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7-A Sobornosti Avenue
02160 Kyiv
+38 073 871 53 13


Automating business since 2003. 

We have strong expertise in ERP implementation and business-process automation.

Our analytics, project managers and python-developers are experienced in most of Odoo apps and configurations. 

We believe in the strong need of automation for any kind of business and we always automize ourselves first.

We are ready to run projects of any kind of complexity!

It's time to implement your Odoo with ToDo! 


Don't hesitate to contact us via Email and visit  Our website

Автоматизуємо бізнес з 2003 року.

В нас великий досвід у впровадження ERP-систем та автоматизації бізнес-процесів будь-якої складності.

Наші аналітики, проджект-менеджери та програмісти мають реальний досвід з імплементації більшості модулів Odoo.

Ми переконані, що будь-який бізнес потребує автоматизації, адже це звільняє виконавців від рутини, а керівників від “ручного управління”.

І ми завжди автоматизуємо спершу себе, тож випробовуємо більшість рішень прямо на своїй компанії.

Ми готові працювати з проєктами будь-якої складності!

Напишіть нам Email або залишайте заявку на консултацію чи впровадження за посиланням  Наш сайт


Company business - IT, Consulting, ERP-Implementation
Client’s website -

We implemented Odoo for most business processes such as CRM and Sales + ip-telephony and website forms are integrated, marketing is automated with Odoo as well, LMS, Timesheets and project+tasks, different approvals (vacations, payments, bonuses and so on), HRM and recruitment processes, Management accounting, banking, payrolls
100 CZK COMPANY s.r.o.
Company business - Selling products for the beauty industry, beauty salons franchising , professional training for masters
Client’s website -

We implemented a CRM-pipeline (funnels) for each business which are 100% automated starts with distribution of leads, transitions between funnels and stages, all actions are automatically assigned to all responsible at each stage until the conclusion of the deal. Sales and project modules are also connected to all funnels - the client can now see all sales in one system: who sold, when they sold, what they sold, for what amount they sold, what average checks, top checks.

Projects and tasks enabled real-time visibility and control of the order fulfillment/service delivery process and greatly reduced the possibility of human error in order fulfillment.
BOX Catering
Company business - Catering, sale of ready meal sets
Client’s website -

Full customer processes automation has been implemented: acceptance of orders by the sales department and the call center, Transfer of production orders, full production cycle, orders delivery by drivers, keeping warehouse records, Carrying out inventory, Ordering and stocking of ingredients, Accounting of additional costs, Bank accounts integrated, cash register and mutual settlements with counterparties, Calculation and payment of wages, Management accounting and P&L
Metal Shop
Company business - E-commerce

Client’s website -

We have customized CRM system with fully automated actions, warehouse and automatic product replenishment processes, and mutual settlements between suppliers. Adjusted the product directory, its structure, characteristics, and import from existing systems. Odoo is fully integrated with 3 website stores.
Карданвал сервіс / Cardanval Service
Client’s website -
Company business - Cardan shafts repair and sale of components for motor vehicles

We set up and implemented a CRM with a large number of customizations for the specifics of the business: the client/lead gets into the CRM within the call - IP telephony or when he comes to the service directly - then all communication processes with the client are recorded through the CRM
There are stages of orders with fixation of the result for each stage of work
Company business - printing industry
Client’s website -

We implemented: Warehouse, Purchase, Sales, also we have developed a specific Calculator, which includes a huge functionality of formulas for calculating the Order, depending on many different factors, namely: types of printing, types of operations, type of work center, amount of materials, including additional costs - services or materials, etc.