marked by casual disrespect "a flip answer to serious question","the student was kept in for impudent behavior" -
reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action) -
go mad, go crazy "He flipped when he heard that he was being laid off" -
react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way "he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University" -
turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse "flip over the pork chop","turn over the pancakes" -
move with a flick or light motion -
cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation "switch on the light","throw the lever" -
throw or toss with a light motion "flip me the beachball","toss me newspaper" -
lightly throw to see which side comes up "I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!" -
cause to move with a flick "he flicked his Bic" -
toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air -
look through a book or other written material "He thumbed through the report","She leafed through the volume" -
(sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team "the pass was fumbled" -
an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return -
a dive in which the diver somersaults before entering the water -
the act of flipping a coin -
a sudden, quick movement "with a flip of the wrist","the fish flipped over" -
hot or cold alcoholic mixed drink containing a beaten egg
flĭp A mixture of beer, spirit, etc., stirred and heated by a hot iron. -
To cause (a person) to turn against former colleagues, such as to become a witness for the state, in a criminal prosecution in which the person is a defendant. -
(Finance) To resell (an asset) rapidly to make a quick profit. -
To turn (a flat object) over with a quick motion; as, to flip a card over; to flip a pancake.
To fillip; tap lightly; twitch. -
To flick, as with a whip. -
To toss with a snap of the thumb, or the like: as, to flip up a penny in playing “heads and tails.” -
To flap. -
A fillip; a flick; a snap. -
Nimble; flippant. -
A mixture of which ale, beer, or cider is the chief ingredient, sweetened, spiced, made sometimes with eggs (see egg-flip), and drunk hot. It is considered essential to heat the compound by means of hot irons plunged into the liquor, which gives a burnt taste. See flip-dog.
flip a hot drink of beer and spirits sweetened. -
flip to fillip, to touch lightly: to toss up with a motion of the thumb -
to flap -
a fillip, a snap -
a coster's dance: a form of somersault: a cracker
On the flip side - On the reverse or the other side
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. Prov. E. flip, nimble, flippant, also, a slight blow. Cf. Flippant
Freedom Fighter Or Flip- Flopper . kcur.org
Blythe Danner calls Mitt Romney a "flip- flopper ". cbsnews.com
Biden Defends Obama's Debate, Casts Romney As Flip- Flopper . ibw.com
Romney Is Flip- Flopper . swtimes.com
Another Republican flip- flopper is running for president. islandpacket.com
The Mind of a Flip- Flopper . nytimes.com
Hardliner, Not Flip- Flopper . nyc.org
Mitt Romney has a flip-flop problem. ashingtonpost.com
Mitt Romney, Meta Flip- Flopper . tnr.com
Team Obama Blasts Romney as Flip- Flopper . foxnews.com
Obamas Flip Flops Fly In The Face Of Change. cbsnews.com
Jerome Simpson's Touchdown Flip Could Be the Greatest Football Play of 2011. klaw.com
When new quarterbacks coach Frank Scelfo arrived at Arizona less than two months ago, he flipped on the game tapes to see what he had inherited. tucsoncitizen.com
Peep-toes, flip-flops and strappy stilettos—almost every fun summertime shoe calls for pretty painted toes. americansalonmag.com
Romney's flip-flop on gas prices. ashingtonpost.com
Error Detection and Correction Once Alice and Bob have agreed on sifted bits, they must perform error correction to find and then eliminate those bits that have been damaged in transmission, i.e., the flipped bits sent as a 1 but received as a 0 or vice versa.
Current status of the DARPA Quantum Network
Derivation of the 1+1 dimensional Dirac equation for thermal processes As pointed in paper spin-flip occurs only when there is more than one dimension in space.
Thermal processes induced in carbon nanotubes by attosecond laser pulses
Kak, A new method for coin flipping by telephone.
Testing Kak's Conjecture on Binary Reciprocal of Primes and Cryptographic Applications
Model of multiple stuck-at-faults Chapter II. «Long flip-flop» Chapter III. «Widened long flip-flop» Chapter IV.
Easily testable logical networks based on a 'widened long flip-flop'
Proof of theorems relating to testing of «widened long flip-flop»: A1.
Easily testable logical networks based on a 'widened long flip-flop'
It was the merest flip of a switch. "The Aliens" by
Drinking-glasses or flip-mugs seem to have been most common, or, at any rate, most largely preserved. "Customs and Fashions in Old New England" by
Stan flipped the pages of the book. "Alarm Clock" by
Barth flipped on the microresolver, twisting the wheel that sent it racing across the path of the fleet ahead. "Victory" by
In a little while she could shift the ribbon or flip a sheet of paper in and out with the ease of an expert. "Mary Ware's Promised Land" by
He licked his lips and flipped the telephone-talker switch. "The Native Soil" by
He opened it and a pair of sights flipped up. "The Green Beret" by
He dropped into a chair with a sigh and flipped a switch. "PRoblem" by
I'm quite happy, Flip. "St. Winifred's" by
I suppose you had in mind sitting and flipping back a few trank pills. "Mercenary" by
Upon a Summer day,
And there'd be one to see me so
And flip the world away.
The whisky and the scoring,
As trees outside were stripped of leaves
And heavy seas were roaring.
And laughing flipped it in the air;
But when two strolling pipe-players
Came by, he tossed it to the pair.
"I didn't expect that there,
That a full sized whale would stand on his tail
And turn nine flips in the air."
And he guggled in huge despair;
Then he splattered our sail and stud on his tail
And turned nine flips in the air.
Upon the plow, a tidy tod,
On gravel-crunchèn wheels did ride,
Wi' ho'ses, iron-shod,
That, as their heads did nod, my whip
Did guide along wi' lightsome flip.