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Mary and the Apostles sit in a church room and read books. The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, hovers above them, surrounded by clouds. Tongues of fire, as a sign for the outpouring, burn over their heads.
Mary and the Apostles sit in a church room and read books. The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, hovers above them, surrounded by clouds. Tongues of fire, as a sign for the outpouring, burn over their heads.
  1. (n) spirits
    an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
Seated Mary is surrounded by kneeling apostles. All look to heaven from where the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, fills them. As a sign of this fulfillment they have a kind of flame on their heads. On the verso, the contours of the figures of the scene have been traced in brown pen.
Seated Mary is surrounded by kneeling apostles. All look to heaven from where the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, fills them. As a sign of this fulfillment they have a kind of flame on their heads. On the verso, the contours of the figures of the scene have been traced in brown pen.
Portrait of Michel Le Tellier. The cross of the Order of the Holy Spirit is embroidered on his sleeve. Below the portrait his coat of arms and in the frame his name and position as advisor to the king.
Portrait of Michel Le Tellier. The cross of the Order of the Holy Spirit is embroidered on his sleeve. Below the portrait his coat of arms and in the frame his name and position as advisor to the king.
Mary sits in the middle of a sacred space surrounded by the apostles. The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, flies in a halo above the men. All have the fiery tongues on their heads, as a sign of the outpouring.
Mary sits in the middle of a sacred space surrounded by the apostles. The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, flies in a halo above the men. All have the fiery tongues on their heads, as a sign of the outpouring.
John the Baptist baptizes Christ with water from a brook. The Holy Spirit comes down to Christ in the form of a dove. A group of men are lining up to be baptized by John as well.
John the Baptist baptizes Christ with water from a brook. The Holy Spirit comes down to Christ in the form of a dove. A group of men are lining up to be baptized by John as well.
God the Father and Christ sit on a cloud, The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, floats between them. The Trinity is surrounded by the choir of angels and by saints and martyrs.
God the Father and Christ sit on a cloud, The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, floats between them. The Trinity is surrounded by the choir of angels and by saints and martyrs.
The Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove on the apostles and Mary. They are in a colonnade and a flame burns above their heads as a sign of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove on the apostles and Mary. They are in a colonnade and a flame burns above their heads as a sign of the Holy Spirit.
The Dam Square during the unveiling of the Monument to Remembrance of the People's Spirit of 1830 and 1831 on August 27, 1856. Oosterhuis made the recording from the top floor of the Royal Palace at the time when the assembled Amsterdam orphans sang the national anthem 'Wien Neêrlands blood' , at about half past eleven.
The Dam Square during the unveiling of the Monument to Remembrance of the People's Spirit of 1830 and 1831 on August 27, 1856. Oosterhuis made the recording from the top floor of the Royal Palace at the time when the assembled Amsterdam orphans sang the national anthem 'Wien Neêrlands blood' , at about half past eleven.
Mary with Archangel Gabriel and the Holy Spirit, printed text in German on the reverse. Loose page with handwritten German text on the reverse, old duplication.
Mary with Archangel Gabriel and the Holy Spirit, printed text in German on the reverse. Loose page with handwritten German text on the reverse, old duplication.
A spirit to find fault is an enemy to your peace and comfort, and also to the happiness of those around you. It is the key to your destruction.
Source Unknown
Marvin Gaye
Most fear stems from sin; to limit one's sins, one must assuredly limit one's fear, thereby bringing more peace to one's spirit.
Marvin Gaye
Florence Nightingale
How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.
Florence Nightingale
Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.
Kahlil Gibran
Oprah Winfrey
If you want to accomplish the goals of your life, you have to begin with the Spirit.
Oprah Winfrey
Ben Stein
The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy.
Ben Stein

Dunkirk spirit - (UK) Dunkirk spirit is when people pull together to get through a very difficult time.

In high spirits - If someone is in high spirits, they are in a very good mood or feeling confident about something.

Kindred spirit - A kindred spirit is someone who feels and thinks the way you do.

Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak - If the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, someone lacks the willpower to change things they do because they derive too much pleasure from them.

Spirit of the law - The spirit of the law is the idea or ideas that the people who made the law wanted to have effect.

Usage in the news

He welcomes readers' questions and comments about wine, beer or spirits.

The Del McCoury Band+Cahalen Morrison and Eli West+Spirit Family Reunion.

Vintage Wine and Spirits owner Curt Turner invites wine lovers to a Wine Pot Luck where guests buy any bottle to add to the tasting alongside everyone else's picks.

Vintage Wine and Spirits doesn't seem like your normal fit for Cityview's Belly Up feature.

Bruce Willis Sees Spirits in Equity Deal With Belvedere .

From this week's "Hey Thanks" cover story in the Scene, offering open thank-you letters in the spirit of the season.

Eric Benét skillfully maneuvers the balancing act and delivers a strong set in the process with this spirited nod to the '70s soul/funk that has influenced his career.

When off parole, his wayfaring spirit leads him to the bus station, followed by a homeless shelter, a jail cell and, if he's lucky, mental health treatment.

Flattergeister Waltz, Op 62 ("Restless Spirits" Waltz).

"Were but my spirit loosed upon the air".

Conservatism and the Spirit of Reform.

Famous for its cultural scene (Jacob’s Pillow, Tanglewood), the Berkshire area is becoming known for its food and spirits artisans, too.

The entire city is draped in holiday decorations and is guaranteed to get you into the Christmas spirit.

GOP Candidates Betray the Spirit of Reagan on Immigration Instead of throwing money at more enforcement, the laws need changing.

Step back in time to a country where an 8th century leader flew on the back of a tiger to rid the land of evil spirits.

Usage in scientific papers

For gradient non-Gaussian models, some results in the same spirit have been obtained in , but they are not as precise as the ones obtained in the Gaussian model.
Localization-delocalization phenomena for random interfaces

However, in the spirit of the proposal shown in Fig. 1, we can consider basic building blocks made by a beam splitter, two phase shifters and two AOMs (as the one boxed in Fig. 3).
Simulation of quantum random walks using interference of classical field

Although we have chosen not to employ category theory here, its spirit is nevertheless pervasive throughout.
A Universal Approach to Self-Referential Paradoxes, Incompleteness and Fixed Points

Our picture of spin response in underdoped cuprates is similar in spirit to that of Rantner and Wen .
Theory of spin response in underdoped cuprates as strongly fluctuating d-wave superconductors

We then derive geometric bounds for the constants involved in these inequalities in the spirit of .
Convergence to equilibrium for finite Markov processes, with application to the Random Energy Model

Usage in literature

That is the old spirit! "The Golden Dog" by William Kirby

Moreover, we have heard of a lying spirit sent to deceive prophets in a much higher creed. "Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 1" by Andrew Lang

Through the bruteness and toughness of matter, a subtle spirit bends all things to its own will. "Essays, First Series" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

He was a cheery spirit in spite of that, and gentle, but very noisy. "Mark Twain, A Biography, 1835-1910, Complete" by Albert Bigelow Paine

The idea of his being lazy seemed to delight his whole spirit. "A Spirit in Prison" by Robert Hichens

But evil spirits work best during a storm. "Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada" by Washington Irving

Simple souls were bewildered by the conflict between the spirit of Christianity and the spirit of war. "Now It Can Be Told" by Philip Gibbs

His features, cast in large mold, were clean-cut and comely, and he had frank blue eyes, somewhat sad, yet still full of spirit. "The Man of the Forest" by Zane Grey

We must keep up your spirits, Mr. Dubourg. "Poor Miss Finch" by Wilkie Collins

When Chiancungi and his sister Napala first attempted to call up spirits, they began with the spirit Bokim, in the twentieth degree. "The Mysteries of All Nations" by James Grant

Usage in poetry
This olden song, she used to sing,
Of love and sleep, is now a charm
To open mystic doors and bring
Her spirit form.
When the tapers now burn blue,
And the comforters are few,
And that number more than true,
Sweet Spirit, comfort me!
And there was neither blade of grass,
Nor lone star in the sky
But shook to see some spirit pass
And took its agony.
The spirit of the darkness
Moved, ghost-like, everywhere;
Wherever starlight glimmered,
Its shadow, sure, fell there.
Thy Holy Spirit's praying grace
Give us in faith to claim;
To wrestle till we see Thy face,
And know Thy hidden name.
"There cast my anchor of Desire
Deep in unknown Eternity;
Nor ever let my Spirit tire
With looking for What is to be.