causing -
a drug that can produce a state of intoxication -
a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent "alcohol (or drink) ruined him"
That which intoxicates; an intoxicating substance, as brandy, bhang, etc.
an intoxicating liquor
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Low L. intoxicāre, -ātum—toxicum—Gr. toxikon, a poison in which arrows were dipped—toxon, an arrow.
There?s a reason boho perfumer Sanae Barber decided to call her company Sanae Intoxicants.
The Wisconsin State Patrol says Peter Collins, 52, was arrested for driving under the influence of an intoxicant around 8 pm Monday night.
14-60 months for driving under the influence of intoxicants.
BANGOR, Maine (AP) _ The drummer for rocker Ted Nugent has changed his plea to guilty to operating under the influence of intoxicants following a joyride in a golf cart after a concert in Bangor, Maine.
On the seatback on the China Eastern flight to Fukuoka today is this enticing advert for: "Gorgeous Human Origin Intoxicant Fertile Jianshi".
Officers in Oregon took a pet hamster into protective custody after its owner was pulled over and arrested for driving under the influences of intoxicants with the creature on her lap.
As I was taught, the fifth precept includes being intoxicated by one's own ideas—not just the ingestion of intoxicants.
Spit 's deep growl is well met by a menacing beat — which features female R&Bist Bago on the hook — as he raps about dangerous intoxicants and doomed relationships.
The Antioxidant Intoxicant at The Corner, Our Drink of the Week.
Not so, however, with those who make money by the sale of intoxicants. "Civics and Health" by
The use of wine and all intoxicants is strictly forbidden. "Modern Persia" by
Unlike other true Mussulmans, these Biadhiahs indulge in intoxicants and are very slack in religious observances. "Across Coveted Lands" by
Royal was teasing me, sure of my refusal to indulge in any intoxicant. "Patchwork" by
They erect places for the sale of intoxicants. "The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52" by
Even the women readily took a glass, though evidently less addicted to intoxicants than the men. "The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II" by
Of poisons or intoxicants for capturing birds or animals, I do not intend to treat, as they are better left to gamekeepers and poachers. "Practical Taxidermy" by
The use of certain mushrooms in making intoxicant beverages is referred to in Chapter XXII. "Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc." by
And further I argued that I never tasted intoxicants. "Black Beaver" by
Which it did, as a matter of fact, but it was a tonic, 'stead of actin' like an intoxicant. "Rimrock Trail" by