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Deus Ex (Video Game 2000) Poster

(2000 Video Game)

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Best ever game
trekfan20018 May 2002
Deus Ex is a masterpiece and is simply the best game ever. As it uses a modified version of the Unreal engine, the graphics and gameplay are excellent. However, it is the story and the immersive nature of the game that really seperates this title from all the others. Combining all the best elements from Sci-Fi, RPG and FPS games, Deus Ex has a very complex plot that also gives you a lot of freedom while completing mission objectives. As you play the game you will also find that your actions can have concequences later in the game.

Put simply, this game is the best and I would give it 1000 out of 10 if I could!
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Far and away one of the best games written.
OtisElevator19 June 2001
To play Deus Ex is to delve into a complex world of detail and intricate moods. The plot seems simple enough to begin with, but at the end you see how it is one of the best written story-lines ever made in a game, vastly superior to the excellent stories of Half-Life, or Homeworld.

Even ignoring that, praise must be given to the system of gameplay, which mixes RPG elements (skills, upgrades to special abilities, branching storylines and multiple outcomes) and Action (First person, multiple weapons, quite violent)

The graphics engine is superb. Though not top of the line as far as engines do go, the amount of objects and detail allowed on a single screen while allowing good frame rate is astounding. A good example comes just on the first level, which requires a climb to the tourist center on what is left of the Statue of Liberty, to look down on the magnificent view.

Then there is the diversity of locations, from New York to Pasadena to Paris to Hong Kong and beyond. And at very few times does it ever seem that this kind of plot could never happen, because it could.

The social commentary is also excellent, as characters give speeches to eachother that are obviously aimed at government and corrupt practices of today.

Deus Ex is not to be missed.
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Epic cyberpunk classic
Sentinel-1527 December 2001
`Deus Ex' (pronounced `day-us ex') is a brilliant SF adventure/RPG/first person shooter hybrid. Set in the not-too-distant future, you get to play J.C. Denton, a nano-technology-enhanced agent of Unatco, an anti-terrorist division of the United Nations (that actually exists in real life!).

The game has a great atmosphere, with a feeling of urban decay & desolation reminiscent of movies like `Escape from New York'. It has lots of cyberpunk elements, evoking works like William Gibson's `Neuromancer'.

The game has an elaborate plot, with Denton uncovering conspiracy upon conspiracy, and discovering that things are rarely as they seem. Alliances shift, and everyone has his own agenda. There is no black & white; there are only shades of grey. At several points in the times, you, J.C. Denton, are required to do questionable things, and it will be up to you how to make moral decisions every now and then. As the game contains lots of dialogue, gamers who are expecting a mindless Quake clone might be disappointed. But it's worth it. Trust me.

This brings us to game play. While the game itself is fairly linear (after all, it has to follow the main story), the game basically consists of series of missions, which usually involve infiltration on enemy bases, rescue missions, sabotage, etc. How you achieve your goals at each of these missions is entirely up to you; you can sneak past guards, or you stun them with a riot prod, or shoot them with a variety of weapons (from mini-crossbows over pistols to rocket launchers). You don't have to kill anyone; if you can just sneak past the guards, way to go. You can sneak around behind bushes, or inside air ducts. You also have to avoid security systems, or you can deal with them in a variety of ways:you can shoot the cameras with a sniper gun, disable them or hack into their controls and turn them off, or even use them against the enemy. You'll also have to break into locked areas from time to time, which will require you to pick the lock, find a pass or security code (or sometimes you can just blow up the door) etc. Bottom line: there is never just one way to solve a situation; there are always alternatives. This is what makes Deus Ex so enjoyable, and almost endlessly replayable.

You can find weapons and/or ammo by buying them from certain people, from crates, closets, etc. that you encounter, or loot them off bodies of enemies you have taken out.

As a matter of fact, sneaking around is an important part of the game, as going in with guns blazing, Quake style, will only get you killed. The game is quite hard in that respect, BTW, but there are lots of built-in cheats available to experiment with; these might actually make the game more enjoyable, instead of just spoil it, but I guess that is a matter of personal taste.

You start out with minimal experience in various skills, but, like in an RPG, you gain experience points (called `skill points' in this game) which you can use to upgrade your various skills. These skills have an enormous impact on how the game play in Deus Ex. E.g. you need a certain level to be able to shoot cameras with the sniper gun; a higher swim skill level will make you swim faster, etc.

I could spend hours more writing about this game. It's a classic. The only thing that comes close is the brilliant `System Shock' game series. If you want something more than just mindless blasting, get Deus Ex.
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Best game I ever played
nraeth1 September 2005
I don't want to make many words!!

I played it about 15 times from the beginning to the every of the different endings and I didn't do that with any other game yet. Just today I went through another time and I found NEW DETAILS I haven't saw yet. It's unbelievable, after 15 times it's excitingly and good like it was at the first time. Now in 2005 there's still no other game, what reaches Deus Ex in any kind, except for maybe the graphics.. ;-)

What a pity that new games are so linear and without so much details and story besides the main story. Furthermore the playtime of Deus Ex is ENORMOUS long in contrast to new games.

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The Most Realistic RPG To Date
Dash-715 June 2001
No other game comes close to 'Deus Ex' which combines the best of action, RPG, first-person shooter & political intrigue. You make a wrong decision, you pay the consequences. Do you want to be a frontal assault trooper, or an electronics wizard? You decide by honing your skills in these areas and gameplay will be affected accordingly. Nothing else comes close.
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Best Game ever
ozwozzle14 March 2006
A deadly virus, The Grey Death, is ravaging a futuristic world (where science might have gone too far) and it is the US government that is using it to cull world population and make a profit by selling the vaccine to the wealthy.

As JC Denton, you must travel the world, solve countless problems and battle loads of foes to find out more, constantly uncovering new facts and changing sides as you go.

Deus Ex is one of the first games where you can make moral and tactical decisions that effect the story and it is partly this, along with: an incredibly diverse group of supporting characters, the ability to both customise yourself (using nano augmentations) and your weapons, the interesting moral dilemmas that the twisting story raises in the player and the continuous references to things like: other games, classic literature, films and philosophical works that makes it such a great game. but the underlying feeling you get from playing the game is one of complete immersion into a wonderful yet darkly twisted world.

I have played Deus Ex many many times and have discovered something new on each occasion. i think it is this that makes Deus ex the greatest game ever and this that will mean it is still the greatest game ever in 5, 10, 15, 100... years time.

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a real movie
joewahby8 August 2004
I won't talk much because tall comments are boring, all i have is, this game, actually, isn't a game, it is a living movie, u r feeling u r playing in a movie, and i have never felt this with any other game, i even played it 3 times in a row for one year, and never got bored: like seeing a movie; all these characters, even i felt that the screenplay is good, scenery also, it is awesome. I actually recommend anyone to play it if he really wants to forget all about the world and live in a big fantasy. Also, i learned many stuff from there, about the illuminati, and all related politics stuff, really this is close to be the best game ever played, so buy it and enjoy it...
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A Masterpiece
tom-durham28 April 2016
Took the best parts of many previous games. Puzzle solving, stealth, character upgrades. Add in a fantastic plot in a dystopian future. There aren't many scripted conversations but they are quality.

The gameplay was so seamless, just like real life, you can 'fail' some missions (if you don't die) and the game continues. You can have conversations that have consequences later in the game.

But what made it so popular was that there were so many ways to complete the game. You could stealth it, blow everyone away or skill your way to success. There are many hidden areas. Every time you play the game differently you find something new.

Because it's plot is based on many conspiracy theories, people say that 'deux ex predicted that' from everything from 9/11 to Snowden's revelations. Is it's portrayal of our future too accurate?

Outstanding gameplay.
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A Question of Choices
another_awakening4 April 2008
Warren Spector. Though many may not immediately recognize the name, Warren Spector is one of the most important game directors in the industry. His name has become a synonym of openness and liberty when it comes to game-play and narrative elements. When games were still trying to grasp linear narratives and straight-forward game-play design, Warren Spector was already going one step ahead and trying non-linearity. And though he hasn't been very active in the past years, the influence of his games can still be felt as of today, whether in the decision making of "Bioshock" ("to harvest or not to harvest… that is the question") or the variety of action approaches games like "Crysis" permit.

The philosophy behind "Deus Ex", as in all Warren Spector games is: "Freedom of Choice". Whether one fancies stealth, vent-crawling or mindless shooting, the game allows any tactic of choice. Of course, more often than not, one approach might be harder to pull off than others, and in some cases, choosing one or the other bears little change in the end result. However, such boldness in game design is commendable, as every level can be navigated in many, many different ways.

Level design is standard fare for a 1999 game, with little information on how to navigate a level, apart from a confusing map and a number of objectives. Especially considering the open-choice structure of the game (which adds to the complexity of the maps), there really aren't enough hints to guide the player. Adding to that, scenarios aren't intuitive enough: cities either have huge expansive environments or borderline claustrophobic ones; different floors of the same building have different room configurations; structures have locked doors all around, with open entrances and stairs popping-up where you'd least expect; and equipment lies almost everywhere, from bathrooms to venting ducks. Most times, map design just looks plain random. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't "Half-life" or "Quake 2". And though "Deus Ex" might seem like a normal day FPS on the surface, the only thing it borrows from the genre is the perspective. In its core, "Deus Ex" is a run of the mill western-RPG: players' reflexes and dexterity with a mouse are seldom needed, because what dictates a hit or miss with a gun is the experience points each player has invested in pistol training. The use of weapons, special powers and items are all dictated by choices he makes.

On top of everything, as usual in an RPG, there is a plot to wrap everything up. In the future depicted by "Deus Ex", the whole world is governed by a single entity: the UN. The main character is JC Denton, a UN special ops soldier with a body full of cybernetic upgrades. He's the lead weapon against a group of anarchist terrorists that are trying to overthrow the UN regime. Of course, nothing is as it seems, and a number of plot twists will repeatedly shatter players' beliefs. There are many conspiracies to be unraveled, but unfortunately, as is common in ambitious game-plots, it promises more than it can deliver, with later revelations appearing out of place and being too reminiscent of certain books not to call them "clichés".

Most dialogs are bland, but once in a while, out of the blue, some well written political and philosophical discussions emerge; too bad they don't last longer. Characters are usually linear and predictable; Denton, however, seems schizophrenic, jumping from capitalist to anarchist (and vice-versa) faster than a blink of an eye. Unlike the action, there are few choices to make when it comes to narrative; dialog trees have mostly informative purposes and are of little consequence, which ends up distancing the player from the otherwise engrossing narrative. The ending is the exception, and one of the highlights of the game, proposing a tough choice to the player: decide the fate of the world. And believe it or not, there's no easy choice... and no happy ending. Unlike Bioware's "good vs. evil" decisions, each of the choices in "Deus Ex" is completely amoral and has little to do with right and wrong. If the story is in fact a mirror of its creator's soul, then Warren Spector is definitely a cynic, thinking little of Man or its Civilization.

Like the plot, art design and soundtrack provide a moody, gritty and dark ambiance, mixing soft techno-like music with poorly lighted environments, adding a distinct flavor to this pessimistic view of the future. It provides a similar background to that of movie aesthetics like "The Matrix" or even "Blade Runner", it's just a shame the plot isn't nearly as well conceived as in those movies.

All in all, "Deus Ex" is a wonderful game. Although ahead of its time, it lacks a certain layer of polish in nearly all of its aspects. Gameplay could have used tweaking, and better level design would have taken the game into a whole new league. Nevertheless, it is easy to apologize most of its flaws considering its revolutionary nature, and the impact it continues to have on gaming today.
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Think about it: This is what the medium *can* do
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews12 September 2009
I wouldn't say that it's hyperbole to call this the best game ever. It's not really that subjective, either... what this does had not been done before, and as far as I am aware, not yet, since. Most VG's are longer than a movie, or even a mini-series(and this isn't exactly short, either), and here a lot of it is put to use to develop the fleshed out, credible characters and plot. It all comes together in a sublime way, nothing is tacked on, everything has a place, and this somehow manages to fit in all of the major conspiracy theories, a lot of Greek mythology and history, plenty of intelligent philosophical discussion, morality, countless references(often to famous works of literature) and allusions as well as meta-fiction(!). This is a hybrid title, meaning it combines several genres, and here, it's an FPS packaging containing elements of adventure, RPG and action. Nothing reminds you that you're playing, everything can be affected, and you can go places, in the full, believable, dystopian future world and society you're presented with, that don't relate to your missions. In fact, there is an immense amount of freedom in this(in spite of it being driven by the smart, engaging and well-written plot... heck, you're choosing some of the outcomes), and what you do changes the world around you, how you are seen by others. There's almost always two or three solutions to any situation, and there are 3 distinctly different endings. You decide what to say in conversations, and a chat may end in the other person helping you... or attacking you. The story is well-told, thrilling and has several unexpected twists that make sense and add up. Writing is excellent all the way, with subtlety, satire, and clever dialog. This is rather realistic, and features a marvelous hit detection. Based on where you're hurt, you will get to move slower, your aim will worsen, and such. The targeting reticle shrinks gradually if you stand still, indicating that your projectile will be more accurate, and if you move, it'll start over. You can do a couple of things to improve that process, and in general customize your own experiences with this, and there will not be two people doing this the exact same way. You take on the role of JC Denton, a bad-ass new agent of UNATCO, the UN's enforcing branch, "policing" a world plummeting into chaos. There is rioting, an aggressive virus and terrorism activity. Beyond that, you determine quite a bit of what happens. There is an incredible balance between the things, and what you do matters. You have an inventory with an upper limit, so what you carry with you, what you pick up and keep, is important. Money, in the form of credits, can't be spent carelessly, and it doesn't come on its own. Exploring is always going to help, and this encourages you to do so. Using XP, You can upgrade your natural skills to make you better at firing weapons, using computers, picking locks, swimming, etc. Last but definitely not least, there are Augmentations, which grant you sci-fi super-human abilities, including heat-vision and, stay with me through this one, *blowing up rockets and grenades directed at you before they reach you*. The arsenal is marvelous, and it's up to you which ones, and how many, you want to utilize(and they can be "modified", giving them better stats, or attaching, say, a silencer, scope and/or laser-sight). Apart from pistol, shotguns, an assault rifle, a sniper, and a rocket launcher, you get to run around sending Plasma at foes, subduing them with a mini-crossbow(did I mention that you can render enemies unconscious, too?), or taking them on up close with one of the half a dozen or so pieces of equipment for that, like the Baton or the Pepperspray. There are multiple types of ammo. Oh, and all of the four throw-ables... explosive, gas, EMP and "scramble"(trick a robot to switch what side it's fighting for)... can be attached to any surface and thus behave as a proximity mine. Game-play is addictive, fun and exciting. Usually, you are tasked with infiltrating an area, and you can do it clean and quiet, or loud and bombastic. The objectives are nicely varied, and this doesn't get boring at any point. While stealth is possible and supported, it's only one of the numerous strategies that are. One or two of the interfaces are admittedly down to one option, and hacking is no actual challenge. The graphics are dated today, and you can tell that Unreal, that this builds on, isn't new anymore. Every cut-scene is scripted and in-engine, none are FMV or CGI. It may not allow for as much articulation in the animation as recent releases, then again, it's not downright bad, and there are absolutely *golden* moments in the lighting, at times. The overall sound is great, if effects can perhaps be a tad dry. Music is magnificent, and the main theme is amazing. The ambient audio works well. Voice acting is mixed, with powerful performances among the less convincing ones. It's seldom poor, however. Level design is impeccable. The AI is good, and you will have to out-think and -maneuver your opponents. With that said, it is inferior to that of Half-Life, I'm afraid; when you face groups, they don't employ tactics at as high quality as that. There is humor in this, without it attracting excessive attention or making it overly light. This is set during the night, adding to the dark atmosphere that does not let up. You get to visit locations that exist, in breathtaking detail, like New York, Paris and Hong Kong. Bugs tend to be no worse than minor glitches, albeit there are a few stability issues. Hey, you can save as often, and wherever, you feel like, so it's no big deal. There is disturbing content, and relatively infrequent, moderately strong language in this. I recommend this to any fan of science fiction and/or Cyberpunk. 10/10
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One of the most interesting non-linear first-person shooters to date
scrybog28 November 2001
One of the most interesting non-linear first-person shooters to date. It makes great use of a good engine, borrowed from Unreal. You play as JC Denton, a bio-engineered (nano-technology augmented) anti-terrorist special forces operative, who runs around changing allegiances and shooting people (usually in the head) who then call him a homeless person. The audio bytes in this game are great--sometimes comical, always appropriate, and oftentimes insulting. Every cut scene features fully spoken text, and the in-game chatter is convincing, if not incredible! If you like first-person shooters with a bit of RPG added, this game is for you.

A must own for Metal Gear Solid fans.
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Best RPG in the world!!!
b2246568 July 2002
Best RPG ever!! Better than Half-Life; Adventure+RPG+Action = Deus EX Movie is Coming soon...
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Overrated to hell
amadeuseisenberg27 December 2019
Gameplay is very average and the game just goes on and on. It becomes more nonsense with every hour and eventually the dullness gets to you as well. Voice acting is hilarious and some of the voice actor/character combinations are just pure fail. And just like with most games with multiple decisions and endings, you will find that it doesn't give you that much freedom after all. Many different actions still lead to the same path and if there are any different outcomes, they are done in a lazy manner. Characters you make sure survive, still end up not appearing much anymore after the big decisive moment...other characters you may want to kill are unkillable and kill you instead...some important dialogue options that literally point towards an opposite outcome, still force the same outcome...and so much more. You are still forced to play the way the creators want you to play. It's disappointing.

People can praise this game, if they liked it. But calling this game the best thing ever made is just disrespectful and cringy.
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Still cream of the crop.
now_here_man27 May 2004
The best way for me to describe the tremendous impact this game had on me is

through anecdotal details from my experience playing it through for the first time:

Back in 2000, when this game was released, I didn't have the means to run it at home, and so I "borrowed" my parent's Mac. I basically moved back in at the

time, just for this. Those days, I was in a particularly busy time at work, and yet I would think of nothing else but DX all day, until I finally got "home", and eagerly loaded this masterpiece for another night of completely immerse

fantasy. I completed the "game", on Realistic mode, in just under three weeks, with nightly sessions ending - typically - at 5:30 AM, leaving me just enough time to sleep two hours in preparation for work the next day. By the end of that three-week period, I was so completely and utterly exhausted, I actually

believed I was going to have a cardiac episode driving to work - at the age of 26! I didn't regret the idea for a second.

Well, my folks had their computer set up on a makeshift table with a plywood

surface, the edge of which was rather sharp, and so uncomfortable for the

undersides of your wrists, should you leave them resting there for too long

without a break. One night, so immersed was I in my experience, that this edge had actually managed to break the skin on my mouse-hand wrist, drawing

blood, and I didn't notice until I went to bed.

Enough said. This game succeeds in accomplishing all the goals which should be part and parcel of the basic mission of entertainment, and the manifesto of

gaming in particular.

No matter how great other games may have been, before and since, no other

experience to date has held a candle to this.

It's only too bad you can never go home again.
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Cult hit that does not play well with others anymore
chris_walkenbach17 October 2008
The thing that totally pisses me off about Computers and their games is that you play a game, you like it; you want to play it many times, then after a number of years after you have forgotten the plot, you want to play it again, but you cant because the technology has advanced so much that it is nearly impossible to get it to run because it only works on computers that are 5 to 10 years old (a certain era) the good old days of 6 years ago, in computer aging that is almost 50 human years. Although have not tried it with the old windows 98 disk, don't know if it would play on a Pentium 4 all the way through. Thief is another, you can play it on the windows "virtual computer" but that is TERRIBLE, the graphics are incomprehensible, especially when you are trying to look for treasure in the mine section of the game.
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Revolutionary for it's time
spiff-123 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This game is a fusion of both a FPS and an RPG. Implant choices and upgrades as well as education point upgrades allow you to customize your experience. Even the best RPG's become repetitive after the first couple of times you play them through. This game has a life beyond that because of the choices you can have for the character.

The conversations in this game delve into theology, moral choices and the assigning of values by different elements of this game. At the very end, the PC has a choice of three endings to implement based on his actions at that point.

Sometimes the best course of action is to think and outmaneuver rather than to blast everything away. This with the RPG element and the ability to craft one's own experience uniquely make this one of the best games ever made.
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Multiple Endings
ItsJustSlater10 August 2022
Deus Ex has multiple endings and a bunch of different ways to accomplish each goal. I've played it start to finish multiple times just to see how much I could change the story and to try different approaches.

Pro tip: You can kill main characters and alter the story. The first time I played it through I eventually got into a fight with a main character as the story progressed. Next time I played I decided to betray this character and kill them off before they picked a fight with me. It wasn't easy but was doable and it changed how the story progressed. What other video game is that awesome?!

This is the best overall video game I've ever played.
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Took video games to a whole new level
Surecure30 April 2007
Video games had come a long way by the year 2000. Games such as Castle Wolfenstein and Doom popularized the first-person shooter genre, Metal Gear defined stealth based action and Half Life and Unreal elevated the idea of a continuous storyline for gaming. Even yet, it is likely that nobody was prepared for what game designers Warren Spector and Harvey Smith along with software company Ion Storm had up their sleeve.

In June of 2000, Deus Ex hit the video game world running with glowing reviews and amassing an enviable list of awards, including most of 2000's Game of the Year awards. Set in a future world where shadowy government agencies, multi-national corporations and secret societies battle to control the world, the game follows the character of JC Denton -- a government agent with a host of bio-modifications that give him special abilities -- as he investigates and takes on the various powers that be.

While the graphics and the game play itself was top notch, what set Deus Ex apart from all that had come before was its branching game play and extremely developed storyline. With settings all around the world, the player was given the option of choosing which "missions" they wanted to complete. And those choices would eventually help or hinder the player, depending on the situation. The scope of the game's story was so in-depth that it could allow an average gamer weeks of game play.

As well, unlike previous games where players could carry unlimited supplies and weapons, Deus Ex forced a certain realism where players could only carry a certain amount of equipment at any given time. Thus, to complete certain levels, a player may be forced to drop unnecessary equipment in favor of other weapons or tools. As well, weapons could be modified to take on special characteristics (i.e. scope, silencer, EMP rounds, etc.) thus increasing the level of choice to the player. The same was true for the bio-modifications, which gave the user a whole host of impressive capabilities (i.e. thermo vision, stealth movement, remote control drones, etc.).

Very few games have come close to matching what game designers Spector and Smith achieved with Deus Ex. Deus Ex remains one of the most respected titles in gaming history with good reason.
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Just Great
rock_rishab8 January 2009
I'll tell you about an incident, that should explain how good this game is. My ex-girl friend and I was alone, and no one was around. Instead of doing it (you now what I mean), I was playing Deus-Ex.

This is the only game that could do this.

Yeah yeah an hour later I did it.... but this game was just awesome.

Gripping storyline is what makes this game special. If you are a person looking for a game with amazing graphics , then skip it. Cuz we don't wanna hear, "I hated this", "Lame" just cuz you would think that the graphics were lame. Still for the standards of 2000, the graphics are pretty good.

The multiple story lineups was the best part of it.
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guywhoacts27 August 2019
I sometimes question whether this video game is even a video game? Perhaps it is reality and therefore, we're actually the ones in a game.
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Immersing cyberpunk neo-noir FPS adventure
elessardunedain13 November 2014
I finally played and finished this great cyberpunk themed FPS-RPG-stealth hybrid genre classic. You are JC Denton, international United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO) peace force agent fighting NFS terrorist organization in dystopian 2052 New York. New, unknown virus ("the grey death"), widespread zyme drug addiction, police curfew are the reality. You aren't just a regular person, you are nano-augmented. This means you have bionic upgrades giving you almost superhuman capabilities in some fields.

The game has some first person shooter qualities. There are multiple types of firearms including pistols, shotguns, sniper and assault rifles, experimental plasma guns, tranquilizer darts and various melee weapons including swords, batons, crowbars and knives. You can also use various grenades and explosives. But here come the RPG qualities: you are initially inexperienced with all of these weapons and as the game progresses you need to choose skills to upgrade. How about some stealth? You don't have to upgrade your fighting skills. You can upgrade swimming, lockpicking and hacking. Deus Ex is not-so-linear and usually you have more than one way to finish a level. Fighting is one option, but usually you can also crawl into ventilation ducts, climb some ladders, jump some containers and find yourself on the other side without having killed a single person (or bot).

Along with upgrading your skills, you choose and upgrade your bionic augmentations. Your game tactics will depend on implants you choose. There are 18 types of implants, but you only have 9 slots. You get to decide whether you prefer to install Speed Enhancement or Run Silent implant. Will you need Ballistic Protection (reduced bullet damage) or EMP Shield (protection from electrocution which is used by some bots)? To use your augmentations you need to use bioelectrical energy and you need to plan carefully, because it has limits.

JC Denton will discover conspiracy, traitors, surprising allies in many locations, all of them with neo-noir feel. New York City, Hong Kong (think Blade Runner), Paris, Area 51, ships, hotels, underwater labs. The plot is really long, has many surprise twists and gives you multiple choices, including three quite different endings. Music is quite cool and fits the atmosphere of the locations. Graphics... well, the game was released in 2000, so it's a little disappointing as of 2014, but if you can get over average graphics, Deus Ex is amazingly immersing.
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Like a living movie
abarsby5 May 2002
What a fantastic, incredible game ! What a pity that Half-Life stole all the glory back when this was released, because this game blows HL away in terms of depth, gameplay and re-playability.

Imagine a World where your actions have consequences on the World you inhabit.

Switch sides and join the "terrorists" ? Or be a good company man and hunt them down like dogs ?

All characters in the game, from the scantily clad prostitutes to the Triad members, seem to have personalities and a purprose to their life and help to add to the atmosphere. Of course, you can execute them for no reason with a bullet between the eyes for no reason other than to steal their stuff, and sometimes this is necessary when your short on something. But if you do then you're going to have to answer to the police.

You can upgrade your nanotech abilities with the help of a Medibot, via hard to find canisters, infinite combinations of abilities to try out which affect your style of play.

Also you get lockpicks, electronic equipment to bypass security, and the abilities to hack computer systems too.

Weapons are also upgraded in a similar way, you find upgrades for range, recoil, accuracy, scope, lasersights, and many more - which can all be attached to different weapons in your arsenal.

Weapons ? Well this is a game where the pistol and sniper rifle are king. You want to use the plasma cannon and rocket launcher then your apt to set yourself on fire in the process (-: Plenty of silent weps too, throwing knives, swords, stun guns, tranquiliser darts, riot batons, tear gas, pepper spray etc etc

The enemies are not stupid. Let's get this straight, this is NOT a traditional FPS, it has SNEAK elements like theif and Metal Gear Solid. So often sneaking around in the shadows is a good bet. The enemies will hear your footsteps and react together, calling for support, setting off the alarms, and working as a team.

Also, when you sneak up on them they are often engaged in private conversation, maybe about their families or their work, so you do feel a twinge of guilt as you let them have it in the head with your laser sighted pistol (-:

If anything though, the gameplay is too hard, and you often find yourself switching "God Mode" on just to progess.

It beggars belief the little details the programmers have put into this game, almost EVERYTHING is interactive and can be picked up, switched on, smashed or used. Rats, cats and dogs roam the streets, pigeons peck at the ground and take off when you approach, little things like this are what makes this game such a novel experience.

The levels are massive ! I was used to Half Life with its small levels, so it is incredible that they managed to create such huge and detailed levels. Drawback for this is that it is often the case that you have to cross from one "level" to another, and the loading times are around 15 seconds which can be quite annoying.

For less than 10 pounds/10 dollars you will not find a better bargain.

So go on, want a game where you can execute anyone at will AND pay the consequences then this is for you.
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One of the best video games I've ever played....
crazyrabbits31 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
You know, I didn't even realize there were entries for video games on this site, but if there were one game I would want to turn into a movie, it would be Deus Ex, the immersive first-person RPG shooter game from Ion Storm. In this game, the player assumes the role of J.C. Denton, a genetically augmented agent who works for a shadowy government group. When J.C. finds out his brother is aiding a militant faction that J.C. is ordered to destroy, he must choose his allegiances and uncover a government conspiracy that goes all the way to the highest levels of government. What makes this game so unique is that you can do almost anything in this game. Can't open a door? Blow it up! Can't jump across a gap? Use your augmentations to boost you across! Too many enemies fighting you? Use a scramble to get robot allies on your side! What also sets this game apart from the rest is that you have a free-form environment to interact with. You can talk to anyone, go (almost) anywhere, and do pretty much anything. The voice acting is top-notch, and the plot always leaves you begging for more.

Bottom Line: If you're looking for a good action game to pass the time, you won't do much better than this. A similar title you should also play is the game System Shock 2.
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In A Word FUN. A genuine classic
MuggySphere31 August 2005
This game is a genuine classic. I had no idea what it was all about when I first purchased it but I quickly got into it and I found myself immersed in it very soon after I started.

The game is the first one I have played where you can run almost to almost any location in its world. You can talk to characters and interact with them. You can shoot both enemies and allies though I'd not recommend the latter. This game is a genuine classic I'm my humble opinion and I'd highly recommend it to anyone that wants a decent introduction to FPS (first person shooters)

Definitely worth the purchase 7/10
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One of the best games ever made
Inverted-984 July 2022
Deus Ex is set in the year 2052 and we follow JC Denton, as he uncovers many conspiracies. Some of the choices that you make can have consequences later on in the game.

What separates Deus Ex from other games of its era is the emphasis on player choice. There are lots of different ways to complete each mission. You can play stealthy, shoot enemies with a variety of different weapons or hack the security systems to turn the turrets against your enemies.

Deus Ex blends first-person shooter, stealth and RPG elements exceptionally well. At the start of the game you barely have any skills but you can spend skill points to level up computer, weapons, lock-picking, hacking skills among others. Augmentations play a big role in the game. These are abilities that can be upgraded to regenerate health, increase mobility, reduce damage to name a few.

One of the best qualities of the game is the soundtrack. Each mission has 5 tracks, ambient, combat, death, conversation and outro. Some personal favourites include UNATCO - Ambient, NYC Streets - Ambient and The Synapse - Ambient. These really give the game an immersive and great atmosphere.

One of the very few drawbacks is the lip syncing, it rarely matches what the character is saying but doesn't take anything away from the experience.

Easily one of the all-time greats of gaming.
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