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Essential Natural Hygiene Home Study Course: Lesson ENH01

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Part 1
The Foundations of Life
Lesson ENH01
Natural Hygiene –
The Way of All Life
Copyright © 2000 – Transformation Institute

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

Natural Hygiene – The
Way Of All Life

Natural Hygiene as a
True Philosophy of Life

Health is Normal
and Natural

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

This first lesson presents Natural Hygiene, the health system
based soundly on the principles and practices that are in accord
with our biological heritage.
The message of this lesson is essentially this: Optimum health
will exist if our living practices are correct. From optimal health
flow goodness and virtues, harmony and happiness. Good health is
a necessary condition for the enjoyment of life.
The key to a healthy life is balance. Once the simple needs of
health are determined, then one moves into applying those needs
in an ever more balanced fashion. This is the art of life; the mas-
tery of life.
As a setting for our studies, this lesson establishes some of the
basic principles of health and sets the philosophical tone.

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce you to the philosophy,
principles and practices of Natural Hygiene and to this course.
The primary concept of Natural Hygiene is that health is normal
and natural. And, further, that perfect health results from observ-
ing in practice the causes of health. This implies that disease is ab-
normal, unnatural and, therefore, unnecessary.
Upon completion of this lesson you should know:
1. Why health is normal and natural;
2. Why the science of healthful living is to be found in the study of
nature rather than in laboratory research, but that there too, the
basis for healthful living are frequently confirmed;
3. The fundamental essentials that build and maintain health;
4. The basic causes of disease and suffering;
5. That all healing is self-healing;
6. How Natural Hygiene holds individual prerogatives in esteem;
7. That the words “cure” and “medicine” convey meanings that
simply do not exist in nature;
8. The boundless possibilities for human happiness and progress if
we again observe the mandate and dictates of our pristine legacy.

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

Definitions of uncommon words and new ideas introduced ap-
pear below in alphabetical order. Also listed are common words
that are used with a broader or different meaning.

CURE – To heal or make well. Commonly understood to imply

healing by the use of external devices or substances.
ENDOGENOUS - Originating within the body. Literal meaning:
generated inside.
EXOGENOUS - Originating from or due to external causes. Occa-
sioned by a factor as food or an agent from outside the organism.
Of, relating to or produced by the metabolism of nitrogenous sub-
stances obtained from food. Literal meaning: generated outside.
HEALTH - A condition wherein we have complete function of all
our faculties. A condition of perfect development. A state of whole-
ness and harmonious operation of all body organs.
HYGIENE - The science of health. The word is derived from
Hygeia, the goddess of health. Synonymous with Natural Hygiene.
NATURAL HYGIENE - The science of human well-being. Deals
with everything that bears upon human welfare. Synonymous with
Hygiene or Natural Hygiene.
NATURAL - That to which we are biologically adapted, i.e., the
sum total of our heritage from nature.
NATURAL HERITAGE - Identical in meaning to natural.
NATURAL HYGIENE - Hygiene, the science of health, with the
prefix modification of natural to delineate it from the limited appli-
cation of the term hygiene in common usage. Identical to Natural
NORMAL - That which is established by usage and adaptation as
being consonant with our best welfare and usual to our existence
within the context of our natural adaptations. The word normal in
contemporary society refers to standards that are based on general
PALLIATIVE - To alleviate pain without removing the cause.
SYMBIOSIS - Harmonious cooperation of dissimilar organisms for
their mutual benefit. Living together harmoniously and performing
complementary services.
THERAPY – The treatment of disease by the application of some
kind of artificial force (whether mechanical, chemical, thermal,
electrical or other) to the body to alter its structure or function.
TOXIN(s) - Any substance produced by a plant, animal or organism
that is not usable by the body to form cells or tissues. The body will
continually strive to eliminate all toxic material from the body.

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

 Natural Hygiene is a way of living that is in accord with out natu-
ral heritage. The term conveys the art and science of living health-
 Natural Hygiene, the science of life, embodies those principles
which guide us to correct living practices.
 Our biological adaptations, i.e., the make-up (structure and func-
tion) of our bodies, determine our needs and how we should meet
 Health is normal and natural. Disease is abnormal, unnatural and
 Health is the result of healthful living and that only. Nothing else
has the capacity or power to produce health.
 Using treatments, drugs, herbs, or anything else abnormal and
unnatural to the body can interfere with healthful body functions
but, under no circumstances can these agencies heal the body. Be-
cause these devitalizing agencies depress and suppress symptoms
(evidences) of body healing efforts— because the body discontin-
ues vital activities to contend with these agencies, which makes
the symptoms disappear, the anti-vital effects of drugs and treat-
ments are mistaken for healing effects.
 Changes from our natural needs in our external environment do
not alter our internal makeup and needs.
 The inherent mechanisms of life all tend to maintain high level
health and function. All concerted actions within the body are or-
ganic functions directed by the master control mechanism, the
brain. Toxins inside the body are harmful. However, body actions
(such as fever) that enable the body to eject or eliminate the tox-
ins are not harmful.
 Natural Hygiene is about enhancing physical, emotional and
mental well-being through education. It provides us with a sim-
ple, straightforward system for regaining and maintaining superb
human health and beauty. Hygiene is personally empowering and
liberating. It teaches independence and rational action. It banishes
fear and ignorance regarding human health and how to keep it.
Ultimately it is about freedom.

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

 In presenting the concept that health is normal and natural, Life
Scientists emphatically refute the idea that disease is inevitable in
our lives. We contend that disease will not occur unless there is
sufficient cause.
 Health maintenance is an unceasing process in every organism.
When the organism is overwhelmed by toxic substances beyond
its ability to eliminate them in normal course, the body institutes
emergency action to effect expulsion of the toxic burden. This cri-
sis is called sickness or disease. Toxic materials accumulate in the
body from two sources: 1) from unexpelled body wastes that are
endogenously generated as a normal part of our metabolism, and
2) from exogenous materials ingested and partially or wholly re-
tained due to inability to cope with the eliminative load.
 Disease is instituted by the body itself as an emergency measure
to purify and repair itself.
 Modalities (artificial treatments or therapies that involve drugs,
herbs, manipulations, or other infringements upon the vital do-
main) do not healthfully assist the body. On the contrary, they in-
terfere with vital body purification and reparative functions and
normal body functions as well.
 Such interference poses additional problems for the body to cope
with, thereby further lowering the overall body vitality. Body vital-
ity may be lowered so much by the greater danger presented by
the drugs or modalities that the original disease effort, which is
actually an effort to purify the body, is discontinued in favor of de-
voting available energies to the more virulent enemy, the drugs
within. That is why medical physicians are called allopaths. Al-
lopath literally means opposite disease. In theory they strive to
displace the original disease by creating a heteropathic or opposite
disease. Actually all physicians succeed in doing is to create addi-
tional disease. The original problem remains while the body must
redirect its energies partly or wholly to removing the more danger-
ous drugs, herbs, or so-called medicines. Thus symptoms of the
original disease may disappear because the necessary energy and
vitality to further conduct the disease is now lacking.
 Yet the body is in graver danger than before it was treated from
both the uneliminated toxic accumulations and the added toxicity
of drugs or other substances administered.
 The best way to help the body in disease is to “intelligently do
nothing” and simultaneously establish conditions of health—con-
ditions that enable the body to devote all its vitality to the healing
crisis. A thoroughgoing rest under tranquil circumstances consti-

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

tutes a healing environment, for it permits full devotion of body

energies to the emergency task.
 The body is always “doing its thing” intelligently and correctly.
The body is ALWAYS acting appropriately based on the condi-
tions with which it must contend. We can interfere with its opera-
tions, but we cannot possibly help it other than by furnishing the
normal needs of life consonant with existing body conditions.


I) What is Natural Hygiene?
II) An Introduction to Natural Hygiene
A) Natural Hygiene as a philosophy of life
B) How Natural Hygiene began in this modern era
C) Natural Hygiene as a new concept of healthful living
D) Natural Hygiene as a broad-based science of life
III) An Inquiry into the philosophy, principles, and practices of
Natural Hygiene:
A) Innate individual worth
B) Happiness and ideal health
C) Self-government in all organisms.
D) Self-healing
E) Individual sovereignty
IV) Discussion of the medical approach to health and disease:
A) The false notion of "cure"
B) “Cures” do not deal with causes
C) “Cures” destroy body vitality
D) Medical and "healing art" approaches are destructive
V) What health really is
A) Delineation and description of health
B) Beauty as reflecting health
C) Fullness of function as a barometer of health
D) The possibility of perfect health for humans
E) Proof that health is normal and natural

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

Part I: The Foundations of

Natural Hygiene
Welcome! It is my privilege to introduce you to the world’s fore-
most science and practice of achieving superlative health. It is
known by the descriptive term "Natural Hygiene." It is also known
as health science, Hygiene, and other terms.

What is Natural Hygiene?

At the outset it is wise to delineate just what Natural Hygiene
is--just what grounds it covers.
First, the definitions:
Natural - Of, relating to, or concerning nature.
Hygiene - Practices and conditions for the promotion of health
and the prevention of disease.
Life as we know it is possible and became possible because cer-
tain favorable conditions are and were present. Life inherently pos-
sesses considerable strength and flexibility; yet life will only exist
within fairly narrow conditions. Some of these conditions include
favorable temperature, presence of oxygen and other gases and min-
erals, presence of water, absence of lethal substances, etc. Natural
Hygiene is the study of all the conditions which make life possible.

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

Because present-day life seems to be losing touch with those condi-

tions which made life possible, Natural Hygiene brings us "back to
the garden," so to speak. We should strive to meet life's require-
ments, and to smoothly balance them in all aspects so that we can
easily lead a joyous and fulfilling existence.
Natural Hygiene always refers to
nature as its mentor and teacher. The Natural Hygiene is the
systematic study of nature is called study of all conditions
science. The knowledge gained by the
scientific method is considerable and
which make life possible
very useful. However, the methods used in the pursuit of scientific
knowledge are by necessity fractured, fragmented and incomplete.
When wholistic, comprehensive understanding is required, one
must refer back to nature in her pristine majesty as the final au-
Science is not the cold dispassionate pursuit many of us have
been led to believe. Rather, it is personal and relevant to all that we
are involved in. When we turn our studies upon ourselves so that
we may have a very personal science, we begin to arrive at the
essence of Natural Hygiene.
Natural Hygiene is the ex-
ploration of all the elements
and influences upon health we
can examine to improve our
lives. Certain truths and natu-
ral laws apply to all humanity.
Other aspects may be consid-
ered flexible guidelines which
should be modified to best suit
each individual. Studying and
systemizing these natural laws
and guidelines, so that we can
be intelligently guided by Inquire. Discern. Keep an open mind!
them….. This is our aim.
That which gives correct results is scientific. That which gives
wrong results is unscientific.
Natural Hygiene concerns itself with those principles and truths
applicable to human life so that we may wisely apply them to our
lives. We are of the firm conviction that only by hygienic living can
we realize the loftiest joys, peace of mind and blissful connection
with all of creation which is our birthright.
Animals in nature are creatures of instinct. Following the guid-
ance of instinct, they are correctly self-directed to meet their needs.
They thrive optimally in accord with their environmental and ge-
netic possibilities. Inborn guidance is, in effect, Natural Hygiene or

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

a science of life for nature's creatures.

Humans have infinite potential for happiness and goodness. We
are endowed with wonderful and sophisticated faculties. These en-
dowments can keep us in a
state of euphoria during a
long and healthy life.
Natural Hygiene is for hu-
mans what inborn direction
is for animals. We, too, have
instincts, but we are far
more than these basic im-
pulses of life.
Unfortunately, we not only
fail to follow our instincts
but we often reject them in
our living practices. Our in-
stincts have been hidden
and perverted by unwhole-
some conditioning in a
world that is quite berserk
by sane standards. When
humans act contrary to their in-
When humans act contrary stincts they are acting destructively.
to their instincts they are When their practices are in harmo-
ny with their instincts--with their
acting destructively. When inherent biological needs--they are
their practices are in har- living constructively. Natural Hy-
giene is as simple as that.
mony with their instincts - Discovering and obeying our nat-
with their inherent biologi- ural instincts is part and parcel of
Natural Hygiene. Our inborn guid-
cal needs - they are living ing instincts always tend toward
constructively. Natural Hy- healthful and constructive living,
when they are unclouded and given
giene is as simple as that. proper attention. It is ignorance of
our instincts and the laws of life that creates our sickness and suf-
Unlike wild animals in nature, most of us in this modern world
cannot immediately rely on our instincts, for we have lost touch
with them. We must first relearn the basics of what it takes to re-
gain and maintain superb health. In like kind, we must also elimi-
nate the dead weight of false knowledge and ideas that we carry
with us each moment. With careful observation, we can determine
what is good and what is bad for us. We can become profound
enough in our knowledge to construct a science and practice of life

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

that will guide us to realize the happiness and the destiny that
should be ours.
Natural Hygiene is, therefore, a way of life that rightfully con-
cerns itself with every facet of human life and human well-being.

Natural Hygiene as a Philosophy of Life

In introducing Natural Hygiene as a true philosophy of life, the
question arises as to how its validity was determined. The surest
way of assessing the correctness of any system is to put it to the
test. Does it work? If it works, and continues to work, it must be
deemed valid. If it does not work, or only works temporarily, then
it must be invalid and unscientific.
Natural Hygiene began with success. From its beginnings as a
new, but not yet complete healing science,
it developed until today it is a full-blown
scientific and philosophical system touch-
ing upon everything that relates to human
well-being. That it is valid is beyond
doubt-- Natural Hygiene works beautifully!
To capture the essence of the science of
healthful living, I feel it appropriate to
quote from a most notable hygienist, Dr.
Keki Sidwha. He's been a Hygienic practi-
tioner in Great Britain for several decades.
Dr. Sidhwa says, "In spite of all the great
advances in many branches of science, we
are still in a period of prehistory, a dark Dr. Keki Sidhwa
age, in our thinking about health, disease
and healing. What the world sorely needs is a new, advanced and
progressive concept of health. A different orientation of thoughts,
words and deeds than we have been led to accept for umpteen gen-
erations is now urgently called for.
Before the science of physiology developed, the rules of Life were
instinctive, traditional, and empirical. Today these rules are based
on the growing knowledge of physiology and biology. If we had per-
fect knowledge of the laws of life and applied them in a perfect sys-
tem of Hygiene, disease would be impossible and never occur. In
this sense Hygiene is the science of intelligent and healthful living."

Dr. Herbert Shelton describes the revolutionary attitude that

burns in the hearts of all who desire to see humankind live happy
and healthful lives.
Dr. Shelton exclaims, "Natural Hygiene is that branch of biology
which investigates and applies the conditions upon which life and

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

health depend, and the means by which all health is

sustained in all its virtue and purity, and restored
when it has been lost......Natural Hygiene is NOT a
system of therapeutics. It professes to build health in
all forms of diseased states by the employment of hy-
gienic agents alone and without the employment of
poisons or resort to enervating palliatives or therapies
of any nature. In the class of hygienic agencies can be
included only the actual necessities of life - food, air,
water, sunlight, rest, sleep, relaxation, exercise, play,
warmth, cleanliness, hope, faith, courage - and the
means of securing these. Constructive surgery forms
the only non-hygienic measure endorsed by the Natu-
ral Hygienist.
Dr. Herbert Shelton “The truth should be self-evident that any method or
system that destroys the independence and autonomy
of the individual and makes one forever dependent upon another
person or class of people is not natural. Any system that of itself
creates a privileged class who can, by law or otherwise, lord it over
their fellow people destroys true freedom and personal autonomy.
Any system that teaches the sick that they can get well only
through the exercise of the skill of someone else, or through the op-
eration of something else, and that they remain alive only through
the tender mercies of the privileged class, has no place in Nature's
scheme of things, and the sooner it is abolished, the better will hu-
mankind be. It was no more a part of the original scheme of things
that people should be a supplicate at the feet of the healers than
that lions or cod-fish should be. It matters
A hygienist is a guide, not whether a person is dependent on the
a teacher. We do not physician, the osteopath, the chiropractor or
the psychoanalyst, that person is a slave to
treat symptoms. We that class upon which one depends. Thera-
peutics makes slaves of men and women.
always first look for This is an evil and cannot endure. A pure
the cause. The hy- Natural Hygiene uses no treatments.....none.
gienist does not use Atreatment hygienist is a guide, a teacher. I'm not a
peddler. We do not treat symp-
the word cure. toms. We always first look for the cause. The
hygienist does not use the word cure.
“The healing principle is always in the living system itself. All
living organisms are self-constructing, self-defending and self-re-
pairing. Teach men and women to prevent disease by avoiding its
causes, rather than attempt to cure disease by administering the
causes of other diseases [drugs & therapies] - then health and hap-
piness will abound everywhere. We are convinced that mankind

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

can be educated in correct principles and trained in right practices

so that sickness will cease to trouble us. It is our business to teach
people how to prevent disease and not merely how to take care of
themselves when ill. I am well aware of the revolutionary character
of the principles I have presented.....but I am convinced that the
physical salvation of the human race depends upon their accep-

As you are beginning to see, Natural Hygiene is a completely

new and different way of understanding and experiencing health
and disease. Once you deeply grasp this profound knowledge, your
life will be forever changed for the better. Not only will you get bet-
ter, but you will know exactly how and why it happened. And you
will have achieved it all by yourself. Without any need for pills, po-
tions, treatments or therapies.
These first steps in your journey toward mastery of yourself will
lead you down a golden road of joy, wisdom and adventure. You
will find that the principles that you will learn here, as they relate
to physical health, are also directly applicable to the understanding
of all other aspects of human well being – mental, emo-
tional and spiritual - for the same patterns of creative ac-
tivity apply in all spheres of existence.
The following is a concise statement of the philosophy,
principles and practices of Natural Hygiene, as conceived
by the eminent health teacher T. C. Fry:

Natural Hygiene Philosophy

• Natural Hygiene holds that life should be meaningful
and filled with beauty, goodness and happiness.
T. C. Fry

• Natural Hygiene holds that humans are inherently

good, righteous, and virtuous, and that their exalted character
will be realized under ideal life conditions.

• Natural Hygiene holds that superlative well-being is normal to

human existence and necessary to the realization of the highest
human ideals.

• Natural Hygiene holds that supreme human excellence can be

realized only in those who embrace those precepts and practices
which are productive of well-being.

• Natural Hygiene, which encompasses all that bears upon human

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

well-being, constitutes the only way to realize the highest possi-

ble order of human existence.

• Natural Hygiene, alone, is in harmony with nature, in accord

with the principles of vital organic existence, correct in science,
sound in philosophy and ethics, in agreement with common
sense, and successful in practice and a blessing to humankind.

• Natural Hygiene recognizes that the human body is a fully self-

sufficient organism, that it is self-directing, self-constructing,
self-preserving and self-healing, and that it is capable of main-
taining itself in superb functioning order, completely free of dis-
ease, if its inherent needs are met. Foremost among these needs
are fresh air, pure water, rest and sleep, wholesome foods, clean-
liness, comfortable temperature, sunshine, exercise, constructive
work, emotional poise, self-mastery, recreation and pleasant en-

• Natural Hygiene recognizes that humans are constitutionally

adapted to a diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds eaten in
compatible combinations while in the fresh, raw, natural state.

• Natural Hygiene recognizes that diseases are caused by improper

life practices, especially dietary indiscretions. Illness proceeds
from reduced vital energy and the consequent toxicosis (cell and
tissue poisoning). Insufficient vital energy arises from dissipa-
tion, stress, overindulgence, excess or deficiency of the normal
essentials of life, or pollution of the body with substances not
normal to it. Accordingly, recovery from sickness can be
achieved only by discontinuing its causes and supplying condi-
tions favorable to healing.

• Natural Hygiene recognizes that a thoroughgoing rest, which in-

cludes fasting, is the most favorable condition under which an
ailing body can purify and repair itself.

• Natural Hygiene, which teaches that exalted well-being can be

attained and maintained only through biologically correct living
practices, is not in any sense a healing art or a curing cult. The
idea that diseases can be prevented or overcome by substances or
therapies abnormal to our natural being is completely mistaken.
Consequently, Natural Hygiene emphatically rejects drugs, med-
ications, vaccinations and treatments (except in rare, extenuat-
ing circumstances) because they undermine health by interfering
with or destroying vital body processes and tissues.

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

• Therefore, Natural Hygiene regards the body and mind as the in-
violable sanctuary of an individual's being. Natural Hygiene
holds that everyone has an inalienable right to have a pure and
uncontaminated body, to be free of abnormal compulsions and
restraints, and to be free to meet his/her needs as a responsible
member of society.

The Philosophy, Principles and Practices

of Natural Hygiene
Innate Individual Worth
Natural Hygiene holds that we are born naturally innocent and
naturally good. The first two paragraphs of the concise statement
previously listed in Natu-
ral Hygiene's philosophy,
principles, and practices
states this.
Scientific studies of ba-
bies and youngsters have
pointed to one in-
escapable conclusion. As
gregarious creatures, hu-
mans are naturally empa-
thetic, altruistic and
moral, i.e., humans are
naturally righteous toward one another in keeping with their gre-
garious instinct.
Humans are woefully perverted by unnatural conditions within
the context of civilization. They are made vicious by inhumane in-
fluences such as deceptive practices, ex-
ploitation, insecurity, and other baneful Happiness and health
conditions in a society gone mad.
Individuals usually strive to present
flow naturally from ideal
the appearance of upright character to life conditions.
others. This bespeaks our innate urge
and conviction that we should be righteous. Natural Hygiene holds
that if a society of assurance exists these innate virtues will assert
themselves naturally.

Happiness and Health as Normal

Natural Hygiene holds that life was created to be a long joyous
event from birth until a natural death.
Happiness and health flow from ideal life conditions. Ideal life

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

conditions are normal in the environments of our development.

However, such is the human intelligence that it has made almost
all environments over the face of the globe inhabitable. Many arts,
artifices, and artificial environments have been created to satisfac-
torily supplant the wonders, beauties, and beneficence of a natural
environment in many habitats though, in truth, such artifices are
never completely wholesome substitutes.
Natural Hygiene holds that humans developed to their high
state because they adapted so well to the environment and its pos-
sibilities. This means that health is
normal and natural when the condi-
tions to which we are adapted are
met. Superb excellence in humans
flows from ideal life conditions and
the superlative health begotten of

Self-Government In
All Organisms
Simple observation of the devel-
opment of complex organisms from
the union of sperm and ovum is in-
dicative that the powers of life reside
within. Without anything from the
outside other than needed raw materials, the organism has the in-
ner direction to fashion itself from a fertilized ovum into a mature
This implies an inherent character that embraces the following
• Organisms are self-programmed.
• Organisms are self-directing or self-governing.
• Organisms are self-sufficient when their material requisites are
• Organisms are self-constructing in accord with their genetic
• Organisms are self-defensive and preservative, defending them-
selves against all internal and external threats.
• Organisms are self-repairing or self-healing and possess solely
and exclusively the faculties and powers to accomplish ultimate
restoration in event of damage or derangement.

These faculties and powers are self-evident upon the simplest

observation of yourself or other organisms. This concept and its ax-
ioms should ever be borne in mind when dealing with clients. The
confidence needed in dealing with your own problems should you

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

have any, or with the problems of your clients, can be derived and
reinforced by referring to these self-evident truths.

Natural Hygiene as a New Concept of Healthful Living

Natural Hygiene may be said to be a reassertion of the condi-
tions best suited to human life. In pristine nature, humans lived
what we now
call Natural Hy-
giene because of
primal urges--on
the instinctual
level. They lived
as gatherers of
fruits, berries,
nuts and roots
from vine, stalk,
and tree.
With the de-
velopment of in-
tellect, humans
became ever
more versatile
in dealing with the forces of nature. But this eventually led to hu-
man alienation from both nature and our biological heritage.
Though most humans observed much of their pristine endowment
well into the civilization of the Christian era, the dark ages of me-
dieval times brought on the renunciation of nature and earthly con-
siderations. Humans became poorer in the observation of the ele-
mentary needs of life. Human needs on earth were contravened in
the name of religion and salvation.
Fortunately, the dark ages did not wipe out hu-
mankind. Near the end of the dark ages the unnatu-
ral and inhumane conditions under which European
civilization lived decimated the population with
plagues. The primary contagion in the times of the
bubonic and black plagues was widespread modes of
death-dealing living practices.
Hygiene or Natural Hygiene as a philosophy and
outlook survived the dark ages when the twin hu-
man scourges of medical and religious superstition
saddled most of what we refer to smugly as the civi-
lized world. In many parts of the world our biological mandate was
fairly well maintained, notably in tropical cultures of the Far East
and in isolated pockets here and there. It was preserved among
many traditions and cultures in part.

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

Well before the Christian era

Pythagoras elaborated a rather ex-
tensive philosophy of living on all
planes of life. Among them was
perhaps the best formulated state-
ment of Hygienic living until this
time. While the Greeks, of whom
Pythagoras was one, were heavy on
fruitarianism, they were also heavy
into the incipient practices that be-
got the modern goliath of medicine.
The philosophy of Pythagoras
gave rise to Appolonius and the Es-
senes, an ascetic culture that was
vegetarian/fruitarian in practice.
Much of Essenian philosophy and
practices were preserved in the
New Testament and is quoted in
the teachings of Christ. The thin
thread of Hygienic philosophy sur-
vived and received a modern impe-
tus from the greatest universal ge-
nius of all times, Leonardo da Vin-
ci, who was a vegetarian/fruitarian.
Though medical beliefs remained relatively unscathed while the
areas of religious domination were receding during the Renais-
sance, some elements of the Hygienic philosophy survived.
I reiterate that our natural heritage was largely unaffected by the
medical outlook in many areas of the world, notably in the Far
East. But healthful living as a philosophy of life in the Western
Culture did not exist as such.
It was not until the time of Dr. Isaac Jennings in 1822 that Hy-
giene as a formalized philosophy of life had its beginnings. Not un-
til the consummate genius of Drs. Graham, Trall, Dewey, Tilden,
and Shelton did the philosophy and science of health become fully
Natural Hygiene is not new from many perspectives, although it
is relatively new to what we call civilization. But it is totally new
for most who learn it the first time. It is ironic that every living
thing, since the beginning of time, automatically practices its own
specific “Natural Hygiene”, for these are the principles that beget
and sustain all life on Earth. In fact, every human being also prac-
tices Natural Hygiene….. The question is "To what degree?" Every
living thing must breath, eat, rest, etc., as must every human. How
well that is done, as suited to that species, is what determines the

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

level of health that will be enjoyed. Of course, animals don’t ques-

tion this, they just simply follow their instincts. Humans are the
first to consciously (unconsciously?) do otherwise.
Intellectual understanding of Natural Hygiene is alien to our cul-
ture because of its relative rarity. At
this time Natural Hygiene, even Every living thing automat-
though in accord with our pristine be- ically practices the life
ing, is in relative obscurity because of
medical thinking and a commerce that sustaining principles de-
trades and profits upon diseased fined in Natural Hygiene.
thinking and action.
It is our hope to teach enough dedicated individuals this science
and practice of health to assure that humanity thrives in health
and enlightenment. In pursuing this course you are asked to be the
torchbearers of a way of life whose time has come.

Natural Hygiene as a
Broad-Based Science of Life
By no means is Natural Hygiene confined to dietary principles as
you might gather from association with many of today's Hygienists.
Few involve themselves with the expansive aspects of Natural Hy-
giene as a philosophy embracing every facet of human well-being.
Dietary concerns are but one area of Natural Hygiene's domin-
ion. It also includes mental and emo-
tional well-being, as well as social and Dietary concerns are but
economic well-being. It includes envi-
ronmental factors or ecology and is co-
one area of Natural Hy-
extensive with all factors that touch giene’s dominion. Involve
upon human welfare. Nutrition is but
one part of the all-encompassing phi-
yourself with the expan-
losophy of Natural Hygiene. sive aspects of Natural Hy-
giene as a philosophy em-
Self-Healing or Self-Repair
Self-healing is the only healing. bracing every facet of hu-
Throughout nature we see animals man well-being.
with cuts, bruises, broken bones, and
other injuries undergo healing. Obviously this healing is effected by
internal faculties and powers, for in nature, animals seek out a qui-
et secluded spot and rest. They undergo almost no activity. They
partake of no food. Instinctively an injured animal will abstain
from anything that detracts from the full devotion of the body's en-
ergies to the reparative/restorative process. Humans can and should
do likewise, for this is the way to maximize healing quality and
minimize healing time.

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

Healing is always a biological process. Our task is to establish

the conditions so that the body may conduct
Self-healing is the only the process more quickly and efficiently. The
healing. inherent programming, intelligence, and
power that developed a fertilized egg into a
wonderfully and beautifully built creature is all the healing power
that is needed. How can it be otherwise? Conditions favorable to
the exercise of these powers can be established. As a health practi-
tioner/teacher, it will be your role to know and apply these condi-
tions for your self and for your clients.
Much suffering and grief result from the idea that the body can
be helped by the application of substances, conditions, and treat-
ments abnormal to the body. It will be your role to rescue the vic-
tims from harmful practices as well as set them on a right course
for health recovery and maintenance.

Natural Hygiene
holds that everyone is a
sovereign entity unto
himself or herself.
Everyone should be
entirely free - fettered in
no way within the con-
text of enlightened self-
interest. Everyone
should be free to do
whatever they choose to
do, so long as their ac-
tions do not impinge on
the equal rights of oth-
ers. Forceful aggression
of one person upon an-
other cannot be tolerat-
ed, except in the case of
self defense. Along with
our inherent birthright
of freedom comes the
requirement of self-re-
sponsibility for our ac-
Simple wound healing process Every man and
woman must be regard-
ed as capable of carrying on life's affairs for himself or herself. It is

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

not our role to judge or impose ourselves on others but simply to

help if our aid is sought. We should not impose ourselves on any-
one no matter how wise or unwise, or how good or bad such impo-
sition is or would be. The most we can do is teach by word and by
example. The power of persua-
sion is the main tool in our
toolkit. We must give to every-
one the prerogative of leading
their lives as is their desire and
capability so long as their pur-
suits do not impinge upon the
equal rights of others. This gold-
en rule should be our rule of con-
While it may seem unwise to
grant the same privileges and
prerogatives to both the genius
and the relatively unlettered,
nevertheless a society is not free
in which either are denied their
right to pursue life, liberty, prop-
erty and happiness on an equal
footing. With focused thinking
and perseverence, the capable are
bound to succeed and should offer aid to their biologically crippled
or less favored brethren.
We must always respect everyone as supremely sovereign. What-
ever they do or decide, however good or bad their acts or decisions,
we must pursue a role of non-interference. We may, by example,
seek to inspire and motivate. But to impose ourselves and our ideas
on others is reprehensible.

Discussion of the Medical Approach

to Health and Disease
The Erroneous Notion of "Cure"
The idea behind medicine is more than 2,500 years old and, like
most ideas from behind the dark ages, it's very unscientific. It is
also quite unnatural. The premise is that the body is like a ma-
chine that can be repaired by outside agencies. The machine goes
wrong because of invading entities. In ancient times these entities
were evil spirits, demons, and devils which had to be exorcised. By
and by these evil spirits became known as little beasties called mi-
crobes, germs, miasms, bacteria, viruses, and others.

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

Medicine today, as since recorded history, has all its emphasis

on the concept of "cure," a word that has
There are no cures.... been perverted from the original word "care."
Medicine itself means a curative or healing
substance. The idea behind the use of medicine is that the
"medicine" acts of its own accord within the organism… that it
seeks out the trouble, routs the invaders and effects the necessary
healing. The medical concept of the modus operandi of drugs,
which they call medicines, is very hazy at best. But medicine as a
whole is basically all the harmful practices that people do to try to
help other ailing people.
Unless the cause of dis- People go to physicians for medi-
ease is discontinued, the cal intervention. They want to get "fixed
up." They are ill and feeling pain. Some-
problem will always de- thing must be done lest they suffer grave
velop again, or worse consequences or death. Medical practi-
tioners often take advantage of the
clients – consciously or unconsciously - they play upon their fears.
They applaud their clients for coming to them when they did. They
flatter them for this bit of "wisdom" and assure them that, if they
had not done something soon, they would have put themselves in
grave danger. The medical man always has a course of treatment to
suggest, invariably a prescription of tests and drugs and therapies.
The idea is that the tests will reveal what is wrong and thereby de-
termine what drugs to prescribe or what steps to take, as in surgery.
That their beliefs and practices are, on the whole, precisely con-
trary to biological science seems never to enter their minds. We'll
treat medical concepts in depth at a later time but here, suffice it to
say, there is no healing other than self-healing. All modalities can
interfere with healing but none can heal.

"Cures " Do Not Deal With Causes

Can you imagine trying to develop a drug to "cure" drunkenness
without going to the root of the whole matter, i.e., the drunkard's
drinking habit? How can we deal with drunkenness if the drunkard
continues to drink?
This is what happens with the medical approach.
They try to fix symptoms without dealing with causes.
In reality they drug, butcher, and purge while almost
totally ignoring the basic causes of physiological and
psychological problems. They resort to crippling treat-
ments and surgery running into the tens of thousands
of dollars when the problems can be simply and inex-
pensively solved by a change in life practices.
You'll learn that nothing happens without sufficient cause. You'll

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

learn that all afflictions of Medical practitioners often take

the body must be caused
and the cause is almost al- advantage of the clients. Con-
ways initiated by the suf- sciously or unconsciously, they
ferer. You'll learn that un-
less the cause is discontin- play upon their fears.....
ued the problem will al-
ways redevelop again, ever more serious.
In learning Natural Hygiene you're basically learning to do two
1. to remove causes of problems, and In learning nutritional
2. to establish the conditions of health.
These two steps are so very easy
and health science
overall. If you've mastered the under- you’re basically learning
standing of cause and effect in nutrition to do two things:
and health - that diseases are suffered
because the sufferer has indulged in or 1. To remove causes of
been subjected to destructive causes problems, and
and that health results when healthy
activities are dominant - you'll be a 2. To establish the condi-
mountain among a throng of mole hills tions of health.
called health care professionals.

"Cures" Do Not Furnish the Needs of Life

To be returned to health the body must be provided with its re-
quirements. First, those substances, influences, and practices
which create illnesses and disease must be discontinued. Secondly,
it is necessary to bring to the client the essentials of health. Very
simply these are pure air, pure water, correct diet, sunshine, exer-
cise or wholesome activity, adequate rest and sleep, emotional
poise, security of life and its means and so on.
If you reflect upon medical procedures, it is obvious they do not
try to ascertain the cause of diseases. They do what an auto me-
chanic does: they try to find out which cylinder is missing and then
proceed as if the body can be repaired much in the manner of a ve-
hicle. They rarely advise about practices and beliefs which actually
cause problems. And it is also clear that the financial incentive is
backwards. The medical industry only exists if people are sick. If
correct living habits were taught, patients would become well, and
most of the medical industry would be out of business.

"Cures" Destroy Body Vitality

Dr. Herbert M. Shelton must be proclaimed the greatest oracle
of Hygienic philosophy, principles, and practices unto this day. He
has noted that now we have more medical discoveries than ever be-

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

Now we have more fore; we have more medical practitioners

than ever before; medical men enjoy
medical discoveries than more respect than ever before (at least
ever before; we have until recent years) and yet, for all this, we
also have more disease and suffering than
more medical practition- ever before.
ers than ever before; Why is this so?
Because, very simply, drugs destroy.
medical men enjoy more They never build. It is not within the
respect than ever before province of drugs to create cells and re-
place body tissue. Medical men would be
(at least until recent the first to tell you this for they've stud-
years) and yet, for all ied physiology too. But yet they act as if
this, we also have more their drugs perform some kind of magic
that will effect healing.
disease and suffering It must be understood that the body very
than ever before. quickly determines whatever it is that is
being put into it. Immediately it is decid-
Why is this so? ed whether this substance is useful for re-
pairing and rebuilding cells and tissues.
In other words, it is decided whether this substance belongs in the
body or not. If it is not useful for rebuilding and repair, it is toxic
and it must be eliminated. Obviously,
Artificial stimulation pro- some toxins are worse than others, but
duces temporary height- they all must be eliminated nonetheless.
What do drugs, when administered, real-
ened activity that may be ly do?
perceived as “extra en- In truth, drugs do nothing other than
form chemical unions with body com-
ergy” or euphoria. pounds and fluids. When these chemical
Immediately afterward, unions occur, the body suffers distress.
When the substance is determined as be-
however, there pro- ing harmful to cells or tissues, the body
ceeds the mandatory de- goes into a frenzy. We call this frenzy "be-
pression of activity in or- ing stimulated." Artificial stimulation
produces temporary heightened activity
der to repair damage that may be perceived as extra energy or
and recuperate. The or- euphoria. Immediately afterward, howev-
er, there proceeds the mandatory depres-
ganism is always weak- sion of activity (the “crash”) in order to
ened in the process. repair the damage caused by the drug.
Then the body must take time to recu-
perate. The body is always weakened in this process.
Sometimes the body has a reaction of depression in which case it
is sedated or narcotized. This means that function has been inhib-

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

ited or paralyzed. In both cases the reaction is one

of self-protection against an unwelcome intruder,
in this case it is a poison even though it is called a
A quick look at the Physician's Desk Reference
(a book describing current drug medications avail-
able for physicians), in order to learn about the
mode of action for various drugs, will nearly always
include terms such as "blocks"… "alters"… "in-
hibits"… "prevents"… "modulates"… "stimulates"…
"slows"… "destroys." By far the most often cited
phrase is "Not completely understood." ALL drugs
are toxic and destructive. That is inherent. Note
the many "side" effects of all drugs.
Giving a drug to a healthy person will make them
sick. Giving a drug to
a sick person will
make them well?
Drugs are all chemicals
that are foreign to the
body. As such, all traces
of them must be elimi-
nated from the internal
domain in order to regain health.
A common saying goes like this,
“If drugs made people healthy,
then he who takes the most drugs
should be healthiest.”
In causing an emergency in the body, drugs are harmful. The
body must redirect its energies from the
healing process which it is conducting. ALL drugs are toxic.
The symptoms for which the drugs or
medicines are administered are actually That is inherent. Note
evidence of the body's self-conducted heal- the many “side” effects
ing process. When drugs are ingested or
injected, the body must leave off, partially
of all drugs. Giving a
or wholly, the cleansing/healing efforts drug to a healthy person
and attend to the greater threat which the
drugs represent. When healing efforts are
will make them sick. Giv-
discontinued the symptoms disappear. ing a drug to a sick per-
Physicians interpret the disappearance of son will make them well?
symptoms as a "cure" or a healed condi-
tion. Thus they mistake drug or poison effects for healing effects.
In reality the body has more problems than before. Now it has, in
additional to its prior problems, the problem of expelling a destruc-

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

tive poison, too.

Understanding Therapies and Treatments

What about "alternative" therapies and treat-
ments? First we should establish a good working def-
inition of the word therapy. Dr. Ralph Cinque de-
fines it as:
"Therapy - The treatment of disease by the ap-
plication of some kind of force (whether mechanical,
chemical, thermal, electrical or other) to the body to
alter its structure or function. The key word in the
definition of therapy is force.
Therapy forces change upon the body. The
force applied may be harsh or gentle; it may be pleas-
ant or painful; it may be applied internally or exter-
nally; but without force there is no therapy. With
therapy, there is always the possibility of producing
adverse effects, and sometimes this is a certainty. This is because
the essence of therapy is often not merely force, but outright vio-
lence against the body's structure or function."
The best way to illustrate the proper place for these
treatments and therapies is to ask a few basic questions.
Let us imagine that we are experiencing a pounding
Is it due to an aspirin deficiency in the body?
Is it caused by a lack of neck vertebral manipulations?
Is it due to the absence of needles at certain acupunc-
ture points?
Are we missing specific herbal tinctures, homeopathic
remedies or crystal stones?
Of course not. None of these therapies or substances
provide anything that is usable by the body to build or
maintain its cells and tissues. Most serve to further weak-
Dr. Ralph Cinque en the body by forcing it to waste energy on the effects of
these toxic materials and therapies.
It is paramount that we
The essence of therapy is of- understand the basic law of cause
ten not merely force, but out- and effect. The headache is an
effect, and it has a definite cause
right violence against the (usually multiple causes). The
body’s structure or function.” cause is not a lack or deficiency
of therapies, drugs, remedies,
manipulations, and so on. How can you have a deficiency of as-
If we actually required these artificial things to stay well, then

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

we would need permanent intravenous tubes going into our arms

delivering aspirin, herbal potions, multiple vitamins and homeo-
pathic remedies in order to perpetually
'prevent' the headaches. At the same time,
we would need to be careful not to dis-
lodge the multitude of acupuncture nee-
dles strategically placed in our ears, head,
hands, neck and other body parts, especial-
ly while the chiropractor is contorting our
body in order to deliver his manipulations.
It is clear that all these approaches are
palliative and temporary, as long as natu-
ral laws continue to be violated. They do
nothing but distract the body from its nec-
essary and vital healing work, which it is
already doing to the absolute best of its
Pain is our warning alarm. Pain is a po-
tent motivator. Pain is there to teach us that something is definite-
ly wrong and that changes must be
made. Otherwise, disease and pain
will reappear and intensify. Some- Is a headache caused by
times, but very rarely, it is better to an aspirin deficiency in the
relieve pain by whatever means avail-
able, especially when the suffering is body?
causing unacceptable emotional tur- No.
moil. However, compassion in the
form of "tough love" has the most powerful
role to play.
Anyone familiar with the pain of addiction
knows that the turning point back toward
health and sanity comes when the sufferer
"hits the bottom". And each of us must experi-
ence our own "bottom". This understanding
also highlights the insidious nature of pain-
killing therapies. These pain killers allow us to
postpone true and permanent corrective action
while we rely on false cures. Dr. Anne Wilson
Schaef describes the nature of good-inten-
tioned but destructive intervention:

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

…One way of looking at "Medicine, indeed, does help re-

lieve some of the physical painful
much of medicine (as it is effects of the addictive process, and
now practiced) is as the sys- I therefore question strongly the
role of medicine in enabling the
tematic enabling of addic- addictive process. For example,
tions; as what allows and medicine often heroically rushes in
to try to save people from the con-
supports addicts as they sequences of indulging in their ad-
continue to abuse them- diction (smoking, drinking, over-
working or poor eating) while
selves until their deteriora- steadfastly refusing to confront the
tion is so far progressed that addictive process as the root cause
their is no hope of physical of the disease.....Yet, one way of
looking at much of medicine (as it
recovery... Medicine and its is now practiced) is as the system-
therapies have taken the atic enabling of addictions; as what
allows and supports addicts to con-
edge off just enough so that tinue to indulge until their deterio-
[people] can indulge in and ration is so far progressed that
there is no hope of physical recov-
play with [their] addictions... ery.....the doctors and their drugs
have taken the edge off just
enough so that the person can indulge in and play with their addic-
tive process. The field of psychotherapy has been especially guilty
in this respect."
If we absolutely must use a drug or therapy of some sort, the re-
sponsible and honest thing to do is to let the sufferer know that the
treatment and/or therapy being used is in fact only palliative (su-
presses symptoms), and that the true cause has not been addressed.
As such, the same or worse symptoms will reappear later unless the
cause is addressed and eliminated. Dr. Keki Sidhwa explains:
"So what price this remedy mentality? Patients undergoing treat-
ments and therapies are at a great disadvantage. The patient blind-
ly assumes that the therapy he is receiving will 'cure' him and
hence makes no effort to self-recovering from his disability
“This sort of remedy mentality perpetuates from one generation
to another the wrong idea that disease is due to chance and that
the only recourse is how to drastically reduce the signs and symp-
toms (warning alarms) of diseases as soon as possible. Such a men-
tality is a breeding ground for physical, intellectual, moral, emo-
tional and spiritual decadence.

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

“Instead of being made aware of his own

immediate responsibilities, he is lulled into a
Such a mentality [faith
comforting assumption of childlike innocence and belief in cures] is
and ineffectuality. He is lulled into a false a breeding ground for
sense of security. He
is not in any way to physical, intellectual,
blame for the un- moral, emotional and
wholesome state he
finds himself; he can- spiritual decadence.
not be expected to
face the tasks of self-repair and readjust-
ment. These burdens he hands over to the
“With them go at least part of his most
valuable assets - self-respect and self-re-
liance. Man cannot live imprudently with
The Universe is extremely fair in that it
metes out disease and suffering in direct propor-
tion to the degree that its laws are violated. Health may be de-
Some call it karma, others realize that we are
reaping what we have sown. Better that we grow
fined as having full-
in the understanding and practice of Natural ness of function.
Hygiene so that we may eliminate the causes of Health means com-
our diseases once and for all.
This, in a nutshell, is what goes on with plete well-being, in-
most sickness and disease. The more we intu- ner and outer harmo-
itively understand these simple processes of nu-
trition and elimination, action and rest, the ny, vigor, strength,
quicker we can rid ourselves of nearly all com- mental acuity, in
mon diseases, permanently.
short, total fitness.
What Health Really Is
Delineation and Description of Health
Can we define health?
Yes, we can. Conventionally, a lack of obvious disease is regard-
ed as a state of health. In actuality about 99% of our brothers and
sisters are diseased in some manner, regardless of outward appear-
Health may be defined as having fullness of function. Health
means complete well-being, inner and outer harmony, vigor,
strength, mental acuity, in short, total fitness.
Perhaps no better statement of health has ever been made than
that of Dr. Herbert M. Shelton. I'm happy to quote his definition:

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

"Health is a condition of perfect develop-

ment, a state of wholeness and harmonious
development and growth, an adaptation of part
to part of the organism, or organ to organ,
with no part stunted and no part in excess.
“In this state of organic development lies
the perfection and symmetry of beauty. Beauty
is simply the reflection of wholeness, of
health. It is easy to demonstrate that the
forms and proportions of humans and every
animal and plant which are in their highest
and most useful state are the most beautiful
and therefore the most healthy.
“When every bone is of the best form
and size for its service in the body, there is
perfect proportion. When every muscle is fully
and proportionally developed, with just
enough of fat and the cellular tissues to round
out the muscles, we have the highest beauty of
form. When the texture of the skin is finest,
when the circulation of the blood most vigor-
ous, the blood well-nourished and freed of all waste, there is the
glow and charm of the finest complexion.
“The highest beauty is the expression of the highest health. Par-
tial beauty, fading beauty or decaying beauty--these are but expres-
sions of partial, fading or decaying health."
When we suffer any impairment or impediment we cannot be
said to be in a state of health. We can be in a
The ability to appreci- relatively high state of health but to the extent
ate beauty is highest we do not enjoy perfection of body function,
we are not completely healthy.
in humans. And hu- We live in a nation where disease is the
mans would normally norm of life rather than a rarity. In taking up a
health career it is our duty to make health the
be the epitome of norm and disease a relative rarity.
beauty if they lived in
Beauty as Reflecting Health
keeping with their Though our standards of beauty are
birthright, that is, rather low today, they still, nevertheless, take
note of the exceptionally beautiful. Beauty, as
their biological man- a reflection of health and well-being, should be
date. the norm, not the exception. How many wom-
en have we seen whom are so lovely and beau-
tiful that we are drawn to them as a magnet? How many men are
so wholesome, so fit and handsome that they, likewise, are irre-

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

sistible to their female counterparts? I daresay such men and wom-

en constitute less than 1% of our peoples.
The ability to appreciate beauty is highest in humans.
And humans would normally be the epitome of beauty if
they lived in keeping with their birthright, that is, their
biological mandate. We readily recognize beauty in birds,
flowers, and other life in nature. But our fellow humans,
whether aged or young, whether nice or disagreeable, are,
for the most part, in some way unappealing to our sense
of beauty. Over fifty percent of our population are obese.
This is but one impact of the unattractiveness that
characterizes an unhealthy population. Such
people are transformed as if by magic upon un-
dergoing as little as a month's Hygienic care.
One of the "miracles" you can hold forth to your
would-be clients is that of handsomeness or beauty. That
quality will be tremendously enhanced in those whom
you help to achieve a high level of health.

Fullness of Function as a Barometer of Health

While it is not always true that athletes are superbly
healthy, it is true that all in superb
health are quite athletic. Suppleness, Natural Hygiene is truly a
agility, stamina, strength, and vigor are
qualities essential to a state of health.
science of life for it is
Physiological function will be ideal in based soundly and scien-
every respect to someone in full health.
A sense of euphoria, of joy, and of total
tifically upon our biologi-
well-being is a condition of health. cal requirements for
Healthy people usually wear smiles and thriving in perfect health.
pleasant countenances. Glumness and
a downcast disposition personify inner Perfect health is possible
unhealthfulness. Nothing sabotages if the conditions of health
beauty, function, happiness, and well-
being as a body shot through with the are ideal. With our intelli-
poisons or toxins borne of bad living gence and extensive
technology we can cre-
The Possibility of Perfect Health ate the conditions for
for Humans healthful living practical-
Natural Hygiene holds that perfect
health is the norm of life. We hold that ly anywhere.

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

all creatures in nature adapted perfectly to the conditions of life un-

der which they developed. They adapted to cope with their environ-
ment and their food supplies.
In nature, excellent health is the norm of existence. Animals
have no knowledge or concept about healthful living. They live
healthfully naturally by doing only what their instincts direct them
to do.
It would seem that with a technological society at the apex of de-
velopment human health would have kept pace and be better now
than ever. However, the opposite is true. Humans are probably un-
healthier now than at any time except the immediate past, that is,
the last ten to twenty centuries. In the Dark Ages and Medieval
times health was at an overall low.
Technological progress builds upon itself, and it is a credit to the
human heritage that we still have, even though in a degenerated
state, sufficient intelligence to develop a highly technological soci-
ety. Even though affected by physical degeneracy, the brain is al-
ways the least affected of organs in famine, disease, starvation, and
physical debilitation.
Perfect health is possible if the conditions of health are ideal.
With our intelligence and extensive technology we can create the
conditions for healthful living practically anywhere in the world
where humans live.

Health Is Normal and Natural

Over eons of time, organisms have developed to cope with
changed environmental conditions and food supplies that varied
environments produced. Environments range from the ideal to the
impossible for every creature on earth, even microbial forms of life.
Perfection arises from adaptation--from coping with conditions. Ad-
justing to every nuance of nature resulted in organisms that func-
tioned perfectly in that environment.
In humans and animals we witness what is obvious: health is
normal and natural. We see animals in nature being born, living
their natural life spans and dying naturally. And for all our modern
pathogenic practices still we see humans more or less well most of
the time. In view of my Hygienic experience and by my observation
of hundreds of others who remain sickness-free under the Hygienic
regime, there is but one inescapable conclusion: health is a normal
condition of life. It is our birthright.
Natural Hygiene is truly a science of life for it is based soundly
and scientifically upon our biological requirements for thriving in
perfect health.
This is the outlook which you are studying in this course and
being asked to advocate and follow in your professional career.

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01


This first lesson has introduced Natural Hygiene and the funda-
mental concepts it embodies.
Foremost of these concepts is that health is normal to all life,
that organisms flourish when their needs are correctly furnished
and that they suffer when their needs are not met or wrongly met.
The science of Natural Hygiene is the determination of the true
needs of life. The art of Natural Hygiene is in the application of
those needs in a very balanced fashion.
Another concept is that the individual is sacred and of great
Natural Hygiene believes in the dignity of every individual and
strives to create the biological bases in human practices that assure
humans the realization of their exalted potential.
Another premise is that life is to be enjoyed and that enjoyment
must have, as its foundation, physiological well-being or health.
We have learned that organisms are independent entities capable
of sustaining health when all their natural needs are furnished.
We have learned that healing is a biological process and only a
biological process. We have learned that the process can be helped
in no way other than the establishment of the conditions favorable
to rest, relaxation, and quietude.
Also we have learned that the whole current concept of cure is
erroneous and fraught with terrible consequences for those who are
subjected to the various schools of cure.
We have learned what health is and had a glimpse of the essen-
tial conditions and practices of health.
And finally we have learned that perfect health is normal to hu-
mans as with other animals and that we can realize it merely by
regulating ourselves and our environments to meet its require-


QUESTION: What do the words Natural, Unnatural, Normal, and
Abnormal really mean?
INSTRUCTOR: From the human bieng’s point of view, natural or
normal is that to which we became adapted and accustomed to
while living in a pristine state of nature. That which is contrary to
our adaptations, that is, to our biological heritage, is abnormal and
Keep in mind, however, that these words are used erroneously
very often in our day to day speech. For example, it is considered

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

"normal" to have one to four "colds" a year, as well as a bout of in-

fluenza. But there is absolutely nothing normal about that. High-
level health is what is normal. Suffering from colds and influenza is
abnormal. We may think of this disease-ridden current state of af-
fairs as being "average", "common" or "typical", but it is not in any
way normal or natural.

QUESTION: What are biological adaptations?

INSTRUCTOR: Biological adaptations is a term to describe the fac-
ulties that an organism has developed to meet its requirements in
the environment in which its growth has occurred. What is natural
to an organism depends on its environmental adaptations.

QUESTION: Would you say carnivores are biologically adapted to

meat-eating because of the structure of their teeth and other body
INSTRUCTOR: Yes, I'd say that. Animals that live primarily upon
meat have developed the tools for securing their food supply and
best digesting it for their physiological needs. Animals that have
claws and fangs are usually carnivores.

QUESTION: Are we adapting to our present environment?

INSTRUCTOR: Probably, but not perceptibly. A social adaptation
or accommodation is not physiological and anatomical adaptation.
Biological adaptations are slow and often seem to require hundreds
of thousands of years to come about. For example, when humans
started eating meat, they did not during all their meat-eating days
over a period of several thousand years develop fangs, claws, or the
concentrated hydrochloric acid solution that characterizes meat-
eating animals. You need but look at Eskimos to see confirmation
of this. Animals adapt very slowly to changed conditions. On the
other hand if there is a failure to adapt or the change is too quick,
the danger of extinction exists.

QUESTION: In nature there are checks and balances. Isn't some-

thing like the black plague a natural check on the population?
INSTRUCTOR: No. In nature there are no such things as checks
and balances in that context. In normal circumstances there are pe-
riods of famine and periods of feast. When there's famine, death
overtakes many of the organisms that are victims of the scarcity.
When there's a feast, a rapid multiplication occurs.
Organisms in nature live in symbiosis with each other and a bal-
ance exists amongst them according to the food chain. For in-
stance, if you study and witness insect hordes, you'll learn that
when they are thriving on abundant vegetation there is a corre-

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

sponding increase in their predators, that is, birds and other ani-
mals that feed upon insects. When the insect population is practi-
cally wiped out the predators decline in numbers. These are the
only kinds of checks and balances that exist in nature. Nothing can
exceed its possibilities.
What you call calamities cannot be in any sense referred to as
natural. A plague or any sickness or disease is not natural. It hap-
pens because an organism has lived contrary to the laws or princi-
ples that apply to its life. When we contravene the laws of our exis-
tence, we will incur disease. Diseases or plagues are in no sense
checks and balances. If humans live think and act in pathogenic
ways they'll develop diseases and die, even while living amidst rela-
tive paradise.

QUESTION: What is your opinion of holistic health?

INSTRUCTOR: Those who are striving for something better than
the medical system with which they've become disillusioned must
be admired for both their insight and their courage in undertaking
an independent course. We Hygienists may not agree with the
course or courses they've chosen as an alternative, but we hold they
have every right to pursue it as is their bent and persuasion. It is al-
ways wonderful to see another mind break free!
The word "holistic" derives from the word "health" which, again,
means "whole," "complete," or possessing fullness of function. The
word "holy" also derives from the word whole or healthy, although
we have lost sight of this.
What we call "holistic health" in current society is a catchall of
all modalities. The term is a tautology. It's like saying "healthy
health." But the holistic movement involves M.D.s, homeopaths,
chiropractors, osteopaths, naturopaths, herbologists, acupunctur-
ists, polarity therapists, foot reflexologists, and just about anything
else that attaches itself to the movement. The holistic health
movement embraces anyone who wants to join it.
Hygienists who bring their philosophy with them are not accept-
ed in the holistic movement. To be accepted into the movement
you must be of a "curing" frame of mind, that is, basically medically
oriented. This movement is therapy-oriented rather than health-
oriented. However, some of the practitioners in the movement, no-
tably the naturopaths and chiropractors, do recognize that we must
remove the causes of disease in order to establish a basis for health.
There are, in fact, practitioners in all schools that recognize the real
needs of the human organism and advise their clients of these
We call ourselves wholistic. To us this means that we embrace
every facet or condition that touches upon human welfare. In the

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

sense that we recognize that health is realized only by the length

and breadth of the living regime, we're wholistic. But we do not
identify with the current movement that calls itself holistic.

QUESTION: I think you're wrong about all healing being self-heal-

ing. I've personally seen a woman who had a leg ulcer for over a
year. Topical application of comfrey poultices healed it in less than
ten days. How can you deny that?
INSTRUCTOR: I do not deny that the leg ulcer healed, and I do
not deny that the comfrey poultice was the agency that precipitated
the healing process of the leg ulcer. But the body is probably worse,
not better for the treatment.
What happens physiologically to cause the ulcer in the first
place? Why do they sometimes persist only to heal later? What
happens when the agency of toxic materials such as in garlic, aloe,
comfrey, or in pharmacological preparations are applied and the ul-
cer is healed?
The comfrey poultice neither caused nor healed the ulcer. The
body created the ulcer in the first place just as it creates a boil,
fever, pimple, or other so-called infection. The body creates these
conditions as outlets for an extraordinary load of toxic materials.
As long as the body is burdened with toxicity that it cannot elimi-
nate through normal channels, it will utilize vicarious outlets, i.e.,
outlets other than normal. As long as the practices introduce toxic
materials into the body and the sufferer's habits are such as to
cause the body to retain its own metabolic wastes, then the body
will protect itself against a death-dealing situation by getting rid of
its problems any way it can.
An ulcer is created in two ways. First, a lesion can be created by
the body through self-autolyzation of its tissues. The body causes
the self-digestion of a hole to the surface in the case of a boil or
pimple. It is the body that forces toxic materials into the hole it has
created to the surface. It is the body that creates the tremendous
pressure necessary to keep the pus and debris near the surface in
the form of a boil until drainage or expulsion occurs.
Just so it is the body that causes the ulcer in one way or another.
Probably the leg ulcer was caused by the body's collection and con-
centration of poisons in a given area until the cells and tissues of
the area were totally destroyed. Then the body utilizes the open
sore as a drainage outlet much as a teakettle will discharge its
steam through a blown hole after the hole is blown. When aloe
vera, comfrey, or certain pharmaceutical preparations are applied,
they do not solve the body's problems. Herbs and drugs have not
the intelligence or power to create cells and new tissue to bridge the
chasm that constitutes the ulcer or lesion.

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

What happens is that the poultice or drug application applied to

an open sore poses a new danger. Absorption of poisons from the
outside causes the body to change strategy. Where it had been ex-
uding poisons to keep them low, the body is now absorbing poisons
there. To stop this new threat the body closes up the ulcerous
dumping ground and seals it off from the outside by scarring it
Though the body healed the ulcer, it is now worse off than before.
It is retaining the toxic material previously expelled through the
open sore or ulcer. Either it must now create a new extraordinary
outlet or suffer the retention of the toxic materials it previously ex-
pelled through the ulcer.
Had the ulcer sufferer fasted, the ulcer would have healed more
quickly than with the application of a poultice. Moreover, the body
would, under the fasting condition, be free of the input of toxic ma-
terials and toxigenesis due to enervating habits. Under this condi-
tion it can accelerate expulsion of toxic materials through regular
channels. Once the level of toxicity has been reduced below a cer-
tain tolerance level, the body will promptly proceed to heal the ul-
cer. Healing takes place much more quickly under the fasting con-
dition than any other. While fasting, the body can concentrate its
energies and its material resources to the healing process, thus af-
fecting healing much more speedily.
So, the comfrey poultice did not do anything other than become
a source of irritation. The body "closed up shop," so to speak, at the
ulcer site and did business elsewhere. Keep in mind that all healing
is a body process and never that of drugs. And let us not mistake
the drug nature of comfrey. It contains pyrrholizidine and allan-
toin, two quite toxic alkaloids or glycosides.

QUESTION: Are you telling us we'd get along better without doc-
tors and healers? Does not nature furnish natural remedies for our
INSTRUCTOR: I just furnished an example of the physiological
modus operandi of the body under the influence of toxic materials.
Yes, we would be better off without physicians, miscalled doc-
tors, and so-called healers. We DO need Teachers to help people
see their errors concerning health. We need Teachers to get our
brothers and sisters on the right track so they can lead healthy and
happy lives.
Nature never developed humans or other animals so that reme-
dies are needed in the first place, and it never created remedies in
the second place. These interpretations errant humans have as-
cribed to disease and healing phenomena are based on illusory ap-
pearances. The only remedy for any ailment is the capacity of the

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

body to right itself once the assault upon it has been discontinued.

QUESTION: Aren't diseases caused by germs and viruses? Surely

you can't mean that millions of physicians the world over are
wrong about this?
INSTRUCTOR: We'll get into the depths of these matters in subse-
quent lessons. But the answer is no: germs do not primarily cause
disease. They can, at worst, complicate them secondarily. Bacteria
are our symbiotic partners in life. Partners accommodate each oth-
er for mutual benefit. Viruses as an entitative existence, i.e. an in-
dependent life form, are a medical myth. If diseases are caused by
uneliminated metabolic debris, which is probably what viruses are,
then the medics have a point. Their accumulation can precipitate a
healing crisis in the body. When this occurs, the body is likely to
transport bacteria to the scene to aid it in cleaning up the mess, but
the bacteria did not cause the problem. The habits and practices of
the sufferer must be looked to as the real culprits. Once these dele-
terious habits and practices are discontinued, there will be no fur-
ther toxic accumulations and thus the need for disease or healing
crises will cease to exist. Sickness-free health will exist thereafter.

QUESTION: You say that disease is abnormal. Everyone has been

sick at some time or other. Haven't you ever been sick? If everyone
gets sick, wouldn't you say getting sick is a rather normal thing?
INSTRUCTOR: Yes, it is undeniable that disease and sickness are
common in our society. That is one reason there's a great need for
enlightened Professional Natural Hygienists to be on the scene. We
can put an end to this misery. Let us not, however, confuse what is
normal in nature and what is common in a degenerating society.
Disease is a appropriate and beneficial body response to an abnor-
mal toxic condition. But the toxic condition is, let us recognize, ab-

QUESTION: You talk about Natural Hygiene as a cure-all. Aspirin

will cure a headache, at least for a while. Can Natural Hygiene cure
a headache?
INSTRUCTOR: Those practices which, aggregately, we term Natu-
ral Hygiene, are, indeed, a panacea, a cure-all. Correct diet and
health practices build health, not disease. Aspirin does not "cure a
headache." The problem remains as before plus we now have the
added toxic presence of the aspirin itself. Aspirin merely induces
our body to paralyze or incapacitate the nervous system. Just be-
cause you remove thermometer does not alter the temperature.
The fact that the body finally expels the aspirin from its domain
and reinstitutes the cleansing processes that give rise to yet another

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

headache is ample indication that drugs solve no problems.

To understand this further, you can ask yourself, "Is a headache
due to an aspirin deficiency?" Of course not. Our body is not meant
to have a poison called aspirin running through its bloodstream at
any time. Therefore there can be no aspirin deficiency.
Likewise you may ask, "Is a headache due to an herbal drug defi-
ciency? A homeopathic tincture deficiency? A lack of acupuncture
needles? Not enough manipulations?
Under the Natural Hygiene regime all causes of headaches are
removed. Causes of health are instituted. This is the ultimate solu-
tion to the problem of disease and suffering. When there are no
causes there can be no disease. When only the causes of health are
indulged, only health can result.

Fill In The Blank Section
Fill in the blank or blanks with the appropriate word or words.
1) All affections of the body must be ___________________.
2) The Natural Hygiene health system is based on the principles
and practices that are in accord with our _______________
3) Dr. Isaac Jennings discovered that his patients fared better under
___________________ ____________________ .
4) Our biological adaptations resulted from how our bodies devel-
oped in a ________________ state of nature. They determine our
needs and how we should meet them.
5) The key to exalted well-being is biologically correct
_________________ practices.
6) Sickness and disease are eliminative _______________________.
7) A ___________________ is a thoroughgoing rest.
8) The best way to help the body in disease is to intelligently
_____________ _____________ and simultaneously establish the
__________________ of health.
9) Therapies very often have ____________ effects and are some-
times even fatal.
10) ______________________ is caused by improper life practices,
especially dietary indiscretions.
11) Natural Hygiene is to humans as _____________________ are to
other animals.

Multiple Choice Section

Choose the one best answer.
1) The human organism is:

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

a) self-governing.
b) self-repairing.
c) self-constructing.
d) self-defensive.
e) all of the above.
2) Who was the most notable Hygienist of the 20th century?
a) Hereward Carrington.
b) Isaac Jennings.
c) Herbert Shelton.
d) Sylvester Graham.
3) Illness results from:
a) invasion by bacteria and viruses.
b) not getting frequent check-ups.
c) reduced vital energy and consequent toxicosis.
d) lack of vitamin and mineral supplements.
e) all of the above.
4) Natural Hygiene is:
a) a philosophy of life.
b) a way of life.
c) an intellectual endeavor.
d) a scientific way of living.
e) all of the above.
5) Drugs, treatments and herbs:
a) can help in overcoming diseases.
b) create additional disease.
c) establish the conditions of health.
d) are necessary to overcome infections.
e) all of the above.
6) Why do medications sometimes stop or suppress disease symp-
a) Because they cure the condition.
b) Because the body diverts its energies to expelling the med-
ication instead.
c) Because they restore body normalcy.
d) Because they kill or render harmless the microorganisms
responsible for the symptoms.
e) all of the above.
7) Our eating practices should be determined by:
a) our physiological adaptations.
b) our social conditions.
c) the foods in our environment.
d) our body type.
e) our taste preferences.
f) all of the above.
8) Health is:

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

a) the absence of sickness.

b) not only being free from illnesses and aches and pains, but
also feeling really good.
c) a condition of perfect development and function where all
body organs operate in harmony.
d) harmonious cooperation of dissimilar organisms for their
mutual benefit.
e) the science that deals with human well-being, everything
that bears on human welfare.
f) all of the above.
9) Health can be produced by:
a) certain medications, in some cases.
b) restoring the flow of vital energy.
c) getting plenty of exercise.
d) getting the proper diagnosis so the proper treatment can
be employed.
e) healthful living and nothing else.
f) all of the above.

True or False Section

Answer the following statements with a T for true or F for false.
1) In the field of health the word normal is commonly misused to
mean average.
2) In nutrition natural means that it comes from a plant or other
sources in nature.
3) The science of life, also known as Natural Hygiene, is based on
scientific principles.
4) Disease symptoms are evidences of body healing.
5) Changes in our external environment alter our internal needs.
6) Fevers are not harmful. In fact, they are produced by the body it-
self to aid in purification.
7) Diseases are bound to occur if they are not prevented or avoided.
8) Herbs interfere with vital body purification and reparative func-
tions and normal body functions as well.
9) Drugs and medications sometimes increase or improve body vi-
10) The body is self-healing.
11) Sickness and disease are not inevitable in people's lives.
12) There is really no such thing as a medicine as a curative sub-
stance because all healing is self-healing.

Short Answer Section

Answer each question briefly.
1) Name the two sources of body toxins and briefly define each.
2) As a health professional, you will learn to do two basic things in

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

dealing with ailing clients. Name them.

3) List ten of the foremost needs of the human organism.
4) What is the effect of vaccinations, drugs, medications and treat-
ments on the body?
5) List the three basic kinds of foods humans are constitutionally
adapted to eat.
6) How is recovery from sickness properly and most effectively

Answers to the Worksheet

Fill-In-The-Blank Section
1) caused. Affections or diseases result only from causes which the
sufferer embraces in his or her life practices.
2) biological heritage. Physiological adaptations, natural mandate,
and other similar responses will do too.
3) less drugging. He found that no drugs at all worked best while
the client, given placebos for psychological reasons, was actually
put on a fasting regime.
4) pristine. needs. For pristine the terms wild or primitive would do
equally as well. For needs the term requirements also means the
5) living.
6) crises. Processes and other words meaning the same will also do.
Diseases are body instituted and conducted processes to expel an
accumulation of morbid matters and repair damages.
7) fast. Abstaining from food is but one aspect of a fast. Abstaining
from emotional, sensory and physical activities are important as-
pects of fasting also.
8) do nothing….. conditions. (requirements, needs or requisites).
Knowing that the body is self-sufficient in all matters leaves us no
choice but to leave it alone. We can interfere but we cannot help.
9) Adverse. Harmful or Unintended also are correct.
10) Disease. (sickness, suffering, illness, ailments, maladies, etc.,
will also do)
11) Instincts. Following inborn instincts is a 100% effective health
system for animals in their natural habitat.

Multiple Choice
1) e.
2) c. Only Drs. Carrington and Shelton are from the 20th century,
and the work of Dr. Shelton far outweighs in quantity, insight and
depth the fine works of Hereward Carrington.
3) c. Bacteria do not cause diseases, but are brought onto the scene

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

as symbiotic scavengers by the body to help in cleanups of toxic de-

bris. Viruses as living entities simply do not exist. What is labeled
"viruses" is the debris of spent cells, and is toxic in the body if not
4) e.
5) b. Drugs, treatments, herbs and other adventitious modalities
interfere with the body process of disease, but cannot possibly help
it. Instead they pose additional problems or additional disease. "In-
fection" is one of the body's methods of expelling toxic materials,
decomposed cells, etc. Drugs, herbs and modalities inhibit the body
expulsive process called infection.
6) b. Under no circumstances have drugs, herbs, etc., the intelli-
gence and the power to correct body problems. They do not furnish
any of its needs. The body's healing energies must be redirected to
drug or herbal expulsion; hence the symptoms recede or disappear.
Even though drugs and herbs kill off bacterial flora in the stomach
and at the sites of the affected organs and tissues, the bacteria are
not responsible for the disease condition.
7) a. Inasmuch as our physiological adaptations are in accord with
our biological needs, this is the correct answer. Social conditions
are often a determinant of what we eat, but that's not the way it
should be. Likewise we must often eat the foods available to us
from our environment, whether or not they are suitable. Our body
type is the human kind, and the human kind is frugivorous or
fruit-eating. Variations in human body types have no bearing on
this whatsoever, just as all bees, regardless of variations, consume,
in nature, nectar and pollen. Our taste preferences in our pristine
habitat were in accord with our instinctive diet; that is, mostly
sweet fruits. Taste is no guide within the context of taste perver-
sions that have been cultivated.
8) c. The absence of visible pathology or symptoms is no criterion
of health. Feeling really good in the absence of symptoms is not the
criterion either, though in a state of health, we have an absence of
sickness and feel good. Answer (d) applies to symbiosis. Health is
not a science but a condition of wholeness.
9) e. Medications, being poisonous, cannot produce health. Restor-
ing the flow of vital energy does not cause healing. It takes an am-
ple flow of vital energy to institute and conduct the disease process
in the first place. It is a rank and absurd assumption that vital en-
ergy exists but cannot flow because of blockages. The truth is that
vital energy is insufficient due to a shortage of generation, or due to
requirements far in advance of normal supply. While getting plenty
of exercise is essential to a health regime, it will not of itself pro-
duce health. All the diagnoses and treatments ever made and de-
vised cannot produce an iota of health-- these have only the possi-

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute

bility of impairing health. Only healthful living produces health.

Healthful living consists of meeting the needs of the organism
within the context of its conditions.

True And False Section

1) True. The word normal means what is natural to the human or-
ganism. This has nothing to do with what is the norm in a pervert-
ed society.
2) False. The word natural means that the foodstuff meets our bio-
logical needs and adaptations. Tobacco, belladonna, foxglove, and
thousands of other plants and fruits grow in nature and are there-
fore natural, but are deadly poisonous to humans. The word natu-
ral applies only insofar as it is natural to us.
3) True. That system which accounts for all the needs of life is sci-
4) True. When the body pre-empts energies from normal channels
and redirects them to cleansing and repair, these are ample evi-
dences of the processes which are called symptoms.
5) False. The body must maintain internal balance regardless of ex-
ternal conditions.
6) True. The body never harms itself. Fevers are intense inflamma-
tions produced by the body to accelerate purification and healing
7) False. Diseases are not inevitable. They will not occur unless
they are caused. The only cause is toxemia.
8) True. Herbs are drugs at their source. They are toxic like any
other drug In the drugstore.
9) False. Drugs at all times and under all conditions are poisonous.
They cause the body to lose, not gain vitality. The accelerated ex-
penditure they occasion in the body because of the expulsive effort
is exhausting of body energies and destructive of body faculties.
10) True.
11) True. Sickness and disease occur only where the sufferer has,
by his or her practices, caused a buildup of uneliminated toxic mat-
12) True, Medicine as a "curative or healing agent" is pure illusion.
It is absurd to believe that anything from outside the body has the
intelligence, the faculties, and the power to troubleshoot body prob-
lems, cleanse and repair them.

Short Question Answers

1) Sources:
(1) Exogenous sources--Toxins from the outside are ingested in
junk foods, drinks, condiments, drugs, cooked foods, etc., and, due
to insufficient vital energy to cope, remain uneliminated from the

Part 1 – The Foundations of Life Lesson ENH01

(2) Endogenous sources--Due to insufficient vital energy because of
inadequate generation or extraordinary expenditure, body wastes
are not eliminated. The uneliminated wastes of body metabolism
are toxic.
2) As a health professional you'll learn to guide your clients to two
fundamental steps in restoring health:
(1) causes of body toxicity must be discontinued, and
(2) the conditions of health must be established.
3) There are 19 essential factors of life listed in the Program for
perfect health. Foremost among them are pure air, pure water,
foods to which we're biologically adapted, sunshine, comfortable
temperature, rest, sleep, exercise or activity, emotional equilibrium,
security of life and its means, belonging to a circle, group, family or
other consortium of humans, expression of the reproductive facul-
ties, direction and motivation, creative useful work, etc.
4) Any alien substance introduced into the body interferes with
body functions, thus destroying or pathologically modifying them.
5) (1) fruits, (2) vegetables and (3) nuts and seeds.
6) By discontinuing its causes and supplying conditions favorable to
healing. Fasting is the most efficacious condition under which the
body can speedily restore itself to normal operating condition.

Essential Natural Hygiene Course Transformation Institute


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