A lone female velociraptor, ill suited to life on her own, struggles to survive in the Gobi desert. Eventually she is accepted by a small pack of velociraptors where she can hunt with the pack and mate. But once again she finds herself on her own, now with offspring, when an avalanche buries the rest of the pack as they attack a protoceratops.
In a volcanic region of Montana a young Daspletosaur learns to hunt. But he is slow learning spoiling several prime opportunities for his family. But they relentlessly pursue a wounded Maiasaur struggling to keep up with its herd until the herd and the family are obliterated by the pyroclastic flow from a super volcano eruption.
Encounters in the parallel lives of an herbivorous sauropod named Alpha and a carnivorous theropod named Dragonfly are chronicled. Hatched in the same season, Dragonfly and other predators pursue Alpha her entire life often taking her siblings an cousins instead. Alpha survives to mate and reproduce but her first clutch of eggs and those of her entire herd are buried in a flood creating an incredible fossil field that revealed many secrets of the sauropods' reproduction behavior.