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Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?

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Vegetarian or Non-vegetarian?

Vegetarian food is being eaten for may centuries, and so is non vegetarian. Non-vegetarian food
is considered to be rich in protein and vitamins. Many people in this world today are omnivores,
such as the Thais, the Chinese, the British, the Americans and the Arabs. But many people are
still converting to vegetarianism. Even my family and I are vegetarians. But why is this? Why
aren't all people eating non-veg? Is it purely for religious purposes? Or is there another more
scientifc and intricate reason behind vegetarianism? Lets investigate...

Non-vegetarian food is eaten mainly because it is rich in protein. Many people eat meat
because of it's high protein value. Proteins are very important for our growth and resistance
power. Non-vegetarian people eat beef, pork, chicken, fsh and even fried, large worms. Some even
drink snake- soup. Some in the west do not know what vegetarianism is. They laugh at those who
take only vegetarian. They ask the vegetarians how they live eating only ' Leaves ' or ' Rabbit
Food '. I have experienced these types of things myself. But the truth is that even though
vegetables may be lower than meat in protein, some vegetarian foods contain ample amounts of
proteins, such as :-
1)Dairy Products like milk, cheese, curds etc.
4)Nuts like Peanutss, almonds, walnuts etc.
And many more. So being a vegetarian means having to control your diet and eating lots of
protein rich foods.
Scientists have recently discovered that non-vegetarians have 50% more chances of getting
heart problems than vegetarians. They have also found out that vegetarians have only 40% of the
chance of getting cancer than non-vegetarians. Meat and eggs are laden with saturated fat and
cholesterol, which make us fat and obese and also leads to clogged arteries and heart attacks.
Plant foods, on the other hand, provide all the energy, protein, vitamins and minerals that we
need to be healthy and strong, without all the fat and cholesterol.
The meat of animals may also contain many toxic materials that are consumed by the
animals when they eat contaminated food or drink contaminated waater. Those toxins (dioxin,
heavy metals, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics ) are then stored in the Adipose Tissues under
the skin and eating the meat makes the toxins enter our body leading to cancer and mental
On average, vegetarian humans live six to ten years longer than non-vegetarian humans.
Sometimes meat contains harmful bacteria which can cause diarrhoea, stomach pain, vomiting
and even organ failure. The extreme crowding and flth found on factory farms leads to the spread
of diseases such as avian fu, foot-and-mouth disease, mad cow disease and SARS.
Non-vegetarian is also bad for the environment. The farms need 22 times the acres of
land to grow vegetables for human consumption to feed the livestock. Cows must be fed 10
kilograms of grain to produce one kilogrom of meat. All this grain could have flled the stomachs
of people below the poverty line. Rotting meat produces Methane and phosphine .That is why it
smells so bad. The cows reared like pigs for slaughter in farmhouses produce much more methane
along with excretion than the normal grass eating cows do. That is because their stomachs can't
digest grains well, and the farmhouses couldn't produce that much grass. Methane gas is a
greenhouse gas, which causes global warming even more than Carbon Dioxide.

Many species of sealife is getting extinct because of fshing for meat. In one year,
non-]veg people buy an average 16 kilograms of fsh, but because fshing nets haul up all the fsh
that come in their way, an average of 200 kilograms of fsh per person are discarded. In the past
50 years, fsh
ing companies have killed 90% of the population of large fshes.++--
It is also important to know that the human body is not designed for the intake of
meat. Recent studies proved that :
1)Our canine teeth as opposed to carnivores are short and blunt. Carnivores have large and
pointed teeth while the structure of the canine teeth of humans is rather like that of the few
herbivores that have canine teeth.
2)Our chewing habits, too difer from those of carnivores. We, like herbivores, chew our food
to an extent until we can swallow it. Carnivores, on the oth+er hand, prefer to swallow their
food whole.
3)Our saliva also has enzymes that break up carbohydrates unlike carnivores and like
4)The small intestines of humans and herbivores are 10-11 and 10-12 times the entire body
length respectively, while that of carnivores os only 3-6 times as long.
5)Humans and herbivores have short, blunt nails while carnivores have claws.
So, it is quite clear that the human body is NOT adapted to theeating of meat. Obviously, it will
lead to some diseases or disfunctionings.
It is a pity that so many animals are being killed everyday for our leisure. Countless
animals are being mercilessly killed at this very moment. So after all this is it fair that we kill
animals, by taking their lives far earlier then they ought to live and cruelly eat them for just our
greedy purposes, to fll our stomachs, and relish on the taste??? Animals have the right to live as
much as we do. Dogs and cats are kept in households with all the comforts, and cows and chickens
and fsh are tortured by scalding them in hot oil when they are sometimes still alive. Eggs are
worse. It is like killing a child even before birth. Even before it sees what the world is like.
Imagine if you were a chicken, and were taken to a meat house and shut up in cages in which you
could scarcely breath and then fed to get you fattened and after that have a knife go through your
neck, to satisfy the human stomach? Would it be fair? The answer is no. Some people say that
animals are made only for the food and clothes and entertainment of humans, but then, why do
they have a heart, a brain and cells?Many have switched over from non-vegetarianism to
vegetarianism. They have realised, animals too have life, they have feelings, but the most
important thing is that they have a right to live a full life, just like us...

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