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Treatment For Diabetes

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Treatment For: Diabetes

[ Diabetes ]
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What is Diabetes?
In our body Pancreas, one of the endocrine glands, produces insulin and that digests the glucose/sugar from the food/drink we take.
Such digested glucose gets mixed in the blood. Now, when blood goes to the brain, there is a special process of manufacturing
cerebrospinal fluid - an extract from the blood. uring such extraction, glucose is also extracted and mixed with cerebrospinal fluid.
!his cerebrospinal fluid circulates in the body through the central ner"ous system and gi"es necessary energy-created from glucose to
the main functioning organs. #hen due to some reasons $explained later% the le"el of glucose increases in blood and/or in urine, it is
tagged as diabetes.
iabetes is more dangerous than e"en cancer because when diabetes crosses the le"el of &', it starts damaging many organs like
kidneys, brain, heart, and retina and does not allow the in(uries to heal up fast. )ut there is no need to panic for patients with diabetes
because it could be cured within *+ to ,- days.
How to Detect Diabetes
#hen any person gets.
/ore and more tied.
0ets excessi"e thirst.
1alf muscles are constantly paining.
2ne needs to check up for diabetes. octors3 ad"ice is to get sugar test for blood and urine regularly. )ut one can do such tests e"en at
home #I!425! any machine.
6. Press on point no. 67 of the 8ymph gland $check both front and back of hands%. If it is not hurting, when pressed, it means that
the sugar le"el in blood is normal $around 9+%. So, try to find out the other root cause for the abo"e symptoms.
&. #hen you press little hard on point no. 67 and there is slight hurting, it denotes that sugar/glucose le"el in blood is more than
a. #hen on slight pressure say there is pain on point no. 67, it denotes that the sugar le"el is around &--. !o determine the
actual le"el of sugar in blood please refer to 1hart number 6.
b. #hen there is pain on point no. 67 and also on point no. &+, the sugar le"el is more than &-- and with the help of the
following chart, one can find out approximately the sugar le"el in blood.
Root Causes
6. First Root Cause . ue to tension or high blood, the process of extracting glucose from the blood is weakened or damaged, and
so instead of extracting all the glucose from the blood lea"ing only 9+ to 6.&' glucose in the blood $which is considered
normal in fasting test%, less glucose is extracted and so the blood which goes back in circulation contains more glucose $higher
than normal%.
&. Second Root Cause . #hen more sugar is consumed regularly $or because of refined food% and Pancreas has to o"erwork for a
longer period, this endocrine gland gets tired and works less, so less insulin is produced. !hus, sugar/glucose is not properly
digested and its le"el in the blood increases. !his extra glucose in blood is not being extracted in the brain and thus the le"el of
sugar increases in the blood. :s under the popular therapies, Pancreas cannot be reacti"ated, the patient is told to take proper
care of diabetes throughout life and to forgo the pleasure of sweet taste. !he patient is kept on drugs-pills at first and when the
le"el of sugar remains high in spite of pills for diabetes, the patient has to take in(ections of insulin. 2;
*. Third Root Cause . #hen unnecessary heat increases in the body, it affects the Pancreas resulting in less production of insulin
leading to iabetes. :t that time, one gets excessi"ely thirsty.
Treatment for diabetes: <ollow the mentioned treatment for *+-,- days to cure any kind of diabetes.
6. !ake treatment mentioned under =Ner"ous !ension> if you3"e tension, otherwise skip this step.
&. o not o"ereat and chew each bite *7 times.
*. 0i"e acupressure treatment on point no. 25 $Pancreas%, and on all of the endocrine glands $3, 4, , !!, !2, !3, !4, !5, 25, 2,
2", and 3%? one minute on each point, three times a day.
,. :s the first thing in the morning, take one of the following and a"oid any food/drink for the next 6+/&- minutes.
a. rink half cup $& ounces% of fresh (uice of green coriander lea"es.
b. 2; 1ut two lady3s fingers $2kra% lengthwise and soak them in half a glass of water o"ernight. S@ueeAe them and drink
this water.
+. !ake B4ealth PowderB twice a day.
7. If possible, drink & glasses of 0old/Sil"er/1opper/Iron 1harged water reduced from , glasses of water e"eryday.
!he net effect of all these treatments will be that (ust within 6-/6& days, diabetes will be arrested. Now go on reducing the intake of
tablets, pills of insulin in(ections in such a way as to stop all the other medication within 6- days. 1ontinue the treatment for *+ to ,-
days and diabetes will be cured permanently unless contracted again by reckless diet and improper life style. :fter the treatment
always remember the following.
1hew each food bite at-least *7 times before swallowing.
o not o"ereat.
Stop using white sugar and salt. Instead use Caggery and 4imalayan-Salt. ;aw and un-heated honey can also be used.
List of Formulae/Procedures listed in aboe treatment:
Hand Charts
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!old/"iler/Co##er/$ron Char%ed Water &Dr' (ohra)
!his charged water is found useful for good health and is helpful in many diseases. )ut it is a must for the treatment of any problem
connected with the improper flow of the current of bio-electricity. If you want to use tap water it is ad"isable to first boil the water and
then use it for charging? otherwise use distilled water if possible.
Copper. 5seful for all diseases and problems connected with the ner"ous system i.e. 4igh )lood Pressure, :rthritis, Polio,
!ension and 8eprosy.
Sil#er. 5seful for the diseases of the organs connected with digesti"e system and the urinary system.
$old. 5seful for disorders of the breathing system, lung, heart, brain and is a general tonic.
%ron. Proper @uantity of iron in the blood is utmost necessary because they carry oxygen and supplies it all o"er the body and
thus increases stamina.
!he charged water can be prepared as shown below. !ake a pot of Pyrex glass, if possible? otherwise take a copper "essel, if readily
a"ailabe. In that case copper is not to be included while boiling. 2therwise stainless steel "essel or e"en earthen pot can be used. o
not use :luminium or brass "essel.
Copper charged 'ater . Put 7- grammes of pure 1opper plate/ingots/wire or 7 to D copper coins in , glasses of water and boil
Sil#er charged 'ater . Put *- to 7- grammes of sil"er-pure bullion or pure coins $.EEE purity% in , glasses of water and boil it.
o not use sil"er ornaments.
$old charged 'ater . 6+ to *- grammes of gold pure bullion gold coin or ornaments $chain or bangles not enameled of &&
carat gold in , glasses of water and boil it%.
%ron charged 'ater . $In case of deficiency of iron in blood, anaemia or during pregnancy% Put 7- grammes of unrusted/non-
gal"iniAed piece of iron $nails, etc.% in , glasses of water and boil it.
Copper/Sil#er/$old/%ron charged 'ater. :ll these metals can be put together in water, in the Bproportion of gold 6+ to &-
grams /sil"er *- grams /copper 7- grams/iron 7- grams. It should be borne in mind that all metals put in the water are
thoroughly cleaned and do not contain any dust or rust.
)oil away &+' of water i.e. retain * out of , glasses of water after boiling. <ilter this water, keep it in a thermos if possible and drink
it lukewarm/hot during the day. rinking of ?l glass of such water the first thing in the moming is "ery beneficial. #hen this water is
reduced by +- ', it becomes medicine-best antibiotic and is a /5S! in treatment of all serious diseases. In acute cases, this water
may be boiled down to 6 glass or e"en half a glass. #hen you drink such Fsoncentrated water $i.e. when more than 7-' water is
boiled away e.g. * glasses of charged water reduced from D glasses% a"oid sour things like lemon, sour buttermilk, etc.
Guantity . !he abo"e @uantity is for all abo"e 6& years. <or children o"er & years +- ' of the @uantity is to be gi"en. <or children
below & years gi"e only half @uantity.
Health Powder Drin* &Dr' (ohra)
In *-- grams of amla powder, add 6-- grams of dried ginger powder. /ix them. !ake one teaspoonful of this powder along with
water in the morning and e"ening. 2therwise, in , glasses of water add & tea spoonfuls of the abo"e powder of amla and dried ginger
$use fresh amla and ginger if a"ailable% and boil it and reduce it to * glasses. <ilter the water and drink it during the day. If desired,
honey can be added to it. !his is good for growing children.

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