that crippling deformities
arise from injuries and irritations to the embryo at certain stages of its development. An embryo that began its life with
perfectly normal "genes" may, by the time it is born, have only one eye or two heads or three legs.
External stresses applied to these animals included feeding deficient diets, subjection to extremes of temperature,
presentation of mazes and puzzles to unnerve and perplex them, diminution of oxygen, reduction of sufficient sleep and
rest and other agents used to produce enervation. Effects of like disturbances and adverse influences on human pregnant
women have been proved beyond doubt.

Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine - the unholy trinity;
white sugar and white flour products,
canned, devitalized, demineralized and processed foods,
lack of sufficient sunshine, fresh air, proper exercise; mental poise and sufficient rest
are all devastating factors indulged in during pregnancy and cause birth mishaps of various kinds.

Anesthesia, surgery, exposure to X-rays, vitamin pills, cortisone and hormonal intoxication
and all drugs
should be completely avoided for they are hazardous and have profound effects upon the embryo particularly in the early
stages when the organs are in a "semi-fluid state."

The consequences that ensue from these above-named insults to the unborn baby depend upon the time they occur or on
the time that their cumulative poisonous effects has reached beyond the danger point of toleration.
It is possible to draft a timetable or calendar, which relates deformities to the age of the embryo at the time of injury or
passing the vital toleration point of accumulated material toxins.
The latter are caused by (1) an incorrect mode of living and by (2) consumption of drugs.
Stresses producing a one-eyed baby generally may come during the first week or two after fertilization of the egg for
at this time the cellular parts from which the two eyes will develop are so close together as to be virtually single.

Next in order comes the stage at which conjoined (so-called siamese) twins may originate from an injury which
prevents separation of the two individuals.
In about the third week critical injury or "toleration toxins" may result in the heart or other organs being left outside
the body cavity, or maldevelopment of legs or arms may occur - because this is the time when the heart and viscera
are still outside the body cavity and the limb buds are formed and starting to grow.
Injury in the fourth week, when the windpipe is developing from the gullet, may produce the well-known defect,
which leaves an opening between the windpipe and gullet - so-called tracheo-esophageal fistula.
In the fifth week, when the lenses of the eye are forming, the embryo is vulnerable to congenital cataract.
During the seventh week it may be doomed to a cleft palate for the separated two halves of the palate normally start to
close at this time.
Injury or vital toxic accumulation in the eighth week may produce mongolism. It is at this point that the embryo
begins to develop the base of the brain and skull, the wall of the heart, the nasal bones and the fingers - all structures
that are blighted in mongolism.
The inner ear undergoes rapid differentiation during the ninth week and a mishap or "toxic torrent" at this period may
result in a deaf baby.
This is only part of the list of defects that can be created at the respective ages of the embryo and the whole matter rests on
quite a more or less orderly, scientific basis. These defects actually occurring during the various critical stages of the
development of the embryo are the scars of injury to the unborn child in the womb. Each deformity is like a "still' picture
taken from a moving picture strip, representing abnormal development of the particular affected organs.

The fetus during intrauterine development is dependent upon the mother for protection
from injurious forces and for all the appropriate and adequate factors of development, maintenance and growth. Its entire
nutritional state is predicated on that of the mother's. As mother, so is the child.
Most congenital deformities can be prevented, and monstrosities that have appalled and frightened mankind since
antiquity should become avoidable - if humans would only realize that the health and development of the evolving fetus
are based on any and every factor of life that affects the health of the mother, either positively or negatively.
The entire health level, efficiency, happiness and success of the infant and child are dependent upon the habits of the
prospective mother. It is the latter's maternal duty, moral responsibility and physical obligation to study and understand
the laws of begetting a vigorous baby. She should realize that superstitions, ignorance, intolerance, vast
misrepresentations and prejudices exist in the field of orthodox prenatal and pediatric care.

Adherence to the rational laws of life - embodied by the practice of Natural Hygiene - will produce well nourished, well-
developed, and vital children.
Fear, fright and apprehension will disappear once it is realized that normal babies evolve from normal habits. And normal
babies produce a grand and glorious race that is wise, healthy, peaceful, kind, tolerant, loving and courageous.

Dr. Robert R. Gross, New York

TOXIN-DAMAGE - VACCINATIONS: Whenever there is strong pressure to make you take pills or injections
of any kind - always ask yourself: will this add to my toxic load? A good example is vaccinations.
Instead of requiring vaccinations, Natural Hygiene warns about their toxic effects and the possibility of serious
damage. And questions the reasoning behind vaccinating.

F.P. Millard:
(Extracts from Studies on the Effects of Vaccines and Serums on the Lymphatic System)


" The lymph flow is as essential as the blood flow, and the poisoning of the lymphatic system simply means the
poisoning of the body tissues and organs." " It is up to the mothers of the land to take a determined stand and
they should quickly end the compulsory vaccination of children. Without compulsion, the hideous practice would
soon disappear."

Dr. Bass finds this old article worth re-publishing. It explains the lymphatic system and its function, and the effect of
vaccination on this system, as well as the dangers of vaccination. Natural Hygiene doctors have always recommended
avoiding vaccinations, and some of the reasons for this you'll find below.

The most scientific argument yet produced, in attacking the theory and practice of vaccination and serum treatment, is the
presentation of data proving the harmful effects of vaccines and serums upon the lymphatic system when these poisons or
foreign substances are introduced into the system by points or needles.
Illustrations here given show the sores resulting from vaccination including tracings of lymphatic vessels and nodes that
become poisoned and blocked, producing various disturbances and organic disorders ranging from suppuration of the
nodes to gangrene, tuberculosis and cancer.

We have in the human body a wonderful system of circulation, in that it is threefold. There is the arterial and venous
circulation of the blood, and there is the third circulation, called the lymphatic circulation. It is the last, which here
concerns us.
The lymphatic circulation has a series of channels, tubes or ducts, with a terminal drainage point in the veins on either side
of the neck.
Associated with the lymphatic circulation are hundreds of glands, technically called "nodes." Now these nodes or glands
are "traps," and in case of emergency they retain, until sometimes overburdened, poisons that if allowed to escape through
the system at once would produce almost instant death.
When these glands become blocked and overflow, as they do in extreme cases of vaccine poisoning, the blood circulation
takes up the blockage products, and death from blood poisoning is the result.

In an ordinary vaccination, the axillary glands in the armpit will be swollen and tender.
The swelling may disappear after two or three weeks, though it may persist for months and become chronic in type and
even develop into malignancy in the breast or armpit.

A case reported by Dr. Peebles (M. D.) was the direct result of the virus traveling up from the armpit and forming a
chronic suppurating wound in the glands under the jaw.
Gangrene of the hand as referred to by Dr Holt an authority of national repute, is another confirmation of the blockage of
the circulation by chronic or indurated or even suppurating lymphatic glands

The lymph flow is as essential as the blood flow and the poisoning of the lymphatic system simply means the poisoning
of the body tissues and organs.
Once the lymphatic system is blocked, there is a systemic disturbance that involves the various organs of the body, and
many patients state that their breakdown and ill health date from the time of vaccination, or the poisoning of the body
through blockage of the lymphatics.

Hundreds of persons have died from this lymphatic poisoning following vaccination.
It is a question whether or not a severe vaccine poisoning is not more difficult to clear than a venereal poisoning. The
sores following suppuration after vaccination are almost impossible to heal in some instances.
As soon as a wholesale vaccination is ordered, we see cases of sore throat, diphtheria, measles and mumps; nurses are
rushed to the scene to look after patients whose temperature has been forced way above normal through this systemic
From a physical standpoint, this nation will crumble and fail if there is not a lessening in the amount of vaccines and
serums used.

This wholesale pollution through vaccination has brought about nervous instability, lack of tone, vascular irregularities,
and what else could happen, pray tell me - but growths, cancers, or heart failures?

Particularly note that vaccination for smallpox results in a lymphatic blockage, due to engrafting upon the human of the
cells and pus from the bovine.
The bovine cell multiplies far more rapidly than the human cell. Such a graft therefore must enormously overtax the
human circulation, in having to harbor and harmonize, in a degree, this foreign cell life. The very thought of grafting beast
into human is so revolting, instinct as well as reason cries out against it.

FIG 1. Lymphatic involvement in vaccination. The possibility of nodular enlargement in the axillary and cervical regions, including
the tonsillary area, is plainly shown. The lymphatics of the entire arm may become involved and spread to the pectoral region.

FIG. 2. Showing the possibility of incipient phthisis through lymphatic blockage, as the result of vaccine or serum poisoning in the
axillary region. The bronchial glands are closely related to those of the cervical region.

FIG 3. We find that vaccination on the thigh or just above the knee causes enlargement and sometimes suppuration of the inguinal
nodes. Sterility may result where the poisoning involves the pelvic region.

Remember this:
Six swollen lymphatic glands in certain areas will make one ill.
A dozen will put you on your back.
And fifty vital glands blocked may cause death.

Finally: To have a vaccination scar is a reflection on the intelligence. A scar following a solicited vaccination signifies
loyalty to medical superstition. A scar from forced vaccination is a brand, a mark of medical tyranny and despotism.
I would not be vaccinated and take the risk of complications for a $10,000 draft on the Bank of England. My children
have never been vaccinated and I trust never will.
It is up to the mothers of the land to take a determined stand and they should quickly end the compulsory vaccination of
children. Without compulsion, the hideous practice would soon disappear.

F.P. Millard, D.O., Toronto (Extracts from Studies on the Effects of Vaccines and Serums on the Lymphatic System)


Note: There are many websites on the problems with vaccinations. Read about how deadly vaccinations can be at e.g. or, and follow the vaccination links. Also see this Herbert Shelton article -

Here is another major concept in Natural Hygiene: acute disease symptoms, like colds or fevers, is our
body's way of throwing out toxins.
Therefore, when we start living a more toxin-free life (e.g. by eating mainly raw natural foods) - what will happen?
Read below about the remarkable changes taking place in our body during the internal house-cleaning, the
cycles of improvement, the phases of recuperation, - and how we must respect our body's curing process.
Facilitate it - not try to stop it.

Dr. Stanley Bass:
What Symptoms To Expect When You Improve Your Diet
Improving your diet may cause you to feel sick

" This is how recovery occurs - like the cycles in the Dow Jones Average at the beginning of a bull market
recovery. You feel better, a reaction occurs and you don't feel as well for a short while. You recover and go even

If I were asked which is the area of greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field of nutrition, I would immediately
be forced to reply, it is the failure to properly understand and interpret the symptoms and changes which follow the
beginning of a better nutritional program.

'What is meant by a better nutritional program? It is the introduction of foods of higher quality in place of lower quality
For example, if a person replaces a protein rich food such a pork with beef, the beef may be considered the superior of the
two - due to its easier digestibility, lower and less saturated fat content, etc. Similarly chicken is superior to beef, and fish
is superior to chicken because of its more rapid digestibility and lower saturated fat content.
Lima beans, lentils or chick peas, which are eaten at the same meal with vegetables, are superior in all the nutrients
needed to rebuild health.
As we go higher on the scale of quality, we begin to include protein rich food which may be eaten in the unfired (raw)
state, such as cheese which is made from raw milk and unsalted.
Then we ascend to the nuts and seeds which are eaten in the natural state (raw and unsalted).

To summarize: the closer the food comes to the natural state in which it occurs, or the closer to its raw, unfired (raw)
form, the higher its quality.
In this condition, all the enzymes are found intact. The amino acids are in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, trace
elements, carbohydrates and "life force" are present. The life force, in turn is capable of reproducing healthy tissue.
This same classification of quality which we analyzed in relation to protein rich foods applies to the carbohydrates (the
starch and sugar-rich foods), the fats and the mineral-rich foods.

The quality of a nutritional program is also improved by omitting toxic substances such, as coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco,
salt, pepper, etc. from your diet.

What is the relation of quality of foods to recovery from illness?

It is this in a nutshell: The higher the quality of food we eat, the quicker we recover from disease, provided we are able to
digest and assimilate properly.
To this must be added the knowledge of
proper food combining
proper order of eating the different kinds of food at a meal: e.g. the most easily digested food should be eaten first, the
more complex one second, and the most concentrated item last
the correct quantity of food to be consumed (of each type) in the meal
the correct time for eating (when hungry, and not by the clock)

Now - what happens when a person follows these rules and makes a decided improvement in the quality of food
Remarkable things begin to happen to the body as well as the mind. The amazing intelligence present in every cell of the
body and the wisdom of the body in its operation, immediately becomes manifest.
The rule may be stated thusly: When the quality of the food coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissues
which the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade materials and tissues to make room for the superior
materials which it uses to make new and healthier tissue.

This is the plan of Nature - the body is very selective and always aims for improvement for better health. The body always
tries to produce health and always will, unless our interference is too great. Only then do we fail to recover and degenerate
further into disease.
The self-curing nature of many conditions such as colds, fevers, cuts, swellings, injuries, etc., furnishes endless examples
of how the body tends towards health - always - unless we do something to stop the process.

What are the symptoms or signs which become evident when we first begin to omit the lower grade foods and instead
introduce superior foods - those which are most alive, more natural than we are accustomed to?
Usually within three days, the symptoms vanish and we feel stronger due to the recuperation which follows.
To a lesser extent the same process occurs when we abandon lower quality foods and replace them with better foods.

Lower quality has undergone more preparation.
Spices, salt and other ingredients have been added, as they tend to be more "stimulating" than less prepared and more
natural foods. Animal foods such as meat, fowl, fish etc. are more stimulating than cheese, nuts and vegetable proteins.
Consequently the withdrawal of stimulation which follows the abandonment of animal food produces a slower heart
action - a resting phase - which registers in the mind as relaxation or a decrease of energy. This initial letdown lasts about
ten days or slightly longer, and is followed by an increase of strength, a feeling of diminishing stress and greater well-

Now let us return to the symptoms which occur in the process of regeneration. The person who starts a better diet, stays
on it for three days to a week and then quits will say, "Oh, I felt better on the old diet - the new one makes me feel weak."
He failed because he didn't give his body a chance to adjust and complete its first phase of action - recuperation. If he had
waited a while longer, he would have begun to feel better than before he started.

During the initial stage (lasting about ten days on the average to several weeks in others), the vital energies which are
usually in the periphery or external part of the body such as the muscles and skin, begin to move to the vital internal
organs and start reconstruction.
This shunting of much of the power to the internal region produces a feeling of less energy in the muscles, which the mind
interprets as some weakness. Actually, the power is increased, but most of it is being used for rebuilding the more
important organs and less of it is available for muscular work.
Any weakness which is felt here is not true weakness, but merely a redeploying of forces to the more important internal


Here it is important for the person to stop wasting energy, and to rest and sleep more. This is a crucial phase, and if the
person resorts to stimulants of any kind, he will abort and defeat the regenerative intent of the body. It is impor-tant that
he have patience and faith and just wait it out, and after a while he will get increasing strength which will exceed by far
what he felt before he began the new program.
Success in recovery or improvement of health hinges upon the correct understanding of this point - realizing that the body
is using its main energies in more important internal work and not wasting it in external work invol-ving muscle
movements. Be wise, take it easy here and relax. J ust coast in,. your work and social obligations until you're out of the

Retracing: As one continues on the improved diet and gradually raises the food quality, interesting symptoms begin to
The body begins a process called retracing.
"Now we have a chance to get rid or this old garbage and build a beautiful new house. Let's get started immediately. Let's
get this excess bile out or the liver and gall bladder and send it to the intestines for elimination. Let's get the sludge
moving out of the arteries, veins and capillaries. These smelly, gassy, brain-stupefying masses have been here too long -
out with them!
These arthritic deposits in the joints need cleaning up! Let's get these irritating food preservatives, aspirins, sleeping pills
and drugs out of the way, along with these other masses of fat which have made life so burdensome for us for so long.
Let's get going till the job is done - till we have a beautiful house - and from there on we'll keep it a beautiful ideal model

During the first phase (called catabolism), the accent is on elimination, or breaking down of tissue. The body begins to
clean house. - In short, to remove the garbage deposited in all the tissues - everywhere. During this period. the body
removes the ashes from the furnace preparatory. So getting a better fire.
Here the accentuation is on removal of the gross and immediate body obstructions. Wastes are dis-carded more rapidly
than new tissue is made from the new food. This becomes evident as weight loss.

This persists for a while and is then followed by the second phase - called stabilization.
Here the weight remains more or less stable. During this phase, the amount of waste material being discarded daily is
equal to the amount of tissue which is being formed and replaced by the newer, more vital food. This occurs after the
excess of obstructing material in the tissues has been removed.

This state persists for a while and is then followed by a third phase - a build-up period called anabolism, wherein weight
starts to go up, even though the diet is lower in calories than it was before. At this point, much or more of the interferring
wastes have already been discarded. -
The tissues which have been formed since the diet was raised in quality are more durable and do not break down easily.
Also new tissues are now being formed faster. This is due to the improved assimilation made possible by the ceasing of
wrong food combining.
The body's need for the usual amounts of food decreases, and we are able to maintain our weight and increased energies
with less food. Many are able to function very efficiently on two meals a day. As the body progressively increases
efficiency and decreases in tissue breakdown under exercise, so do we gradually need less and less food to maintain life.
The higher the percentage of raw food one lives on, the slower the rate of tissue deterioration which one evolves into. A
sick body requires a gradual carefully worked-out entry into this stage, where one is able to live on a 100% unfired (raw)

Returning to the symptoms which occur on a superior nutritional program, people who have had tendencies in the past to
recurring skin rashes or eruptions will frequently tend to eliminate poisons and harmful drugs through the skin with new
rashes or eruptions. If they go to a doctor now who is not familiar with this aspect of nutrition, he will diagnose it as an

They ask. "How come. I'm eating better now than I ever did before, and instead I'm getting worse?" They don't understand
that the body is retracing.
The skin is getting more alive and active. It's throwing out more poisons more rapidly now that the body is building more
power which is saved from those hard-to-ingest meals which have been discontinued.

These toxins being discarded are saving you from more serious disease which will result if you keep them in your body
too much longer - possibly hepatitis, kidney disorders, blood disease, heart disease, arthritis, nerve degenerations or even
cancer - depending upon your hereditary or structural weaknesses. Be happy you're paying your bills now in an easy-
payment plan.

With some, colds which haven't appeared for a long time may occur, or even fevers. This is nature's way of
housecleaning. Understand that these actions are constructive, even though unpleasant at the moment. Don't, but don't, try
to stop these symptoms by the use of certain drugs, or even massive doses of vitamins, which will act as drugs in huge

These symptoms are part of a curing process, and don't try to cure a cure. These are not deficiency conditions or allergic
manifestations - not if you're eating properly in quality, quantity, combination and sequence.
Here is where experienced advice is a great value. Unfortunately, there are few books present today which give full
guidance to the average reader. Try to find guidance through a doctor or teacher who has the requisite experience in this
most confusing of all subjects - nutrition in relation to health and disease.

You may he eating perfectly in regard to quantity, quality and observing all the correct rules, and still symptoms will
occur. Those who have lived better lives in the past - who have eaten better foods and who have abused their bodies less
with overeating will have reactions ranging from almost none at all or very mild symptoms which may be uncomfortable
or acute.
Those who have lived worse lives and poisoned themselves more will experience more severe symptoms - if their liver,
kidneys, or other important eliminating organs have been damaged. When they have been renovated to the point of fair
working order, they will no longer produce symptoms.

Headaches may occur at the beginning:
fever and/or colds may also appear:
the skin may break out;
there may be a short interval of bowel sluggishness,
occasional diarrhea.
feelings of tiredness and weakness,
disinclination to exercise,
nervousness, irritability, negativity or mental depression,
frequent urination etc.
However, the great majority of people find their reactions tolerable and are encouraged to bear with them, because of the
many improvements which have already occurred and are becoming more evident with each day. This acts as an
inspirational force to them.

The symptoms will vary according to the materials being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the
elimination and the amount of energy you have available. The more you rest and sleep when symptoms are present, the
milder they are and the more quickly they are terminated. Be happy you are having symptoms.

Realize deeply that your body is becoming younger and healthier every day, because you are throwing off more and more
wastes which would eventually have brought pain, disease and much suffering.

Those who have the worst symptom-reactions and follow through to their successful termination are thus avoiding some
of the worst disease which would eventually have developed had they continued their careless eating habits.

Don't expect to go on an ascending scale of quality, that improving your diet will make you feel better and better each dax
until you reach perfection. The body is cyclical in nature. and health returns in a series of gradually diminishing cycles.
For example: you start a better diet and for a while you feel much better. After some time, a symptom occurs - you feel
nauseous for a day and have diarrhea with a foul-smelling stool. After one day you feel even better than before and it goes
fine for awhile. Then you suddenly develop a cold, feel chills and lose your appetite. After about two or three days
(assuming you don't take drugs or do anything else about it), you suddenly recover and feel better than you did for years.
Let us say this wellbeing continues for two months, when you suddenly develop an itch or rash. You don't take anything
special for it. This rash flares up, gets worse and continues for ten days, and suddenly subsides.
Immediately after this you find that your hepatica is gone and your energy has increased more than ever before. The rash
became an outlet for the poisons in the liver which produced the hepatitis.

This is how recovery occurs - like the cycles in the Dow-J ones Average at the beginning of a bull market recovery.
You feel better, a reaction occurs and you don't feel as well for a short while. You recover and go even higher. Then
another reaction occurs, milder than the last. You recover and go even higher. And so it goes, each reaction milder than
the last as the body becomes pure.
Each reaction becoming shorter in duration and being, followed by a longer period of feeling better than ever before, until
you reach a level plateau of vibrant health.
Here you become relatively disease-free.

We must learn to obey the laws of Nature. We must learn to eat simple pure and natural foods, properly prepared and
combined, and our bodies in return will cast off all the poisons we have taken in during our lives.
The mysteries of the body, the operations of nature, the vital forces working in nature are far beyond what our minds are
prepared to understand at present.
Every great physician or scientist who ever lived marveled in awe and humility at the wonders of nature. Yes - we are
"fearfully and wonderfully made."

Stanley S. Bass, 1984

(The above article is written to explain the process of body regeneration, due to improved diet using natural foods, and is not to be associated with the
recommendation of any specific product offered for sale.)

Another major concept in Natural Hygiene - " energy" - how energy can clarify almost every aspect of
our body's functioning, can help explain health and disease.
Energy thinking explains why sleep is so central in Natural Hygiene. We must sleep to recharge our batteries!
Dr. Bass together with Dr. Cursio have been instrumental in developing many of the energy concepts to where
they are today.

Dr. Stanley Bass:
Energy - How Acquired and Lost in the Body

The basic force and condition behind all activities of human life is the presence of energy. Energy is required for every
aspect of existence - every act uses energy - thinking, feeling, walking, eating, drinking, dreaming, breathing etc. We are
born with a reserve of energy stored in all cells, which needs to be steadily replenished with breathing at all times.
If breathing were to stop, death would ensue in a matter of minutes.


In hibernation or coma, breathing is greatly reduced because of reduced use of energy expenditure, as compared to
ordinary function.
Suspended animation is a different type of condition, wherein some yogis using certain breathing techniques, are able to
store enough oxygen in the cells to remain alive even though all bodily function has ceased, and to remain so for months
at a time.

According to the teachings of Yoga philosophy, air which is inhaled, contains a subtle energy principle called "prana",
which is the vital principle needed to sustain life.
My understanding of how this works (I'm not sure whether I have read this, or whether it came to me as a result of
intuition) is as follows:

The universe is filled with energy and basically all matter is ultimately composed of energy and energy particles. Each
atom contains a neutron, proton and electrons revolving among them. Electrons are electric particles, but physics has
broken them down into even subtler electrical particles, which some call lifetrons etc.

Now, energy generally is undifferentiated, nevertheless possesses inherent intelligence - that is it can be used or
transferred into energy doing special work - like electricity (a form of energy) can be used to turn motors, in telephones
and electronics.

This cosmic and ever-present universal unspecialized energy, which permeates the universe enters into and goes through
all life forms and matter in the universe. As this energy enters a form, say a tree for example, the tree according to its
design, purpose, needs and genetic structure, absorbs and appropriates this generalized non-specified universal energy and
adapts or converts it to its own needs. The same applies to every material form, from rocks, plants, fish, animals to

The process of living and being alive in all organized vegetable and animal forms depends upon the precondition of
having a certain basic highly organic life element - which may be called an indwelling spirit or soul - which is transmitted
during the birth process.

The amount of energy available to use from moment to moment depends upon the quality of the blood, lymph, nerves and
energy pathways (called meridians).

These in turn are dependant upon the presence of
(a.) all necessary substances in the body, such as minerals, trace elements, proteins, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. and
(b.) the correct amount of these, neither excessive or deficient.

There need to be
(c.) sufficient clearness and purity of blood and lymph circulation free from obstruction, such as metabolic body toxins
generated from activity, and foreign unusable chemicals introduced from without - such as tobacco, pollution, drugs, etc.

(d.) there must be sufficient rest and sleep, the indispensable and most important time wherein the body recharges itself
with the eternal undifferentiated energy, as well as the energy contained in the food consumed earlier. Whatever energy is
absorbed from food is transferred only during the state of sleep, never directly during the act of eating.

If energy could be absorbed directly by the process of eating, then all we would have to do whenever we are tired is to eat,
and the more food we eat the stronger we would become, thus making sleep unnecessary.
But actually, the reverse is true.

The more we eat, the more exhausted and sleepy we become. Any energy we experience immediately after eating (such as
sweets), or the lift we get from drinking coffee, or the expression of strong emotions - is using our energy reserves, - and
is the expenditure of energy, not its accumulation.

Energy is always felt and experienced in its expenditure.
Its accumulation is rarely felt, since this occurs during periods of rest and mostly during deep dreamless sleep, when the
mind is inactive.

Dr. Stanley S. Bass

Dr. Bass has an unique understanding of energy, among natural hygienists.
This important article explains the energy principle in healing - a clarifying summary by Dr. Bass, of
the findings of leading Natural Hygienists over more than a century - plus Drs. Cursio's and Bass' own
It also shows the continuing development of the hygienic diet based on these principles - and most recently the
essential role of Dr. Gian-Cursio, who came to question the so-called truths of the then-popular Natural Hygiene
vegan diet, due to problems with his patients.

Dr. Stanley Bass:
New Concepts in Nutrition, Health and Rapid Healing of Illness
(The Basic Keys to Complete Success in These)


In 1962, I was requested by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton of The Hygienic Review to interview Dr. Christopher GianCursio,
who had taken care of 3 generations of Natural Hygienic patients in upstate New York. Dr. Shelton wanted to know the
present condition of the vegetarian families, to be published as an article in his monthly Hygienic Review magazine.

On Sept. 2, 1962, Dr. Cursio and I drove to Batavia, New York, where we were lodged at the home of gracious Mr. and
Mrs. Penepent, which became a focal point for the reception of about 20 people the first evening, followed by additional
patients on two following days. The results were recorded by me, written up and sent to Dr. Shelton. For reasons
unknown, most probably due to the somewhat radical changes Dr. Cursio introduced into the nutrition of his patients
(beginning in 1934 and continuing through 1962), the interview was not published.

I didn't hear from Dr. Shelton thereafter until Sept. 28th, 1976, a lapse of 14 years.
Now once again he wrote to me requesting me to reinterview Dr. Cursio's patients, bringing all the changes which had
occurred up-to-date. The following is a reproduction of the letter Dr. Shelton sent to me:

Tuesday Sept. 28, 1976
Dear Dr. Bass:
I have read your interesting artide on Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists and am inclined to want to publish it, but too much time has
elapsed since your visit to upstate New York with Chris, and much water has flowed under the bridge since then. As a finale, why not provide me
with a couple of pages telling me and the readers the present condition of the vegetarian families and also outline the changes in Cursio's dietetic
use and practices which he now espouses. I will hold your article awaiting your reply.

With best wishes, I remain sincerely
and Hygienically yours,
H. M. Shelton

I responded with the following letter to Dr. Shelton:


Oct. 14, 1976
Dear Dr. Shelton:
In order to comply with your request of bringing the article up-to-date, I called and visited Dr. Cursio on October 10, 1976. He placed a call to
Batavia, New York and put me in touch with Anthony Penepent, a member of the second generation of natural hygienists of the Penepent family,
with whom I spoke at length. He provided me with the following information about the changes which have occurred with the Penepent family since I
first met them on Sept. 2, 1962.

Stanley S. Bass

(Further details are available in With Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists)

In Dr. Shelton's letter to me of Sept. 28, 1976, along with a description of the vegetarian families, Dr. Shelton asked me to
outline the changes in the dietetic views and practices which Cursio now espouses. The following was gleaned from Dr.
Cursio, the result of advising over 40 people throughout three generations. I quote from p. 9 and 10 in my book With
Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists

I found that Dr. Cursio's ideas are basically those of Natural Hygiene. In an article which he wrote and submitted to Dr.
Shelton years ago entitled "Precision in Natural Hygiene," he extended these concepts into clinical practice - his concepts
were merely a modification based upon Natural Hygiene principles. They had to do with the
timing, and
sequence of eating.

Basically, I saw that there was no difference between what Dr. Gian-Cursio advocates and what a true Natural Hygienic
practitioner would advocate - but with this exception:
The concepts, theories, or principles upon which Natural Hygiene is based are accepted as eternal and inviolable. The
difference was in the application or interpretation of these principles and the quantitative utilization or accentuation of
some of these hygienic concepts.
The people that I wrote about involved a period which began in 1935. Shortly after these people accepted natural hygiene
as a way of life, Dr. Herbert M. Shelton lectured in Rochester, New York

At that time, he met these people as well as the grandparents of these three generations. These people have been Natural
Hygienists from the very early days of the renaissance of Natural Hygiene. (It began with the writing of Dr. Shelton's
book Human Life: Its Philosophy and Laws.)

The term Natural Hygiene came into usage after Dr. Shelton and Dr. Gian-Cursio met, when they discussed an appropriate
term to distinguish it from medical hygiene.

In these three generations, we have here a laboratory of the highest biotic quality that has been continuing for 42 years,
producing evidence of the great value of Natural Hygiene, when its principles are translated into techniques of life that are
compatible with physiological laws. These three generations are now expanding into four, yet in all this time there has not
been one death. Also, except for acute remedial processes of a few days duration, there has not been a chronic disease.
Many vestiges of chronic disorders have been eliminating during this time as these individuals progressed or evolved into
higher plateaus of health.

The modifications that have been made in technique in applying the principles of Natural Hygiene are based on a simple
principle: that there be economy of body structure and energy - that in every agent, method, and condition there be
maximal utilization with minimal expenditure of power - so that there be enough energy left over that the body can use for
healing purposes.

Dr. Gian-Cursio has kept these principles before him as cardinal precepts, teaching that whatever is utilized must always
be in conformity with bodily need and never against organismal intelligence. In being quantitatively precise, it
presupposes optimal quality of any factor utilized that we consider Natural Hygienic.

The difference, basically, that I noted in my study of the diet of these individuals is that there has been

an accentuation or increase of the green leaf vegetables while at the same time there has been
a reduction in the amount of fruit, especially those that are highly acid (citric, etc.).
Also, the fast has been used at the very first symptoms of any remedial detoxicating process that we call acute disease
such as colds and minor disturbances that commonly occur when vegetarians and even Natural Hygienists experience
when they habitually overconsume foods even though they are natural.

Energy is the key factor in all bodily function.


Today, on J une 16th, 2001, I have added the following commentary explaining in detail the modifications made in the
technique of Dr. Cursio in applying the principles of Natural Hygiene. (Since I have known and studied with Dr. Cursio
for more than 40 years, I feel qualified to interpret his views.)
Dr. Cursio, in following a simple principle, "That there should be economy of body structure and energy - that there
should be maximal utilization with minimal expenditure of power in every agent used, so that there be enough energy left
over that the body can use for healing purposes," aimed at maximizing the healing process.

To put it simply, the basic idea is based upon the fact that all healing and regeneration is in ratio to the amount of energy
which is available - the more energy, the more detoxicating healing, the less energy available, the less the improvement.
Energy is the key factor in all bodily function.
It could also be expressed in the formula V - O = P, or "Vitality minus Obstruction equals Power."

Vitality (which is present in the body)
- (minus, removal of )
Obstruction (toxins which interfere with the availability of energy, which is indispensable for healing or any
This removal of Obstruction results in Power, which is now freely available in large quantity for maximal healing.

In this respect, Dr. Cursio consistently discouraged patients from expending energy in unnecessary exercise, allowing no
more than simple walking in moderate amounts during the more critical phases of the healing process.
In my own experience, I can verify the correctness of this view. I once fasted 30 days on water while taking care of
patients and was very active in physical exercise throughout. At the end of the 30 days, beyond the loss of 35 pounds, the
healing process had been very minimal compared to many other fasts I had undertaken.

This rule also applies to all people who are not ill and wish to perform their best work and thinking.
Since the digestion of food takes precedence in the body to all other activities - physical, mental, spiritual and even sexual
- the more empty the stomach, the more energy is available for other activities.

It was for this reason that more than 40 years ago I trained myself to eat one meal a day, which was in the evening after
work. As a result of this, from the time I opened my eyes to my evening meal, I always felt excellent, had lots of energy,
and my mind was always able to concentrate on the most difficult and abstract writings without fatigue. I always advised
college students to omit all food before exams, and they would be amazed at how well their memories functioned.
For men who had difficulties in erection during sex and thought they were becoming impotent, the empty stomach
concept proved to be a miracle. How could anyone perform well in any act, especially one so sensitive as sex, when he
previously had a good dinner of 6 or more courses, thus drawing the greatest amount of blood as well as energy to the
stomach for 4 to 6 or more hours for digestion, thus removing both blood and a vast quantity of energy from all other
muscles, as well as the brain.


This law of the conservation of energy applies to all physical, mental, emotional, spiritual (meditative) acts without
exception when related to the process of digestion. Those who eat the smallest meals while providing the body with all of
its requirements invariably live the longest. This is been proven in animal experiments as well as with humans as far back
as history goes.

Based upon this principle, I would state that -

Health is energy functioning in the body under conditions that are normal - and
Disease is energy functioning in the body under conditions that are abnormal.

What are the normal conditions? They are the providing of the correct quality of food and fluids and, more importantly,
the correct quantity of these to the body daily, along with all other factors, such as clean air, proper rest and sleep,
thought, etc. The abnormal conditions are deficiencies in the necessary nutrients and, more frequently, accumulations of
excesses in both poor quality and good quality foods. These excesses eventually build up as obstructions in the body,
leading to loss of energy, followed by retention of water, which finally produce diseases.

The greatest loss of energy occurs in the
digestion of food (especially when it is in the stomach), followed by
assimilation and
fixation of nutrients in the cells and tissues.
The greater the consumption of food beyond the body's requirements, which is very little, the greater the expenditure of
energy, leaving less available for the healing process. (Note: Luigi Cornaro lived on 12 oz. of food a day and 14 oz. of
grape juice beginning from 35 years up to 102 years in perfect health.)

The weaker and sicker the patient, the smaller the quantity of food which can be digested, and when the condition is acute
and painful, no food should be consumed at all except water alone. This allows the body to direct all of its energies to the
healing process. Here is where we witness the most amazing cures of diseases.

Also, in relation to the concept that there be maximal utilization of food with minimal expenditure of energy, this required
that food be prepared in a manner that required minimal digestive energy and in a form to allow for maximal utilization.
For example, if the body required a large amount of minerals, enzymes, vitamins etc., which are best found in green leafy
vegetables, this could be satisfied by the use of vegetable juices or blended salads. The use of
1. vegetable juices requires no digestion at all;
2. the blended salads require almost no digestion and will provide approximately 4 x the amount of minerals etc. as
compared to eating and chewing of the same amount of a tossed salad.

The tremendous amount of digestive energy saved in the use of these 2 procedures by Dr. Cursio led to greatly accelerated
healing, as well as increased utilization of the observed elements, eliminating skeletal abnormalities while at the same
time allowing for a generalized improvement throughout the entire body.

This implied the use of

the best quality of food available, preferably organic. The diet was also to
contain a total impact of all the nutritional factors needed, given
in the best combination and sequence to simplify digestion and only
in the minimal amounts which could be utilized thoroughly, therefore leaving the maximal amount of energy
available for the healing process.

And finally, as stated in the article, the basic alterations in the diet as compared to earlier traditional Natural Hygienic
diets were 1. an increase of the green leafy vegetables, 2. a decrease in the amount of fruit, especially those that were
highly acid (citric, etc.), and 3. the use of the fast at the first symptoms of acute disease (inflammation, pain, colds etc.)

Dr. Stanley S. Bass, J une 16th, 2001


Note 1: Here is a more complete list of the alterations by Dr. Cursio (as compared to earlier traditional vegetarian Natural Hygiene diets):
1. an increase of the green leafy vegetables
2. a decrease in the amount of fruit
3. the use of the fast at the first symptoms of acute disease
4. an introduction of raw eggs
5. an introduction of certain raw milk cheeses
6. an introduction of raw vegetable juices
7. an introduction of raw blended green salads

Note 2: Further details (about problems with veganism) are available in the book With Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists by Dr. Stanley S.
Bass -- see the introduction page With Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists - with a Dr. Gian-Cursio interview.
You can find an example of Dr. Cursio's improved Natural Hygiene vegetarian diet above.

FOOD COMBINING - According to Natural Hygiene - the more energy we can save in our daily bodily
processes, the better. The saved energy will go to toxin-removal and healing.
One important way to save energy is by not mixing foods in the stomach, but eat the most easily
digested foods first. This is a type of food combining called " sequential eating" .
BLENDING SALADS - chopping, blending & juicing our raw vegetables and salads can save lots of
energy, and increase nutrient-uptake, if eaten within minutes, for minimal oxygenation damage.

Dr. Stanley Bass:
Sequential eating and food combining
Excerpts from " Ideal Health through Sequential Eating"

..... In my opinion and experience as a nutritional consultant in Natural Hygiene (I began studying nutrition in 1936),
sequential eating represents the most advanced approach to understanding proper food combining.
After testing and retesting the concept on myself thousands of times, as well as on others, including the experience of Dr.
Cursio, his family, his patients, as well as other Hygienic doctors - Dr. J ohn Mega, Dr. Marvin Telmar, Dr. Anthony
Penepent, etc. ......

......Any quick digesting foods must wait till the slowest digesting foods leave the stomach before they can leave - a
process which can take up to 6 or 8 hours. While waiting, the fruit, cooked and raw vegetables, and some of the starches
undergo some decomposition and fermentation, producing gas, acid and even alcohol along with indigestion. .....

..... If there are 5 different types of food in the stomach at one meal, each eaten
separately and in sequence, there will be 5 different kinds of digestion going on at the
same time, each layer having different enzymes digesting each food, according to the
needs of the food contained in that layer.
But when say 5 different foods are eaten at a meal, where each mouthful or bite is taken
of a different food, then the entire stomach is filled with the same mixture. .....

One of my patients in my early days of practice absolutely refused to give up any of his
accustomed, conventional, low-quality foods. In this case, feeling my hands completely tied, in desperation, I gave him all
that he desired. The only change I made was to rearrange the sequence of his foods. Amazingly, all of his digestive
problems vanished in just 3 days. .....


...... Grutzner fed rats morsels of food of 3 different colors. First the black, then the white second, and third the red color.
Shortly after, the animals were sacrificed, the stomach frozen and then cut in sections. The different colored food was
found to be in layers
.. There was a famous case, written about by Beaumont, during the American Civil War, where a soldier received a
gunshot wound which caused a large visible opening to appear in his stomach. His digestion was studied for a period of
time by several doctors present, and they observed that his food digested in different layers.

One simple test that I used on myself was to eat different foods, one variety at a time, in sequence [all at one meal], for
several different meals. Then when nature called, I examined the feces and was able to see different colors in the same
feces. Watermelon which was reddish in color, was first, then tossed salad which was very dark brown was next, and
cheese was very light tan was last. All were joined together, exiting the body in the same order as they were eaten.
Anyone can try this test, but to be accurate, the different foods must be eaten one at a time, and follow each other in

..... How such an important concept as the strata digestion of food was bypassed and almost completely unnoticed for over
50 years since Howell's book was published, is a great mystery to me. .....

For purposes of illustration, I am presenting a diagram of the stomach and
how 6 different foods eaten in sequence at one meal would form 6 different
layers, during the time spent in the stomach.
In this diagram of the stomach, in layer 1, the bottom and first layer is
where the first food eaten goes (the papaya). Layer 2 is where the 2nd food
eaten goes (the tossed salad). Layer 3 is where the corn on the cob goes, etc.
In this meal we are using 6 different foods, giving us 6 layers. ......
With this meal, after 30 min. the papaya will leave the stomach, and layer 2
- the tossed salad, will move down to layer one's place.
Layer 2 will shortly thereafter leave the stomach too.
Then the corn in layer 3 moves down and 15 min. later, it will leave the stomach ....
..... As each layer leaves, the stomach size gets smaller and feels more comfortable. Each layer digests separately, without
mixing and without disturbing its adjacent layers.

To simplify this concept of sequential or layered eating, the basic rule or principle can be stated as follows:
Eat the most watery food first .....

The following represents some examples of bad combinations to avoid
1. Mixing dried sweet fruit, honey, maple syrup or bananas with nuts or seeds
2. Mixing starch foods with fresh or acid foods or fruits
3. Mixing dried sweet fruits with acid fruits.
4. Never eat dried sweet fruits with or after concentrated proteins
5. Eating raw, fresh or dried fruits after any cooked food
6. Avoid drinking beverages or even water during or after meals

For best digestion - chew all food close to a liquid before swallowing. .....

An excellent practice is to eat with 100% attention on the taste of the food. See Self-mastery through Attentive Eating .....

(approx. time spent in stomach before emptying). ........

when stomach is empty, leaves immediately and goes into intestines,

J uices
Fruit vegetables, vegetable broth - 15 to 20 minutes.
Semi-liquid (blended salad, vegetables or fruits) - 20 to 30 min.

Watermelon - 20 min.digestion time.
Other melons - Canteloupe, Cranshaw, Honeydew etc. - 30 min.
Oranges, grapefruit, grapes - 30 min.
Apples, pears, peaches, cherries etc. - digest in 40 min.

Raw tossed salad vegetables - tomato, lettuces, cucumber, celery, red or green pepper, other succulent vegetables - 30 to
40 min. digestion. -

Steamed or cooked vegetables
Leafy vegetables - escarole, spinach, kale, collards etc. - 40 min. - Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, string beans, yellow
squash, corn on cob - all 45 min. digestion time
Root vegetables - carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips etc. - 50 min.

Semi-Concentrated Carbohydrates - Starches
J erusalem artichokes & leafy, acorn & butternut squashes, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam, chestnuts - all 60 min.

Concentrated Carbohydrates - Grains
Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, cornmeal, oats (first 3 vegetables best) - 90 min.

Legumes & Beans - (Concentrated Carbohydrate & Protein)
Lentils, limas, chick peas, peas, pigeon peas, kidney beans, etc. - 90 min. digestion time
soy beans -120 min. digestion time

Seeds & Nuts
Seeds - Sunflower, pumpkin, pepita, sesame - Digestive time approx. 2 hours.
Nuts - Almonds, filberts, peanuts (raw), cashews, brazil, walnuts, pecans etc. - 2 1/2 to 3 hours to digest.

Skim milk, cottage or low fat pot cheese or ricotta - approx. 90 min. digestion time
whole milk cottage cheese - 120 min. digestion
whole milk hard cheese - 4 to 5 hours digestion time

Animal proteins
Egg yolk - 30 min. digestion time
Whole egg - 45 min.
Fish - cod, scrod, flounder, sole seafood - 30 min. digestion time
Fish - salmon, salmon trout, herring, (more fatty fish) - 45 min. to 60 digestion time
Chicken - 1 to 2 hours digestion time (without skin)
Turkey - 2 to 2 hours digestion time (without skin)
Beef, lamb - 3 to 4 hours digestion time
Pork - 4 to 5 hours digestion time

(Editor's notes
Note1: raw animal proteins have much faster digestion times than the above times for cooked/heated animal proteins.
Note2: The digestion times given are under an ideal situation of eating only one food, chewing well, and having efficient digestion, as is the case e.g.
after a fast. They are digestion times for optimally healthy persons, with good eating habits. The digestion times are to a large part derived from Dr.
Gian-Cursio's and Dr. Bass' practices.

Digestion times are much longer on a conventional diet, and for persons with non-optimized digestive systems, or persons lacking in energy, and for
meals with many ingredients put together haphazardly =not in the optimum sequential order.)

The smaller the amount of a particular food eaten, the less is the digestive time for that food. The greater the amount of a
food eaten, the more is the digestive time prolonged.
..... Remember the less you mix and the fewer the varieties you use, the easier it is to digest and the less you will be
tempted to overeat. The greater the variety, the greater the tendency to overeat.

Due to the liquification of vegetables by blending:
1 - Absorption and assimilation of its vitamins, minerals proteins etc. is increased to approximately 5 times as compare to
eating and chewing the salad.
2 - A blended salad will digest and leave the stomach in 15 to 20 min. compared to 30 to 60 minutes for a tossed salad
eaten whole
Conservation at energy in the digestive process is the key to all healing. (Success in healing is measured in terms of
energy available. This was known by the early masters of Natural Hygiene) .....

..... Energy is the most important factor needed for recovery of health and it must be conserved at all costs and not wasted
in unnecessary digestion. Sequential eating will maximize the conservation of energy without fail.
Try it - feel the difference - and you'll never go back to your old ways - I promise you that!

THE KEY TO HEALING: Conservation of energy in the digestive process is the key to all healing.

MINMAL EATING - Another way to save energy is by eating less.
Eating too much is a major energy waster. Read below about how Dr. Bass explains why Luigi Cornaro
could live so long in an age when people died early.

Dr. Stanley Bass:
Learn from Luigi Cornaro
" How to Live One Hundred Years"
From "In Search of the Ultimate Diet - Volume I" by Stanley Bass

An example of how life may be prolonged to advanced years by abstemious living which allows the body to
conserve its energy, is found in the following examples from " The Art of Living Long" by Luigi Cornaro,
published in 1558 in Padua, Italy. - Eat what you like, when you like and die young.

If you follow a minimal diet you can achieve super nutrition. Let's look at Luigi Cornaro, a man who at age 35 was weak,
sick, and dying.
At the time, he consulted the medical heads of Genoa, Italy. He asked the doctors, "What can I do?" Finally, one smart
doctor said, "Look, Luigi," (Luigi was a nobleman) "cut down on your riotous living, stop the drinking, cut out the rich
food, eat as little as you can, and don't abuse your body. You can get well."
So Luigi started to live what he called the "temperate life," "La Vita Sobra", the name of the book which he wrote later,
The Sober Life. He reduced his food, cutting down to twelve ounces a day of solid foods divided into two meals and pure
grape juice, fourteen ounces, also divided into two servings.

Immediately Luigi began to feel better, and at the end of the year he was in perfect health, completely free of all problems,
just on this small amount of food. He lived on this minimal diet from age 35 until 85.

Then his relatives ganged up on him. They said, "Luigi, you're an old man, you have to keep up
your strength. You have to start eating more. Luigi, you gotta eat more!" They annoyed him so
much with their advice that just to shut them up he agreed to increase his food. He increased it from
twelve to fourteen ounces - that's only four tablespoons of food more. Immediately Luigi became
violently ill; within three days he had a high fever. Within seven days he was near death.
So he said, "I'm through with this. I'm going to go back to my old diet." Within a few days he
became well again, and he lived in a state of unbroken health and happiness until the age of 102.
When he died, he died in an ideal way. He was in his rocking chair. He closed his eyes, took a nap,
and didn't wake up. There was no pain or suffering, ever. His mind was clear as a bell until the very
end, no senility, no memory loss. Indeed, one of the things he wrote about in his discourses was that
his hearing and vision were perfect He retained all his senses. That's something you don't see today.

Okay, this is the value of a minimal diet. Now, Cornaro did not eat the quality of food that we recommend. They didn't
know about the importance of fresh food in those days, the late 1400's, early 1500's. Luigi ate a little meat; he ate an egg
yolk; he had panado, which was a vegetable soup with a little tomato; he had grape juice; and he had bread. He used to dip
the bread in the soup. That was his diet. That's all he ate. He didn't want to eat fish because it didn't agree with him, and he
didn't eat chicken. He ate a little meat. On that diet, which we natural nutritionists would call low quality, he lived to 102.
I've always wondered what would have happened had he lived on our quality of food. He might have gone on to 150.
1 ounce=28.5 grams

From "How to Overcome Compulsive Habits" by Stanley Bass:

This book (How to Overcome Compulsive Habits) would not be complete without telling the classical story of an Italian
nobleman named Luigi Cornaro who was born in 1467 in Padua, Italy. The remarkable story of his life has been an
inspiration to countless numbers of people for almost 500 years, and it is wise that we take a close look at the lessons to be
learned from a study of his experiences.

The wisdom to be gleaned deals with the following subjects:
1. The making of good and bad habits, and the art and state of mind one should cultivate which leads to their control.
Since this is the chief subject of our study in this book, it behooves us to draw heavily upon the experience of an
individual who solved his problems in a rather remarkable manner. The method he used may be applied by all
individuals without exception and the same benefits may be expected by all who do so.
2. How an individual who was dying at 40 years of age brought himself to a state of good health in less than one year,
and through the careful exercise of self-control prolonged his life to 102 years of age with the full preservation of all
his faculties to the very end. The living of each day was a joy in his life at all times.
3. The amount of food necessary to sustain life. Since the quantity of food needed to maintain excellent health and spirits
is so small, it is rather shocking to realize that all of us, with very few exceptions, overeat and produce an endless
array of miseries in our lives in both mental and physical afflictions.

The KEY to health and happiness is inextricably associated with the QUANTITY of food we consume daily.
Each morsel we consume beyond what is absolutely necessary to sustain life, wastes physical and mental energy at a
fearful rate. If any single factor were to be considered as the most important for health and happiness, this would be it.
Those who are compulsive overeaters should study, restudy and ponder deeply upon this question, for herein is contained
the key to the solution of most of their daily problems. ......

Our states of mind are dependent upon our health and closely related to the amount of food we consume. Dejection and
melancholy are a projection into our conscious minds from our inner environment. Exhaustion of our energies by the
excessive labors involved in metabolizing excess food reflects in our minds as melancholy, depression and negativity.
The psychological implications here are enormous. ......



Proper diet is the most important factor in achieving a long life, one which is free from illness, senility, and decrepitude. It
allows old age to be an enjoyable period of life wherein vigorous physical and mental activity is possible up to almost the
very end of advanced years, without becoming helplessly immobilized and incapacitated. It allows natural death, a very
rare phenomenon today, when it occurs to be as painless and as pleasant as going to sleep when fatigued. ......

Let Luigi Cornaro, in his own words tell you about his most interesting findings in his chapter On Health and Longevity.
"It is a thing past all doubt that custom, by time, becomes a second nature, .....
This is so undeniably true that virtuous men, by conversing with the wicked, very often fall into the same vicious course
of life. The contrary, likewise, we see sometimes happen: viz, that, as good morals easily change to bad, so bad morals
change again to good. For instance, let a wicked man, who was once virtuous, keep company with a virtuous man, and he
will again become virtuous; and this alteration can be attributed to nothing but the force of habit, which is, indeed, very
"..... to lead a regular life. And it is not to be doubted that, were a patient so recovered to live in that manner, he could
never be sick again, as it removes every cause of illness, and so for the future he would never want either physician or
physic. Nay, by attending duly to what I have said, he would become his own physician, and indeed the best he could
have, since, in fact, no man can be a perfect physician to any one but himself."

The Two Rules for Maintaining Health and Prolonging Life: These were reduced to two things, quality and quantity.
The first, namely quality, consists in not eating foods or drinking liquids harmful to the stomach.
"The second, which is quantity, consists in not eating or drinking more than the stomach can easily digest, which quantity
and quality every man should be a perfect judge of by the time he is forty or fifty or sixty." .....
"I felt like singing a song after my simple meals."
Cornaro was of the conviction that no constitution could withstand excessive eating. To state it clearly, the inevitable
conclusion was: "eat what you like, when you like and die young."

At ninety-five years of age Luigi Cornaro had all his faculties, as good as ever; his judgement, memory and spirits were
undiminished. To the very end of his days, his life was active.
To the last moment, he continued his exhortations that all partake of the joys of small meals as a sure guarantee of
physical, mental and emotional happiness.
At the age of 102, while sitting in his rocking chair, he closed his eyes in a peaceful sleep which was final.
NOTE: The books from where the above excerpts come, In Search of the Ultimate Diet - Volume I - and How to Overcome Compulsive Habits,
can be purchased/downloaded at the BOOKS-page.
Read Introduction by Herbert M. Shelton to Cornaro's Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life
Read the Introduction by Hereward Carrington.
Read the complete Luigi Cornaro's Discourses on the sober life/How to live 100 years at the Soil and Health Library - (choose Health
Library/Alternative Medical Therapies) -

MINIMAL EATING - also Dr. Herbert Shelton writes about Luigi Cornaro and the art of living long.

" Even after a life of abuse has brought its possessor within sight of the grim reaper, a complete reversal of the
ways of life may result in such restoration of health as to prolong life for many more years."

Herbert M. Shelton:
to Cornaro's Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life


In 1833 an edition of Cornaro's Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life was published in New York with introduction
and notes by Sylvester Graham. Mr. Graham edited and corrected the edition and it was presented to the reading public of
that day in the hope, a not vain one, that it would result in the people becoming more sober and temperate in their ways of
life. Many read the book with understanding and followed its precepts with profit. A number of editions of this renowned
book have been published since that time and I believe it safe to say that few books of its kind have ever exerted a wide
and more wholesome influence.

In his introduction Graham demolished the opinion then held and still held by the great majority of people who give
thought to the subject at all, that, "every man can ascertain, by his own experience, what is best for him, and how he ought
to live; and that no general rule can be laid down, which will be equally suitable to all mankind." It should be obvious,
after but a moment's reflection, that if this statement were true, our knowledge of how best to live could come only after
an extensive personal experience, hence at the end of a life, largely, perhaps, misspent. It would come too late to do us any
good. If there are no principles of physiology and biology that are applicable to all of us, if there are no hygienic practices
that are equally good for every man, if every man is a law unto himself, so that what is one man's boon is another man's
bane, then there can be no science of health, no possibility of ever learning how to live, except at the end of a long and
costly period of personal experience. We would, then, be most likely to kill ourselves in trying to learn to live.

The theory as expressed in Graham's day, and as held today, is that, because there are differences in constitution,
temperament, predisposition, etc., a way of life that is good for one man may prove harmful to another. If this contention
is true, then are we indeed living in a reign of chaos rather than one of law and order. Graham quotes the contention of
some of the people of his time that, "Some, with great regularity of habits, and temperance in diet, enjoy good health and
live to great age, while others pursuing the same course, are always sickly, and die young; and, on the other hand, some,
with great irregularity and intemperance, enjoy health and live to become very old. Therefore what is best for one man,
may not be for another; consequently it would be impossible to prescribe any mode of living, which would be suitable to
all constitutions and circumstances."

A very hasty and superficial view of the subject lends to this view the appearance of plausibility, but superficial views are
never trustworthy. An honest, candid and full investigation of the subject of life and living in their relations to health,
disease and length of life, will lead to a different view and to very different conclusions. For, if we go beneath the surface
we shall discover the reign of law and order in the realm of life.

Graham's reply to this popular belief was that the person of good constitution who lived a temperate and sober life would
enjoy good health to a ripe old age; whereas the person of feeble constitution would be less healthy and live less long. On
the other hand the person with strong constitution whose life contains much that is conducive to good health, will live to
advanced age despite irregularities, while the person of poor constitution who lives an irregular and decidedly
unwholesome life will die young. There would seem to be no contradiction in this. As nobody's life is all bad, there being
different degrees of good and bad in the mixture, length of life must be measured by the rapidity with which the life
breaks down and destroys the original constitutional endowment, be it sound and vigorous or unsound and feeble. But the
feeble constitution and the vigorous constitution are governed by the same laws of life. There is no logical reason why two
constitutions of the same excellence shall endure to the same length of life and in the same condition of health, if one of
them is treated kindly and the other abused unmercifully.

The example of Cornaro is an interesting lesson for us in that it reveals to us in dramatic fashion the fact that, even after a
life of dissipation and abuse has greatly broken an originally good constitution and brought its possessor within sight of
the grim reaper, a complete reversal of the ways of life, a revolution in habits, may result in such restoration of health as
to prolong life in usefulness, happiness and strength for many more years. Whatever may be our view of life, we certainly
cannot contend that had Cornaro continued on in his dissolute way of life, he would have regained his health and lived to
the age he did. There is no reason to doubt that the prognosis of his physicians would have proved reasonably accurate
had he not revolutionized his way of life. Drink, gluttony, a dissolute life these never restored health nor repaired an
already greatly impaired constitution. Even small improvements in the way of life are often enough to account for
improved health. Certainly no increase in the drinking, gluttony, dissolution, etc., can produce other than harm.

Unfortunately, when we offer such examples as that of Cornaro (there is the other famous one of J enkins), people
generally conclude that, where the examples are so rare, they must be accounted for upon the basis of some accidental or
adventitious influence, such as parentage or fortunate circumstances. They are not yet ready to understand that what we
know to be true of one man is an example in the strictest sense of the controlling power of the mode of life (Cornaro's life

gives us an example of the results of two ways of life) in determining the quality and length of each individual life. Their
incredulity, when such matters are presented to them, is the outgrowth of their ignorance and of the fact that they have not
yet learned an abiding faith in great principles.

But the examples are not so rare as may at first thought be assumed. That Cornaro's example has received more publicity
than that of any other man is, perhaps, true. Thousands of such example, however, have existed and do exist, that have
never been publicized. The fact, then, that the average man is possessed of nothing more than the vaguest and generally
incorrect views of the modus operandi of causes operating in the lives of people, is not ground for accepting his erroneous
conclusions about the relative merits of opposites mode of living the two modes being variously blended in the lives of
most people. Viewed as cause and effect, opposite modes of life cannot produce identical results and only first-class
habits of living can logically be expected to produce superior results.

Certainly the thousands of examples of the saving potency of a hygienic life should be sufficient to awaken men and
women to an understanding of the importance of a correct mode of living and arouse in them a desire to be freed, as much
as possible, from the uncertainties of a mode of life that is based on no correct principle, the practices of which are
irregular and haphazard, and is so plainly unsuccessful. If the presentation of a new edition of Cornaro's famous treatise
will help in achieving this desirable awakening, it will have served a very useful purpose. Although at the time he wrote,
Cornaro could have had nothing but the crudest notions of physiology and pathology, his example of the influences of the
two modes of living is not crude and it should be emphasized that thousands who have read his discourses have adopted
his mode of temperance and abstinence and have been greatly improved in health.

RAW EATING - A third way to save energy, that is very common in Natural Hygiene, is by eating raw
foods. Even exchanging just a little of the cooked food we eat for raw, is beneficial. Raw foods also are
more nutritious than cooked food. 100% raw diets speed up healing of disease.
When Dr. Bass did his mice experiments in the 1980's, he had not yet started looking at raw animal
foods, but only considered vegetarianism. The following article describes a 100% raw vegetarian diet
version, and how Dr. Bass arrived at it.

Dr. Stanley Bass:
How to Live on a 100% Raw (Vegetarian) Diet Healthfully

" My aim here was to try to find a diet of 100% raw foods that would provide all the factors needed for excellent
health, free from any deficiencies which invariably seemed to arise in almost all of the most popular
recommended raw food regimens."

This article has been prepared from Volume II of "In Search of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet", also called "Discovery of
the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet". [See BOOKS list.] In preparing the table of contents, I was surprised to find that on four
separate occasions, I had tested the 100% raw food diet successfully on the mice I include in this article all of these diets
and the conclusions reached and am pleased that the results were verified four different times, which only strengthens and
validates the conclusions.

On 1/9/83 through 2/15/83, I put six mice for a total of 35 days on a 100 % raw vegetarian diet consisting of raw fruits, green
vegetables, nuts, seeds (sunflower and occasional hulled sesame), dried lentils, grains (mostly wheat and millet), plus raw tubers
(potatoes and occasional yam). Nothing else was added. One of the mice gave birth to thirteen healthy babies. There were no
deformities and no cannibalism, which at the time I attributed to the fresh greens (outer iceberg lettuce leaves and occasional carrot
I concluded that humans could safely live on this unfired diet for almost three years - the 30:1 ratio of 35 days for mice being
equivalent to 35 months for humans.


On 4/2/84 through 4/17/84, I put one cage of mice on a 100% raw vegetarian diet for a total of fifteen days consisting of legumes
(mung beans and lentils, soaked and sprouted), alfalfa sprouts, sunflower seeds, fresh corn on the cob, and vegetables (Savoy cabbage,
Romaine lettuce, and carrot tops).
They love all of the sprouts. They discard the skins of the sprout shoots. Their first preference is the mung, then the lentils which they
love, and the sunflower. The alfalfa sprouts they like least.
The mice are strong, happy, and have a ravenous appetite. All the mice seem to be in excellent health with excellent spirits and
energy. I gave them some frozen corn on the cob. When I gave them wheat grass two times (seven inches) long, they didn't appear to
be interested, since only two of them nibbled a little on it. Many mice look pregnant and most seem to be gaining more weight and
getting plump. One mouse gave birth.

Since I was concerned that the mice might be overeating of protein in order to get enough of the carbohydrates on this diet without
grains (without counting the fresh corn, a diluted form of grains), and also because of their ravenous appetite which indicated to me
that perhaps they needed more carbohydrates, to the above cage I added a grain for the first time, wheat soaked overnight and very
slightly sprouted. The fifteen days on this raw diet indicated that a human could safely live on this in an excellent weight loss diet and
one that very possibly could reverse cancer (some cancer cases reversed on a 100% raw diet - see "Alternative Cancer Therapies"
organization located in New York).
I also gave them raw, soaked, hulled buckwheat groats (kasha), which they enjoyed. The mice are very alert, moving faster than
before. Many males are chasing females, many of whom am now pregnant. I feed the mice two meals a day as follows:
(a) Beginning with Savoy cabbage, Romaine, carrot tops (alfalfa sprouts occasionally) followed by 1/2 plum tomato. Fifteen minutes
later I give one handful each of both mung and lentil sprouts for about forty mice.

b) In the evening, I give the same vegetables again, followed by sunflower and wheat sprouts (two handfuls). Occasionally, I give
them plain popcorn as a treat, which I make myself (they are wild about popcorn). The mice go wild for washed, granulated kelp, but
seem disinterested in wheatgrass. I gave washed dulse leaves to two cages, but they liked the kelp better.
The man in the pet shop said that mice needed salt in their diet and if they didn't get it, they would cannibalize the others to get the salt
from their blood. I gave kelp to avoid this. I gave raw, new white potato, which they wouldn't eat, but they like raw yams. The mice
are very alert and move faster than those in the other cages. Some take flying leaps across the cage now. They have a tremendous
appetite for sprouted or soaked legumes and grains, and they eat less vegetables.

On J uly 20, 1985, a fire was caused in my kitchen by a faulty appliance. When the firemen finished hosing the kitchen and cutting a
hole in the roof; everything was in complete disorder. Fortunately, the heavy smoke was largely stopped by a wall which prevented it
from killing the mice in an adjoining living room. I was happy to discover that no deaths had occured. Since my kitchen was out of
order, I stopped all cooking and put all cages that were eating grains on a 100% raw diet consisting of raw grains (mostly wheat, etc.)
which had been soaked overnight, and soaked or sprouted lentils, along with lettuce leaves and occasional carrot leaves - basically
three to four foods. Now, it's almost three months later and all the cages getting the raw grains and lentils thrived very nicely. These
three months or ninety days would equal ninety months or seven and a half years in a human equivalent. Therefore, it seems likely that
humans should be able to live on raw, soaked overnight (24 hours) grains and legumes. Two mice in two of the cages are very fat and
obese. At first I thought they were pregnant, but it's been too long this way. It's just plain obesity and this on a 100% raw diet almost
exclusively for approximately seven and a half years in human equivalency.
(For further discussion on the effects on successive generations of the 100% vegetarian diet, see In search of the Ultimate Diet by
Stanley Bass, p.23-24.)

My aim here was to try to find a diet of 100% raw foods that the mice and equally humans could live on that would provide all the
factors needed for excellent health, free from any deficiencies which invariably seemed to arise in almost all of the most popular
recommended raw food regimens.
Also, since most of the books written by alternative health practitioners recommended the use of 100% raw vegetarian diet as the
initial phase in attempting to reverse cancer, it seemed to be the best way to begin the search for an ideal raw food program.
I began this diet by providing this cage of about twenty mice with fresh lettuce leaves (mostly outer iceberg and occasionally
Romaine) and occasional carrot leaves, soaked overnight lentils, and unroasted sunflower seeds as well as corn on the cob. These
foods were given twice a day in two meals.
10th day: Mice are doing well and are very lively. No fatalities so far.
20th day: So far, the mice are doing very well and are full of great energy. No deaths at all. I added raw yams (which they didn't eat
much of).
26th day: All are still doing fine. I tried soaked soy beans three days ago, but discontinued them because they like the lentils better.
The mice in this cage (No. 1) looked 100% better (cleaner, bigger, and heavier) than the cage No. 2 mice who had fruit alone as the
only carbohydrate in a complete protein diet (in a test diet which I began two weeks later).
34th day: One female gave birth to four healthy babies.

37th day: Today in cage No. 1 is the 37th day of this soaked lentil and sunflower diet, with lettuce, occasional carrot tops, and
occasional raw yam, and nothing else. The mice look well-fed, are large in size, very energetic, and quick in their movements and
appear very healthy in all respects. There have been no deaths at all, for this extended period, which thrilled me no end. (None of this
food grown organically.)

Conclusion: This 37 day diet, which is the human equivalent of 37 months, may now safely be recommended as an excellent
introductory diet for advanced pathology conditions such as cancer, tumors, arteriosclerosis etc., in my opinion. This is a raw food
vegetarian diet. The sunflower seeds and lentils complement each other in amino acids to produce an excellent complete protein. (See
Diet for a Small Planet by Lappe.) I gave the sunflower and lentils two times a day in this cage, one handfull of each, each time.

At this point, I was satisfied and convinced that the mice could have remained on this regimen indefinitely, but I would have added a
variety of nuts and other additional legumes, etc. But since for humans 37 months was more than enough time to reverse many if not
most pathological conditions, I decided it would be timely to add raw, soaked grains to avoid a possible overload of protein (in
legumes) and fat (in the sunflower seeds). I may be wrong in this, but a patient of mine said she felt stronger when she added grains to
her raw nut, fruit, and vegetable diet, which made me decide to try adding grains. Nevertheless, I concluded that this diet had been
complete in all particulars for that period of time, so far.
On the 37th day I added soaked grains (overnight) such as rye, brown rice, hulled millet (which they preferred to rye).
10/18/85: Today is the seventh day in a row of added soaked grains to the preceding diet and they've been eating the brown rice and
millet (raw, soaked) with the soaked raw lentils. I stopped soaking the sunflower seeds and give it to them dry and raw.
10/22/85: They love all of these foods and it is now the eleventh day on this added grain diet. It is also the seventh day that I've been
giving soaked and drained brown rice as the only grain, along with sprouted lentils and dry sunflower seeds.
10/24/85: Today is the thirteenth day of added grains and the ninth day in which the soaked brown rice is the only grain. I found the
first death today. All mice look very healthy and some are pregnant. The house mice who have escaped love the soaked rice and go
after it no matter where I put it, even if I hang it up in a bag on a string. For a long time now they've been eating my raw, dried brown
rice in the boxes. I trapped six mice today in a cage and put them free in the street.
10/27/85: Today is the sixteenth day of added grains and the 12th day in which the brown rice is the only grain. Today I found a
second dead mouse and its body was intact and uneaten. Weather was excellent today. The causes of these two deaths was indicated.
11/10/85: Today is the 30th day of added grain. A third death occurred. The rest look very healthy.
11/12/85: Today is the 32nd day of added grain. A fourth death occurred. The rest look very healthy.
11/19/85: Today is the 39th day of added grain. A fifth death occurred. The rest look very healthy.
11/27/85: Today is the 47th day of added grain. A sixth death occurred. The rest look very healthy.

Today I heard that when pigeons eat dried rice, it swells up in their stomachs and causes their death. Since my mice in this cage have
been eating the brown rice as their only carbohydrate grain, this may very well be the cause of these deaths. The sixth death occurred
because last night was exceptionally cold. (A later test where I gave ground dry rice as a grain caused several deaths which appeared
to confirm this.) Since the rice was their chief grain for 43 days, five deaths were very little considering that they were on this raw,
pure, vegetarian diet for 47 days and 37 before without grain, totalling 84 days of both combined, a human equivalent of 84 months or
seven years.
Another factor to be considered is the absence of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D in their diet for this long period, which could have been
a cause of these five deaths; the first one beginning after the 50th day of this pure vegetarian diet, which, for humans, would have been
the 50th month.

All facts considered, I've come to the conclusion that this 100% raw, vegetarian program is a solid basis for a safe, complete protein
and finely-balanced ideal, raw food diet, which could be used for years if necessary for
(a) a survival diet under famine conditions;
(b) as an introductory diet for weight loss and many pathological conditions; and
(c) with the inclusion of additional variety in grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, it could be most satisfying, and with the addition of some
dairy or eggs, fish, or other animal food, it could provide all factors to cover all bodily needs (B12, Vitamin D, etc.).
Some fruit may safely be added as well as other carbohydrates such as potatoes, corn, yams, squash, etc.

The solid proof of the great potential of this basic raw food vegetarian diet which has been proven successful with the mice, clearly
indicates that humans now, for the first time, have a 100% raw food program which they may go on safely, free from all deficiencies.
I know of no other raw food program in existence which is totally free from deficiencies at present. A complete diet will be worked
out and presented at the end of the book upon completion.


Note: On the 49th day of this diet (and the 12th day of added grain), the mice in this cage were bigger, heavier, cleaner and 100%
better than the cage of mice who were on the 17th day of their diet where fruit was their only carbohydrate (and the rest of their diet
included egg, cheese, and lettuce).
11/27/85: I ended this diet today by adding cheese to it. Two days later, I saw six newborn babies in this raw food vegetarian cage
which had just completed 84 days on this diet. These six newborn babies looked healthy.
11/29/85: Today I decided to wind down my tests due to the approaching winter and also because I had answers already to my most
important questions.

I kept this cage (No. 1) for further tests, but I brought cages 2, 3, and 4, which were full of mice, to the pet shop. When we
compared my mice to his in the pet shop, mine looked 33% to 50% larger. He admitted this immediately and remarked
that they looked healthy. I asked him if it was better that they were bigger and he said absolutely. He then asked me if I
would breed a scarce group of golden-haired mice of his which wasn't reproducing well. He was impressed with my mice.
I said I could consider it.

I attribute my mice being larger and healthier than his to the following reasons: 1) his mice were fed mice chow
exclusively - no fresh vegetable greens, no cheese or eggs, whereas mine had all these foods; 2) the mice in cage No.1
which I kept on the 84 days total of the raw food vegetarian diet look beautiful, large, well-developed, healthy, very
active, and several looked pregnant. These mice on their raw diet of soaked grains, soaked lentils, sunflower seeds (dry
and soaked) and lettuce leaves (with occasional carrot tops) and lately dry millet (hulled) look better than any of the other
cage mice, whereas the other cages had daily store cheese added to their diets.

Note that I believe this 100% raw diet, for humans, could be done successfully even without the use of grains if so
desired. But with the addition of raw egg yolk, and possibly raw milk cheese or Ricotta (or instead of cheese, a small
amount of raw or steamed fish once or twice a week of about 3 1/2 to 4 oz. a serving), we should have an ultimate raw
diet, or near one. Possibly 10 - 15% cooked grains and legumes could be included in this program with great benefit for
those who have difficulty in gaining weight and strength on a 100% raw diet.
(The addition of the egg yolk, cheese, or fish is to provide the B12 and Vitamin D factors, along with fatty acids,
hormonal substances, and as yet unknown substances which they contain.)
To the basic raw diet as a foundation, fruit, other vegetables, other additional carbohydrates, grains, legumes, and other
foods may be added as desired for variety and added nutrition.

For those people who prefer to remain on a 100% strict vegetarian diet, I would recommend the use of periodic vitamin
B12 and vitamin D to insure their safety. It now appears that the use of bee pollen (which contains all the B-complex
vitamins) may be used instead.
More on bee pollen in a moment.
[Ed. note: also read about the hidden dangers in eating too much fruit on an all-raw diet - mice.html. And about what
deformed nails, skeletal and tooth problems on an all-raw vegetarian diet may mean - generations.html.]

1. For minerals: salads, lettuce (Romaine etc.) carrot leaves, kelp, grass juice.
2. Fats: nuts, seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame), flaxseed (1-2 tbs. a day).
3. Carbohydrate (simple sugars): Fruit, eight to twenty oz. (or 24 oz. maximum, for melons); bananas, four to six
4. Carbohydrate (complex): These to be used with legumes (or dairy or fish) for complementary complete proteins (raw,
soaked overnight or slightly sprouted grains) hulled buckwheat, wheat, triticale, rye, oats, rice polishings, raw wheat
germ, corn, yam.
5. Complete protein foods (animal): eggs (1-2) or fish (1 to 3 1/2 oz. maximum) can be immersed in boiling water for six
seconds then eaten (can be marinated in lemon juice overnight to kill microbes); clams, oysters (1/2 dozen or 3 1/2 oz
maximum); dairy products; bee pollen (1 tbs to several oz.).
6. Vegetable proteins which need to be complemented by grains or seeds or nuts to be complete proteins, include
legumes - mung beans or lentils or others (use 1/3 to 2/3 cup or 1 1/2 oz. to 4 oz.) You may soak overnight or sprout.

- Nuts or seeds - (sunflowers, pumpkin, or hulled sesame) 1 to 3 oz. These can be complemented with legumes (1 or 2
oz. legumes with 1 to 2 oz. nuts or seeds).

Brewer's Yeast: 1 tbs. maximum (will complement grains)
Seaweed: kelp, dulse, others (1 tbs. to 1 oz. maximum);
Tubers: yam, potato, chestnuts;
Oil: flaxseed (best), virgin olive oil (1 to 2 tbs. maimum for the day);
Herbs: fresh or dried basil, dill, parsley, garlic;
Young coconut.

1. J uice (optional) - 1/3 each carrot, celery, and cucumber juice - 8 oz.
2. Blended salad - 8 to 12 oz. [Romaine, cucumber, celery, pepper, tomato], add 1 tbs. soaked raw mungbeans or lentils
and 1 tsp. kelp
3. Melon or fruit - 8 to12 oz.
4. Eggyolk, raw - or 3 1/2 min. soft-boiled egg with resulting raw yolk, or 2 yolks - organic fertile, or bee pollen - 1 to 2
oz., or seeds - 1 to 2 oz. sunflower or almonds
1. J uice (optional), same as above
2. Blended salad - 8 to 12 oz., same as above with 1-2 tbs. mung beans (soaked or sprouted) and 1 tbs whole flaxseed
3. Fruit - 8 oz.
4. Seeds or nuts - 1-2 oz., or six clams or oysters, or fish small pieces held in boiling water for 6 seconds (up to 3 1/2 oz.
maximum one to three times a week)
1. Tossed salad - [Romaine, cucumber, celery, pepper, tomato] and l-2 tbs mungbeans
2. Grains - 1 tbs. or more soaked, hulled buckwheat (sprouted or you may add soaked wheat, triticale, rye, or other) plus
1 tbs. of rice polishings plus 1 tbs. of bee pollen (optional) - Note: If the diet is total vegetarian (vegan) - use 2 tbsp.
of beepollen.
3. Snack (optional) - Shredded raw yam and carrots, or up to two bananas
4. You may omit breakfast or lunch if not hungry, or permanently if two meals are desired.

See Additional foods which can be eaten raw [above] for other choices to add. Finish (1) before (2), and (2) before (3), and so on to
practice correct sequential eating.

1 fl.oz.=30 ml

OUR BODY KNOWS BEST - TRUST THE BODY - This is an article of major importance for understanding
Natural Hygiene. If we just upgrade diet, lifestyle & increase our sleep - and save energy wherever we can - our
body will heal all diseases, even those without diagnosis. Even those that we don't know about yet.
The problem here lies in upgrading our diet to the best possible. During Dr. Bass' lifetime the understanding of
optimal diets has changed considerably, from earlier vegan diets, to the omnivorous diets of today.
But even close-to-optimal diets can accomplish reliable healing of most diseases.

Dr. Stanley Bass:
How Important is Diagnosis?

" Even if a person has a baffling, rare disease and the diagnosis is unknown, if he or she eats properly, or fasts if
necessary in addition, the body will surely heal itself, as long as sufficient vitality is present."


Barring injury, emergencies, or complications resulting from injury, such as hemorrhaging, broken bones, etc.., let us
begin with conditions that are classified as diseases.
Generally speaking, diseases are caused by any or all of 3 factors - namely
toxemia or

There are 2 sources of toxemia:
(a) Toxemia which is caused by the ingestion and accumulation of substances, which are foreign to the body and toxic in
nature, such as chemicals, drugs, etc. These produce irritation, inflammation and pathology in bodily organs and systems.
(b) Toxemia which is due to the accumulation of toxic wastes resulting from the food and beverages we eat and drink;
unnatural food or natural food in excess beyond what the body can use at the moment. Retention of this excess leads to
decomposition of the food and the production of irritating and toxic chemical wastes, which provide a fertile field for the
growth of microbes and various species of bacteria, which further increase the toxic state.

Deficiencies: The insufficiency of necessary food substances, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins,
enzymes etc., lead to breakdown of cells, tissues and organs which is given names of diseases, according to its location.

J ohn Henry Tilden, M.D., formulated a theory of the cause of disease as due to a recurring cycle of enervation and
Enervation is the reduction or loss of energy occasioned by the lack of rest or sleep, or the excessive use of emotion,
negative thoughts, worry, stress, or the overdoing of physical actions, overeating etc. Enervation leads to a reduction of
the body's ability to digest, absorb, assimilate and excrete body wastes - thus leading to a retention of wastes in the cells
and tissues and thereby causing disease.
Disease, in turn, causes a depletion of the body's energies, requiring more energy to maintain the normal state of
homeostasis than ordinarily needed. This excess expenditure of power leads to a slowdown in bodily function, which is
followed by an increased retention of bodily toxins in a cycle as follows:

This ingenious cycle of enervation and toxemia as being the cause of all diseases (barring accidents or trauma) may be
regarded as absolutely true if you add the additional factor of deficiencies (which is omitted in the theory).

The next important thing to be understood is this - the function of the blood and its circulation. Related to this is the
understanding of the lymph circulation, the collateral circulatory system.
All food and beverages which are consumed finally enter the bloodstream and are circulated in an endless flow to all
bodily parts. All the food nutrients are supplied to every cell and all cellular wastes are removed in this unceasing dual

Now, if disease occurs in one bodily organ or part from the presence of toxins or food excesses or uneliminated cellular
wastes and excretions, you may be certain that these same wastes are being carried to all bodily organs and cells by this
same bloodstream.
The weakest organ breaks down first manifesting disease. In time, the next weakest or overworked organ indicates
malfunction, and is given a name of disease. The important thing to remember is that all bodily parts and cells are affected
at the same time, with the weakest part manifesting first, followed by the next weakest.


Likewise, in the reverse manner, when you detoxicate the body by reducing the amount of food ingested, either partially
(by a restricted diet or juice program), or totally, (by fasting or abstaining from all food except for the use of water), the
blood removes all excessive wastes from all bodily parts and cells at the same time, a certain amount each day.

Diseases are named according to the organ or part that they manifest in, creating the illusion that one disease is different
from an other. For example, if an inflammation, called "itis," affects the bronchial tubes, the disease is called "bronchitis".
If a nerve is inflamed, it is called "neuritis" etc., yet the same cause, the irritating toxins manifesting in different parts are
given different names. If you were to give the same putrified food to many different peopIe, some would vomit; some
would have diarrhea; others would get headaches or fever or rashes or colds, each symptom depending upon which parts
of each person were most sensitive. The point here is that the same cause would produce different and individualized
symptoms in each person.

The important thing to understand here is that whenever you remove all causes of disease, beginning with what a person
eats and drinks, which is usually the most important and basic cause of all diseases, the body begins to heal itself, no
matter where the disease is located.

When I began a study of disease for about 20 years at the age of 16, after which I practiced for an additional 40 years as a
chiropractor and nutritionist, when taking a case history of all the problems a patient has ever had up to the present, I
would write all this down at the first visit.
For example, a patient would say, "I have arthritis in my fingers with deformity, and I also have hardening of the arteries,
high blood pressure and frequent headaches." After evaluating the lifestyle and diet, I would remove the undesirable foods
from the diet and give a much higher quality diet, with proper food-combining, sequence of feeding, and amounts. In
periodic visits, I would continue upgrading the quality of the diet progressively.

In the case of a 55-year-old woman who had arthritis with deformed and crooked fingers, after 8 months I noticed that the
fingers were straight and all knots were gone. I was puzzled and asked her, "Weren't your fingers crooked when I first saw
you 8 months ago?" She replied, "Yes, and I just had an examination by our family doctor, and I forgot to tell you, my
colitis and hemorrhoids a also cured along with the arthritis." She had forgotten to mention these to me any of the visits.
While healing the arthritis and reversing the crooked fingers, the body equally healed all other problems present at the
same time, using the same bloodstream and lymph circulation.
This was called "The Unity of All Disease" by the early Hygienic medical practitioners of the 19th century, who
formulated the basic principles of what is today called "Natural Hygiene."

Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, who gathered together the best teachings of the early practitioners of Natural Hygiene and
brilliantly formulated it into a cohesive, practical system, once said that diagnosis is really the least important part of
getting well.
What is really important is to know the basic principles and laws of life, to know what the body needs to get well and stay
well food-wise, and to provide these needs, and magically, the body takes care of all the rest. All you have to know is
what foods and amounts are best for the body, and to provide the proper conditions of rest, and the body heals itself.
Even if a person has a baffling, rare disease and the diagnosis is unknown, if he or she eats properly, or fasts if necessary
in addition, the body will surely heal itself, as long as sufficient vitality is present.
Diagnosis is a man-made art which the body intelligence is not concerned with. All the body needs is the right materials
(foods) and conditions (rest, proper state of mind, such as absence of fear, etc.) and it knows what to do to get well,

Given that your father and mother contributed the sperm cell and ovum, or egg-cell, and they united together and in 9
months produced the miracle which is you, all done by Nature without the conscious direction of your parents or yourself,
you can trust absolutely that Nature has the amazing healing intelligence to make you well again. The Power that made
you has the Power to heal you.

The best doctor is the one who understands this and assists Nature in this miraculous process by recommending the best
foods your body needs, as well as the proper conditions of rest and non-interference, and to get out of the way - to step
aside and allow Nature to proceed with her work, undisturbed by pills or potions.
Many times in my practice patients have forgotten to tell me about other health problems than the one they came in for,
and with the elimination of that one, all the others improved or disappeared too.

There is one bloodstream which both nourishes the body and removes all diseases. There is one Nature, one life-force and
all bodies have the same requirements - good food, proper rest and sleep, some sunlight, a moderate amount of exercise,
and proper thought. If you provide these requirements, Nature (which is God manifesting on the material plane) will
unfailingly heal you. "All the rest is jazz," as the expression goes - all the rest is secondary in importance.
All living creatures know this intuitively, and it's time that we, as intelligent humans, become aware of it consciously.

There are so many systems of diagnosis - medical, Oriental (ayurvedic), Chinese (meridians),zone therapy, iridiagnosis,
sclerotic diagnosis, reflexes, Naturopathy, x-ray, applied kinesiology, pulse and tongue diagnosis, germ theory, virus
theory, genetics, etc., etc.
The Mayo Clinic, one of the most prestigious in the world, admits that their diagnosis is 50% accurate at best, and 50%
inaccurate in the rest. This is followed by their prognosis or prediction of the possible outcome, which is equally
inaccurate. They are completely unable to state the healing possibilities of non-medical or natural approaches to disease
since they have never studied or used them and find them completely unknown.
What is there to be said about lesser institutions than the Mayo Clinic, where the diagnosis is even less accurate, even with
the most expensive machinery as the MRI etc., which have their percentage of inaccuracies also?

In all diagnostic systems there is never total accuracy, but a varying percentage at best. While there may be some value in
each of the systems after the diagnosis is made, especially by the leading medical institutions, after the pronouncements
and names of disease are given, what will they tell you to do to get well?
They haven't the slightest idea, and, according to the most authoritative medical textbooks on Symptomatology and
Pathology, the majority of diseases listed are stated to have causes which are "unknown." So all they can do is what they
have been trained to do - to treat symptoms, to use drugs, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, etc. None of these are aimed
at removing causes, but rather directed at removing bodily parts and consigning them to surgical garbage pails.

Once the truth of how to live is understood, the process of illness can be reversed more or less painlessly by intelligent
living, and good health can then be easily maintained by persistence in good habits.

As Dr. Shelton said, once the basic principles of disease and health are understood, diagnosis takes a position of
secondary importance. Once we know what the body requires for good health, if symptoms of illness arise, you know
where to begin and what to do, and the healing power of Nature takes over and does the rest.
Many times in my personal life symptoms appeared which were baffling, but I would always begin with physical and
physiological rest (fasting or a juice program) and I always became well.
In my many years of practice, there were times that the symptoms presented by patients were so contradictory and
baffling, but trusting nature, I would advise bed rest and reduction or cessation of food during acute phases, and after a
few days improvement would follow. And most of these patients had come from medical treatments which hadn't helped
them. There are emergencies due to injuries which require medical and hospital care, also conditions requiring hormones,
such as diabetes, etc., but, barring these emergencies, the great majority of symptoms will respond to a simple, natural
approach, one known to primitive races and cultures.

About 18 years ago, I wrote a booklet entitled, "Achieving Superior Nutrition through Progressive Weekly Diets." This
was written for beginners in nutrition coming from a conventional diet. I designed 7 progressive weekly diets, beginning
with moderate changes in diet for the first week. Each successive week was more advanced, and by the 7th week they
were on a high-quality maintenance diet, laid out in proper food-combining and sequence.

The book had a wide circulation, was translated into French by the Canadian Natural Hygiene Society, and into Hebrew
and Greek by Natural Hygienists. After several months, I began to receive letters stating how conditions of arthritis and
high blood pressure cleared up and became normal, how acne and psoriasis improved, weight loss, energy increase,
disappearance of infections, tumors decreasing in size, reversal of glaucoma and changes occurring in a wide variety of
conditions and diseases.
Now these were people I had never seen, diagnosed, or consulted with. All these changes had occurred just by upgrading
their diets - by following a booklet I had written. To repeat, without any diagnosis available to me, from people unknown
to me, all these remarkable changes occurred just by improving their diets.

What price diagnosis? How important is it if you know how to eat properly? The true key to understanding health and
disease is to know what food substances and amounts the body needs for optimal health, and once known, healing is only
a matter of time and energy available.
The greater the energy, the quicker the healing - the more cheerful the state of mind, the more energy is conserved and
utilized for healing. In Chinese literature, there is a saying that, "The art of the Healer is to amuse the patient while Nature
does the healing."

So what is the conclusion to all this? The best way to treat patients is to use whatever diagnostic knowledge is available,
but not to be overly concerned with the accuracy of it.
Next, to reduce drugs slowly by increments as the patient improves by the removal of poor quality food and replacing it
with the best quality available. Organic food should be used if available, and the meals should contain all the important
and necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, etc.
The total daily amount of food consumed should be the minimal amount the appetite can be happy with (to avoid toxic
accumulation and energy loss) for maximum longevity.
Luigi Cornaro, who lived in Padua, Italy in the 1400's, who was dying at 35 years of age, reduced his food to a total of 12
ounces per day, divided into 2 meals of 6 oz each, and 7 ounces of grape juice. In one year's time, he was completely
recovered from all illness and lived in vigorous health to 102. When he died, he fell asleep in his rocking chair and
painlessly left his body, in a state of total peace.

The final factor to consider is this - all the knowledge we have of the human body from most ancient times to the present
represents but a tiny amount compared to that which is unknown, mysterious and undiscovered.
Most of what we know is based upon experiments conducted on cells and tissues studied in a laboratory, in a dying state,
far removed from what happens in the living state in which the Life Force is active with thousands of enzymes constantly
being manufactured, constantly affecting each cell. This is not seen in the laboratory.
Finally, all our discoveries are theories which every few years become obsolete and have to become revised, showing how
far we are from final truths.

Isn't it much wiser to trust in the best intelligence present in Nature, who has mastered and successfully used all the
principles of Life and used them successfully to maintain all life forms from the beginning of time?
An attitude of humility and openness is clearly indicated if we are to learn how to live more intelligently, hopefully and
joyfully, so that we may fulfill our destiny and evolution in accordance with Nature's grand plan for man's highest

BE HAPPY - A side effect of saving energy in different ways is that we will feel better, be happier and have
higher energy in general. A wonderful way to get rid of depression and negativity, and to increase creativity and
vitality. And these are long-term improvements, achieved at the same time as our health is optimized.
The opposite road goes via increased toxin intake (e.g. drugs, medicines), lack of sleep, and deficient diets
towards depression and low vitality.

Dr. Stanley Bass:

The Relation Between Energy And Feeling And Thought
from "Overcoming Compulsive Habits"

" The person who feels depressed or negative most of the time is low on the energy level scale and needs to omit
undesirable energy-wasting practices and to increase rest and sleep."

The child who has not yet poisoned his body with unnatural food and stimulants or young undomesticated animals are
alternately engaged in joyful play and restful sleep. Negative or depressed states are unknown. J oy, vitality, happiness and
play mark its existence.
This is equally so with healthy adolescents, young and even mature adults who are not dissipating their powers in
destructive emotions and poison-habits. This is strikingly evident in primitive people or regions which have not yet been
educated into our "civilized habits".

On the other hand, the more that energy is lost through dissipation, stimulants, tension, emotional, physical and sexual
excess and especially prolonged loss of sleep and rest, the more does negativity in feelings, emotions and thoughts set in.

The diagram presents an approximate sketch of how our feelings fluctuate according to the amount of energy which we have available
for use.

The same applies to our mental and creative abilities. The greater the amount of energy which is available, the better we
are able to think, reason, create and the more alert we are. Conversely, the less energy which is available, the more
deficient we become in all of our mental abilities.

The person who feels depressed or negative most of the time is low on the energy level scale and needs to omit
undesirable energy-wasting practices and to increase rest and sleep.
J ust as the muscles enter a state of inertia during the recharging process called sleep, so does the mind manifest a reduced
state of activity during its resting and recharging phase. We observe this mental state as "feeling depressed", when we are
awake. This merely indicates that the brain-cells are recuperating energy.


The individual who is living intelligently, obeying the laws of life, eating correctly, resting and sleeping sufficiently and
avoiding poison-habits will manifest happy, cheerful and optimistic feelings, emotions and thought for the most part.
He will fluctuate between wellbeing, happiness and great joy.
When due to unusual expenditure, his energy level drops, this will manifest as quietude, passivity and deep relaxation
which is free from irritability, negative feelings or thoughts.

Dr. Stanley S. Bass, from "Overcoming Compulsive Habits"


Easy-to-print Website Version
Here are contents of website as a print-friendly pdf file, divided in 3 parts.
Can be used as an introductory course to Natural Hygiene (Orthopathy).

Free Download
PART 1 (51 pages): (470 KB)

PART 2 (52 pages): (460 KB)

PART 3 (28 pages): (290 KB)

Booklet about how different raw juices and diets have been used for disease healing in medical research
and clinically. Information you can use to gain a complete understanding of how the human body works
in health and disease.

Free Download Print-friendly pdf file (14 pages).
(104 KB)

With 3 Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists
Written for publication at Dr. Shelton's request that I interview Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio - for an explanation of
his ideas and methods used in treating his patients for over a 50 year period. I also interviewed 3 generations of
his patients and the results were a revelation of new ideas in Natural Hygiene techniques and clinical nutrition.

Free download (pdf file, 16 pages):
(45 KB)

Produced in cooperation with the International Natural Hygiene Society, INHS - to teach self-empowering natural healing methods. Contains the first chapters from
ORTHOPATHY by Dr. Shelton.
Dr. Herbert Shelton explains how to easiest recover from chronic & acute disease. Also, presenting the Science of
Health & Natural Hygiene view on disease, early history & doctors, offering critique and advice, etc.

Free Download Print-friendly pdf file (80 pages).
(440 KB)


From the Average Diet to Superior Nutrition in 7 Weekly Programs ("How to become a vegetarian")
A simple and easy way to reach a high-quality vegetarian diet (including dairy and eggs) from a conventional diet by 7
gradually-progressing weekly diets. Many people from around the world have written to me stating that their health
problems disappeared in a few weeks to months just by following this book.

Ideal Health Through Sequential Eating (Perfection in Food Combining)
A simple method of eating which leads to maximum digestion, absorption and assimilation (which eliminates gas, belching
and heartburn). It is based upon scientific and proven research (published in Howell's "Textbook of Physiology") which
has been overlooked and is largely unknown.

In Search of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet - Volume I. --- (Testing Nutritional Theories on Mice)
Hundreds of mice were used to test diets such as the vegan, fruitarian, vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, raw
diets, cooked diet, other diets and variations, periodic fasting and longevity, juice programs, all-raw vs. cooked Natural
Hygiene diets.
Accompany Dr. Bass on a fascinating journey, one which is comparable to testing theories of nutrition on what is the
equivalent of 120 years of nutritional experiments on hundreds of humans.

Discovery of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet / [In Search of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet - Volume II.] --- (Testing
Nutritional Theories on Mice)
Follow Dr. Bass step by step to the conclusion of "In Search of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet". The tale of all the tests and
re-tests in choosing the best vegetarian diets, the best aspect of each diet, and eliminating all weaknesses in each. After

The Laws of Life
A simplified yet complete interpretation of the Laws of Life which will give you a clear understanding of the causes of
disease and health, not taught in medical colleges. Through understanding these basic laws, you can evaluate the true
causes of illness and can chart a lifestyle for yourself which is synchronized with Nature and leads to peace of mind,
vibrant health and happiness.

Overcoming Compulsive Habits
How to overcome compulsive habits, based upon a lifetime of study and personal experience of Oriental and Western
philosophy, psychology and yoga. All methods were tested, choosing only the very best and most practical methods of
self-mastery and self-understanding. It explains the relationship between energy, feeling and thought.

Natural Health and Nutrition - Condensed Natural Hygiene Nutrition Course
These lessons were organized and used by Dr. Bass at "The Life Science Health Haven" in Woodridge, N.Y. for several
years as part of the curriculum of a training course in vegetarian Natural Hygiene for students.

The Eye of Revelation (The 5 Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation).
Reproduction of the original unedited book by Peter Kelder, 1939. Describes the Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation,
which stimulate the 7 subtle energy centers along the spine called Chakras, making the practitioner feel dramatically
revitalized and rejuvenated.

Download all of the above 8 books by Stanley Bass see price information at



Life Science International Fasting Center
Dr. Stanley S. Bass
3119 Coney Island Ave.
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11235

Telephone: (718) 648-1500
(Sorry, no email.)

Call for consultations 10 am - 6 pm weekdays (EST), Dr. Bass will answer whenever available.
You will get 15 minutes free consultation with Dr. Bass the first time you call.
(Note: Dr. Bass patients can call weekdays 10 am to 8 pm EST, & in eventual emergencies on weekends.)

To prepare it is a good idea to download and read REMARKABLE RECOVERIES FROM SEVERE HEALTH PROBLEMS (14 pages)
During the program that will be designed for you, and continually adjusted according to your body's reactions, you will typically get a
steady stream of different symptoms. These will vary from person to person, and give valuable clues to the progress of your healing. It
is important not to mistake "healing symptoms" for "disease symptoms". Read What Symptoms to Expect when You Improve Your Diet
to prepare.


Dr. Stanley S. Bass, N.D. D.C. Ph.C., Ph.D., D.O., D.Sc., D.D., was introduced to Orthopathy & Natural
Hygiene by Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio in New York, and worked closely with him for over 40 years, while
deepening his knowledge in orthopathic drug-free healing.

Dr. Bass graduated from The American School of Naturopathy in 1955, from Columbia Institute of
Chiropractic in 1959, and in 1953 from the N.Y. Institute of Dietetics as Dietician. He earned a Doctor of
Osteopathy (D.O.) and D.Sc. in England, and a Ph.D. in Public Health & Nutrition from Trinity Hall College &
Seminary in Springfield Illinois.
He was certified by IAHP (International Ass. of Hygienic Physicians) as a "specialist in fasting supervision and
hygienic care".
He is a founding & board member of the International Natural Hygiene Society

Dr. Bass has been a Natural Hygiene doctor since the 1950's in the New York area, supervising 30,000+health recoveries using diet &
fasting. He had a hygienic retreat in the Catskill Mountains, the Life Science Health Haven (now closed).
He knew Dr. Herbert Shelton and wrote articles for his magazine.

Dr. Bass is one of very few Natural Hygiene/Orthopathic doctors
who is not restricted to vegetarian diets, even though he has 40
years experience with vegetarianism, and has conducted research
to find the healthiest vegetarian diets. He has also conducted
other diet research and mice experiments, and has written several books on natural drug-free healing.
Dr. Bass has constanly been testing nutritional and fasting practices, on himself and patients, to find the
most optimal for different diseases.

Dr. Bass is combining the best of traditional orthopathic medical science of healing without drugs and modern nutritional research (e.g.
insulin-theory and anthropology/archeology based).
Dr. Bass has a likely record of 1000+personal fasts himself.
Due to his healing success and knowledge he is "Knight of Malta"

was produced by the Natural Hygiene Network in Houston


Join the International Natural Hygiene Society
to learn more

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